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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 16, 2024 1:40am-2:26am MSK

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“i want, i go to bed at 10:00 pm, i want, i open champagne in one person, i want , today i’ll buy myself dumplings at night, which i don’t allow myself, yes, or i’ll watch some tv series, that is, i, as in the famous joke about psychologist now i’m proud of this , i’m proud of my choice, yes, and if i want such a holiday, i prepare it for myself, as i want, if i don’t want any holiday,
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yes, i can say that’s it, i’m celebrating the new year alone, i i decided so, i’m good, you know everything about it, if you want, call me, if you want, don’t call, invite, don’t invite, i decide myself, then no, then there was a lot of confusion in my head, pain, some kind of experiences , then the next year was also mixed up, so i can say confidently, i even hid it more, yes, what, and where do you meet, well, with your family, so that slightly less?
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two or three things that i don’t know about him, on friday on the first, this is a psychic podcast, where i, natalya losyeva, a clinical psychologist, nikita yanochkin, our heroine, veronica. we talk about what to do if you celebrate the holidays differently from everyone else, but if a person is really in the center of this universal holiday, he begins to acutely feel his loneliness, his some kind of abandonment, yes, even if, as you quite rightly say, this is due to the fact that you are like this, well, how to survive this night, what can he do for himself , how to help yourself in the mode of such immediate psychological self-help, i think that...
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this is this fear, yes, that means, of social death, the so-called, when they judge me, when they don’t understand me, when i am there, that means, will be branded, and this is all immaturity, because an adult, personally, mentally mature, he does not proceed from social stereotypes, shapes his behavior, but from values, his own meanings, but preferences, tastes. the more subjective and independent he is in this matter, the more personally mature he is, so i would recommend to such a person to do self-analysis, right on this new year’s eve, and take a notebook, a pen, by the way, a very correct idea, it’s true, yes, i share the opinion , instead of these experiences of everyone, that is, transform them into work on yourself, set yourself a goal, grow up, write down the task of starting to work on yourself, getting rid of these. social fears, so
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-called, are an excellent plan for a lonely night or a lonely holiday, yes, if for everyone it is some kind of date, since society has decided that this date matters. then i will mark this date with a plan for my transformation, as our heroine did. let's talk about the second strategy, it's this: you want to celebrate the new year with friends there or with people, you want a holiday, your soul is asking, but you don't understand how to do it, because, for example, you find yourself alone in a foreign city , or even in your own city, but this is how circumstances have developed, so let ’s brainstorm how... what right steps can be taken to not only change your attitude towards circumstances or yourself, how nikita says, but should we do something? firstly, i think that a person with such a situation is not alone, and today in our digital era, there are a lot of all sorts
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of groups on social networks, where people are called exactly that, there i celebrate the new year alone or there you go to the call service yes collective some here you can try to go. maybe try to find yourself there or find some like-minded people, so when you come you’ll get acquainted, why not , how it was, let’s be friends, do it , a confident person who i decided to create a new year’s mood for myself, i’ll go to the skating rink. i’ll go to a public christmas tree, i’ll get to know each other, yes, a confident person who is not afraid inside will do this to break these boundaries between people who don’t know each other, and if veronica does this today, that veronica, what would you advise yourself to that veronica, and that veronica,
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she could have done the same, but she didn’t want any communication at all, as such, and if she wanted, but it wouldn’t, and if she wanted, if it hadn't been there, she would have collected it. i started, in order to stir up this holiday spirit in myself a little, after that i would go buy new year's paraphernalia for signing up for a skating rink, go ice skating somewhere in the center, where everything is buzzing with a fair, drink mulled wine, eat if i had some tasty donut, after i’d ridden, i’d go for a walk around moscow, since it’s one of the most beautifully decorated cities, yes, it’s the capital, i ’d take a walk near the kremlin, on the manezhny... square on nikolskaya, i would take pictures about how beautiful it is, look, i would put some hashtags: who wants to go there with me tomorrow, i don’t know, to the exhibition of new year’s decorations, give me a plus sign, i would go, normal, wonderful, i like it,
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so good, this recipe, it’s good if you are no longer at such a young age, not at such cheerful, you don’t have social networks, this woman is sitting in her fifties. at home, this is how life turned out, the children left, the husband is not there, to the neighbors, it was like that before, by the way, yes, when there were no intercoms, there were common stairwells, now it is appropriate to knock on the underwear with the neighbor now no, it seems to me that this woman was it would be useful to do something that she didn’t have time to do, say, sort through it during the year, but it’s not necessary. maybe she wanted to watch some movie that she kept putting off, or maybe something to read, something she couldn’t read, well, that is , to do what is possible in this situation, no, but she wants a holiday, you know - if
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a person finds himself in such a situation, yes, when he’s alone, then life doesn’t end that night, you can come to terms with the fact that it happened that way, that’s how it happened. this is what i can do so that, say , next year this doesn’t happen to me, but start being love, i insist on this, love, in the sense in this case i mean not a state of feelings, but a state of will, that is, certain actions, deeds in relation to other people, and if a person spends the remaining year in this mode of love, then the next new year he will definitely be with someone, it’s simply inevitable, but why do people even need holidays, good? the question, i think, is connected with the world order as a whole, because the world is created in such a way that everything in it is cyclical, day gives way to night, inhalation is replaced by exhalation, sleep is replaced by wakefulness, weekdays are replaced by weekends,
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well, some kind of everyday life , yes, the routine gives way to a holiday, that is, it some kind of contrasting states, this is a kind of pulsation, of life, because it’s impossible to live all the time in one mode, and such a labor one, when people start to follow this path, they burn out very quickly, when they don’t rest, when they... let's say you're going to rest , spend your vacation reading a book, but yes, you won't rest, because the brain will understand that this is basically the
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same thing, that you were sitting like that, which means you're alone, you're sitting here, that is, a programmer needs somewhere there might be some kind of sports team games or let's say some kind of parties there, the psyche, the nervous system will understand that there is a contrast, switching and rest occurs, also for example, here i am a psychologist, but for me the best rest is... solitude, that's what ... then the story is about the desert , forest, people, yes, because there are a lot of social contacts, communication, so i need to be silent, and my nervous system understands that this is where i rest, if i go to rest somewhere, this is where there are a lot of people, where the party is , i won’t rest, so it’s quite logical that, well, in this logic, yes, that holidays, weekdays - this is the pulsation of life
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, setting internal goals, and since the new year tells us: take stock of the year, set
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new dreams, wishes, travel, i think that this is programming yourself based on the result for the result, for me this holiday is an opportunity to sum up the results of the year, 12 months of working on oneself, working on one’s project, there are projects and so on, studying, and setting up new ones. but i do this every month, and at the same time i understand that if you rely on this stereotype, that as you celebrate the new year, so it you spend it, you meet, for example, then he ’s sad, or somehow something, i don’t know, a pipe burst, then you can program yourself, yes, you ’ve got it into your head that this means the whole new year i’ll be overcoming difficulties, and you will only be fixated on them, yeah, of course, all the time, that’s why how can a person talk to himself if his new year has started? not the way he wanted, and now he is afraid that the whole year will be like this for him, and he notices other events, this is also the most insidious, and
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this is because, let’s advise together, well i think that firstly, to abandon this stereotype means to indicate to myself that this is not true, which means that this new year's eve does not determine my whole life, my life is determined by a bunch of other factors, including my free choice, we... the globalists are behind him, he voices what they always wanted to hear, see, they
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want to feel like a god, coralie is a preacher of transhumanism, but the main depopulation, the destruction of a significant part of humanity, computers will surpass us in most tasks performed, and people will become simply unnecessary, this is fascism of the 21st century, only beautifully wrapped, promoted by globalists, saying that satan is the monkey of god, so... harari is the monkey of a normal person. yuval noah harari, not that noah or interpreter of globalist dreams. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow at the first,
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private screening with alexander gardon, how do you like the film? into an original and powerful film language, the genre breaks down, suddenly they go into such a big bang and monologue, what you are talking about now, you understood already at the level of the script, but of course, the viewer should see what will happen to these characters from beginning to end, they are real and alive all the way , he plunges into the depths of human relationships, i looked at the picture and forgot about it, and in the morning i wake up and suddenly i ’m shocked that in the end, are they together or not , the beginning of sessions... from january 20 to saturdays on the first, this is a psyche podcast, and you can find other recipes for a healthy mental life on the website of the first channel i want to ask a psychologist for advice. i don’t want this to be a pattern, since for 2 years in a row we were in loneliness, and i don’t want to go into
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tradition so that it becomes a tradition. and the question is this. if there is an opportunity to go to a cheerful, noisy company , yes, or to stay alone, then as a psychologist you will advise both for people and for me, which option, you mean, when you don’t really want to, but it seems, yes, sort of , it seems like i need to go, so you, as a psychologist, what would you recommend, i would advise asking yourself, listening to yourself, what am i ready for now, yeah, what? now ready for noisy company or should you still do what you are ready for in solitude? well, after all, it happens very often , and i think that you will agree, you ’ve had it happen that if you don’t want to go somewhere, it breaks you there, you don’t want to get dressed, and you go there just because you have to, but then one day, and everything is so great there, and there are such cool people there, or you met someone, then you think, well, what if
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i hadn’t gone, and there wouldn’t have been such a holiday, well, that’s it again? such a cognitive error, if, here, what happened happened, we need to accept reality, the one that exists, and not fantasize about it , this happened, well, good, this is what i can do to make my life better, taking into account past experience, it seems to me that this is right such an attitude will be better than to regret that i didn’t do something and so on, people sometimes get so encapsulated in these regrets.
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someone suggested it, and i also thought that you can create your own traditions, but for example, on january 1st in the morning i always go to some interesting historical place , not far from that place, well, from home or in moscow or in the moscow region, this is such a tradition for me, i go to bed early, usually immediately after the chimes, in the morning, while the whole family is still sleeping, i get behind the wheel and arrive somewhere, another friend of mine has started a tradition of gathering everyone on the second morning, well , that is... everyone celebrated the new year, she is lonely, she does not have her own family, but this is one of the best pastimes in a circle of friends, because that everyone celebrated the new year more or less traditionally, on the first day at lunchtime we woke up, somehow this breakfast passed there, turned into dinner and sleep, on the second - this is something completely different, this is
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some other new holiday, she, as the holder of this tradition, became, in general...
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but i liked your idea and the thought about gifts to yourself, this is a good way, but why not, of course, if these are some kind of creative gifts, not destructive, yes, then even if it’s just a bag, i don’t know, or new sneakers, yes, but you buy them for yourself, this does not mean that you have no one to give yours to the sneakers you dreamed of, i personally don’t see anything wrong with that , in fact... taking care of yourself is generally wonderful, taking care of others, taking care of yourself, and the only thing, you know, i would like to be here emphasize that traditions are well
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your own, yes, that is, somehow form them there, that’s all cool, the only thing is that the tradition does not turn into neurosis, well, let’s say, i created some kind of tradition for myself there, that’s it now i can’t implement it, for some reason beyond my control. here's to it everything hasn’t turned into some kind of phobia again , you scold yourself, yes, that i won’t be able to do this this year, that is, we need to learn to accept or come to terms with the reality that we have, that is, teach the psyche to be adaptive , to be flexible, because all this, all these neuroses - this is all typical for people who are stuck in some kind of situation, you have to celebrate the new year only with people and nothing else, and if they are not there, that’s it, i am such a sufferer, to accept - reality in all its diversity, that is, accept what is and use this reality for your own benefit for
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your mental, spiritual, physical, some kind of development, this will be the right approach, endless work on yourself, well, friends, this sounds like a toast, so let us wish ourselves, no matter how we celebrate this new year and other holidays, this year, no matter who is with us, the main thing is that we were on our own, which means we need to take care of ourselves, pamper ourselves, not turn traditions into neuroses and just be happy every day, not just holidays, it was a psychic podcast. dear friends, the creative industry podcast is on the air and in the studio, as usual, elena kiper, producer
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, video director and roman karmanov, media manager and general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, are working for you today, our long-awaited guest, the long-awaited , yes, we have been calling for a long time, tatyana navka, olympic champion, honored master of sports, the pride of the country. good evening, hello, hello, hello, tatyana, today we will talk about your show, because after all, we are a creative industry podcast and of course we are terribly interested in issues related to many things that people do, well, in general, such creative professions, and what you do is of particular interest to us, and i would, frankly, before moving on to the show itself, i would like, you know, to dive into childhood a little, can we dive into childhood a little. i am convinced that
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leaders are born, that is, when you were brought to the skating rink as a very small child, it quickly became clear that little tanya , in general, has the makings of a leader and aspires to already, well, i... since childhood, i always wanted to be first everywhere, this is unconditional, well, it goes without saying, of course, at competitions in sports this manifested itself, but only the first, all my dreams were about being a champion and the only thing i shared a little , i won’t, that is, my priority was of course sports, everything else somehow did n’t matter to me what i would be like there, that is, if at school someone aspired to a... become an excellent student, i have i always studied very well, but without gold medals, yes, that is, i accumulated all your energy, of course, goes to figure
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skating, but what the... create a new child exactly one year later, and why are you doing this? in principle , this is not necessary, you can make one show and exploit it endlessly until it runs out of steam, why do this every year? well, first of all, our company is growing, so - i’ll tell you, this year, for example, i have seven trains that travel around the cities. russia
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has one team, another travels, there is one team in sochi, another in st. petersburg, a third in moscow, moscow gives all guests and residents capital, gives such a holiday, a fair at christmas, and on the streets of our city, in parks, and at some such significant venues, my team performs various fairy tales. this requires , naturally, a huge amount of content, and every year, every year we bring new ones, because naturally the viewer demands something new, and well , to be honest, i myself am interested in creating, inventing, while i have the strength , while there is a desire , the possibility that this is the first driving force in you as a producer of your shows, well, initially, when was it what 7 years.
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ago, in my opinion, yes, of course, i realized it first of all, and in addition to the work, it was ruslana lyudmila, well, of course, i also realized some of my ambitions and, in general, imagined myself in one role or another , today i already imagine all these images and roles on our young skaters, on our olympic champions, and i put myself in last place, there... well , i’ll leave some role for myself there, if there is, if not there will be someone to replace, in any case, of course, the role of the producer, otherwise the whole performance sounded, each skater fit this or that image, but how do i leave some role for myself, what is this, of course i was so modest, for
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example, this year i left myself a role. small, small, but nevertheless, one of the main ones, yes, the queen, and well, catherine, yes, i say regal, especially, regal, yes, that’s what moves me, yes everything moves me, i love it madly , i live by this and of course, it’s happiness that i’m in my profession, what i’ve been going to all my life there since i was 5 years old, from four.
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and even then there is no, no result, i was convinced a long time ago that creative projects, in general , are like children, that’s when the first child was born, the first show, firstly, where did the idea of ​​the show itself, in fact, come from, in principle it’s possible it was possible to put anything on any topic, and where exactly this one came from, exactly ruslan, lyudmila, you keep in mind, yes, i thought for a very long time where to start, and of course, it had to be something like that significant. both for me and for the audience, because of course, i understood that i was will be compared with other colleagues , and the choice was ruslan lyudmila, because this is really a work that no one has ever carried out in a raid before, firstly, it’s pushkin, you know, of course the script was already written, we wrote it in pushkin’s elements songs of stunning beauty, they...
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i realized that this is power. i was terribly worried about expectations from the first show, to what extent they were justified, what the audience would feel, because i wasn’t even that worried at the olympic games, i’ve never been that nervous before. i was worried, to be honest, and this is this, this fear, the terrible word failure, that’s it, well, since i’m a perfectionist by nature, in general, yes, well, i was afraid that... in front of myself, probably, like... then i won’t fail to live up to my expectations, because for me it was just another medal, and for which i was going, the premiere happened, everything was wonderful, everyone
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really liked it, my main critics are my family for me, so they were satisfied, happy , and of course, happiness came, since then i don’t worry so much anymore, does criticism move you? motivates, yes, yes, you don’t change your creative plans, that is, this is very important, since we are talking about creative industries, you always need great courage, audacity, and for that, courage and risk, by the way, i took risks this year here are the evenings at the hutri, but because some, although i have been going to gogala for probably the last three or four years, every year i thought, well, maybe now i’ll take this topic, maybe now and... as they say, everything time, it will be a very cool show, i'm right with i’m looking forward to the premiere, but now you can also basically guess what will happen, what the reaction will be, this is also easy to predict in principle, especially since i’m ready,
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i’ve never been more confident than this year that it will be stunning , and there will also be a discussion about why gogol, why now, that is, you, in principle , predict all this too, that’s what your reaction to this will be. and such conversations are already going on now, it’s true, there are not many of them, just a little, but there are such people, i expected more, well, this is a fairy tale, in any case, this a fairy tale, and we carry it as a good fairy tale about love, about the fact that good defeats evil, in any case, we completely bypass the side of politics, no politics, it will be incredibly new year, winter, cool. funny, i repeat once again that it is so catchy, modern, you know, as if gogol wrote christmas tonight, this year they started filming about 40 fairy tales, well , so there is such data, feature
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films, and general interest in fairy tales this year year, well, it just simply increased sharply, that’s why fairy tales became, that is, you guessed the trend in principle yet. well, because somehow, first of all, it was all on the eve of the new year and, as a rule, there is a boom in figure skating in our country, of course, this is already a tradition, this is from generation to generation, in winter our country goes out into the streets, puts on skates and they skate, all the christmas trees , if there are any on the ice, fairy tales, all the christmas trees, of course , they go with families, with children, they choose first of all these all... fairy tales, christmas trees on ice, in general, this is all understandable. in the debriefing area , director of the film air alexey german, performer of one of the main roles elena lyadova. we chose the most
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idiotic, complicated way to shoot this picture. the first plane was made with a mistake, it was just shorter, then we called this plane a good one. but you also burdened yourself with incredible work; you began filming in the winter. and all our planes were blown away. we built a runway, it was flooded, i was completely dumbfounded by what you built, a rather complex structure, invented specifically for the film, lifted a plane weighing a ton, and then spun it, i can imagine how you felt during these evolutions, when your wing is on fire, oil in your face, and also smoke, in fact i was scared, they conveyed this feeling of human existence in inhuman conditions, i just got a lump in my throat, did i believe it? castlab is the first one tomorrow, let's do without medications, unexpected ways to lower blood pressure, what ketchup contains, exposure, saying goodbye to glasses,
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laser against myopia, the program to live healthy, helps and enlightens, tomorrow is the first one. sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if there is something behind them wings. as if gravity, risk, danger, entertainment and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eve, do not affect them. like in a dream! russian jumping championship,
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live broadcasts, january 20 and 21 on the first. dear friends, we continue the creative industry podcast, our guest is olympic champion tatyana navka. i want to say that the costumes on your shows are amazing, just like that. how much do you take into me i take part in everything. here. there is probably no sphere in which i don’t take part, right up until the end of the day, i don’t know, well, buttons, like sewing covers for figure skaters, that is, i’m just so very meticulous, and of course, costumes for me - this is a visual series, yes, i have very cool artists this year, and modern, fashionable, and... such, i
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invest a huge amount of money in costumes, you work with different teams at different shows, you collect, it’s the will, the will, you know, there are always cases, that is, before for me, yes, before that i already worked for three or four shows, mainly there was such an artist, there was, there is, ksenia shimanovskaya, so i adore her, she is very cool, she is already so old, and here are all the costumes. .. in recent years, i’m saying , we did three or four shows with her, and yulia peskkunova, also a wonderful artist, who, well, that is, i combine several artists, this year, unfortunately, i don’t know katya’s last name, katyusha, if you watch, please forgive me, somehow katya katya, but she is so very young, still young, but so creative, and in recent years the level of costumes and scenery?
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well, that is, what is happening on the ice now, who is behind the scenes of all this, you talked about the teams that travel around the country, then those who do a huge job, this is tutoring, tutoring, tutoring, that is, these are the shows which has already been created, but every time you still take new guys, rehearse with them, i have a wonderful team of my assistants, choreographers, tutors who... at night this is also our problem, because how
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as a rule, and such a demand is precisely on the eve of the new year, so during november and december we remove the ice at night, because this is the only time when it is free, and we rehearse, in my opinion, the creation of such a show seems to me comparable to creating a film, but the only difference is that you... created the film, sold it to different channels, i don’t know, platforms and that’s it, then you collect your interest from the rentals, in our case it’s every time , i need it back, as i said earlier, to assemble a team, rehearse, and every time this is physically scary, difficult work, how many shows can one show take place in a year. this is such a natural resourcefulness, yes
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, well, for example, in the summer in sochi we stand, this year we had almost 90 shows in sochi park, then for more than 80 shows we stood on roller skates, we even have a new industry - roller skates, in the summer, too , on revolution square, and my team showed fairy tales on weekends, not only on roller skates, too. more than eighty there 86 or how many, well how many in general in general, i don’t remember, by the way, i had to prepare, my team has about 500 shows per year, that’s all. all shows are demonstrative , these are tours of russian cities, because in spring and autumn we also continue to travel to cities to show our fairy tales. and how many people are working in the troupe now, well , let’s just say the troupe is called in figure skating too, yes or no? well, i said, these are seven squads, if we talk about only
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the skaters, seven squads in each squad, probably 20 to 30 people, so count 30 7 has more than 200 skaters alone. i have three, now preparing for a new show, we are launching new scenery, new equipment, yes, props, all kinds, costumes are being sewn, can you imagine how many, that is, it’s not even just one company that is sewing costumes, but in my opinion in two or three different workshops these costumes are created, then headdresses, other workshops, then the scenery there are also three or four workshops that produce these decorations, in general it’s mapping, 3d, music is written, composers work, that’s all, i i manage all this, of course, it’s very interesting to imagine that tatyana navka really wakes up in the morning and there are questions for approval, yes, that is
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, well, of course, it’s of course that you often work at night, but you have to, of course, sometimes wake up - we’re rehearsing, that is i came home one day, and the child was there and my husband was already waking him up to work, some to school, some hello mom, and besides, i couldn’t fall asleep right away, because you were just emotional there, dancing, steering, screaming, and it’s just impossible come and lie down right away come to bed, that is, i even used to just sit down and stupidly watch it, i don’t know, i had to watch another series there to calm down and move to another level, creativity is doping, yes for you, yes, of course, creativity is doping, and of course, in addition to the fact that the creation of all this is doping, but when you still see it, and this is of course an amazing feeling, and
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also when you go out onto the ice in this beauty and see how and... walks the other way around, it’s one thing see on tv, but it's another thing when you see this is all live, this is a completely different story, well, it seems so to me too , please tell me, this is not the only ice show in our country, there is another show, and of course, how do you interact, if you have some kind of coordination,
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i don’t know, we’re going here, you’re coming here, we’re putting this , we’re putting that, or you’re doing this, in general, just in a friendly way, let’s say, i don’t know, well, no, this is business - here it’s friendly, here it’s friendly , competitive environment, you know how we go, well, firstly, there are a lot of very promoters, yes, if we talk about russia, people who are involved, and such promoters are cynical people, they are promoters who simply contact the company and say, it’s there, hello, i’m there ivan ivanovich, ivanov, i’m in the city of omsk, for example, i want to hold . bring your show, and then all these negotiations are already going on, there is someone who is dear to someone, for example , then what kind of decision do you make, if anything, if it’s expensive, they bargain with you, well, of course, of course, we find some... then compromises, that is, we will bring you here, to this city, to this one, and there
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then we somehow find a balance, well...


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