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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  January 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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the cause is just, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. these people. there is
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the wealth of our country, events of unprecedented scale in the life arena near moscow, a service award, to whom did vladimir putin personally present the award? russia's position in the world begins with a sincere desire to do as much as possible for its native places, for the places where it was born, where the president spent his childhood. iran struck targets in iraqi kurdistan. rockets exploded in the surrounding area.
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here today the best of the best municipal employees of the country have gathered, those who are responsible for the streets and local roads, for all communications, that is, pipes, playgrounds, ponds, beaches, libraries, the list can go on for a long time. the municipality and its employees are the level of government closest to us, as residents of cities, towns and villages. it’s clear why, the award for the best municipal workers is called service, they are closest to the people and because how they serve depends on their attitude towards the state as a whole.
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russia in the world begins with a sincere desire to do as much as possible for your native places, for those places where you were born , where you spent your childhood, where your loved ones, your family, your friends, fellow countrymen now live, with the desire to contribute to the prosperity and development of your city, town, region, because this is so consonant with the words... of the legendary song,
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which i am sure everyone here knows, where the homeland begins. the president announced that a decree had been signed establishing an honorary ranks. service awards, and of course , i will be very happy to present an award today in a special category, the fate of a person, the pride of the fatherland, this award is a tribute to people who direct their strength, energy, in a seemingly simple...
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wake up, it is a great honor for me to stand now on this stage and holding such a high award, i now want to dedicate this victory to my husband, who is on
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the front line, i think that he will be very proud of me. thank you very much, and now i, like all the residents of our great country, we will wait for our heroes with victory, thank you very much. the forum of municipal employees is not just an award ceremony for the best, it is primarily an exchange of experience, including in organizing assistance to participants in a special military operation. yes, now we are sharing a lot about what assistance is provided to the svo participants, who provides it and how.
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it is very important, unity is important, skill is important, well , russia has always demonstrated and the russian people have demonstrated their ability to unite in
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difficult times for russia, i think that right now this is a very important event and demonstrating that we are all in this together. what did you take away from participating in this forum? for ourselves, a lot of experience, because each of us, as i already said, works autonomously, but at the same time we understand that we are doing a common task, and the solutions may be different, and today our colleagues share their experiences in how to work and you can work. the award for municipal employees is being awarded in russia for the first time, and in general the main goal of this competition is to improve the quality and prestige of municipal services, the very ones with which we all face every day, even sometimes without even knowing it, in extreme... frosts in snowfall, in rain, in any weather, and at any time, to be honest, we often municipalities, and this is putting it mildly, we don’t praise, but it’s unlikely whether those present in the hall today can be accused of unwillingness to work, we all understand that now the municipal community is the main driving force in
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the development of russia and the name itself, small homeland, strength, strength of russia, well, indeed, it is so. does that mean you learned something for yourself? for ourselves, well, yes, what we took out for myself? today, it’s probably not enough, yesterday they emphasized this many times, ah. specialized education, not all municipal employees have specialized education and work will be carried out in this direction. we realized that not all the heads of the settlement have a specialized education after talking with some of them on the sidelines. here is the head of the city of pekolevo, leningrad region, lyudmila ivanovna grishkina, who combines this position with the position of school director, to say which one is more important for her is very difficult. to my favorite school, greetings to both the city and the region. thank you very much, we are glad to welcome you.
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when this crucible passes, they return, yes , many life priorities are lined up differently, here you will no longer jump without pants at some events, you see, here people look at life completely differently, the priorities are different, the values ​​are different, such people, if they have an inclination for work of this kind, of course they need to be involved in this work, according to the president, it is very important that voice...
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in the kupinsky direction, our fighters stopped several attempts by assault groups to go on the offensive, three enemy tanks were destroyed, including two of them - german leopards. foreign equipment was liquidated at the kherson site. in just one day , russian units repelled at least 15 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy suffered large losses in manpower, almost a thousand fighters. a result of aggravation in the middle east, which could lead to confrontation. in the region to a new level. iraqi ministry of defense recalls for consultation its ambassador in tehran. all after
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iran's night strikes on targets in verbileh - this is the administrative center of iraqi kurdistan. residents saw the glow from the explosions over the area where the american consulate is located at harir air base. some espionage centers were in the affected area. we are talking about the headquarters of the israeli intelligence service massat. however, the iraqi authorities hastened to refute this information. according to the appearance of the iranian armed forces , the objects were attacked in a retaliatory terrorist attack carried out on january 3 in kermania, then 89 people were killed in explosions during a funeral procession. the syrian province of idlip was also under fire today, there were dead and wounded. the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps, abbreviated as sir, claimed responsibility for the attack. russia highly appreciates the support of the dprk, including in the context of a special military operation. he stated this. sergei lavrov during negotiations with his north korean counterpart, choi songhee. she is in moscow on an official visit. the meeting at
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the level of foreign ministers summed up the preliminary results of the work that started after the summit of state leaders last september. according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, a little later, the head of the foreign ministry will personally inform vladimir putin about the results of the conversation. the agenda is full, including the expansion of cooperation between the two countries, as well as international issues. the united states and its regional satellites in creating threats to the security of the korean people's democratic republic are not at all conducive to moving in a positive direction. we will continue to call for refusal of any steps that lead to an escalation of tensions. the mechanisms that were formed long ago on the basis of asian proposals functioned successfully for many decades. now they are being exposed.
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964 bills, the undoubted priority in our work should be issues of supporting the special military operation of our guys, soldiers, officers, members of their families, over the past time we have adopted 91 laws that define these issues, we need not to stop and do everything to so that... our soldiers, officers, their members families did not need anything. in addition, at okhotnaya ryad they considered a draft statement in connection with the initiative to demolish the soviet alyosha monument in the bulgarian city of plovdiv. local deputies started talking about its dismantling. russian parliamentarians expressed extreme indignation and called on the municipal council not
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to be led by provocateurs of various possibilities. new day, new large-scale program at vdnkh. pavilion 75 today is the territory of the ministry of finance, where the plenary session of the financial sector as the basis of stability was held, a topic that one way or another interesting to many. the head of the department and the prime minister took part in the discussion. how to make money work? experts' answers will be useful to millions of our citizens. report by anna kurbatova. thus, with the press of one button, the head of the ministry of finance opens the finance day at vdnkh. gives an official start to the long-term savings program and joins it, this is a new financial instrument with which you can create a safety net for any purpose. press the button to conclude an agreement, cool, congratulations, everything is correct, congratulations, you made the right decision, you are now a participant in the program. one of the main rules of economics is that money must work, as
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this is the only talk about this at the exhibition today. real estate, investment, apartment. always costs money, you should take out a mortgage, but it’s better not to take it, 15% of your salary from your salary, from a scholarship, we put it aside for savings, better than 20% of your earnings, in what currency, of course, rubles, it’s important not to make impulsive purchases, because this greatly affects the budget, both family and personal, so a person’s economic behavior shapes the overall economic behavior of the country, i spoke today about financial literacy and the formation of the financial culture of our citizens and...
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understand so that you can perceive the lack of information as quickly as possible. mishustin got in touch with his colleagues from the pavilion of the government coordination center at the russia exhibition; a real work site has been recreated here, everything is the same as in the main building, which among themselves members of the cabinet of ministers call a bunker. why is the government focal point called a bunker? a bunker because it is located in an underground room, so to speak. opposite the main government building, not far from the government house, yes, that's right. there are digital panels everywhere , almost 200 km of screens, on them there is a map of national projects , you can see where each one is being implemented right now, next to it is a digital space where visitors are introduced to deputy prime ministers, an area where you can communicate virtually with your deputies, which is most popular
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among we are the deputy prime minister of russia, there is a big conversation about this today in within the framework of the plenary session, in which prime minister mikhail mishustina takes part, this is, of course, the main event of the business program of finance day at vdnkh. here we will talk in detail about the success of our economy, despite the foreign policy turbulence and sanctions storm. in 11 months. last year, the domestic volume of the domestic product grew by 3.3%, the manufacturing industry by 7.5%. this is all the result of implementation.
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at the russia exhibition, following the achievements of the regions, the achievements of industries will now be presented here, each of which has something to be proud of. anna kurbatova, boris leonov,
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veronika ilvutchenkova, olga merkulova, alexander kovalev, channel one. and now about a big, complex and incredibly large-scale movie. already this thursday , the film air by alexei german the younger will be released in russian theaters. a military drama about a unit of female pilots during the great patriotic war. starring elena lyadova, aglaya tarasova, sergei bezrukov, behind 3 years of colossal filming work, a film so technologically complex, according to german the younger, he had never made. creative the challenge is to show an air battle of these yak-1b aircraft. by the way, combat vehicles can be seen around october in its foyer. they will be there for several days. today is the premiere at the main cinema in moscow. report by yana podziuban. the air above ladaga enters the atmosphere of the road of life, only on the way to the cinema, and here the audience meets a shot down german messer nashyak, why is
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this plane, nashyak - this is already a museum exhibit, and after the end of the rental it will not be dismantled and will be preserved, but because such no flying samples survived, and the aircraft they collected it in detail from photographs, literally restoring even the scratches on the fuselage, right here between the buildings. the planes were installed at 30 at night, it turned out that between the buildings at altitude, loads, wind, so that the inspection of the machine was safe, they came up with and assembled a pneumatic platform, yes, there is an opinion that the best plane is the one in the cockpit of which the best pilot sits, but a quick glance eloquently shows an incredible feat of pilots who fought with experienced aces, fascists on mesers, who were technically superior to our yaks, you can touch it with your hands, you will see. what it is? you know, in most cases they look in films like some kind of perfect objects, now they are increasingly filming
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using computer graphics, and so the fighters at the beginning of the war looked more like tractors, they were just as rough, to say the least controllable, in order to score a target you need it was often possible to approach up to 50 m, not from 300-400, but up to 50. the story of young girls, graduates of short courses, as the pilots say, takeoff and landing, on yaks, who at the beginning of the war lost literally in everything, the pilots only managed to make a few flights, but they were the ones who were able
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to drive the germans away from the road of life, no further spoiler warning, in the film the air takes your breath away from the first scene. herman jr. couldn’t do it any other way, everything is documented, really. just like there were six large-scale air battles in the film, only these shootings took 2 years to prepare for, the machinery of the film is impressive with the symbiosis of graphics from location shooting, the hours were filmed from real aircraft, they display on the screen the size of a five-story building, the aircraft is fixed at altitude, repeats turns, everything that happens to the pilot, repeats in pyrotechnics, here is the shelling, and so the engine is burning, when we boarded real planes a year ago, i could not understand at all how really fragile girls during the war could control this machine , in fact it is very... complicated, there is a huge sequence of buttons that they , of course, absolutely pressed automatically, the air recreates the atmosphere, everything was approached carefully, the casting lasted almost a year, a young
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and courageous... main performer role, they were looking for a wife all over the country, but she didn’t play, but was in the shadow. all sorts of distances were erased between me and my heroine, which is probably why the film turned out to be very poignant and very powerful, because really, and you can see that the girls are all, they are really very bad, and really very painful at some moments, or really they are very happy, love their homeland. this is a theme of death, what is more important, the homeland or the person? homeland, in the crowd, in episodic roles, often not actors, but cadets of the academy of the ministry of emergency situations. armies of them come out more believable, the director believes. we had auditions for every role, even a small one. and we looked at a huge number of mass stage performers in order to get into the faces of the times. yes, because everything has changed, we have become different, we live a different life. and...
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people had different eyes, different energy, different faces, let’s say, for some scenes we looked at 1.5-200 people and then took, then took 50, then 50-100, there were a lot of films about the great patriotic war, of course there will be more, but here is the subject of research, man, these eyes, these people are completely, they, they don’t look like, rightly so, alexey said, they don’t look like us.
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created an atmosphere, whether german or trench , sometimes, i think that german aleksey alekseevich was uncomfortable, he listened and was afraid of the artist, the director, because the atmosphere is all that you saw in the frame, and of course, this is the brilliant work of lenna and her workshops , there is nothing empty in the picture, everything is with character, so that it is exactly like that.
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that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. hello, the program time will tell is live, today we will discuss, as always, important, current events, well, well, as
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they call it, a little like that. behind the scenes, how a television program is being prepared, and when we were preparing today’s broadcasts, i was preparing for the broadcast today, as if the whole day you think that well, it’s clear that yesterday we discussed yes, a very good image on the cover - an economist, that’s it, well, this and brzyzinski wrote his book, here is the chessboard, it is clear that these combinations are played out, and you understand that there are no individual cells that are self-sufficient, that is, you have a european cell there. a middle eastern cell, a far eastern cell, an african cell, but in fact none of them exists separately, like on a chessboard, and not a single cell is self-sufficient in itself, they all exist within the framework of a certain party, in general - then, analyzing, analyzing the possible further course of this chess game, the global chess game, in general, by and large, well, we this is what we are trying to do here, that is, analyzing what is happening,


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