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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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program, and when we were preparing today’s broadcasts, i was preparing for the broadcast today, as if all day long i was thinking that well, it’s clear what we discussed yesterday, and there’s a very good image on the cover of an economist, this is it, well, this is what brzyzinski wrote your book, here’s a chessboard, it’s clear that these combinations are played out, and you understand that there are no individual cells that are self-sufficient, that is, you have a european cell there, a middle eastern cell. oriental checkered, african checkered, but in fact none of them exists separately, like on a chessboard, not a single cell, it is not self-sufficient in itself, they all exist within the framework of a certain game and, in general, analyzing the possible further course of this chess game, a global chess game, in general - then, by and large, well, we are trying to do something like this here, that is, analyzing what is happening on different cells or in different parts of this big board, what combinations our
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opponent can play, how we can respond, how we can go ourselves, and so on further, well in general the order in which to discuss these cells is not so important, since they are all interconnected with each other in any way, we have come to this many times, but at the same time there is also , well, some kind of real life in which you must, well, from a point a to point b, and at the same time it’s difficult to say which point is more important, point a or point b? here's where to start discussing the middle east, where it happened? obviously, certain events, or , of course, ukroreich, everything connected with it, weapons, not weapons, war or not war, it is clear that these are all two sides of the same thing about a conflict, just a look from different angles, so this is where the interest lies, how accidents rule the world, the world, i noticed today on telegram channels and in people’s discussions that here is the one who yesterday for some reason , or he always knew. he seems to understand that he
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has no questions, that well, well, it’s kind of clear that yesterday, somewhere around one o’clock in the morning, that’s how it went, well, that’s it, now it’s like the third world war, iran has struck, everything is flying, everything is exploding, that means everyone fell, that’s it, there, that means later, no, guys, well, maybe not yet, but no, probably already, no, who went to bed , relatively speaking, at 12, well, he woke up in the morning, kept silent on the news feed, and so-and-so, it means that these hit the arbil, that - they killed four people there, so that means zelensky is talking some nonsense in davosi, well, everything is like that, i must say, i honestly sat out until 2:00 a.m. yesterday, and that’s why i’m in this small crater, as often happens, informational, i got into it, another thing is that when i got into it, i very quickly stuck my head out of it and wrote on tv, so now calm down, guys, don’t need this...
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wolves, wolves, there will still be so many events that - well, so to speak, about which we will still say that yes, yes, this is probably the beginning, but what is the beginning it’s not very clear, we won’t declare the third world war, well, it’s like a cherry, yes, but at the same time i understand that not everyone sat until 2:00 in the morning, this morning it seems like it’s somehow not the same the main topic, a very revealing story, and how those who create this tape think about it, not only for us, but for... everything world, here is reuters, for example, yes, a well-known agency, i noticed that look how interesting they are, in their list of topics that they offer, thematic headings that they offer their viewers, they have the war between israel and hamas, the ukrainian crisis, that is, they arrange it like this, which is called balass, that is , here they have a war, here they have a crisis, while the truth is not clear, a crisis is already what happens after the war. where to start,
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to be honest, i haven’t even decided where to start yet, where would you start, think about it, after the advertisement, let's compare, guessed right, didn't guess, advertising on channel one, specialist on the past and future in one bottle, writer of a brief history of the world to order, favorite of transnational rich people, pseudoscientist, the most important thing to know about the future is that people soon to be hackable, biotechnology will be used to grant a small elite superhuman status. globalists are behind him, he voices what they always wanted to hear, see, they want to feel like a god. coralli is a preacher of transhumanism, but most importantly, depopulation, the destruction of a significant part of humanity. computers will outperform us in most tasks we perform. and people
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will become simply unnecessary, this is fascism of the 21st century, only beautifully wrapped, promoted by globalists, they say that satan is the monkey of god, but harari is the monkey of a normal person. yuval noah harari, not that noah or interpreter of globalist dreams. puktly heir tutti. today is the first one. сnop gin, a product of stellor group. and what are you doing? what i think is necessary. the responsibility is entirely mine. article 156, part two. receiving illegal remuneration for performing work related to serving the population. they reported about the silicone and destroyed everything. if the drug is found, that's the end of everything. but this is a crime.
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he must be judged. doctor preobrazhensky. new episodes. watch the time after the program. so, what kind of operation? leave the sterile room immediately, are you out of your mind? cognac monte shococa, product of stellor group. in the debriefing area, director of the film air alexey german, performer of one of the main roles elena lyadova. we chose the most idiotically difficult way to shoot this picture. the first plane was made with a mistake, it was simple. in short, then we called this plane godyonyshe, but you also took on incredible work, you began filming in the winter, all our planes were blown away, we built a runway, it was flooded, i was completely dumbfounded by what you built, quite complex, invented on purpose for the film, the design lifted a plane weighing
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a ton, and then spun it, i can imagine how you felt during these evolution, when your wing is on fire, oil in your face, and also smoke. in fact, i was scared, they conveyed this feeling of human existence in inhuman conditions, i just got a lump in my throat, i believed, podcast lab is on the first today, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they have wings behind their backs , as if it doesn’t affect them... earth’s gravity, risk, danger, entertainment, 3.5 and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything
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we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flights to eva, like in a dream. russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first, you are alone with me, and we are husband and wife, and you, and we, goodbye, i’ll walk you to the carriage, don’t, i... don’t like being escorted , what have you been hiding, 3 years from your sister, i don’t like the garden, and i won’t play around in it, you idiot, that’s what i’ll tell you, i see what you ’re worried about, well, really, zoechka, garden,
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let’s get down to professional and furious, i hope, discussion, this is a picture that continues, on the one hand, the tradition laid down in our soviet cinema, for example, like in the films love and doves, it is very difficult to make a decision, a feat of the heroine , to agree that she loves and that she is loved, with this coleito, the question is where they will go astray, it was such a collegial decision of our film crew , on saturday on the first, time will tell the program , we continue to work live, well , as we discussed at the beginning of the program, i don’t know where you would start today, but it still seems to me that since we will naturally discuss the neighbor east and what is happening in connection with the conflict in the territory former ukraine, but i will still start with what is happening in the middle east, i will explain
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why, because there is a feeling that, despite all the complexity and so far unpredictability of the development of the ukrainian crisis, as it is indicated in the reuters of what i showed you, there is a feeling that... there it is still at some stage, well, that is , someone wants it to continue and escalate, someone is interested in all this, well, cooling down, in the middle east there is a feeling that all this is just entering. into a strip, well, not even just one, but several escalations, which can go in different directions and with different goals of the players, that is, there is now such a hot situation, from which there really will not necessarily be some kind of explosion, and this concerns how at night today those who caught the attacks, which iran has officially taken over itself in the person of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, many have come to the conclusion that this is the beginning of some kind of... war, war, like a tough clash between iran, we
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just literally yesterday, why did i still hit the this the matter, when it started last night, we literally said here in the studio yesterday that many of the efforts of certain players in the middle east, well , meaning the anglo-saxons and some of their allies, are connected with trying to draw iran more closely into this, and even one one of the experts said that they had several approaches, and iran, well, continues to act through a proxy, so to speak, but itself... so refrains when, of course, iran strikes somewhere, at first it sounded like they had hit - that means according to the american consulate in irbil in iraqi kurdistan and at the american airfield and so on, that’s all in my opinion, well, it’s now clear, they mistakenly perceived that they were hitting - conditionally - the americans, in fact, even in the statement of the islamic revolutionary guard corps , the general answer to the question is immediately given, what they are doing, and moreover, it is immediately absolutely clear, and it was clear even at night, that this is not the beginning
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of some new round of confrontation, but that this is a continuation of the previous, let’s say , battle, and this is the answer of the iranians, because they themselves this is associated with what happened a terrorist attack in kimran, in iran, on the anniversary of the death of sulaymaniyah, and iran officially stated: we will find, we will calculate, we will punish, in general it is said that what we have flown to are objects that are in one way or another connected with the organization of terrorist acts on the territory of iran and that iran will not tolerate this, at night they reacted very carefully, or rather the americans did not react, well, in the morning it seems to me that their reaction is quite clearly expressed in this formulation of one of the official... iraq and northern syria. nobody
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of american military personnel and not a single american object was damaged. we will continue to assess the situation, but initial indications are that this was a reckless and inaccurate series of strikes. it’s clear, here’s adrian otson, but what else can adrian otsin stand? well i mean positions, i don't know what you thought. the question here is what, what if we proceed from... as many assumed at night, that this is some kind of aggressive action against the united states, then yes, it is reckless and inaccurate, but then the islamic revolutionary guard corps is says, in fact, it looks like the americans had nothing to do with it at all, in this sense they were, i think it’s quite accurate, considering that the headquarters of masad, the israeli intelligence service, was hit , a certain businessman also collaborated there, and so on, but that’s it. .. from the point of view of the military or military-political aspect of this story, what did this mean, does this mean something for
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the possibilities of escalation in the region as a whole, or is this a separate line, a terrorist attack in kimran, the answer, well, that is, this kind of like, well, not really a dead end branch, but slightly parallel to the general crisis, i would shift the starting point here a little in such a historical tape, let's start with the fact that, look, all the events have spun. acts of genocide against the population, when in the gas sector they went like this , probably for the first time in history, all muslim arab states gathered on one platform, even those state leaders who had not met tried to agree on something, but no decisions were made in the public sphere , and we saw that the americans were supporting in the gas sector, but nevertheless, as if through its proxies, israel struck at iran’s proxies hezbalet. there are constantly fighting there, then the moment came when the arab world felt that
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the west is always about money, and this is their pain point, if you put pressure on them, they will negotiate, accordingly, what yemen did, the houthis, begins slow down international traffic, it hurts everyone, because transnational corporations are starting to bully officials, do something, we are losing billions, and your pensions savings are also already melting, accordingly people are starting to fuss, but... here the americans are supposedly hiding behind the coalition that was created by the guardian of prosperity, but in fact it is them, because in reality, of the attacks on the houthis, four planes were only from britain, which flew from cyprus . iran, it always likes some kind of parity, because then, when the martyr soleimani operation took place, they hit american bases
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in iraq, it was very serious, everyone thought that there would be a response, there was no response, by the way, the same was true for the americans. well there's nothing there suffered, everything is fine here, and here iran also indicatively struck, relatively speaking , at the progsa forces against the israelis, at massad, at everything, because you will pay attention, from iran to syria, which to idlib, which is located on the border with turkey, more than 2000 , they also struck a militant camp, 1,200 km away, they could have given a command, relatively speaking, they would have driven some kind of truck towards these forces, it would have exploded there on the spot. it could have been done there without flying missiles across the entire territory, this is a risk, it is expensive, it may not reach, fall, yes, anything can happen, it can be shot down, this is a very serious demonstrative action, iran showed the americans, but first of all the israelis, guys, we need to turn it up a little to half a degree, this means very powerful ammunition will fall on israel, this is a very serious indicator, and
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for the americans this is a signal that guys, we are not joking, we are able to strike behind...
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by the way, regarding technology, north korea recently tested a hypersonic complex, and the japanese detected it, saw that it has 10 speeds of sound, and this is on wait a second, the collective west doesn’t have these technologies, we, iran, north korea do, but they don’t, this means that this is a very serious threat, they will overcome it, but that will happen later, yeah, then yes, if i understand you correctly, you are telling me
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that formally iran’s night strike was connected with history. the answers that they promised for the terrorist attack, which the americans then immediately disowned, and i didn’t even show them my backpacks, but formally it was an answer for that, but in essence, you’re telling me that this strike was, of course, included in the military-political conflict in the broad sense of what is happening here, does this mean that with this, as you say, well, indicative moment, iran is saying that it is ready for escalation, or vice versa, guys, don’t interfere, you don’t need it either, because well , many people say that in general , the americans don’t really need this now either, well , i think that both, firstly, it really shows that a is ready to escalate, ready to open.
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we'll talk about this separately, this is what we're talking about we'll talk separately, and now from this more military-technical aspect to the more
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political aspect of this whole story, especially since andrei - well, in general, expanded this story with the iranian night strike to the framework of this confrontation is much broader, and accordingly we have already started talking about the fact that the situation with the houthis is developing, yesterday we said that the houthis had previously stated that they would consider all ships that are heading towards israel, now they have already said that all american ships are their targets, let's listen to their representative: the yemeni naval forces attacked an american ship in the gulf of aden using ship-borne missiles, the hit was an accurate direct hit, the yemeni armed forces. considers all american and british ships and warships involved in aggression against our country as hostile targets. a response to american and british attacks is inevitable, and any new
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attack will not go unanswered. the yemeni armed forces will continue to conduct military operations to prevent israeli shipping in the arabian red sea until the aggression ceases and the blockade on the palestinian people in the gaza strip is lifted. and that is, in general, everything that happened over the weekend with the attacks by the americans on the british has already been completely neutralized, at least in an informational sense, by the houthis, who say: guys, well, we won’t change anything, only on the contrary, we’ll do it even tougher. regarding iranian attacks on northern iraq, on iraqi kurdistan, and the iraqi government was so interesting yesterday, when you were discussing all this, there are iranians, americans, british, houthis, then suddenly... the iraqi government intends to file a complaint with the un security council, where do you mean the security council i mean, even by inertia they
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are here and what does the un have to do with it then i think no , well, of course it has everything to do with it, that is, it means that the iraqi government still somehow wants it, that’s why i reacted like that because that’s how it talks about this whole situation the secretary general is very revealing. his strength is running out, well, when i wrote about this yesterday, in my opinion, the following comparison occurred to me that guterres has some relation to the situation, but about
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the same as leading weather forecasts, weather means to control the global - crisis. well, accordingly, in your opinion, what is happening, what are we all doing together, and we , of course, are not in the middle east, but as i say, now there are no individual pilots, what in your opinion are we... all together, we, as humanity, as the un , are moving in this region and can get closer, firstly, advice: don’t read social networks at night, but i don’t read them, i write in them, you know, like the chukchi, the chukchi don’t reader, chukchi writer, well, well, well, well , nevertheless, the advice remains valid, secondly, almost the entire space that is drawn here is now brix, let’s not talk about that, you listed it there, also someone. history, the decision to
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expand is just being made. for these states, like here suddenly this tension flares up, an attempt by the united states to drag this entire space into a large internecine war, but still local, large, but local, in fact, when this plan was being built, and i think it was being built, there was a calculation for that that everything would go as they planned, but everything went wrong, to put it mildly, for various reasons, well, firstly, iran and the arab powers did not want to have a strong conflict there over this.
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he doesn’t control anything at all, but apparently those people with whom he communicates are from this party, the nato one, they feel that they are losing control, and they are experiencing an overexertion of forces, they wanted to drive us into an overexertion of forces, that is, look, it seems like eastern europe, yes, now that means you also wanted bring countries into brikh, and they have a conflict there, but it turns out that everything is not at all the same as it was on paper, in this regard they are layered,
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of course,
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in the north of the enclave this stage has ended, in the south of gaza we will also achieve this , and it will end soon, in both places there will come a moment, when we move on to the next stage. and , by the way, since you mentioned this, this is all, again to the question that they have a bit of an election there, in general, this is all not very good for them, by the way, and they are trying to present it as the result of some efforts. the united states of america, well , here’s one example of this, please. joe biden is disappointed in israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they had not spoken for 20 days, as the president's patience had run out due to the non-stop bombing of gaza. the last time the leaders communicated was on december 23, when the israeli the prime minister rejected the american president's request that israel release palestinian tax revenues. then an angry biden ended the phone conversation with the words: this conversation is over. this.
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another really big question: the israelis are doing what they are doing because they have problems with biden, or because they have problems with, well, on the ground, with losses, with losses with hamas, and so on and so forth, this also a separate question, this is really not about biden, this is about their internal affairs, because not everything there, to put it mildly, is calm , and in this regard, the history of the united states elections is not very important to them, for biden , quite specifically, i don’t remember the exact figure now, but about 5% of the total they now have support among the population , which focuses specifically on the palestinian side in the united states of america, and this is to a certain extent a significant segment of voters of the democratic party, and hence all these statements about 20 days, about being disappointed and what we see, that is, they now they’re trying, of course, to somehow make amends for this situation, but when you’re running around the world with a torch, yes, it’s very difficult to keep track of the situation, with the torch they ran around in circles everywhere, and now the situation is really
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terrible, i don’t would like to be... stuffed , by the way, with life-threatening objects, and you are driving on this road, and not necessarily, so to speak, behind them, and sometimes in front of them you can find yourself either to the side or towards them, then of course, in this situation the lost the steering wheel of a truck or a crazy driver there imagine, yes, well, in general, in this situation, unfortunately, we may all find ourselves together, i mean, here we need, of course , to look very carefully at what is happening in the western hemisphere and then what is happening in the territory, which today is already brix territory, yeah. let’s not forget about this, that is, this is our business in this sense, in this specific sense, and of course, regarding the theater of military operations in ukraine. and by the way, i can’t say anything here, here’s what reuters wrote, i actually like this definition, it
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that's right, the ukrainian crisis. 2 years ago i convinced my colleagues there, yes, so my colleagues , that this is not our war with the ukrainians, this is really a military crisis in ukraine, which you unleashed, yes, but they categorically objected to me, no, war, war, war. i was thinking about what kind of colleagues you are in quotes , colleagues, colleagues, yes, these here, and now it means look, they’re already learning ukrainian , they’re already somehow starting to draw conclusions, and the last thing is that since i mentioned this topic, there’s another question that’s so funny that doesn’t arise it’s really funny there in kiev they came up with the idea, as the same rector reports, to issue bonds for 300 billion dollars under the money that we have to pay to ukraine in the form of reparations, it is not clear on what grounds, so look at some.
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we will talk about asking the chairman of the pound zelensky in the second part of the program, now returning to the fact that we are slowly, slowly pushing these so-called frameworks, now we have remembered that all this is tied to the fact that israel, we listened to gallant, that all this it’s gone, either all this is happening under pressure from biden, or all this itself is simply not going very well, in any case, no matter how it ’s already going on the ground for them. is already reacting in some way, the houthis are reacting in some way, let’s listen to the new york times that they all understand that this, well, roughly speaking, will continue to grow and develop. let's listen. the us military is preparing for much
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larger retaliatory attacks from the houthis, who began attacking ships after the start of the war in the gaza strip and are preparing escalation of retaliatory measures, senior us military officials said. the gunmen still retain about 3/4 of their shooting ability. missiles and drones against ships transiting the red sea. many of their weapons systems are on mobile platforms and can be easily moved or hidden, officials said. so, that is, in principle , even in the new york times it is already clear to everyone that this is not going to be some kind of easy walk. well, that is, we understand, israel, iran, the houthis, everyone they are preparing for more complex attacks, while some have elections, some are playing for escalation, some need this escalation now, this is what we are dealing with, where? this can all go on, a few clarifications: first, most importantly, if you turn on the news, and they say that as a result of some actions of iran, there is a threat of a large-scale conflict, so, exhale and change the channel, yeah, because this is not about
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iran , well, we regularly listen to stories about north korea from south korea, here everyone was shot with a heavy machine gun, then these people are quickly found out, nothing happened to them, these are the norms of military propaganda in the west. exactly the same norms of military propaganda against iran. iranians are extremely cultured, extremely efficient, extremely rational people; they will not do anything that is absolutely necessary. the last thing they need is a war in the entire middle east. therefore , pay attention, they killed general sulmani. they made a demonstrative response.
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yes, everything was not very good there,
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and israel is not in that condition now, to be able to answer this, well , they give the numbers of four dead masadovites, someone says nine dead mossaders, but this is all a guess, you know, or maybe nine dead night watchmen, or maybe four instructors, or maybe one organizer and planner, these are all different things, then we forgot about the wonderful event that happened on january 6, when almost ... 2 weeks after the well-known hysteria of biden and netanyahu, the aircraft carrier group of the united states of america, which was called upon to protect israel, left israel, maybe, of course, they were afraid that the israelis wouldn’t screw them, maybe they ran out of money, maybe their aircraft carrier broke down, but most likely it was just such a demonstration to the israelis, guys, stop it, okay, that’s enough, because they really are americans , well, inside. in america , representatives of england, who believe that
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there is a struggle between, so to speak, israel should not exist at all in principle, in this they are in complete solidarity with the democratic party, and representatives of the american state, the american people who really want israel to stay, and for this they do not want, so to speak, a full-scale genocide, organized by israel, and accordingly hang in the hands of all participants in the process, these interests coincided when the aircraft carrier gerald forr left. traffic through the red sea, accordingly,
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world communications have sharply stretched out, the blow is dealt to whom the main one is in china, this is a blow to china, here we see the most amazing alliances, when suddenly iranian proxies are involved in objectively anti-chinese actions, not because that they are against china, they are friends of china, but this is how the picture develops, moreover, an american project is emerging, which means... new transport to europe, not through, not through the cape of good hope, through india, through saudi arabia, through israel, here iran is also not against this project, because what goes through saudi arabia goes past iran and iran, well, if it doesn’t participate, it will have the opportunity to influence, but this project will not succeed, it will not succeed very much simple reason, because there here on the other shore of the red sea... there is a wonderful state of egypt
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, one illustration can be given about the social situation of the state of egypt, when in the tenth year we had a drought and the peat fields were burning, well, how would we temporarily stop grain exports, as a result of this, through 2 years after that , there was also the arab spring and the power in egypt changed, because 80% of the inhabitants of egypt, this is a very populated country, live in such conditions that the price of bread rose by 10%. makes their life absolutely unbearable, with their problems with tourism are already very clear , starting to become crazy, now due to the reduction in transit through the soviet canal , these problems are growing, if the situation continues, then somewhere by the end of summer it will arise, just in time for the american elections, a simple question will arise : what should we eat, huh, and what should we do?
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and what’s more, in my opinion, i wrote about this today, right before the broadcast, because i kind of found this news, and surprisingly, there are coincidences, of course, but i’m in the east, very close to careful and careful people who receive guests, i don’t believe in such coincidences, but by an amazing coincidence, the indian foreign minister is now visiting tehran, that is, what happened. tonight happened against the backdrop of the presence of the indian foreign minister in tehran, secondly, this is the first visit after iran joined the brix, that is, this further increases the level of this visit, moreover, within the framework of this visit it was said that , that it is necessary
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to increase cooperation on many mutually beneficial projects, and one of these projects and... iran is building an alternative system of global trade routes, supplies, and so on, that is, and... iran now has a war in this region, well, quite a big one, in general, it’s also not really needed, because they built this port , because they need to load it, because india will use this port, can use it very actively, the americans previously actively slowed it down in this story, well, plus this is
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what andrey started talking about, that sofcom fleet also did a number of statements on this about, in particular with... having said that he doubts the possibility of permanent work in the red sea, this despite the fact that before that it was said a lot that the houthis don’t seem to touch our ships, there were some messages, that by chance and so on, they are monitoring the development of the situation in the red sea, assessing the risks, this is where we remember chabahar, the role is growing, the northern sea route and so on and so forth, that is , this story again, it seems to me. today is not only, but maybe not so much about the military solution to some problems, but about the history of fundamental, well, economic and trade changes, in general, by and large, they change no less than wars, in the modern world perhaps more than wars, yes, in fact, now all countries are looking for new
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sources of stable income for the budget, today it was already mentioned that the soviet channel has now fallen in income and egypt has already announced 40 billion losses there. and for them this is very important, the transit potential of the country, when you just sit, earn money from the fact that they are traveling through you is very good money, and we are actively developing this in russia , so the northern sea route is now actively moving, it is a very effective method and safe, but most importantly, we are also developing routes such as west-east and north -south, when the americans want to somehow build all this bypassing us, they understand that they need to invest billions in infrastructure through saudi arabia. somewhere to lay railways, iran already has everything, the port of benderabas, for example, is just included in our international transport corridor north-south, it goes further, from iran we get into the railway network of azerbaijan, and then on to russia, to europe, all this goes smoothly. the fact is that the railway is optimal in terms of speed and cost between
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the sea and, therefore, airplanes, and all countries are now building in this regard, but i also wanted to do, you know what the emphasis is, the fact is that brix. which is expanding, this is an important international platform, but it is deliberative, in some parts the parties are building positions, yeah, that’s the format integration called the eac , which is also expanding, the eurasian economic union, you and i live in a union, we have supranational bodies that determine our, that is, foreign trade, conditionally, priorities, positions related to customs things, so iran is.. . observer, he has, relatively speaking , a free trade agreement with russia, a huge amount of iranian goods have now gone through the caspian sea to russia, ranging from watermelons to fruits, we have never had this... him, because india has with us connection, by the way, for a second, india has become
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the largest supplier of diesel to europe, but this is our oil, which is processed, and the europeans overpay for this surplus, this is precisely the key path, but for the americans the development of a conflict here is now also fraught before the elections, today they said that in egypt the price of... bread is key, in america the price of gasoline is key, and the rise in the cost of oil will definitely affect the cost in america, for a second, biden in order in order to bring down prices last time, he almost emptied the strategic reserves in the united states to the bottom, they are now empty, they need to be filled, if the price soars, then the price of gasoline will soar, but then, accordingly , this arises, well, in general, a rather banal question: united states.
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should they save face or should they choose a colt , which option will they choose to get it? from what i see and hear, i have the impression that they are looking for someone to blame it all on, that is, someone to blame for all this, like turning the page, because there really is no solution in these terms that we are talking about, there are no solutions either under the first scenario or under the second scenario, sublimation is uncertain.
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american political culture is not about running away from a crisis or trying to prevent it, but about leading it and turning it into your instrument, there’s another small detail, because it hits the persian gulf, because now it’s cheaper to carry it to europe oil from america, from the persian gulf, that is, this is still a problem for america’s domestic oil market, but in the end, at worst they will go for a new series of terrorist attacks inside america, i understand, well, at worst we will now go for advertising, in this light, in the light of all of the above and this generally obvious tsuksvang for hegemon, it’s very interesting to see that they still have a weight hanging on them with the inscription shenevla ukraine, don’t switch. an expert on the past and future in one bottle, a writer of a brief history of the world to
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order, a favorite of transnational rich people, a pseudoscientist, yuval noah harari. the most important, what's worth knowing about the future is that people will soon be hackable. biotechnology will be used to grant a small elite superhuman status. there are globalists behind him, he voices what they always wanted...
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an idiotically difficult way to shoot this picture, the first plane was made with a mistake, it was just shorter, then we called this plane a bastard, but you also burdened yourself with incredible work , you started filming in winter, all our planes were blown away, we built a runway, it was flooded, i was i’m completely dumbfounded by what you built, a rather complex design invented specifically for the film, it lifted a plane weighing a ton, and then spun it, i can imagine how you felt during these... evolutions, when your wing is on fire, oil in your face , and also the smoke, in fact i was scared, conveyed this feeling of human
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existence in inhuman conditions. i think that cinema only shows love stories in war films, we are talking about guys' love for weapons, in gangster films, about guys' love for rage, it’s really rubbish, but the new wave brought love for cinema, without love there are no films. he is a child of cinema, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films, films are not good enough for the audience, but the audience is often not good enough for the films, they say that people do not understand my films , so what, i don’t understand them myself, matodore, jean-luc gadar, two or three things
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that i don’t know about him in... on the first. sometimes people fly like birds. it's like they were born for this. it's like it's behind them wings. it's as if gravity doesn't affect them . risk danger. entertainment. and unpredictability, incredible complexity and the battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend at the first one.
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closed screening with alexander gardon, that's how you like the film, absolutely original and powerful film language, breaking the genre.
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time will tell the program, we continue to work live, here i am going out for advertising after discussing what is happening in the middle east, well, in general, we discussed a lot of interesting things, but among other things we discussed the fact that the hegemon in the united states of america has a rather complicated situation, because they don’t have much of an aggravation there right now, and well, how would it be to just let the event take its course. they cannot, and at the same time we must not forget that they still have this crisis hanging on their leg, as it were , as reuters writes, the ukrainian crisis, which it seems to me that they also no longer really understand that do, in any case, here is the meeting in dovos, here is the davos forum, which is happening, it seems to me to be a reflection of the fact that no one has a clear,
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well, no clear, let’s say, manual , because they still go. there are some m10s around, some mediators, some conversations, some peace initiatives, but at the same time it is not clear whose peace initiatives they are, with whom they are, why they are, with whom they are going to discuss this, well , that is, people who somehow, why, by the way, i still left this for the second part of the program, because there is a feeling that around the ukrainian crisis there is a lot of imitation of politics and not politics, especially since people themselves, speaking about negotiations, have cut off their path to them. the importance of this topic for our society is emphasized by the fact that today, literally now , our president is at the first all-russian municipal forum, but that is, it would seem like a municipal forum of 7.00 representatives of municipalities from eighty-nine regions, what do you think the question is about? asked? well, of course, about what will happen there and so on and so forth, well, we’re listening
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, it seems to me that the answer is completely on the topic of the conversation we’re having now: president, we’re listening, we agreed on everything, moreover, the head of the negotiating group, from the ukrainian side, even put his own under this signature. the signature is there, we have the document, they just told us, we need to give some kind of sign, that russia really intends to resolve these issues peacefully, we need to withdraw the troops from kiev, they did, a day later they threw all the agreements in the trash, they have now said publicly, including the head of this very negotiation room...
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once again emphasizes that they are not independent people, this is clear to everyone, this is obvious to the whole world, but this is not all, of course, one of the main tasks of these strikes this kind of thing is to divert the attention of their own population of sponsors, again from the complete failure of the so-called counter-offensive, complete and absolute, and as for this negotiation process, an attempt to encourage...
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more in the photo, more than we were before, and the fact is that there are not many countries there, on which a lot depends, well, the main thing is that there are a lot of us, and these are people who are seriously putting forward some kind of mediation initiatives, talking about some kind of intermediaries, saying this , what the president actually comments about some kind of peace formulas, while everyone gets together, this is what the president said, that in fact they are implementing this prohibitive strategy of negotiations, but nevertheless they all say that they...
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i have at home in the apartment where i lived, this called the ambassador's residence: you invite the people you need, a bottle of vodka, borscht, bread, lard and worked flawlessly to solve any problems. well, we are all human, which means we all like to eat and drink in various volumes and experiences, you see, indeed, i quote the president, idiot to idiots, but it turns out that in general all these gatherings, all these conversations, this that’s all, well, really, this is how people would gather there to eat, drink, have a snack, although, of course, more or less sensible thoughts are heard there, here is the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland , and in quality, he says, guys, well , somehow... there’s a feeling that something is not right,
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well, maybe somehow without russia something doesn’t work out , that’s why i said that i have a feeling that regarding the ukrainian crisis, now this is not politics there, but this is an imitation of politics, because there is a feeling that no one understands what to do, that there is also some very strong tsuk tswank, but apparently no one has sent methodological ones yet, which means the content of the ukrainian crisis is that really? attracts representatives of the west in today's ukraine, this is a place where you can steal in style with impunity. that is, zelensky’s proposal translated into russian sounds like this. you don’t understand, you can steal everything from us, you won’t get anything for it, everything will be bad for you.
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goal-setting is needed, the key sign of reason in modern europe has been completely lost, against this background, yes, a european politician is inexpensive, on a local issue that should not be for him, a piece of lard, a bowl of borscht and a glass of vodka is a normal, fair price a normal, honest european politician, they cost so much, on the other hand, we remember this story, how everything happened, we remember that the americans start with some...
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here is a very revealing article in bloomberg regarding the zelensky meeting that took place today with salevan, but this is how bloomberg, well, not a comic publication, describes the agenda of this meeting, we listen, during a meeting with vladimir zelensky on the sidelines of the forum in davos, us national security advisor jake salevan will convey to him messages from president joe biden. the white house wants ukraine to change its strategy for fighting off an attack. if the united states and its allies provide it with everything necessary , why am i talking about imitation, because the united states can force ukraine to play defense under one condition, force ukraine to play defense under one condition, that is, like the person who wrote this article, i was looking into this today, that is, the person
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who wrote this article and who accepted this article for publication, they proceed from the fact that ukraine now has an option: if they are offered good conditions, they will go on the defensive, and if not, then they are still there. we didn’t agree on anything, there’s no china or russia here, he apparently doesn’t like borscht, vodka, or lard, and he doesn’t care for all these get-togethers with kuleba at all, so they said this is the last meeting, because she is hopeless, there is no point in continuing to meet like this, that is, in principle, she was buried, but in fact, it is clear that
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the article in bloomberg, which is now being voiced, is really divorced from reality, ukraine has no way to go forward now, it will have difficulty achieving reality or it will be paid for by the ukrainian reich. whom he once helped, and there is a second person who is also involved here, but not publicly, does not show, but zelensky met with him in december, this is larry fink, this is the head of a global corporation called black rock, which has electronic system with artificial intelligence, called aladin, which manages
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20 trillion dollars of shares of different companies, well, black rock is essentially the case, i ’m the boss today, this is the money government, can you imagine what 20 trillion is, well, for france’s gdp it’s three. well, to understand just the volumes, it’s all about money, and so black rock is now a key operator in restructuring the solution to issues with the general debt of ukraine on the external contour, it also owes the imf, a private contractor, military contractors, which are, blockrock is their shareholder who sent products there, but not just on credit, they will now decide how to do this, and blackrock said , listen, well, we will somehow try these...
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assets, but in their calculation this powerful computer, which calculates all movements, gives possible options for making money, they cannot calculate us, they don’t understand what we will do tomorrow, and how to do it all, so now , of course, there is a forum about money, a forum about the possibilities of making profit from ukraine, and they actually do not always extract it directly, representative of blackrock, there was a picture here when he was already fired, i don’t know, whether he is alive or not, but there he is... recorded by a journalist with a secret camera, he says: if we are the first to receive information, and we receive it from ukraine, that the russians attacked the grain storage facilities, we immediately buy shares in a split second, that means the oil of grain traders, they immediately take off, we sell them, they made a profit, they make money simply from
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the movement of information, it’s clear, well, to the question that this is about money, it’s not just about forums, but in general it’s all about money and that some people can do it for the sake of money to escalate, a very revealing speech by british defense minister sheps, who assesses the prospects for the next five years there in this way. let's listen. today's world, unfortunately, is much more dangerous. in 5 years, we may be looking at multiple theaters of war involving russia, china, iran and north korea. 2024 should be a turning point, for ukraine it will be the year when its fate can be decided. if we want to protect our homeland, we must ensure that our entire defense ecosystem is ready, from pilots ready to at any moment take to the air to the soldiers protecting nato's flanks from. in your opinion, this is puffing up one's cheeks, or when
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the british secretary of defense talks about this, that we may encounter, this is what they will try to plan to do. well, you know, i admit, i also run the “russian accent” telegram channel. and so some time ago i wrote a biography, that is, a short biography of this citizen. if i remember well, he changed four ministerial posts in 3 years, four in 3 years, and maybe more, so to say, well, in general. a smart guy , a smart guy and apparently good hosts, yes, not bad hosts, he voices something like that when necessary, well, the compere is like that, you know, a high-ranking conference, this is a theater of the absurd in fact, but the question is, in this case, this conference voices some kind of self-importance or some plans, no, the entertainer usually doesn’t voice self-talk anywhere, even in a bad vaudeville, that’s what i’m talking about, absolutely right, i agree that almost everything here is about money, by the way, once upon a time a long time ago, at the beginning of the 2000s , the organizer... nothing, well, something similar to the preparatory forum, the organizer, said this way: andrey, do you think i live on
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the fact that i collect money for contributions to this forum, no, i i sit on a percentage of transactions that are completed in the shadow of this forum, yeah, in fact, i practically confirm your words, and of course, when i talked about, say, 300 billion, it was no coincidence that i remembered this chairman of the pound, because the chairman a pound is just this shikoleyka, it means buffoons kyiv yes, but the real ones are the recipients , the beneficiaries, for whom they sit, including in the british isles, because the london financial center has not gone away, it continues many of its operations in the united states of america, in europe in the same , in completely different parts of the world, and the british have long profited from military conflicts no worse than the americans, but longer than the americans, they were able to plunder india during colonialism, steal from there in our money, so say, signs, but not in ours, in the american ones. 34 trillion, here they remembered 20 trillion, they just
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brought 34 trillion from india to london, you know, in different forms, so to speak, i understand, that’s absolutely wonderful, that’s why they are so rich, and of course, when they do something they say this about stirring things up, let's remember what our commander-in-chief said, including repeating today that it was the british who actually destroyed the real peace formula, which had already been written and signed, which means they understand what andrei arkaevich is doing, that’s what i’m talking about.
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the fact that we are torn to shreds, this toad was not joking, it was a strategy calculated on
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the basis of black rock, the avant-garde is all the rest, but what andrei said about that their computer does not read it works in the medium term, in the long term strategic considerations work, something else works , technologies are working, advertising on the first channel, strategic resources. and what are you doing? whatever i think is necessary, the responsibility is entirely mine. article 156, part two, receiving illegal remuneration for performing work related to serving the population. destroy everything, if the drug is found, that’s the end of everything. this is a crime, he must be judged. doctor preobrazhensky.
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well, it continued to spin, i can imagine how you felt during these evolutions, when your wing is on fire, oil in your face, and also smoke, in fact i was scared, they conveyed this feeling of human existence in inhuman conditions, for me just a lump in my throat, i believed it, podcast lab is on today first, maria vladimirovna, how should we
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work with european politicians now, are you working with european politicians? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time, this is a cruel calculation, it really just put an end to all these very illusions. now france and the european union are also participants in the war. yes, without being a belligerent, they are participants. yes, they are not used to doing this, they did this with africa, and they do not need ukraine as a state.
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i think movies only show love affairs stories in war films are about the guys’ love for weapons, in gangster films, about the guys’ love for robbery, it’s really rubbish, but the new wave brought love for cinema, without love there are no films, he’s a child of the cinema, he himself says that he grew up in a cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films, films are not good enough for...
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as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if gravity did not affect them, risk, danger, entertainment, and unpredictability , incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we stand for love. figure skating, that was great, and flying, like a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend, on the first. you are
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the only one i have. and we are husband and wife, and you, and we, goodbye, i’ll take you to the carriage, don’t, i don’t like being seen off, what i was hiding, for 3 years from my sister, i don’t like the city and i won’t hang around in it , you lodar, that’s what i’ll tell you, i see what you’re going through, well, really, zoechka, garden, let’s start a professional and furious, i hope, discussion, this is the picture that continues, on the one hand, a tradition laid down in our soviet cinema, for example, as in the films love and doves, it is very difficult to make a decision, a feat of the heroine, to agree that she loves and that she is loved, with this coleito the question is where they will go astray, it
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was such a collegial decision of our filming group, on saturday at the first. in conclusion, just one very small example, which is just on such a small piece. reproduces everything we talked about, firstly, that in western politics a lot is about money and about the fact that this mixture of hypocrisy and pathos is their favorite tool, remember there was lystras, the prime minister of great britain, who briefly flashed across the sky across the horizon of world politics, who always came out and said, yes, yes, yes, who came out and said that this is it enemies of democracy, russia, china, iran, we must, this is all, like shepsky? by the way, here too, suddenly she publishes politics, her personal correspondence, which came into her possession, it turns out that this british girl from the podium, lisa
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tanker, from the podium said that china, we that means they must resist back and forth, privately lobbied for the supply of british defense technologies to china, which other, so to speak, less senior people tried to prevent, it seems to me that this is like... water is the essence of this whole story, even more drops of water and the essence of the stories of many is concentrated in the program of the dolls-heir tootie, watch, don’t miss a drop, a mystic of the past and future in one bottle, a writer of a short history of the world to order, a favorite of transnational rich people, a pseudo-scientist of yuval harari. why exactly
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his scientific works and ahistorical opuses became a new philosophical fashion. what does harari prophesy to humanity, is this prediction destined to come true? history began with the fact that people invented gods and will end with people. will become gods, he writes. who really is the person who imagines himself to be a god? a demon in the flesh or just a charismatic swindler? this is the heir doll tootie, i’m with you, maria butina. we begin. we are here to talk about the future, about our future, as a species of homo sapiens about your personal future. yuval harari is called the new jerusalemite prophet his fame has long gone beyond the borders of israel. he is the author of the international bestseller sapiens, a brief history of humanity and homodeus, a brief history of the future. his books are sold in many countries around the world and are prominently displayed.


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