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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  January 16, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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pseudoscientist yuval noah harari. why exactly did his scientific works and ahistorical opuses become a new philosophical fashion, what does harari prophesy to humanity, is this prediction destined to come true? history began with the fact that people invented gods and will end with people becoming gods, he writes. who really is the person who imagines himself to be god, a demon in the flesh or just a charismatic beetle. this is the doll-heir of atuti, i am with you, maria butina. we begin. we're here to talk about the future. about our future as a species of homo sapiens about your personal future. yuval harari is called the new prophet of jerusalem. his fame has long gone beyond the borders of israel. he is the author of the international bestseller sapiens. brief history of mankind and gomadeus. brief history of the future. his books are sold in many countries around the world, they are prominently displayed... in
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the libraries of mark zuckerberg and bill gates. here's what bill gates said about his book. this book generated a lot of heated debate in my family. not only did i read it, but so did my wife, melinda. i do not agree with all of harari's statements, but i recommend his book to everyone who are interested in history and possible scenarios for the development of humanity. in the distant future, when people look back, they will remember that it all started with the covid crisis. this is the moment of transition to full digitalization. when absolutely everything will be monitored. yuval noah harari, guru of the golden billion theory and shval's right hand. like the data about my dna, my brain, my body, my life, does it all belong to me or to some corporation or government or perhaps to a human collective? is not prediction, but analysis of scenarios for the development of events. harare is an openly gay environmentalist living in an israeli rural community and is an animal rights activist.
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nicknamed veganism, he practices vipasana meditation, self-contemplation of buddhist monks, essentially a multi-day meal of silence, in fact, falling into a long and often uncontrollable trance with the difficulty of achieving control over one’s own unconscious state. if you go on a meditation retreat, don't think you'll be able to relax. so what do you get from a meditation retreat? when everything you don't like comes up within 30 days. it all depends on what exactly comes up. when anger arises, you become angry. for several days in a row you have been simply seething with anger, and all this anger is splashing out, maybe it’s out of boredom, after 30 days of meditation you begin to get bored, apparently there in a deep trance yuval draws inspiration for the interpretation of globalistic dreams, and although the middle name harari noah is clearly not included in his plans to save every creature, his ark is like this specific only for a select few, such as boats for the first class, but by the first name in the pentateuch, yuval is direct... tom
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cain, and even uncontrollable unconsciousness, gives rise to a monstrous idea in harari at the exit from vipasana. the most important thing to know about the future is that people will soon be hackable, humanity will be hacked. computers will have a finely tuned understanding of how we feel. when we return home from work, our husband may not notice it, but the smart home will dim the lights to create the calming atmosphere the refrigerator will offer. the most comforting food for the soul , and we can get so used to these attentive machines that understand what we feel that we will become very intolerant of all self-centered people, but it is possible to change the person himself, redesign the body and brain, cause all this transhumanism, which will lead to the fact that in the future a person will completely merge with the digital world and himself will turn into artificial intelligence, the author of this idea is the immediate supervisor of yuval, the president of the economic forum in davos, klaus schwab. now we have to... we must
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think about how to structure, design our life in the period after the pandemic, and here the word reset also comes to mind, it seems the reset has already begun, but like all known resets using old hackneyed methods, at the current doos the global economic topics have been overshadowed by disease x, which is projected to cause 20 times more deaths than the coronavirus. biotechnology will be used to grant a small elite superhuman status. apparently, schwav s harari in davos decided to look for a new world evil and develop an action plan should it appear, although many are already calling these threats of a new pandemic a financial weapon; the world economy will rarely survive another lockdown. they have this missionary fervor, they believe that they should lead the world in the future, so democracy has nothing to do with it. this is a kind of superhuman thinking. the terrible thing is that this gradual process is part of the so- called metaverse that we are facing. and it's a twisted world, in
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in which virtual reality is placed above the real one. unfortunately, many do not understand that we are in such a transition, and this transition must be stopped at all costs. his books sell millions of copies, people seriously read a brief history of humanity, as if it could in principle be written, but first about the main ideas of harari, which are so popular. so, his forecasts for the future and the main trends. automation is inevitable, many jobs will disappear by 2050, some people will be useless in terms of economy. the bulk of the population will lose economic and political power. once we become useless, we won't need the majority of the population. automation of work processes
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will destroy millions of jobs; job loss will force people to learn new professions. thanks to the development of biotechnology, the wealthy minority will turn into... people with opportunities, he is not the first to put forward improved physical and cognitive ideas of this kind, but first about the basic ideas of what harari offers to humanity, your versions, you probably need to very clearly understand in general who this person is and what ideas he brings, he is, first of all , trying to convey to people some kind of alternative history, he says that there was a cognitive revolution 70 thousand years ago, i have a key question: does he really know about this or is he just guessing? then he talks about the agricultural revolution, which took place 12 thousand years ago, then he says that there was another revolution 1500 years ago, when people began to unite into a single human tribe of all won, became very cool 1500 years ago,
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but in any case, his ideas are very simple: he learned to present ideas, such as immortality, how a person can live without a body, how a person can get... a better future if he does not eat protein, how to make it so that a person can feed on the energy of the sun, what he is talking about: in any case, if we carefully look at these ideas separately, then all these ideas have already been voiced by bill gates, these ideas have been voiced by zuckerberg, these ideas have been announced klaus schwab, for some reason i get the feeling that he collects different ideas from different forums and tries to present them in a very accessible language, when you read... the example of the same hegel, ficht, feuerbach, i ’m not even talking about kant, that’s it’s hard when people say to me: “i’m interested in kant, for example, but you really read it in the original, or you just know a few quotes, for example, they read it, i was surprised that it was just me in these
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years when it thundered , was in the united states of america, i never saw that they promote it so popularly , dan brown and him, dan brown and him, they stand in the same window, and you know, in top stores." not super-rich yachts, not some external attributes of wealth and power, just power over minds, he imagines himself, you know , probably really such a delphic oracle, to which even the same schwav zuckerberg and many others obey, let us remember
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antiquity, the main power, not material, but spiritual, was concentrated in the priestly class, and if we honor various dystopias of ancient authors, then the highest caste there is the caste of philosophers, and harari from the point of view of the classical philosophy of feuerbach, kant, even the same nichi is, excuse me, a first-class philosopher in the sense that he is still in the school of philosophy goes to first grade, but taking into account this mcdonaldization of people’s consciousnesses, harari’s books are already considered super-intellectual. even 150 years ago, in simple gymnasiums, in the russian empire, in prussia, in england, high school students there wrote multi-page essays. didn't understand works of hegel, schelling, schapenhauer, feuerbach. now this is simply unthinkable. indeed, if you are considered a kant lover, you have visited enough, perhaps in finnicksberg, and read a couple of his quotes, and then in russian. this is actually complete degradation. and against this background, harari perfectly
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personifies this new type of people. this is actually such an oracle of transhumanism, who has not come up with anything new, he is just a compiler, he overheard here, overheard there. but he certainly has talent as a writer, we it’s just that they often say on television, transhumanism, transhumanism, yes, but what exactly is included in this concept? i think , firstly, you still need to look at the root, and zuckerberg and... and this is an alternative religion of christianity, what has been prepared and is being prepared, this is even a religion, of course, new age, this is a religion - this is
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an alternative, this such a religious cult, if we speak in latin, nyuvich positions itself as it comes to replace christianity, christianity ends, that’s it, the god of christianity is gone, he is no longer needed, and people will have new abilities, new opportunities, and they will multiply there by budding and so on, and it’s not for nothing that all this homosexual current and so on, that is, this is all from the new age, this.
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childhood itself, where everything came from, we have a small story about this, let’s take a look: yuval harari’s futurologist
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is a jew by nationality, but lebanese blood also flows in his veins. he was born in the winter of 1976 in the town of kiryat ata in northern israel. as a child, the boy simply devoured books in huge quantities, but his greatest interest was in historical works. from 1993 to 1998, he attended the hebrew university in jerusalem, studying medieval studies. and military history, his studies took place in hebrew, after receiving his diploma, he continued his education in britain, choosing a college at oxford university, here at jesus college, founded by queen elizabeth i in the middle of the 15th century, yuval harari defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 2003 returned to his homeland, where he worked for several years under idida yadhan adif charitable foundation, which was founded in rothschindam. very interesting. and the comparison of life with facts, that is, first there begins a boy with a love of reading, and
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then for some reason he ends up in oxford, and then he turns out to be a scholarship recipient of a special program, and it seems that he is very generously sponsored in his scientific research, then the question is who here is oxford, as a place to study for such a person, and what they teach there and how to get a doctorate in philosophy, a charitable foundation associated with the rothschilds. well somehow the coincidence here is not accidental, the hand of the producer is visible throughout his life, as a writer he is suddenly published in all stores, translated into many languages. what a huge amount of money, yes, his books are written in easy language , his writing talent cannot be taken away, but the main thing is not harari’s language, but what he describes in this easy language, look, he wrote a trilogy, first told an interesting story of humanity, well, it would seem , it seems just for a housewife, no, the main idea that is put there is that god was
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invented by people, this means there is no god, this first bookmark, this means it’s possible. that's all, of course, this is the first bookmark, the first bait that he gives, then the book , which is called that, man, god, and it talks about the future, and there the main idea is that now a person can be remade, but he will not be remade by evolution , which goes by some kind of natural selection , here he goes further than charles darwin, he says that there will be a plan only of some people who put themselves equal to god, there is a third book, the end of history, liberalism has won, and he also says that liberalism has won - this is the most important thing, but there is a danger that evil dictatorial regimes can use digitalization in order to and so on, and therefore we need to fight
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digitalization, we need to fight the dictatorship in order to create an even more terrible dictatorship of the globalists behind it. globalists, he voices what they always wanted to hear, see, they want to feel like god, challenge him to remake a person, if you can remake the insides of a person by inserting a chip into him, then you can remake morality and morality, because from their point of view all this does not exist at all, and they are already doing this, in fact, he claims to be a new bible, although you know, interestingly, oxford university is famous for giving... exactly this deep knowledge, and his books are so simple, from this series, yes, world history for dummies in 5 minutes, this was taught, well, somehow not the handwriting of oxford, you know, about oxford, many people who, for example, they graduated from harvard, they dream of going to oxford, because they smile so much, they say, well , harvard is harvard - it’s a party after all, here ’s education at oxford, but there are problems,
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it’s impossible to get there, you said a very correct thing, to become like god, how is that? it will be in greek: apotheos, apotheos, and whose favorite phrase is apotheos? rothschilds, because it is the rothschilds who say that apotheos is the goal of human life, our hero speaks precisely about this: i cannot prove to you that god exists, but i can give you something else, you are mortal, you are afraid death, but i can make some new religion for you, i will teach you how to transform your soul so that you become immortal, so he begins to play the story of immortality, he plays on the fears that every... person has, you are afraid death, i have a path, you want to go to religion, i have a personal religion for you, because after reading my books, you can believe in another religion, and this religion is schwab and the rothschilds. listen, but in france they have already tried to invent an artificial religion, she lived, generally speaking, not for long, there was also artificial intelligence, and all this
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was there for several years, the price was red, and then it all died, thank god, again to classical christianity... there are three stages in the development of harari : there is a boy from a relatively simple, no different jewish family in israel, a boy with a high iq, he falls into the period when in israel it was very fashionable to look for young talents, young geniuses, promote them based on technology, he falls into this stream, it are funded there, then he goes through all these educational institutions, and then... the second stage of harari, the boy becomes a young scientist, he comes up with a cognitive revolution, unlike, say, engels, who showed that work was done by man, he showed that cognitive human abilities are the basis of creativity, which constitutes, which unites society, it makes a person and made him what he is, and then the third harari, the third harari is a preacher
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of transhumanism, but most importantly, depopulation, destruction. a significant part of humanity to preserve the superior race, so to speak, and this is harari, who is the main preacher of lgbt now, that is, he sort of highlighted his experience of non-traditional sexual relationships, he actually made it a special religion and this fits into the theory of transhumanism in the theory of depopulation absolutely, i wonder how they don’t care about this story, on the one hand, everyone has an individual religion, on the other hand, everyone is obliged to think the way... as i think, but let’s listen to harari himself first, roman, and you listen to him carefully look, because he makes very fundamental admissions, in the new book, how... i understand that you are arguing that the remarkable discoveries that are now happening will not only improve our lives, but will create, i quote, new classes and new class divisions. tell us in more detail. well,
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the industrial revolution created a new class of urban proletariat. social political history of the last 200 years has asked what to do with this class, new problems and opportunities. and now... a new class is being created useless people. computers are being improved and introduced into all sorts of areas. there is a possibility that computers will surpass us in most of the tasks we perform, and humans will simply become unnecessary. and the big political and economic question of the 20th century will be what we need people for, or at least why we need so many people. your book has the answer. currently, that's all. what we do is entertain them with drugs and computer games, but this is not a very tempting future. when i was a student at oxford i
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tried drugs, it gave me some insight. i would say that there is a good chance that we will see more and more people taking psychedelic drugs. especially because people will be less and less in demand on the labor market. given the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning. a large number of gay men spend their youth not knowing such important things about themselves. but imagine a situation that in a few years, when the algorithm can very clearly recognize where you are on homoheterosexual spectrum, simply by collecting and analyzing data about you. one of the many ways is to track your eye movements. the computer is tracking. the movement of my eyes while i'm browsing the internet or youtube videos, how my eyes behave when i see a photo of an attractive man and woman walking hand in hand on the beach, that is
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, to put it simply, it turns out that the person who says that we should entertain people, useless people with drugs, he tries drugs himself, then he goes even further walks, he says: no, computers should determine who we like, boys or girls, that’s how he discovered himself, there are enough ideas... strange, especially considering the fact that he still wears a wedding ring on his hand, isn’t this a relic of the past, a novel, what’s inside , there lived a boy, he reads a lot, remembers very well, but there is a nuance, he stands out from the general mass, he is small, puny, they offend him, the girls say they are not interested in him, just i suddenly decided for myself that he is not like everyone else, i want to make a revolution, i i want to write for everyone the idea of ​​a new world and force everyone into it. believe and one more thesis: he knows a huge huge amount of information and he juggles it in his favor, he can easily pull out some information, some
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data from somewhere, twist it all up for you, and he also talks to you, he talks about you and me , he talks about his problems, but as if relating them to us, he speaks to society, this happens everywhere, he is a demagogue, it turns out that this harari is such a favorite of the public, does he have his own or just globalists, someone else, suggested , but he believed in them and brightly presents to society, a thinker or just a puppet, we will find out immediately after the advertisement. it makes me happy that my district is developing more and more every year , thanks to russia for this, well, in omsk i like the football field most of all, damn it,
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the hockey field, we were born such a great poet lermont, we were born lyucheyevsky, it would be great i wanted the present that is now in russia to develop every year and become better and better, i am from this place. where he lived and was born great writer levnik tolstoy. it is filled with apple orchards, which bloom very beautifully in may. i really love my profession. i dreamed of being a seventh grade doctor, take care of your health, undergo medical examination, love to all, good happiness. veda vodka product. stellar group in the debriefing area, director of the film air alexey german, performer with one of the main roles elena lyadova. we chose
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the best one. an idiotically complicated way to shoot this picture, the first plane was made with a mistake, it was just shorter, then we have this plane they called it a good boy, but you also took on incredible work, you started filming in the winter, all our planes were blown, we built a runway, it was flooded, i was completely dumbfounded by what you built, a rather complex design, invented specifically for the film, lifted the plane weighed a ton, and then it spun, i can imagine how you felt during these...
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or rather, not glass, silicon, why do we need it? there is only 3 ml of liquid inside the eye, why do they interfere with our lives? let's look at everything through the glasses of scientific research: tomorrow at first. maria vladimirovna, how should we work with european politicians now? do you work with european politicians? the minsk agreements were given.
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sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born to do so. as if they had wings behind them, as if they were not affected by gravity, risk, danger, entertainment, 3, and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything that we love about figure
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skating, it was great! and flying on eve is like a dream! russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first. you are at me alone. we are husband and wife, and you? goodbye to us, i’ll take you to the carriage, don’t, i don’t like being seen off, what were you hiding, 3 years from my sister, i don’t like the city and i won’t play around in it, you idiot, that’s what i’ll say you, i see that you are worried, well, really, zoechka, garden, let's get down to
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professional and furious. i hope for discussion, this is a picture that continues, on the one hand, the tradition laid down in our soviet cinema, at fittings in films, love and doves, it is very difficult to make a decision feat. the heroine agree that she loves and that she loves, with this coliito the question is where they will go, it was such a collegial decision of our filming group, on saturday on the first, but is there an alternative to this harari, his philosophical ideas, after all, books are sold in multi-million copies, and as it is now fashionable to say
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, he is most likely schizoid, he really has this absorption in the idea, because for our program it is very important for us to understand, after all, he compiles ideas for someone for a task or these are his ideas from the point of view of profiling, these are his ideas, that is, yes, he collected them, but he believes in them fanatically, he is devoted to them, well... first of all, let's start with the fact that given that most of his ideas, they really is not new, so you and i examined a variety of futurists on this program, we had, for example, such a frenchman, jacco thale, he is a man who was really at the origins of transhumanism, yes, when he began to talk about in the seventies that in
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the future people will be able to change gender, modify their dna and so on, he will be a pioneer in this direction, no one has talked about this before, that’s what concerns our today’s character, but he is more of a compiler, and today we discussed a lot and his dreams... his youth, his youth and so on, we talked about oxford , but they didn’t talk about his very close connection and acquaintance with another famous, well , less famous than him, of course, but already an american historian named jered diamond, a professor at the university of california in los angeles knows, of exactly the same type, that is what i would probably called a celebrity historian, but this is such a stellar historian, a person who, of course, does not invent anything of his own, but knows how to beautifully somehow present interesting facts on his fingers in a simple way. explain why the last 13 thousand years, and humanity has developed in the way it has developed, well, in principle, what harari did at the beginning of his career, he actually took a lot of ideas from his books of the nineties, when newge , this whole culture was becoming quite
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popular, now what he’s doing is this futurology, in fact, our today’s character himself repeatedly states that this is a kind of warning and caution to humanity, that is, i am spouting such very alarmist... some kind of trick, because what he does at the same time, he is in many ways these ideas normalizes, yes, he forces a large number of people to come to terms with them, well, for example, he says, yes, here i am a banal example, i will give one of his ideas that in the future people will be able to modify their dna in order to, well, be smarter, stronger, higher, there psychologically somehow more persistent and so on, and for these people, for example, the cost of insurance, any medical insurance.
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and the countries at the same time, well, they shouldn’t play
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any role, they run around here as players, some people there root for them all the time, using the example of football, isn’t kharabi talking about the world government, well, of course, he’s talking about he says, this is the mouthpiece of the globalists, and look how quickly time passes, this is footage of the pre-voz forum in 2020, but he gives an example that today is completely refuted, because russian athletes in... we say it wrong, because when we take the ideologists of the third reich
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, we don’t call them futurologists, they were going to build a new order, bring out some new breed of people, which harari proposes, exactly the same thing, he uses the term “new order” in his book ", he talks about a superman , this is fascism of the 21st century, only beautifully wrapped up, promoted by globalists, so everything is very logical, you know, many of course have read, that’s what zarathusta says, but the idea of ​​a superman it... has not permeated all layers of society for a very long time, so how permeates now, i have the feeling that he is ordered texts, and he writes them to order , he truly likes it, but i carefully watched his speeches, i watched his ideas about the superman, the idea about ideology, again, the whole society must be divided into those who are elected and the working class, the common man, even he says that there are traditional and non-traditional actors in world politics, a traditional state, so... corporations are not traditional actors in world politics, over time it is necessary
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make states disappear and transnational corporations remain, why? yes, they have more opportunities, they have already entangled the whole world, they have a world without borders, they know how to move capital, they know how to move labor, and yes, what is labor, and is it needed at all, or maybe there is one? some cybermen, maybe there are some supercomputers that can replace any person, that is, its essence is very simple, when you say, why? you need a thousand people at the plant, if 200 is enough leave, he says: yes, we will leave them , you will supposedly live happily, you will not work and will just get money, but you must clearly understand that you should not live long, it’s interesting here, look, he’s not just he puts forward these ideas in books, so that the masses can read them, and he meets with obama, he meets with schwab, and bill gates admires him, he gives an interview with zuckerberg. and he goes to closed elite clubs, as a rule, at
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events such as, for example, a university club in washington will gather, you won’t believe it, philosophers and not politicians, as such, not top officials, for example, employees of the apparatus, who will actually write papers, which will actually form laws and which are much easier to manage, again we return to the idea, nietzsche said that in order for a new person to be born, it is necessary to deal with christianity, it is necessary to kill christianity and not just kill, but destroy its roots. the roots of christianity are charity. this attention to every person, only christianity first paid attention on the weak, humiliated, in christianity there is no difference between foreigners, well, what the apostle paul actually writes: not helen, nor jew, nor scythian, neither slave nor free, neither man nor woman, but christ is all and in all. nietzsche said: “destroy this and you will destroy christianity.” and harari actually
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continues this, but in a much harsher form. nietscha probably never dreamed of the homosexual fascism that harary introduces. the word has indeed been spoken. artificial intelligence can make up stories, create mythology, i think that in a couple of years there will be a religion, a sacred scripture that will be written by artificial intelligence. you don’t see the contradiction , on the one hand, for him, man is the crown of everything, on the other hand, even religion can
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be created by artificial intelligence, there is no problem with that, it can also determine what your intimate preferences are, this is also artificial intelligence, but because someone has to control. artificial intelligence, of course, of course, it writes to order, also any society of the future, any society, writes its own religion, its own literature, his philosophy, and this is exactly what he lays claim to, he is trying doctrinally to provide a philosophical basis for the sub-society of the future, and there is also the question: who told such a person that he would be an alpha? we have a special guest in our studio, a person who is deeply involved in the study of computer technologies, artificial... we will invite him, in fact, we will ask these ideas about artificial intelligence, intelligence, this is murachaev sultan said, let's how feasible are they in practice? hello, hello, you are for sure are you familiar with harari’s ideas, tell us your position? well, first of all, artificial intelligence is aimed at helping
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people, in our time we have the following : artificial intelligence helps in medicine, in education, on the roads, and so on. and this very postulate that sooner or later artificial intelligence will take over the whole world, it is absolutely not new, it has been updated by various films from the matrix, the terminator and so on, maybe they themselves want to take over the world through artificial intelligence, that’s all, maybe this is a play on words? perhaps, perhaps, most likely, this is being presented under some kind of pretext that there will be a global state that can dominate, and the main curtain will be artificial intelligence that comes up with religion, laws, and so on, but in reality... but artificial the intellect does not invent a religion, it invents a book similar to the bible, it has concepts similar to concepts from other religions, it synthesizes what man has done, it is not able to independently invent something new, all its ideas, all its concepts are based on what was invented by man, nothing else. at this
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stage, artificial intelligence is far from the prototype of the intelligence that we are accustomed to generally think, reason and talk about. artificial intelligence does not think in categories like humans; it has no feelings. meeting, it cannot draw conclusions, it is aimed only at some creative tasks where conventional algorithms cannot cope, without a person, without an operator, it absolutely does not work, and its postulates are that the development of artificial intelligence will sooner or later will lead humanity into decadence due to the fact that jobs will disappear, well, that’s what they also said at the time of the creation of manufacturing and so on, each new step, a new stage in the development of humanity leads to it. and new professions and new concepts, we now have a lot of additional jobs that are already a step higher, that is, humanity is developing together with artificial intelligence, it begins to compete with it, and artificial intelligence in our time is just some a tool in the hands of a person, but absolutely not
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an independent thing. thank you very much, listen, this is interesting, he can’t help but understand this, because if we’re talking about a genius, if we’re talking at least about... an erudite person, he can’t help but know what artificial intelligence is, what essentially , today this is not the creator, and he cannot help but understand that in the future you will still need a computer, an attachment to a person, there is no other way, unless, under the guise of this artificial intelligence, you put some kind of world government on top, which then everything is determined for you, so it is , in fact, you need to understand that, firstly, harari himself has long been going on a public... conflict with em alman, yes, the man, the creator of this startup open ai, the well-known chat gpt 3 and4, but just about the fact that i accuse harari of him, yes, not chosen by anyone, it’s not clear. where did it specialists come from, create artificial intelligence, and what are they generally talking about, about where when, so we should, yes , including some kind of world government,
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a pre-doctoral forum, klaus schwab, and so on, to crush this entire sphere under oneself , to regulate it, otherwise he really is pouring out a variety of apocalyptic scenarios, yes, that artificial intelligence will destroy all the work, we will think for you, of course, there will be a nuclear war, which will be unleashed by skynet, or there will be the destruction of everyone jobs and so on, in general, of course, the point is that this is just an element... of the struggle for the redistribution of the artificial intelligence market, which is still in such an infancy, different countries are trying to enter it, and so on further, this is purely a story about control , about business, about connections and everything else, but of course, in the future, if they can bring artificial intelligence under their control, they will use it as a justification for their crazy ideas, and that let’s really destroy everything jobs , we will put people on a universal basic income, they will not do anything, they will not own anything, well, in general, everything is the same as what we hear from klaus schwab and...
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in order for her to still enter this market , that is, in principle, yes, if he understands, yes, that it is possible to make some concessions, compromises in order to advance there, the philosopher does not behave in opposition to the idea of ​​making money, it’s normal, this is normal for him, if we are talking about a person fanatically devoted to the idea, he must go to the end, now let's take a break for a little commercial and discuss even more crazy ideas of this harari, stay with us. and what you do is what i think is necessary, the responsibility is entirely
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mine. article 156, part two, receiving illegal remuneration for performing work related to serving the population. if the drug is found, that's the end of everything. this is a crime, he must be judged. brazhensky, new ones in the series, watch the time after the program, yes, what kind of operation, immediately, leave the sterile room, you are out of your mind, today is the day of breaking new year’s resolutions, we will tell you how to keep these promises, that’s how much glass we have in our bodies, or rather not glass, silicon, why do we need it, there’s only 3 ml of liquid inside the eye, why do they interfere with our lives, let’s look at everything through the glasses of scientific
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research, tomorrow on the first. maria vladimirovna, how should we work with european politicians now? do you work with european politicians? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time. this is a cruel calculation, she really made it. i passed the show of vavan and lexus, the premiere , tomorrow at the first, every time the same question, but
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how do they fall for this or agree to everything, i don’t know, i’m ready, yes, i think that cinema only shows love stories, in the military films, we are talking about a guy's love for weapons, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films, the films are not good enough for the audience, but the audience is often not good enough for the films, they say that people do not understand my films, so what about myself. i don't understand. matador, jean-luc gadar, two or three things i don't
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know about him. on friday, on the first. sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if gravity, risk, danger, entertainment, and unpredictability did not affect them. incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything, why we love it, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eva, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend at the first one.
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closed screening with alexander gardon, you like the film so much, an absolutely original and powerful film language, the genre breaks down, suddenly they go crazy into such an op. and the monologue, you understood what you are talking about now at the level of the script, yes, of course, the viewer must see what happens to these characters from beginning to end, they are real and alive all the way, he plunges into the depths of human relationship, i looked at the picture and forgot about it, and in the morning i wake up and suddenly i ’m shocked that in the end, they are together or not, the beginning of the sessions is from january 20 to saturdays on
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the first. and what does this harari promise to the world, what is his concept, how we should all live, all together, each of us, or only a select few, this is what the globalists of the past were preparing for, it was a disease that could reduce the population, we saw something similar during covid, now harari, new...
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chipization of the population, then what is the next step in the person of harari, that they are they going to do it? why are there so many words about artificial intelligence? look, harari has a very interesting relationship with artificial intelligence, on the one hand, he is not an absolute apologist for the free spread of artificial intelligence, in his thoughts in this regard, i consider him like that, you know, the press secretary of deepstate,
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the thoughts of a certain group are voiced through his lips persons, this... may not even be the rochilds, it may not even be bill gates, but who clearly lay claim to global, absolute power, accordingly, harari here simply really speaks like this with certain speeches, protocol speeches, why he is preparing society, i’ll explain, i watched a very interesting speech by harari regarding the artificial body of civilization, he says: for example, the telephone is an artificial body civilization, how long have you held the map? in his hands to get from point a to point b, but now he says simple things, you see, they turn off the internet, at one moment, you see that our all the taxi drivers from neighboring countries don’t know, don’t know where to go, the cash register , which works in a system invented by bill gates, bang, and you can’t pay, and you again come to the bills, and he says a simple thing, you say, you understand that we we did it, in one simple moment we introduced the artificial body of civilization, and we’ll turn it
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off, and you’ll probably be ready. remember very quickly how a compass works, even a simple example, and how many languages ​​there are in the world, today, well, approximately, we know 5,500 languages, but why do we need these 5,500 languages, he says, we need one.
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near the transnational system , well, as a cell of the transnational system , instead the states began to close the borders inside and did not help each other, that is, everything fell apart, and the more globalization is carried out, the more the state realizes
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its national, everything went exactly the opposite, then, what this gentleman wrote in his brief history of the future, that is, in fact, he wrote this in the eleventh year, when obama was in office, when these arab... spring in many countries, that it seemed that this worldwide vegan-feminist empire would be child free and so on, that all the plans of the globalists would be realized, but in fact what is happening now is that the reverse process has begun, that is, the growth of national self-awareness in many states, the closure and so on, that is, it turns out that he miscalculated, well, this is called scientific research, which has now become very popular, yes, he is a salesman, such a salesman, but from history and from those ideas that he...
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we see there for 4-5 years what is especially western society was forced to quite seriously leave its comfort zone on many issues, and there were lockdowns and the green agenda , everything else was taught to live poorer, worse, and this is still presented as yes, as some kind of benefit, that is, i would not say that it’s completely everything failed for them, of course, this causes a response, yes, the phase is antiphase , there are nationally oriented forces, right-wing populists, who are trying to fight this, yes they are, yes they are trying to dictate their agenda, i would not say that they now dominate...
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plans to build a brave new world, that they have rejected most of this , they have gone far in all their own worlds, well, we need to work with this somehow, i think it will be possible to talk about complete discrediting these ideas if the agenda of the argumentative forum itself changes, well, maybe not by 180°. i wouldn’t underestimate the likelihood of such a scenario, we all remember the same francis fukuyama, who was also a herald, and talked about this being the end of the story and so on, and then suddenly here he is, for example, in one of the last books he began to talk about the fact that the liberal world order has truly reached a dead end, we need to revive some old traditionalist ideas and so on, it’s interesting, that is, how some kind of evolution happened according to...
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things that are still considered the most terrible in the history of all mankind, therefore what is offered to them as authors as the future is called progress, society goes somewhere as a result of this...
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harari rejects both christianity and judaism, in this regard he is a disgrace to the jewish people, one might even say so, in fact, what is hidden in his words is eugenics. this is human hatred, this is the awakening of the basest instincts , ultimately it leads humanity to despair, but excuse me, this is social satanism, in fact, because occultism is the same thing that was mentioned, but this is actually satanism for those whoever thinks of himself as an intellectual, harari thinks of himself as an intellectual, he considers himself a gloshat of this new, in quotation marks, wonderful world, but in essence, this is how they say that satan is this is the monkey of god, here harari is the monkey of a normal person, nothing more, but here it is very important to dig down to the basics,
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this is the main quote that harari flaunts with all his might on his internet resources, this is pride, he says that i deserve to be above everyone, above god, because this story is not new, this is arrogance, comparing oneself with other people, this is the very basis of these mortal sins. there is no need to invent anything, and today russia offers this alternative, even in the political space, talking about that society should be traditional, because yes, these are the ideas that harari puts forward with such globular western philosophy, they seem funny and stupid to us russians, only the most important thing:
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be careful, don’t get carried away yourself, you had the heir doll with you atuti, maria butina, now is the time for the program. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main events of the day. strengthening the entire country through the development of cities and towns, vladimir putin’s statement at the “small motherland strength” forum.


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