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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 16, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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good evening, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today, the president of russia, vladimir putin, met with the heads of russian municipalities at a forum called the small homeland, the strength of russia, they talked, of course, about problems at, as the americans say, at the roots of the grass, about what is happening on earth, but of course, we are talking came up with... a special military operation and the president made a number of very interesting statements, for example, he, perhaps for the first time in recent years, spoke about the possible prospects for ukrainian statehood, let's let's listen to the president, they have now publicly said, including the head of this very negotiating group, and he, by the way, is the head of the ruling party in parliament, in the wound,
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he said, odessa is a russian city there, we need to push, so to speak, the front line behind kharkov, it’s all been said, so discussing this peace formula, well , in general, i think it’s just not serious, it’s just an act of surrender.
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they can turn the situation around, but this is theoretically yes, but i think that this is not the current leadership, which in general follows the old ukrainian tradition, betrayal in the end of loss,
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in general, if you look at the history of ukrainian identity, its creation, it has always been built on traitors and losers so obvious, yes, this is mazepa. petlyura , bandera, these are traitors and who suffered a complete fiasco, but now zelensky is the same, clearly a traitor, a traitor to the memory of his grandfather who fought in the war, a traitor, well, yes, i consider the interests of his own people, who will also be defeated, today putin, communicating with heads of municipalities, i was just talking about betrayal, let’s listen. you talked about your family, because this is what our whole society is made up of, because everything is passed down from generation to generation, those who are trying to switch to some alien traditions to some alien internal
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signals, that’s how you said, they turn there to nato there and so on, but these are people who, without starting to do anything, have already done everything. lost, they betrayed their ancestors, their people, they betrayed their people and their interests, and traitors never win for a long time, they they can grab something there, steal something , drag something away and devour it somewhere in the process , but success will never be on their side, and even more so if they put obvious nazis and... accomplices on the pedestal of honor there hitler, how is this possible, it means that a few decades ago their ancestors fought against nazism, and today they support it, such people, by definition , cannot win, in the ukrainian interpretation,
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to betray means to foresee, therefore, that is, this is the norm of behavior, this is the norm of behavior, so it doesn’t really impress them here produces, for them this is in general... regions led by the glorious city of lvov, so i think that the prospect, if this completely stupid policy continues, to put their people there in the hundreds, thousands there for some kind of in order to
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hold some patch, or a completely destroyed village, this is neither from a military, nor from a political, nor from a universal human perspective. especially in my generation, so to speak, in our generation there is a war, but i understand
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that for him it’s connected; his brother died in leningrad, that is, for him this is a very topic important and truly sacred, it is no coincidence that he returns to her time after time, and this is obvious, behind this is his personal biography, personal destiny, and it is clear that... betrayal in his eyes, and in our eyes, is really ukraine betrayed us, for 300 years we were together, for 300 years we participated in all wars together, defended our united homeland, the russian empire, the soviet union, laid a huge number of victims on this altar, built ukraine, ukraine would not have been built if she was outside the soviet union, first of all, and in the russian empire.
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russia is aiming for victory, now, obviously, in a special military operation, and the military is talking about this, and politicians are already recognizing it in the west, too, and putin, speaking today, spoke very optimistically about what we are capable of, what we can, let's listen, and what is happening now is precisely the cohesion of our society, the strengthening of our economy, not only in agriculture.
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and today we received a message that we reached a new 156 billion dollars in gold alone, well that’s it they will do to us, yes, ukraine has much more debts, no, well, then i’ll tell you that they are very impressed by the pace of development of our military-industrial complex, although they naturally immediately glossed over the fact that russia has switched to a military one, so to speak, has taken a military footing, that’s all this will ruin the economy. the people are impoverished, everything is spent on the production of weapons, but this is far
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from the case, and i think that serious analysts understand all this very well, and the fact that russia, as the minister of finance said, despite the fact that 11 trillion goes to defense needs, is a big part goes to the purchase of weapons and military equipment, all social obligations of the state are being fulfilled, all projects, but with the possible exception of... some that are not specifically mentioned, but all programs, projects, they are being successfully implemented, so i think that this is a discovery, a revelation for the west, the only thing they are now betting on is that they need to squeeze out russia, in terms of our total potential, so to speak, we are much richer and more powerful, so let ’s wage this war for another 10-15 years, well, in reality this is truly strategic miscalculation, but consider what can be measured there...
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there the president, by the way, tried to solve it in an evolutionary way, this svo, of course, turned it into some kind of revolutionary path, at least everything, everything was cut off, everything, all resources, and at the same time , oddly enough, or maybe not strangely, russia began to develop, we are really developing, and we have really become nationalized, we have come home,
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but ukraine, on the contrary, has become denationalized, it has lost its sovereignty. now it is absolutely dependent on external help, they themselves admit, no plan b, if western military assistance does not come, and it may not come, because in the united states now the heads of politicians are occupied with completely different matters, first of all, of course, the election campaign, which began yesterday in the united states, more on that after the advertisement. who was in charge of nuclear weapons at the time of austin's disappearance, who was in the hospital, and how did the president not know until this morning that it was cancer? for 3-4 days the white house did not control the situation, there was a gap in decision-making, allegedly from the hospital ward he manages the military operation in
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yemen, he was certainly removed from the scene, it was necessary either that he did not sign something. or signed by someone else, revenge is on the way for lloyd aspen, michelle flournoy met biden in the oval office in '11, when she persuaded obama to intervene in libya, suddenly michelle obama pops up, i'm terrified of what could happen next elections, the surroundings of the white house will change, the internal struggle for the seat has begun, loyd osin will not simply be sent to resign, this will mean an admission of failure in ukraine for joe biden.
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good evening, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. in the united states of america, the results of the first day of the official presidential election campaign are being summed up. yesterday, the first caucuses took place in the state of iowa, this is a meeting of party activists of the republican party. former president donald trump won with 51% of the vote, losing only one. nicky haley, former united states representative to the united nations and the deep state's favorite came in third with 19%. vivik rama is with you, an unexpected
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candidate, a businessman of indian origin, who took fourth place and has already withdrawn. their candidacy , the votes were quite interestingly distributed among different social groups, for example, if we look by gender, women were more willing to support trump than men, this is understandable, and this is understandable, if we talk about age cohorts, it turns out that the electorate trump, the oldest, young people voted. for trump much less energetically and even desantis overtook him, but young people don’t go to the polls, so for trump this is a small problem, and as for the educational level, people without higher education preferred trump, people with higher education voted for him much less, but nevertheless it made a difference trump did
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quite a serious thing, ramo with you , as i said, has already left... earlier i called donald trump to tell him that i congratulate him on his victory, and that from now on he has my full support to become president, i think, that this would be right for our country, i wanted...
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to count on this, you have to count on yourself, but there is no doubt that he is, of course, a very bright charismatic figure, in general
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, you are admired for his extraordinary energy, well listen, a man over 70 years old, he he flies, he is constantly on the move, this is not, this speaks about him as, but of course about an extraordinary person, an extraordinary politician, but how to stop him?
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to become, i don’t even think what our interest is, in my opinion, i don’t think that trump will be pro-russian, of course, i don’t i think that, moreover, we should not even expect any concessions from him, but the fact that he can bring great confusion and play the role of such a gorbachev-yeltsin in general in the whole of america, this can happen. this is that this is our interest, so we should, in my opinion, still root for him, but they also understand this, this is what they are trying to stop, and knowing the traditions
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of america, this can be completely physical fatigue, yes, well, i must say that i do not hide my sympathies regarding biden, i believe that he plays the role of both gorbachev and yeltsin and the gravedigger of the united states of america and does everything right from the point of view of our interests.
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from his words one can understand what he will do, make efforts for some kind of peace process, but what can we talk about at all, and
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can we talk about what at all? make some efforts to reach a diplomatic settlement, i think that he will not adhere to this stupid zelensky ten -point plan, he will proceed from reality, because he always emphasized his pragmatism, his pragmatism and, so to speak, actions
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based on reality. i would also like to say a few words, if possible, on your previous question, regarding stopping trump. you know, i get the impression that this deep state has already come to terms with the fact that trump will go further, because to eliminate him physically, but this will cause a wave of unpredictable things that will happen, so to speak, to the united states after this, putting him behind bars won't stop him election campaign, i get the impression that they have finally come to terms with the fact that he will move on, perhaps even win, but as an insurance policy, in my opinion, they are preparing him for vice president, here is a certain haley, and this is me frankly speaking, it’s frightening, with a further perspective, considering that trump is 4 years old and that’s it, he can no longer be elected, and her...
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so even being in third place, she is very, not at all upset, it seems to me, yes, of course , in any case, she will not withdraw her candidacy, precisely counting on the fact that that either something will happen to trump, or she will be appointed vice president, although there is another option, tucker carlson as, i think tucker carlson will be this speaker, so to speak, who will expound and
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interpret, so to speak. politics, and also, if , for example, trump is eliminated, i think that trump’s electorate will follow desantes, he will not follow nicky haley, yes, i agree with you too, but that night, many were expecting war, because when they showed footage of iran's ballistic missiles flying towards erbil, when information appeared that the american consulate had been bombed, when they began to say that... iran was launching massive attacks on american bases in syria, well, it seemed that was all, the americans had to respond. and there was a statement by the islamic revolutionary guard corps. let's listen. in response to the recent atrocities of the zionist regime, the murder of the commanders of the islamic revolutionary guard corps and the resistance front, the ksir, targeting iraqi kurdistan , destroyed one of the main spy headquarters of the zionist
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mode. this headquarters was the center for developing espionage operations and planning terrorist attacks in the region and especially in our beloved country. the ksir offensive operations will continue until the last drops of blood of the dead are avenged. well, then some messages really came out, it turned out that almost the main target was pishvan dazai, a kurdish billionaire, he was often called the money bag of borzani, one of the leaders. iraqi kurds, who was associated with massad intelligence, he was actually killed as a result of these blows, but the white house, from which they expected a furious reaction, responded, and how he actually responded, let’s listen to the press secretary of the national security council. we have reviewed reports and tracked missiles that struck northern iraq and northern syria. neither american personnel nor american facilities were
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targets. blows. we are in contact with senior iraqi officials as well as kurdistan officials. we will continue to assess the situation, but early signs indicate that this was reckless and not. exact series of blows. the united states supports the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of iraq. well, let’s say, the new york times, well , clearly, a team went through the lines of the deep state, the topic is not to be promoted, the new york times, on the first page published this, you see, below, in the lower left corner, a small message that this happened, such a blow happened, and then in general this...
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in general, their reaction for me was generally quite expected, they don’t need such a war, another thing is that they got involved in this story with the houthis, this can lead to far-reaching consequences, because the houthis have the most important resource, no matter how they strike, they always have the opportunity to block, as they call it, to cause an absolute shock on world markets, rising prices, inflation, and this is of course a very serious argument, so how
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will they get out of this, as far as i understand, they, by the way, called it a special operation, yes, am i right? if they wanted to hit the consulate building, they would have hit the building consulates. i think this is just a demonstration of iran's determination that they will strike if necessary. as for the general situation in the middle east, i
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am absolutely convinced that the united states not only does not need this conflict, for them, for biden, it is a suicidal conflict, because nothing is fast in the middle east ... that israel began to gradually crawl away, this does not mean anything, because the houthis declared that they would continue to fight until israel completely left gas, and israel doesn’t want to leave gas completely, netanyahu, i think it is necessary to physically eliminate him altogether so that a decision is made to leave gas, war with. sithami can last, this is, in fact, the same afghanistan, the same mujahideen, this can drag on for years, especially, as they say, this system of underground shelters among the houthis, it is much more extensive, the united states
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is simply multiplying the number of fronts, on one or the other they cannot demonstrate any success in one of them; the weakening hegemon really demonstrates that he is a weakening hegemon, and this is the most dangerous thing that is happening. for the american deep state, they are no longer feared. we will continue after the commercial, don't switch. in the debriefing area, the director of the film air alexey german and the performer of one of the main roles elena lyadova. we chose the most idiotically difficult way to shoot this picture. the first plane was made with a mistake, it was simple. in short, then we called this plane good, but you also took on incredible work, you started filming in the winter, all our planes were blown away, we built a runway, it was flooded, i was completely dumbfounded by what you built
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, a rather complex structure invented specifically for the film, it lifted a plane weighing a ton and then spun it, i can imagine how you felt during these evolutions , when your wing is on fire, there’s oil in your face, and there’s also smoke. in fact, i was scared, they conveyed this feeling of human existence in inhuman conditions, i just got a lump in my throat, i believed it, podcast lab is on the first today. perhaps the british write manuals to the vice-chancellor of germany , who stated that russia was supposedly to blame for the protests of farmers, in order to bring so many germans onto the streets, something really serious had to happen, the government did not find the means to support its own agricultural producers, at the same time he stated that support for ukraine he does not intend to reduce it. i ask myself, with what money? and where now, according to the ukrainian media, is it possible to access the internet only with a russian passport? guys? we didn't finish this fake, we could have made it cooler in
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russia, internet with coupons, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. good evening, big game live. one of the main victims of the current geopolitical situation was europe, the same europe that... imposed the largest number of sanctions against our country, but suffered the most from these sanctions, now europe is seething, seething, and in some places demonstrating its bestial ascal , and some countries are simply behaving strangely, because they beg for some very serious response on our part, it is necessary to say that one of such countries is... sweden, which clearly begs
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for at least a serious conversation, here is konstantin in our studio, we are used to seeing him as deputy chairman of the federation council, as the head of rossotrudnichestvo, and so on , but few people know that, in fact , his main specialty is that he is a scandinavist, and he just started his diplomatic career in sweden, so in connection with this... i’m very interested, indeed, since you are caught up in our such an expert quality, then what is going on there now, why are there absolutely, well, some crazy sentiments associated with preparations for war, there is bulen, there is such a minister of civil defense, let's listen to his recent statement, there may be a war in sweden, i want appealing not primarily to your fear, but to your perception of the situation, i am trying to open a door that for many
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swedes may have been closed for life, which greets us with the question: who are you if war breaks out? civil defense is not just a theoretical action, awareness must be translated into practical actions, everyone must understand that in the situation in which we find ourselves, time can be our most valuable, non-renewable resource, if there is one thing that keeps me up at night, it is the feeling that everything is moving too slowly, the minister of civil defense... is already asleep because of the russian threat, they are clearly running ahead of the locomotive of the european union and nato, i don’t know who anymore, what happened to them? uh, well, the question presupposes some kind of historical retrospective, and sweden, like probably any country, uh, went through several large, distinct stages in its development, uh, there was a stage of the great power of sweden, the times when with charles xiv
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it’s completely accurate, because according to the swedish constitutional acts, there is no single
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written constitution, but according to the swedish constitutional acts, the country's security policy until recently was defined as a policy of freedom from alliances in peacetime, with the aim of maintaining armed neutrality in the event of war, but neutrality was the case war, otherwise they simply did not join the unions, leaving freedom of action for themselves ; in fact, they used this freedom of action quite... selfishly, i would say so, just remember the history of the second world war, when formally neutral sweden actively helped hitler’s germany and supplies. goods , primarily metal, up to 40% of the metal that nazi germany consumed for the production of tanks and other weapons was supplied from neutral sweden, well , in addition, passing through its territory, troops who then helped finland
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in its actions as part of the hitler coalition against the then soviet union, so neutrality was always a very vague concept for... the swedes, but, of course, the swedes wanted to prove themselves a little more brightly than just a neutral country, and at some stage they were lucky, because the swedes in the seventies and early eighties had a really big, authoritative, charismatic political leader, i mean olof palme, then prime minister of sweden, who did put sweden back on the world map, but not as a belligerent power. as a country that actively contributed to the strengthening of peace and security throughout the world, it is enough to recall the famous palme commission with the same name, and the swedes were sincerely proud at that time of the role they were playing in the cold war. olof palme was killed, unfortunately, in
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1986, and the swedes once again found themselves without such a historical mission, to which they seemed accustomed, they frantically they began to look for it further, until... recently, in fact, they never found it, because sweden in the last couple of decades, three decades, has generally found itself on the periphery of both european and world politics, it probably i wanted to take a more active part in some confrontational scenarios, but the swedes were lucky, lucky in the good sense of the word with their neighbors, but something like quarreling with finland, which behaved towards sweden, well , always in an absolutely civilized manner, let me remind you. that there are only 7% swedish speakers in finland population, the second state language is swedish, and there are the olan islands - this is part of the territory of finland, where only people who speak swedish live, and there is even finnish in schools, it is not necessary to learn the state language, it is enough to learn the second state language swedish, this is
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the civilized behavior of the country in this case, finland, it would be nice to demonstrate this example in this case to our ukrainian neighbors, but... which in fact has never disappeared in sweden since the defeat at poltava, you know, i speak swedish and i can tell you that this is one of the rare languages ​​where there is a separate word, this is one word, which is translated into russian as fear of russians (skrek) this is... one word, it is in the dictionary, it in circulation, in everyday life, because the swedes really cultivate this fear of the russians among the swedish population, now the minister tried to say that he is not appealing to any fears, but he is appealing, because as he said more than once, one said familiar the swede, well, so confidentially, he says, you
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know, here you are in russia, like your child who doesn’t want to go to bed, you persuade him to fall asleep, but you tell him about the gray top. whoever comes there will bite the barrel, and you know what has been practiced here in sweden for years and decades, we scare naughty children with the fact that a russian will come, a russian will come, grab him by the barrel, drag him into some, well, yes, that is, already there is no need to educate, this is yes, this is a term, this is terminology, and this is raising children from an early age in that russians are danger, any russians, soviet russians, russians in the era of detente. anything else, and naturally, when swedish politicians now begin to speculate on these phobias, they very easily, uh, catch the mood of people who already exist, play on these moods, they abuse these moods in order to earn their own political points , nothing else here, but there is no feeling that sweden simply
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wants to speed up its entry into nato with such behavior and such rhetoric, which has now simply stalled, without a doubt. of course, yes, the swedes are offended that the finns were taken, so to speak , yes, it seems, a little further even from those who stood from nato than the same sweden, they fell into the clutches somewhere between turkey and hungary, but yes, i want to be somewhere closer to the decision-making centers, in this case to brussels to washington, in these conditions, well , as they say, all means are good, including the rhetoric that we saw before. unfortunately, using the example of the three baltic republics, which used this myth about russian threat back in the early nineties, maximally aggravating relations with russia through.
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and then demonstrate this reaction again in the turkish parliament, in the hungarian parliament, in all other parliaments of nato countries, as evidence that sweden must immediately be accepted into the north atlantic alliance, well, it must be said that russophobia is now spread very widely throughout all over the european continent, and in general it doesn’t lead to any good, but to be honest, i even feel sorry for germany, that is, germany was simply wiped off its feet, americans.
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something is clearly happening there , and not because the energy efficiency of production has increased , but because people do not have the money to use electricity per capita
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somewhere at a level lower than in 1978, in general the situation is critical, and germany is the engine of the european union and the main support of nato in europe, well, i share, you said sorry for germany, so i share this feeling, although pity is probably not the most... we remember, in general, with gratitude the names of such politicians as adenauer, as schmit, like kohl, with various reservations, but
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nevertheless, this was the time when germany was returning as a normal civilized state on the same world map, then it went downhill, and with all due respect to angela merkel, i don’t respect her i won’t even put her in this row, she was certainly a much lesser politician. at least laid claim to something, well, olaf scholz, excuse me, it’s just that, well, under no circumstances can he be recognized as an adequate, competent, professional, effective leader like that a major european and, in general, world power, like germany, in this sense , not only germany was unlucky, europe was unlucky, in general, the whole world was unlucky, because germany is now actually removed from this world map, it has practically no influence for what events? which are happening around her, not of her choice, not of her will, contrary to her own national interests. well, the second stronghold of the european union is
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france. in france, farmers are now joining german protests, in toulouse they are throwing out manure, now near the city hall, we we know, there, and the central square of toulouse looks like a homeless area, somewhere in the united states of america, that is, the economic situation there, well, maybe a little. better, but in fact not much better, there is now a very serious aggravation of the national soil, there are huge demonstrations in paris, we see in recent days coming from people who want to neutralize and cannot, and at this moment there is an unexpected change in the government of france, comes representative of non-traditional sexual orientation otal with the same cabinet, this is what france is now politically, which well... i, frankly, can’t even explain to myself how they took a thirty-four-year-old man who knows nothing and appointed him prime minister,
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why? because he is not gay . france is approximately in the same row of states that, willingly or unwillingly , cause pity, you know, i am well acquainted and friendly with a person who knew france even before the current times of crisis, but let’s say 10 or 20 years ago, and he told me that myths about wealth the french people are very much exaggerated, because even then the french are in the same paris. moreover, various french people were forced to save on everything, they really could not afford to fill the bathtub with hot water, because this immediately, so to speak, set the meters in motion, they ran around their apartments constantly turning off the lights where they were not needed, that is, this was the way of life of the average frenchman 10 or 20 years ago on the verge, you know, i don’t want to exaggerate the problems now, but ours has
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you know the idea of ​​france, such a glamorous country where they can only...
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pass laws without their consideration by the french parliament, wow, democracy, that is, there has not been any talk about popularity there for a long time, now there is an attempt to throw in a completely unknown playing card and , probably, to divert public attention from his professional qualities, focusing on his personal life, so to speak, there besides him...
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yes, well, they say that the minister of foreign affairs is already a past story, now there is new history, the minister of education, so , a partner or partners, here, take them apart, poor france, yes, poor france, what a blessing that we live in russia, poland, the new government, the tusk government, which means the previous government is still declared itself as a kind of sovereign entity and suddenly a completely unexpected decision was made by the polish one. government, i voiced it to deputy foreign minister anzhi sheina that there will be german troops in poland, let's listen when the war is over beyond our eastern border, any assistance and cooperation from our allies is welcome, so if the germans want to strengthen nato's eastern flank in poland, as they did in lithuania, then welcome. it was
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actually difficult for me to imagine that the poles asked for german troops to join them. ah, times, of course. have changed enormously, i remember a story also from a different era, about 15 years ago, when we were still actively working, we russia worked in the council of europe in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, there were upcoming re-election of the secretary general of the council of europe, a certain vojislav timosevic, among others, was vying for this position, i hope i remember his name correctly, previously the minister of foreign affairs of poland, so he wanted to ascend to the position 15 years ago. secretary general of the council of europe and toured national delegations and countries in order, so to speak, to propagate his beliefs there, he came to us in moscow, so white fluffy, everything, everything is fine with him, he will work in the interests of all of europe, and they picked me quotes from his ministerial past, when he was the minister of foreign affairs of poland, among these quotes was the following statement, which i asked him to comment on, i quote from memory,
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until nato ... has ukraine, belarus and moldova, poland will feel like it is front-line by the state, that is, this rhetoric is still fifteen years old.
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the new polish government has confirmed that it will issue these bills to germany in the same way. well, we still have great britain outside the european union. great britain,
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where, apparently , there will also be elections this year, we always say, apparently, because they are fixed, fixed in january, but most likely they will be, but when they are held, it will most likely be in the fall, when it is convenient , in fact, to the government, let's listen to what the telegraph. talks about the prospects for future elections. the conservatives are close to an election collapse on the scale of their defeat to labor in 1997 . the uw poll of 14,000 people predicts that the tories will retain only 169 seats, while labor will gain 385 seats. thus, the conservatives will win 196 fewer seats than in 2019. the poll shows the conservative party will lose ground. all the red wall constituencies won by boris johnson from the labor party in 2019, and 11 cabinet ministers will lose their constituencies, including chancellor of the exchequer jeremy hunt and defense secretary grant schabs. this is
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the situation, you probably know, when great britain started it under the then prime minister cameron, the current minister foreign affairs referendum on the european union, on brexit. no one could have imagined that the british would actually vote to leave, it was, it was a political game, such a manipulation of public opinion, which gave a completely unexpected result for great britain, since then the british, under any government , have been forced to prove that the choice was made correctly and that britain has become better off, has britain become better off is a question for me with three... question marks, i think that both great britain and the european union ultimately lost from this, but i say this with pleasure, because i am glad that our geopolitical opponents are making mistakes and losing, in any case, this is
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definitely not a success story.


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