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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 17, 2024 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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in several other regions there is such a snowstorm that it blocks highways, and in moscow, it’s also a cyclone, it makes your heart skip a beat and takes your breath away, a film in which it is impossible to contain your emotions, air, from tomorrow, wide release, attack, feat of young female pilots, war and love, this is the very breath of happiness, a breath of love - this is exactly the same smooth air that you breathe in, historical truth. the unique scope of filming
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technology, which is being used for the first time, we wanted to achieve the feeling of a life-to-death fight. and we start with the situation in special operation zone. the enemy command post was destroyed by our k-52 attack helicopters , operating at an extremely low altitude, and struck by unguided aircraft missiles, without entering the range of enemy air defenses. immediately after hitting the target, the crew fired off the heat traps and successfully returned to the airfield. in the donetsk sector , artillery worked harmoniously, crews of self-propelled guns geotsin covered with fire the positions of militants in the forest belt, in the same direction, one of the hottest spots bogdanovka, a strategic village important, ukrainian fighters tried to set up a plastarm there after they were knocked out of artyomovsk, our fighters are moving forward with the help of sappers, everything is detailed in the report from the front line of amir iisupov. the gun is already fired, the lelestas are now working in
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bogdanovka, the village is turning into another place where ukrainian reserves are simply being ground up, the command of the ukrainian armed forces is now sending there not only their own, but also mercenaries. the fighters of the vostok volunteer corps brigade learn about this from radio interceptions; they communicate in ukrainian, english, russian, polish, german languages. transporting ammunition is not an easy task now; the roads in such weather are not suitable for all vehicles. this is how deep the path is. small, of course, uazs don’t go quickly here, now everything is fiddly on trucks, tracked vehicles, this is of course risky, because they are larger, noticeable and slow, there are enemy kamikage drones in the sky, but our air defense units do not allow them near the vehicles , we help the attack aircraft, they praise us, the air defense helps, shoots us down, we praise them, that is we all do the same thing, we are like one friendly family. big in the literal sense
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of the word, his own brother serves together with the platoon commander, brother here, son here, contract soldier, military man, the whole family ran everything, almost all the men of the family, the little ones stayed at home, we are together, we are close, together we are massive, our the units are actively moving towards chashoy yar and the artillerymen have to move their firing points forward, but first the sappers comb the area, and more and more often the sappers have to deal with dzhoniki. that's what our guys call a new type of fuse that the enemy places on some mines. the johnnik is triggered if it is moved or metal is brought to it, there are so many sensors in it, and explosive devices are hidden in bags or rags. there is no need to climb, no need to touch, no need to use your hands, we call the sappers, the sappers know what to do. and civilians can get blown up by such packages; it’s enough to have a phone or a set of keys in your pocket. jonik will explode if at least 150 g of metal appears within a small radius of it. but our
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sappers have already found a safe way to to neutralize the packages , a search magnet is attached to the copter, well, at a distance there, let it be 10-15 m, if they observe johnny or something like him, then the copter just flies up and the magnet is on it , if it works, well, maybe we will lose the bird, but the bird not a person, often sappers clear the way for attack aircraft when the enemy is only a few meters away, a machine gun is half a mile away, a sniper can work there, and you need to clear the way, further, further to pass, disposable, as everyone calls us, no, we are not disposable, we're just smart the squad leader wears a mine body on his body armor, the damaging elements of which scatter 60 m, he jokes that the enemy is afraid to shoot at him, if god forbid the enemy is nearby, i don’t have a mine with me, then i will detonate it, actually not , i have a first aid kit inside... the kiev regime
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tried to carry out strikes using aircraft-type drones and a vampire multiple launch rocket system. our air defense worked well, shooting down seven missiles and four drones. joe biden still hopes to persuade congress to allocate new funds to ukraine and for this invited the speakers of the senate and the house of representatives to the white house for a personal conversation. earlier , the us president called german chancellor olaf scholz to discuss the same issue. and, apparently, successfully. immediately after the conversation , it became known that germany will allocate 7 billion euros to ukraine this year. but against this background , the voices of those politicians who oppose pumping the kiev regime with weapons are still heard , including the head of mid-hungary, peter siya, who said: the conflict can only be stopped by refusing supplies. the prime minister of slovakia, robert fica, expressed the same opinion. called for in the european parliament. the ukrainian
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conflict is a us problem, it is their interests. the eu has become a vassal of the us. we must start peace negotiations. but without the americans and stop these killings. the west, led by the united states, faces defeat and collapse. this conclusion was made by emmanuel toth, the legendary french scientist, who predicted the collapse of the soviet union a decade and a half before this event. his gift of foresight is based on scientific analysis. an objective assessment of the facts, contrary to political fashion and the course that western countries adhere to. what are they waiting for? russia, usa and europe? ivan blagoy studied the issue.
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this is where the confrontation takes place, and today we can say that the united states and nato lost this war because they are unable to supply the ukrainian army with sufficient equipment. despite criticism in his native france, he has repeatedly said that the conflict in ukraine was provoked by western countries. i am a historian and anthropologist, he says, i am simply recording the facts. russia has announced that it will not tolerate ukraine in nato. ukraine was a de facto member of nato, since its army was built by the americans, british and the poles and russia have started a preventive war, or are waging a war from a preventive point of view. these events turned out to be a kind of moment of truth for the collective west. in his
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new interview with the figaro newspaper, the scientist speaks about sanctions hysteria. sanctions allowed the russian regime to launch a policy of protectionist import substitution, and on a huge scale, which. by itself could never be imposed on the people, meanwhile, such a policy of import substitution will give the russian economy a significant advantage over the eu economy. how convinced that western countries have already said goodbye to the illusion that a ukrainian victory is even possible. it is the americans who will now actively seek a certain status quo that would allow them to disguise their defeat. but the russians will not accept this status quo. the russians are well aware of their current industrial and military superiority. in my work. in response to the collapse of the soviet system back in 1976, he thought about a new russia, a strong country without claims to world hegemony, which stands for equality between peoples, in his opinion, this is exactly what the country is capable of becoming a serious factor in international balance. in 1990, when the west was already anticipating victory in the cold
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war, he warned the russians would return. i think that in 30 years, perhaps even sooner, europeans will face the pressure of a modernized russia that they already have to. will be counted in 30 years - this is in 2020, in 2014 the reunification of crimea with russia took place, then our country stopped terrorists and prevented a violent regime change in syria. the svo began in 2022. he calls russia's recovery rise after the decline as a result of the collapse of the union dizzying. is there anyone around the french president with similar views? an interesting question, of course, is what needs to happen for the united states’ european allies to come to a conclusion in the ukrainian conflict.
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and suddenly michelle obama pops up. i'm terrified of what could happen next election. the surroundings of the white house will change. the internal struggle for the seat began. they won't just resign lloyd osin. this will mean an admission of failure in ukraine for joe biden, especially a presidential year - this means death. general austin's most famous operation. dolls of the heir tutti.
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today is the first one. cognac old barrel is a product of steller group. unfortunately, we have a small emergency here. the coach cursed his pupil. this is a disgusting lie. you. left because of her, she hid the tests to get your place, that i, leva, became happier, well, apparently not, because they say here, leva and here, i met someone, which means that the data was right, doctor preobrazhensky, new episodes, watch the time after the program, why were you called to the state sports committee, please don’t be silent, maria vladimirovna, how should we work with european politicians now? the minsk agreements
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gave ukraine more time. she really put an end to all these very illusions. now both france and europe, they are also the same participants in the war. but they are participants, they are used to doing this, they did this with africa, and they do not need ukraine as a state, which was the reason energy crisis, it was an explosion of nord stream ii, it didn’t happen in norway, it probably happened in sweden and denmark, it passed everyone, the vavan and lexus show, the premiere, today on the first, every time the same question, but how? they fall for it all or agree, i don’t know, i want to wish our citizens
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of the russian federation everyone, i would like to wish health and happiness for all loved ones, the calling card of the orenburg region is our orenburg puff, its... and i’m proud of our russia, this is the news on
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the first, and we continue to snowfall, strong winds paralyzed traffic on highways in several regions at once, in the ulyanovsk region the driver of a truck lost control, a two-kilometer traffic jam formed, traffic was also blocked on the federal highway east on the border of chuvashia and tatarstan, restrictions on... tomorrow a film will be released in wide release, which even before the premiere was called a grandiose film event: air, a film about the feat of doctors of the great patriotic war, brilliant acting work, technologies that were used for the first time, and the emphasis is not on graphics, on real embodiment, the air battle is so shot that you feel like you are experiencing overload
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, but the main thing is the historical truth, the plot from which takes your breath away, your heart skips a beat, so emotions cannot be contained, pyotr deryagin was convinced that leningrad is under the siege, female pilots and female technicians must show training, courage, self-sacrifice, attack, the roar of engines made of... metal is little reminiscent of the airy romance glorified in songs, and it’s even more wild to see at the helm fragile girls, but this is our story, a great movie about the girl pilots of the great patriotic war. the soviet yak destroys the german messer, these and right in the center of moscow on arbat , the planes literally came off the screens, they participated in the filming of the film. we move
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inside the oktyabr cinema, here is also one of the same yaks that participated in the filming of the film. it was in this cabin that the actors spent filming days, many hours of grueling shifts, for the sake of the most incredible shots. it's okay, let's attack! getting in, i go in, i go in, it was incredibly difficult, because for 7 hours, in my opinion, i didn’t go out and all this time in such a closed space, and take after take, take after take. smoke, stuffy, we went into such wilds near st. petersburg that the equipment got stuck in the mud, people were actually drowning in this mess, it seems to me that the film was shot in general in spite of , i’m the seventh, you’re thin on the line, these are not clouds, i’m alone, me hooked, here i go, forty -first year, the germans tightened their grip around
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leningrad, the road of life must be protected from life to death, here is just one moment, for me. this is emotionally important, my grandfather died in the war, for me this is the theme of war, the theme of feat, the theme of self-sacrifice, it evokes very deep emotions, it is this feeling of constant tension, a feeling of even claustrophobia in the cockpit, you wanted to achieve the feeling of a fight not on life, to death, when from any movement, that... from any mistake, you looked in the wrong direction, turned around incorrectly, and you could die, i was shot down, i’m burning, for several years we have been developing ways to capture the truth of an air battle, these technologies are used for the first time instead of a green screen and graphics, a giant display at the height of a four-story building projects the sky,
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against which there are planes in full scale, 12 of them were made for the film, every shot, every breakdown, everything... really happens in the frame, and of course, it’s important was to show real overloads, planes with actors inside were scrolled 360°. if you see that the heroine of agla and tarasova is hanging upside down, trying to beg her airplane not to fall, then you can see that she is flying upside down and there is no catch. please, my little one, please, please, little one, good one, when people come out. they can try to run their hands along the skin of this plane to understand what these girls flew on, they flew to experience wild overloads, thin metal and plywood, soviet yaks in the first years of the war were inferior to the german messers in everything, and the overloads were such that men lost consciousness, there were not enough pilots, and the girls took this risk, entered
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into a fight with death, for the sake of something more, for the sake of the most important thing, and to love their homeland. it's on death, what is more important, the proden or the person? proden. fights and explosions are, of course, just the background. the film air is the story of human destinies, and here the special style of alexei german the younger is revealed. this is a genuine auteur cinema, thoughtful and deep. when a person talks about a great tragedy or great pain, deep, real pain, you don’t want to scream. “i don’t want to be loud at all, don’t be afraid, just a little one , don’t be afraid, the child will love you, that very air is missing, when a sip, that very sip of happiness, a sip of love, it’s like since there are those very smooth air that you inhale, despite the horror and tragedy of the war, nevertheless these sips of happiness, which are very small, and sips of love are also very
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small, let's fly somewhere and disappear"? film crew on stage after the show greeted with applause for each of the very first viewers of the film, this picture responded in its own way. i can honestly tell you, i cried several times in this picture, very strong acting, very powerful dialogues, scenes, monologues, which really, i am sure, few will be left indifferent. of course the audience is crying. such sincere tears, including children, but it seems to me that these are very proper tears, so cleansing, a very honest movie about people during the war. this is honestly told about people, a lot of what seem to be today’s modern things.


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