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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  January 17, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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democracy must be held accountable through the law, social media companies, some of which are paid for by putin, in which people present themselves as victims to justify violence against people, political programs that promote subversion always blame others, right-wing extremists who use safe space of freedom to stop this we must not tolerate. it says here that russia is supposedly to blame, that farmers and... and other
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representatives of the working class are coming out now at the strike, who is really to blame, their mistakes, their flaws, their crazy, thoughtless, incompetent policies are to blame, everyone is to blame, but not themselves, some right-wing forces are to blame, the opposition is to blame in the face of an alternative for germany , and they seem to be the very people who manage the finances, who have brought the country into this economic impasse, by the way, i have a question: related to your party, do you feel pressure on yourself now, how is it manifested? having failed to stop the growth of popularity in our party, but in fact we are seeing constant growth, a constant influx of new members into the party , a constant increase in polls, the ruling politicians began to say that since we cannot cope with the growing popularity of an alternative for germany, then it should be banned accordingly, it even came to to the absurd... the situation according to the latest polls in
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the state of saxony, where state elections will be held this year, scholze's party is gaining only 3% of the votes, that is, it does not even enter the state parliament, and the alternative for germany party is gaining about 37% of the votes, the minister of this three-percent party in the land of saxony recently stated that if this is the case, then the party must be banned, that is, such an absurd situation results. the minister is trying to ban a party that gets 37% of the votes, instead of changing policy facing the population, and not in another place, they are simply trying to ban the opposition using some dictatorial methods, that’s all. please tell me, as a member of the bundestag, the party, what actions are you going to take so that after all to pursue the national interests of germany, yes, and not the national interests of england, the usa and everything else, already meet your people halfway. there is a specific action plan
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, that is, which includes, among other things , the cessation of financing of the war in ukraine, that is, the lifting of all economic sanctions that primarily harm germany, the restoration of northern flows, that is , the resumption of economic cooperation, and most importantly, reliable supplies of cheap hydrocarbons from the russian federation, well, in general, reconsider your complete foreign policy dependence on the united states. to what extent do they support what is happening, people on tractors, that is , they went out, organized some kind of actions and many passing cars, driving by, honked, expressed support, expressed solidarity, that is, i did not see never once did people respond irritably to these protests, bilt wrote that more than 60% of ordinary germans support the strikes, according to my subjective feelings , even more. let these subjective feelings
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will still become an objective reality. thank you very much today for your answers, greetings to you all the best to the party. let's talk not only about germany, but about romania, let's see what's happening there. and the protesting romanian farmers have broken into the city of clush and are moving towards the center. local media reported this. they demand a ban on the import of ukrainian agricultural products into the country and increased support for the agricultural sector. in touch with. here in bucharest, political scientist bogdan duca, we are glad to welcome you when we talk about protests farmers, firstly, this, of course, is connected directly or with the supply of grain from ukraine through moldova. and, in fact, now in romania everyone is very worried about this. do you know how romania started? they made obligations to washington, the usa, and europe, without taking into account the interests of their citizens.
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a lot fell on the shoulders of the private sector, more and more taxes, more and more difficulties, less and less support from the government, so we saw that... even the crisis began to grow, in addition to the crisis with food, with grain, for example, we have a very there are many librarians, social sector workers who are also going out today to protest in 23, but now we see a huge wave, because the police and gendarmerie in romania, now they are starting to support this protest, this is already happening, thank you very much, all of you. best wishes, it’s not entirely possible to compare the situation in romania with germany, as if the result is the same, but the underlying processes are different, because romania , with all due respect to it, is a completely incomparable small part of the economy in terms of compared to the giant of germany, look, in france there is a political culture, they go on strike almost every weekend, it
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’s like a hobby for them, but in order to bring so many germans onto the streets, something really serious had to happen, but this only a consequence, because the basis of the german economy... it’s confusing, that’s the overspending, remember this, this bank of cucumbers, yes, drones, this is the irony of the fact that it’s all our fault, supposedly. thank you very much for coming to us today, as always, we remind you that the news, that you have doubts, you can send to our program, there are definitely reasons for pride too, all the best to you.
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for me, happiness is, no matter how strange it may sound, water in russia, in almost every region you can find this very place where you can just sit on the shore and be happy from contemplation and simply dissolving in this element. happiness is what makes our life better, more interesting and fun. every time i come to vladi-vostok, it’s just incredibly beautiful, incredible warm, incredibly fun. i really liked it there. but with the exception of jellyfish, and i want to wish my great country russia that it continues to develop, to become so desirable, because a great future awaits it. i love this country because i love it. the first channel presents.
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today is the day of breaking new year's resolutions. we'll tell you how to keep these promises. that's how much glass we have in our bodies, or rather, not glass, silicon. why do we need it? there is only 3 ml of liquid inside the eye, why do they interfere? let's look at everything through the glasses of scientific research, when i sit down on a bench and next to me are these two charming old gossip ladies, this means that
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we will talk about our special project: stupid questions, we always say only one thing: there are no stupid questions, there are stupid answers. you are so smart that there is nowhere to put your brain, so today we will answer your questions that you yourself consider stupid, today stupid questions about feet, and i sincerely believe that a woman only wears heels, a woman, and walks in sneakers in world feasts are bad taste, why? question: i used to walk in heels and felt like i was wearing slippers, my feet didn’t even get tired, but lately i began to notice that my toes began to hurt, the whole forefoot began to hurt, your shoes are different, why? maybe the shoe last is wrong, it’s just very interesting, our
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old grandmothers don’t have heels at all, and you and i are wearing heels, me too, i’m also tired, by the way, i’m dying in heels, right? or not to wear heels, the short answer is wrong, why? because all the load falls on the front arch of the foot. here, come to me for a minute, if you take off your shoes, take them off one foot , stand on your foot, then our support is the heel, if you stand on your heel, the heel is a huge bone, then all the support is transferred to your toes , we call this the front arch of the foot, so let's go to the screen, and it will be absolutely, absolutely clear, so, look, now we will show you an x-ray... picture of what a foot looks like with a heel, you see,
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there is no support on the heel, in basically, you rely on fingers, so this part expands, the big toe bends and nothing good happens, now let's see what the norm should look like, support on the heel, that is, we transfer the support from the heel to the toes, to the front arch of the foot, this is not physiological, toes to this... are unsuitable and quite quickly we develop the so-called hallux-valgus, when the toe twists to the side, the leg becomes ugly and we have to undergo surgery. then we say, beauty is more expensive, it may be more expensive, but it requires sacrifices, so whether we want it or not , i can’t act without heels, i walk in small heels, in everyday life i have beautiful shoes with beautiful... but small heels, unfortunately, these shoes are not physiological, you need to walk constantly in shoes
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like sneakers or with small heels , without heels - these are also bad shoes, and wear shoes only for an occasion, only when going out, although it is beautiful, and if i went out today in sneakers, it would be strange, really, yes you and i, alas, are harming ourselves, so we wait next guest, i have a problem with hair on my toes, in my youth everything was fine, now everything is fine everywhere except on my toes, what should i do about it and what medications should i take, mikhailavich, well, the hair on my toes has fallen out...
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this symptom is a symptom of atherosclerosis. we show you a vessel with a plaque, you see, the blood flow is blocked here, the hair has fallen out due to lack of blood flow, this is a sign of atherosclerosis, so, of course, the hair on your leg is a pity, but not much, your heart will feel sorry for it, because there may be a heart attack. you are a person who should take a blood test for cholesterol, undergo an ultrasound examination of the heart to understand the state of your overall health. that's why.
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my friend said that this is menopause, well , i have a question, how long will it take , do you really need to do something, or wait, be patient and it will come on its own, does it hurt or not, is it a crack, no, it doesn’t hurt, a crack in the heel doesn’t hurt for 3 months, well, it’s not menopause, it’s another condition called and most likely is: diabetic polyneuropathy, sugar essentially destroys
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the conductive system of the receptor of the nerve cell and the ending is like this, look here , the ending that innervates this wound, this area of ​​​​the skin, and should feel pain, it does not transmit pain, the wound is there, there should be pain, but there is none , because it doesn’t... but it doesn’t heal either, absolutely true, and then it ends in gangrene, so this is a very serious question, and don’t be afraid to ask such questions, and an examination is required to rule out diabetes,
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of course, we are waiting for the next guest. like this i have a problem, my feet smell , i’m so embarrassed that i even stopped going to visit people, please don’t laugh, for me this is really a very big problem, no deodorants help, tell me what’s wrong with me and how we are dealing with this such a joke, you know , i smell bad, doctor, i smell bad, but you haven’t tried to take a shower, there is such a joke, mikhailavich, over to you, yes, well , there may be two factors here, the first factor is a problem with hygiene, you just need to wash your feet more often, twice a day in the morning and evening, the body and legs, of course, must be washed, and the head and so on, there is a second, the second factor is a more serious factor - it is a fungal infection, which often gives a specific
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smell, it must be fought, but fight and wash accordingly, fight with medication means. mikhail egorov, go to the screen. yes. so, most likely, it is also possible that it is a fungal infection. here is our foot, beautiful. yes, here she is and now the fungi are quietly starting to eat her. they live there and what they eat, mikhail yegorevich. they feed skin, nail plates, skin breakdown products, because the foot is wet anyway.
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put, therefore, restore hygiene, change socks again, change socks, d-dry shoes with ultraviolet dryers, which kill the fungus, and of course, if there is fungus, you need to go to a dermatologist-mycologist so that you can be prescribed treatment. thank you very much for your question, i repeat once again, there are no stupid questions, and we are happy to answer all your questions. we are waiting for the next guest, i am worried about my friend, her foot size has increased by two sizes, she 50 years old, she is not a girl, and she smiles and says: italy can still increase in size,
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please tell me, is this the norm or an anomaly? an adult's leg? whose growth stopped a long time ago, back in his youth, suddenly increases by two sizes, is this normal or pathology, no, unfortunately, this is a pathology, this pathology is called acro megaly, acro are these, end ones, mainly the feet begin to grow and hands, sometimes also the nose and part of the face, the face becomes rough, so look at your friend, it’s very specific persons. shoes, in fact , the first sign in this regard, because we wear hands, well, gloves sometimes, shoes every day, so we notice an increase in the size of the leg first of all, acromegaly
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is most often due to a pituitary adenoma, this is a small, small formation . this is a serious problem that requires magnetic resonance imaging of your friend's brain, one thing is clear but positive in this regard is that... this disease is now effectively treated and very and elegantly treated without cutting into the skull, mainly through
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nose, this tumor is removed and the person turns back into a century, thank you all for the stupid questions, which are actually very smart, don’t hesitate to ask them, because there are no stupid questions, let’s pause for a while and... then we’ll continue, what problems in the body tell us, that there is a deficiency of silicon , damage is already beginning, there is already a wound, here is the cartilage in the articular, very bad, which products definitely contain it, the shine in the eyes, what role does the intraocular fluid play, what does it lead to. violation of its outflow, today everything is possible, i’m writing this even on a piece of paper, i promise to lose weight, i burn this
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piece of paper, as usual, i eat it, we celebrate the day of breaking new year’s resolutions, who was responsible for nuclear weapons at the time of the disappearance of austin, who was in the hospital, how ... the president didn't know it was cancer until this morning. the white house did not control the situation for 3-4 days; there was a gap in decision-making. allegedly, from his hospital ward he controls the military operation in yemen. he was definitely removed from the scene. necessary it was either that he didn’t sign something, or that someone else signed it. revenge against lloyd aspen has begun. michelle flournoy met biden in the oval office in '11, when she persuaded obama to intervene. and suddenly michelle obama pops up. i'm terrified of what could happen next election. the surroundings of the white house will change. the internal
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struggle for the seat began. they wo n't just resign lloyd osin. this will mean an admission of failure in ukraine. for joe biden, especially the presidential year is like death. general austin's most famous operation. dolls of the heir tutti. today on... mancacher whiskey is a product of steller group. maria vladimirovna, how should we work with european politicians now? do you work with european politicians? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time. this is the cruelest calculation. she really just put the finishing touches on everyone.
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vavan and lexus show, premiere, today on the first. every time the same question: how do they fall for all this or agree? i don't know. this, friends, is a small piece of glass, it would seem that what it has to do with our body, but this is exactly how much glass by weight is contained in the body. because in general glass is silicon dioxide, so we just want
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to talk about that very silicon that is in everyone in our body, and its role is infinitely great, even though it contains just a drop, the macro role is a microelement, here it is silicon, it’s called in latin , silicium, now products that are super rich in silicon will be brought into our studio. andrey petrovich, let’s immediately name these products, and look, this is rice, four daily norms, 100 g of oats, three daily norms. barley is two daily norms of the norm in 100 g, that is, in order for you to have a daily need for silicon in the body , everything is calculated like this: if
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there are four daily norms in 100 grams. norms, which means 100/4 - one daily norm is 25 g, that is, 25 g of rice is enough to restore the need for flint, if three is the daily norm, then 100/3, 30 g of oatmeal per day is enough to restore the daily need , now why don’t we need cream, let’s go to the models, andrey, so, flints, actually glass, sand, why can’t we live without it? this is a normal joint, a normal knee joint, this is where the damage begins, if you look, it’s already early, here the cartilage in the articular is very, very bad, which makes flints, flints
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specifically retain moisture. collagen, no moisture retention, no normal cartilage, normal collagen equals good cartilage, normal flint equals good cartilage and good bones, only due to that flint retains moisture in the cartilage, another thing that is important is giving elasticity, we want to show this with two
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examples, the first example, look: this is an inelastic vessel, it does not expand, it is not flexible, and if suddenly there is an increase arterial pressure, then it can break, here is a vessel that is flexible and elastic, it will adapt to changes in pressure, it will not burst, it will expand, contract, but will never deteriorate, it depends on the collagen that is here, silicon has something to do with it , but because silicon... and stimulates the production of this collagen, which gives elasticity, exactly the same as the collagen that is in the bones, so calcium, yes, calcium makes the bone strong, and collagen, which is made with silicon, gives the bone elasticity and flexibility, it’s not like a piece of iron, it can bend a little, i
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mean our bones. absolutely true, and one more consequence follows from all this, very simple: if we are talking about flint, we are always talking about the elasticity of the skin, because there is collagen in the skin too, and it determines our skin, our ability to shrink like this, and then return to its place in a straightened form, silicon in this sense is an absolutely amazing substance, there is silicon, there is collagen everywhere, there is... flexibility, elasticity, elasticity, joints, blood vessels, skin , cartilage, i want to emphasize that we are flints, we doctors never determine during examinations, because if there is a disease, we treat it, there are wrinkles, we correct or operate, there is osteoporosis or bad vertebrae, we also operate, medicine should react quickly, but you can determine any microelements in everyday life, all these
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tests are available and... of course, eat those products that allow you to have these microelements. let's repeat these products again, don't tell me who remembered? rice, oats and barley. right. rice, oats and barley. absolutely right. and a little bit, 25 g of rice or 30 g of oats or 50 g of barley. and you will be happy. it's all about food. it's time for us to talk about medicine. well, dear friends, in our glasses studio, at our medical site, of course, there is an ophthalmologist working, this professor and doctor of medical sciences, mikhail egorovich kanovalov. a whole series in our program is called about the eyes, and today we continue the conversation about the eyes, and we will talk about the fluid inside the eye. where is your syringe, the famous one, we won’t leave you.
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our doctor will stay with you, he will continue to examine how much fluid is inside the eye, there is only 4-5 ml inside the eye. it’s insignificant and within 4-5 days the eye produces fluid inside the eye, but if it doesn’t drain, you can go blind, unfortunately, this is the case the fact is that it circulates all the time, production is constant, and accordingly there must be a constant outflow; if the balance is upset, then the pressure increases, and accordingly it arises.
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looking straight, then you must stop your hand, stop now, as soon as you see the pencil when looking at us, check one eye in turn, first one, then the other, close it on us and stop where you saw the pencil, well there you go we have people. on which it becomes scary, but what is the maximum movement, mikhail egorovich? maximum - this is the maximum - this is 90° , well, 180, if we are talking about the right and left eye, and so 90°, if we see the pencil when
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looking straight, this is ideal, 10° - this is the maximum movement should be when you are in purple the ladies put their hand on the jacket like this, which means they climbed. narrowed to the center , and this also happens, but this is a big problem, you really only see the pencil here, no, i actually see so well, why did you stop here, we felt bad right away, we have a patient, go to us, please, let's talk to you
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, now we'll see where we have the optic nerve, you see, the optic nerve, it collects information from all parts of the retina and transmits, you see, this is
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like a cable in which there is a lot many millions of wires, each wire carries information to the brain, if the optic nerve dies, then now... it may be normal, but vision will not be clear at all, that is, everything is fine, but there is no vision, this is our retina, and let's we'll show you here, there are a lot of nervous people here cells, and naturally, each cell receives information and then transmits it to the optic nerve. if the fibers of the optic nerve die, then the field of vision narrows, at first the patient does not notice this, but he notices the narrowing. vision, when it is already the third stage of glaucoma, when the field of vision is already like this, but this is already advanced glaucoma, which, unfortunately, can progress, how are you treated, what do you do? i’m taking drops, i
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was diagnosed quite early, already 15 years ago, during a medical examination it was accidentally discovered, as you said, high blood pressure, because i didn’t notice it, they measured it by accident during a medical examination. they sent me to an ophthalmologist, the ophthalmologist sent me for examination to a specialized clinic, and there , after certain studies, they established a diagnosis that it was glaucoma, which... now in the studio on our medical site there is a pneumotonometer, a device for measuring intraocular pressure. let's go to our medical site and measure your blood pressure right now. i'm dripping drops so i hope it's ok. look this one the device detects intraocular pressure with a breath of wind, nothing more. this is the so -called non-contact tanometry, when we should not.
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touch the eye in order to measure the intraocular pressure, yeah, with a current of air, the air flies out, hits the cornea, as it receives resistance, the intraocular pressure is measured, this is the intraocular pressure from 16 to 26, what is the pressure of our guest on the first eye guests right eye. 18 mm hg, on the left 19 mm hg, pressure is normal, this is normal, elena viktorovna, one conclusion can be drawn from this: the drops help, thank you, god, what to do if the drops don’t help? we will now show on the screen the simplest procedure, when the doctor uses a laser beam to create a channel through which it is carried out. the outflow of these unfortunate people is only 4 ml. let's look
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at the screen. a hole is made with a laser and the liquid begins to flow out. that's all, actually. this is an amazing procedure that normalizes intraocular pressure. like this. so, look what we conclude: there is liquid inside the eye fluid. she makes a huge difference in the eye. because it washes the internal structures of the eye , nourishes the cornea, the lens, but there must be a certain amount of this fluid in the eye and there must be normal pressure, and there must always be outflow, so intraocular pressure must be measured, no one does this, i go every three times months, and now all this has to be done correctly, if you have a history... in your family there are people or parents who suffered from glaucoma, then the risk
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of glaucoma for you arises at times, that is, to prevent the development or we cannot determine the presence of glaucoma, our task is to diagnose the disease in time, together with the patient to treat this glaucoma, and what is the task so that the patient lives his whole life and does not lose his sight, because?
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it means damos was true, doctor preobrazhensky, new episodes, watch the time after the program, why were you called to the state sports committee, don’t be silent, please, you’re the only one with me.
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and we are husband and wife, and you, and we, goodbye, i ’ll walk you to the carriage, don’t, i don’t like being seen off, what i hid, 3 years from my sister, i don’t like the garden, and play around i won’t do it, you idiot, that’s what i’ll tell you, i see what you’re going through, really, darling. vegetable garden, let’s begin a professional and , i hope, furious discussion; this is a picture that continues, on the one hand , the tradition laid down in our soviet cinema.
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you are a scientific research, they asked the russians , you see, a man blinks his eyes, and a bogorodsk toy hits him on the head and says: eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, when we looked at what promises the russians most often break, most often make, therefore more often they violate everything, whoever thinks what they think is the number one promise, to lose weight, to lose weight, who is for what they most often promise to lose weight, raise your hands, i wrote for 10 years: lose 10 kg, lose weight. 60% of russians make a wish to lose weight for the new year, can you imagine? and accordingly, almost the same percentage of this promise is not kept, we have such a guest, come to us, please, mikhail, have you brought a noticeable
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envelope? during this time, i just gained 25 kg, clap mikhail, because you have to promise to lose weight and gain weight, mikhail, but we ready to help, that means, german shavich, look, hold your envelope with your cherished desire, mikhail always wants to eat, let's show how it... happens, so, i woke up, i'm hungry, please give it to him, throw a sandwich , well, sandwich , well, okay, you'll wander, let's go, oh, okay , the brain says, eat, eat, eat, eat, hit, hit, hit, open again, throw in,
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throw in more, german-shaech, more, more, germyshaevich, there are still no more potatoes left. potatoes, potatoes, mikhail, throw yourself some more have a snack, like this, misha, throw it there, there, misha, and as a result, weight gain, how to help mikhail, millions of people swear to themselves to lose weight, and they can’t do it , why doesn’t it work, misha, why are you breaking down, i’m writing it’s even on a piece of paper, i promise myself to lose weight, as usual, i burn and eat this piece of paper. exactly, here is herman shaich, but today we can tell our viewers that there has been a revolution in the treatment of obesity, what has happened in medicine, drugs have appeared, this is a whole group of drugs that help people
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lose weight, how, on the one hand, they reduce the sensation. on the other hand , they slow down the emptying of the stomach and thus you have the feeling that you are full, and these drugs allow you to lose weight, that is , look, new drugs, the revolution began with zempik, then manjeira appeared, today a third drug appeared, the first class acted on one receptor, the second class has two, the third class has three receptors, how do these drugs work? your first and most important offender and egoist is the brain, it’s the one that knocks with hammers like that and says: misha, go eat so as not to offend your mother , you know, first, it’s blocked here, the brain doesn’t ask for anything, and the patients say something happened to me, i won’t go anywhere before
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, i eat everything i have, second, you’re all you've had enough time, you should have left it there earlier. a mountain of food to finally fall behind, to say, that’s it, i can’t take it anymore, now you ’ve eaten a little, and satiety is here, this is the second mechanism, people, without doing anything special, without experiencing any restrictions, they radically lose weight, 10 almost everyone loses % of weight every year, this is a lot, you see, 60 loses up to 25%
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of his weight. well, okay, here i am without heels, i’m exactly 70 meters tall, and he’ll be taller than you, and he’s also wearing boots, but i think they’re about the same, but it doesn’t matter, given that height 125 kg, of course, this is a lot, mish, you need to contact an endocrinologist to start losing weight, moreover, we have russian analos. 20% of people write: we need to take care of our health, we have some of those who wrote such an oath to themselves, come here, so we need to take care of
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our health, we get it, i promise myself to get examined, we got examined, no, why? a i don’t have time for this, i put it off all the time, i have work, then some things to do and... i’m on a trip, or i’m sick, just like that, lord, are you sick or something, it’s so scary, no, well, it happens that something gets worse, but no, no, yes and yes, yes , no, no, yes and yes, of course, examination, andrei petrovich, is there a chance to undergo a full examination in a short time in modern medicine , yes, there is, the examination is called mri diffusion, or life scan, life scanning.
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