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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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nominations, when these awards were awarded, this is, well, the deepest respect, respect for vladimir vladimirovich, who was the initiator of this, held this event in the army, and before that , the day before there was also a forum at which all the heads met, for us, as residents of new republics, in addition to the war, we also have another problem, we must integrate into the system of the russian federation, and this is quite difficult, so yesterday’s ceremony is, i think, one of... the best manifestations of attitude towards local government employees, there's no better way to say it now there's news and we'll be back , hello, the news is on air in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, at the beginning there are shots from the special operation zone, the kupinsky direction, there is the crew... of t-72 tanks providing support
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to our motorized rifle and assault groups, clearing the way on the front line. heavy vehicles destroyed the temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces, which was camouflaged in the forest. the target was discovered from a drone, in the donetsk direction from the air, attacks on enemy targets are carried out by su-25 attack aircraft. unguided aircraft missiles are used. after completing a combat mission, crews release heat traps to evade enemy air defenses and return them. just in the dpr, the village of bogdanovka, now this is one of the hottest places on the map of the northern military district, there our military iron out the enemy’s positions, work as a single mechanism, as for the armed forces of ukraine, losses are not taken into account there , they throw not only ukrainians, but foreign mercenaries to certain death . amir yusupov will tell you how we fight back and what enemy johns are. here is his report from the front line. gun,
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already fired, our gunners are now they are working on bogdanovka, the village is turning into another place where ukrainian reserves are simply being ground up, the command of the armed forces of ukraine is now sending there not only its own, but also mercenaries. the fighters of the vostok volunteer corps brigade learn about this from radio interceptions; they communicate in ukrainian, english, russian, polish, and german . the supply of ammunition is now a challenge. simple, the roads in this weather are not suitable for all cars, what a path, the ruts are deep, icy, of course, you can’t get through here quickly in uazs, now everything is a hassle on trucks and tracked vehicles, this is of course confined, because they are larger, noticeable and slow, there are enemy komikaze drones in the sky, but our air defense units do not allow them near the vehicles, we help the attack aircraft, they praise us - whoever
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helps, shoots us down, we we praise them, that is, we are all doing the same thing, we are like one big friendly family in the literal sense of the word, his brother serves together with the platoon commander, his brother is here, his son is here , he is a contract soldier, he is a military man, the whole family is in charge, practically all men family, the little ones stayed at home, we are together, we are close, together, our units are actively moving towards chashy yar and the artillerymen have to move their firing points. forward, but first the sappers comb the area, more and more often the sappers have to deal with dzhoniki, that’s what our guys call a new type of fuse that the enemy installs on some mines. the johnnik is triggered if it is moved or metal is brought close to it, there are so many sensors in it, and explosive devices are hidden in bags or rags. no need to climb, no need to touch hands, we call the sappers, the sappers know what to do. and civilians can get blown up by such packages; it is enough to have a phone or a set of keys with them. in the pocket. the johnnik
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will explode if at least 150 g of metal appears in a small radius from it, but our sappers have already found a safe way to neutralize these packages. a search magnet is attached to the copter, well, at a distance of maybe 10-15 m. if they observe johnny or something similar to him, then the copter just flies up and points at him. if it works, well, maybe we'll lose a bird, but not a human bird. further, further to go, disposable , as everyone calls us, no, we are not disposable, we are just smart, the squad leader wears and can work, but you need to clear the road, the body armor of the mine, the striking elements of which scatter 60 m, jokes, they say the enemy is afraid to shoot at him, if god forbid the enemy is nearby, i have a minus.
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i don’t have it with me, then i’ll detonate it, but in fact no, i have a first aid kit inside, it’s just beautiful, amir yasupov, alexey belov, dmitry zelvyansky, nina khoreva. first channel. vladimir putin instructed the government to think through measures to support women who were not married to deceased svo soldiers, but lived with them or had children together. they will be provided with assistance in matters of material support, medicine, education, and professional retraining. the document was published on the kremlin website. another instruction concerns the social, cultural and linguistic adaptation of children of labor migrants. the problem was discussed. earlier at a meeting of the president with members of the union for human rights. us president joe biden calls an emergency meeting with congressional leaders. while the country is in a fever ahead of the elections, his own ratings are at an all-time low. the head of the white house continues
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to pursue his line on ukraine. according to white house representatives, biden intends to persuade the speakers of the senate and house of representatives to allocate additional funding for kiev. the american leader discussed the same topic with the german chancellor; olaf scholz, despite the mass strikes of the germans, also stubbornly stood his ground. berlin, he said, will send ukraine still has more than 7 billion euros. but the voice of reason among representatives of the collective west is still present. military assistance to kiev is pointless and only leads to an increase in the victims of the conflict. slovak prime minister robert fitze said at a press conference with his hungarian counterpart victor.
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documents to reduce the time for providing all services, a significant task concerns new regions, of course, transport security there, it must be at the highest level, we have almost fully staffed our territorial offices in new territories personnel, mainly local personnel or colleagues, we specifically relied on the fact that these were local personnel, today it is almost 100% donetsk, lugansk...
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bad weather in tatarstan, a storm warning due to heavy snowfalls and wind. almost fifty flights have been delayed or canceled at kazan airport. several planes went to alternate airfields. due to poor visibility, traffic on the m12 east highway is limited. difficulties on the roads due to bad weather conditions, also in the ulyanovsk, orenburg and samara regions. record precipitation is predicted in the capital region. the sky will be covered, as experts say, with multi-tiered clouds, and this... is a real snow armageddon. and finally, about the main film event of this winter. already tomorrow , alexei german the younger's film air will be released in wide release. after the premiere in the capital's october , the first viewers confessed. this is a piercing, subtle, very powerful work.
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the story about a squad of female pilots during the great patriotic war is told in such a way that it gives you goosebumps. and the viewer feels as if he himself is in the cockpit of those same planes. yak 1.b. pyotr deryagin's reports contain all the most interesting things about the creation of the picture and the emotions of those who have already seen it. leningrad is under siege, female pilots and female technicians must show training, courage and self-sacrifice. attack! the roar of engines from metal fasteners, this bears little resemblance to the airy romance sung in songs, and it’s even more wild to see fragile girls at the helm, but this is our story. a big movie about girl pilots in the great patriotic war, a big premiere in the main cinema in moscow. several nights of editing works, complex air suspension, giant metal birds soaring over moscow, a full degree of involvement. every viewer can now touch history. and right in
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the center of moscow on arbat, a soviet yak smashes a german messer. these planes literally came off the screens; they took part in the filming of the film. we move inside the oktyabr cinema, here is also one of the very yaks that participated in the filming of the film. it was in this cabin that the actors spent filming days, many hours of grueling shifts for the sake of it. people were actually drowning in this mess , the film, it seems to me, was shot in general in spite of, i’m
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the seventh alone, to the clouds, i’m alone , i’m hooked, let’s go, i’m going, forty-one, the germans tightened their grip around leningrad, the road of life needs to be protected from life to death, here is just one moment, for me it is emotionally important, my grandfather died in the war, for me this is the theme of war, the theme... of heroism, the theme of self-sacrifice, it evokes very deep emotions, these are the feelings of constant tension, feeling even claustrophobic in the cabin, you wanted to achieve the feeling of a life-or-death struggle, when any movement of the helm, any mistake, you looked in the wrong direction, turned around incorrectly, and you could die. i was shot down, i’m burning, for several years we have been developing ways to film the truth
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of an air battle, these technologies are used for the first time instead of a green screen and graphics , a giant display at the height of a four-story building projects the sky, against which there are planes in full scale, 12 of them were made for the film, every shot, every breakdown, everything really happens in frame, and of course, it was important to show real overloads; the planes with the actors inside were scrolled 360°. if you see that the heroine of agla and tarasova is hanging upside down , trying to beg her airplane not to fall, then you can see that she is flying upside down and there is no catch. when people leave the hall, they can try to run their hands along the skin of this plane to understand what these girls are wearing. in the first years of the war, the yaks were inferior to
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the german mesers in everything, and the overloads were such that the men lost consciousness, there were no pilots enough, and the girls took this risk, entered into a fight with death for the sake of something more , for the sake of the most important thing, and to love the homeland is death to go, what is more important, proden or a person, proden, battles and explosions - these are exactly those the very breaths of air that you inhale, despite the horror and
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tragedy of the war, nevertheless these sips of happiness, which are very small, and the sips of love are also very small, let's fly somewhere and disappear, the film crew on stage after the show is greeted with applause, for each of the very first viewers of the film air, this the picture responded in its own way. they cry with such sincere tears, including children, but it seems to me that these are very proper tears, so cleansing, a very honest movie about people.
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the case is true, and such films need to be shown so that people really understand that there is one life, say, somewhere here, and a completely different one, somewhere on the front line. herman jr. he honestly showed how destinies work out, and what a great tragedy it is, he’s great, i’m proud, he’s a graduate of a geek, i hope that such films you just need to film it, what alexey german did is a feat,
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it can be seen very clearly in this film.


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