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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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indeed, they remained in europe, yes , i do not rule out that they will come, perhaps this process of rotation of changes in political elites is already beginning, and the comprador elite will gradually leave, and they will be replaced by a more nationally oriented one, which will not think about interests of the collective west and the atlantic community, but about our own, then europe will again become interesting for russia, well , now we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00. skip, hello, the episode is on channel one news in the studio maxim sharafuddinov, we start with a new report from the ministry of defense, which we received before our broadcast, the russian military launched strikes on units of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​kleshcheevka, ovdeevka and several other settlements.
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the lack of western support is taking its toll, the remnants of enemy equipment are skillfully destroyed by our artillerymen, vitaly katchenko saw their combat work. terrible stop, target d-34, time point of enemy deployment, report . in a matter of minutes, from the receipt of a combat mission from the control point to hitting the target. shot! now we see
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how artillery works on the front line, 24 km , 700 m firing range, m100b installations. the most important targets for us are the enemy’s artillery, we very quickly determine the state of their guns immediately, if they work, then we quickly respond, but sometimes we even get ahead of them while they are occupying, preparing, that very formidable crew that just dealt a crushing blow to the fortifications. in the north of the zaporozhye region says that now the enemy’s guns are almost fell silent, it is felt that the enemy is running out of this support from the west , and ammunition, well, yes, of course, of course, it is felt, then they started working somewhere in the morning, already around 7:00 in the morning, just like that in basically you could hear exits and many exits were heard, now it’s so rare, rarely , probably four times less than just two months ago, less to the position of the ukrainian armed forces...
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the soldiers work quickly in harmony, as they taught in the mikhailovskaya artillery academy, a 2023 graduate with the call sign pechora, says that now at the front his entire course is almost in full force, he is fighting in the zaporozhye direction, other graduates cover the left bank of the dnieper. 90% are here and they fight quite skillfully, harmoniously and with dignity for their homeland, for their small homeland, for their family, for our future for our children. artillery operates around the clock. to cover our
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forward infantry positions with fire. vitaly katchenko, ruslan yusupov and victor vasin. first channel. zaporozhye direction. joe biden does not give up trying to convince congress to allocate additional funds to ukraine and convenes the speakers of the senate to the white house representatives. let me remind you that the bill has been stalled since last year, sharply opposed by the republicans, but the us president continues to stick to his line and is actively involving the europeans. after biden's conversation with olaf scholz in the government.
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white house nursing home, a place where residents experience a truly homely feeling, delightful activities and walks. the west makes ukraine a bargaining chip in its anti-russian policy, not allowing it to start negotiations with moscow, as the official representative of our foreign ministry maria zakharova commented on the agreement between london and the kiev regime. last week, the prime minister came to ukraine to sign a security agreement. britain is committed to supporting.
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lose interest in what is happening in ukraine, which london continues to view as a geopolitical instrument aimed against russia. the agreement signed in kiev indicates that ukraine is literally left with no chance to get out of the conflict through negotiations, making it a bargaining chip in the adventures of the anglo-saxons. however, adventures will not allow the west to achieve its goals, it will collapse, i am convinced of this ...
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russia has announced that it will not tolerate ukraine in
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nato. ukraine was a de facto member of nato, since its army was built by the americans, british and poles, and russia began a preventive war, or is waging a war from a preventive point of view. the events turned out to be a kind of moment of truth for the collective west. in his new interview with the figaro newspaper, the scientist speaks about sanctions hysteria. sanctions allowed the russian regime to launch a policy protectionist import substitution, and on a huge scale, which moscow on its own could never have imposed on the people. meanwhile, such an import substitution policy will give the russian economy a significant advantage over the eu economy. as he is convinced, western countries have already said goodbye to the illusion that the ukrainian victory. in general , it is possible that the americans will now actively seek a certain status quo that would allow them to disguise their defeat, but the russians will not accept this status quo. russians are well aware of their current industrial and military superiority. in his work on the collapse of the soviet system, back in
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1976, he reflected on a new russia, a strong country without claims to world hegemony, which stands for equality between peoples. in his opinion, it is precisely such a country that can become a serious international factor. i think that in 30 years, perhaps even earlier, europeans will face pressure from a modernized russia, with which they will have to reckon. after 30 years, this is in 2020, this happened in 2014 the reunification of crimea with russia, then our country stopped terrorists and prevented a violent regime change in syria in 2022. the northern military district began; russia’s recovery rise after the decline as a result of the collapse of the union is called dizzying. is there anyone around the french president with similar views? an interesting question, of course, is what needs to happen for the us’s european allies to come to the conclusion that it’s time to record losses in the ukrainian conflict and
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come to an agreement with moscow. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, svetlana vidyashkina, sergey nashchekin, channel one. transferring the transport system to digital rails. today in the spotlight. plays a vital role from optimizing ways for the correct use of all types of transport to appropriate technologies related to the interface of all types of transport services, we are also talking about new technologies related to... services of internal vehicles from trains to long-haul airplanes, that is, this is
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a whole big task for transformation of the entire industry, we have digitized everything that concerns registers of our list of transport companies, prepared everything from the point of view of issues related to the issuance of documentation and carried out all interaction with the ministry of internal affairs, with the federal customs service, and with the judicial service. bailiffs, with the tax office, and today they have built information systems that track vehicles in real time. the transfer of social services for citizens to an online format is a state priority, this was discussed at the grandiose exhibition in the form of russia, where today is digitalization day. one of the key topics is support for companies working in the high technology sector. and the results, then i couldn’t do everything. we will separately work on helping you with expansion. your decisions abroad, but above all , of course, our closest neighbors, the eu, cis,
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brix and so on, gdp will grow by 11.2 trillion only due to the direction of artificial intelligence technologies, until the thirtieth year we will continue to support various it startups , a large number of jobs will be created and prepared.
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who organized a deadly attraction, and with the participation of a child. so, the route is under yekaterinburg, snow sliding, here right in front of other cars a jeep jumps out at the intersection at high speed, pulling a child on a snow scooter. the good reaction of the motorist, who was crossing the intersection at that moment, saved him; he managed to slow down, and the child miraculously slipped literally in front of the wheels. british minister in charge of space projects. became the hero of a publication with headlines like this: houston is an idiot. what is
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the reason? and the minister turned out to be a complete layman in his professional field. andrew griffith i was at an exhibition at the london science museum, and there was an exhibition of the planet. a great way to show off your eroticism, but it didn’t work out. this is how the british media describe everything. image of the sun. griffith states confidently. mars. then there's a picture of jupiter, but griffith thinks it's saturn. after this, of course, there was a barrage of criticism from journalists. colleagues, but the minister repels all attacks with phrases, saying that he is not an encyclopedia, he is not obliged to know everything. a festive atmosphere, a storm of emotions and, of course, the most complex elements performed by our main stars. all this, the russian championship jumping, the only tournament where spectators can see content that skaters never include in their competition programs. here you can try a unique quadruple jump, which alexander baykov and dmitry
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kozlovsky added to their arsenal, and even a cascade of two quadruple jumps, vladislav dikidz is working on it. one of the surprises of the tournament was the participation of elizaveta tuktamysheva, who did not compete this season. fans who already really miss the empress are hoping to see her signature jump - the triple axel. sometimes it’s hard to believe that incredible lightness. with which our skaters land jumps that require the highest skill. russian champion adelia petrosyan this season delighted the fans with the most difficult quadruple flip, solo ... sheepskin grip, and the silver medalist of the national championship, sofia muravyova, with an impeccable triple axel. our best representatives of men's single skating are not far behind: evgeniy semenenko, pyotr gumennik and the opening of the current season, vladislav dikzhi. each of this magnificent three makes the audience literally trembles with...


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