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tv   Doktor Preobrazhenskii  1TV  January 17, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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thank you, give me beauty, and another spring, i love you just as before, forgive my dream, even if i leave, i will stay with you forever. i will stay with you forever, i will stay with you forever, even if i leave, i will remain there, forever, give me beauty, i will believe in a miracle, look for my star, i will go to zakafor.
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“i’ve never read this article, you just write in your own way, and if your daughters were in the place of this girl, you think what you’re doing, really, an honored coach of the soviet union, an olympic champion, this “it’s all nonsense and...” shameful inventions, we still need
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to figure out who decided to bring such chaos to you, write, to the state sports committee, i reported, you will deal with them, i am the editor, i’m going to take a risk for your sake, i don’t have such a moral right.
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” marry me, are you crazy, yes, answer, you will, yes, i just thought that you didn’t like me, little darling, i love you, “the article is incredible, dear, if you love me, you won’t give it to anyone show me. “you can’t get
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a wolf ticket at the start, i’ve already been fired, are we doing something we’ll figure it out, we’ll find you another place, you’ll write for six months about harvests on collective farms , and then you’ll return to a decent newspaper , well, please, put this away, i won’t be able to forget, just move on with your life, you won’t help them, you’ll ruin yourself, think about it. i , too, not all operations were successful, but i moved on, because i have to help others , and what does leo say, well, he generally knows about it, okay, you broke up, dad, i ’ll pull myself together, i’ll pull myself together, that’s it. ladochka, there are things in
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life that we cannot change, no, these are advice, na... inspires that we cannot do anything edit, hello, comrade erokhin, from the state sports committee is worried, we ask you to come, hello, hello. “can you imagine, gosha just went to the fay, he made two proposals in front of everyone, i was jealous, move with artyom to me,
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i don’t want to wait for your liberation if you ’re afraid.” artyom won’t understand, i’ll talk to him, i’ll explain everything to him like a man. lev, we will have a family, you, me, artyom, it’s really bad that he will grow up alone, he needs a brother or sister, do you agree? eva, listen to me, please. "i need to tell you one thing, then you decide for yourself, yes, comrade dronova, yes, it’s me, it’s you from the state sports committee who are worried about the investigation that you, yes, i understand, you need to come
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, i understand, i will come, i ask you to forgive me, i need to leave very urgently , but i'll be back soon." i'll be back, maria vladimirovna, so how should we work with european politicians now? are you working with european politicians? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time, this is the cruelest calculation, it really
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gave up everyone, show vavan and lexus, premiere, today on the first, every time the same question, but how do they fall for all this or agree, i don’t know, we develop correct posture, posture diagnosis, food chemistry, when, to whom and how much, fiber reading? analyzes, what is a dedimer, the program to live healthy, helps everyone, tomorrow on the first, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they
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were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if gravity was not affecting them. risk, danger, entertainment 3.5 and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eva, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship. live broadcasts on the weekend on the first, we are not boiled, we are not raw, we will not give up, we will get angry, you are always very beautiful , they brought me two females, i was furious, few
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guys, but loud, he is not there, he is not there, he ran away spider, you have some kind of special finger, it’s probably not there... you should twist it, twist it , as they call girls who play checkers, checkers players, it seems like everything started out well , now it’s going to end badly, best of all, new season, on sunday first, you eat buns, very rarely, and if your mother is kind, she can allow it once a week, i received a letter from this antonina and read the diagnosis, a physical anomaly, such a mockery of nature, there are indications, but such an operation it simply doesn’t exist, he’s sorry, she’s on...
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please wait in the corridor, i’m looking at the patient, then they’ll see you. i'm coming to you, lev grigorievich. your voice, independent hormone therapy, i have to examine you, although i don’t understand that this will change. i ask you to. what you ask is drastic and impossible, complete madness, your referral for surgery
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is just a piece of paper, or it says that you need such an operation in theory, but in practice, i’m not even sure that this is possible, but what i am sure of is that it is extremely dangerous for the patient , that is, for you, you are my last chance, what have you done to yourself? i have no way back, hormone therapy, here is felatov’s stem, who prepared it for you? i’m ready for the operation, even now, it can’t just be left like that, well, help me, doctor, finally understand that all this won’t make you man, this is not one, in theory not even two, a whole complex of operations, you are right, what makes a man a man is only his actions. i can help you, i can remove this ridiculous
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blank, you are just a coward like everyone else, you refuse to have surgery simply because you don’t like my diagnosis, you ’re right, i personally don’t like your diagnosis. well, you can’t just throw me out of here with my direction, throw me out, no, but this same preparation definitely needs to be removed, and as for the direction, the decision about the impossibility of carrying out an operation that will be accepted by the medical commission while you can undergo analysis, you are discrediting
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our athletes right during the olympics, this is sabotage, sabotage - this is to cripple the health of a girl in order to hide a crime, this is an unsubstantiated accusation , shameful slander. good afternoon, please come in, svetlana gennadievna, and we called you because you headed the commission on the makovskaya case, we, unfortunately, have a small emergency here, look at everything you have, vladilena arkadyevna - this is gossip, which always happens where there is envy and anger. the coach slandered his pupil, and because he tried to evade responsibility, a respected person suffered, a medical technique was discredited, on which the whole ... institute had been working for 6 years, i don’t need to retell your article, i haven’t forgotten how to read yet .
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forgive me, svetlana gennadievna, that you have to read this dirt. i couldn’t even imagine that everything would be like this. nobody could, because it was a disgusting lie. no, its true. makovskaya really i had gestational diabetes - it's a monster. but... the doctor, makovskaya’s sports doctor, showed her tests to me personally, the tests confirm everything that is written in this article. i admire your determination. wait, but this will mean that you made a mistake in the investigation. exactly. therefore, now i consider myself obligated to correct this situation at any cost. this is a crime, and those responsible will answer for it.
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i'm warning you, you won't be able to let anything go. i'll connect all my connections. svetlana gennadievna, what are you? tell me, how can you let something like this go down , it’s the girl’s health, goodbye, evidence was accidentally discovered, it exists, that ’s the main thing, and where were they until now, your bedside tables, you don’t give a damn about the girl, even if they devour her, i have no idea had that... she got pregnant from the coach, i couldn’t even imagine this. you knew everything and remained silent in order to get the position of chief physician, deceived preobrazhensky, convinced him that he was the one who made a mistake.
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hello, hello, lyova, it’s me, lada, hello, we need to talk urgently, come, i’m at work, no, not at the institute, please, you know, i wouldn’t just ask, okay, where in the park on the carriage house, when, as soon as possible. sorry for being silent, i wanted to find proof, i should have said it right away, are you sure it’s true, and the state sports committee didn’t want to believe it either, but there is evidence, this is not a medical error, and you
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will be able to occupy leadership positions, you will be able to regain your place the head physician, but most importantly... what, you left because of her, i’m so sorry for you, lyova, she knew about gestational diabetes,
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sparked the analysis to get your place , she knew about the girl, but... it didn’t matter, this is nisko lada, you’re prodronovo, i agree, well , ask her what she did today in state sports,
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i invite everyone to our colorful capital south - you can enjoy the don cossacks, have a delicious meal, enjoy the culture of beautiful girls, of course, so the bride is an unmarried girl without bad habits, contact the phone number, you just have to be here, be, breathe this air, rejoice, enjoy and to be proud that we have such a beautiful city, our country is great, we live at the site of gagarin’s landing, nearby in the village of ternovka, a russian person, he should be... honest, kind, always ready to come to the aid of his homeland. only here, my homeland, my world, my family and my friends. mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller
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group, ready, yes, i think that cinema only shows love stories in war films, we are talking about a guy's love for guns, in gangster films, about guys' love for robbery. luke gadar, two or three things i don't i know about him on friday first.
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famous godparents and their godchildren met in our studio. i am a very responsible person, one of my goddaughters’ mother died, and i immediately said that i am taking you to live at home with me. lenochka, i know that you also cross-five several times. the oldest is 16 years old, the youngest is 4 and a half years old. we are together. a person is in some kind of trouble, the soul begins to suffer, the temple, there is an answer to questions that are sometimes difficult to formulate, my son’s heart stopped, we
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lost, and katya saved me, katya tells me, be a godmother, for me it was such a gift, we have the best godmother in the world, on saturday on the first, you are with me... and we are husband and wife, and you and we're good-bye, i'll take you to the carriage, don't, i don't like it when they see me off, what were you hiding, 3 years from my sister, i don't like the city and i won't play around in it, you're a quitter, that's what... i’ll tell you, i see what you’re going through, well, really, zoechka, vegetable garden, let’s start
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a professional and furious, i hope, discussion, this is a picture that continues, on the one hand, the tradition laid down in our soviet cinema, at fittings in the films love and doves, it is very difficult to make a decision, a feat of the heroine, to agree that she loves and that she is loved, with this coleito just... this is the question , where will they go, it was such a collegial decision of our filming group, on saturday at the first, lof, i need to talk to you, why were you called to the state sports committee? why did you go there? “don’t be silent, please, i see you already know, just answer, you didn’t know about
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makovskaya, about gestational diabetes, you knew kept silent in order to take my post?". no need for excuses, just yes or no, i wanted to tell you, your dismissal was a done deal, no one needed the truth, i’m very sorry that this happened, i really beg you, forgive me , please, i had no right with you.
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“i’m probably a bad person, what should i do, light, i didn’t love anyone like that, but you ruined everything, you can’t be trusted, i also didn’t love anyone like you, and what, should i close my eyes and live happily for a long time with you, as you imagine, i’m all..." true, everything i can, that you will correct the life of makovskaya, or jonos, you did not betray me, you gave me a profession, you are not a doctor.
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at least something good comes from our marriage, there is always vodka and
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krakow sausage. there is no interruption, i can’t lie anymore, it’s all clear, i had a hand in this in every sense, i met someone. so danos was right, he fell in love, yes, i took everything from you and him, you always took it
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from me, i always knew that you married me. to escape from kislovodsk, then became pregnant, just pulled this strap, you excellent student, this is not true, kostya, i loved you, it’s just easier for you to think that you haven’t lost anything, but i, i love you now. i wonder where you are going in this form, and what is it, do i have to report to you
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to the devil? you can’t go anywhere like this, don’t you dare tell me what to do, you have no right to do this at all , what’s going on, please don’t start, okay, let’s not now, calm down, rest, sleep tomorrow and tell me all your complaints , well, what claims, brother, what kind of claims can i have? i shouldn’t have any complaints against you, you spent your whole life saving your crippled sister, i should be grateful to you all my life, what is a naughty woman, i care about you, you care, you care. of course, thank you, lev , for caring so much about me, please tell me just one thing, this scar, this is my deformity, it actually prevented me from living or not, look, lev, look , he is not there, that i, lyova, have become happier, but apparently not, no, because my sting is here, lyova, here. here and
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here, i don't want to listen to this, you're drunk, you you never want to listen to me, i don’t want to, don’t let me go, let me go, i don’t want to see you, i don’t want to, that’s enough already. i can’t anymore, i can’t live with you, girl, something happened to you, and your business is very much mine, since childhood i haven’t been able to see how beautifully a girl cries, and you think that... i’m beautiful , really, haven’t you seen yourself in the mirror, well, of course you have, it means you’re not only beautiful, but also modest, can i have your
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phone number, maybe not, but thank you anyway, you ’re welcome? oh, zosya, i found out your address at the reception,
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you told me that i can turn to you for help any time i need it, what happened, can’t you see it yourself? “a woman came to you at night , that’s what happened, i’m sorry, i was working , my place wasn’t cleaned, if i had known that i would have guests, i would have cleaned up, don’t worry, don’t worry, i’ll clean it all up, tomorrow, well, are you happy with your therapy, which is free in front of you.” my woman, who can make her own decisions and not be afraid of her desires, you cured me, and you are discharged, call it what you want, in front of me
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a desperate girl who escaped, she is very afraid to be alone. so she got drunk for courage and threw herself into the arms of a man who understands her better than she understands herself. well, okay, so be it, but this man, he won’t kick her out , he won’t take advantage of her, he won’t do anything that she will regret later, she won’t regret it, she will regret it, because she is a very... pure and pure girl, in childhood i read books about alya prusa, uh-huh, do you want something, with leon,
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two spoons of sugar, or you?
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how can we now work with european politicians? do you work with european politicians? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time. this is the most cruel calculation, she really just put an end to all these very illusions. now both france and europe, they are also participants in the war. yes, without being a belligerent, they are participants.
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they agree, i don’t know, supposedly the whole world supports ukraine so much that children’s construction sets dedicated to ukraine allegedly go on sale. any aggressive nationalism has a concept here centricity, they are the center of the universe, everything revolves around them. it’s humiliating for the country that a brand noticed us; it turns out that ukraine is just a trademark. but purely technically, production-wise, this is just economic insanity. how a british pensioner invented a heroic biography for himself, posing as... soviet soldier, how he got to
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minsk on august 15, 1941. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if they were not affected by earthly forces. attraction. risk, danger, entertainment , and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, flying on eva, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, on the weekend at the first, we didn’t
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boiled, we are not raw, we will not give up, we will get angry , you are always very beautiful, they brought me two females, i was furious, they foal a little, but loudly, he is not there, he is not there, he ran, you have some kind of special finger, probably there, no, i can twist it for you. cool, as they call it girls who play checkers, checkers players, and for me it all seemed to start out well, then, well, now it’s going to end badly, better than everyone else, the new season is on sunday on the first, you eat buns, very rarely, but if your mother is kind, maybe. .. will allow once a week.
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yes, svetlana gennadievna, there is a scandal in the ninth ward, could you please, good afternoon, i am svetlana gennadievna dronova, the head physician of the institute of beauty, what’s the matter, good afternoon, for what sins of mine i was given this terrible thing. creation, i don’t understand what you
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are talking about, you are already a decent organization, why you are doing such things , you are collecting hermaphrodites here, this is a perversion , you are not embarrassed to behave like this, a person hears you, everything is fine, i am not offended , don’t worry, let me, you suck up to me, don’t try, it gets offended, what a great mercy , tell me, do we have freedom? special ward with additional amenities, yes, free, please prepare, okay, antonin, come with me, you are moving. no, excuse me, what's happening here, look what's happening here, what's happening here? mom, i'm being moved to another ward. hello, good afternoon, follow me, please, i didn’t make up my mind right away, but when she
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said that she looked like her father, like a fascist who raped her mother, what? but she doesn’t want to live with it, in general, i performed an operation on her, the result was simply amazing, well, of course, then the classic story, pygmaleon and galatea, the master created such perfect beauty that he himself fell in love with his creation, yes, i fell in love, i don’t know, i lost my head, it’s just that she even took my measurements. "i wanted to knit a sweater, but will it be possible? woman, knitting a sweater for a person she doesn’t like, no, she won’t, you see , i thought so too, of course i understood the age difference, anything can happen, andrei ivanovich,
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i have a hypothesis, but i’m afraid it will be difficult for you to accept it, tell me, i’ll try, i think she really got attached to you and fell in love with you.” and she sincerely didn’t want you to freeze in winter, well, what’s wrong then? she grew up with trauma, one very important figure was missing in her life, she didn’t there was enough person to whom she would be grateful for that the light appeared, and after you gave her a new face, you replaced it, you took the place of her father. gennadievna, thank you for defending antonina, she only talks about you, even if they refuse us , for her, for him, this is a special moment in life, they will deny you something, an operation, they decide today, i understand, but well, i i wish you good luck, she
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has been like this since childhood, abandoned by her family, her father abandoned her in the maternity hospital when he learned about the diagnosis. and then he returned and started beating her terribly, hoping to beat the crap out of her, but excuse me, please, i just don’t quite understand how i can help you, i was told that you are in charge here, probably svetlana, you have children, a son, then you will understand what i’m asking for, i ’m asking for the life of my child, you this is our last chance, we have traveled all over the union, if nothing... doesn’t work out, she will commit suicide, she already tried, they barely saved her.
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patient antonina korobkova. 26 years old, female with costelum phylata, confirmed diagnosis - congenital physical anomaly. in other words, her primary reproductive organs are atrophied. signs of both sexes, but fortunately she does not have gender dysphoria. our patient strongly feels like a man. a consultation was held
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and conservative treatment in an inpatient psychiatric clinic was found to be ineffective. yes, the patient received a referral to us. only no one has performed such an operation, naturally, there are no such fools who would agree to kill their patient, forgive me. this, this is against god, against nature. arman ashatovich is right, they won’t
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close the institute because of this? does dronova even know? she's like that the operation will not be allowed. dronova is aware. lev grigorevich, tell me, can such an operation be performed purely technically? well, after the war i had phalanprosthetics done using stemfilate, but it’s more complicated, it’s a difficult combined operation, that’s why. everything and the decision to make all together, that is, are you ready to do it? alena is right, technically this is our patient, but the risk of an unsuccessful outcome of the operation puts not only the patient at risk, but you and the entire institute. if you are afraid that there will be some problems in the ministry of health, i take it upon myself. this is my duty as a doctor. well? let's vote, who is for the operation? who is behind the operation?
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who's against it? lev grigorievich, your vote is decisive. keep quiet, okay. thank you, for what? for the chance, only you understood us, mom, don’t cry
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, don’t, how can you not cry, too, you tried to live for so long, like everyone else, we hid so much for years, we heard so much nasty things, you’re a freak and a pervert, i so hoped that everything will end. i’m so tired, i agree, agree with the ministry, i’ll solve everything.
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i would like to wish our citizens of the russian federation, everyone would like to wish health and so that all loved ones have health and happiness. the calling card of the orenburg region is our orenburg down scarf. its special feature is that it can fit through a wedding ring. and we are happy, we believe that there should be a miracle in everyone’s life, we worked at a school camp and the leaders had a planning meeting, she, we were in different teams, i invited her to meet, she agreed, and in general the day was just explosive, because i’m like that i experienced emotions, i want many on the planet to understand that only in friendship and love can we live together, i love my country very much and am proud of our russia.
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this is a day for the lord, we put aside our everyday activities, we go to the temple, when a person has some kind of trouble, the soul begins to suffer, the temple, there is an answer to questions that are sometimes difficult to formulate, my son’s heart stopped, we lost him , and katya saved me, katya tells me, be a godmother, for me it was such a gift, we have the best
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godmother in the world. on saturday on the first private screening with alexander gardon, is that how you like it? absolutely original and powerful film language, the genre breaks down , suddenly they go crazy and go into such an oops and monologue, you understood what you are talking about now already at the level of the script, but of course, the viewer must see what will happen to these characters from the beginning to the end, they are real and alive all the way , he plunges into the depths of human relationships, i looked at the picture and forgot about it, and in the morning i wake up and suddenly
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i’m shocked that in the end they are together or not,
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should i close the institute after this, is what has already happened enough for me? alexey danilovich, this is a disease, like others, and a disease for which surgical intervention is indicated. it is immoral. i, as the head physician, have no medical grounds to refuse her. i work in a medical institution, and not in a moral and ethical institution, study the documents. whose idea is this anyway? my, this is my patient. i see svetlana gennadievna that life doesn’t want anything for you. you miraculously sat there a couple of times, so i need to draw conclusions and calm down. keep in mind if i only if i find out that you gave the order to put the patient on the table, nothing
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will save you from dismissal. okay, i understood you, i’ll do the right thing, i didn’t mind, i wanted to do what happened to you, i remember that you warned me, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, what did i do, i’m the face that he gave me, i hate him, word. i don’t
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want to, you’re just like him! i can do it, everything is right, i deserve it, hello, good afternoon,
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hello, so what? “i’m just from the ministry, we are performing an operation on antonina, this issue has been resolved, he agreed, i congratulate us, therefore we are preparing for the operation, tomorrow, like tomorrow, like this, the patient has been examined and prepared in all respects, how can it be so fast, this is a condition, good, but what about a gynecologist, we don’t have a gynecologist, in general - i had a radical dystorectomy, they brought in a woman from oncology, the wife of the head
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of the colony, he didn’t trust other doctors, that ’s great, no one had ever done this operation in the soviet union, we will be the first to cheer for the cause, comrade. mikhailov, andrey, andrey ivanovich, forgive me, please, for what happened yesterday, nadya, it’s you who forgive me, i’m an old fool, i imagined myself, the devil knows that you weren’t offended, what do you mean, what and how can i do it? are you waiting today? nadya, i think we don’t need to see each other anymore. you promised that you wouldn't leave me. nadya, we
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have a very good specialist at our institute. i think you should meet. i'll agree. i don't want another doctor. this is not really a doctor, you just meet and talk in a friendly way. you no longer need my medical supervision. i'm very needy, i fell i hit my face, and now it seems to me that something is wrong with it, as i hit it, hard, yes, to the point of bleeding, i’ll come now, put something cold on my face, okay, i’m really looking forward to it.


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