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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 17, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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there is a very good specialist at the institute , i think you should meet, i will agree , i don’t want another doctor, this is not really a doctor, you just meet, talk in a friendly way, you no longer need my medical supervision, i do, i i i really need it, i fell and hit my face, and now it seems to me that something is wrong with it, i hit it, hard, yes, until it bled, i’ll be right there. put something cold on your face, okay, i'm really looking forward to it, surgery tomorrow. you heard, that means they didn’t
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allow it, i tried to convince him, but i did only worse, as usual, so i decided to schedule the operation for tomorrow, before they take action, the sooner the better, stop pretending to be the preobrazhansky detective, you understood everything correctly, they will fire you right away, and i won’t give them such pleasure, this is an operation , my career, maybe, as a woman, i cannot correct what i did, but as a doctor, i will not give up my position. good evening, the big game is live. 79 years ago, january 17, 1945.
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the operation lasted only 3 days. vladimir putin is resorting to tactics today in the kiev regime, and proclaimed warsaw a fortress, and today he held a meeting with the government and noted that the growth of the russian economy by the end of 2023 could be even more than 3.5%. and according to the minister of economic development reshetnikov, russia, which... has now reached fifth place in the world in terms of gdp at purchasing power parity, thereby overtaking germany, where there is a recession, so russia may in the next 3-4 years, according to reshetnikov, overtake japan to reach fourth place in the world, and this is despite the unprecedented number of sanctions that the collective west imposed against russia, about 20 thousand sanctions, this is the largest scale of sanctions in general in world history, well... the day before, vladimir
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putin made a number of very important statements about the special operation in ukraine, in particular that the initiative there lies with the russian military, that the counter-offensive in the ssu has completely failed, that russia will under no circumstances give up the gains of the last year and a half, meaning the entry into russia of four new entities, and that if kiev and the west continue to refuse serious dialogue, as they are doing now, replacing it with surrogates, such as zelensky’s peace formula, then how can we say? now let’s talk about the prospects for military operations in ukraine in 2024 , perhaps 2025. in the west, as it seems to me, two approaches, or two points of view, have been formed on this matter. the first point of view is that russia is now actively advancing, and in the foreseeable future it may even liberate new significant territories. here's jens stoltenberg.
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in january 2023 in january 2024 may conclude that the war has reached a stalemate, but this is a misleading impression: the kremlin is almost certainly not seeking a territorial breakthrough, at least for now. rather, it systematically undermines ukraine’s ability to conduct combat operations, and also deprives it of the opportunity to rebuild its armed forces after the war. russian troops inflict great damage on the personnel of the ukrainian armed forces and deplete the ukrainian western arsenals of weapons and ammunition. evgeniy petrovich, firstly, these two points of view that i named are complement each other or they contradict each other. and in general, what is your assessment of the prospects, what will be your analysis of what russia is doing now? you know, you can say that they complement, but you can say that they contradict, because, well , exhaustion of forces naturally means that we, for a long time, are in the so-called active defense, when we slowly move forward, we can in some areas, we can along the entire line
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of contact, but this is not holding a classic offensive operation highlighting the direction of the main attack, auxiliary attacks, when... pour in and the troops move forward, or as we are now moving forward slowly, persistently, but confidently, you understand, there was an analogy with the great patriotic war, when we took warsaw for 3 days, but it doesn’t say how much we put in. i now remember these figures from memory, either 300, or 500 thousand people during the capture of warsaw, in this special military operation, it was, so to speak, it’s not secret, it was announced publicly that the task was set to minimize losses
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, of course there are losses, but they are of course many times less than those of the ukrainian side, although of course our former partners, and the current... to put it mildly, opponents, bring some absolutely ridiculous figures that ukraine lost 70,000 people there, and the russian federation lost 300, more than 300 , well, this is complete, complete nonsense, of course, therefore, of course, i would like, of course, to liberate those territories with a swift, swift blow who already are, in fact, part of the russian federation, these four subjects, we also have the donetsk people's republic, the zaporozhye region, the kherson region, you can see on the map, here are the parts that are still under ukrainian control, we also have kharkov, about which, about which both the president and the minister of defense said that we must move the line
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of combat contact so that the ukrainians do not have the opportunity to shell our territory, we still have such beautiful cities as odessa, which the president said. russian city, well accordingly, if odessa , then nikolaev, that is, there is a field for work, exactly, completely , it seems to me, petrovich, that these points of view do not contradict each other, a rapid offensive is possible just after the exhaustion of the kiev regime to a certain exhaustion, you understand, the matter it’s not even that they have big problems, of course, they have problems with ammunition and weapons of military equipment due to a lack of money for supplies, but the most important problem is with personnel, because the quality of the contingent is deteriorating, people are coming unprepared, old, professional backbone has already been worn down during this counter-offensive, so plus these regular attacks that began on december 29
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on production facilities, mainly on repair enterprises, the airfield, they, of course, really deplete the capabilities.
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ukraine, by the way, has significantly increased the production of drones and, of course, electronic warfare equipment, so if all this comes, we will continue to win and liberate the territory, but you know, we are fighting a very serious enemy. already, especially what they convey, there are the dutch, the danes, these are all planes from the eighties, and, probably, they have undergone
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modernization, but nevertheless, i have repeatedly given the figure that when, during the times of the soviet union, there was an army department in ukraine air defense, i will not be there structure due to lack of time, but the total number of launchers, there are s200, s300, beech, the total number, if you take them all. division was 1200 units, that’s what we have now, yes, it’s a different technological level, as they say, but that’s all anyway, it is not so much, so to speak, not several generations ahead of what it was during the soviet union, 10, 12, 14, well , they covered kiev a little, there may be some other cities there, but to cover the territory of ukraine with it’s impossible to have that many aircraft, and the planes, well, as many as they were promised, there were two or three destroyed, 48, well, 60. russia today, well, according to open sources
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we have, if we take our aerospace forces, this is more than three thousand planes that we we can take it into the sky if necessary, so i don’t perceive it very seriously, this is from the category, here we go with shovels, this is from the same series, i would actually advise dmitry kulebya, before talking about the battle for the sky, to watch the film air. which will be released tomorrow in wide release, this is a film by alexei german jr., created with the participation and support of channel one, and the film is actually very important, it shows the heroism of our icemen during the second world war, and after watching this film, it will be clear why it is impossible to defeat russia, neither in the air nor on the ground, but with this is where kuleba spoke at the dovos forum, but on the whole, the final forum, to be honest, for me... formed, or rather strengthened, the impression of absolute inability to negotiate, the absolute
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insanity of the west and, accordingly , the pointlessness of talking to them about anything serious at all, look here , russia constantly talks about what is important for it in terms of this military operation, what the criteria for peace might be. vladimir putin said yesterday that russia will not give up its gains, yes, that russia will not play these are ridiculous ones. surrogates like zelensky’s peace formula. nevertheless, blinken speaks today in davos, listen to what the secretary of state of the united states says. at the moment i don't see any possibility of negotiations. for our part, we are always open, we are ready, and the main thing is that ukrainians want this. ukrainians want peace, but for this it is necessary for russia, for its part , to also show readiness for serious negotiations. to do this, it is necessary to remove the problems that were caused by russian aggression. ukraine must be guaranteed territorial integrity and sovereignty. i think that if russia agrees with these postulates, then both ukraine and the united states will be
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all for it. well, tomorrow macron, the president of france, will speak at davosi; the day before he also made a statement that speaks of his fundamental unpreparedness for a serious dialogue, because macron announced that not only would he provide ukraine with an additional 40 long-range scalp missiles, but he intends to follow in the footsteps of british prime minister sunak in february. come to kyiv to sign the same thing a security agreement , which assumes long-term military assistance and militarization of ukraine from the west for the next 10 years, which fundamentally contradicts, of course, the minimum requirements of russia, and accordingly removes the question of political and diplomatic resolution of conflicts, in principle, it a priori removes, yes, well and another evidence of the west’s complete unpreparedness for a serious dialogue not only with russia. we do not view china
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as an adversary, but china's large investments in modern military capabilities, including the military industry and more advanced nuclear weapons, china's behavior, especially in the south china sea, the fact that china is actually violating the core principles of nato, democracy, journalism, rule of law, freedom of speech. as we all saw in hong kong, all of this matters for nato, and we must also understand that this is not about nato moving into asia, but about china moving closer to nato's borders. andrey arkadievich, you heard, that is, there are liaison offices in japan in other countries of southeast asia, it’s not the west that invites representatives of japan , south korea, to its nato summits, and so yes, it turns out that china is expanding towards nato, that’s it, maybe, continuing the thought from
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toltenberg, i must say that russia has probably been doing the same for the last 30 years i follow the same logic, it expanded to the west, yes, but it didn’t expand it. so, in general, what is your assessment of all this? well, i’m not a specialist in psychiatry, you see, it’s difficult for me to assess what we see here, in general, well, life has ended, you know, it follows its own laws, still i think that in our russian politicians who make decisions are very serious professional people, on the other hand, well, how does this person differ from zelensky, well, probably, the suit is different, he speaks a different language, but essentially this is... after the fourth or fifth page it’s also like a script, the same font, but it’s already written about something else, all this suggests that our
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opponents, our adversaries, they really are at such a serious... level of degradation, when we are asked to conduct some kind of interaction with this public. then negotiations, well, clear the thing is that our position does not change, yes we are open there, but we are open to something, to a constructive dialogue, well, with these it is impossible, but i’m not arguing with you, yes, although nevertheless, even if today imagine for a second such a fantastic story, we were asked to sit down at the table and come to an agreement by people from washington, who have elections around the corner, who want to imprison each other, i just don’t remember. who is who for 350 years, who is who for 400 years, i’m already confused, because they have the number of years for which they want each other to imprison a friend, and also to imprison the children , and to imprison everyone else, and then to imprison everyone who was in their brothel, but you understand, this is a terrible thing from the point of view of normal specialists who want to agree on something, or at least talk, you know, i actually
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continue to maintain relations with certain people on the other side, just within the framework of party, parliamentary diplomacy. they are definitely well understood by the people, i won’t just repeat them, they are from the lips of the commander-in-chief sound very organic, but this does not mean that those who oppose us are all idiots who are already either a madhouse there or are going to retire, no, there are serious forces there, there is serious money, there is serious technical base, well , let’s take the digital space, well, it’s no secret
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that there is a monopoly there, this is the united states of america, take the information space. these are also the fronts of that very global war that is going on or a global battle, more precisely, here we are in this very information battle, it cannot be said that we have already occupied all the commanding heights, i also try to speak delicately on this topic, we have a very serious groundwork, we are now working very actively, working together on this, that is, the movement for the freedom of nations, in in the sense in which the organization of the united nations was once created, and it would seem, well, an obvious thing, the freedom of the nation, who should be against it? even those countries that we traditionally consider friendly, not all of them are now ready to join, so to speak, in this movement, why? without naming the country, it is well-known, it suffered a lot from these same american imperialists, including from the french imperialists, they say so there, you know, we now have such a trade turnover with them, we have already fought so much there, we need at least a little
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peace, the trade turnover is like this, then there are large sums in billions of dollars, i tell them: wait, but you can’t see what they are doing with the dollar... they can do it in just one second, one second, you have accumulated something there, then once and no, come with us they won’t do that, that’s why we ’ll kind of stand here and see , this is what’s happening now, something needs to be done about it, but in what sense, we really need to not only carry out explanatory work, but also create and strengthen those formats which in fact have already arisen, the last thing in this thought is, yes, today world history is not made in prevos, it is made in brix. brix has doubled this year, but as for the politics of the west, i also in no way want to say that everyone there is idiots, i it seems that this is a conscious policy of refusing
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a serious dialogue with russia, an attempt to wage a hybrid war against us for the long term, that is , they realized based on the results of last year that it is not possible to quickly inflict a strategic defeat on us, neither in the military sphere, nor in the economic sphere, nor in any other way , but they don’t... refuse goal-setting itself, which is why they make statements that seem funny to us, but in fact these statements confirm their policy, their desire to defeat us instead of doing serious business with us, here is another illustration of this, yes, this is the discussion that took place today on russia at this very finishing forum, where history is not made, there was a panel called russia, what’s next, here look who was the speaker, polish foreign minister sekorski, lithuanian foreign minister gabrielius lansberges, european commission commissioner and former latvian prime minister dombrovskis, which means romanian foreign minister ada pescu, and
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actively advocates strengthening sanctions against russia, associate professor of the fredcher school at tavtsa university chris miller, and again, it was on purpose that they appointed the most odious speakers to speak in russia, it’s just that you couldn’t pick out worse, the most odious speakers. in the west, yes, well, and as a cherry on the cake, the last example is the meaninglessness of dialogue with the current elites, and what are the current elites of the collective west and in particular the german political elites? the bilt publication found out that in the city of dresden an inscription was erased, which testified that in february 1945, anglo-american aviation carried out a monstrous... yes, destructive airstrikes, bombing attacks on dresdon, simply wiping the city off the face of the earth, from 100 to 300 thousand casualties, 78 thousand civilian buildings
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destroyed, in general, this inscription testified that it was, for reasons of political correctness, the german authorities decided to delete this entry, this is how history is being rewritten, this is how the current political elites behave, now a little advertising, then we’ll talk about the middle east. maria vladimirovna, how should we work with european politicians now? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time. this is the most cruel calculation, she really just put an end to all these very illusions.
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every time the same question: how do they fall for all this or agree? i don't know, gin sheaf, a product of stellor group. allegedly , the whole world supports ukraine so much that children’s construction sets dedicated to ukraine are supposedly on sale. any aggressive nationalism has a concept. centricity, they are the center of the universe , everything revolves around them , the brand noticed us humiliatingly for the country, it turns out that ukraine is just a trademark, and purely technically, production-wise, it’s just
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economic insanity, like a british pensioner came up with a heroic biography for himself, posing as a soviet soldier, how he got to minsk on august 15, 1941, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first day, ready, yes. i think cinema only shows love stories in war films we're talking about a guy's love for weapons, in gangster movies, about guys' love for crime, things are really rubbish, but the new wave brought a love for cinema, without love there are no films, he's a child of the cinema, he himself says that he grew up in museum of cinema in paris, he knows the role of screening old films, the films are not good enough for the audience. but the audience is often not good enough for films, they say that people don’t understand my films, but also that i myself don’t understand them, matodor? jean-luc gadar -
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two or three things i don't know about him, in friday, on the first. there's a big game on the air, this week the war in the gas sector has passed the hundred-day mark, so when we look at the result of these 100 days, it seems to me that one of the obvious results is that the war... look, the united states has already started systematically launch missile strikes against the yemeni houthis; accordingly, the biden administration has become directly involved in another middle east war, despite all its previous attempts to leave the middle east for more important strategic directions, at the beginning of this week, iran attacked targets in iraqi irbil, the capital
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of iraqi kurdistan in... syria in idleb, by the way, thereby, it seems to me, to demonstrate that its ballistic missiles reach israel, because the territory is approximately the same, well yesterday iran also launched a missile attack on pakistani biluchestan, although the foreign minister had already spoken today, iran assured that this was only a strike against terrorists, but nevertheless, nevertheless, here is vitaly vyacheslavovich, when we analyze all this individually, it seems like for everyone...
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it’s not worth saying that there is a general escalation, i’m still an optimist, i believe that reasonable countries, to which our partners and friends belong, they will not allow this, escalation carried out by the americans and those who cooperate with them are trying to fan this fire so that it spreads to other countries, but for now it seems to me that it is too early to talk about this, and i think that this can be avoided. about, if you start with gas, then in principle this is the tendency for such the barbaric extermination of people for deportation, for the expulsion of palestinians, it continues, somehow the attention to gas has weakened a little among the world community, it’s just that some kind of addiction is already underway, everyone condemns israel, and excuse me, maybe the united states began to specifically strike at the houthis to shift attention from
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israel to the world? well , this option can be allowed, but it seems to me that it will not be possible to switch, because indignation is growing, in the arab street, not only the street, even among the arab elites, in even in states that were striving for a truce, for reconciliation with israel , the indignation there is very powerful, it will not go away, because here, too, our people sometimes forget what gas is, some people think that, well , what is gas... so backward a piece of the middle east, poverty, general poverty , some kind of shabby, say, region , where people are crowding like anthills , israel is barbarously destroying people, but we must not forget that gaza is a symbol of arab civilization, it is one, in general - then this is the most an ancient city in the middle east, but maybe along with damascus, more than 400 years old, in the middle ages in ancient times it was absolutely
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prosperous, this is a city. i must say that out of two thousand 2,300 and a population of 1.5 million are indigenous residents, the rest are people who live in camps, refugees, so they have a deeply rooted, deeply rooted idea of ​​gas as some kind of former paradise, which history broke, israel was created, the deserts were cut off from a good life, and so on, but such a blow was struck at the foundation
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palestinian identity. this is identity, this is where it came from, you know, almost 5,000 years ago this began from there, it ’s terrible, it won’t go away, this is what you say, what is the result of these 100 days? the result will be that this will last for a long time, if not forever, and it will be extremely difficult for israel to overcome this, and it seems to me that this is the hope for such reconciliation, that everyone will be let’s guys live together, someday this is supposedly will happen, i'm afraid it won't happen, this is the result, oh what are you asking, the expansion of the war , of course, it went, it not only went into the red sea in yemen, it went to lebanon, it went to lebanon, the israeli...
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uh, before my eyes there is this big hill, which is located above the headquarters of massad , somewhere deep down there these five floors underground are located, but they say from rumors that there is a whole city there, everyone knows that there is such a nest here, which in general, so to speak, is not found everywhere, so this blow is of course against israel, and the same in the red sea, i agree that the houthis are doing, and it is very difficult to imagine the possibility of reconciliation. of course, but nevertheless, today, speaking again at the final forum, united states secretary of state blinken again spoke about exactly what he said a few days ago following the results of his last middle east tour, including saying in israel that supposedly there is
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interest on the part of saudi arabia and other arab countries to reconcile and resume normalization of relations with israel, but this requires the creation of a palestinian states, well, ending the war, yes, let's listen to what he said. there are arab countries, there are muslim countries , not even in the middle east, that are ready to begin relations with israel, to begin the process of integration, normalization, they are ready to take concrete steps, give concrete guarantees so that israel not only integrates into the region, but can also feel safe, but at the same time these countries are absolutely convinced, and we agree with them on this, that it is necessary to provide for the process of creating a palestinian state, because israel will not be able to integrate into the region, it will not be able to fully.”
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in the gas sector, accordingly, this is just a direct hint, let’s remove netanyahu, here you go, politicians who will do what the united states needs, do you agree with this? i don’t entirely agree with this, although in principle, i listened to what benny gantz said, i didn’t hear
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any statements from him in favor of the plan you’re talking about, yes, perhaps there are people who, of course, are more realistic than such as ministerial figures, like smotrich or bengvir, who are generally completely so to speak.
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the islamists are so extreme, because in general they approach the matter quite wisely, they say that if israel now stops all this outrage, then they will stop the blockade, that is, the blockade is not part of some kind of war, they say they are war they started, they want, but they don’t want to fight, they said that hundreds of thousands of yemenis would go to fight in israel, but then they admitted that it was impossible to get there, because there was no border, how to go there? in general, that was also rhetoric, this rhetoric, they have won arab public opinion, they are seen as defenders of such arab identity, arab sovereignty, the national interests of the palestinians, but nothing more, they do not want to take risks, this nonsense about the fact that now the americans will conquer yemen there, where 75% are mountainous areas, i know them, i’ve walked there. god forbid i walk there again, because i am no longer able
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to walk there, indeed, for how many years the arab coalition led by saudi arabia launched a missile war against the houthis, well, yes, and what are the results, yes, the results are zero, the houthis have become stronger, well, of course, that’s what the americans can naturally achieve now, nothing, well, what are they going to go there for, but they don’t want to go there, this is again rhetoric, this is informational wars, who wins, who is cooler, now it’s biting.
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it means there is such a potential liar, it means people are walking around, and then you look at this obvious one, well, that’s what he is, and there are also interested parties, there are lobbyists walking around, hanging out, everyone has some kind of accounts, somewhere there’s something there, someone represents some clan, it’s all clear, but when the central government was the power in the united states of america, when a lot of things actually depended on the president, and he of course was someone’s will expressed, but still he himself accepted. here, but then everything that
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happened after obama, well, minus trump, there ’s a story there, yes, it’s horror, of course, this horror now, having still the old levers, and there are levers, having power, it after all, there is, he begins, in this very complex way, this is not even a scenario, you see, but the theory of chaos defeated the americans themselves in this particular case.
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i completely agree, because the politics of division by power, yes, the cultivation and even
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the creation of false contradictions within the world majority will destroy the brix, of course evgeniy petrovich, if i may be very brief, your assessment. from a military point of view, the results of the israeli military operation in gaza in 100 days and the prospect of the united states military operation against the houthis. well, if we take the goals that netanyahu announced, these are the liquidation of hamas, the release of hostages , well, these are the two main goals, but not one has been achieved, because hamas has not been liquidated, not even the military structure has been liquidated, and they have practically completely destroyed the north of gaza and even partly the south.
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they will throw brix inside, they want , you see, pakistan, iran, this is starting, there was already pakistan, india, there, india, china, there are grains there, there are disagreements, of course, they want to inflate them, blow it all up, that’s it they need it, it’s beneficial for them, that they will fight america with skusitis, but it’s not a shame you won’t get caught here, not to mention the fact that these are mountaineers who cannot be defeated at all, they will walk around in these caves, the americans have already eaten this in afghanistan, well, that’s enough for them. this seems to me to be very illustratively important. today blinken, again in taoist, talked about american leadership, said that if there is no american leadership, then there is other leadership that is bad, or there is no leadership at all, then the whole world is going to tartar, and added that the whole world is thirsty, where does he not come from the american leadership. in fact, the united states
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now acts not as a benevolent hegemon, but as an instigator of conflicts, in fact, the only way for the united states to maintain its leadership today. this is to incite conflicts , contradictions and wars, this is what the united states has come to, now a little advertising , then we will continue, my mother says this cannot be forgiven, that you are the same as him, like my father , the patient is ready for surgery, we must begin, without mikhailov, do it today, there may be no tomorrow for you. he asked me to convey that he loves you is still very much waiting for you, doctor preobrazhensky, final episode, tomorrow after the program time, i would like to interview you as the head physician of the institute of beauty.
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famous godparents and their godchildren met in our studio. i am a very responsible person; one of my goddaughters ’ mother died. and i immediately said that i’m taking you to live at home, lenochka, i know that you also crossed with us several times, five, the oldest is 16 years old, the youngest is 4.5 years old, we filmed the wall together, on me alexander mikhailovich wrote solemnly , at the time of the ceremony, he sprinkled you, they say this is a happy sign, a good omen, i have a godson who was wounded, he is now in the hospital, i am very proud of him , baptism, when you understand who you? to whom do you belong and don’t run around and ask, how to live? this is a day for the lord, we put off our everyday activities, we go to the temple, when a person is like... some kind of trouble, the soul begins to suffer, the temple, there is an answer to questions that are sometimes difficult to formulate,
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my son’s heart stopped, we lost him and katya saved me, katya tells me, be a godmother, for me it was such a gift, we have the best godmother in the world, on saturday on the first. closed screening with alexander gardon, do you like the film, the absolutely original and powerful film language, the genre is breaking down, suddenly they go crazy and you understand what you are talking about now at the level of the script? yes, of course, the viewer should see what happens to these characters from the beginning
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to the end, they are real and alive all the way , he plunges into the depths of human relationships, i looked at the picture and forgot about it, and in the morning i suddenly wake up and suddenly, in the end, they are together or not, sessions begin from january 20 on saturdays on the first . there's a big game on the air. the closer the kiev regime is to military defeat, the louder the topic of escalation of the military conflict in ukraine is heard in kiev and in the west. and speaking today in davos, zelensky again repeated the old song that if kiev suffers a military defeat, russia will certainly will attack nato. listen. without the help of the us, eu, ukraine will fight, but will become weaker. there will be an opportunity for russia to capture us, and once they capture us, believe me, it will be a war between nato and the russian federation. to be honest, i think that putin really
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wants this. well , blinken said the same thing the day before, yes, this is the old argument regarding the congressmen and the elite of the united states, if you don’t give money, ukraine will suffer a military defeat, then russia, of course, will attack nato, which will involve the united states states into direct war. and this narrative, it has already become dominant in the west, well, as a cherry on the cake.
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russia to the baltic states, i keep saying , i answered everyone that i don’t have a medical education, i can’t talk about phobias, so to speak, so this phobia is that russia sleeps and sees, so to speak, to defeat unfortunate estonia , no, i’m not a psychiatrist, so i have a phobia, a phobia, i can state that a person is, so to speak, a little out of his mind, but to look, so to speak, for me to analyze it, i not unable. so this is zelensky’s rhetoric, well, here’s another crazy person, he was, he had
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a predecessor too, not quite sane, now this one is younger, naturally he has nothing to do with military affairs, they appointed him minister of defense they said, that the main enemy is putin, this is russia, so we need to prepare for war, given that great britain really in the nineties they themselves say that they... relaxed, cut the budget there, reduced their armed forces, now the armed forces the forces of great britain are a rather pitiful sight, so either they urgently need to, so to speak , restore their combat potential at least until the eighties, for which i think the society of the united kingdom is not very ready, or they still need to moderate their military . ardor, especially since i think that if trump comes, the same trump, well, even if it’s 4 years, but he will once again, so to speak, show
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his allies what they are, what he thinks about them. iran and north korea are a military-political bloc to be wary of simultaneous military operations.
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the role, well, he definitely doesn’t look like churchill , that’s why there’s no one to talk to in the usual sense in this regard, now further, as i see this picture, well, imagine, i ’m speaking more for the tv viewers now than for us with you, here is a house, the wayaks approached the house, there are 50 bandits, that means, with different types of weapons, they hired one, who was meaner, they sent him to this house, that means, with a grenade launcher, so that he would shoot there, restore order
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when this comrade , so to speak, disarmed they are about to, so to speak, go to prison, they say: no, they want to attack us now, look, we are standing next to them, yes, they will now come out of this house and beat us, but whoever comes to the house - then he came up, you know, who came up with all this, is that when all this arose, and after all, we warned and vladimirovich warned in munich in the seventh year, and before that they warned, the last warnings were very serious and clear were made in december twenty first year, it was still written and there’s nothing to come up with, and we don’t we retreat, we repeat this, so if they retreat straight...
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this is the vavan lexus show. the year 2023 has ended. it was complex, but rich in revelation. what was the main revelation for you? well , if you remember our work, then of course , this was probably a conversation with angela merkel and francois alland and their frank admission about the minsk agreements, which, by the way, were included in a history textbook for high school. and henry kisencher gave us an interview, which became his last interview for russian-language media. what does europe think about ukraine's accession to nato, who is to blame for the terrorist attacks on nord streams, why did ukraine violate the minsk agreements? we will talk about this with a man whose statements are being followed by the whole world.
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in the meantime, the guys were decorating our prankster christmas tree.
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below the pallet, the most important thing is that you follow , you can make an assessment, including about your colleagues abroad, no, for me it’s true, i can tell you several shocking things, this is, of course, george w. bush, jr., who said that ukraine’s task is to kill as many russians as possible, that is, you know, such things, i don’t know how you can think about them, much less imagine how you can talk about them, no matter with whom, whether you’re talking on the air, whether you’re talking at home, whether you’re talking to children, whether you’re talking to people there. priest? or with a psychotherapist, i can’t even imagine how an adult, supposedly with a certificate of sanity, can say such a thing, and frankly, i think there were a lot.


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