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tv   Shou Vovana i Leksusa  1TV  January 18, 2024 12:00am-12:56am MSK

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we read the comments, the comments are funny for us, we’ve already seen it all, i honestly rediscovered a lot of people for myself, thanks to your program, i didn’t believe it, i can honestly admit, i really didn’t believe that some the characters lie so deep below the pallet, the most important thing is that you follow, you can make an assessment , including about your colleagues abroad, no, for me it’s true, i can tell you a few shocking things, this is, of course, george bush. the younger one, who said that the task ukraine to kill as many russians as possible, well, you know, such things, i don’t know how you can think about them, especially i can’t imagine how you can talk about them, it doesn’t matter with whom, whether you’re talking on the air, whether you’re talking at home , whether you talk to children, whether you talk there, i don’t know with a priest or with a psychotherapist, i can’t even imagine how an adult, supposedly with a certificate of sanity, can say that, and frankly, i think there were a lot. .. all sorts of things, but
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what brings it all to a close, for me, of course, is this bykov, i mean that dmitry bykov’s direct speech in your program, of course, it came as a surprise to you, i didn’t know that a person who dresses up in the costumes of a certain loftiness, intelligence and such, you know, intellectuality, that he can not only allow himself, but from the inside be so... so rotten, you know, we are talking about a person who taught high things to others, because these are lecture courses, these are all sorts of things, civil projects, this is an attempt to tell others how need to rise above frailty in order to reach the level of a person, and when you understand that inside there is not only a rejection of some dogmas or some of your own... and dogmas that are in
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conflict, but there is stupid, banal, reaching just, you know , nausea, hatred, so downright animalistic, and how all this is connected with art, with conversations about art, culture, well, i don’t know, i have to periodically communicate with the bull, this is not even our worst patient, you know, i let me remind you, we tried in different ways, so we tried to conduct this dialogue in civil society in different ways,
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we do not understand each other simply because we did not find the right form of communication, it turned out that the matter, strictly speaking, is absolutely not in the form, in the essence, and what and how would we did not offer, no matter, as a state, as another part of society, as, but i believe that we are a civil society, because over the past 2 years everyone has shown themselves whether they are really a citizen, or , in fact, that’s how the lectures came .
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well, many people thought so, and i think that this was the calculation, the whole program of the west, it was, in fact , concentrated or focused, to make sure that through sanctions, as they said, hellish, yes sanctions, through psychological pressure on people, through, so to speak, violations information security, you remember very well what happened with calls to citizens. literally everyone's phone was hacked, so now it continues, naturally, through telephone terrorism, that's right, thank you, because we are used to, as you say, telephone scammers, some kind of cyber, they planned that within a couple of months everything here would collapse, they still had to somehow catch up, apparently, from their point of view, those on whom they were betting were also ours there some extremist-minded non -comrades and... then they were absolutely
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sure that after everything here collapses, falls apart, collapses, it will be through such boys, bad guys. they will come here, i don’t know, on white goats and change us all over again, they will subject us all to mental adjustment, but it didn’t work , these people themselves alienated themselves from society, they made it so that our people, our people developed not only hatred, there is no hatred, by the way, there is pity, disgust and absolute rejection,
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about signing, let's watch a short video of our conversation with angela merkel.
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a plan, a special one, an action program, that very road map, which did not give us some kind of card blanche or only some bonuses for us, gave ukraine and all of europe hope that it is possible
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to live differently, not as was prescribed in berlin, in brussels, and of course in london and washington, this will also be... interlocutors, how many documents we submitted to various international organizations, how we secured the package of documents, resolution of the security council, it is binding, there was a desire here, after all , to make sure that the european continent does not step on that rake again. which were prepared for him from those times, which were kept in a safe place, once again this rake was brought to them. we also talked with one signatory, françois hollande, was then president of france. let's get a look. regarding the peace negotiations, i will be honest now, right now. the minsk
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agreements were initially disadvantageous for ukraine, unfortunately, and you yourself remember, he convinced me to sign it. and angela also said that it would be better this way. the minsk people gave it to us. because it was during these seven years that ukraine acquired the means to strengthen itself. i think you played a very important role in that at that time. i still remember how you came to the elysee palace with bernard henry levi and you were accompanied by klitschko, and this was at the very beginning of the process. if you had not
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been there, there would have been no maidan and there would have been no victory that you won by removing yanukovych. that's the most amazing thing. it seems like such a moment of truth for the same alland, and he also speaks believing that he is communicating with poroshenko at a dramatic moment in history.
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you can sell some of your own in order to, so to speak , stay afloat, what if
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they make another bet on him, what if they promote him somewhere to brussels institutes, and this for what? to defend the honor of ukraine , which has long been gone, because it was people like poroshenko and zelensky who violated this honor of ukraine, no, but in order to get some kind of guarantee, you know, because then anti-corruption investigations will still lead to them, by the way , we are worth each other, because at the end of the conversation we already offered alland to take a post on the board of directors of poroshenko’s factory, and he agreed, this is fantastic hypocrisy, this is a fantastic lie, this is some kind of fantastic decline in all manners, morality, in total, they all attacked the former chancellor of the federal republic of germany schroeder, who held high positions, that is, in russian energy companies, accusing... him there of having a financial interest and so on, i just know, let me remind you, after all, he acted in
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the interests of his country, he schröder, being the chancellor of germany, brought russian business there, made deals, made sure that the germans and germany were guaranteed to receive high-quality and affordable raw materials, on which... in hopes of zelensky, but honestly saying they appealed mainly to the countries
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of the european union as a guarantor, of course, because it was not zelensky who concluded these agreements, that’s the question, they, the countries of the european union, france and germany, signed these documents and declared, as you correctly said, themselves as guarantors , and also...
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there before the counter-offensive or after the counter-offensive, but on the other hand, i saw john kerry sitting in front of sergei vikovich lavrov at the moment when everything had already happened, when the anti-constitutional coup had already happened, when already the story happened with crimea, with its return to russia, this was already at that moment, so to speak, aggression towards donbass on the part of the kiev regime, all this had already happened. here they are again , and you remember, yes, the negotiations took place literally non-stop, here once again a meeting is taking place somewhere in the european expanses, and keri says, you know, he says, i read it here, i now i better understand your relations with ukraine, and this is no longer the case, you understand, at least people there tried to honor something, now by nature is studying, we will take a short break and then
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continue our conversation with maria zakharova. don't switch. allegedly, the whole world supports ukraine so much that children’s construction sets dedicated to ukraine are supposedly on sale. any aggressive nationalism has the concept of centricity, they are the center of the universe, everything revolves around them. it’s humiliating for the country that the brand noticed us, it turns out that ukraine is just a trademark, purely technically production, it’s just, well, economic marasmus. how did a british pensioner come up with a heroic image? posing as a soviet soldier, how he got to minsk on august 15, 1941, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. cognac, monte shococa, a product of the stellor group, ready, i think
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cinema only shows love stories in war films, speech. and the new wave brought love for cinema, without love there are no films, he is a child of the cinematheque, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films, films are not enough are good for the audience, but the audience is often not good enough for the films... that people don’t understand my films, so what, i don’t understand them myself. matador, jean luc gadar, two or three things i don't know about him, on friday, on the first. sometimes people fly like
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birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if they were not affected by gravity, risk, danger, entertainment 3.5 and unpredictability, incredible complexity and struggle of nerves, everything for which we love figure skating, this is it it was great, and the flights were like a dream for naev! russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first! this is the vaxus show and we continue, maria vladimirovna , since we are now working with european
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politicians, how can we trust them if the same minsk agreements turned out to be, well, it’s just a lie, are you working with european politicians? who found the strength in himself to become an anti-fascist, not just to become, in fact, but to organize this anti-fascist movement, yes, to lead the country, to bring him out of the shame that,
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by the way, france, during the second world war, was doomed, but he managed to turn it around and wrote his name in the history of france in golden letters, now this is not the case, now, well, you can compare. the current, so to speak, political elite in france, this is an obvious shredding of western politicians, in some places a deliberate, so to speak, purge of them, in others they simply, well , really have already begun to feed so much from the american hand that there is nowhere else to go, this is obvious , she really put just a fat one...
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and he publicly spoke out against it. i strongly advocated the independence of ukraine
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when president bush had a different opinion on this matter. and i thought that ukraine should be a bridge between russia and europe, and not an outpost. but now events have radically changed this. europe is fighting with russia over the issue of ukraine, they are determined to defeat russia. finland and sweden join nato. and ukraine, which sacrificed so much. nato does not accept, now i think that ukraine should
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be, we had a so-called meeting bilderberg club, in which european and american leaders take part, they opposed ukraine's entry into nato. it’s difficult to ensure ukraine’s membership in nato, no matter what, no matter what, i will support this decision, but why, why, you understand why the belderbezh club decides in general, this is understandable, but it’s obvious why, because the inclusion of ukraine in nato means recognition of the borders of ukraine by all members. nato, and they have a different agenda for ukraine, they first implement a plan, i mean the states, so that, as
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he said, introduce... victory to the last , yes, to the last ukrainian, but they don’t need ukraine as a state, part of ukraine is very much needed by poland, historically needed, they don’t hide it either, these sentiments have been around for a long time came to some practical direction, because you look at the ukrainian-polish border, who controls it, does ukraine control it, no, of course, only poland. poland’s influence on western ukraine has long been fatal for ukraine , due to what? corruption posed officials, american influence, and one way or another, this creeping, creeping story, it began a long time ago, and if from zelensky’s point of view, if they were to join this nato, well, one way or another, they would at least somehow reserve, at least with some kind of half-hearted status, this would already mean
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because one of the main reasons is this person with hypertrophied ambitions, with inappropriate ambitions, it seems to me, no, it seems to me, excuse me, wait a minute, and you understand what’s wrong with the person they did it, he was called the most influential politician for several years, the leader, i don’t know, the president of the entire planet, his ego was probably inflated there, but cosmically. there, god forbid, even imagine it, he was instilled with the idea that he was a historical figure for ukraine, and how will he be written down as a man who destroyed his population, as a man who did something that no one had managed before him, that he left behind ukraine, who he is for ukrainians, who he is for future generations, those people who will live there, this is the man who completely destroyed it,
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and what needs to happen for... to understand that - he will never realize his plans, that he will not become great, and don’t you see what he is trying to do, he is trying to blackmail his creators, he is like that monster, which suddenly begins to understand that it is on the verge of its own existence, and, so to speak, makes it clear that it is impossible to deal with it the way they are used to doing, that is, writing off their creatures, but they have always destroyed. all those monsters they gave birth to, yes, and he you see, somehow he starts doing something like this through people in his circle, they told him about boris johnson, by chance, yes, then something else, and so they answer him in kind, they begin, so to speak, to carefully pessimize him , sometime already sloppy, they are already giving him answers,
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they are already northern streams of terrorist attacks with... how can we support a certain process that can lead us from the military path to a more diplomatic track. and i see that the so-called offensive does not lead to such rapid progress as ukraine would like. what was the cause of the energy crisis? this was the explosion of nord stream ii. there was
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information from journalists like seymour hersh, he said that this happened on your territory. in norway, it was done by the usa or the ukrainians, i don’t know who exactly, if it’s ukraine, does that mean that ukraine attacked a nato member country? of course, norway has never participated in anything like this. i think everyone knows that we are the main supplier of energy to europe, we rely on energy security our pipelines, our platforms, i began to guess something.
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including those adopted in the osce space, it is said that the threat, including the threat that leads to the destruction of civilian infrastructure that ensures the life cycle of a person and society. and so on, this is a terrorist act, regarding hershey, for me, frankly, this is a journalist, this is not an investigator, this is not a structure that is officially involved in the investigation, for me this is the point of view of a journalist who,
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by the way, is recognized in the west , him bulitzer prizes, for me this is not the ultimate truth, for me this is a certain point of view, that’s why it became interesting, because the vacuum... because they all took water from the baltic sea into their mouths, you know, but the truth is that water, which is far from the territorial waters of norway and closer there, apparently to sweden and to denmark and denmark, but only because everyone is silent, only because they blocked all, so to speak, the countries that are inside this story, they blocked any interaction with by russian law enforcement agencies, only because they blocked russia's proposal to...
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nato tracking in the baltic, yes, that is, these are american satellites, these are nato satellites, this is their intelligence
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infrastructure on the water, under water, that 's all it’s concentrated there because it borders us, everything that borders us is monitored by them. 24x7, moreover, it is monitored using colossal funds, where all this, all this clearly did not fit with the statements of the president of the united states of america us deputy secretary of state, it was. biden and nulan, who said six months earlier that they would find a way to destroy this project. this was a policy statement. and also, why don’t you think that this is also part of, in this case, such a concept of exclusivity, to show that they can do this. therefore, this was, it seems to me, a very important psychological element for them, to show everyone what will happen to you, to everyone, if. what if you disobey? the advertisement
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will go by very quickly, so don't switch. mom says this is something to forgive it’s impossible that you’re the same as him, how very? the patient is ready for surgery, should we start without mikhailov? do it today, tomorrow may not exist for you, did he ask you to tell me that he loves you, dad? he is really looking forward to it, doctor preobrazhensky, the final episode, tomorrow after the program time, i would like to interview you as the head physician of the beauty institute, rum, castra, a product of the stellor group, met in our studio. famous godparents and their godchildren, i am a very
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responsible person, one of my goddaughters my mother died, and i immediately said that i’m taking you home to live with me, lenochka, i know that you and your godmother have also been five times, the oldest is 16 years old, the youngest is 4 years old, we rented a wall together, on alexander mikhailovich solemnly wrote to me at the time of the ceremony, he sprinkled you, they say this is a lucky sign, a good omen, i have a godson who was wounded. they lost him and katya saved me, katya
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tells me: be a godmother, for me it was such a gift, we have the best godmother in the world, on saturday on the first. private screening with alexander gardon. so do you like the movie? an absolutely original and powerful film language. the genre breaks down, suddenly they go into such an oops and monologue. have you already understood what you are talking about at the script level? yes, sure. the viewer must see what happens to these characters from beginning to end. they are real and alive all the way, he is immersed. the depths of human relationships, i looked at the picture and forgot
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about it, and in the morning i wake up, i suddenly have a bass so that in the end, they are together or not, the beginning sessions from january 20 to saturdays on the first, this is the show of vavan and lexus, and we continue, let's be positive, yes, what we all say about these patients of ours, new year, time of miracles. any positive thing that, of course , certainly upset, upset, made me, so to speak, very worried, but since you asked specifically about the positive, yes, let me highlight two main ones, one is the most important, the second is private, but also important for me personally , first, this is the very year... when you realize that everything was worth it and it was worth enduring, and it was worth it
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to gather everything into a fist for everyone, by the way , for everyone to gather, probably, into this fist, this year brought it, this understanding that everything is not in vain, and that no matter how much they intimidate us, and no matter what they tell us, and no matter how they tried to turn us around, break us, i don’t know, cancel us, but nothing worked out, it will never work out, so... this was that very year, this inner feeling of truth, which is already turning into truth, yes , this is the very truth that leads to the truth, this is... this feeling of our unity, not in words, not in slogans, the inner present that permeates everyone , this feeling of belonging to something very important, and the understanding that yes, it is difficult, yes, not easy, but it is already here, now it is already with us, this is
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firstly, but still private there was, i came out with a song, another, new one, by the way, it’s great that we’re talking about this... it turned out to be a union-orthodox story. song about love. well, the question is, what would you wish our viewers from yourself? i will wish your viewers, well, in addition to everything that they usually already wish, and i think that already wished, will still wish, prosperity,
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health, peace, of course, strength, patience, interesting stories that you will tell, because. you are unique, you are not just a new genre, you are from life, you are a genre - which - replenishes what the world has lost, the lost truth, you are the very weapon or the very cure for the post-truth world that everyone was looking for and now we have found it, we've all already watched the kingdom of crooked mirrors, of course, remember when it was necessary... to free the boy, whose name was gurt, and if you look the other way around, it was a friend, you need they had to free a friend, and two different girls went through all sorts of adventures , they had to collect two keys, but nothing
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could help them, because there were some kind of monster people set up against them, and now they were at the last moment, that's all, suddenly one of the keys is lost and by some miracle she finds this key, they insert the locks, they free this very friend of the group, this is the same story about the need to free the truth, and you two keys , which in many ways liberate this truth and they released a lot, and this is what will be included in the textbook, and in the textbook, as shameful examples , there will be press releases of the european union, the european commission, and resolutions.
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thank you very much for your assessment , thank you for coming, thank you, thank you, now there’s a musical number, a song written by maria zakharova, what kind of joy, what kind of fun, what kind of fuss? they dressed up brightly, as if not by accident, everyone is laughing and dancing, miracle of miracles, as if angels are rejoicing
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and singing lights, we love for happiness. god sent spon, despite the misfortunes, she will save us, merry christmas, merry christmas, she gives to everyone deity, salvation of our lives and souls, rebirth of birth. joy, joy, greatness is given, our salvation is given to our lives. good hour, there is no more important secret, so
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you should know, we are dearest to god, we are his dreams, in our life there is joy, purity of hearts, this is his joy. crown of triumph, love for us to be happy, god sent paul, despite the shortcomings, she will save us, christmas, christmas, gives divinity to everyone. our lives salvation and souls, rebirth, christmas, christmas, gives
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all the magic, in life our salvation, so good time. christmas, christmas, bestows upon all the deities, our lives, salvation and souls, rebirth, christmas. christmas, for the most part, bestows salvation on our lives, in
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good time, in good honor. hello, this is a podcast of witnesses from einstein, where we, film historians natalya ryabchikova and stanislav didinsky, talk about why you need to watch soviet cinema now, how to get even more pleasure from it, how to discover its secrets. we are talking about classic, forgotten, little-known, well-known soviet films. today our issue is dedicated. the centenary of the great director, artist, soviet director and artist sergei parajanov. we will talk about his
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work with a researcher of this very work and life of parajanov, journalist gagik karapetyan, author of the book apple and pomegranates, tanya nagura and sergei parajanov. hello. hello. i would like to start with the fact that we have known parojanov since the sixties, well, parajanov is already a world-famous director. but before that, he had already worked quite a bit in cinema, what was he doing before this time? classmate of grigory chukhrai, and parajanov, as if , when we look at the work today, a person of a different generation, sometimes it seems that he came to cinema quite late, that he began to work almost later than torkovsky, although in fact he is generally then he was much older than his young colleagues who became famous during the cinema of the otebel era, it seems to me that we must definitely say that
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he will lose... some magical flights on horses, the horses themselves, he always has in the frame then, we can watch this fragment and try to imagine it. yes, here he is, the future parajan.
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song, song, to some extent this is a kind of patushka row, soviet storytellers. but on the other hand, yes, if you look closely, squint, then already in this film, which he did not make alone, which he made with a co-director, as was then expected for young directors starting out, yes, after all, maybe something shines through, it seems to me that after those films that we mentioned and which raise some strange question for us and so on, it seems to me that he came out of this, as if from a general framework, and
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accordingly realized that he...
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he wrote everything, in general we had no such rules, no laws, and so on, that is, every film for him was some kind of... that
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essay, all the films.


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