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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 18, 2024 4:10am-4:57am MSK

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one of the hottest spots on the donetsk front is bogdanovka. ukrainian fighters dug in in the village after the loss of artyomovsk. the russian army is now working in three directions at once: some units are advancing in bogdanovka itself, others on the flanks, where they are taking the populated area in pincers. the enemy is being pushed towards chasovaya yar, where the main bridgehead is. frontline reporting by amir yasupov. the shell is full. high explosive projectile. charged. let's show them, guys, one
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fire, a gun, ears, a shot, our artillerymen are now working on bogdanovka, the village is turning into another place where ukrainian reserves are simply being ground up; the command of the armed forces of ukraine is now sending there not only its own, but also mercenaries. the fighters of the vostok volunteer corps brigade learn about this from radio intercepts. negotiations, yes, we listen, record, communicate in ukrainian, english. russian, polish, german languages, they have a name, designation, this is delta, bravo, charlie, but we destroy them all, attention, we are running through the same installations, gun, shot, gun, shot, delivery of ammunition is not an easy task now, the roads in this weather are not suitable for all vehicles, what a path, i’m deep, icy, of course, uazs are not fast here... you’ll run into them,
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now everything is a hassle on trucks, tracked vehicles, this is of course risky, because they are larger, noticeable and slower , there are enemy kamikaze drones in the sky, but our air defense units do not allow them near the vehicles, fortunately for us, one might say, the air defense here is working very well now, but just yesterday here i was when i was driving, i shot down three thrones, we help the attack aircraft, they praise us, the air defense helps. it knocks us down, we praise them, that is, we are all doing the same thing, we are like one big friendly family, in the literal sense of the word, his brother serves together with the platoon commander, his brother is here, his son is here, a contract soldier, a military man, everything family here, all the men, the family, the little ones stayed at home, we love, we love, we miss, we will come soon, we will return in victory, we are together, we are close, together, our weapons do not fail.
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guys take care of the equipment, take it just like that, you push him, let’s go , my dear cucumbers, that’s how they affectionately call the shells here, the shells are still heavy and it’s not for nothing that i carry them 43, kilograms, 10 fluently - it ’s 70 meters to run with each shell, my hands get tired, it even happens sometimes they no longer obey, but this fighter is being charged for a reason.
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here it is, a grenade launcher, they constantly come across unexploded cluster munitions, damn, this is fresh, fresh, yes, neat, three more similar devices have been discovered, six in total, they are being destroyed with invoices charges, the clearing for turning around for artillerymen has been cleared, more and more often sappers have to deal with johns, so... our guys call a new type of fuse that the enemy installs on some mines. the johnnik goes off if you move it or bring metal to it, there are so many sensors in it, and explosive devices are hidden in bags or rags, you don’t need to climb, touch it, don’t use your hands, we call the sappers, the sappers know what to do. and civilians can get blown up by such packages; it’s enough to have a phone or a set of keys in your pocket. jonik will explode if at least 150 g of metal appears within a small radius of it. but our
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sappers have already found a safe way to neutralize these packages, a search magnet is attached to the copter, well, at a distance there, let it be 10-15 m, if i observe... johnny or something like him, then the copter just flies up and the magnet is on it, if it works, well, maybe we'll lose the bird, but the bird won't lose the person. often, sappers clear the way for attack aircraft when the enemy is only a few meters away. polsk, there’s a machine gun for you , a sniper can work there, but for you we need to clear the road, go further, further, disposable, as everyone calls us, no, we are not disposable, we are just smart. the squad leader wears a bulletproof vest. body of a mine, damaging elements that scatter over 60 m, jokes that the enemy is afraid to shoot at him, if god forbid the enemy is nearby, i don’t have a mine with me, then i will detonate it, but in reality no, there’s a first aid kit inside i have it, it’s
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just a beautiful thing, pov, alexey bilov, dmitry zelvyansky, nina khoreva, channel one, more about our defenders, evacuated from on the battlefield, the commander of the rifle squad provided first aid to the wounded. thanks to his decisive actions, it was possible to save the lives of military personnel and preserve equipment. sergeant dmitry eyermalaev conducted reconnaissance of enemy positions from a drone, discovered a camouflaged armored vehicle, a machine gun for the crew and a concentration of vcu personnel, and transmitted the target coordinates to the artillerymen, who delivered an accurate strike. now about the instructions of the head of state, one of them is about support measures in the dofu. participants of the svo, including those women who were not officially married to the deceased fighters, but lived together and have children in common. another concerns the protection of the rights of compatriots abroad, including vladimir putin who ordered the development of additional measures for their repatriation in the event of illegal deportation from foreign
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countries. also, by july 1, the government will submit to the president a proposal on the social, cultural and linguistic adaptation of children of migrant workers. the problem was discussed earlier at a meeting of the president with members of the human rights council. today vladimir putin held a meeting with the government, it took place in the mode video conferencing. the focus is on key economic indicators for last year; they are better than forecast. the statistical figures are based on successes in industry and agriculture; in construction , a record was set for the volume of housing commissioned, more than 110 million square m2. report by yuri lepatov. before today's meeting with members of the cabinet of ministers, the president discussed the economic situation with the prime minister until late. after receiving new statistical data, it turned out, putin said, that it is growing at a faster rate, than expected, here the country’s gdp growth rate, which we are talking about now, is 3.5%, in fact, with more careful calculation, it may turn out to be a little higher, what i would like
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to note is that this growth is based primarily on consumer and investment domestic demand, this is very important and good... in the months of 2023, industry grew by 3.6%, and the manufacturing sector by 7.5%. we have a reason for economic growth, for example, for 11 the total turnover of retail trade, public catering paid services for 11 months in real terms plus 5.7%.
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the president asked the minister of economic development to provide an explanation. explain this, not even for the participating colleagues. at the meeting, and for the general public, what does it mean to be first in europe, fifth in the world in terms of purchasing power parity, what is it, so that people understand what we are talking about, price levels in each specific economy are compared with each other, and so according to this indicator, our economy of the russian federation in the twenty-first year overtook the economy of germany in the medium term there during.
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about the possibility of extending to chukotka a program to support large families, which has been implemented in the primorsky territory since 2023, when at the birth of a third or subsequent child a family can reduce their mortgage by 1 million rubles. according to your instructions given in chukotka, we, together with the ministry of finance and the ministry of labor, have worked and are ready to promptly make changes to the rules of the program and extend its effect. not only to chukotka, but to other regions of the far east. the minister of health visited chukotka together with the president and talked
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there with his colleagues, he studied how assistance was organized for women during pregnancy. prenatal centers have been built and maternity hospitals have been reconstructed. i would like to note that the air ambulance operates taking into account weather conditions, and our colleagues have not allowed a single case of maternal mortality in recent years. rubles invested in the transport and logistics system. these are not only railways, ports and airfields, but also roads along which cars travel. regarding subsidizing the purchase of a car for large families in the far east. well, you probably heard that people there are raising the question of using maternity capital for these purposes, but we... agreed that we will think about not touching maternity capital again, since
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it has its own risks, it will create a program to subsidize the purchase cars for large families, the government promptly fulfilled your instructions, as of monday, january 15, we have expanded the program of preferential car loans to families with children from the far eastern federal district, and we are talking only about cars produced in our country. to transport passengers across the gulf of anadra, at the request of local residents who have long asked for this, special amphibious vessels will be built, the government has found money for this. the issue of financing the construction of a bridge in yakutsk is being resolved. are there any other questions to discuss? no.
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everything, everything is clear, but still, let ’s use this period so that this feedback with people, and in such periods it becomes more understandable, brighter, more systematic, to be used not even to resolve issues - this internal political calendar, but to resolve issues on the merits, those that concern people, based on expediency, as i already... said common sense, economic and social validity. yuri lepatov, pavel rudakov,
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yuri yarchenko, channel one. now to the situation around ukraine. washington is clearly trying to shift the time spent on supporting the kiev regime to europe. after joe biden's call to german chancellor olaf scholz announced: berlin will allocate 7 billion euros to kiev this year. meanwhile, the leaders of slovakia and hungary, robert fitzo and viktor orban, oppose the pumping of weapons into ukraine.
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and, probably, one could have ignored his words if this particular person had not made another prediction many years ago, which came true with one hundred percent accuracy.
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based on statistical data back in 1976 , he predicted the collapse of the soviet union, his new book about the defeat of the west, he draws parallels with the situation in europe before the start of the first world war, the difference is that the west is weak demographically and therefore uses ukraine as a battering ram, we began to conduct our military operations with the wrong hands, turning ukraine into a country of a mercenary against russia, but the basis of modern war, perhaps even wars throughout the entire era, lies in technology , that is, ability. i have said more than once that the conflict in ukraine was provoked by western countries. despite criticism in his native france, that historian and anthropologist, he says, i am simply recording the facts. russia stated that it did not
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will tolerate ukraine in nato. ukraine was a de facto member of nato, as its army was being built. the americans, the british, the poles, and russia have started a preventive war, or are waging a war from a preventive point of view. these events turned out to be a kind of moment of truth for the collective west. in his new interview with the figaro newspaper, the scientist speaks about sanctions hysteria. the sanctions allowed the russian regime to launch a policy of protectionist import substitution, and on a huge scale, which moscow itself could never have imposed on the people. meanwhile, such a policy of import substitution will benefit the russian economy. significant advantage over the eu economy. the inevitability of the defeat of the west, as he believes, is evidenced by three factors: the first quote: the industrial helplessness of the united states, which was unable to supply kiev with weapons in the required volumes. the second is the disappearance of american protestantism, the source of strength in the western world. the so-called modernization of culture currently taking place in non-western countries is perceived as
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madness. a third factor is related to this: the rest of the world prefers russia. after the introduction of sanctions, moscow. discovered hidden economic allies everywhere in the non-western world. it turned out that russia has soft power, it sometimes has a conservative character, directed against the exaltation of the ideology of gays and lesbians, but here’s what’s important: it turns out that this soft power is capable of functioning in economic terms, which was discovered when it became clear: russia has withstood the economic shock. he notes the destructive trends in the united states, a dangerous symptom, as in the case of the soviet union, in late seventies, scientist...
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i think that in 30 years, perhaps even earlier, europeans will face the pressure of a modernized russia, with which they will already have to reckon, in 30 years - this is in 2020, here in... in 2014 crimea was reunified with russia, then our country stopped terrorists and prevented a violent regime change in syria. the svo began in 2022. he calls russia's recovery takeoff after the decline in... as a result of the collapse of the union, dizzying. is there anyone surrounded by the french president with similar glances? an interesting question, of course, is what needs to happen for the us’s european allies to come to the conclusion: in the ukrainian
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conflict, it’s time to record losses and come to an agreement with moscow. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, svetlana vidyashkina, sergey nashchekin, channel one. iran launched strikes on pakistani territory in the province of balochistan. according to tehran , terrorist bases were located there. threatened the security of iran. in response, pakistan recalled its ambassador and demanded from tehran all information about the militants who take refuge in the republic. islamabadi also stated that it reserves the right to respond to an attack on its territory. on tuesday night, let me remind you, iran launched strikes on iraqi irbil with a terrorist base in syria. today, the foreign minister said that tehran respects the sovereignty of other countries, but believes that its actions are aimed at ensuring the security of the entire region. to russian news: transport, circulatory systems of the entire economy, transition to digital rails, stable work and security, in including in new regions. all this was discussed at a meeting between mikhail mishustin and
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the head of rostransnadzor, viktor basorgin. new technologies are in great demand in the industry, both in passenger and cargo flows. with details anna kurbatova. along the moscow central ring in an unmanned swallow, not fantastic. the first passengers will travel this year. he decides how to drive, he stopped, opened and closed the doors. russia's first unmanned ferry, general chernyakhovsky , last month made its maiden voyage from leningrad region to kaliningrad region. i transfer control of the vessel to the central control center. offline mode. without pilots, trucks are already delivering goods along the m-11 st. petersburg-moscow expressway. smart cars must drive on smart roads. and by the end of 2030, not only the neva highway will be able to accommodate such trucks, but another 20,000 km. russian roads, the future is coming today, are we ready for such a rapid development of events, the russian prime minister spoke about this with the head of rostransnadzor, now the world is changing
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rapidly, transport logistics is playing the most important role, and not only logistics, from optimizing ways for the correct use of all types of transport, to appropriate technologies related to the interface of all types of transport services, we are also talking about new technologies related to... this is a whole big task to transform the entire industry. the development of transport will be based on unmanned systems. an inspector with a rod on the road is a thing of the past, so the task is to ensure that we can remotely control traffic flows. and today we have built information systems that track vehicles in real time. works, be it a highway or a river route, this is how, for example, the work of the central department of state river supervision looks today, everything that happens in this case on the moscow
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rivers is visible here, the system allows you to control a vast water area in real time, and more about digital in the context of the digital transformation of the department, all 19 government services that supervision provides are brought to...
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should be at the highest level, please tell us how the department carries out this work in new regions? we have almost fully staffed our territorial offices - in the new territories with personnel, mainly local personnel or local colleagues, today almost 100%, this is donetsk-lugansk, less in the kherson region, we have already issued 175 licenses today. anna kurbatova, mikhail
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boborev, olga gerosimenko, ekaterina koryaka, dmitry shgente, channel one. images that shocked everyone who saw them. what did you think this man, it is unclear, but only a miracle saved a child from death on a snow scooter, whom the driver of the suv was carrying along with him on a rope. at some point, the jeep jumped out at high speed into the intersection, only the good reaction of another motorist, who braked at the very last moment, saved the boy’s life. the child literally jumped in front of the wheels. these shots of the sverdlovsk region immediately spread throughout the internet and traffic police officers began to look for drivers. later, the fifty-nine-year-old man himself came to the police and gave a statement. it is reported that he had previously been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violating traffic rules . this is the program time and we continue. the volga region authorities had to close
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the roads and cause accidents on the roads due to heavy snowfall. hundreds of cars in surveillance captivity. traffic jams stretched for many kilometers. the most difficult situation is in tatarstan, bashkiria and the ulyanovsk region. there, heavy equipment appeared on the highway, literally making a path for cars. forecasters warn that there is now a cyclone is moving towards moscow, the snowstorm will begin tomorrow afternoon. a report by svetlana kostina about the rampant nature of the elements. this is the state of the m12 highway today. m5 after sergievsk to the side. snowfall with strong winds up to 24 m/s throughout the volga region. zamelo highway, this is bashkiria. there's literally no apocalypse in sight today. a similar situation is in the ulyanovsk region, where part of the federal highway r-241, kazan-ulyanovsk had to be closed for several hours due to an accident, a two-kilometer traffic jam formed. and this is tatarstan. windy on the road turns around multi-ton trucks, causing numerous accidents. the car spun, went into the bump stop and was thrown from the bump stop onto me.
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accidents from the side of kazan from the mountain are flying into each other due to bad weather at night it was necessary to close the federal highways m7 moscow ufi the recently opened m-12 hundreds of cars were trapped in the snow, 100 km per day speed from monday from 3:00 here i left the shuttles, i’m driving a seven, this is the road, i haven’t seen anything like this in the last 4 years, the wind has died down, the snow has also stopped for now, but the consequences of the elements continue to be eliminated until so far. we are on the m12 highway, this is the far left lane. and you see what snowdrifts there are, about a meter thick; in fact, this is exactly what the entire road surface looked like. overnight, more than 35 cm of snow fell in the region. anna ivanova was returning from the ivanovo region to kazan, she says, at first there was a slight drift, but in a short time only one of the two lanes remained free, and traffic on the highway stopped. the grader arrived, about 100 m, he cleared it, and we drove further, then we stopped for 3 hours, i had a full tank and...
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and well, that’s all, warm clothes, that is, i was mentally preparing to spend the night there, the road services even had to cut the metal barrier fence so that the trucks that were stuck in a traffic jam could turn around here and leave the highway, one lane was completely swept up, here we were driving right on the highway m12 , the winter road is like that, well, yes, it’s about how many kilometers , but it was all like that, somehow we’re going like this, apparently someone made one goat trail, and the left lane wasn’t even noticed at all, but... even with fields were applied to the roadway here there are changes in places, now with the help of heavy equipment we will finish all these shafts, process the part of the road and open traffic, the company servicing the highway has already announced that the toll on the m-12 for drivers caught in snow will be canceled, this highway was opened about a month ago, not yet we managed to make snow barriers, and after this snowfall, it was decided
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to organize... air transport into operation, the kazan airport could not accept more than ten flights, the ufa kazan plane flew to tatarstan twice, but landed at the point i was never able to make the appointment. the pilot tells us that we are in the holding area, we need to spend a little 10-15 minutes in the air to land, and in the end we flew back. in the volga region , all possible equipment has been brought in to clear snow; neighbors from the central region are already warning that a cyclone with wind and heavy rainfall is approaching.
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then the revenue of the top 100 it companies will increase by at least 2 and a half times, that is, there is something to fight for, something for respected shareholders to invest in, and will reach 5.3 trillion rubles. a very large piece of the economy, and don’t forget,
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that we should not isolate ourselves within the russian market only, we will separately work on helping you expand your solutions abroad, but... russian manufacturers are starting to make decisions that, in general, will carefully replace foreign products.
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the regions brought their advanced developments to the exhibition; for example, smart intercoms are produced in the lipetsk region. the first feature is apartment notification of residents. residents' intercom handsets remain the same, and this handset is a human voice. warns residents, well, for example, in the event of a fire , they need to evacuate, but to be honest, i prefer peaceful use, our management companies, when they remove snow, notify the resident that it is necessary to remove cars from the entrance, attention, important message, these tablets are assembled in the vladimir region, and as the it people say, the inside is also ours. the most important thing that we have on this tablet is the russian operating system, also in murom we have a production facility of 500 people, that is, don’t believe it... advice from the internet initiatives development fund. basic support measures are still grants
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and acceleration. we provide an acceleration service, it is free for startups, that is, the company receives the knowledge, skills and abilities in order to build itself for about 3 months.
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big premiere at the main cinema in moscow. several nights of installation work, complex air suspension, giant metal birds roar over moscow - the full degree of involvement. every viewer can now touch the story. and right in the center moscow, on the arbat, a soviet yak smashes a german messer. these planes literally came off the screens; they took part in the filming of the film. we move inside the oktyabr cinema, here. also one of the same yaks that participated in the filming of the film. it was in this
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cabin that the actors spent filming days, long, grueling shifts for the sake of the most incredible shots. it's okay, let's attack! i go in, i go in, i go in, it was incredibly difficult, because for 7 hours, in my opinion, i didn’t go out and all this time in such a closed space, and take after take, take. there was a lot of smoke, it was stuffy, we were leaving for such a jungle near st. petersburg that the equipment got stuck in the mud, people were actually drowning in this mess, it seems to me that the film was shot in general in spite of, the eleventh, i am the seventh, you have a bad time on the line, these are not for the clouds , i’m the eleventh , i was hooked, here i go, forty-one, the germans tightened their grip, around leningrad, the road of life must be protected from life to death, there’s only one here. moment for me it is emotionally important, my grandfather died in
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the war, for me this is the theme of war, the theme of feat, the theme of self-sacrifice, it evokes very deep emotions, it’s this feeling of constant tension, a feeling of even claustrophobia in the cockpit, we wanted to achieve the feeling of a fight for life, it made me laugh when from anyone... for the first time, instead of a green screen and graphics , a giant display is on top of a four-story building projects the sky against its background , full-scale airplanes of which 12 were made for the film: every shot, every...
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leaving the hall, they can try to run their hands along the skin of this plane to understand what what these girls flew on, they flew experiencing wild overloads, thin metal and plywood, soviet yaks in the first years of the war were inferior to the german mesers in everything, and the overloads were such that men lost consciousness, there were not enough pilots, and the girls took this risk, entered in a fight with death for the sake of something more, for the sake of what is most important, and to love the homeland.
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“don’t be afraid, just a little one, don’t be afraid , baby, he will love you, this very air is missing, when a sip, that very sip of happiness, a sip of love, this is just there are those very breaths of air that you inhale, despite the horror and tragedy of the war, nevertheless these sips of happiness, which are very small, and sips of love are also very small, let's fly somewhere and disappear"? the film crew is greeted on stage after the show ovation, for
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each of the very first viewers of the film air, this picture responded in its own way. i can honestly tell you, i cried several times in this picture, very strong acting, very powerful dialogues, scenes, monologues, which really, i am sure, few will be left indifferent. of course the audience is crying. such sincere tears, including children, but it seems to me that these are very proper tears, so cleansing, i have never seen a stronger film, it gives me goosebumps, the whole film, i recommend it to everyone.
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and how destinies turn out, and what a great tragedy this is, he’s great, i’m proud, he’s a vic graduate, i hope that such films just need to be made, what herman did is a feat. in this film
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, homages to the old soviet film are very clearly visible, in the film only old men go into battle, cinema for the smart viewer. from the fate of the fighting friends, their dreams, sorrows and joys, the film air awaits its viewer tomorrow, from thursday, the film will be released in wide release. pyotr deryagin, maria emelyanova, sergey shilin, andrey syk, maria mortanova, artyom tikhonov, veronika ilvuchenkova, igor agafonov, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. and now the film doctor preobrazhensky, a new series, is on air on channel one. the commission confirmed that you do not have gender dysphoria, yes, the operation is for you is permitted and indicated, and i can, i can only recommend surgical treatment, but in the entire ussr there is no such institution where they can help you, all letters
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were refused, they said that this is impossible, such an operation simply does not exist, a lie. they’re just cowards, my friend, i know what i’m talking about, all these prescriptions that were there, i read them myself from medical libraries and compiled them, i know about it no less than the doctors, but we can’t force them, yes, we can’t stop trying, you can’t let go of your hands, otherwise, i don’t know, i’ll commit suicide, and if if you could direct us, uh, this is something more authoritative and serious than... private letters, these pleas are stupid, if it were just a matter of bureaucratic obstacles, okay, thank you, let's go, mom, that's enough, you 'll forgive us, we are very grateful to you
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for your honesty, for your hope, wait, one of our former employees works at a beauty institute, “i’ll give him my medical history, it’s unlikely that this can change anything, but thank you, give me beauty, and more.” one spring, i love you just like before." forgive my dream even if i leave, i will stay with you forever, i will stay with you forever, i will stay with you forever, even if i leave,
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i will remain you, forever, give me beauty. i will believe in a miracle, find my star, for which i will follow, igura, gift. come on, i've never read this article. you ’re just writing in your own way, but if your daughters were in this girl’s place, you
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think what you’re doing is true, honored coach of the soviet union, olympic champion, this is all nonsense, shameful invention, you still have to... figure out who gave you the idea , such confusion bring it in, write to the state sports committee, i reported, you will deal with them, i ’m not going to risk the editorial office for you, i don’t have such a moral right.


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