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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  January 18, 2024 9:20am-10:00am MSK

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then i really liked the film , it felt as if there was a tank passing next to me, a plane flying over, a mine exploding there, the actors watched the film together with the audience and how the audience worried about the fate of their heroes, of course i couldn’t get rid of the thought , that i saw everything , how it was filmed, but there were scenes in which i also participate, when you completely forget that these are your colleagues and just get involved in the story, you understand that...
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i’ll tell you , that this concludes our episode, the broadcast will continue with the anti-fake program, today we will expose a british pensioner who appropriated the biography of a soviet soldier, and we will analyze in detail the ukrainian designer of fakes, why tsypso is being spread: lies about nazi toys, which were allegedly supported by a major global brand, and we will also answer the question: will incoming calls in russia become paid again, this ittfake program, here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation, one well-known dada company for the production of construction sets, well, you know what i’m talking about, is allegedly planning... to release unique
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sets dedicated to ukraine. kiev monument with a trident on the brush of ronin's mother, now it is called mother ukraine, mariupol water tower, crimean castle lastanchkino nest. this is some interesting news. victor, how do you like it? you can assemble anything if you have a bunch of bricks and different construction sets, yes, but for a specific monument or a specific castle or a specific water tower, lego must design a whole set. and such a scheme. there is, when they submit applications, there is an international competition where you can apply, any a person can submit an application to say, i propose this kind of history assembly , by voting it determines who they can assemble, who they want to assemble, for whom the people will vote, the general people, all, all, wait, they really listen to what they will vote for people, or does it still have its own, well, there are probably some frauds there too, we understand, this is a commercial company, but nevertheless , well, the mechanics of submission exist and anyone can do this. company of any organization
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of several people, the same tsipso, now to to the source, come on, what kind of resource is ukraine now, there’s a blue tick here, everything is beautiful here, it’s like a real verified source, well, if the checkbox is yes, then we have to trust this source, like a tick appears in a telegram, any project can have a telegram tick if, in addition to the telegram channel itself, he has an account on other social networks and also a source for the site, that is...
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the most direct relationship, including with the informant, although not only with him, the informant is an information resource, which we built in 2016 with a group of comrades who are now working in it, it’s probably most correct to say that i co-own an informant, the dnepr informant, as a holding company that includes a whole bunch of editorial offices, in general, an informant in itself is very much. .. modular resource, am i
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a media snout of an informant? yes, of course, you want to know something about the informant, ask me how i will tell you everything, in any agreement with... more, if, if i even wanted to read all the letters that generate all the informant, i would be very tired before lunch, not until the evening. dmitry, i’ll ask you, it seemed like a children’s construction set, a very well-known brand, and he was again attracted, allegedly attracted to the side of ukraine. for what? let's start from a technical point
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of view, how is this constructor made? it is clear that there are some standard parts that go into series, but there are a certain number of unique parts that are suitable, well, specifically for this one. and does not fit, so to speak, with other objects, any specialist who is at least once, well, slightly connected with production, will tell you that such a thing as a mold, especially for the manufacture of such small gadgets, costs tens of thousands of dollars, if you are ready to buy such a thing, i don’t know, for a couple tens of thousands of dollars, well then he probably donates, but purely technically, production-wise, it’s just economic insanity and me.
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the nest suddenly the castle became, well, ukrainian . it’s interesting that all three symbols do not belong to ukraine in any way and have no relation to it. because ukraine ended up there, on this territory, the nest is not connected at all, now it’s not connected in any way, the mother’s homeland is a soviet monument, the water tower is a monument to the russian empire, they are looking for where we could do what, oh, we didn’t do anything, well, let’s do it at least we'll redraw something, that's the best we can do. yes, but it’s a little humiliating for the country that a brand noticed us, are you a country or are you also a brand, how do you generally feel about yourself, that is, it turns out that ukraine is just a trademark, yes, which suddenly someone noticed, in fact, here is a country that has independence, a country that has some kind of independent policy, a country that
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has a rich culture, but they really don’t care whether they noticed it or not, i suggest now contacting a very caring person, a collector and video blogger, his videos on... buy himself a set of cubes, yes, that fit his plan, then build it, draw a diagram of this construction, disassemble it, pack it in a box and sell it as a certain model, of course, of course, that is, roughly speaking, we and we can purchase from you a set of certain details, create sets dedicated to the first channel, release
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some kind of our collaboration dedicated to the first channel, well, that is, this is approximately how it works, please tell me, we just discussed that once in a while a vote is held, yes, where people submit their work, then they launch it into a series , it’s about... indeed, yes, fans submit their applications, typing when this or that homemade product gets 10,000 votes on a certain site, and it is put up for voting among the company itself, in in recent years, these have been sets dedicated to various topics, such as ghostbusters and other other cinematic works, but tell me, did this company have any versions of sets on a russian theme? i don’t remember...
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fans of famous designers noticed the fake, the authors of the false publication hastened, by the way, to edit their text, and now it looks a little different, so sets of construction sets from lego of three landmarks of ukraine appeared, now from lego, not lego , yes, sets that appear in this fake made by fans of the designer, they were promised as prizes that will be raffled off between everyone who donates at least 24 dollars, the corresponding promotion was launched just... on the ukrainian state platform, a fundraising company, we exposed this fake , the danish company has
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absolutely nothing to do with ukrainian crafts, they do not finance or promote this initiative, and the company also did not make political statements regarding the alleged belonging of the russian crimea and crimea to ukraine. mariupol, so while they are trying to maintain neutrality, recently the internet has been flooded with dozens of fakes about what the whole world supposedly supported so strongly. ukraine, that every now and then children's construction sets with militants of the armed forces of ukraine seem to be on sale, for example, you remember, yes, with ukrainian molotov cocktails, zelensky, with the ghost of kiev, st. jewelina and so on, but all these are blatant lies, collect good designers, and good models, this is the most important thing, but western propaganda is once again attempting to appropriate victory over nazi germany, as a british pensioner came up with. himself a heroic biography, posing as a brave soviet soldier, about this after a short
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pause: somehow a nervous babylonian barbarian got nervous in babylon, a not nervous babylonian, a babylonian babylonian, happiness is a family, the republic of tatarstan. to the balkar republic, russia is unity, russia is us.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. we develop correct posture. diagnosis by posture. chemistry of food. when. to whom and how much fiber, we read tests, what is dedimer , the program to live healthy, helps everyone, today at the first, famous godfathers and their godchildren met in our studio, i am a very responsible person, one of my goddaughters ’ mother died, and i immediately said that i i’m taking you home to live with me, elenochka, i know that you are also godfather to the eldest again several times. 16 years old, the youngest is 4 and a half years old, we filmed the wall together, alexander mikhailovich
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solemnly wrote on me, at the moment of the ceremony, he sprinkled, they say this is a happy sign, a good omen, i have a godson who was previously in the north military district, he is now in the hospital, i am very proud of him, baptism is when you understand who you are, who you belong to, and you don’t run around and don’t you ask , how to live, this is a day for the lord , we put off our... everyday activities, we go to the temple, when a person has some kind of trouble, the soul begins to suffer, the temple, there is an answer to questions that are sometimes difficult to formulate, my son's heart stopped, we lost him, and katya saved me, katka tells me, be a godmother, for me it was such a gift, we have the best godmother in the world, on saturday... you are my only one, and we are
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husband and wife, and you? and we, goodbye, i ’ll take you to the carriage, don’t, i don’t like being seen off, what were you hiding, 3 years from my sister, i don’t like the mountain. and i won’t play around on it, you idiot, that’s what i’ll tell you, i see what you’re worried about, really, zoechka, wow!
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who play checkers, checker players, everything seemed to start off well for me, what now will end badly, best of all, new season, on sunday on the first, you eat buns, very rarely, if your mother is kind, she can allow it once
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a week. this is an anti-fake program and we are continuing the british historical fake. we now have a famous photograph from the great patriotic war allegedly depicting an english military man who, while in a prisoner of war camp, boldly and daringly looks through the barbed wire straight into the face of nazi heinrich himler. is this really true? or not, but i will now read to you what they write here under this publication. rude sight. garatius confronts himler. the great fugitive. a film is being made about a british prisoner of war who escaped a nazi camp 200 times to meet a girl. he was so in love with his german girlfriend that, risking death at the hands of the nazis, he secretly sneaked out of the prisoner of war camp to see her. before
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we study the photograph in more detail. victor, please tell us about the daily mirror website. same as the sun. he was also an active propagandist, a real military man, he actively participated in daily or in the first world war, moreover, so actively that the germans even tried to kill him, he even created two tabloids, and the daily world, idyl, both of these tabloids are british and they are aimed primarily at the widest circle of readers, in the simplest
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language , the biggest stupidity is sticky, this is exactly why they are created, the circulation of this...
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except for the red army soldiers, the unfortunate local men, who were also captured in this camp, imprisoned, there was no one there, people were kept in absolutely terrible conditions, in general, this is... the day of himler’s visit to minsk and its environs, it, among other things, culminated in himler observing the execution of local jews, which was carried out by the aisatz group, he felt bad when he
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saw the blood, the chaos that was happening at this time, when women, children, and old people were being killed , as a result , at a meeting on the same day, he said that we must protect our people from such emotions, bad ones, that they experience, from that moment the nazis began to ... he looked at the exhausted red army soldiers, that is, this is a red army soldier unknown to us, we don’t know anything about him, except for this one, there are also a couple of photographs taken from other angles, nothing remains of him, why is this a red army soldier, why is this a red army soldier, firstly, because that this is a photograph, we know where this photograph was taken, he is wearing a soviet army cap, well, you understand that for the reader. the daily mirror newspaper, there is no difference, it doesn’t exist, it’s the cap that distinguishes us, that is , to - the history of any british prisoner of war, no matter what, and this
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the photograph has nothing to do with it, this newsreel has nothing to do with it, we have now tried to figure out this historical falsification, yes, in a modern photograph, let me remind you that in fact the historical photograph shows a minsk prisoner of war camp, a shirtless man and a soviet soldier, a red army soldier, this noticeable just from the cap, from the clothes, by the way, and ... other prisoners who also got into the frame, the picture was taken on august 15 , 1941, on the day when heinrich gimbler inspected the camp, but by the way, with this truth producers continue to argue, who want to film the story of garatia greasley, the same one who is passed off as this man, and his widow, this is exactly garatia in the photograph, other people forced him to tell himmler, we want more food, he approached the barbed wire fence asked for food , taking off his shirt to show how thin he was, although he was very thin back then, i definitely recognize garatius without a shirt, as for what he was wearing, garatius said that they wore whatever they were given, viz. issued
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soviet military, on the book he has a different cap on his head in this city, on the book there really is a different cap, yes, as a rule, the british and americans wore their own, if there was not enough clothing, then the germans usually gave out captured clothes, given that they were sitting - then their prisoners of war, as a rule in the west, then most often it was... there were some kind of french belgian uniforms, in the background there is a guy in a tunic, our soviet, yes, yes, yes, beard, which is quilted to the top, well, if we even let’s say that it’s this british guy, how is he? i ended up in minsk on august 15, 1941, just based on the facts, minsk, 1941, there are no british there, let’s compare the cap in the book in the photo from the camp, different style, on the right is the cap that we had exactly the same in the soviet army, until the soviet union collapsed, well, he had a british cap, which was worn like a british cap, here you can see the acocardo, two buttons, which we don’t see in this photo, and
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the main thing is that these caps are british caps, they are always like that smoothed and design different, but it just has a different design, what is the message in this general narrative, the british are just writing history, well, maybe they write a memoir somehow for themselves and this is done at the general political level, do you publish this same thing? we don’t see honest historians now, because all the mass media are aimed exclusively at one goal: russia did not exist or should not exist,
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we should already get used to it, not everyone sees it, yes, some people think that it’s just the way it was, there is tucker carlson who says russia has suffered so many millions of victims that this is, okay, also an exception; in fact, here we are talking about sick national egocentrism, just like the ukrainians. they are trying to identify themselves through brands, the british or the americans, having their own history, a big and powerful one, they are simply trying to erase the inconvenient actors of this history, well, we are inconvenient for them, but we must understand that every nation has its own story that it tells to himself, when he runs out, well , you know, this needs to be done, needs to be done a book about captivity, yes, if you start looking at photographs of british or american officers. okay, we would just say that
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they took something to depict the feat of their country, yes, but they are trying not only to take ours, but also to say that we didn’t exist at all, if we now remember these latest narratives , there, remember the fonderline regarding kheroshima, she spoke out, yes, once an accident, but when for a long time they generally say that we are actually evil, we must be destroyed, forgetting about the feat of the soviet people, it somehow all fits into one pile of what was prescribed to our children. let's just remember a few moments from the press, well, we remember, and we looked at this picture that on september 22, 1939 , in brestlitovsk, poland, german troops marched side by side with the red army in the strangest parade in history, here it is actually a festival of historical reconstruction, yes , it was on may 6, 2007, and this was passed off as supposedly on september 22, 1939, that ’s just about how the soviets allegedly together with they are marching like nazis, and one more thing...
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i would like to interview you as the head physician of the beauty institute, am i ready? yes , i think that cinema only shows love stories, in war films, we are talking about the love of guys for weapons, in gangster films, about the love of guys for robberies, it really is rubbish, and the new wave brought love for cinema, without love
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there are no films . he is a child of the cinema, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films, the films are not good enough for the audience, but also audiences are often not good enough for films, they say that people don’t understand my films, and that i myself don’t understand them, matodore, jeanluc gadar, two or three things that i don’t know about him. tomorrow on the first, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they have wings behind them, as if gravity does not affect them , risk, danger, entertainment. and
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unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, flying , like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first. closed screening with alexander gardon, that's how you like the film, absolutely original and
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powerful film language, breaking the genre. a peculiar horror story is gaining momentum on social networks that you should never, under any circumstances, pick up the phone if the number starts with + 380 + 0.55 + 0.45, 0.65 and 0.55, according to users,
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money as if they will write off even an incoming call and will go directly to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. all incoming calls in russia, if anything, are suddenly free, well, that is, it’s a fake here, if specifically speaking in fact, the fake here is that... russia has an international code of +7, but ukraine has an international code of -380, it
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says + 38 + 38 - this is the code of a country that does not exist, yugoslavia , so that’s right, it should sound like this: incoming plus 380, then 55, i don’t know whose code, here’s 44 - accordingly, everything will work incorrectly, that’s what concerns this particular fake. relations with the studio leonty
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bukshtein, chief editor of the internet portal mobile telecommunications. hello, good afternoon. now we are talking about just such fakes, is it familiar to you, how long has it existed and how long has it been spreading? well, not exactly. such , but there are a lot of similar ones, technically, today it is possible to have a similar scheme, that if, for example, they called you, then they will charge you money for the incoming call, if you just picked up the phone, can they withdraw money from you? to the operator, an incoming call costs nothing, to your operator, that’s why they were forbidden to actually take money, the operators put up with it, although it was just like money out of thin air, so what will they charge you if you pick up the phone, i think, after all, this goal is not about money at all, so the goal of this fake cannot be simply to keep all the people in russia in suspense , also, which is supposedly in general don’t take it, look, everything is unsafe, they can withdraw money everywhere , if anything happens, of course, this, this, in principle
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, aggravates people’s psychological mood, it causes distrust among people, well, in general, this is psychological wafire, a psychological war is going on, because to win on the field...someone doesn't succeed, but psychology can be undermined, a person begins to doubt whether i am protected , so yes, they want to cause confusion in people, especially among older people, who, by the way, are even more active voters, they want to cause this feeling that oh, i’m not protected, i feel bad, i ended up in the wrong place with my place of birth and so on, so yes, it ’s not just a fake, don’t call there, but in principle, so that... there is rejection, that’s where they want to do something bad to me, i wanted to ask you, you know what, that now it’s better for no one to call from unfamiliar numbers, and not at all? to say, are there any keywords, because we are watched by people of different ages, different generations, keywords that
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should not be uttered in a telephone conversation with strangers, what words are they? yes , yes, this could be a request, is it possible to do this, you say, yes, that’s it, the cart has moved forward, yes, i agree, except... hello old , you can’t say anything to unfamiliar interlocutors, any of your verbal creativity can be interpreted by the program as consent to some kind. operation, god forbid, tube raised, hello, that's it, then you can hear that they want something from you, goodbye, no other phrases are worth saying, then after all , sophisticated people are now engaged in fraud, they also have a little knowledge of psychology, not them, but those who sent them, they know how to do what, so don’t forget that everything is now remote banking, you can do things like this, they asked me what treasures you have, he’s calling you... security from your account, well, this is a scheme old, but for
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many it works, they want from your account write off all the money, urgently do this and that, yes bye, hang up forget it, thank you very much for these detailed answers, all the best to you, good incoming, outgoing, and outgoing too, yes indeed, if we are now let’s consider that it’s just a moment to keep in suspense, then this is such information terror, one of the things i understand is... an old thing, i called back, hung up, you
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call back, and there is a paid number, well, there were such old ones once, when you pick up the phone from an unknown number, you most often you can lose money very quickly by talking to a scammer from the central bank, from the fsb, supposedly, supposedly, supposedly, supposedly, we put asterisks, quotation marks, and so on everywhere, pick up the cloud there, pick up the phone from an unfamiliar number, you risk losing money, but you just don’t need to pick up handsets, you will thus avoid losing money and communicating with scammers
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, conclusion, if you are in russia, then for but most importantly, let’s make it an incoming one, they won’t take money from you, if you are in russia, do not pick up handsets from unfamiliar numbers , this will always save you nerves, don’t fall for the scams of scammers , tell your parents about this, the older generation, don’t say in telephone conversations with unfamiliar numbers the words yes , i agree, everything else, it’s better to just put the plug in, here’s the method word two, i’m speaking, listening , or such an old regime at the device, the device generally sounds great, always answer at the device, your television receivers had an anti-fake program, i will remind you that if you have any doubts about any news, be sure to send it to our editorial office here, we will sort it out with the studio and discuss it, we will tell you the results on air, reasons to be proud. be sure to send all the best to you too,
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our daughter wrote to us yesterday: be sure to give someone an interview, today we are giving such an interview, where i have been, where i want to go, and there are many places for this... russia is a huge family , a family in which everyone lives together, my children will be worthy citizens of this big friendly family. usually at a holiday i draw something, for example, my mother loves a picture in black and white style, and recently i painted one, now it’s hanging in our kitchen, so that everyone is loved, loved, and so that we have healthy children, we are all so kind, everyone is like that.


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