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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  January 18, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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to provide you with a man, too , that is, you yourself, well, how would you plan to raise children alone or still meet a man, i tried to discuss with gregory that moment that i wanted more, well, in general, let's start with the fact that we lived in rented housing for this entire period of time, just as we did while we were married, and somehow our circumstances were not such that you weren’t scared, of course you were scared. for the other, of course, it was scary, but he had this charm, persuasiveness, promises that everything will be fine, don’t worry, everything will be fine, from my promises, well, i fulfilled only by giving birth to children , probably, yes, yes, gregory, it’s also unclear on her part, in fact, why give birth to a second, third, and even more so a fourth , from the same man i cheated on, well , they didn’t make it to the fifth, i wouldn’t have given birth to the fifth.
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maybe i read in your questionnaire that this is the first fourth child, maybe if you call it that, yes, they would be very complex, yes, and after two 2 months you have it again, that is , you continued, he probably has good sex, i i think, well, it’s possible, yes , but for this it’s also worth suffering, look at the beautiful children that are born, healthy, beautiful, as you know, in my second marriage i had two stepchildren,
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at some point he already began to be present at our general meetings and he realized that , well, yes, here you definitely won’t come back to him without options, maybe they need to sort of put an end to this program, finally gain that independence from each other and separate, probably, but will continue to be present , who is grigo’s husband, well, we have children together, but i can’t somehow take him out of the children's lives, because they communicate with him, he is a very good dad to his children... he always takes them on weekends, when he has the opportunity, takes them here to the city, well, to ufa, to they come to him, they spend time with him, they have very good friendly relations, despite the fact that he cheated on her, despite the fact that they divorced, he remains, first of all , now her not her ex-husband, he remains the father of her children, and it is very important for children to have a father in their lives, regardless of the fact what past mistakes he or she made, and i think it’s important, important despite.
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remain human during the divorce. grigory, you felt normal when you invited your ex-wife as a matchmaker, that she would consider your potential women, one of whom will become in the future, probably, because we will try very hard, now to sit in the place of a matchmaker, and your wife will, will, yes, no, this, what is this, is that how you feel?
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number of people on planet earth get together, get divorced, you are not the first and not the last, we you definitely don’t judge, i personally am not your judge, i want everyone to live happy , anything can happen in life, but every person has the right to happiness, absolutely, you had such a story in your youth, you have children, that’s wonderful, but today you , if you are free to believe, and you are starting a new life, i want you to... yes, you have happiness, so that your children have a good friend, your husband, so i would directly suggest to you today, what do you have to lose? after all, why my ex -husband is nearby, i still don’t understand, it still confuses me , and guys, i’ll tell you, because in any in an incomprehensible situation, it is better to turn to the person whom you have known for many years, with whom you have a common history, common memory, common real estate, common business, common children, well, then let's get married right on the heels. of course, go ahead and
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get acquainted with the first thing that you, lord, this is for you, you know what the formula for success is, you know, the habit of overcoming difficulties and the ability. partner in life, and as they say, this is their fairy tale, together, which was, well , it will end, hello, hello, my name
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maxim, this is a very beautiful, well-spoken girl, thank you, i know. in your eyes i see myself, in your eyes i confess my love , please open, i never part ways with myself, no matter how many times i die, i meet you, a man should take responsibility for the family and resolve issues, and not in an emotional way, when they make a scandal, they quarrel.
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i realized that you didn’t do it, i, like that man who always lived for 13 years in his first marriage, please, when he said, ruslan, when will you go to your ex-wife with children turn on the recorder, here i agree, i think that most likely i just lost my head, next to you there was a stupid woman, so to speak, who earned 4.5 rubles there, and already allows herself to do so, the fact that you broke up is correct they did, i agree, she would be smart if she built this same recorder for you like a button, for example, and she would already be sitting in the car.
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i only have parties, clubs, clothes, more than that, but do you think there are some other feelings between eroida and grigory, he is a very brave person, i would not have come to the place you this program, i want to wish our russian citizens. federation, i would like to wish everyone health and happiness for all their loved ones. the calling card of the orenburg region is our orenburg down scarf. its special feature is that it can fit through a wedding ring. and we are happy to believe that there should be a miracle in
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everyone’s life. we worked at a school camp and the leaders had a planning meeting. and she, we were in different squads, invited her to meet. she agreed, and that was the day just. explosive, because i experienced such emotions, i want many on the planet to understand that only in friendship and love can we live together, i love my country very much and am proud of our russia, igor, in fact, they don’t need, they need us leave him without anything , walks around the yard, comes into the barn , looked in the window, but he scared the children, so he ’s from... he wanted to hit me with his car, he practically put her on the hood, i pull her back just like that, she she constantly compared me to men, to past men, to past men, that you are not a man, you are like this and that, he wanted to hang himself, but how your mother-in-law cast a spell against you, she flipped me the bird,
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threw knives, i don’t go there at all, her granny is inadequate, she needs to be checked, and my grandfather is becoming just as inadequate , he hits me on the wrist, don’t lie? in your opinion, tatyana can turn the child against both dad and grandparents. good afternoon, but as usual, all the most interesting things in the ryabov family began after the divorce, yeah, and an accident, stalking, and pepper spray, and a sledgehammer, and what have you only... no, and the most important thing is that their six-year-old son is sitting in the front row
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watching all this, we need to buy the boy popcorn. today in our studio tatyana ryabova, she claims that her ex-husband is making an attempt on her life. tatyana, hello, what happened? my ex-husband voodia is persecuting me and my children, and i fear for the lives of my own. him and how he stalks you, what does he do? i also have a 10-year-old son from my first marriage , he constantly crawls with his mother outside the gate, he’s over the fence, through abandoned buildings climbs across the yard to ours, goes into the barn, for what purpose? he wants to take your child away from you, i think he wants to take my child away, so look at
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the story, it turns out that when he climbs over your fence or goes into the barn, he ’s the one running the house, but he used to scare the children , he looked through the window , he’s at home, well, i understand, but he scared these children , so he’s a father, well, we’re his son, i have a son from the first, wait, but he’s a father, but the father looks in the window, as can be scare a child, well could he calmly come through the door to us with... if the father looks through the window, he cannot scare the child with this, but really, when you were married, where did you live? when we were married, we lived in my apartment, everything was wonderful with us, everything was fine until his mother began to interfere in our lives, many people told me that don’t buy next to his mother’s house, i listened to vova we bought a house nearby, wait, you lived in your apartment, there wasn’t enough space there, or what? this one in half, we decided to take out a mortgage,
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the apartment was my parents, my brother and i made a down payment on matkapital, of course, who took out the mortgage from you? volodya prepared herself, yes, of course, yes, let’s first see how you live, then we will continue this conversation. we bought this house with our ex-husband, vladimir, and took out a mortgage. this is what’s left, he made it himself, and grandpa bought us this microwave, that’s all, nothing more, he doesn’t care how his son lives, please show me what your dad gave you for your birthday, and what else he gave you ? i don't even have a label i tore them off because he doesn’t want to put them on , he doesn’t like them, well, okay, he puts some soft toys in his mouth, it’s because ... vova’s ex-husband beat the child to me and because of this i gave in for divorce. once
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he hit me on the nose with his fist, my nose began to bleed. i'm glad he doesn't live anymore. i’m already tired, even igor, their grandson, does n’t want to go to them, his grandmother constantly interrogates him, constantly tells him that his mother is bad, that his mother will die soon, that’s what happened. yes, igor, in fact, they don’t needed, they need to leave us without housing, this is how they take revenge on me for giving in to divorce. listen, maybe because you don’t allow them to see their grandson or son, maybe that’s why they ’re persecuting you? i don’t mind that the child communicates with his grandparents, but they themselves filed a lawsuit because... you don’t mind, why would grandparents sue if you don’t mind? from the very beginning it all started when
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my grandmother came with my grandfather and her ex- husband, well then we are still legally married there were, they started shouting, it was me there, that i was such a bad mother, that i constantly drink, don’t work anywhere, my grandmother was always running around looking after me, i drink on holidays, and you work? yes, of course, officially. let me be honest, yes, you didn’t let them see the child, from the very beginning yes, i was, so why lie then, you didn’t give them the child, they went to court, naturally, the court obliged you to give the child so that they could meet, but you still don't do this, just like that, no, now by court order, please, they the first, third week they take the child away, of course, the child himself does not want to go to
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them, you, as i understand it, one of your main reasons for coming, not even... that your husband is stalking you , but the fact that he threatens to somehow take away your home, yes, but how? i asked him to rewrite the mortgage in my name, he said later , when they tell me, what does it mean to rewrite the mortgage, well, he didn’t pay the loan, the mortgage, i paid half, what is the amount per month 19.00, 19 you, 19, no, why 10,000 , so the total is 19? i hope you pay, you continue to pay the mortgage, he doesn’t pay, and he didn’t pay, the bank has a debt of 217,000, so that the bank sues us so that we can get on schedule, they told me to pay the debt here, it doesn’t matter, i i will pay either my ex-husband, i asked my dad, my dad took me a loan, we paid
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217. 2 months at once, well, i started paying this entire mortgage. in full for 19,000, then he filed for bankruptcy, when the bank even offered to send us a number agreement, so that they would come and he would sign it over to me and the bank would make concessions to us so that i would pay for this mortgage alone. volodya didn’t show up, i said everything, i asked him everything, he later , when they tell me, but he probably wanted some share of this house to remain his, he asked for 500,000, he asked for less, yes, he asked for 500,000 , yes? how much did it cost at the time when we bought 2,100,000 it cost, i understand everything now, except for one thing: your husband wanted and was ready to do everything, but of course to get some piece of his own, i don’t now i will discuss whether he is doing the right thing or not, like a man or not, but within the framework of the law he is absolutely right, within the framework of the law he would be right if the house was paid off, the mortgage was paid in full, and
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his share was formed there, of course, he asked for some piece, but he doesn’t pay. where is mat-capital? until the debt is repaid, you can conditionally forget about mat-capital. the pension fund transferred the funds, entrusting the amount, so to speak, to the owners, that is , the parents, the parents failed to fulfill their obligations, and, accordingly, the real estate goes to the auction and the children, well, of course they don’t get a share, that is, now the children will be left with nothing, right, unfortunately, yes, the children will not get their share, this often
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happens, you’ve finished playing, you two have finished playing with toys. i asked him to write, but he just did it all out of spite, on the advice of his mother, there was such a moment that even he wanted to run me over with his car, it’s like he tried to run over me, i’m a neighbor pushed me away, we go and look volodya is driving, she says: i’m afraid, i say, let’s go, don’t worry, everything is fine it will happen, she and i are going straight home, i hear the sound of a car, i’m like this...
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she says, i want to deprive tatyana of parental rights, i say: the reason, well, you know that she drinks, i say, no, i i don’t know what she drinks, personally, i didn’t see her going around drunk somewhere, or she would really, yes, he persuaded me to go to court so that i would come and talk about her in court, i said, no, that in court, he wanted me to come and say in court that tatyana drinks, that she has men there too. and i'm telling you, i didn't see that she was drinking, but she didn’t see her, but did she see the men? no, we have a two-story house across the street, that is, my friend can absolutely see their yard. lives alone now? no, a roommate, but that is , he is, but he’s not a man? well, this is now, at that time he was not there, she was alone. so what
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is the name of the man you live with now? radik, does radik know what is happening in your relationship with your ex-husband? yes, yes, he knows. famous godparents and their godchildren met in our studio. i am a very responsible person; one of my goddaughters ’ mother died. and i immediately said that i wanted you i’m taking you home to live, lenochka, i know that you also crossed five several times, the oldest is 16 years old, the youngest is 4.5 years old, we filmed the wall together, alexander mikhailovich solemnly wrote on me in the moment on the body, he you sprinkled, they say this is a happy sign, a good omen, i have a godson who was wounded in the northern military district, he is now in the hospital, i am very proud of him, baptism, when do you understand who you are? to whom do you belong and don’t run around and ask, how to live? this is the lord's day, we we put aside our everyday activities , we go to the temple, when a person has some kind of trouble, the soul
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begins to suffer, the temple, there is an answer to questions that are sometimes difficult to formulate, my son’s heart stopped, we lost him and katya saved me, katya says to me: be a godmother, for me this, this... was such a gift, we have the best godmother in the world, on saturday on the first, bourbon steersman is a product of the stellar group, we are not boiled, we are not raw, we will not give up , we’ll break up, you’re always very beautiful, ha, they brought me two.
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best of all, new season, on sunday on the first. do you eat buns? very rarely. and if my mother is kind, she can allow it once a week. the court, as i understand it, determined the time when the father can communicate with the child, right? yes, by court decision, every, first and third. of the month on friday at 17:00, grandparents must pick up the child and hand him over to dad on saturday at 19:00 until sunday, has this schedule ever
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been followed? yes, of course, and the receipts were written because he stopped complying with that? when the child stopped walking, he is a mother, i am not i want to go, please don’t give it up, when this happened two months ago, and the child voiced it to someone that he didn’t want to go to grandma, you or grandma? well, veteran pervert, are you chasing tatyana? i kind of wanted to talk to her in a normal way, what about the house, about everything, and
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she doesn’t let me see the child, let ’s go back from your point of view, you lived well, at first everything was fine , nothing even, she didn’t need it, she didn’t work, i worked mostly, i have two jobs. how would it be, well listen, everything is fine, the child was born , you love the child, that you suddenly ran away , as if she always had this, that she constantly compared me with men with others who were, and with past men with past ones who were , and let me guess, the comparison was not in your favor , that’s right, well, how would all this hurt me, my manhood, she seemed to lower everything below the plinth, understandable, but what does your mother have to do with it? like my mother, she told her what to do, listen, well you can give hints in different ways, no, you can say, come on, dear daughter-in-law,
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i’ll help you, let’s do this... you can say: listen, you’re a stupid fool, you don’t know how to do anything, i’ll teach you now, nothing like that happened, nothing like that happened it was because we are not monsters , we are normal people, wait, you got divorced , i didn’t understand, you divorced tatyana because she trampled on your manhood below printus, right, and she cheated, she cheated on you, but that once it happened that she said yes, i told him like that one time yes i told him to pay attention to me, because he hadn’t paid attention to me for a long time, i just told him that, just like that? not just like that, you also showed a photo of the man with whom you cheated on him, well, it ’s an old photo, a photograph, then i looked, called her and said, why are you sending me this, why is he sending us a photo of a man, you’re in shock, who is this? she says, this is the one with whom i cheated on you, but after that you paid attention to her, no, it’s already a kind of disgust, it’s as if i didn’t like her
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cheated, why, let’s say, she should cheat on me, so what’s the story with the house? about the house, when i called her, i said what i explained to her about the whole situation and had been saying for a long time, i said, what are we going to do with the house? what difference does it make to you? wait, well, did you now take the step of declaring yourself bankrupt, or is that also bullshit? yes, i declared myself bankrupt, because now i have, well, a kind of difficulty, did she suggest to you that she would pay the entire mortgage? no. there was no such thing, i suggested to him more than once that he rewrite it, and he even the bank suggested that he transfer his share to his son, change the entire mortgage to me, so that it’s mine alone, it’s me who continues to pay this mortgage, she’s lying now, yes, she’s been lying all her life, that’s what the bank said, but what it means she always lies, well , firstly, what she told her parents, that don’t tell your parents where we are,
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everything else, but my mother is worried about... igor, without, well, without adult accompaniment, sakmaro walks to the river, also the three of us, god forbid he drowns, and diana, who is this, is this, diana, this...
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that she drank, did practically nothing at home, rested, slept, this is all so, it exists, and you called the pdn to her? they called the pdn , she has friends there, it turns out, wait, but you started voicing all the complaints against her as a mother after the divorce, or during your family life you called the pdn, the guardianship of everyone else, but how can i explain to you how it was, say so. when we lived, when we lived, she always called the police on me, for which i always, as if i were spreading rot on the child, everything else, no, i love children very strongly, he called me dad , we went fishing with him in the countryside, here it is, let’s do it, this is a watering can, here it calls the police, at least once a report was drawn up on you, in what incident he had, there was nothing at all , there were no fines,
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nothing happened. they, she calls , they come, everything is fine, they come , yes, everything is fine, the child, sasha, told us that you punched him in the nose, it’s thanks to his mother that she turned him against me, that is you didn't punch him in the nose, no, i never beat him, but i have a question for my mother, when he punched him in the nose, it happened, it happened, you wrote a statement, i wrote a statement more than once that no, just for the case when he, table, he first mothered me, i was already tired of vova’s dad, yes, he explained it like that, then my son tells me, dad called him, from the age of 2 to the age, he raised him, vova’s dad beats me, vova’s dad constantly spreads rot on me , i say, what’s the matter, why didn’t you say anything before, you ’re probably lying a little, he says, no, mom, i say, okay, okay, i
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talked to vova and asked, i say, vova, why are you mocking my son? he says: i didn’t touch him, i started to look closely at this, he started, we constantly offended his child, constantly shouted at him, constantly. as they say, he beat me, but really with a twig in the ass , listen, you really think that we are all crazy, that is, we lived without any pain, everything was fine, apparently, before this you didn’t look after your child at all and didn’t watch at all, what if you son says, mom, i have to tell you, he offends me all the time, then you saw that he turns rotten on him, mocks him, beats him, where were you before? they said that she constantly turns the child against you, grandparents, and do you turn him against his mother or not, no, i never set him up, okay, let's see how you and your parents remember the times when you met igor ,
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he rolls around all the time, he rolls around all the time, we run around everywhere, this is generally when... it ’s like this is his room, i tell him fairy tales. of course, we miss him very much, and
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we are worried about his health, the last time, when we arrived, there were so many people there, he came out, i just looked, well, a downtrodden boy, he ran away crying. don’t be afraid, i say, please, but say hello, igor, don’t be afraid, igor, that’s it, calm down, that ’s it, that’s it, go, go, calm down, that’s it, i don’t know what ’s happening to him, the last time i called him, well, in principle, we agreed with him, you’re going, you’ll go, please, i’ll probably go, well, come on, i’ll see you tomorrow. oh well, well, yes, i hoped that he would actually go with me, and then the mood fell, baby, dad, son, that's it, run, that's it, that's it,
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calm down, i didn't expect such a turn at all, i think that she's setting him up against us, she even intimidated us, she's constantly sending text messages with threats, therefore for... honestly, in this plot, lyubov nikolaevna, your mother, does not look like the root of evil, as tatyana considers her, but i want to see with my own eyes. lyubov nikolaevna, come to us! hello! we need help so that they believe us and let us communicate with the nuks when they lived in the apartment, it was very dirty there, and
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my husband and i, seeing this situation, made repairs at our own expense, because it was generally impossible to be in the kitchen there, there was such a layer of dirt, the stove was generally very dirty. vegetables there, that’s all we have our own garden, everything , mom says, you can’t forgive this, that you ’re just like him, like my father, the patient is ready for surgery, we have to start, without mikhailov,
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do it today, tomorrow may not be there for you maybe he asked me to tell you that he loves you and is still waiting for you, doctor preobrazhensky, conclude. watch the time after the program, i would like to interview you as the head physician of the beauty institute. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. i think cinema only shows love stories. in war films, we are talking about the love of guys for weapons, in gangster films, about the love of guys for stealing, really crap, and the new wave brought love for cinema.
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which i don't know about him, tomorrow on the first. sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if they were not affected by earthly forces. attraction, risk danger. entertainment 3.5 and
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unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eva, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend at the first one. and how are you going to make sure you get everything from him? let's go, where on the way, i'll tell you, let's go, oh, oh, why are you looking at the folder, swearing, just don't get attached to him, it's dangerous, the reputation of the clinic and mine personally are very important, i need all his schemes are specific, where he hid it, where he transferred it, vadim will be there for a long time, if you can come to an agreement, i will do for you whatever you want, maybe you will count with me at least a little? “i won’t live by your rules , that’s enough, there’s something i don’t like, that you
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perceive me as a business, peelers, container, new series, on sunday on the first, a child, he’s more important than money, you tell me what can you say, now it turns out that your daughter-in-law does not comply with the court decision, does not comply, and you came with the bailiffs, and the bailiffs could not carry out the court decision, well, they didn’t want to carry it out, well, since the child was afraid of so many strangers, and you always have such a meeting with igor, it wasn’t always, when we contacted after the trial, she told us that you are still if you don’t get it, you still won’t see it, we turned to the bailiffs.
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from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, which means saturday, he is with us, and you only take the youngest, only who is yours , now yes, because how you treat us, we treat him normally, after divorce, he came to us, he is forever both a grandmother and a grandfather, but she intimidated him so much, when i saw him once in the schoolyard, i approached him, he was like that, don’t, don’t come to me, don’t come, don’t come, my mother is because of me... the next day tanya wrote
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a statement against me, as they say, to the police that i’m stalking her son, it’s clear, but what’s the story with the poisoning of yours, well, i, this is our opinion, when she insured him, he started having health problems, he went to the wonko hospital, as they say, he started to have a sore throat some papillomas were growing, they pulled them out for him, every time you took him away in an ambulance, he began to have shortness of breath, he began to choke, here we are. screwed him up, or what? we got the impression that yes, she was putting something on him, so she insured his life, she then tried to kill him, and he wanted to hang himself with these, as they say, micro-zai. she constantly insulted him, that you are not a man, you are like this and that, and the man wanted to hang himself. tatyana, are these your microloans? 55, 16, 7, yes, yes, yes, here they are, yes, it’s all yours, it’s mine, yes, i have a debt of 29,000 , in total, i completely paid off all the debts,
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these are all old statements, his, yes, lawyers, theirs, this, as they say, there they also threw mud at the courts, they threw mud at me, she then volodya . she says to my son: soon your mother will die, as she says, i was at the funeral, someone died there, and i put her photograph in the coffin so that she would die quickly, but i told her, i don’t deny it, but i didn’t do any of this, and as my mother-in-law cast a spell against you, she flipped me the bird, the cat next to this, i planted knives, my friend even came and said, why are you dead here, and i say, i know that, this is my ex- mother-in-law.
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what is there between them, maybe he loves her, so let's see what happens almost every day, at least a six-year-old boy had to see, this family is inadequate, after the divorce, the ex-husband came for his things, saw a sledgehammer, he he grabbed her, so i started to pull her out, she jumped off and hit him on the arm, she struck him six times from here to the elbow, there was a bruise, then i...
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my grandparents constantly make scandals when handing over a child, there was a case when my grandfather tried to snatch a receipt from me and pushed me away, i hit this corner like that, and if i hit my head or hit my temple, that’s it would have died, but she stood far from this door, she pulled out about two meters like that, she probably stood like that, hugged her grandson, and this hand with which the signature was painted was her right hand here, the right one, i just pulled it out. everything and touched didn't touch didn't, well came up with the idea that i attacked her, you know, this story actually began not at all as she explains, quite a long time ago, she, frankly speaking, wants the house to remain for her, it ’s just because of this that we have a quarrel, he i called her last time, when
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we were supposed to have a date with our grandson, he called her in advance at lunch, even his grandson, well, son, she tells him: this whole story, i don’t understand how you live in this, i just i don’t understand, there is a court decision, but what would be easier to hand over the child, no, someone was hired to hand over the child a separate person , a power of attorney was issued for this person, this person’s name is yulia olyokhina, she often sat with igor and... having a power of attorney, she passed it on to her grandparents from her son’s mother, oh well, let’s call her, hello, studio, yulia, hello, everyone, what kind of work did you
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have in this family, oh, tanya wrote me a power of attorney so that i could keep an eye on it. well, with such people, they themselves say that grandma is inadequate, she needs to be checked, but grandfather is the same, no, grandfather was very good at first, i even somehow respected grandfather, honestly.
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with a camera, with a phone , she was told once, she can’t leave the guardianship, she was told a second time, then she calls her grandparents, grandma comes in and comes at me with this camera, i told you, grandma, put it away, i say, the camera, i don’t like it that you’re filming me, she tells me, now i’ll just listen to you, i say, of course you’ll be here, where’s the grandfather, where’s the grandfather, here’s the grandfather... he was standing next to this grandmother, well, there’s security, maybe he’s become too inadequate, uh-huh, then my grandfather becomes inadequate, he hits me on the wrist, so what am i
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so i close the camera, i don’t think for long , i say, i’m not lying, i give him a hand, please tell me, when you brought the child to his grandparents, how did he react, at first he went to his grandfather, we always pass, even with children, when i pass, it’s always grandfather. comes out of his gate, i say: say hello to grandpa, go give him a kiss , maybe the kids will give you some candy or something, just grandpa will hug everything, we moved on, recently my husband started watching over us all summer, listen, well if so everything was fine, and he went to his grandfather, what happened, everything was great at first, so what happened, what happened, that he stopped wanting to go to his grandparents, to his dad, and you know, that’s it, i ask him why aren't you going to grandpa's? he says to me: so what, julia, he says , i’ll come there, grandma will put me in jail like a fool , he says, and i sit all day, and dad leaves
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constantly, prince harry and meghan markle suddenly, for no reason at all, found themselves in the top american again news, but why did prince harry and meghan markle get paid now? millions for the fact that they did absolutely nothing, figured out how to make it so that they could send money to the same harry, they got into the flow, they are collecting everything for ukraine, maybe a hidden agent of the us government, it is she and her influence led to the fact that prince harry was excommunicated from the royal family, here he appears with a swastika, and then a video appears where the royal family makes a nazi salute, sending out a certain message to the masses that the royal family there are terrible racists. meghan markle's work consists of a planned conspiracy to destroy the world aristocracy to destroy great britain as a center of political power.
4:55 pm
and we are husband and wife, and you? and we, good-bye, i ’ll take you to the carriage, don’t, i don’t like being seen off, what i’ve been hiding for 3 years from my sister, i don’t like the garden and i won’t play around in it, you idiot, that’s what i’ll tell you , i see that you are worried, well, really, zoechka. vegetable garden, let's begin a professional and furious, i hope, discussion, this is a picture that continues, on the one hand
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a tradition laid down in our soviet cinema, for example, as in the films love and doves, it is very difficult to make a decision, a feat of the heroine, to agree that she loves and that she is loved, with this coleito , the question is where they will go astray, it was such a collective decision of our film crew that’s all. worked at the first, in your opinion , tatyana can, with her attitude towards dad, turn the child against both dad and grandparents, no, we didn’t have that, we didn’t have that, let’s listen now, then we’ll discuss it, i’ll tell you i'll be slow destroy, not you, not your creature, mother, will not see her son again, you are being rude for something.
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we love you very much and don’t listen to what this old creature says, you won’t go there again, i promise you, i swear to you, you’re not a man, you’re a woman, a doormat, she says, even the children talk about it, that’s why my son doesn’t want to go with this to communicate with my father, he says: mom, it’s not dad, it’s the devil, you are rotten people, just a doormat that was used to wash the floors and throw it away, the devil you’re done for drawing. you will crawl in front of my feet, and i will kick you like you did me kicked, scum, but with anger i could say, i can say a lot of anger, because we didn’t know that he was recording all this, how did we know, they’ve been doing this for 2 years, of course, and your girlfriend is sober at that moment, tanya, right here she ’s sober, sober, why maybe it was for
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her birthday, but we’ll drink our voice a little, what i hear is normal, yes, everything you... different revelations, so we heard, my family is my mother, my brother and me , and are your grandparents your family? no, on my birthday, the grannies and titulya were here, it was 3 years ago, and then we didn’t pass,
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that’s why you don’t want to, they force you to eat. or soup, when i’m not hungry yet, they don’t want to buy some kind of toy, when i asked my mother for a car transporter, she bought it, grandma says that mom is madam, madam, exactly madam, but what that means, i don’t know, mom , what did i tell you about your grandparents, who are not good, she said that... i won’t eat with them anymore, but about dad, all the swearing, that he’s bad too, i don’t like them, i’m only mom, i i don’t want to go to them, when i want, then i’ll go, this is by court decision, my mother and i always went to the table, so i will hear this, if
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grandparents came here, played with you here, you would... it would be arranged, if they then left, then yes, then i would communicate with them, but i don’t want to go there with them, and even if they don’t force me, i talked with igor before meeting you, but now, and grandma, he ’s afraid of you, you know this, well, because with on a constant basis, grandmother and grandparents constantly quarrel at home. tatyana, i don’t know what your ex-husband did, honestly, why? do you hate him that much? i don’t hate him , how you communicated with him, we all heard it very well, you just don’t perceive him as a man, you tell your son about it, the same is done on your part, dad, grandmother, grandfather, you also slander him
5:01 pm
they didn’t say anything to their mother or grandson, i did it myself.


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