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tv   Vremya  1TV  January 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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into their own pockets, obviously they are political players controlled by puppet masters. maria butina, the doll of tuti's heir, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. our cheerful village, another settlement of the donetsk people's republic has been liberated, details of the liquidation of the french naval forces... in kharkov and a new missile
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for the russian army, the minister of defense at a plant in the moscow region. the connection between generations and support, which is especially valuable, on the eighty-first anniversary of the breaking of the blockade leningrad, a report about alisa balshakova, who remembers those terrible days, now writes letters to our soldiers, participants of the north military district. vladimir putin discussed the basis for moving into the future, the construction of large transport facilities throughout the country, with the head of the company group. you tunnel stroy, bridge by ruslan baysarov. a special military operation , relations with the west, the conflict in the middle east, the position of our foreign ministry on key topics, a big press conference by sergei lavrov. medical care for residents of new regions is the focus of government attention, about what else was discussed at the meeting. in the grip of a snowstorm in the capital region, the heaviest snowfall in 10 years is predicted by morning.
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half-meter snowdrifts. epiphany christmas eve, the eve of one of the most important christian holidays. the path of spiritual renewal, purification, washing in fonts, special services in churches. fragile girls with an iron will who helped save the northern capital, the film is in wide release, a movie that will not leave anyone indifferent. and at the beginning there is news about the special operation. the russian army liberated the village of vesyoloye in the dpr. village is located north-eastern artyomovsk, about two dozen kilometers from it. today’s defense report also includes almost 900 killed militants, a lot of damaged equipment and two damaged deployment points of foreign mercenaries. details of the attacks on the lair of french mercenaries, which were reported the day before, also became known. and the picture will be completed by sergei shaigu’s trip to one of the defense enterprises. the minister was told about a new cruise missile with a range.
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actions of our infantry, we first process strongholds so that the infantry could move further. the situation is similar in the krasnoliman direction, the enemy went on the offensive three times and retreated three times without achieving anything. t-80 bvm tanks played an important role in repelling these attacks. reconnaissance reported the accumulation of large enemy forces in the forest belt. a platoon of tankers advanced towards them. you can hear the artillery shot, that is, its arrival, its arrival, but the tank is still there. much faster, that is, the shot immediately arrives, that is, the enemy may not even have time to hide, fragmentation a terrible projectile, fragments scatter over a large area, when working without a spotter, when firing from three or four tanks, a very large area of ​​​​shell coverage occurs, we practically cover a field of 500 by 500, the russian ministry of defense also reports that the missile forces and artillery destroyed two more point of temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries, also, because... foreigners were destroyed, many were wounded,
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almost all of them are from france, and today this was confirmed, this is what artie, the chief, said in an interview. to fight in the country of kiev and die, there is evidence that a group of french mercenaries began to be called during the battles for mariupol. france considers itself in a state of war with russia, this was the order distributed to french troops back in march 2022.
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based on this, we can pay attention to the consistent actions of the french authorities, sending the most powerful and well-developed gaubars, and training at two french military bases.
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the investigative committee of russia is currently investigating criminal cases against almost 600 foreign mercenaries fighting in the country of kiev, the question is what will work faster, justice from investigators or retribution from the russian army. just today, defense minister sergei shaigu ordered to increase the production of high- precision long-range aircraft missiles. he visited the bereznyak machine-building design bureau raduga in the moscow region. he was shown air-to-ground cruise missiles, anti-radar and anti-ship missiles, as well. in general, today we need a magnitude of 300,
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now we need to make sure that it is in in sufficient numbers here at our enterprise, the minister reported that the power of one of the missiles had been almost doubled, its warhead was 450. bif were among those who made the decision to start the so-called ato, in other words, to exterminate the russian-speaking population of donbass. the investigation has new information about how exactly the command of the ukrainian armed forces planned to fight with civilians. carriers with important information were found in mariupol, in tainek, on the territory of the azovstal plant. a preliminary examination
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of the information received established the presence copies of documents signed by the highest military leadership of ukraine, the staffing structure of the battalions of the brigades that were. warrant officer vyacheslav migal, as part of an artillery battery, repelled an enemy counterattack, destroyed three units of armored vehicles and a large number of militants, evacuated the damaged howitzer and restored the combat capability of the gun in the shortest possible time. during reconnaissance, guard senior sergeant yevgeny mamin discovered a concentration of armored vehicles and
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armed forces personnel. i transmitted the coordinates to the command post, and the artillery struck. from evgeniy's anti-tank missile system attacked the retreating militants, knocking out a tank and two infantry fighting vehicles. close intertwining of the memory of the past and today's events. a resident of besieged leningrad, and today is the eighty- first anniversary of the breaking of the siege of the city, writes a letter to ours. soldiers and officers who are in the zone of a special military operation. once upon a time , she also wrote a letter to her dad, he defended her, our country from the fascist invaders, and she was waiting for him in the city, which gathered all her courage, all his strength, all his will, and survived in this inhuman blockade. in general, survivors of the siege have some kind of special tempering, they appreciate everything, even the smallest joys, alisa bolshakova is the same, from a completely incomprehensible test for the enemy, as... her with those who are on the front line
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, her memory of the past and the affairs of the present, reportage alena germanova. good afternoon, dear dad, dad, we have a nice christmas tree, we celebrated the new year, it’s boring. dad, come quickly, we are very bored without you, i kiss your daughter alla zolina tightly, carefully and a slightly trembling handwriting below , a touching butterfly, this was her first letter, to dad at the front, he is the defender of leningrad, she is with her brother and sister in a besieged city, in the first winter of the blockade she is only six, but the little girl will remember each of those painfully long days, beyond 30° , that is, it was horrifyingly cold, and of course there was no... there was no heating, there was no electricity, then we had windows, the glass was crisscrossed, which means
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they were covered with paper during the blast wave, so that the glass would not fly into it's dark and frozen here in the apartment, the children who had flown in were waiting for the hissing of the kettle to be heard, suddenly they would give them something else to boiling water, but sometimes a piece of bread is all that mother and grandmother could feed, this is a state of such hunger when everything is inside you. it’s burned, it’s painful, it hurts and, well, it’s just impossible to endure, mom brought glue, carpentry, they dissolved it, made it like a broth, but it was terrible food, of course, it just made you sick, but at least somehow the stomach could be deceived . in the working-class area behind the nevsky zastava, alochka, as alisa konstantinovna was affectionately called, in family, lived through the entire blockade, all around quietly, neighbors were dying of hunger. on the landing, on the street, in february 1942 alone in leningrad there were 3,500 deaths per day,
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those few who still had the strength to live went to the neva for water, they were all similar to each other, that is, they were all wrapped in gray scarves like this , up to the eyes, i looked into the eyes of these women, and i was just somehow scared that these were large sunken eyes, somehow without... life, these were women who were tortured by hunger, cold, when the captured germans began to rebuild the city, she secretly passed bread to them through the barbed wire, not because she forgave her, she knows what hunger is, alisa konstantinovna is already 88, she worked as a design engineer all her life, she traveled a lot with her, she always took the leningrad badge, one day in paris, a group of japanese tourists noticed
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it, they looked at me, well, like something like this , each of them says that leningrad looks special, her family will survive the blockade, her father will return from the front with him and bring with him that same touching letter with a butterfly, like once - that as a child, she still writes to soldiers of special military operations today. my dear soldiers, i constantly follow the military actions in ukraine, i am very worried, we wish everyone victory, to return home, we believe , we are waiting, you and i, thank you people who exist and believe in us, thank you, a year ago her message read by the servicemen of one of the samara units, she worries about them with all her heart, because she knows from herself how important it is for what they are fighting shoulder to shoulder today, her heart just hurts from everything from what is happening.
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changed the course of the second world war, soviet troops broke the blockade of leningrad as a result of operation iskra , there was still a year before complete liberation, but what was achieved was a victory, which was like a huge drop of blood. laid down the future great victory over the nazis and painted the flag over the reichstag, and today we remember the feat of our soldiers, the courage and incredible resilience of the city’s residents. today in st. petersburg there are commemorative events, including on victory square, to the monument to the heroic flowers were laid on the defenders of leningrad. veterans and representatives of public
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government organizations took part in the ceremony. vladimir putin today in the kremlin met with railways, metro, ports and, as the name suggests, tunnels and bridges. we were talking about landmark projects that are being implemented throughout the country. report by anastasia kobuzeva. ruslan baysarov begins his meeting with the president with a brief excursion into the history of the company, which is closely connected with the history of the country. mid-seventies, rebirth. its specialists will build all the bam tunnels, including the longest in russia, severomuisky. 15 km, 15 km 300 m, this is the most difficult tunnel in the world to dig, it is a very heavy object. over its half-century history, our company has built over 300 unique infrastructure
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facilities throughout the country, including 200 km of tunnels. ports, berths. all this is being built today by companies all over the country, take, for example, the far east, where in 2022 two large-scale objects were introduced at once, land arteries that connected russia and china, this is the blagoveshchensk heikh highway bridge and railway nizhne-leninskaya, tunzyan. after completion of the facility, the total investment in new production in the jewish autonomous region reaches 730 billion rubles. that is, we completed the bridge and investors passed through. there is another large-scale far eastern project on the horizon, together with the ministry of transport, the ministry of development of the east, with the leadership of the amur region and russian railways, we have begun the design and construction of a new railway bridge between russia and china yes. upon completion, we plan a promising export cargo flow of up to 20 million
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tons from sakha from yakutia, amur region. in the amur region. year, the zeya bridge was introduced , its total length is 10 km, it was built a year earlier than planned, the president helped move the schedule, remember, you gave the command to move funding to the left, we immediately purchased inert material , metal structures and began to build, that is, due to the red tape of prices for us it didn’t have any impact, we managed to get to the construction site, how many 200 people worked there, that’s absolutely true. do you remember that the whole country could see the rise water up to 8 m. we overcame these difficulties without casualties and successfully completed the project. the ivantovy bridge across the zaka on the m12 highway was built ahead of schedule. the president opened it. for the first time in history, our specialists, bridge builders , used sliding sand when constructing
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pylons in the region? yes, absolutely right, nearby, not far from there, we completed construction on eight. the west of the country is kaliningrad, where builders are building two bridges across the prigulya river at once, a road and a railway, the latter is being completed this year, but baysarov invites the president to another facility in the khabarovsk territory, you took
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part in the breakdown of the second baikal tunnel, we will have the breakdown of the second. through the mountains in permafrost conditions , they promise to deliver this complex object on time next year. anastasia kobozeva, pavel rudakov, kirill loginov, channel one. there are no illusions about the west, but a willingness to cooperate with everyone who shares our approaches to building a fair, multipolar world. the head of russian diplomacy today summed up the past. of the year. sergei lavrov's big press conference caused the expected resonance in the world. the important accents that the minister laid out were certainly appreciated by our friends and those who still flatter themselves with the hope of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia. knyazev to continue the topic the final press conference of sergei lavrov, although it is called a final one, in fact it is largely about the future in the vector of foreign policy for the coming year, which countries we are on
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the path with, who we cannot yet reach on what international issues the russian diplomacy seeks balance? almost 200 russian journalists and 170 foreigners came to the press conference of the country's chief diplomat, simultaneous translation into english, french and spanish; many chinese colleagues have been speaking russian for a long time and even understand the humor for which our leader is known . doesn’t work, no, no, everything works, it’s just maybe japanese, it’s representative of the european media, of course, i want to ask a more pointed question, journalists from the major italian tv channel rai asked lavrov how the special military operation affected on the mood in our society? the special military operation united our society to an unprecedented degree and contributed to its cleansing from...
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we do not see, in the conditions of a hybrid war against russia led by washington, we do not see any grounds not only for
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additional joint...
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another topic is the conflict between israel and palestine, how, from the point of view of diplomacy and our common history with israel of the fight against nazism, can we build relations with this state today, taking into account the situation in the gas sector? lavrov named the only condition for security of the middle east, including israel. without the creation of a palestinian state, israel's reliable security cannot be ensured. and russia is very interested in israel, the israelis.
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the mediator joins the process in the un international court of justice against israel for possible genocide of palestinians in the gaza strip. foreign media are writing about this today. earlier, berlin stated that it categorically disagrees with the accusations against israel. moreover, the german government claims there are grounds for there are no complaints against israel. it is not clear, however, how to then evaluate the data on those killed since the beginning of the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict. according to the latest information, on october 7 , more than 24,500 people died in the gas sector, in israel 1.2. in addition, it raises questions about how germany can act as a mediator in a genocide trial. it is worth remembering that 6 million jews died as a result of the holocaust. our country has suffered even greater losses. because of the war unleashed by the nazi invaders, 27 million soviet soldiers died. citizens. the genocide of civilians in german-occupied territories has been recognized by the courts.
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another group of russians with their families returned to the russian gas sector. today , a special il-76 board from the russian ministry of emergency situations landed at damodedov airport, which delivered 35 people to moscow, 25 of whom were children. our country began evacuating its citizens from the enclave in november last year. at the end of december , the operational group of the ministry of emergency situations completed the main stage. russian rescuers and diplomats are working individually with the remaining people. in total, almost 1,200 were returned home compatriots and their loved ones. 10 people died. as a result of pakistan's missile attack on iran. according to tehran, it was carried out using drones against one of the border forces. four houses were destroyed, including women and children. moreover, as iranian officials say, all the dead were pakistani citizens. let me remind you that earlier this week iran attacked pakistan. the russian foreign ministry today called on tehran and islamabad to show restraint and resolve emerging issues exclusively through diplomatic methods. to the new time,
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new approaches to medicine. in the new russian regions, a global task has been set: quality standards must fully comply with those established throughout the country. therefore, the topic of medicine is one of the main ones at the meeting. the governments in the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, kherson, and zaporozhye regions are preparing to launch a full compulsory health insurance system. the main thing that the head of the cabinet of ministers, mikhail mishustin, drew attention to is that people should already have the opportunity to apply to clinics and hospitals, to receive free treatment, including high-tech care. there was also talk about control over spending of funds from the budget and the development of the arctic. this is also a priority. they discussed the borders of the region and new arctic regions where mining will be expanded . anna kurbatova, more details about everything. new medical standards in our new regions. the task now is to raise the level of assistance there to the all-russian level, and work is already underway.
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more than 170 hospitals have been renovated. in the lugansk oncology center only last year opened an mri room for the first time in the entire existence of the center. melitopol clinics now have new dental equipment built in mariupol. a multidisciplinary center with an area of ​​36,000 m2, there are even hybrid operating rooms, where surgeons of different profiles can work on the same table. in the city, where after the battles in the spring of 2022 there was not a single fully surviving hospital, the renovation of the buildings is now being completed, and the offices have modern equipment. together we let's overcome the disease. the doctors are great, our managers are doing well, everything is going well so far, i’m getting the medicine, it’s free, that’s it, thank you. not only medicines, but in general all the necessary medical care are and should continue to be received free of charge by people in donbass, zaporozhye , and the kherson region, despite the fact that the compulsory medical insurance system has not yet been fully implemented there , and this is the number one topic at today’s
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government meeting . it is very important that during the transition period social obligations to people are fulfilled. government approved the rules for financial support and medical care this year. provisions are made for such purposes accordingly. implementation of the basic compulsory medical insurance program, people's complaints about health should not be ignored; other topics discussed today included mechanisms for monitoring the expenditure of budget money, checks and audits of the movement of state funds. support for events that have already happened, that is, after the fact is not enough, here’s what will change: we will supplement the budget code with a number of changes, let's make expert analytical activity one of the areas of work of state and municipal financial
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control bodies; they will be able to conduct a more in-depth analysis of the use of financial resources, including assessing the legality of the operation based on available sources, for example, through the integration of information systems. this will allow you to see data in real time and effectively monitor the funds that the state allocates. well, another important issue on the agenda of the government meeting is the development of the arctic, borders, which will now be expanded, as mishustin said, a bill has already been prepared to include two municipal districts of the khantamansi autonomous okrug, berezovsky and beloyarsky, into the arctic zone. the regions of the autonomous okrug have significant investment potential in a number of key areas. sectors of the extractive manufacturing industry, timber processing, energy, tourism, well, their location will provide new logistics opportunities for the country. expanding the boundaries of the arctic zone will provide additional an impetus for the development of the economy and social
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sphere, and an increase in the quality of life of citizens of these regions. the new arctic regions have a high potential for the extraction of solid minerals, such as manganese, chromium and copper ores, zinc, and lead. moment of its creation, was discussed by large-scale experts who collaborated with sirius on projects and ambitious tasks. sirius willingly shares his experience. sirius at this time
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is developing to the edge of his real capabilities. this year the president responded again by instructing the government to provide sirius has the status of a national methodological center for identifying support and development. abilities and talents in children and youth throughout russia, and you probably know that today a center has been created in 79 constituent entities of the russian federation, working on the sirius ab2 model. the measuring room opened a large stand with the latest achievements in this industry, and there were also lectures on what industrial sovereignty is. our country already has domestic unmanned ships, unmanned trains and cars, and this is just the beginning. complex technology. election campaign news: the collection of signatures in support of self-propelled activists and those running for office continues. from parties not represented in parliament, but already registered presidential candidates
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present their program in the regions and answer the most pressing questions of voters. details from yuri lepatov. leaders of parliamentary parties began to formulate programs with which they would go to the presidential elections. the head of the ldpr developed the program together with learned economists, whom he eventually gathered today at the house of unions. the first thesis is this. problems of overcoming differences in the socio-economic situation of the regions is. in fact, these are the key tasks of the state, we live in one country, but in our country everything jumps from region to region. i would indeed, i repeat , in these words, elevate overcoming today’s differences to the rank of one of the goals of national development; the problem of equalization is especially acute in the regions of the arctic, siberia, the far east, as well as in our new regions, donetsk, lugansk, zaporozhye, kherson . maybe in the sphere of providing workers in the public sector it makes sense.
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we need to get out of this dead end. for 3 days , the communists developed their program,
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meeting for a brainstorming session in khabarovsk, and as a result they formed a team that was able to lead the country along the path, as stated, of center-left reforms. i speak sportingly when a caustic question tries to ask: come out on the mat, fight and we will fight. we can and must win the presidential election. the year of the family was announced this year, but if it is the year of the family, and we... mendeleev has not decreased on the territory of the russian federation. the communist party of the russian federation is not going to what is called rocking the boat. the main task of this year's election campaign, said the communist presidential candidate, nikolai kharitonov, is to consolidate the country's population in order to overcome external challenges.
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in any city they knew that they would receive salaries like in another city, and not like now, when teachers move to look for somewhere better. the collection of signatures of self-propelled activists continues, who are required to submit to the central election commission at least 300,000 signatures of voters in their support. yuri lepatov, yulia khodorova, sergei prokofiev, channel one. it is no coincidence that today, on the day the blockade was broken, the film air was released. alexey took it off. herman jr., about the female pilots who defended the sky
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of leningrad. each episode of this film is like pain suffered by the heart, when there is no way to retreat, because behind your back are those who need protection, because behind your back are those you love, because there is still a fire in the fireplace made from parquet, there is blockade soldering on the table bread, and the city, like a frozen heart that could not be allowed to be bombed by the nazis, they lifted these heavy... planes into the sky and went towards the enemy, you just knew, well , there was such a feeling in my heart that i wanted to be in their place, i wanted to help , the audience in... in the very first minutes of the film, their palms are clenched into fists, german planes are shooting at a convoy of trucks with children, the beginning of the film seems like a blow to the face, well, that is, very scary, very uneasy, well, that is, even i it was physically uncomfortable when at first they showed the children being taken away,
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i was scared and sorry for them, i cried , even fragile girls on fighter planes had to enter into battle against seasoned german aces... the best pilots in the world, i am shocked by the strength of spirit, i am shocked by courage, i am shocked by the dignity with which they went out to this battle, they not only won, yes, but they also retained their soul, courage, ability to love, in order to... sequences, in order to quickly master the control of a complex machine, during the war years an educational film was released: check the movement of the lever normal gas, high-altitude lever the corrector had to be in
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full position, the propeller control lever must be pushed completely away from you, in battle it was also necessary to monitor the air situation, keep the enemy in sight. press the goshette, shots from your own machine guns reverberate in the cockpit with a metallic rattle, a salvo from our yak or a german misterschmitt is 6 kg of lead per second, an air battle is like hand-to-hand combat, where opponents often saw each other’s faces. i really liked how the plane maneuvered in the air space, i even had the feeling that as if i was inside, there were shots.
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to tell the truth about the war, but also to give an opportunity to feel what was happening then. i really liked the film, it felt as if a tank was passing by next to me, a plane was flying by, and a mine had exploded there. the actors watched the film together with the audience and how the audience worried about the fate of their heroes. of course, i couldn’t get rid of the thought that i saw everything as it was filmed, but there were scenes in which i also participated, when you completely forget that these are yours. colleagues and you just delve into the story and you understand that oh, and i have tears in my eyes , special editing, camera position, angles - this is the signature style of alexei german, the viewer, as if next to the heroes, reach out and touch, i was just looking at life, this is not a movie - this is life, this is a picture, and i didn’t watch it, i was living in it now,
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everyone already has the opportunity to find out how the fate of the heroine of the film turned out, today the picture was released in wide release, alexander lyakin kiril. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. i, it’s her, it’s her, it’s me, so to speak, how everything is already intertwined, you know, already. the husband with whom she lived together for half a century died in her arms. we once told each other that the most unhappy person will be the person who remains after leaving. so they carefully
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dropped this topic right away. people's artist of russia svetlana nemalyaeva admits that after the departure of her beloved husband alexander lazarev, she herself did not want to live. how her mother once lost interest in life after burying her father. the worst tragedy in life is she couldn’t survive her mom’s departure, because she did everything to leave after her dad’s death. who saved nemalyaeva from fatal thoughts? all this was very difficult to go through, because there was no moment not connected with him, everything was with him. our exclusive, happy memories and bitter confessions of svetlana nemolyaeva. we forgive each other everything. an exclusive with dmitry borisov premiered on saturday on the first. sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if
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gravity did not affect them, risk danger, entertainment, 3.5 and unpredictability, incredible complexity and nerve-wracking. everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eva, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend at the first one.
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closed screening with alexander gordon, you like the film so much, an absolutely original and powerful film language, the genre breaks down, suddenly they go crazy and go into such a monologue, you understand what you are talking about now, at the level. yes, of course, the viewer should see what happens to these characters from the beginning to the end, they are real and alive all the way , he plunges into the depths of human relationships, i looked at the picture and forgot about it, and in the morning i wake up, i suddenly have a shock that in the end, they are together or not, sessions begin from january 20 on saturdays on first, and how are you going to do it so that you get everything from him, let's go, where on the road, i'll tell you, let's go? oh, oh, why are you looking at the folder, swearing, just don’t get attached to him, it’s dangerous, the reputation
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of the clinic and mine personally are very important, i need all his diagrams specifically, where he hid it, where translated, vadim will be there for a long time, if you can come to an agreement, i will do whatever you want for you, maybe you will take me into account at least a little, i will not live by your rules, it’s enough that i don’t like you, that you perceive me as a business ? container, new episodes, on sunday on the first, a child, he is more important than money, this is a program of time, and we continue, as forecasters predicted, today the capital region was hit. a powerful snow cyclone, a blizzard began in moscow and the region is still in the afternoon and will rage until the morning, this snowfall may become the strongest in 10 years. in the evening, moscow was stuck in
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dense traffic jams; motorists were asked to switch to public transport if possible. snow-covered streets of the capital, report by maria saushkina. in moscow, due to snowfalls, visibility dropped to 500 m, wind gusts reach 20 m/s. according to weather forecasters, snowdrifts will grow by another 10 cm to half a meter this night, this is... one and a half times higher than the january norm, but it has become warmer. the central part of russia was at the mercy of the atmospheric front of the atlantic cyclone for clearing all city reserves were sent to moscow streets. the weather is terrible. well, it’s good that you’re not driving, but using public transport is fine. it is dangerous to travel in such weather and it is much faster to get there by public transport. i am closely following the weather forecast. we had to deal with excellent transport today. despite the fact that many muscovites switched to public transport, by the evening there were nine-point traffic jams in moscow, city services
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are asking not to use personal cars tomorrow, due to snowy conditions. drifts and icy conditions, visibility in places is almost zero, accidents on highways throughout the moscow region. niki, let 's direct our kamaz to 54, because the truck is slipping, now let's see where we have the nearest crew, the moscow traffic center monitors the transport situation in moscow and tries to quickly respond to emergencies that arise. one of the main problems during snowfall is heavy trucks, which skid at the exits from mostov and stakat; they need to be pulled out quickly, and accordingly we use our equipment. utility services clear not only major highways, but also local areas. the brigades are working in a rush mode. we hope that we will be able to quickly cope with the consequences. now we are clearing first of all the weekends,
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the sidewalks, entrances and approaches to playgrounds, inside courtyard driveways for... during the day it will be within -8 -10, but the snow will not be so heavy, next week the start of snow is, in principle, relatively cold, but not warm either, the temperature will be within normal limits, slightly below normal. among the orthodox today is epiphany eve, the eve of one of the main church holidays, epiphany. it was installed in memory of the baptism of jesus and the forerunner in the jordan river of the first appearance of the holy trinity to the world, a solemn service with the rite of the great consecration of water, and it was performed by patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia in the cathedral of christ the savior. his holiness recalled
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the deep spiritual meaning of the holiday. the highest value of human life is faith in god the creator, and the greatest action with which human life should be filled is the connection between man and god. today, which is absolutely remarkable in its historical origin, and in the piety with which the veneration of this event is associated, testifies to us of the greatest mercy of god, of the presence of the triune god in the human race, and, of course, calls on us all to keep faith in our hearts , try to live according to the laws of this faith. epiphany water is called holy and its healing properties are noted. a long-standing tradition on the holiday
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of akunatsev jordan, a special trial. such baths are equipped throughout russia.
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well, someone even flew from south africa for this, this is in memory of what jesus did for people, and this is the least we can do in response: plunge into ice water, of course, it’s uncomfortable, but this is for him, a few seconds to catch his breath , immediately warm up in a warm tent with tea in his hands, nursing women, small children, even a common cold can infect an unprepared body, and the only way to prepare is by hardening? this is probably overcoming ourselves, we are used to comfort, yes, this is uncomfortable, most cannot, because they cannot overcome themselves,
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overcoming themselves, overcoming their laziness and desire for life on the lake. in color in the capital, a specially prepared font, a depth of no more than one and a half meters , a convenient descent with non-slip flooring is organized, a frame under water protects from the current, doctors and rescuers are ready to help at any time, they urge you not to take risks and not to descend into the elements of jordan , where tragedies happen every year, someone is carried away by the current, someone loses consciousness under water, it’s better to prepare, but it’s still possible, you can definitely try it, you need everything with a cold shower and at least in the summer. with bathing, there are 42 prepared baths in the capital alone, and more than 3,000 throughout the country, in the far east epiphany frosts are -20 frosty in siberia, i still believe in a miracle that somehow you seem to be cleansed and after the new year a new life begins , great, before this i went for a run, there is no cold at all, i don’t feel it, now
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i don’t even feel cold at all, when you take a swim, such grace always comes. illuminated water anyone could take it from there, in fact, feats of swimming are not at all necessary, after all, you can’t wash away sins in an ice hole , we are illuminated, we are illuminated, of course, in the temple of god, in the sacraments of the church, this is just a life tradition, of course, we believe that passionately cleanses himself in the blessed water, even if you come in a second time, you can do it the third time, great, the holiday feels like without a holiday, but a holiday is needed. take a dip, first in the temple, and then take a dip, and clean up tomorrow. in the end, with great if you wish, you can simply wash your illuminated face with water from the purchased water, or fill the bottle in
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the temple or from the ice hole. it is believed that water will not lose its healing properties for a whole year, so on this day in matters of spiritual cleansing and renewal, the main principle is: do no harm. ivan prozurov, andrey podgornov, sergey mukhin, larisa nikitina and alexey. kozlov, well done, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated . and now on the first cinema channel, doctor preobrazhensky, the final episode. yes. yes. good afternoon. i already have petrovi i mean, like you, better than anyone,
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i want to talk to you, you’re already talking, you need to go home, you need, it seemed to me that you were something. “i understand, and you’re right about everything, let’s exchange an apartment, and you’ll live separately, and i’ll move to the dacha and won’t show up for a long time, great, you decided everything for me again, well, wait, you wanted me to become your you alone, forgive me for saying that, no, it’s you who forgive me.” “i thought you ’d grow up and understand how right i was about everything, but now you’ve grown up a long time ago, and i’m not always right, and you should not be responsible for my mistakes, that is
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, you are saying that i will live the way i want and do what i need, without regard to my older brother, exactly. do you promise? i swear. you won't succeed. let's see. will you come back? leo, i never left. where did you start? what? i'm sorry, what? i broke out, yeah, i’m sorry, i understand, leva, leva, leva, have a nice day.


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