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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 18, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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contributed to its purification from people who, in general, did not feel their involvement in russian russian history and russian culture. the frenzy with which the west declared a hybrid war on us, the arrogance with which for many years all our...
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centuries-old history was discarded, this is india, these are the countries of the middle east, the countries of africa, latin america, and of course, eurasia, and the minister emphasized that economic political processes in greater eurasia should develop without interference in extra-regional states, that is, before all without the intervention of the united states and the anglo-saxons in general. alexander mikhailovich, such fundamental changes took place thanks to a special military operation in our society, within the country, in its external relations. well. i would really note here
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the substantive nature of what our minister of foreign affairs said, but the emphasis from what you said would be highlighted or placed primarily on the external economic problem, the fact is that today russia really is pioneer, she shows an example of not just opposition to sanctions, unprecedented sanctions against her, almost 2000, and even higher here. even, we have already stopped counting them , even reacting to them, you know, but the main thing here is not even the quantity and quality that determine these sanctions, the approach itself, and the main thing is that such an unrestrained, completely thoughtless decision of these countries by any way, they simply don’t discuss other topics, they have one topic, how to come up with something else that would work against russia, but they don’t want to admit to themselves that the further they are drawn into this economic war... the war against russia,
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the more, the more sensible parties rally around russia and countries, and look what is happening today, because not only china, as the leader of these relations, where there is unprecedented trade turnover, but also india , and most importantly the entire non-western world, which today is acquiring a completely different qualitative interpretation for the whole world, in my opinion, a certain fear arises in the west, because they, the further is moving forward... to disperse the war machine, they are not able to provide an alternative solution to internal economic problems related to energy resources with the final product, because it is not for nothing that we are talking about the fact that the economy of russia and, indeed, many other countries that today have rallied around russia, are a completely different analogue of the western economy, because their economy...
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and now also contributes to the improvement of the world, helps to cleanse the world of the remnants of western hegemony, well, the minister also naturally gave it seems to me very an unambiguous and... realistic assessment of the policies of the collective west and, well , without illusions as to why we came to the current situation in relations with the west and, most importantly, is the west ready to change somehow? let's listen to what he said: washington has set a course for the unbridled expansion of the anti-russian nato bloc, expansion into the post-soviet space, and provoked a conflict around.
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unrestrained, and this is so, literally an hour ago, before coming here, i spoke with a french citizen, with a russian language, this citizen, he just arrived from france, he used almost the same words about macron, he says: he says he’s crazy, he’s gone so far that he can’t retreat, he says he’s finished, what initiatives and negotiations, if they officially announce that they are supplying these long-range missiles, if
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he tells me, the professional special forces are being destroyed in kharkov, the french, not mercenaries, he says, he can tell macron. about mercenaries to someone else, we know that these are professional special forces, which unit, a real unit, he has gone so far in this frenzy and unrestraint that they cannot offer anything, no peace, except for trying some kind of trick, let’s freeze, and during this time we will also pump up the kiev regime, that’s it understanding that if the kiev regime stops fighting, then ukraine simply will not exist, well , everything will simply end. it will just end, but we must keep in mind that more and more professional western military personnel are appearing on the battlefield, not only advisers, not only mercenaries, but real personnel advisers, but two seals
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of these us special forces were washed away, supposedly they were washed away under the samals, they got into the boat, they were washed away, but they were washed away in kharkov and really washed away. well, we have to hide it somehow, but they came up with this version, the wave covered them, they disappeared, they can’t be found anywhere, but we have to, so i want to emphasize the words of sergei viktorovich once again, this frenzy and this unrestraint emphasizes that they are not ready there is no point and they will try to beat everything, in fact, even despite the failure of the ukrainian counterattack, despite the understanding in washington that it will not be possible to quickly defeat russia, they do not refuse.
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even the plans that the british are promoting in contacts with we know that the same advice and recommendations apply to the kiev regime. well, as for hodges and bridva love, just not to be unfounded, let's listen to what is written in the newspaper today in the american newspaper heal. according to ben hodges, former commander of us army europe, the decisive territory in the war is crimea. former supreme commander. united armed with nato forces in europe, philip breedlove , repeated this idea, emphasizing: “if we
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give ukraine the opportunity to strike across the entire territory of crimea continuously and accurately, then russia will be forced to reconsider its positions there, let them attack them, strike them without stopping, destroy them in parts ", he told me. so the minister absolutely said that there is something that is constantly pronounced there and something that is written. as for the british, it seems to me that here you are really completely right, not just the british." and the french, yes, it seems to me that the anglo-french historical competition could have found a more worthy use, but no, yes, the french want to repeat the experience of great britain on a security agreement and on arms supplies, not long ago, french defense minister sebastian licarniu said the next thing is that france intends to transfer 50 aass guided bombs to ukraine every month. sm hammer, which can be dropped, including from soviet aircraft, 3,000
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artillery shells each and given to them one-time 40 or 50 long-range scalps and 78 self-propelled artillery installations caesar , this is the package of military assistance paris promises, and some, including aerial bombs every month, and of course, one cannot help but remember the destruction of these sixty french mercenaries, who may not be mercenaries, and regular troops. it has always been, well, for the sake of objectivity, it must be said that there are still fewer
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such calls than a year ago to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, to defeat it on the battlefield, now after all, well, with the exception of hodges, well, breedlough, of course, i considered him a more so to speak, sane person, hodges , by the way, no matter what hodges has said for now...
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we will have to fight the europeans in ukraine, but we can handle it, our armed forces, they are calm will cope with the armed forces of a united europe,
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i repeat, i repeat, the most important thing, so to speak, is not to clash with the russians, which is why, i still hope, not even on sanity, but precisely on fear, because the europeans, the europeans themselves, have not yet understand what they are in for they get involved, these are the quantities, what you listed there every month there are 30
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bombs, well, 30 bombs each - i’m saying that we put 50 each. 50 guided bombs each, i say , these need carriers, ukraine has few carriers now, western aircraft, this is also a big question, because the americans are still hesitating with these f-16s, it seems like we’ll give it, it looks like we won’t give it, the danes we’ll give it right away, no, we’ll still give it in six months, now the government will change in holland, they too may well say, no, we won’t give it, he’s australians, smart guys, it would seem that helicopters are crashing there, well, at least sell them, so to speak, for some money , no, they don’t want to escalate, so to speak, they took it, it’s better to dispose of them all, say that they are unreliable, we don’t want to say so so that some ukrainian pilot would die, as if few pilots had already died there, one more, one less, and they didn’t give up helicopters, these missiles, well, first of all,
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i would like to look at the rate of production of these missiles, well, 40 missiles from... common sense still lurks somewhere in their subcortex, well, we'll see, well, i don't think so, that these supplies will somehow qualitatively change the balance of power, by the way, if we talk about scalps -
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his whole history and current state indicate that they are a serious adversary and even a very dangerous adversary, and here we must take all this into account, understand, and i think our leadership is well aware of this, but if we try to evaluate their actions or the motivation for their actions, then i would probably highlight the following point here: well, firstly, i touched on it so naturally, i’ll try to develop it, what is their weakness in today is that they are calling against... this is the desire to unite against, this is even at the everyday level, it never leads to a positive result, because this shows weakness, even if they even called on their allies for something positive .
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i don’t know what the biggest nightmare is of direct conflict, and no matter what we say , of course, i don’t know, it shouldn’t relax us, but you and i remember the second world war, when europe went into one part, who tried there, who some for 3 hours, some for 3 days, but the point is not even that , what happened in their history, the fact is that today they are not ready for direct conflict, and why are they not ready for direct conflict, because they considered and consider themselves chosen, that is their itself.
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were with them, and do not forget that in another year or two, and already today, and in a year or two, believe me, the whole world will see that what is real is not capable of those achievements that supposedly germany, what is real france, they will forget these flowers on the balconies, because all this was the result of unbridled operation.
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this is not some sky-high dream, this is an indispensable condition for preserving the ukrainian people as independent, having their own identity, and not carrying out someone’s orders to bring russia into a state of turbulence, so to speak, no, and of course, talk about it we need to talk to the west about this... we need to talk to the west, but we just discussed it, and the minister himself said that the west is not ready for this conversation, this current west, i agree with my colleagues, well, of course it’s not ready, they i wish we
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sat down at the negotiating table, froze the front line and began a six-month, year-long dialogue about how, what, what, nothing, without giving, as they say, to us and without conceding anything, during this time we would let ourselves down.
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i quote literally verbatim: no matter where the border line of contact goes, ukraine must become democratic, economically developed and militarily strong, that is, this is exactly the freezing scenario, but this is fundamentally unacceptable for us, and accordingly we must continue the special military, no , of course, we must continue a special military operation, it is necessary , well, firstly, i repeat once again, it is necessary to unconditionally achieve the initially set goals, that is... to liberate the remaining part of the donetsk people's republic, the lugansk people's republic there is almost all liberated, with the exception of a small piece of the zaporozhye region and... kherson
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region, then everything depends, because it’s not for nothing that i once said on this program that the west, especially the americans, they very clearly record, especially what our president says, and the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of defense, but especially the president, when the president says that everything is boiling for me when he talks about the shelling of beldgerd, and i set the task.
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dnepropetrovsk in kharkov, so this line, which was in the plans of our troops of our fronts in the great patriotic war, is quite realistic in modern conditions, by the way, in the west they understand this, it’s not for nothing that they started now and stoltenberg suddenly started saying that don’t underestimate russia , estimates are already that this is the second most powerful army in the world, they still put the army. the united states, but first of all, of course, counting quantitatively, there is the number of aircraft, the number of missiles there, how many they can fire in one salvo, although i must tell you that we are already almost equal, for me, for example, this is how it is for a military man , when i remember these , when they launched 100, 200, 300 cruise missiles in yugoslavia, i think, wow , we have one, two or three there, now
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we are calmly, so to speak, a missile of various classes 500, 400, 300, and this is not one-time, but constantly, based on reports there chemizov, that rostec increased there multiple times, i think i repeat once again, with the russian army, no army in the world can now compete on an equal footing; we are the first army in the world, while we are currently producing those missiles that including we are launching, well, how can we disagree.
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he swears, just don’t get attached to him , it’s dangerous, the reputation of the clinic and mine personally are very important, i need all his diagrams specifically, where he hid it, where he transferred it, vadim will be there for a long time, if you can agree, i i’ll do whatever you want for you, maybe you’ll take me into account at least a little, i won’t live by your rules, that’s enough, there’s something i don’t like, what do you perceive as a business to me, peelers, a container? new episodes on sunday on the first, the child is more important than money. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. look carefully, you will recognize him.
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there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, german. from monday, after the program time. there's a big game on the air. at today's big press conference, sergei lavrov told me it seems that the most fundamental reason for the current world disorder is the reluctance of the collective west, primarily the anglo-saxons, the west, which dominated the world for 500 years, well, i mean since the great geographical discoveries, the colonial system, to part with this hegemony, to part with world domination and that the west simply impedes the objective development of historical processes and presses,
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and does not hesitate to... use any tools, it presses and strangles, or rather tries to crush and strangle, those who they stand for equality, for justice, for a multipolar world, first of all, of course, russia, which is the driver.
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its meaning remains the same, to use the resources of others to one’s advantage, in one’s own interests, and to live at the expense of other countries. alexander mikhailovich, comment on the anticom, sergei viktorovich very clearly outlined the problem, it’s a pleasure to kind of give away this thought, because in fact the west is its history, we pay tribute to every nation that lives there. in relation to countries and africa, latin america, asia, that is , this is a historical fact, they themselves recognize it,
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but for some reason they considered it possible to interpret this fact in such a way that it was in the past, and the current state, it has no connection, in itself in fact, it would be better for them to admit it, repent, and think about it. continue this, but the only thing we must give credit for is that, of course, we worked very seriously, this is financial domination, these are financial institutions that, in the most vivid form, in the most veiled form exercise dominance, first of all , of american capital and in general american
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hegemony over other countries, this is a military presence, this is, in the end , a technological presence, this is an attempt to use everything that humanity itself creates and appropriate it without paying... we are completely different we look at them, these are not those backward countries, these are countries today that are ahead of progress, they are ready to accept not only our technologies, they are ready today to cooperate in technological sovereignty, in economic
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sovereignty, they are ready to work for the common good, and this unites them with us, because they see us as partners in their neighbors, they are enemies or rivals, but the west does not want to accept this and fights, it fights. with common sense, unfortunately, for him, victory will be ours, i completely agree, but let me remind you that the fight against classical colonialism, which was waged by the soviet union, made the soviet union, well, actually super popular, in the developing world, strengthened our soft power, africans still remember the role that the soviet union played a role in liberation from colonial dependence, and the fact that now russia is independently promoting within the framework of brix... and the anti-neocolonial theme makes us no less popular and indeed it is in great demand from representatives of developing countries, i am a member of the valdai club and i can say that at the last two valdai conferences the topic of anti-colonialism, which was raised by
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indians, bangladeshis, africans, was precisely the representatives of the world majority. topic number one will apparently remain for the foreseeable future; russia is the undisputed leader here, well, continuing the theme of the world majority, of course. of the united states and great britain on yemen...
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which will guarantee the security of israel in the context of the full implementation of the security council resolution on the palestinian issue, without this, no matter what happens, we will see relapses of the violence that is now observed in gaza, because that without the creation of a palestinian state, the palestinian people will continue to feel disadvantaged. will continue to live in conditions
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of injustice, and of course, generation after generation of young palestinians will feel this injustice and pass it on to their children. we need to put an end to it, and that end should be the creation of a palestinian state. and here you can’t argue, but i would add a very important thing, it seems to me that the thing that sergei viktorovich lavrov also spoke about is what works for... the creation of a palestinian state should not be done unilaterally, as the united states does, but collectively. and lavrov actually criticized blinkin, who travels around the middle east, negotiates something behind closed doors, including with arab countries, and then simply intends to inform the palestinians about how they should live and what they should do. this approach, according to the minister, will not work, it is necessary to promote direct dialogue between israelis and palestinians and...
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solves this problem, it is, in principle, solvable, two states, but it really needs to be discussed with everyone, and not in secret american diplomacy, we see the result of these last 15, and maybe even 20 years already, this is the result, that nothing works out, no matter what the americans do, they are playing a one-sided game, they still have the main thing, uh - this is not, not a creation. two states, the creation of one
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state of israel, and somehow attach these, you know, about 7 years ago, at consultations in tel aviv, israeli political scientists, such a right-wing, not illiberal one, told me, but why even raise this issue of bilateral states, well, in 60 years, in 50 years, we will arrange the whole thing, all of this, uh. all this will be destroyed, this whole dream of the palestinians about their own state, but they disappear, they dissolve in the arab world, in the arabian states, they will already forget that in 20-30 years they should have some kind of their own state, there is syria , there is saudi arabia, there is jordan, there is egypt, they have already been living there for millennia, that is , for decades, decades, and it will all resolve like this, it will not resolve and will not resolve. and you are absolutely right, this is it blinkin’s combinations, they are more
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like intrigues than any real negotiations, i completely agree with you, these are indeed intrigues that do not pursue the goal of creating a palestinian state, contrary to the rhetoric of the united states, they pursue a completely different goal, or rather two others goals: firstly, weakening iran’s position in the middle east, so the united states wants to achieve rapprochement between israel and saudi arabia on an anti-iranian basis, and secondly. china's position, because the united the states became very tense and alarmed when china contributed to the normalization of saudi-iranian relations, when china began to strengthen its position in the near east. and russia, by the way, is strengthening its position in the middle east, so the united states thought and came to the conclusion that let ’s stop these processes, reverse them through this, which means the rapprochement of saudi arabia and israel, as a carrot, we’ll hang up the creation palestinian state, which will never be created, agree with this, agree, absolutely, this is their goal, this
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their goal, the real goal, i say again, the palestinians must dissolve in the arab world, there is no such nation, there is no such thing... yes, ah, if not to say, a divorce in the middle east, and the same thing, the same thing, the administration biden would like to implement in relation to russia on issues of strategic stability, sergei viktorovich lavrov also spoke about this today, naturally, a very important topic, and we know that the biden administration is offering us the concept of so -called compartmentalization, that is,
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to remove issues of strategic stability out of brackets, consider them separately from the entire russian context. but in general, for any conversation with the united states about strategic stability, we , of course, do not reject this idea for the future, we do not reject the possibility, we have never done this, a policy of diplomatic settlement of differences, but we firmly
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stipulate such a possibility preliminary, full-fledged refusal of the west from...
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but even those - well, that one, this one, right there , where the palestinian authority is now and israel's gas sector he controlled now, he controls the indirect territory and does not think that they will leave there, despite all the statements that we will leave the gas there, they will not leave either there or there, they want to arrest someone on the west bank there in romal, they will arrest, imprison, conduct an investigation and no one will tell them -
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well, the basis of strategic stability is parity plus arms control, there were four pillars of strategic stability, this is the agreement of 1972, which was destroyed by the united states in 2001. destroyed indecently, so to speak, not just by inventing an excuse that supposedly russia
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had violated something there, invented some kind of missile of the wrong range and simply unilaterally withdrew, and the third pillar is the sequence of treaties on the limitation of strategic nuclear weapons, starting with salt-1, salt-2, start-1 , start-2, which, thank god, did not come into force. because otherwise we would be left without our ground-based component of snp, snp, well, snp is not an agreement at all, it’s one and a half pages of text and two numbers, i took part directly in it there, this is of course funny, the last prague treaty, which is called start-3, which russia has also now, in general, suspended its actions, so russia no longer accepts this construction, of course. the minister is right, i’m actually here, the point is not even in those treaties that disappeared, the system itself, that
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system of european security, which seemed to be limiting something, holding something back, the same treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, from which we were simply pushed out, we were forced, so to say, suspend its participation, because the treaty has simply turned into an instrument of collective western control over the armed forces of the russian federation, for sure. this carthage, this old system of european security and strategic stability, it must be destroyed, there is a complete need, because this system did not in any way restrain the expansion of nato, which we tried as much as possible to hinder, tried to convince, entered into a partnership program for peace , these declarations were signed there, the roman one there a declaration, like they held a bunch of events with nato, nothing helped, nothing helped, no matter how they believed that they, so to speak, have the right to crush all of europe under themselves, all, so
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to speak, allies and partners of the russian federation, no one can stop them from doing this , so we need a completely new system, and our president and the ministers of foreign affairs and defense are talking about this, we need a new system that guarantees the security and inviolability of the borders of the russian federation. totally agree with you, indeed, the main challenge and threat to strategic stability today is the hybrid war that the west is waging against us, the main risk of a direct military clash, even i, the main risk of a nuclear war between russia and nato is not the use of nuclear weapons, the escalation of not a nuclear conflict, it reaching the nuclear level, if god forbid, a direct military clash occurs, but talking with the united states and discussing all these issues is possible only after that.
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fact or historical event and attributed, and we were there, garbage waste in the lpr will supposedly be brought all the way from the rostov region, businessmen are fighting for garbage to remain in their region, because it’s real money, why a famous american boxer decided to become a russian citizen, there are places that i love , this is russia, this is brazil and thailand, but live, live in russia, anti-fake premiere, tomorrow on the first, i am she, she is me, so to speak. how everything became intertwined, you know, her husband, with whom she had lived together for half a century, died in her arms, we once told each other that the most unhappy will be the person who
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remains after leaving, so carefully they immediately dropped this topic, people's artist of russia svetlana nemalyaeva admits that after the departure of her beloved husband alexander lazarev, she herself did not want to live, as her mother once lost interest in life, burying dad. the worst tragedy in life is the passing of my mother, because she did everything for it. she couldn’t bear to leave after her dad’s death. who saved nemalyaeva from fatal thoughts? all this was very difficult to go through, because there was no moment connected with him, everything is with him. our exclusive happy memories and bitter confessions of svetlana nemolyaeva. we forgave each other everything. he was always a knight, he was subtle. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. there's a big
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game on the air, i started our program today with a breakthrough anniversary, a breakthrough. this topic is very close to me, i am from st. petersburg, i am a leningrader, and my grandmother was a siege survivor, and my grandfather fought on the road of life, which, let me remind you, along lake ladoga connected the then besieged leningrad with the mainland along which in fact, the caravans that ultimately saved the city were moving, so he told how they were simply frozen knee-deep or waist-deep in the ice of lake lada under bombing.
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this is not so much naivety, yes, but a somewhat too correct attitude towards something that in fact is not such in relation to the historical period, that is, it was about the fact that we overestimated the west too much, we were too naive about it, towards his true goals, and it seems to me that this is not the only answer to the question, but at the same time time, the current position on the issue of neo-nazism in many european countries is rooted in...
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not only because it itself is terrible for humanity, precisely because politicians are beginning to forget about it, and this echoes all other changes in the spheres of morality , this is not the only moment, there is much more, so this is a complex degradation of the west today, which, unfortunately, they cannot give a correct assessment in any way, so i completely agree that this is not only a german problem, but in germany it is also about this the minister said today that i am seeing progress.
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germany, italy and japan, that is, the asian countries, yes, which are led by hitler, mussolini, and, accordingly, the japanese. why did the germans, germany, not the germans , the government fight against us with militarists, yes, i ’m only talking about the blue division, there is direct logic, they pay the veterans of the blue division, these are the allies, here we are, we have to pay them for what they let's go to the blockade for the blockade of leningrad, well, these are the living, in general, to be honest, i personally do not agree with the formulation of neo-nazism, this is nazism. he is and it was, is, unfortunately, continues to exist, it’s with us that as a result of the great patriotic war, we confused fascist with nazism, we have such a mess in
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people’s heads that nazism is against the jews, but this is not so , nazism is simply against another nation, another people, whether it is a jew, whether it is a russian, maybe the spaniards will be destroyed in the end. yes, yes, superiority, from the exclusivity of superiority the nazi feeling is born, their nazi feeling against these strange russian jews, gypsies, some people, i don’t know, even poles,
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they beat themselves in the chest, but they are treated about the same, they will still go along with nazism, very decently, so for me even this is not another nazism, it is a continuation of this nazism , which has always existed in western countries. evgeniy petrovich, well... actually, this is, of course, a grimace of history when in the general assembly there is a resolution against the glorification of nazism, well, before it was the united states and ukraine, but this is understandable. uh, the country where fascism was born votes, italy, where nazism was born, is germany, and japan is the cradle of asian nazism, which imperial japan is the same, so to speak, nazi germany, just remember what they did with the chinese, koreans, biological ones. that’s right, but biological experiments are generally beyond the bounds, because this is the only country in history that has installed, the only thing that it did not use, did not have time to use, although there were such plans that carried out
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large-scale experiments with biological weapons, and not without reason, just recently kirillov, the head of the radiation chemical-biological protection troops, held a very large press conference, where he showed who is now engaged, these are the americans, they have entangled the russian federation with their laboratories, in which, so to speak , they are carrying out, completely openly, their military-biological program , so this nazism, i agree with leonid petrovich, this is not neo-nazism, this is the same nazism as it was, will be, as long as such sentiments exist, and they are growing stronger in europe, i think that we will still have to deal with this to face this, the actual revival of nazism and... not only in ukraine, but also more broadly, in the collective west, russia is fighting with the help of its special military operation and with the help of the policy that it pursues in general in attitude towards the west.


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