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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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lay down a glass, sometimes two more , so here i’ll probably even support olesya somewhere, because olesya has a certain place where guys gather, where they can exhale, drink, relax, but this is also wrong olesya, because sooner or later all this will affect your children, here are two, here are two children, it will be reflected further, it is reflected right now on the children, but it will further reflect on their destinies, on their children. so you need more, sorry for interrupting, you have two more girls, and you can imagine how many escapes from your sweet home will take place a little further, yes, two little girls , that is, one is already running away, two simply have nowhere to go from this alcoholic fate of your hut, your apartment, try to attract psychologists, narcologists, social workers, teachers, that is, to improve your condition, and you know, i really want to turn to galina first.
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transfer, i am 100% sure that the opiate authorities will come to you, what they wrote on a piece of paper, the fact that all conditions have been created for children, i’ll honestly tell you, this is a homeless person, you, as a woman , really a mother of three children, you should be ashamed, but what can i say , well, in my opinion, andrey, everything is obvious, it’s clear that you were under total control at home, you didn’t like it, you wanted freedom, in a new relationship you can drink, drinking is ruining you.
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it’s just a drink, and you give him something to drink, and because you give him something to drink, he feels freedom with you, lives with you, maybe you miss male attention, but it will all end very badly for you, because the children will be taken away from you, and not from him, i’m wondering if your relationship will work out sober, try, don’t let him beat you, he’ll stay with you, then don’t let him... good evening, there’s a big game on the air, and i, vecheslav nikonov, well, to all orthodox christians, happy holiday, with the baptism of the lord, may god grant you health, happiness, good luck, goodness, indeed, a holiday that many celebrated by swimming in ice water, by the way, our president, vladimir putin. well, the non-christians from estonia celebrated this
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holiday by announcing the persons of inongrat asked the head of the estonian russian orthodox church to leave estonia. bishop eugene. vladyka, we are with you, all of russia is with you, god is with you. but i am sure that the lord will punish those who... the security council of the russian federation, this is how he himself determined the agenda. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will talk about the implementation of the provisions of the foreign policy concept of the russian federation. concepts
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of foreign policy, a more than relevant topic, especially since the agenda is now changing really rapidly, and also putin signed a decree that will allow our country to make a new leap towards the highest technologies in the field of artificial intelligence. let's listen to tas' message. russian president vladimir putin instructed to ensure the training of world- class specialists. in the field of artificial intelligence. the ministry of education and science of russia, together with the ministry of digital development of russia, educational organizations of higher education and the organization of higher education skolkovo institute of science and technology, will implement a complex aimed at training scientists world-class developers in this field, the text says. artificial intelligence is in many ways truly the future of humanity; it is now at the forefront of scientific and technological progress. almost the same
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alice who answers you from a smartphone already has artificial intelligence, this is also artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence at the faculty of public administration at moscow state university, where... i have the honor to be the dean, there is a whole program on the use of artificial intelligence in management, and of course, artificial intelligence is already being actively used on the battlefield to control combat operations, in general the role of high technology is growing, growing literally every month, including on the fronts of a special military operation, boris aleksandrovich roger, our permanent, our permanent military expert is monitoring this , what is happening there
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is certainly the future, especially when a more effective combination of unmanned technologies with artificial intelligence technologies is achieved, when swarm unmanned systems appear that operate with artificial intelligence and neural networks, of course, this will very seriously change the situation at the tactical and operational level, and i think in the twenties, well, of the 20th century, we will certainly see this, and we will see something, of course, during the war, and if we talk about what is happening in the fleet, the main event of the last 24 hours. was the liberation of the village of vesyoloye on the northern ledge, this is the first settlement liberated by our army this year, that is, the enemy there was forced to essentially retreat from the village as a result of our successful offensive actions, also our offensive actions continue in
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the zaporozhye direction, here we continue attacks on the rabotinsky ledge, we are quietly pushing the enemy there in landings, on the temporary ledge over the last day without changes, on uglyad. over the past 24 hours, our troops have advanced a little more to the south of novomikhailovka, that is, obviously now our troops are trying to advance to the road along which coal is supplied, there are about 5 km left to it, which means that our troops and bitches have advanced on the marinka another 300 m in georgievka to the north of it, here the enemy is fiercely resisting, but the advance cannot yet be made in the donetsk direction without changes, which means that in the artyomovsk direction our troops are talking about...
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that the story with the killed french mercenaries who were covered in kharkov continues to unfold , information is coming in that the sbu is actively looking for people there, kharkiv residents, who helped identify where the mercenaries are lodging, and the french ambassador was summoned to the foreign ministry today regarding the fact that france is increasingly being drawn into the fighting actions in ukraine, although the french press there is trying with all its might to deny it by saying that france is not taking part, but of course history got it. very scandalous, yes, thank you, boris aleksandrovich rozhen with the latest news from the fronts of special military information, the situation is all the more scandalous because, in fact , mercenaryism is legally prohibited in france, and french mercenaries are present in large numbers on the territory of ukraine, but who would pay attention on the laws, indeed, on
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in the so-called democratic west, they have long been spitting on all laws, as well as all international treaties, including the well-known arms control treaties. and it is no coincidence that russia , in principle, unilaterally declared its readiness to suspend participation in the start treaty, suddenly voices were heard from the american side that let’s resume the dialogue, this was stated by the director of arms control of the national security council, about navadi. let's listen. we turned to russia with a formal proposal to resume dialogue on strategic control. nuclear weapons, our main priority is to discuss our actions on a bilateral basis in order to resolve issues of compliance with the new treaty, since russia has suspended the actions of the previous one, there are alternative platforms for interaction with russia, including multilateral ones, we are going to take part in such formats of interaction,
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insists that we prioritize our national interests, and we hope that russia wants to conduct dialogue in such formats, but of course the question is whether russia wants to, and the answer to that is sufficient.
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that the americans did not agree for us to go to them and conduct an inspection, and then a special military operation began, the leading role of the united states of america, it was clearly indicated, so we need to return to those positions, but this will not be soon. the second main reason is that the nuclear program, the military nuclear program, of the americans is stalling, the issues of updating the main nuclear forces have not yet been resolved, interconital.
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has more or less modern nuclear weapons - this is france, but of course it is not enough, the americans, despite the fact that this problem did not emerge suddenly, it emerged, as they say, it followed, they have other problems, this is the maintenance of existing missiles, complete the regulations , it turns out, are lost, the specialists are lost, and most importantly, these are issues related to the enrichment of uranium in order to obtain the very weapons-grade plutonium on which thermonuclear launchers should be built, that is there are many problems. russia is actually finishing updating its nuclear arsenal, there is only 3-5% of everything left, so if they cannot
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install it, they are trying to somehow impose on us some kind of negotiations, restrictions, and so on, but russia said clearly, we are on it will not go. the americans really want to agree on arms limitation, only when they want to limit our armament, which means we have taken the lead, they really want something to be reduced, but we are already there. we won’t play, but the main condition is of course, this is the cessation of american arms supplies to ukraine, which do not stop, and naturally, the ukrainian army is now fighting only with these weapons, as they do, anastasia leonida mikhailovskaya, military correspondent for the russian spring, is in direct contact with us now, anastasia leonidovna, good evening, hello, what news do you have, we have good news, that’s how you see, a counter-offensive.
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based on artificial intelligence in order to bypass rap, so i want to say once again that rap is now generally one of the most important areas, because, as we see, uavs and fpvs now play a huge role in the war, and especially since in ukraine they have really stopped receiving such a huge amount of weapons from all
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over the world, and now they have switched to just for the war of drones, and this... now one of the most important areas is to fight the drones that are flying towards us from the enemy side, i once again urge you all to help us, to help the popular front, and we are still collecting our rap, here they are they work very efficiently, the guys who have already received the first batch are asking for the next batch, everyone is asking for more and more, because rap really declared himself very well.
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thank you, in my opinion, a very important decision has been made by our ministry of justice, which has not only symbolic significance, let’s listen to tas’ message today. the russian ministry of justice included the organization of ukrainian nationalists and its paraphernalia in the list of nazis, this is stated in the order of the ministry of justice, a copy
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of which tas has, to be included in the list organizations specified in parts three and four of the article. the federal law on perpetuating the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war, the organization of ukrainian nationalists, its paraphernalia and symbols, the document says. the symbols of the oun include the greeting glory to ukraine, the response to the hero glory and the approved emblem in the form of a stylized golden trident, the middle element of which is made in the form of a double-edged sword, as well as the organizational emblem, a black equilateral triangle with the stand up, that is, part of the ukrainian state symbols , including theirs...
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i said a long time ago that, unfortunately, ukrainian statehood has integrated these nazi roots, and under the current president, this president zelensky, field commander zelensky, this is the basis of ukrainian statehood, there there were, as it were , different foundations, symbolic, ideological, but, apparently, under the leadership of western intelligence services... part of the combat units of the kiev regime simply uses this symbolism along with nazi symbols, and many fighters, this can be seen from the prisoners
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, from those who surrendered in mariupol, they have not only the symbols of ukrainian nationalists, they wear swastikas, they... slogans, they should know that by doing so they directly violate the legislation of the russian federation, which is fraught . well, the united states of america has less and less desire to support ukraine, more and more economic problems, and this makes it more and more
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aggressive. after the commercial. i think that movies only show love stories in war films, we are talking about guys' love for weapons. in gangster films about the love of guys for treasures, it really is rubbish, and the new wave brought a love for cinema, without love there are no films, he is a child of the cinema, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films films, films are not good enough for the audience, but the audience is often not good enough for the films, they say that people do not understand my films. so what, i don’t understand them myself. matador, jean-luc gadar, two or three things i don't know about him. today is the first one.
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cognac monte shoca, a product of the stellar group. sometimes people fly like... birds , as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind their backs, as if they were not affected by gravity, risk, danger, entertainment 3, and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, this it was great, and flying on eva was like a dream! russian jumping championships
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, live broadcast, tomorrow on the first, i, it ’s her, she, it’s me, also how everything is intertwined, you know, already the husband with whom they lived together for half a century, he died in her arms, we once told each other. that the most unhappy person will be the one who remains after leaving, so they carefully dropped this topic right away. people's artist of russia, svetlana nemalyaeva admits that after the departure of her beloved husband alexander lazarev, she herself did not want to live, as her mother once lost interest in life after burying her father. the worst tragedy in life is the departure of my mother, because she did everything to leave after the death of her father, she could not survive. who saved nemalyaev from fatal thoughts? all this? it was very difficult to go through, because there was no moment not connected with him, everything was with him, our exclusive happy memories and bitter
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confessions of svetlana nemolyaeva, we forgave each other everything, he was always a knight, he was a dunk move, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first, i have you alone. and we are husband and wife, and you? and we’re good-bye, i ’ll accompany you to the carriage, don’t, i don’t like it when someone walks me off, what were you hiding, 3 years from my sister, i don’t like the city and hanging around i won’t, you idiot, that’s what i’ll tell you, i see what you’re worried about, really, garden, let’s get down to a professional and furious, i hope, discussion. this is a picture that
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continues, on the one hand, the tradition laid down in our soviet cinema, for example, as in the films love and doves, it is very difficult to make a decision, the feat of the heroine, to agree that she loves and that she is loved, with this colito it’s just a question of where they will go, it was so collegial. decision of our film crew, tomorrow on the first, hey, hey, this city sometimes called the far eastern st. petersburg, and the main owner of these places is the majestic amur tiger, we are in khabarovsk, friends, charabanc, why the charabanc and where this ball actually is and what kind of ban, no one will tell you now, we take a sample, black caviar is cheaper, than... crawls about 150 thousand per kilogram, delicious, you can do something else, what can you make from fish skin, shoes, mittens, roll it up like this, and crumple it while it
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's for me... big game live, unexpectedly, the main news maker was the minister of foreign affairs affairs of ukraine dmitry kuleba. he made a number of statements that were hair-raising, but at the same time very frank. well, firstly, he now demanded from western countries a comprehensive solution on the transfer of frozen assets to the russian
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federation. ukraine is, perhaps, the first country in the world that is waging a war with another country, which at the same time does not ask the united states , its ally, to send american soldiers, so the united states saves the most important thing, they save the lives of american soldiers, in a sense, we we offer the best deal in the global security market, give us weapons, give us money, and we will do everything.
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self-growth, firstly, cynicism, yes, because if we add to this a very recently published article in the journal economics , where it is written almost in black and white that for the success of the ukrainian army on the battlefields , soldiers need to be given psychedelic drugs, drugs that so to speak, they will reduce, so to speak, their fear of death, reduce fears of loss of health, and so on, this is written in plain text in one of the leading international magazines
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otherwise... conditionally this is a tasty morsel of 200-300 billion dollars, which, so to speak, is such a bait for sharing, but it is clear that ukraine in this case is simply joining a certain, so to speak, flow of votes, what needs to be done about it -to do , as if further prodding the legislator, but in fact, even representatives of the americans who
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are seriously... so to speak, building legal combinations, say that in general, it is very, very difficult to do this, there are no such legal solutions, in -first, we must say that everything in general initially theft, because those reserves that are in russia are funds received by russian exporters for shipped products, paid in the form of taxes to the state and accumulated by the state in the form of reserve funds saved in the form of a national welfare fund and, accordingly. as has always been customary in international markets , securities of european or countries or the united states of america, taking into account this chain, i believe that, in principle , a legal decision, legally legal in principle, there cannot be a solution here, because the sanctions themselves imposed on sovereign funds are themselves unnatural, they themselves are all illegal,
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therefore. in the worst position, of course, are the owners, such as private companies and individuals, who can be conditionally brought under criminal charges in the form of a violation - so to speak, a sanction.
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the fact that we live in the world is not a given, that is why we have plans, that is why we are preparing for a conflict with russia with terrorist groups, if it comes to that, if they attack us, although we are not looking no conflict, but if they attack us, we must be ready. so, here they call
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a period of 20 years, when a conflict with russia may begin, here boris pestorius, minister of defense of the federal republic of germany, reduces this period to five dashes. 8 years. let's listen. we hear threats from the kremlin almost every day. recently, addressed to our friends in the baltics. our experts believe that a russian attack is possible within 5-8 years. we must quickly strengthen our defense capabilities due to the urgency of the threat. by helping ukraine, we are not we can go to the bank, as some call, otherwise we ourselves will remain defenseless. so far we have provided everything we could. it should be clear to everyone that if putin wins this war and occupies ukraine, then of course.
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i think this is what they are, they are sincere, well, the second aspect, i think that we should understand these statements this way: they understand that a turning point, here on this ukrainian front, is coming, that the kiev regime, this rag, well, yes ,
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how long will they use this rag, what next, but they will not detach themselves from russia, not under any circumstances, and apparently, when they talk about the baltic states... this means that they more or less appoint the next one to the role of a geopolitical - geopolitical suicide bomber, so these are the hopes that some part of our expert... the community has, that they will come to their senses, apparently, this is a very clear signal , no, they won’t come to their senses, they will bark and gnaw further if possible, well, a manifestation of such barking and squabbling is the nato exercise, which will start in the near future in eastern europe, the largest since the end cold war, that's what nato commanders in europe say.
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strengthen the euro-atlantic region through a transatlantic movement of forces from north america, this reinforcement will occur during a simulated scenario of emerging conflict against a near-peer adversary, stadfast defender 2024 will be a clear demonstration of our unity, strength and determination to protect each other, our values ​​and international order are based on rules, that is, now i’ll remind you of january, yes they are going to play until may... these training games against, well, as they say here, an almost
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equal opponent, that is, i mean us. in general, there have not been such provocations for a long time. well, from february to april they have the main exercises, in may they will sum up the results. the previous exercise, which they also called the largest, was called defender europe, which they conducted in 1920-2, also called the largest, but the main rhetoric there was that... this is an exercise to contain the aggressive plans of russia, which is somewhere gestated there. now the rhetoric is mostly aggressive, that is , they do not hide the fact that we are talking about a possible, probable conflict with russia, the main theme of the exercise is that if this conflict has begun, well, it’s clear that russia is attacking according to their scenario , they are peaceful people, and we attack so aggressively, they, of course, respond and endure certain difficulties.
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will not be released during these 3 months, while these exercises are being conducted, the exercises are divided into separate, say, chapters of these exercises, which each performs its own task, sweden is attracted here, although it has not yet officially become a member of nato, but as if it frightened the swedish minister of defense, the swedes said: “that’s it, we are preparing for a war in russia, the swedes got scared there, some began to dig a shelter there , some are buying up the product, that is, it was. the neutral country turned out to be not neutral, but that is, all this, as
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it were, should provoke the europeans so that they understand that no one is joking, that they should sit there on a pack of cans of pasta, like they say, tighten your belts, because military spending is the most important thing for them, this is euro-atlantic security, and that’s why it helps ukraine, you don’t understand, the europeans are explaining to them all this pistorius. that in fact the enemy is already evasive, these exercises, of course, they will be held according to scenarios, they have a concept called multi-domain operation, this is when the ground forces, air force, navy interact, cyber troops, space forces, to solve some joint tasks, but what about the mass scale, because this will happen at different training grounds, in the baltic states, they will come in poland, in germany, well, of course, there will be staff exercises, all this will take place against the backdrop
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of an ongoing special military operation. well, the special military operation on the part of ukraine will continue as long as america and other countries finance this operation. it depends on the state of the american economy, well, in fact , president biden is delighted with what is happening in america now, especially how he says, from falling mortgage rates. recent statistics show that the number of people wishing to receive unemployment benefits has decreased, fewer and fewer people need help, this is less than
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it could of course, but the main event that was noted in the markets is that the officially recognized national debt of the united states has exceeded 34 trillion dollars, and we note that over the last 3 months it has grown by 1 trillion, in 6 months by 2 trillion, in 2 years by 4 trillion, that is, in general, all this is already growing geometrically there is no progression or end to this, and moreover, if we look...
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these shutdowns have been periodically occurring for 3 years, and if we take into account the election year and the growing struggle between republicans and democrats, then of course now, so to speak, the republicans would do everything everything in its power to worsen the situation of the administration, but as for
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the debt, the interesting thing is that it is not being discussed yet, because formally it, the ceiling was under the previous speaker. house of representatives was extended, which caused a lot of, so to speak, criticism against him, here, but nevertheless, the debt is really at the rate that it is, it is already starting, we can say that it has already reached 35 trillion, is moving towards this mark, and as for interest rates, well, this is of course good, probably news for someone who would use mortgage loans in the usa, but it should be noted that today there is a rapid...
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more and more conflicts, more about this after the advertisement, and how are you going to make sure you get everything from him, let's go , where on the way, i’ll tell you, let’s go, oh, oh, what are you, what’s on he looks at the folder, swears, just don’t get attached to him, it’s dangerous, the reputation of the clinic. mine personally are very important, i need all his schemes specifically, where he hid it, where he transferred it, vadim will be there for a long time, if you can come to an agreement, i will do for you whatever you want, maybe you will at least somehow... take me into account, i will not live according to your rules , that's enough, that's enough, something i don't like is that you perceive me as a business, peelers,
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container, new series, sunday on the first, a child, he is more important than money, rum, castra
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sometimes people fly like birds, as if they born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if they were not affected by gravity, risk, danger, entertainment, and unpredictability. incredible difficulty and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure
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skating, it was great, flying on eva was like a dream! russian jumping championship, live broadcast, tomorrow on the first. famous godparents met in our studio.
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katya saved me, katya tells me, be a godmother, for me it was such a gift, we have the best godmother light, tomorrow, after the program , today you will go to russia, return the sacred treasures of the nation, a grenade, everything most valuable is in this box, dad, only letters from the second world war disappeared from the house, this is a secret.
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german from monday after the program time. i am happy that i was born and live in the great country of russia. i love my small homeland, the city of springs, when everyone loves each other and understands each other, and this is at the same time joy. life, good luck to everyone, with love, boris, everyone knows where to relax, of course, on black the sea, because if there is a paradise in the world, this is
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the krasnodar region. we are happy that we live in russia. that our country is russia, i love russia, and you repeat after me, it is strong beautifully, from earth to sky, love has grown, we must always be united, because, as they say, we are united, we are invincible. big game live. the united states is increasingly becoming involved in military operations in the middle east, and in a variety of theaters. and until now it was not clear what strategic goals the united states is setting in the middle east in relations with key players. but today it must be said that president biden nevertheless clarified the us strategy on
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key issues, primarily on relations with iran. with its relations with pakistan strained by the united states' iran plans, here is biden's iran strategy. what do you think about these attacks between iran and pakistan? as you can see, iran is not particularly liked in the region. i don’t know yet where this will all lead, but we are working on it. this is actually what the us strategy towards iran looks like, but - our policy is that we do not we want iran to have nuclear weapons, because otherwise it will have a bad effect on the entire region, if not the entire world. the president, of course, would prefer
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to achieve this result through diplomacy. obviously this will happen in the near future. will come, so we will make sure that we have the capabilities and options available to the commander in chief to prevent such an outcome, if it comes to that, he clearly said that we will not allow them to get nuclear weapons, that is, we will bomb, well, although we must to say that nuclear iran complies with the non-proliferation treaty, to which it is a party, while israel and pakistan, having nuclear weapons, are not part of this... this treaty and they do not comply with it, yes, this is completely fair, in general raising again this bogeyman, the issue of the iranian supposedly existing nuclear threat, a secret military nuclear program, this is of course far-fetched, far-fetched, but it is absolutely obvious that the united states is trying
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to set someone against iran from completely different sources. israel helps a lot to the americans, israel even wants a big war with iran right away, but here the americans are holding back their israeli partners a little. saudi arabia did not escalate relations with iran, and the normalization that existed between iran and saudi arabia is, in general , completely surviving the current crisis. successfully, the rapprochement between saudi arabia and israel fell apart, yes, this line of relations has fallen apart, although they are now trying to put it back together a little, but between iran and pakistan traditionally existed tense relations, but i want to draw attention to the fact that, firstly, iran is surrounded on both sides by nuclear powers , which are now friendly with the united states, and besides, all this is happening on
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the territory of balochistan, where they were traditionally strong... illuminated the strategy of the united states states regarding what it did with the houthis? let's listen. are your airstrikes effective in yemen? i mean, are they stopping the houthis? no, will we continue them? yes.
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well, in short, who is this? on missiles , will the americans run out faster or uhuthis? well, of course, when ships fight against the shore, there is an axiom that ships always lose. because on the shore you can place much larger arsenals of the same missiles and not always these strikes, which are carried out by american ships from american ships, including aviation , achieve the desired effect, because the operation was most likely prepared very quickly, that is, even when they approached the shores of yemen in december, there was no operation, now there is no operation, the goal is unclear, just exchange missile strikes and what... where to fight is unclear, but emen, unlike the united states, has goals. he said our goal is the americans and israel, they even have this in their division, so i think that
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the results will be greater in the country of yemen than in the united states. there is a big war in the middle east, escalation is happening, everyone was waiting for oil prices to soar, since the middle east and the main oil-bearing region, now this is clearly not happening. something incomprehensible is happening in the oil market, firstly, it is connected with the way it was colleague, he said, correctly, the goal of america is israel, so container shipping is the first to suffer, which fell by almost 90% in the first week of january; oil tankers continue to sail in the red sea, without changing either volumes or quantities. for a strategically important chain, if you can show it, of course, this is more the persian gulf and the strait of armu for the oil industry. reports, indeed saudi arabia is not interfering in this now, so to speak, battle, but i, you know, am not a supporter of conspiracy theories, but no less, more and more one gets
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the impression that what is now happening here in the middle east is really a provocation, because i remember when the price ceiling for russian oil was introduced, the impression was that the americans wanted to push heads against the saudi arabia with russia. but we have found a solution, now in the difficulties of passage through the red sea, which may happen, they again require saudi arabia to redirect its ships, perhaps in those directions where we traditionally we are present, but an important limiting factor is that both we and saudi arabia have unique capabilities to quickly increase oil production in the event of serious conflicts, and this apparently holds back these opportunities for now. hummocks. well, indeed, the situation is complex, it is constantly escalating , new points of conflict are being added , we see how pakistan and iran unexpectedly found themselves in very
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confrontational relations, and a new point is now emerging - this is iraq, which is officially already at the state level, he stated that his goal is to withdraw american and generally allied western troops from the country , who will fulfill their role, as they... said, well, since isis has been destroyed, that is, the united states, on the one hand, has a desire to impose as much as possible more wars, on the other hand, there are more and more opponents, well, our cause is right, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, the evening news is on air, studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics: 17 group strikes, including.


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