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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  January 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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is now emerging, this is iraq, which has officially already stated at the state level that its goal is to withdraw american and generally allied western troops from the country, who will fulfill their role, as they said, well, since isis has been destroyed, that is, the united states is testing on the one hand the desire to impose as many wars as possible, on the other hand they are getting more and more opponents, well, our cause is right, victory will be ours, we pass the word to... all the best, goodbye, see you next week, hello, evening news is on the air in studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main themes, 17 group strikes, including hyper.
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dagger sound rockets, at least sixty attacks were repelled, almost 5,500 militants were destroyed, the results of the combat work of our military during the week from my defense. without comment, the french ambassador left our foreign ministry, where he was summoned after the destruction of the russian army of dozens of french mercenaries in kharkov and the reaction from the kremlin. no translation difficulties, including our country. and gave his forecast about the outcome of the svo. safety comes first. how did you go? traditional swimming in an ice hole for baptism. jordan, including in the zone of special military operation. when to expect a driverless train, how many electric buses will it receive? answers
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at the exhibition russia at vdnkh day of passenger logistics. high flying champions. the national jumping championship among figure skaters starts. today is qualification. and this is a russian tournament, which is secretly followed by coaches around the world. we watch, listen, enjoy. i am a lonely tramp of casanovo love. the country's main vocal project , voice. the twelfth season starts today. we start with new data on the progress of the special operation for the week. as our ministry of defense said, the russian army carried out 17 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including kinzhal hypersonic aircraft missile systems, as well as drones. as a result, enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, where repairs were carried out, were affected. the ukrainian armed forces
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are attacking the enemy in all directions. for mercenaries. our fighters repelled at least 60 units in the kupinsky sector and improved the situation along the front line. the enemy carries major losses in manpower. almost 5,500 militants in a week. in the donetsk direction , units of the southern group of troops, with the support of aviation and fire.
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17 tanks, 27 armored combat vehicles, two launchers of the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system, 86 vehicles and 28 field artillery guns. today , the french ambassador was summoned to the russian foreign ministry in connection with the situation in kharkov, where the russian army destroyed a base with several dozen french mercenaries, as reported.
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statements on this matter repeatedly the state duma intends to appeal to the french parliament. this issue will be discussed at the next plenary meeting. as stated by the chairman of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin. quote: it is important for us to know whether paris is aware that someone, violating the law, is sending french citizens to fight in ukraine? let me remind you that earlier our ministry of defense reported a high-precision strike on a deployment point in kharkov, mainly french mercenaries were based there, more than 60 militants were killed. fsb officers detained a resident khabarovsk for espionage for ukrainian military intelligence. an accomplice of the kiev special services planned the murder of russians. military personnel stationed in the khabarovsk territory. in addition, the man collected information about the radio frequencies of our ministry of defense. a criminal case was initiated under the article of treason. he faces punishment up to life imprisonment. to other topics. an operational meeting with
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permanent participants of the russian security council was held today by vladimir putin. the meeting took place via video conference. the president contacted the kremlin. good afternoon. dear colleagues, today we will talk about the implementation of the provisions of the foreign policy concept of the russian federation. sergechlav, please. ukraine is burning through its military reserves and is becoming weaker every day. the ukrainian counter-offensive was doomed; nato knew this. tough and frank statements about the prospects of the kiev regime were made today by american military analyst and retired marine corps intelligence officer scott ritter. in moscow he gave a press conference where shared the results of his big trip around our country. crimea, new regions, this voyage helped her better understand who is now fighting back the militants. brave and very strong guys, they bring victory closer. report by yuri lepatov. the fact that the american scott ritter,
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an independent expert, and with extensive experience in military expertise, he proved at least by the fact that he personally traveled through those russian regions that were directly... affected by the conflict in ukraine. he drew conclusions about how the svo will end not only from communication with the military or leaders of new regions, it was equally important, as he said, to freely communicate with ordinary people. everyone i met had a strong handshake, everyone looked me straight in the eye , showed with all their appearance that they supported what was happening, said: we are proud that we are russian and grateful to russia and the russian soldiers for the sacrifices they make, they regretted that they had to wait 8 years for russia. the usa can do as much as they like. as a professional, he assessed the training of special forces in grozny, where ramzan kadyrov invited him. these are fighters who came to the russian special forces university from different russian regions, and not participants
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in a special military operation. the american was an analyst who studied the soviet union. later, already for the un, he led reconnaissance missions on weapons of mass destruction in iraq, and sharply criticized the american authorities. from grozny to new russian regions, he went through crimea, visiting melitopol, donetsk, lugansk. the opinion of an intelligence expert about what he saw, even not in positions, in civilian life, is very different from what what an ordinary person can notice, the more interesting is the rhetor's opinion about how the matter will end. i believe that it is russia that will determine the outcome and conditions on which this conflict will end. russia's victory is inevitable, no actions of the collective west will change this. russia is on the right side of history regarding ukraine, so i speak from a position of truth. russia was dragged into this conflict by the actions of the authorities of my country. and i, as an american, would like to apologize for what we did. it's just terrible that the american people allowed his authorities to harm russia. please forgive us, we did
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wrong, we are doing wrong now. i hope that the ukrainians will also forgive us, because they sacrificed tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people. one of the few in the west who has courage.
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the special military operation will end in 2024. yuri lepatov, andrey lesnykh, dmitry malyshev, maria mortanova, alexander pononichev, channel one. a large fire has been extinguished by rescuers in chelyabinsk for several hours. several pavilions of the big city are burning at once shopping complex. there are thick clouds of black smoke over the city. the fire was contained to an area of ​​over 1,200 km. according to the ministry of emergency situations, there is a risk that the fire will spread to a neighboring building from there. of people. more than a hundred firefighters and several dozen special vehicles are fighting the fire. representatives
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of the prosecutor's office arrived at the scene. the present and future of russian public transport were discussed today at the country's main exhibition. passenger logistics day takes place in the largest seventy-fifth pavilion of the russia forum at vdnkh. what will there be an unmanned train of the future when it is launched, how many electric buses will it receive? regions and how sanctions have accelerated progress in the development of domestic technologies, dmitry kochitkov listened attentively to a big conversation about something that concerns everyone. trains in russia run exactly on schedule, the russian railways company has become the most punctual among world carriers, by 2026 it is planned to launch unmanned passenger traffic based on an import-substituted analogue of the swallow, so the west’s bet on anti-russian sanctions is not played. they became an impetus for development, as sanctions against
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railways in russia were described, trains for russian citizens are a luxury item, accordingly they were included in the sanctions and hoped that our main mode of transport would experience very serious problems, well, the result is you and me we see that record performance is not easy, but we... have accumulated such potential and competence together with machine builders, and that within a year a completely new import-substituting one was introduced - a new compositionist. about transport of the future was discussed in the largest seventy-fifth pavilion of the exhibition in russia. according to the head of the ministry of transport, vitaly saeli, this year it is planned to transfer 7,500 of the latest buses and electric buses, trams and trolleybuses to the regions. new routes will also appear in... the nizhny novgorod region,
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tatarstan and chuvash. the project was called river highways. digitalization remains a priority for the entire industry. the introduction of domestic airline ticket reservation systems and passenger registration made it possible to ensure technological sovereignty industry. we are not only replacing digital solutions that have left the russian market with domestic ones, but... we are creating platforms aimed at proactively solving our problems, in particular , the russian transport digital platform is being created to create seamless passenger logistics. registration of preferential subsidized trips and flights will also be possible electronically without a personal visit to the sales office. this year is an important anniversary, it concerns not only transport workers; today the first medals for the 50th anniversary of the baikal amur mainline were awarded. 50 years. this great construction project took so many generations , more than 2 million builders took place during the entire period,
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no one looked at nations, everyone was a single team, it was beautiful, strong and worthy of our people, who supported and are bringing the work to the end in this region. you can learn about the development of the transport industry at the regional stands, for example, the tver region presented the ivolga train. there is a simulator in the driver's cabin, here everyone can learn how to drive a train and take a virtual trip around the region. moving the traction lever to the maximum position, let's go. and the ulyanovsk region exhibited a life-size mock-up of the cockpit of the il-76 aircraft. flight is not only about speed, but about delicious cuisine. the pavilion hosted a culinary show and tasting from the in-flight catering chef. taste buds at altitude.
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the champions in water sports brought their awards and left them in their personal steles. the real medals can be seen by all guests of the country's main exhibition. this year kazan will become the center of big sports, how preparations are going for two major international competitions, the games of the future and the brix games , they said today in the capital of tatarstan , the minister of sports oleg matytsin arrived there, the games of the future are just over a month away, they will start
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on february 21, and these will be competitions at the intersection of sports, science and technology, the brix games will be held in. .. in june, over 13 days, about 3.00 athletes from different countries will compete in 25 disciplines. both events will be held at the highest level. kazan has a lot of experience, noted deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. he participated in the meeting of the organizing committee via video link. note, probably, the country now has the greatest experience of holding international competitions at the highest level. in a month the games of the future will take place here, everything is going according to plan. i hope that this tradition will also be continued with the brix games, it has been going on for many years, and russia, of course, is taking the format of the games to a completely new level, and preparations for the games have already begun, an invitation campaign is underway, now there is a little
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advertising, further in we’ll also tell you something else about the program: safety: above all, how did the traditional swimming in the ice hole for baptisms go? jordan, including in the special military operation zone. high-flying champions, the national jumping championship among figure skaters starts. today is qualification, and this is a russian tournament, which is secretly followed by coaches around the world. we watch, listen, enjoy. i'm the same. rogue of love casanovo! the main vocal project of the country - the voice starts the twelfth season today. we'll be back in just a couple of minutes, stay on channel one. i am she, she is me, so to speak, just like everyone else intertwined, you see, her husband, with whom
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she had lived together for half a century, died in her arms. we once told each other that the unhappiest person would be... the person who would remain after leaving, so we carefully dropped this topic right away. people's artist of russia svetlana nemalyaeva admits that after the departure of her beloved husband alexander lazarev, she herself did not want to live, as her mother once lost interest in life after burying her father. the worst tragedy in life is the passing of my mother, because she did everything to leave after the death of her father, she couldn't survive it. who saved nemalyaeva from fatal thoughts? all this was very difficult. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first. veda vodka product.
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stellar group: you are alone with me, and we are husband and wife, and you, and we, goodbye, i’ll walk you to the carriage, don’t, i don’t like to be seen off, what was i hiding, 3 years from my family. i don’t like the city and i won’t mess around with it, you’re a loafer, that’s what i’ll tell you, i see what you ’re going through, well, really, zoechka, garden, let’s get down to professional and furious, i i hope for discussion, this is a picture that continues, on the one hand, the tradition laid down in our soviet cinema,
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for example, as in the films love and doves, it is very difficult to make a decision, the feat of the heroine, and the main owner of these places is the majestic amur tiger, we are in khabarovsk, friends, charabanc, why charabanc and where is this ball actually and what kind of bank is it? no one will tell you now, we take a sample, black caviar is cheaper than snail caviar, about 150,000 per kilogram,
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delicious, you can also, what can be made from fish skin, shoes, mittens, roll it up here so, here we go, until it becomes soft, you sewed a robe for 3 years, yes, how much does it cost, when we were talking to a bartender abroad, i say, i’m working on that five-thousandth... just the bill on this bridge , yes, he was so pleasantly surprised, we can admire the view, i’m personally delighted, the life of our own, the premiere on sunday at the first, a protective layer, how to choose the best cream for winter, three superfoods for women’s health: brazil nuts, flaxseed oil, eelgrass, thyroid gland, why? who hates our immunity, program to live great, it will help everyone, on monday , on the first, this is the evening news and we continue,
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today orthodox believers have baptism, or as it is also called, epiphany, one of the main church holidays, in churches throughout the country there are solemn services about water in the cathedral of christ patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill performed the divine liturgy of the savior. on this day, they remember the tradition of how jesus christ was baptized in the jordan river. the popular folk tradition of epiphany bathing is connected with this: people plunge into a special ice hole in jordan. it is believed that baptismal water has special healing properties. as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said today, vladimir putin also performed the sacrament of ablution. thousands of compartments are equipped throughout russia. immediately after immersion, believers say emotions are unforgettable, lightness, some kind of joy
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, all the bad things remain, everything new and good is already waiting for us ahead, the water heals the body and soul, we came from bashkiria from sufa, we came here to celebrate a holiday here in the capital, our northern ones so that we become even stronger russian spirit. has always been powerful, so happy holiday to all orthodox christians, good luck, peace to all, my dad taught me to nory for baptism, i do nory every year, you feel such freedom, lightness, the feeling is simply impossible to convey, the whole body is poured with boiling water, baptism is celebrated by the soldiers, who are now on the front line, in the kherson region, russian paratroopers attended a service in the chapel, and then were able to plunge into the font, and this is footage from the zaporozhye region, where a place for swimming on the river was also equipped for military personnel of the southern district. in the zone during combat operations, many of our
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fighters turn to faith. when it’s hard, when you don’t know whether you’ll return from a mission, when your soul hurts for your family, or simply when you lack warmth and support. and here the clergy play a very special role. in the northern military district zone, they bless the children, confess, and baptize. they risk their lives just like our soldiers. this is service, despite everything. report by elena pech. afterwards, the fear of enemies is terrible. the words of the military prayer, which is customary to be read before battle, are barely audible because of the wind. the next day, these fighters of the assault unit went into battle, the power of their silent appeal to god shocked thousands of people who watched the video on the internet to tears. we simply prayed to god, turned to god. like our ancient great glorious russian army, so that god preserves them 12:00 at night, my assistant and i
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secretly drive through forest strips, illuminate the tanks on the orders of the commander, we are ordered not to wake up the tank crews, because they have to go into battle early in the morning, illuminate the tanks in front difficult assault the battalion commander and the priest asked, literally looking to disperse. there are combat vehicles in the forest belt, god save your people, and bless your heritage, we are going with god’s truth, so we need to survive, win, glory to you, our god, glory to you, the confessor of the paralympic team, priest georgy dikhterev, now you can also meet sooner on the front line than in the temple, asking god for help in victory, blessing the soldiers for battle, dozens of orthodox priests today carry out their special service in the zone of a special military operation.
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direct control of the enemy over a long distance, at this moment you don’t hear a single voice, in the car, everyone is praying. pyotr vlashchenko, the rector of the church from kineshma , has been going to the hospital in donetsk for a year now, together with his parishioners from the sisters of mercy society. and i remember december of twenty-two, when there were six arrivals and soldiers who were wounded on the front line died here, died here in a hospital bed, it was all with
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us. revive the tradition of society. black mercy father peter decided to look after looking after lonely patients in kinishma, the women even took special medical courses, but at first it became clear to the svo that their skills, patience and willingness to do any work are needed in hospitals, you want to give them something to drink, feed, pet, talk to, just pat on the head, say everything , that it will be good, they are like family, so i picked up a word, how they treat family, that is... lyoshenka is there, well, she’s helping here and there, and well, it’s really getting easier. dmitry vasilenky has chechnya, south ossetia under his belt, syria, now a north-west zone, wrote a book about what you need to know and be able to do to survive in a war zone. it immediately became a bestseller; being the chief priest of the northern military district, he does not let any of his colleagues go to the front line without a special training course at the training ground.
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get up, well done, everyone, as they say, fell, which means you will live, you passed the test, please, lord, he dreams that here in st. petersburg, next to this temporary temple, where special military shrines are now kept, a temple will be built, dedicated to special military soldiers operations, but for now the most important thing, he says, is not to let the war cripple the soldier’s soul, the priest is the first assistant in this, so that he... really remains a man in the war and returns back, not lost either to society or to his family. elena pecherina bliznyuk, alexey ivanov, alena germanova, evgeny lyamin, yulia khodorova, sergey klishin, channel one. several regions of central russia are recovering from a powerful snow storm. the cyclone from greenland ruled for almost a day. a quarter of the month fell in the capital region norms.
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fifty flights were delayed at moscow airports. for clearing. the city has reached the maximum number of snow removal equipment. in the moscow region , about 12.00 km of roads were cleared overnight. snowstorm in st. petersburg. in one area , passengers had to push stuck buses out of the snow. in the nizhny novgorod region , the m-7 highway was so snowy that one of the sections had to be closed to heavy trucks. in tatarstan, traffic for trucks and buses has been restricted, including on the m-12 highway. difficulties on the roads in samara, kirovskaya regions in mordovia. along with the cyclone came a sharp warming, but in the coming days, according to weather forecasters, the frosts usual for this season will return to central russia and the volga region. difficult elements and tough competition. the russian jumping championship among figure skaters starts in moscow. the best in the world, our athletes, will clash in a super fight. a unique tournament where participants perform things that they do not risk doing in competitions. singles pairs on ice.
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three generations at once, what will win, the dexterity of juniors or the skill honed over the years champions, we will find out very soon, channel one will show everything, start tomorrow, qualification today, about confrontations on the ice in life, personal challenges to real ice drama, in yana podziuban’s report. if there was a super cup at the world figure skating championships, it would look like this: the strongest compete in the most difficult one in a minute with just two attempts. here is the first sensation, fragile juniors in the air, as if in their native element. this also happens for us in a millisecond, we simply have all the revolutions, sensations, we just go in and do it. remember their names instructs,
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utah records with strict regulations are easily dealt with. adrina petrosyan takes first place in 30 seconds. i discussed it with the coach only when i went out on the ice that i would jump, i said most likely a sheepskin coat, a sheepskin coat and a flip. and since i did a quadruple flip right before my exit, i thought, well, i’ll try to go first with the flip. i took a risk. fortunately, it was a success. there is no such championship anymore. at first, the whole world tried to skate horizontally, like us. panin's figures from one. 150 years, our first olympic champion, now we propose to conquer the heights, according to the new rules, the participant must do one cascade, one solo jump, for everything, two attempts and one minute, towards the final the number of jumps will increase, the winner is the one who performs
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the cleanest and most expensive complexity of the combination, out of thirty girls the 12 best have already been selected, and of course, in the most risky part of figure skating, there is no such thing as heavy falls. pair duels for famous athletes, battles will unfold between old rivals, goats pair performance, quadruple throws , in training they are already clean, their twists, one good throw is not enough now, dmitry
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kozlovsky, alexander galyamov, team captains, this tournament is in the finals of the championship, the competition will also be a personal challenge, both athletes will definitely want to win, a matter of honor, we respect each other, respect our mutual work and... still, i can say for sure that alexander is, for me as well, a definite incentive to move on, to develop, to be better than i was yesterday, this absolutely healthy competition that should be present in sports. a troublemaker on the ice surface, the athlete’s reputation is ambiguous. the main thing was to get ready for today in order to perform this, well, one might say, half of the short program, now we have done it successfully, and then it will be even more interesting. social networks are full of athletes making caustic substitutions, the champion... of the twenty-second year and the winter olympics in beijing in the team tournament speaks with ridicule about the performances of foreign colleagues. i read the joke this morning, but didn’t understand anything: 199:19. what would that mean? for comparison, at the russian championship galyamov mishina received 244 and 85 points. and their
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principal rivals alexandra baykova and dmitry kozlovsky 236 and 32 points. the difference is an abyss. experts also write about the decline in the level of international competitions. four-time pulser prize nominee philip herc has counted. the tournament's cinema is the worst in the last five seasons. over the past two seasons, without russians, there were only four attempts at solo quadruples during the 12th stage of the grand prix. the jumping revolution in women's skating that began with alexandra trusova in 2018 is left behind. you asked me correctly about how this tournament looks in the context of world figure skating? well, i can answer you. you know, from the point of view of world figure skating, they have not yet reached this point before us. ideas, the broadcast of last year's jumping championship was also watched by professionals, just spectators from all over the world, and many could not help but comment, fantastic exciting competition, i really felt like i was watching sports, great job, russia, congratulations to all
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the skaters, bravo to those who fell, thanks everyone to the participants for a good performance, you gave emotions, hello skaters, the best skaters of russia, this means the best in the world, tomorrow on the air of the first concentrate of beauty and risk on ice, yana padeban alexey. it’s time for the main vocal battle, the super-project voice, already on air on channel one, season 12 starts, which means new, bright stars will be lit on the musical olympus. matic, incredibly talented, emotions at the limit, music that captivates and, of course, the main question is who to turn to for the mentors, their updated composition, who joined the ranks of the jury and how you, our viewers, can take part in the show, kristina
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levieva will tell you everything, hopes, the night is sailing and we are following it. you are ready to enjoy, be surprised, worry and root for the best voices in the country. this is already the twelfth season of everyone’s favorite vocal project, but it seems that the talent and this energy are inexhaustible. the voice for me is like an integral part of life, every year the voice for me is both a holiday and some kind of emotional exchange, some new mentoring skills appear, although it seems like it’s been so many years, 8 years, but no, appears, i discover myself, you understand that i am growing up, a city of people in love.
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success, project graduate anton belyaev , that is, each of the participants thinks: i’m the best, i’m worthy, and for them this is news, it’s, well, it’s not them, it’s kind of terrible , that is, not in the sense of how it is, it’s but i, your cherished trouble, miraculous trouble. and here’s
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the intrigue, two star mentors at once: will polina gagarina and yulia sievert be able to divide the participants between themselves? why did you come out here? you are a cruel, cunning woman, pauline! i feel it in my back, very strongly , i absorb energy like a sponge, i just break through, i understand some kind of terrible excitement, i don’t even understand how they cope with it, because you go out, you are your dream, you pour out everything soul through this music and someone judges you, but for me it is very difficult. but in order to get the mentors to press the coveted button, the participants will not have to do it easily, because over the years we have already seen and heard everything or not, the voice breaks through without even seeing the artist, this is the magic of the voice itself, it it works so much that people are already interested in watching the twelfth season... and you, our
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viewers, can also take part in the show, log in by phone number during the broadcast, answer questions, accumulate points and, of course, choose the best mentor of the season. the game is available on tvs with the hbbtv function, in the interactive player on the first channel website or in the first application for mobile devices and smart tv. we traditionally have the best viewer.
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playing for kazakhstan and occupying third place in the world rankings. in the first set the score was 1:1. blinkova managed to break and then hold her serve. as a result, 6:4 in favor of anna. in the second game, rybakina took her opponent’s serve, and she did this at a time when she was leading the games 5:4. in the third decisive set, no one wanted to concede. the girls either lost their serves or took someone else's. as a result, the fate of the match was decided in the championship tiebreaker. twenty-five years old.


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