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tv   Matador  1TV  January 19, 2024 11:20pm-12:31am MSK

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anton, welcome, welcome, anton , i hear you, we have a question for the earth, in space the lid is unscrewed to the left, as on earth, or to the right, as on earth, as on earth, to the left, thanks for the hint, control center, sana, help, oh, come on, come on, come on, come on, i'll be quick, come on. throw it to me, arin , throw it, yes, i’m afraid she’ll really fall, well, well, i’ll try, i ’ll try, come on, come on, come on, bend over, arinochka, come on, i’m hungry, i want a cheesecake, give me your cheesecake, arinochka , you have it in your pocket, arina, don’t be afraid, just believe in me, throw a cheesecake at me , i’ll catch it, open it, eat it, let’s go home, come on, but
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i can’t catch you in my hand, arichka, come on, come on, yes, so, well, arin, that’s fine, delicious , don’t you think that we are having a very energy-consuming picnic, i can’t take it anymore, arin, i want to fly again, arin, can i go home, and you fly here, you can’t, then me too. they'll put you in jail, yes, let's go, arin , please, no, let's ask if they're waiting for us on the ground, mission control center, i'm listening to you, you're not waiting for us, you're losing the cheesecakes, look, mission control center, you can fly us home, if you have completed your task , return to earth, oh, hello, but great
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earth, we are back, i report, comrade colonel, the first space picnic was a success, the task is completed, the first in history of space receives a medal from our show culinary specialist, arina shalabanova. and a backpack with sweets, arina, today you are the best, that’s all for today, in a week we will gather again on this sofa to have a hearty meal.
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laugh and admire our young guests, because they are already the best, see you at the first channel, and i ask you, do not rush to grow up, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, hello, you! see motodor. at the beginning of february, immediately after the visit of the outstanding french director jean luc gadard to moscow, we aired a short version of this program. today you can watch it in full. two or three things i know about her. this was the name of one of the most famous films.
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“i’m staying, i’ve had enough, i’m tired and want to sleep, you’re completely crazy, let’s sit down, no, on the police, i didn’t care what pisses me off, so this is that i shouldn’t think about her, but i can’t do it, do you want my gun, no
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, i’m telling you, don’t be a fool, get out of here."
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do the truth is rubbish.
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russia is no exception, the fact is that in fact the audience is not good enough , that films are not good enough for the audience, but the audience is often not good enough. for films, when you leave the auditorium, you see the light, the street, the pavement, people, a building, if you look up, you will see the sky, and no one thinks comes to say, i don’t understand, you are going your own way, also in movie.
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what's happened? never mind, never wait for the elevator.
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what is your name? elizabeth, like the queen of england? will you draw me? no, i have other plans. i just have nothing to do. ok. commissioner. like this.
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the film is like an intimate diary, notebook or monologue of a person who wants to justify himself, almost in front of an accusing camera, like in front of a lawyer or psychiatrist.
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there is no heaven, what are you doing? take, hold this thread here, have you heard about the marquis desade?
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i want to live with you, won't you come on a date, today, the stars are going out, we are in the city. madeleine,
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imagine it written like astor, modern man's cigarettes. remember, you got out of the pool and the same record was playing. remember, remember. december 5, 1965, stars.
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je ne pas plus dans tes promesses, tu m'as trop menti, tu connaissais mon adresse, tu ne m'as pas écrit, tu m'as fait trop de peine quand tout au long des jours, j'attendais que revienne. the image is closely related to justice,
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because the image is evidence, cinema gives everyone material proof. first of all, it was not we who invited gadar , it was he who invited us, the initiative came from i know that he was invited by you, the cinema museum, he, frankly speaking, would not have occurred to us now from...
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the cities and regions of our country , that everything has already been prepared, that two countries, switzerland and france, are taking part in this, that it’s not only his group, his vegafilm studio, which helps him in switzerland, my french colleagues helped create films subtitled with russian texts, and
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practically this gesture, gesture of giving continues to this day, starting... last september, i can say that godard generously pours gifts, not only to the cinema museum, since he is a child of the cinema, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films. le zero.
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ce qui a passé par le cinéma et a conservé la marque, ne peut bien, que le métier que j'ai fait à présent, une usine de rêve, j'étais un combattant, maintenant je suis un fonctionnaire. des usines comme ça, le communisme c'est épuisé à en plus de servir
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mes batties. en voyant des films au musée du cinéma, j'ai découvert des que j'avais des parents à film
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and we, goodbye, i'll take you to the carriage, don't, i don't like being seen off, what was she hiding, 3 years from my
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sister, i don’t like the city and i won’t mess around with it, you’re a loafer, that’s what i’ll tell you, i see what you ’re worried about, really, zoechka, garden , let’s get down to a professional and furious, i hope, discussion, this is a picture , which continues, on the one hand, the tradition laid down in our soviet cinema, on fittings in the films love and dove, it is very difficult to make a decision, a feat of the heroine, to agree that she loves and that she is loved, with this coleito it’s just a question of where they will go, it was such a collegial decision of our film crew, tomorrow on the first. rom kastro is a product of stellar group. this city is sometimes called
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the far eastern st. petersburg. and the main owner of these places is the majestic amur tiger. we are in khabarovsk, friends. sharaban. why sharaban and where is this ball actually and what kind of bank is it. and now no one will tell you. let's take a sample. black. hekra is cheaper than hekra snail, about 150,000 per kilogram, delicious, you can do something else, what can be made from fish skin, shoes, mittens, we roll it up like this, we put it on it until it becomes soft, you spent 3 years sewing a robe, yes, how much does it cost, was when i was talking to a bartender abroad , i said, i’m working on that five thousand dollar bill on this bridge, yes, he was so pleasantly surprised, we can admire the view, personally, i’m delighted, the life of my own, the premiere in sunday on the first. i think it's a movie
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shows only love stories. in war films we are talking about guys' love for weapons, in gangster films - about guys' love for treasures, and the new wave brought love to cinema. trifo roars, and i myself and two or three other people fell in love with cinema before we fell in love with women, money, war, before we fell in love with anything else. as for me, i honestly say that i discovered life through cinema, without love there are no films.
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to the law.
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une usine de rêve, des usines comme ça, et ensuite à une des plus belles.
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uneusine de raies. oh, sorry, divine.
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i’m finishing a central school, applied arts, strange, they don’t look like you, what they look like, i don’t know, funny guy, would you like a cigarette? no, thank you, there's no point in taking out
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your glasses, you have such beautiful eyes, there's no need to hide them, you think so, no doubt, and you live with your parents,
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in the right order, beginning, end, middle, but when i look at life, i see that in life this is everything, everything is different, in life i cannot find, so to speak.
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how does a new film begin for you, with sound, with image, with mood?
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oh fuck, please let me introduce myself, i'm a man of wealth and taste. been around for many a long long year, stole many a man soul
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and faith, yes i was round when jesus christ at his moment of doubt and pain, me damn sure the pilot washed his hands, sealed his sp to me. oh hope you guess i hung around st petersburg when i saw it was a time to change you deserve and his ministers while anastasia.
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its notions are never partly this and partly that english propaganda especially understood this in a marvelous way and put what into practice. 'only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so, it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind, for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution, then the higher development of organic life would not be conceivable at all. all the great civilizations of the past became decadent because the originally created race died out as a result of contamination of the blood.' but the most profound cause of such a decline
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is to be found in the fact that the people ignore the principle that all culture depends on men and not the reverse. in other words, in order to preserve a certain culture, the type of manhood that creates such a culture must be preserved, but such a preservation goes hand in hand with the inexorable law that it is the strongest and the best who must triumph. and you filmed rita mitsuka rolling stones, do you see something close to you in the manifestations?
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i’m not, i’m not a rock fanatic, and so to speak, i don’t have any such preferences, so to speak, but what i love is what now not really appreciated so to speak - it's free jazz.
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i think i'm rejected and hated because i'm trying to do in the movies what i don't dare do in life without experiencing it.
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but normal actions are very rare. in the debriefing area, the director of the film air , alexey german, and the performer of one of the main roles, elena lyadova. we chose the most idiotically difficult way to shoot this picture. the first plane was made with a mistake, it was just shorter, then we
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called this plane a good one. but you still got yourself stuck incredible work, you started filming in winter. and all our planes were blown away. we built it. the runway, it was flooded, i was completely dumbfounded by what you built, a rather complex structure, invented specifically for the film, lifted a plane weighing a ton, and then spun it, i can imagine how you felt during these evolutions, when you had a wing it was burning, there was oil in my face, and also smoke, in fact i was scared, they conveyed this feeling of human existence in inhuman conditions, it really resonated with me lump in throat, i believed it, podcast love. today on the first page is vodka veda, a product of stellor group. "we are not boiled, we are not raw , we will not give up, we will get angry, you
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are always very beautiful, they brought me two females, i was furious, there are few guys, but loudly, he is not there, he is not there, he ran away, you have some kind of there’s probably a special finger there, no, i can screw it for you, screw it, what does he call it”? girls who play checkers, checkers players, i think it all started out not bad , now it’s going to end badly, best of all, new season, sunday on the first, you eat buns, very rarely, and if my mother is kind, she can allow it once a week.
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between the two tortures we had big political disputes, he believed that it was stupid to resist, since i do not have my own ideals, and like any self-respecting revolutionary organization, they tried to convey to me their doctrine, the french also torture, the prisoners are waiting for eight opportunities to escape , that is, to receive a machine gun burst in the back. the newcomer was thinking about something completely different. holidays britannia, bike ride with a cute
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girl. why not give them this phone number? number? out of dignity, i no longer know what it is. give me their phone number. the outstanding american film director kazan wrote. “this is a person who is afraid to look directly into his own eyes, a person who has difficulty understanding himself, he does not know how to express his real feelings, he plays with them the same way he plays with violence, this is a very jealous person and very cruel, this playing with yourself, around
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yourself . bon bah c'est un gros défaut je crois, mais comme je ne veux pas faire de psychanalyse, je ne pense pas que je guérirai, the question of what i love and what i don’t love about myself? i would probably answer that i probably don’t love myself enough, so we won’t engage in psychoanalysis here, but this is insufficient narcissism, probably this is a big drawback, voir du monde, je viens même, je fais des centaines de kilomètres avec mon argent pour voir du monde parce que je suis très seul, i love it when a lot of people, when i see a lot of people, i traveled hundreds of kilometers to come here, paying for my ticket, i did it because i wanted to see people, and i want
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to see people, alone. then i'll take a plane, again 3.00 km to return.
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cinema is just a means of communication - a piece of film, a video film or an electrical wave - it is a piece of a human being in a certain form.
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i work, i work, yeah, what's the difference, love, work, what's the difference, call me later.
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i don't know why people make movies, maybe to make a living, but then why they do this particular type of art, for myself personally i found an explanation, i make films to show my image.
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russian art and russian history, as
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you can understand, have always interested you, but why?
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to do this, friends sometimes tell me, listen, but still, cinema is not life, but cinema can sometimes replace it, like photography is like a memory, besides, i don’t make such a big difference between
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cinema and life, i would even say that films help me live. please forgive me for thursday, but can’t we see each other more often, what do you say?
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i think i know him, don’t look, let’s get away. i had time to think. i’m not dying, my life hasn’t
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passed before my eyes, i’m not dying, nothing happened to me, what are you looking at, this doesn’t concern us anymore, you’re going, sisile. they say that people don’t understand my films, so what, i don’t understand them myself.
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histoire du cinéma, histoire du cinéma, actualité de l'histoire , histoire des actualité, histoire du cinéma, histoire du cinéma, histoire du cinéma, actualité de l'histoire, histoire des actualités, histoire du cinéma, histoire du cinéma, histoire du cinéma, actualité de l'histoire, histoire des actualités, histoire du cinéma, histoire.
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hello everyone, on the first channel of the podcast, everyone wants to fly, and i am the host of this podcast, leonid yakubovich, today, my friends, you and i will not fly anywhere, we are in...
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or this is what: i was somewhat wary, when i started watching the film, because i thought it would be another action movie with shooters, bullets, burning in the cockpit, with wild screams and so on, you somehow moved away from this and showed, perhaps, perhaps the most difficult part of this life on earth. leningrad in the siege, female pilots and female technicians must show training, courage and self-sacrifice, not only pilots, but also technicians, they need to give birth, braid their hair, but they are here, masha, why do you need war, you will live richly, what do you mean, why, how many people ours are dying. why are you sending
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the girls, they are not ready yet, i would give them time to master, i will give you an order, protect the road, with any sleep, why didn’t you kill the german, well , i can’t live, go into the clouds, why do you dream about dancing, as soon as i go out on stage alone, zhenya, i still need love. could you fall in love with me? it's okay, let's attack! attack! but to love your homeland is death to go, what is more important , a person’s homeland, homeland, isn’t that the case with you, girls, we beat the germans, i shot them down, you
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shot them down, you don’t believe us at all, or you me you're sorry, please, my little one, please, fly, fly, fly, fly, airplane, fly, look how the buildings are flying, so it's not all in vain, let's fly somewhere and disappear, lena, i... so that there are no cracks everything was sealed,
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they were closed with screwdrivers, they were raised to a height of probably 9-8 meters, on such a specialized crane, this simulator. was shaking, the group was below, in fact i was scared, i understood that if something wrong happened, the guys wouldn’t make it and i wouldn’t be able to break out this window, definitely not i’ll jump out, it was scary, the film you already saw in the cockpit of the plane, the wing was on fire, everything was shown in japan, and the japanese watched a film about russian pilots, about russians in general ... well, in my opinion it’s wonderful, that is, they all empathized, watched without actually breathing, they received the film very emotionally, and after the screening there were full halls when they
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asked questions, that is, it seems to me very good, that is, very, don’t you think that behind all the events that have happened since 1945.. there were a huge number of them, the topic of the great patriotic war is somewhat erased from memory, but you took up this, why? well, for me it doesn’t disappear , for me it exists emotionally, i remember my deceased grandfather, my whole family fought, my grandmother and my little mother crossed the front line, hid from the germans, that is, it lives in me and ... empathy lives and self-identification with the country, with the family, with the common destiny, it is in me, and i just often think about it, so for me it is absolutely such a crystalline emotional, important component of life,
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there were three women's regiments 586 58.


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