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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 20, 2024 1:15am-2:01am MSK

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fixing coursework, well, listen , well, we still know that there are a certain number of people who are all over the world who study just to get this piece of paper, they really have no desire or any other motivation to submit all these papers in written form, and this is a huge market that has served them all their lives, it is collapsing before our eyes, because now an algorithm can write the same paper only for free. and the conditional taxi driver will be left without work, but the new city is not there i know when it’s very small, new, there in enopolis, for example, there are already unmanned taxis running around and actually transporting people ; there’s a tiny compact city, i don’t know , there’s a dozen and a half streets and everything is relatively easy and simple; in a city that’s already on the scale of a million people, everything is an order of magnitude more complicated, and then stories begin there. for example, just about replacing
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cars, the number of autonomous cars that will replace taxi drivers, well, there are 3.5 of them in the whole country, but legal problems, financial problems, they are wildly expensive, there are a lot of unresolved ones, that is, even when these problems will have already been decided, it will still take us 25-30 years until mass unmanned taxis actually appear. so this means that no one will leave the current taxi driver without work, famous godparents and their godchildren met in our studio, i am a very responsible person, one of my goddaughters’ mother died, and i immediately said that i am taking you to my place live home, i know that you are also godmother several times, five, the oldest is 16 years old, the youngest is a year old, we rented a wall together, on alexander mikhailovich wrote me solemnly.
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wait for the temple, there is an answer to questions that are sometimes difficult to formulate , my son’s heart stopped, we lost him and katya saved me, katya tells me: be a godmother, for me it was such a gift, we have the best godmother light, tomorrow after the program , we invite you to become thick-fifted penzyaks, congratulations sasha. pindyak, pindyak,
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in this room there is a most valuable thing, the brush of the artist mikhail lermantov himself, here all the water comes from several sources , clean, tasty, cold, since i caught it, let me marinate it, the spice is kept secret, we cook 70% of the dishes in ovens, we prepare vinaigrette, bake vegetables in the oven, smoke it all in a grill , and i decided to take herbs, various berries, prepare this... uzvart with the addition of raspberry syrup, i will have lamb lula here, great, so let's get started, let's go, premiere, cooks on wheels, on sunday on the first, with you podcast schrödinger's cat, my guest andrey sebrant, and we are talking about artificial intelligence, about neural networks and how they will change our world, so if we take...
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professions such as a taxi driver, a policeman, that is , those that are connected with people, does the question of ethical intelligence arise? , moral intelligence, because there are different situations , you know, here again humanity, many times it has encountered the fact that technology poses questions that had not had to be solved before, here is a big creative question, for example, posed by sound recording technology, almost a century ago around the thirties... in the 20th century there was such a story that finally normal sound recordings appeared, working with good quality, sound recording, sound reproducing devices, and what was much worse for musicians, a sound track appeared in films, and before that musicians, en masse, for example, sitting in cinemas providing what we now call a film soundtrack, so they worked with live sound, arose... a powerful
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movement against what was called a very good evil word , canned music, canned music cannot exist, this is an attack on... culture, because music for centuries, millennia, in fact, is something that is produced in real time by a living human being, just like music can be preserved, then this can can somehow be opened and played , in general, we found a solution, oddly enough, because live music has been preserved, that’s a different story, you can put on a good one, i don’t know, turn on a good recording on your smartphone, or you can go to a concert hall and listen to live music as before. that is, it will be approximately the same same history, it’s not that everything will be pushed out, but moral problems will force one to refuse , solutions will be found, in some situations, but there will definitely be a person, well, for example, the simplest frontal solution, which in any case, when some kind of solution, concerning
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a person, an algorithm was adopted, the appeal is obliged to consider only the person, yeah, well, for example, this is the simplest logical move, for example, well, this is if we are talking about the legal system. not only not only look, there are a lot of complaints that oh, but what about loans, more and more in financial in the sphere of decision making are made by complex algorithms, but this algorithm, either it is simply poorly written, or it was taught in the wrong way, it can begin, well, for example, to deprive some groups of people of these same financial benefits, those same loans, what to do with this, retrain the algorithm, carefully monitor each time, or in fact more...
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here the bank benefits, those people who previously considered the entire flow will now consider the flow of those who were dissatisfied that they were not given a loan, and what will be with teachers, they will too a rare exotic profession , but no, a teacher is actually about something else, a teacher is not about transferring knowledge, a teacher is about, if we are to transfer something, then life experience, it is, first of all, really, forgive the big words, school life, here i’m like... just completely in favor of introducing stories with all sorts of algorithms as much as possible, because it sounds nice that the teacher should think about every textbook, and the teacher sits, fills out endless forms and checks homework , this exact algorithm can do better
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teacher, freeing him up for a much more human, more emotional, deeper interaction with students, often the teacher, as a person who once again...
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tells even convincingly, even with examples, will lose to someone who can evaluate the student’s emotions, his own emotions, absolutely right, that is, all these technologies, they are not so much a killer of the profession, but they are very interesting modifiers, and as we know, well, from the experience of even previous computerization,
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digital transformation, not everyone will survive this, true, someone will learn and become a much stronger teacher. there as a manager, someone else, someone will be forced to look for another profession, about the very human sphere, about interpersonal relationships, what will happen to them, let’s start by getting acquainted. after all, for many, many centuries there were whole rituals for a young man to meet girls on the contrary, balls, village gatherings, discos, now everything will not be russia delax, by the way, about the disappeared professions, matchmaker, as a fairly widespread profession, was still there 100 years ago, in general - then just disappeared disappeared in the cities, other dating channels appeared there, well, dating services, well , the world network, smart ones... will be able to find me an ideal match from the 8 billion remaining people? no, i don’t need it, i have a wife. well, listen,
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this will always depend on whether you want it? because now, before any neural network algorithms, in general this is a fairly massive service on the internet. yes, but there are quite a few there so far, as i understand it, there are no networks, what about non-renewed networks, none yet, now they will appear, but people will not change because of this, some people just want to come, i don't know, same bar on friday. and wait until his heart skips a beat, looking at this other person, someone will say , well, the computer can do better than me, many now think that the computer will find me better, because at least he has a richer choice, then i, let him give me an option, then i’ll swipe there to figure out which option will be useful, but if neural network technologies develop here, is it possible that you are ivan ivanov, we analyzed your entire past, all your you need thoughts too.
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it’s written, don’t tell me where you actually live, everything is written on the computer
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, after all, about interpersonal relationships, to predict the success of a couple, as far as it can , in the same way as it is now known that those people who were selected because these services for many, many years, there is a large percentage of couples among those who have accessed this service whose stability is better than the average time before divorce in the country, for example, the following statistics: there have been there for about 15 years already, so well, there seems to be an opportunity there, i have personal experience, i met my wife on a creepy website, i think i don’t even remember its name, there was something with pink angels, we live together, but the neural network didn’t help me choose, once again, this means that even with those weak algorithms, there were still these so-called matching algorithms, which were established according to a very formal set of criteria, suitable, not suitable, although...
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which did not believe in themselves so much, but they believed very much that well, the computer, it's a lot knows, he is smart, he will help you find your match, and there were people who, knowing about the existence of these services, still searched in what seemed to them the usual, face-to-face way, so it will also continue, from what you have this algorithm, which, by the way, already worked well, will work even better, someone will go there, someone will still believe in this... that i don’t know, i ’ll meet my girlfriend there, just one day, looking at
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the same sunset as me on the seashore, and we, holding hands, will leave this shore and be live happily ever after, those people who believe like that, they still won’t go to the most ideal algorithm, well, it has different principles, i’m her, she’s me, just like that, how everything is already intertwined, you know, already a husband, with whom they lived together for half a century, died in her arms, we once told each other that the most unfortunate would be the person who... will get after leaving, so carefully we immediately dropped this topic. people's artist of russia svetlana nemalyaeva admits that after the departure of her beloved husband alexander larev, she herself did not want to live, how... her mother once lost interest in life after burying her father. the worst tragedy in life is the passing of my mother, because she did everything to leave after the death of her father. she couldn't survive it. who saved nemalyaeva from fatal thoughts? all this was very difficult to go through, because there was no moment not connected with him, everything was with him. our
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exclusive, happy memories and bitter confessions of svetlana nemolyaeva. we forgave each other everything. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first day, you are the only one with me, and we are husband and wife, and you? and we, goodbye, i'll take you to the carriage. yes , i don’t like it when people accompany me, what have i been hiding, 3 years from my sister, i don’t like the city and i won’t play around in it, you’re a quitter, that’s what i ’ll tell you, i see what you’re worried about, well , really, zoechka, vegetable garden, let's begin a professional and furious, i hope
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, discussion, this is a picture that continues , on the one hand, the tradition established in our soviet cinema,
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the century when there is a picture from the right angle, at the right moment, chosen from a series and a photograph, one photo which is everything shows the world how this dog, which a policeman sets on a child, if you look further, it’s a living example from the story of martin lucer king, and if you look at the whole series shot by a photographer, it turns out that the dog is very clearly visible. .. twitched, and the policeman , on the contrary, took her away, smiled at the child, sorry, she’s a little tavos, but it was necessary to show that the dog rushed, that the police are setting dogs on people and...
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now you’re just making a fake, using your point of view in this way convey, you this quality. in general, it has become easier to propagandize, yes, yes, yes, that’s exactly what i ’m talking about, that this is a powerful tool, all these modern technological fakes , on the one hand , are a powerful tool, on the other hand, i have, perhaps, a naive hope that precisely because of its accessibility and now prevalence, it will develop some kind of immunity, that not every photo should be immediately believed, even if it evokes an emotional response, because it is far from a fact that this photo is true. well, that is, life in the era victorious artificial intelligence requires empathy, motivation, critical thinking, so as not to become not only a victim of propaganda, but in everyday life, so that we are not convinced to buy
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something that we do not want to buy, that is, a person of the future, living next to neural networks, he is so critical , meaningful, empathic , right, yes, yes, including because he seems to have more time to develop all these very human... qualities that you just listed, because some routine tasks, he can entrust everything that i have a deep belief, just like many of my colleagues, that first of all it is necessary to automate there, if necessary with the help of neural networks, if not, by other means, everything boring, routine, repetitive, leave time for that , in order to develop in yourself these unique human properties that you just listed, so i think that...
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the task is to find a file that has these signs, that it was saved from one of the messengers, that it happened somewhere- then 7 -14 days ago, and that that user, from
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whose name this came in the messenger is called vasya or his nickname is connected with vasya, solving this in the usual algorithmic ways will kill you, so no modern system can solve this, the neural network search system for it is an absolutely ordinary problem, it’s just... an accident, that is, here’s a story about the fact that you will have tips when writing letters that will automatically pop up when it’s a routine letter where you have to politely say no, but unfortunately you can’t write, well, like people still do people get offended for a long time when you simply answer in response to such a cart, in a word, no, that’s it, that’s the point , so you should write at least a paragraph, but it’s a pity to waste your time on this paragraph, answer with a template, but he knows that this is a template, so how -it’s bad, so let it be... a unique response paragraph, which we have nothing to do with, even if rossite is doing this, so all this is at the level of that familiar digital environment, so that we don’t need to buy some
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new super-expensive computer. or there is a super expensive smartphone that needs to be installed some kind of program, no, this is all little by little in this very digital environment in which we live, it will be introduced into its different places, suddenly it turns out that you are starting to talk to a pike, which, at your command , can do a lot of things, well, if you sum up your forecast by compressing it, as some neural networks do, into a short thesis, a lot of routine operations will go away for neural citizens.
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emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the ability to feel, the ability to interact with other people, and maybe next year the keyword will be some kind of psychology or empathy, maybe great, i think we’ll move somewhere there. thank you very much, thank you very much to those who watched and listened to us. you see, evgeny vladimirovich, the city is safe and our charges are quite
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adequate. condition, it’s a joke , yes, we didn’t complete their treatment, so what, they ’ll take pills at home, you write them prescriptions on pieces of paper, you don’t understand, these are mentally ill people, we have to watch them, evgenia vladimirovich, of course you promising scientist, easily solve the problem i i myself, well, i can’t decide, i have two apples, and there are a lot more mouths on them, how can i feed them? when i only have money for two apples, and there’s no need to gobble up so much that there are only two left from a carload of apples , don’t mind your own business, moron, go straight to the personnel department, i’ll give you a wolf ticket, i won’t write it on my own , here are my patients, you’re no longer in trouble, you won’t be with your brother, you ’ll be fighting fools after fools, don’t worry, i’m used to shit, hello,
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you think that there isn’t, of course, there are advantages always, firstly, you will rest, calmly study your book, by the way, what is it about, in the end, you will sort out this dacha, but no one forbids you to teach, you will still communicate with your psychos, but even as an orderly , well, it’s even better, you have me.
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you are very lucky, timofeeva. just a couple more minutes, i would have finished my tea, put on my jacket and gone to work, well, you see, evgenia vladimirovich, i’m already starting to wonder how you even dragged yourself into this wilderness, deaf, and i have an suv, i noticed, it’s a pity that i rarely saw him near our university, well, you’re just so cool,
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evgeniy vladimirovich, not really. it’s true, you’re dealing with these crazy people and - with the students, this is all timofeeva, what are you trying to achieve, for something in psychology, i can’t help you with anything, right? sergen vladimirovich, in short, i have closed all my tails, closed them, you are the only one left with me, so come on, evgenia vladimirovich, kicks me out, evgeniy vladimirov, timofeeva, how do you imagine this, but here you are, you and they didn’t go to my lectures for a year, and then they decided to come tell me everything, yeah, show me what to show timofey, that’s it, evgeny vladimirovich, aren’t you crazy? hello, now it’s clear why your husband didn’t come , the horoscope is an accurate thing, today is a day of bright impressions for him, there were no impressions, well, yes, i just started,
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hello, i actually thought that he was already divorced, you see, slavic , you don’t even look like a man who has a wife, especially since you’re drinking again, let’s say i’m drinking, but i’m going through a difficult period, we haven’t even talked. i am like talk to you when you're lying there all the time looking at the ceiling, because i 'm tired of everything, that i'm tired of everything, but can i go, go timofeeva, goodbye, that's how you learn, so come back, yeah, life is a strange thing, the girl showed everything, but didn’t receive the test, if so, i’ll lie in this dacha until we talk, or the court will divorce us, especially since i have a fever, slavsky, is it good to pull the tires? we'll talk or go to court, daughter, don't worry, we 'll smoke him out of here, for a day, two, three, he'll lie there without food, without water, no need to mumble, sentences with terrorists are prohibited, i prepared for myself for
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a rainy day, but your rainy day will be without enlightenment, say, we need to start all over again. i started writing a book, what is it about, it’s stupid to lie on the verge of starvation, and that nothing can be changed, well, just accept it,
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but can you also add a garland of piss? i can, but why? it will look like our city park, alena and i met there, it’s a beautiful place, i think you’ll swear, i will, my dear, but without it, that’s for me. launder, i'll tell my wife i wanted to do something nice, look, she ’ll come, i’ll close her eyes, then i’ll let her in, i’ll open them, she’ll see, she’ll like it, she
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’ll pat me on the head, will you, and yes? law of nature, you’re on duty this week, you don’t know, i’m uncle lesh, i’m in trouble, i’m getting a divorce, well, you’ll get a divorce, and what are you going to do? i’ll write a book, of course, how could i not have guessed right away,
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here’s the tiger, an antelope friend of mine told me about you an hour ago, are you eating me? yes, yes, i almost forgot about you, tamara vasilievna. it’s okay, give me a couple of days, i ’ll decide everything, so come here.
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yes, hello, it’s late, yes, i was already asleep, i ’m talking about the book, the one you didn’t write, i wrote it, i just didn’t talk about it in front of your mother, but congratulations. you're angry, alena, alena
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, yes, i'm dreaming, i'm sorry, what did you want, i need your help, it's just that the theoretical part of my book is ready, and i, as a scientist, have to test the theory in practice, what's the point? resolving conflict in the family, you and i are no longer family. listen, you want an amicable divorce without going to court, right? come tomorrow, i'll explain everything. let me at least stay with the book, since i've lost you. i need to think.
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what about this time without naked girls? come on, stop it, you understand that this is a stupid trick? definitely, so what? i don't have much time, what should i do? have dinner with me, seven times. are you sick, or what? seven, i ’ll go straight to the tax office, you want to please your mother, right? i want to please myself, okay? you don’t understand, this is a new word in conflict management, where are we going to have dinner? in our place, at this dacha? this is not our place, this is where you are hiding? what again? got a cat? yes, you know that i have allergies, well, not that... he started it, the tiger came on his own, uh-huh, he doesn’t let me die
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alone, by the way, unlike i’m about to cry, remove this source of allergens , let’s go, where will i remove it, i don’t know where if you want, he’s used to, like you, that everything is done for you, the experiment is more like a cheap student tackle, so, come on, remind me what your method is, the method is unique, but i warn you that if you ... well, tell me already, professor, we’ll spend today’s dinner with our eyes closed, what’s this even for? it’s often very difficult for people to reconcile right away, that’s because the image of the offender appears before their eyes, this happened to you, you go to ask for forgiveness, to apologize, and before your eyes is my gun, the image of the offender, and you put off reconciliation until later, here i am i look at you and understand. then the opportunity for us to reconcile is getting further and further, let
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’s start already, it’s 8 pm, i set the alarm for 10 pm, until that time we can’t take off the bandages under any circumstances, come on already, and already. it seems or are you trying to breathe erotically? a no, you're puffing in an erotic film, but i'm not puffing, i'm puffing, but i'm not puffing! damn, you're puffing , come on, that's it, that's it, let's sit down, why are you touching me, then let you go there, and i, uh, yeah, but everything has to be fair, uh, whatever you say, professor, the bandage can't be removed under any circumstances circumstances, but i won’t take off the question for anything, uh, but i have to
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talk to you, well, it’s not necessary, but i think it would be right, but that is , it’s not necessary, well, no, the whole thing... the topic is based on communication in different conditions, with different conditions, under different circumstances. you are eating? yes, yes, you can eat, great, i can look after you, do you want it? and, of course, you ’re independent with us, i’ll live on my own, i’ll earn money on my own, i’ll divorce my husband on my own. here, you found the salad, pass it to me. but you’re silent , i understand, you decided to beat me with my own weapon, yes, you found a loophole, of course, be silent, but remember and tell the one who comes after me, quietly, quietly, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i said something wrong,
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i agree , just somehow, didn’t let me prove myself as a man, or something, hey, hey, hey, just don’t throw anything, you hear me, i’ve calmed down. you yourself have always said that one action is worth a thousand words, so i want to kiss you, your silence is a sign of consent, right? what the hell is this? where is my phone? wait, you listened to music the whole time and didn't listen to me? you yourself said that i don’t have to talk to you. where is my phone? i don't know. are you
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crazy? hey, i forbade throwing. when did you say this? i listened, that means i can throw myself, ah, it hurts,
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you really crushed him, you killed him, i didn’t want to, you killed my hat, you killed mine hats.


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