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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  January 20, 2024 6:00am-9:01am MSK

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reads books, let's see how the dynamics are, one will come 30 years old, he will have amazing dynamics, he is there, well , there are such cases, for example, when it’s true, a scientist moves from one field to another, yes, yes, that’s understandable, there he is sergei sergeevich kharuzhiy, who was a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, and he began to study philosophical, there religious and philosophical issues, achieved, so to speak, a lot of things, apparently, in general, the brains , if analysis, systematization are organized on it, on the other hand there is unconditional such hysteresis. then from there, mathematics, physics , in general, a biologist, you can teach him biological sciences, but on the other side, it works much worse, it’s true, i have not seen examples of a person coming there at the age of 50 and starting to do science, and moreover , from this area of ​​chemistry, physics, biology, i’ll say now, approximately, well, 90% of all nobel laureates and nobel prizes were received by people, this was.
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it is advisable to help as much as possible to that very student, yes, about whom you speak with such love today you tell him so that he, well, so that he already gets his bearings, yes, that if this is his, then it is necessary that he by this time or even earlier, here are the first tests as early as possible, because it is inherent in a person, and if you slowly reveal what is hidden, he can be not only a scientist, his vocation is a pilot, this is also a vocation.
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no, well, you just see here, it was also said here, it’s clear that this is there, i don’t know, the formula for happiness, yes, when you do what you love, it works out for you, but for me, for example, look, i had to another area, yes, but i had to somehow try to delicately explain to people that what they think are poems, their production has nothing to do with poetry, the most difficult, the most unloved, yes, as an editor i was always looking for forms of that , we are ultimately in our...
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that time and life itself will put these in their places, well, of course, if you go through a closed door there a dozen times, well, at some point the person himself will understand, i try to be as gentle as possible, but such situations happen all the time, well, in general, not only in science, but this is maybe it’s good when a person himself understands when this is a wildly wild disease, well , the fact is that in our field, if you are, well , kind of ineffective, if you do work there that is uninteresting for the scientific community.
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that either you are a genius who is simply ahead of his time by a decade, yes, that is, you are doing work that is incomprehensible to others, it cannot be appreciated, each of us has found ourselves in such a situation. one way or another, here - but in general , the work that you do can be appreciated by your colleagues, the professional community, and if there is no interest in your work at all, then you simply won’t have money, because understand, you say the profession of a scientist, well, that’s the way it works in our world, that you don’t have a fixed salary, you live from grant to grant , i really love carpenters, i do carpentry myself and how...
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of course, yes, but you have to do something somehow, there is no grant, that’s it, your life is the law, grants there are 3-5 years, if you’re good you have worked for this time, you have results, you submit to us, these are the intervals your whole life is built, by and large it can be interrupted at any moment if you are now all pouring into science, no, no, no, no, i want to say that this is why it is a very difficult, well, sport, very difficult, yes, and there they still know each other in your area, right? that is, there will be no news there; if a person screws up an experiment, everyone will know that he screwed it up. you can find all podcasts of the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel nikita yurievich onisimov, egor borisovich prokharchuk, i’m vladimir ligoido, we gathered our thoughts on
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the topic of science and education. let's continue. popularization of science, how important is it today, what trajectories should it follow? yes, we have a knowledge society there, right? appeared, which means that she is trying to do just that, education, but also naturally science, yes, we have wonderful, absolutely people, there is a mathematician sovateev, tatyanavna chernigovskaya, a neurophysiologist, yes, this is their their speeches, lectures, collect a huge number of views there and so on, is it more about science, or is it more about, so to speak, the broad masses and about, so to speak, well somehow some kind of maintenance of the level and prestige of science , among other things. what is the value of all this and is it necessary to develop it in any way? i have a lot of questions at once. well, you know, firstly, of course, there are passionaries who, being scientists, can popularize. on the other hand, there are people who know how to
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popularize professionally. and it’s better that it was an interdisciplinary team, because then it seems to me that we will reach the result faster. and so what, i head the moscow society of knowledge and i understand that the task of that knowledge society is now much more complex, the volume of information is such that separating information that is worth showing and that which is not worth it, because it can be somewhat anti-scientific, this is a separate task, and of course we we are grateful to those who, being scientists, find time besides... to get up in the morning and do science until late at night, and also talk about the profession, so much so that people also want to continue to engage in this profession, but this is still passionarity person, i can’t say that this is now an existing profession, a popularizer of science, yeah
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, i don’t know such a profession, but it is needed, we need those who popularize science, well, the problem is that now society has come to the point the moment when he has to solve a lot of ethical issues, artificial intelligence, when you start talking to society and asking it, what does society think about human cloning, about genome editing, about the use of artificial intelligence, about using smartphone data for medical records, there are a lot, a lot of others, then to all these questions... society, but we don’t understand anything, we don’t know anything about it, we don’t understand how genome editing differs from genome sequencing, these words we are not familiar, yes, we do not understand what artificial intelligence is, and how it differs from a quadratic equation, we do not understand how
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personal data from a smartphone differs from a medical record, when you are in society, and these can be, well, those people who pass laws, politicians, yes, there are probably journalist, well, well, in general, who, who is this society, which, in general, even such people conduct opinion polls, you go, sun.
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i completely agree that this is a very serious question, yes, and , probably, of course, it will not be entirely true if these decisions are made there or dictated by the scientists themselves, yes, that is, the formulation of the question is accepted, yes, on the one hand, on the other hand, or on any side, i roughly understand how much i’m not educated, yes, but if we talk about some bio problems related to genetics, if yegor borisovich wants to fool me, he will always fool me and that i will end up with... well, this is not so, if there is such a task, that is, you think that there is, relatively speaking, that popularization can
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lead us to the point when society is sufficiently, so to speak, educated to understand, i believe that the person who can explain what he is, what bazonkhs are, relatively speaking, he can bring to the point where you can make a binary decision, yes or no, it's the same in genetics, i can bring it up problem, bring it to you, to that state. this is a question that really needs a scientific assessment, and we immediately began
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to talk about it calmly, although this is also a very serious science, so it may be the cost of the apparatus that is needed, that is , in fact, the value of social sciences is not necessary underestimate, it seems to me, our conversation is an example of what you need to be able to hear and scientists who are engaged in the humanities social sciences, here is research, for example, in the field of history and qualitative... historical science is much more important than our ideas about history formed on the basis of some personal experience. absolutely true, i categorically agree, and there are a lot of such examples, moreover, now there is a junction between the humanities and natural sciences, this is a separate story, but of course, when you start in the same story from a certain myth that exists in your family, you you are certainly under the influence of this myth, and there are many such examples.
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the history of the soviet union has shown that they are, of course, disloyal, yes, and this is a question for social sciences, how to educate in general, that the mission of the university is only technocratic, the university is a place where we only get knowledge about science, about the laws of thermodynamics or the laws of social development, or where everything is.
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i thought, but i was very interested, i know, i want to ask you, this in no way follows from the conversation that took place, but it is still connected with my original idea, i’m just very interested, it’s clear that a... one of the forms of popularizing science is, say, a story about some scientist in the form, be it in the form of a movie, a book, and so on, well, imagine that you need to make a decision, or just yes, if there was an opportunity or if you were asked, what kind of scientist was it in your opinion ? it would be great to make a film, but a good film that would help us,
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so to speak, including solving the problems we talked about today, that’s what your answer would be, nikita, well, i graduated from lumanosov university, i... about lomonosov, about lomonosov, remember, there was a wonderful film by mikhail lomonosov, by the way, to say, every time i watched it three times, and even in my opinion , having graduated from graduate school, i wanted to get up and go there, that means on foot somewhere, so to speak, i really didn’t understand where, because already was, so to speak, in moscow we didn’t feel him enough as a scientist from there , it was precisely for the popularization of science that you said, so i would like lomanosov to become a scientist, thank you, yegor borievich, and i would make a film about myself, i would. well, that is, i would kind of make a wonderful wonderful movie out of this, which means, because i don’t know much from other scientists, i don’t know much , yes, that is, it would be difficult for me to show these gears that affect their destiny, their lives, their decisions, but i have a lot of interesting stories, this is an honest answer,
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maybe be based on the results of our conversation and receive an appropriate offer, thank you very much dear. and today we gathered our thoughts on the topic of science and everything connected with this wonderful, fascinating and interesting world. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with the first channel, irina murmosova is with you on the calendar january 20 , saturday, it’s great that you start this january weekend with us, wake up soon, there’s a lot of interesting things ahead, we ’ll go down the snow slides. we’ll find out what ’s more interesting and fun to ride, and we’ll also explain why hockey is suitable for all ages. let's go to crimea. today the republic celebrates its birthday, of course, let's cook something delicious, make sure that spring is not just close, but it is always with us, well, a simple but effective warm-up will invigorate us right now. good morning, would you like
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always stay slim, you see. a healthy lifestyle, and even more often jumping. intense movements improve metabolism and prevent you from gaining extra pounds. feet wider than shoulders, arms out to the sides, palms down. we jump to join our legs, cross our arms in front of us, and bend our elbows. in the same way , we jump back to the starting position. we alternate the position of our hands and move without stopping. i suggest additionally working the muscles of the inner thighs. now we will cross our legs in the lid like this. we return to the starting position and let's continue. exercise will help burn extra
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calories, and if you do it regularly, you will strengthen your legs, arms and even. heart muscle , that’s how much benefit we have, we work, winter has covered its equator with snow, but we, looking towards spring, keep our finger on the pulse of the seasons, however, we are gradually starting to get tired of all this snow and blizzards, we want more sun, birdsong, ringing bells , the murmuring of streams, however, there are places where spring always lives, and these are not some kilometers away from us, everything is much closer, spring is always... yes in soul. 6 weeks until spring: six ways to live it with pleasure. even if you already want light and warmth, and not all this. the first point from irina ryzhova is to bask in activities. we ran up the hill, everyone
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had fun, everyone had a great time. we ourselves are filled with new emotions. it seems to me that when we just sit, we begin to age. somehow being bored is wrong. point two from her husband, yuri volkov. he is always ready to push the family to do something new. only me not so much. this time to proper nutrition. the main winter ingredient is liver cod. just a teaspoon replenishes the daily requirement of vitamin d, which we now lack so much. and a jar costs only 100 rubles. add eggs, rice and of course onions. another vitamin ingredient. greenery. in itself it pleases the eye, because it is green on a white background, delicious, hence the power to ride again and rise again for... the sixteenth time. the third way is to rush to spring with the pleasure of egor. he, like dad, loves to cook only sweets, gingerbread with icing. it is in cold weather
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they seem to be the tastiest of the year. mom, meanwhile, is cooking candles. the fourth winter entertainment of the volkov family. coconut wax is the most harmless. heat in a water bath, add flavoring up to 15%, pour into cups. life hack: if you use a wooden wick when burning, it’s like a comb. will broadcast, at cost , such candles are about three times cheaper than store-bought ones, take note. the fifth way is to enjoy winter from nastya volkova: comfort, all these soft pajamas, warm slippers, when else to wear them, january, by the way, it’s the coldest month of the year, and if you also brew hot cocoa, the healthier thing is that without additives, from 100% cocoa beans, i, to be honest, can’t imagine how winter can get boring, but if it gets boring, then... take more blankets, sit in the room, turn on a good movie and wait for spring. the sixth winter activity of wolves is to collect cones and spruce needles and then make jam from them to take
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with them to the hill to make vitamin tea. with these activities we will quickly get home until spring! maria kuskov, dmitry roshkov, rostislav kolisnikov, dmitry gordienko. first channel. on the calendar, january 20, people called this day the winter season, they said that it gives the news of spring, how this message is transmitted from under such snowdrifts, it will be interesting to observe today, but not only will we be engaged in nature this weekend, what else will our people tell astrologers? both of these weekends are great guys, good-natured, honest, open, they know how to make friends, and they won’t be called lazy. "tomorrow, however, is a little restless, it’s boring for him to study for a long time one thing, but he is friendly with technology and all sorts of gadgets, he thinks quickly, and if you need to invent something, it’s also for him.
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today’s day is not so fast, but persistent , diligent in economics, and at the same time handy, the best friend of everyone who makes something, and he knows how to count money, if you’re going shopping, take him with you, and these days he’s also pretty good at fixing what is broken and connecting what is broken. povny, don’t you need their help? we are talking not only about material objects, but about such subtle matter as good relationships. if you are with you quarreled with someone, and now you regret it, you can fix it. but what the stars do not advise is arguing, especially with older relatives. for taurus , something they were counting on might not happen, someone will forget about the promise they made to you, some plans will be disrupted , or something simply won’t work out. go through this calmly, and what will be pleasant is the opportunity to buy or... sell something at a profit from the twins. normal and a little lazy weekend, don’t get involved in what doesn’t concern you, take care of yourself, pay attention, loved ones, everything will be fine, by the way, how
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about an outing with the whole family? a good weekend for crayfish, when everything works out in moderation, just be careful with any complex, capricious equipment, tomorrow get ready to help one of your friends or relatives, and they might also invite you somewhere, everything is not bad for the lions, perhaps there are indeed calls. .. and messages related to work, but this can wait until monday, in the evening or tomorrow some kind of trip is not excluded, if you get behind the wheel, be careful, something will help virgos these days to establish, strengthen, strengthen, make your life easier and more convenient, unplanned expenses are possible, but they will not ruin you, single virgos, you definitely have a chance this weekend, libra will be able to enlist someone’s support, find new allies with someone will truly make friends, libra men, if you can’t decide to propose marriage, act today. scorpios have exactly the weekend when everything goes as planned. the main thing is, do not believe
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rumors and generally do not rush to believe everyone’s word for it. and tomorrow seems to want you something to please and pleasantly surprise. everyday life can be overwhelming for sagittarius. most likely, you will have to do something that you have been putting off for a long time, or that you never got around to. the luminaries hint that if you connect your family, everything will be fine. you can’t finish today, and tomorrow you can all go out together to some interesting event, there , by the way, you can meet one of the capricorns, they are very popular these days, they are invited everywhere, and they themselves are not averse to going for new experiences , and stars in general, i don’t mind making new acquaintances , just be more careful, okay, a rather pleasant weekend for aquarius, when no one interferes, confuses plans or puts a spoke in the wheels, some pleasant surprise is not excluded, maybe... meeting someone -something you recently remembered, or good news, or they may also give you something, everything should work out for pisces, however, perhaps some kind of ridiculous
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or funny situation, well, treat it with humor, here with more serious money, please, and if you have small children, do something interesting with them, yes even if you build a snowman, good luck to you, we are friends in rostov the great, and even if you have never been to this city, you were still here, i want to feel like a hero of a film, when they make a film, it’s unclear why they go there, real ? herrings, let me try in about 15 minutes , let's see how you are, let's go, premiere, today
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on the first cognac monte shococa, a product of the stellor group, look carefully, you recognize it, grandfather, in the center, we are a coward, money and gold do not interest me , you will go to russia today and return the sacred treasures of the nation and from these treasures my father. excuse me, of course, but all this doesn’t look very plausible. there are secrets that have no statute of limitations. german. from monday, after the program time. your favorite programs that channel one shows every day, your favorite tv series and in general everything that is on channel one can be watched on our website, smartphone, tablet, laptop, on tv, if it supports this function on any device,
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anywhere , snowflakes, she simply appears: on a speck of dust plus, moisture is needed, the material for construction clings to a drop of water, flies down, collecting
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moisture along the way. beautiful rays grow, if there is little minus moisture, the rays do not grow, hexagons fall, that’s when gears or prisms fall out, the humidity is higher, but there is not enough frost, maximum -10°. the most beautiful, delicate ones appear in high humidity and severe frost, as in kamchatka, where volcanoes humidify the air all year round. when it’s snowing, and the temperature is high enough, let’s say, around zero, and that is, snowflakes until they fall from the sky to the ground, they manage to acquire this... such a beautiful shape, in yakutia it is dry, frost, openwork snowflakes, rare, needles fall more often, well, now the temperature is -40, so the snow is very fine, these six rayed stars now no, simply because the temperature is very low, and what snow sounds like is like that in kamchatka, it crunches dully, it all rings because of the humidity in yakutia, even schoolchildren know that it’s snowflakes that are breaking,
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but... experienced polar explorers can easily tell by the crunch the temperature outside is higher than the ringing one, the colder it gets and the snow falls not at all silently, whoever was in the winter forest during a snowfall heard this sound, a real miracle of nature that we see every year, but just imagine, more than 50% of the world's population have not seen real snow, we are the lucky ones. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia, sergey morin, channel one. year is good, snowy, as it should be, you can ride down the snow slides to your heart’s content, take your children with you to remember their childhood, well, what could be better, now together with an advanced father with two children, kirill and votaga his we will organize snow rides for our assistants, test a variety of devices for slides, and of course we will remind you about safety rules. hello everyone, my name is kirill
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ensarov, and today i propose to ride like a breeze down a winter slide. today our nephews are visiting us and we are so friendly! the companies decided to arrange a test drive of various devices for lowering sleds and ice skates, we will find out what is more fun to ride and what is safer. the test drive includes a cheesecake, a snow scooter, an ice cube, a homemade ice cube made from linoleum and a cardboard box. before you start riding, a few words about safety. to begin with, there should be no obstacles, bushes, trees, benches, or anything that could be bumped into and injured. for example, we even have trees located on both sides. the slides are wrapped with special protective mats, another important point is that the slide should not be icy, but snowy. the second rule, the child’s pose, he should never roll head first, did you guys hear? yes, the last one, rootstock, we don’t sit down,
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we agreed, yes, choose what you’ll ride on, nena, girlfriend, i will wait for you downstairs to note the time. no, not very much, somehow slowly. so, the fastest we had was linoleum, the slowest was cardboard. now we will check the emergency. braking, you'll need to brake right here, ready? yes, let's run, slow down, slow down,
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oh, well, we've had a blast, right? let's summarize, the cheesecake is large, comfortable, but hard to brake, the snow scooter is maneuverable, fast, but for those who are older, ice and linoleum are fast and convenient to brake on, but the cardboard is uninteresting, the main thing is that we are all satisfied, rosy and happy , go to the hill, it's fun, i advise everyone, the winter holidays took a short break, but judging by today's test, which my colleague... decided to arrange for his counterpart, tv presenter and musician anton lavrentyev, breaks for the weaklings, a competition under the name "guess the cocktail" will be sophisticated and truly difficult; only non-alcoholic cocktails are used.
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he knows for sure how to outsing a star, but can he outdrink? today my guest is tv presenter and musician anton lavrent. anton, good morning, good to see you , listen, but you are a brilliant musician, i want to say that you could easily sing a star yourself, you don’t have such a thing, why are they singing, and now i would give them everything, every once, yes, seriously, well, there are moments when you think, well, i want to, i want to, well, what are you doing, but the roles are slightly different, well, the bartender of the show with anton lavrentiev and we begin, our task is to prepare cocktail for an opponent. the one who accurately guesses all the ingredients sees it, i add number two so that it didn’t mean, cold moonshine, we won’t take much of it, okay, so i next choose ingredient number four and ingredient number seven, ingredient number 10, most likely it
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’s something carbonated, here you are, ingredient number six, the color is divine, almost kombucha, please, well, something sour, i think there’s definitely lemon juice in there, lemon, well, there’s definitely lemon in there. just sparkling water, and not some kind of sweet soda, i think some kind of hawthorn, oh, rosehip, plum compote, well, let it be bell, well, this is success, i’m testing it while i’m still on my feet, i guessed one ingredient, which means that my sanity is preserved, here ’s number five, oh, oh-oh, oh, just as it comes back, it’s syrup, most likely this is white wine, come on, nine, number nine , which is also closer to red, but no
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, let’s just say, i think that either this or this baikal, wow, there is baikal, no, i won’t say , honestly i won’t say, well something, some kind of lemonade with a score of 3:1, anton wins today. lavrentyev, he guessed three ingredients, which one well done, applause, well, i already have a cheat sheet with the answers, so, tomato juice, lemon concentrate, coconut milk, friends, cola, cola, grenodine, pineapple juice, coffee, mint syrup, mint syrup, yes cool, and a tonic, which was simply unmistakably guessed as the most sensitive presenter of the first channel, you receive a medal, good morning, which confirms... that you are not weak, friends, listen to good music, watch the first
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channel, especially good morning, so that every morning it was good. anton, thank you very much, have a nice day, good morning, a large-scale war drama by alexei german the younger, air, a great, honest movie about the war, has appeared on wide screens across the country. the first viewers share their opinions and impressions, so come too. make your own, the film is really worth watching, everything is in order, we attack, swing to the left, turn, we go for the second circle, the endless road of life, above it are fragile girls in clumsy airplanes, it depends on them whether the besieged city will live, the air is thick, the tense air of war, alexey german, the youngest, conveyed such deep impressions in his painting. it even took my breath away, my heart froze and
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i couldn’t breathe, the women next to me were literally crying , a very deep film, please, my little one, please, please, my little one, fly, fly, fly, fly, airplane, fly, copies of those same fighters, german mr. schmitov, our yaks were created by production designer elena okopna, before the moscow premiere of the film air, two of them were installed on the new arbat, some the audience came to the cinema at... my mother directly rudala, this picture, i didn’t watch
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it, i was living in it now, the film crew presented the film at the aurora cinema, even during the blockade it did not stop working, the city continued to breathe thanks to those who defended him, including high in the sky, they retained their soul, courage, and ability to love, just imagine, if they told me, get into a wooden plane, partially... and fight with the best ace in the world, i probably would i would be scared, they weren’t afraid, just don’t be afraid to cry, otherwise i really don’t like it when they cry, comrade half-head, long plans, quiet dialogues, about the most important thing, air battles , each of which can be the last for the heroes, as it happens, people hug trees, so i want to hug this movie like that and stand with it for a while, be with him , to feel it and the juices with which it is drawn from the earth, this... i was surprised by the main problem of the film, what is more important, a person or a homeland, and that one
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cannot exist without the other, but there was such a feeling, but as if there was a tank passing by, a plane flying by, this is honest a film after which you will leave the hall a different person, the smallest details can only be seen on the big screen, the air, feel it already in the cinema, the fighters on the attack. maria bronzova, iosifrin, sofya rezvanova, andrey tsarev, channel one. the new year holidays seem to be over, but all these olivier salads, herrings under fur coats and other goodies continue to remind of themselves with extra pounds, it’s time to shake them off, and for this all you need is to develop the right habits, says our healthy expert darina gripoedova. what should you do if you want to lose weight? the habit of moving more, but what about nutrition?
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the internet gives advice, let’s figure out whether everyone can be trusted? we say no to diets, but of course yes to healthy habits for losing weight. lydia, good morning, on many evil sites they advise eating cottage cheese and yoghurt every day. the research regarding this group of dairy products is very controversial, so the group of dairy products is not necessarily included in the group at this time. you need to be very careful with them and consult with them next doctor. another tip from the internet: eat a salad with every meal. of course, vegetables are very good, we don’t finish eating vegetables. but a salad once or twice a day is quite enough, enough. what do you think, lydia, about this healthy habit: fruits and berries instead of sweets? this is what i am ready to support, of course, the only important amount of fruits and berries, especially if you have a tendency to diabetes. 300-400 g
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is quite enough. i think the next weight loss habit you might like is eating more fish. yes. the fish is very healthy product, but there are fish that contain too much salts, heavy metals, for example, mercury, these are large fish , tuna, for example, so it’s good if we eat fish two or three times a week, uh, well, probably not every day either. what can you say about such a useful habit: a glass of water before meals? indeed, they did a study, people ate absolutely the same, one group drank water right before eating, the second. no, no one knows why, but for some reason those who drank lost a little more weight than those who did not drink water. lydia, huh if you eat slowly, this is the habit, yes, we carefully worry about food and eat slowly, will it help you lose weight? very often we eat completely unconsciously, we do not feel
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the tastes of food at this moment, therefore, i paraphrased, not just eat slowly, but eat consciously and listen at this moment. to your body, well, probably the most useful healthy habit for losing weight is that it advises you to sleep more, when we sleep enough, the next day our level of hormones is normal, which is responsible for overeating, if we don’t get enough sleep, it increases the level of those hormones that lead us to want to eat, we do it impulsively and don’t even notice how we overeat the next day. so, six.
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there are still 6 whole weeks, but for experienced gardeners this is already some 6 weeks, you need to keep up on two fronts at once, indoor plants also require attention, so right now the floor is oksana stankevich. you yourself have probably already had breakfast, but the flowers are hungry, in winter the plants don’t... need to be fertilized, because they are in a slight hibernation, but they definitely need to be fed, otherwise, where will they get the strength until spring, drink tea with sugar in the morning, give the plants sweet water, a tablespoon of sand per liter of water, stir and water,
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ficuses and all succulents are very fond of this fertilizer. for such a treat, the plants will delight you with new shoots, you see, this zamioculcas is already putting out new branches, add lemon to the tea, don’t forget about the orchids, they also love sour things, only 10 drops per liter of water, stir and water, but there is a rule : we don’t give sour water to flowering specimens, but treat those that don’t want to bloom in without fail, extracts of lemon water, orchids and new leaves grow, arrows with buds are released. lovers of a healthy
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lifestyle eat bananas in the morning. great! we eat the pulp ourselves, and give the skin to the plants. fill it with one and a half liters of water, let it sit for a day, water any plants you have in the house with banana water, the flowers will literally perk up after such a treat, they will look healthy and well-groomed, but the healthiest thing to eat is for breakfast, that’s right, i admit i don’t really like porridge or oatmeal , here... i cook rice regularly, and i’m not lazy about flowers, i cook them too. i take 100 g of raw cereal, add 2 liters of water, that’s all. i crush it, rice
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water is like an elixir for plants, they quickly begin to bloom, you see how many flowers mespotiphyllum produced, it’s all thanks to rice fertilizing, by the way, orchids and anthuriums love it too, just don’t over-feed your plants, treat them once every two- three weeks will be enough. to get this result. this is probably a familiar situation to everyone: there’s something hanging around in your wardrobe that you don’t even want to wear, and it would be a shame to throw away some old sweatshirt. our designer olga nikishcheva will now refresh it to such an extent that it will again return to the list of favorite things. dear friends, today we will remake an unnecessary old sweatshirt that has been torn. spots. for work we will also need an old children's pullover with stretched elastic bands and with pellets. yarn
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for knitting this collar, which was left over from an unknitted sweater. to begin , completely rip off the collar of the sweatshirt. we cut the children's pullover along the sides. we cut off the collar, it is still narrow, we connect both blanks, we combine the shoulder seams, we chop them off, and now we begin to form the future applique from the pullover flange, draw a line along which we will cut off the excess, and sew it on. using a machine along the line,
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cut off the excess knitwear, leaving an allowance of about half a centimeter from the stitching. continuing the pattern line on the shelves, we lay decorative stitches manually using knitting threads. it turns out to be a very interesting texture: we decorate the back with a yoke and sew on a collar. that's all the work. like this you can wear an elegant new thing with pleasure, it’s original, it’s warm, and you don’t have to throw away or buy anything. famous people met in our studio.
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is in the hospital, i’m very proud of him, baptism, when you understand who you are, who you belong to, and don’t run around and ask, how to live? this is a day for the lord , we put off our everyday activities, we go to the temple, when a person has some kind of trouble, the soul begins to suffer, the temple, there is an answer to questions that are sometimes difficult to formulate, cardiac arrest has occurred my son, we lost him. and katya saved me, katya tells me, be a godmother, for me it was such a gift,
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we have the best godmother in the world, look after the program time, romcastro product of stellor group, and how are you going to make sure you get everything from him, let's go, where on the road, i'll tell you, let's go. oh, oh, why are you looking at the folder, swearing, just don’t get attached to him , it’s dangerous, the reputation of the clinic and mine personally are very important, i need all his diagrams specifically, where he hid it, where he transferred it, vadim there for a long time, if you can agree , i’ll do whatever you want for you, maybe you’ll take me into account at least a little, i won’t live by your rules, that’s enough, there’s something i don’t like, that you perceive me as a business? belozerov, container, new episodes, tomorrow after the program, time,
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a child, he is more important than money. on this day, 80 years ago, january 20, 1944, soviet troops liberated veliky novgorod. this began the operation to finally lift the blockade of leningrad and a powerful counter-offensive throughout the northwestern direction. monument to the millennium of russia, a symbol of veliky novgorod, when the nazis entered the city, they cut the fastening bolts and threw all the figures to the ground. it was assumed that this monument would subsequently be taken to germany as a symbol of victory over the soviet union. the capture of the city began with bombing on august 14, 1941, the plan of the german command to cut the moscow-leningrad road. by the end of the month, our troops left the city, although they entrenched themselves a few kilometers from its border. out of 4000
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there are only a few residents left in the city. dozens of people, the majority were evacuated before the occupation, those who did not have time were resettled by the nazis or taken to germany, the houses were empty, they were dismantled for building materials. brick was used for paving roads, wooden floors were used for heating and for building decks. only 40 intact buildings remained in the city, among them the st. sophia cathedral; only the domes and part of the wall were damaged; the oldest temple of the 16th century was restored and some stolen relics were returned to the iconostasis. found in germany, cross main dome in spain. for example, this icon, it preserved a fragment of a shell, and the restorers simply deliberately did not take it out on purpose, you see, you can see it there as a black dot on the forearm, this is this, this is a trace of the war. the soviet command tried to recapture novgorod for 2 and a half years, even, the city was turned into a fortress, it couldn’t be taken head-on, by the forty-fourth year the initiative in the war was already on our side,
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only then the fifty-ninth army of the volkhov front was able to. during the operation to liberate novgorod, two yarosanny battalions, thirty-fourth and 44th. these battalions played a fairly important role during the offensive. the bet on speed and surprise worked. the advanced detachments of the two directions met at the sofia belfry. on january 20, a red banner was hung on the wall of the novgorod kremlin. lydia obrosimova learned about this on the radio. she was 14 then and lived in evacuation with her family. of course, we were very happy, i don’t really know, even if i had to leave now, dear, but there was nowhere to go back, that’s how i saw it then novgorod evgeny andreev, a young engineer , came to rebuild the city anew, from today's station to the kremlin, there was an open field, all this space was solid ruins, work began from the center, from that very monument of the millennium of russia,
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a team of eight restorers worked, sculptures to the top lifted by hand. six months later the monument was already as good as new. yuri nesterov, stepan erofeev, igor kostyukov, ilona tikhonova, channel one. figure skating fans, and indeed everyone who is partial to this vibrant and exciting it’s a spectacle, there’s a celebration on our street, it’s called the russian jumping championship. this holiday will be shown by channel one, more details from channel one sports journalist maria bas. the winter holidays flew by like one day, but don’t be upset, after all. interesting figure skating competitions await again. the year begins with a truly remarkable event, the second russian jumping championship in history. experienced athletes, our future stars, will show their skills at this unique tournament. in general, i can do everything, or rather not i can do everything, and what i do, i can do, and i should do it with
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ease at such events. adelia petrosyan, margarta bazylyuk and elena kostoleva completed the preliminary stage brilliantly, taking the first three places. well , among the men, fourteen-year-old arseniy fedodov, who landed two triple axels in a row, was remembered for his outstanding performance, it is noteworthy that he was followed by this combination.
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there are 2 days of fantastic performances and unforgettable emotions ahead, watch the russian jumping championship on channel one on the website great news, closed screening is returning to the air on channel one. fans of great good cinema, rejoice, we are all watching the closed screening this evening. tell me, what is the movie about? i don’t know, not about anything. maybe they are invisible also because no one needs them. because they are sitting on the other side, well done, a wonderful film, you know that artificial intelligence answered him, you haven’t heard, no artificial intelligence can replace the charm of natural intelligence, loyal viewers of the closed program know this well
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the show, the programs that i remind you of, are designed for a wide but deep audience, my name is alexander gardon, there are many mistakes in the picture, i can admit to them, and any picture that you name me, i can turn into dust in 5 minutes, any. caesar or brutus is right, so shakespeare explained that it is impossible to understand in principle, this film is worth watching, because they don’t know how to make it like that, that’s right, for example, we remember these heated debates about cinema, film premieres, the discovery of new names, lively conversation critics and viewers from the set group, turn off the tv, go drink tea, well, you will still come to the discussion, the closed screening program is returning to the air on channel one, actors and directors will come to alexander gardon’s cozy cinema hall. critics, let's watch a good movie together, why should we watch it this way and not another way? tomorrow there will be a discussion of the film directed by larisa sadilova, the vegetable garden, the story of two women whose world is closed in an ordinary vegetable garden, why is it so scary to go beyond
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the boundaries of this world? put down the buckets, take the shoes, the studio is divided among those who want throw a stone into the garden, my mother digs in a friend’s garden for fun, but when people, when people hide. behind the garden on those who protect the painting, a sense of responsibility, yes, because when you have this parents’ house, it is understandable, yes, that is , these are the roots, when it is destroyed, she cannot let it be destroyed, i have a friend, famous an artist, very famous, rich as a chair, she rolls cans because it gives her pleasure, alexander gardon always has a question in store, which will awaken a heated discussion , young people ask you what kind of dog, roughly speaking, she won’t go to the supermarket and buy everything that she grows there, it will be three times cheaper, new roles of our favorite actors, the heroine i play, it’s very difficult
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to make a decision, brilliant directorial work, if there was no love, nothing would have grown there, come to the closed screening with an open heart, tonight is the premiere episode of the program on channel one, so that you don’t see it, this is a movie about us. .. watch a movie about us in a closed screening forever. ekaterina lepskaya, channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. a snowstorm hit tatarstan with renewed force. major highways are blocked, including the federal m7. it's dangerous to go out on the road now. because of the snow. even on wide highways there is only one lane left for travel, while visibility is almost zero, strong winds blow with gusts of up to 23 m/s. bad weather caused many accidents, the largest one occurred on
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the volga highway, 20 cars collided there, two people were taken to the hospital in serious condition hospital. traffic police officers switched to an enhanced work mode, the entire crew was on the road, rescuers were on duty and they organized heating points, according to meteor. this is the heaviest snowfall in the last 5 years; half the monthly precipitation fell in a couple of days. utility services throughout the republic operate around the clock. in kazan, the buran plan was announced for the first time in 2 years. the situation is difficult throughout the volga region. kazan and perm airports operate intermittently. dozens of flights were delayed, and planes were diverted to alternate airfields. the movement of buses and minibuses is limited on federal highways and weather forecasters have not yet promised any improvement in the weather. the forecast for the coming days is snow and wind. 80 years ago, on january 20, 1944, the red army liberated veliky novgorod from the fascist invaders. he was occupied by parts of the wehrmacht for almost 2
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and a half years. during this time, the city was almost completely turned into ruins. the most valuable artifacts were stolen from museums. many ancient buildings and almost all industrial enterprises of the city were destroyed. in addition, 15,000 were killed inhabitants, 200,000 were sent to concentration camps to liberate veliky novgorod, hundreds of thousands of soldiers gave their lives. in memory of all those who died in those terrible years, today a thanksgiving service will be served in the st. sophia cathedral. and ceremonial events are planned in the city, which will end with festive fireworks. now the latest data from the zone special operation, another stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces has been captured near artyomovsk. our scouts discovered him and passed on the coordinates to the command. the first blow to enemy fortifications and guns was delivered by artillery and fpv drones. and only when the militants lost their main forces did an assault group move out to clear the dugouts, which was finally occupied by the fortified area. russian. trying to stop the advance
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of our units, ukrainian formations are mining the approaches to their positions, but this does not stop our fighters; to create safe corridors for the passage of people and equipment, they use the specialized ur-77 complex. it is dangerous for a very long time by human forces, this installation will help. do there during there 1 minute, moving forward is impossible through a minefield, that is, any infantry fighting vehicle tank, it will stop, this vehicle is in a minefield, then, to prevent this from happening, there should be no stops, accordingly, to avoid stops, you need to make a passage, the course has worked , all the mines have scattered, a passage 6 m wide opens, at a distance of 100 m. field repair points are engaged in transporting damaged equipment to the front lines, the soldiers who serve here themselves evacuate the vehicle from the battlefield. in a matter of days
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, all the main components and assemblies are replaced, all parts are delivered to such field workshops directly from the assembly line of a defense enterprise, so even the most damaged vehicles can be revived in the shortest possible time. slovakia was left without its own air defense and combat aircraft, and has not yet received the compensation of 700 million euros promised by washington and brussels for transferring its fighters and the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system to ukraine. the slovak minister of defense stated this in an interview with local media. he blamed the previous government, which was replaced , for the fact that the republic was left with nothing. in the fall. the previous cabinet of ministers, the head of the military department believes, acted in the most irresponsible manner, transferring to the kiev regime what it needed for its own security. to restore the defense potential, he summed up, in the air defense sector alone it will take years to spend at least a billion euros. french minister of the armed forces sebastian likarniuk. acknowledged the presence
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of citizens of his country in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. on local television, he actually let it slip, saying that the authorities cannot prohibit their citizens to fight on the side of kiev, although mercenary activity in france is prohibited by law. one way or another, lik cornu’s words run counter to the position of the republic’s ministry of foreign affairs. they previously refused to acknowledge the death of the french in kharkov, citing the fact that paris does not have mercenaries either in ukraine or anywhere else. according to the statement. russian defense on tuesday , a high-precision strike on the kharyakovsky accommodation point for foreign mercenaries killed more than sixty militants, over twenty were injured, mostly were french citizens, the ministry of defense noted. at the british naval base in bahrain , a naval warship rammed another moored to a pier. both are minesweepers belonging to different classes. the collision occurred while the ship was backing up. as a result of the emergency, there are reportedly no casualties. true, in the left side
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of one of the minesweepers there is now a one and a half meter hole above the waterline. today the famous russian composer vladimir dashkevich turns 90 years old. everyone in our country knows his music. soviet children having heard the melody of the program, visitors to skazka rushed to the screens. to his music, adults empathized with the hero of the winter cherry tree. the music for the film bumbarage has become almost folk. its melody is not just a background for the event;
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it celebrates this day together with channel one, with you irina murmtseva on the calendar: january 20, saturday. day of the republic of crimea. let's go on a short trip, i really want a sea of ​​sunshine there. do you recognize what this place is? crimea. the cape is thick. local traveler alexander mikhailenko, looking for the most unusual places, not trampled tourists and shows his beloved republic from unexpected angles. i
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think few people have ever seen these places in the snow. in general, such heavy snowfall is rare for the peninsula. when it’s dry and warm, alexander climbs the taraktash ridge, just like on a path. walks along it, oh, friends, i’m afraid i won’t go any further, it’s just a very narrow passage and my head is spinning, for him crimea is the best place on earth, he’s surprised every time, artists sergei and alexandra tsybulka are also in love with the peninsula, they went to kakteibel, and remained live in orjanikze. eastern crimea is absolutely separate, it is more like greece, it carries traces of it. antiquity , this is a winter painting, from the impression, of course , in winter it is difficult to paint from life, but when winter absolutely everything changes for us, shape, landscape, color, so i want to paint winter, inspired by the sandy beaches of izkala, which are considered one of the oldest on the planet, their cave
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is a separate world, the largest is kizil-kaba or as it is called the red cave, the temperature in the cave is +10°, never changes, the total... of all passages is 27 km, up the cave it rises at least 200 m and descends another about 30 meters . underground rivers flow here, and stalactites and stalagmites create bizarre shapes, there is a baby cat, a sleeping hare and dragon teeth. in this place relatively soon a rather rare phenomenon will occur , which spiliologists call a kiss, it happens when sloktit slokid touch, far from... i can boast that i have seen this phenomenon at least once in my life, but they will touch in at least 150 years, we still have time to look at this miracle. crimea so diverse that each area can have its own plants, landscapes and even climate when it snows, for example
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bugas bay is reminiscent of ireland. and the karadak volcano is the rocks of the kola peninsula, but this is all crimea, just not a tourist one, but... the way the locals see it. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia zavidova, channel one. our good cheerful saturday morning is gaining momentum, as is the grand exhibition form of russia in moscow at vdnkh. every day something new, something interesting happens here. every day, a thousand people visit it; by the way, the total number of visitors has exceeded 5 million. so, join us, there really is something to see and be surprised by. answers to the most inconvenient children's questions at the russia exhibition, let's go with the whole family. look, here we have a large fontanel, and there is a corresponding small fontanel, it is located below at the back. in the pavilion of the ministry of health , every stand is open, you need to touch it with your hands.
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we put one hand here, 1, 2, 3. adults have their own interactives, a laparoscopic simulator, how from surgeons, body composition analysis and even an ecg. you will have to call this phone number. the result is immediate, when you even reach the clinic , you must reach the seventy-fifth pavilion, the minimum program, the raising of st. petersburg bridges in miniature and the best views of moscow, the robotic arm, under the supervision of engineer roman, shoots up to 150 such videos a day, that is, i’m standing here and i just smile, we smile, we wave, or we come up with something of our own, you can even say something, the program is to get a maximum feel for the regions through their crafts, to for example, weaving or felting wool from bashkir masters. there are advantages to this, for example, compiling a family tree up to the seventh generation is not an easy task,
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with the help of technology, please , i know my grandparents, for example, but somehow i find it difficult to find my great-grandmothers, here we have step-by-step instructions, qr -codes, official website of the federal archival agency, send a request, if any. they have the data, they will answer you electronically. here, at the bashkartastan stand, they offer family stories share. during the war , a lot of people were evacuated from the leningrad region to us in bashkartystan. those whose relatives were evacuated can write their own story. this will be kept in our museum of military glory in the city of ufa as an exhibit. in the pavilion of the ministry of education, counselors will entertain children with games, dancing, roller skating and ice cream for free. children are supervised. and go to the forty-eighth pavilion for delicacies. every week at the farmers' fair there are 17 new farms with unique products. bees collect pollen, put it in hives, in cells and... it turns out that beebread contains essential amino acids and minerals. perm
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honey is a real adyghe cheese, aged for one and a half years. khabarovsk dry-cured sausages using secret technology, fish from the taimyr peninsula. there are muksuns, there are amul, there are chirs, there are whitefish, very tasty, the fish is wild, not artificially grown. you can’t buy this in a regular store, but here they’ll give you a try. free tasting for everyone. natalya kovaleva, natalya. what does the shape of a snowflake depend on, our correspondent sergei abramov sotnik, and he also learned that snow has his own voice. there are no two identical snowflakes in the world; each has its own pattern, as shown mathematically. that the probability of the formation of two similar snowflakes is - there, in my opinion, 100
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factorial, that is, it is more than the number of atoms in the universe, who would like to check this fact, then we have enough material for this. but by the shape of a snowflake , glyciologists can determine how things are going up there. the shape often depends on the temperature, that is, at which this occurs crystallization. plus moisture is needed, material for the construction of a snowflake, it appears simply: a drop of water clings to a speck of dust, flies down, collecting moisture along the way , beautiful rays grow, if minus a little moisture is not enough, the rays do not grow, hexagons fall, that’s when gears or prisms fall , humidity is higher, but there is not enough frost, maximum -10°. the most beautiful, delicate ones appear in high humidity and severe frost, as in kamchatka, where volcanoes humidify the air all year round. when it snows and the temperature is high enough, so let's say, about zero, and that is , snowflakes, while they fall from... to the ground , manage to acquire this beautiful shape. in yakutia it is dry, frosty, openwork
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snowflakes are rare, needles fall more often. but our temperature now is -40, so the snow is very fine. these six rayed stars are not there now, simply because the temperature is very low. and what does snow sound like in kamchatka? it crunches dully, it all rings because of the humidity in yakutia. even schoolchildren. they know that it’s snowflakes that are breaking, and experienced polar explorers can easily identify the temperature outside, the louder the ringing, the colder and the snow falling is not at all silent; anyone who has been in the winter forest during a snowfall has heard this sound. a real miracle of nature that we see every year, but just imagine, more than 50% of the world's population have not seen real snow, we are the lucky ones. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia novokhatnya and sergey morin, channel one. real men play hockey, as we know, but not only that, real grandmothers
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also play hockey, although those whom you will now see on your screens are not grandmothers. i turn to name, they will give many young people a head start, we are going to the arkhangelsk region, so we will do it with you as usual from the corner, 1:0, everyone remembers, yes, this is a hockey team from the village. the immediate question is, who forced older people to take such risks? they themselves, they wanted to, they themselves
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came to the local ice palace and asked to train them. when i was able to ride without support, the joy was incredible. now they train 5 days a week, two on the ice, three in the gym. they already skate confidently and are not afraid fall, they already understand the rules of the game of hockey, we try to play on the road, they really like to travel with other teams. get acquainted, communicate , show off, they don’t always win, but they score goals , the opponents are usually younger, in petrozavodsk we generally played with girls, girls under twenty are close to twenty years old, they didn’t expect, however, they didn’t expect that grandmothers, and we managed they can score two goals before they get over it, that we know how to play, what is the secret of success, everything is simple, they tell the hockey player at the ice, a rejuvenating effect, i have if only my knees would stop, even if they hurt often, and in general i would begin to feel lighter,
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better. by the way, in the team the word is grandmothers, taboo, girls, girls, girls, nothing else, they really are. young and active, besides hockey there is plenty to do, children, grandchildren, a vegetable garden, many have work, social activities, they have time to help each other and just chat, for example, the whole team gets together to pickle cabbage, and after tea with pies and jam, yes, yes, it’s better for athletes not to get carried away with baking, but they can do it a little at a time to work off, you have to sit on the floor, and now lie down, oh no, their awards for... the team carefully preserves their participation in tournaments, there are few of them yet, but the hockey players believe that everything is ahead, they have already overcome their age, stereotypes too, and this is more serious victories in matches. anastasia zavidova, anatoly kvaskov, channel one. the winter holidays took a short break, but judging by today's test, which my colleague allaluta decided to give to her counterpart, tv presenter and musician
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anton lavrentyev, breaks are for the weak, competition called guess the cocktail. it will be sophisticated and truly difficult, admission is only limited to non-alcoholic cocktails, he knows for sure how to outsing a star, can he outdrink? today my guest is tv presenter and musician anton lavrentik, anton, good morning, good to see you, listen, but you are a brilliant musician, i want to say that you could easily outsing the stars yourself. you don’t have such a thing, what and why are they singing, and now i would give them everything, every time, to be honest, well, there are moments when you think, well, i want to already, i want to already, well, what are you doing , but the roles are a little different, well, the bartender of the show with anton lavrentiev, and we begin, our task is to prepare a cocktail for the opponent, the one who accurately guesses all
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the ingredients will win, i add number two, whatever that means, but homogon, we won’t take a lot of it, okay, so i’ll choose ingredient number next. and ingredient number se , ingredient number 10, most likely it’s something carbonated, will you, ingredient number six, the color is divine, almost kombucha, please, well, something sour, i think there's definitely lemon juice, lemon , well, there's definitely lemon, just sparkling water , not some kind of sweet soda, i think it 's some kind of hawthorn, oh, plum compote, well , let there be a bell, well, that's success from... nine number nine is also closer to red, but no, let's say cognac- colored, bottle number one, yes,
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thank you, thank you, it's a ten. well, by the way, nothing, the evening promises to be great, the evening promises to start earlier than we planned, this is grenodite, yes, number five, this is grenodite, girl, this is a tonic, super, absolutely right , well, it’s clear that this is tomato juice, tomato juice too, yes, well, most likely i think that either this or this baikal, wow, there is baikal, no, i won’t say, not now i’ll say, well, something of some kind. anton lavrentyev wins today with a score of 3:1, he guessed three ingredients, what a great guy, applause, well, i already have a cheat sheet with the answers, so, tomato juice, lemon concentrate, coconut milk, friends, cola, cola, grenadine, pineapple juice, coffee, mint syrup, mint syrup, yes cool, and tonic water,
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who was simply unmistakably guessed as the most sensitive presenter of the first channel. you receive a medal, good morning, which confirms that you are not weak, friends , listen to good music, watch the first channel, especially good morning, so that every morning is good, anton, thank you very much, have a nice day, good morning, good morning, what is that?
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better than our children, that’s why i love this country, because it’s big, great, with a huge territory, with a great history, i wish you all the best, otherwise... it’s saturday on the calendar on january 20, all the january holidays are over, it’s time to put away the christmas tree. you can, of course , leave it until spring, by the way, there are people, although there are few of them, only half a percent, but still, who do not clean it up at all. an attribute of the winter holidays, that’s why the attribute arises at a certain period to create a mood. in the meantime, those who pack theirs artificially. the green beauty is back in the box, the rest are faced with the question of where to put it? maria’s family always has a live tree for new year’s; they buy it at sales in the fall, straight into a pot, into the house.
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they don’t bring it in, they decorate it on the veranda. if you bring her into the house, the house is warm, she will begin to grow, she lives in the house, she will begin to feel good, but after the new year you can take her out, when it is frosty outside, and she will die. after the holidays , he takes off the decorations and leaves them until april, then he plants them at night. and this is also a tradition, this is a christmas tree that we planted 7 years ago, now it makes us happy, and as you can see, it blooms and smells, yes, it already has cones, so i ’m saying that they are very good take root and grow well, any tree after a hot apartment dies in a pot, in water, it doesn’t matter what to do with it later, obviously take it for recycling, in the capital , collection points opened on january 2 for those in a hurry, you can donate someone else’s tree, they organized a special eco-friendly -quest as part of one of the tasks, maybe this christmas tree? for example, if you find something incorrectly disposed of and bring it to the collection point yourself, you can get active citizen points for this, which can be spent on theaters, cinema, and even on groceries. the collected christmas trees are taken to
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processing and then make chips from them for paths, and you can also donate the christmas tree to the perm, irkutsk, novosibirsk zoos; the bakhchesarai miniature park has also opened a collection. we removed all the toys, all the icicles , made everything clean so that it would be good for the animals, so that they would eat tasty. conifers are sent to rabbits and goats as bedding and feeding, although it is common to think that conifers are a vitamin cocktail for animals, this is not entirely true, rather a new entertainment, an unexpected object, oh, interesting, something you can sniff, examine, someone... then his marks it with its smell, someone plucks it, but this is not food, this is not for eating , this is enrichment, the diversity of their habitat, trees, animals and nibble, not without this, one christmas tree is enough for the horned goats for a couple of days, so it is important so that the conifers are... clean, without decorations , not treated with anything, however, the moscow zoo accepts trees from christmas tree markets, those that have not sold out, in any case, wherever you donate the tree, it must be brought
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clean without decorations, let me remind you , collection began throughout the country. elizabeth show, victoria shcherbakova, konstantin struchkov, tatyana yus, channel one. january 20 is world cheese lovers day; it is hardly possible to say for sure where and when the first head of this very product was made. but archaeologists assure that cheese making has existed for more than 700 years in our country, they love cheese, make it and even brag about it. fashikhonsky, vologda, kostroma. we have known these cheeses for a long time; the recipes that were born among the people have long gone into mass production. nowadays, few people will bother with aging cheese for 2 months, and even at a strictly defined temperature. nowadays, homemade cheeses are often brined, which do not require ripening, for example, in the south we have always made suluguni, in the crimea, crimean kholumi, they say the turks brought this recipe with them from cyprus, back in ancient times,
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it is prepared simply, the enzyme is added to the milk, thickened cut the mass, the grain is ready , now we will press, the first turn of the cheese must be done within 5 minutes, after 2 hours we sprinkle the cheese with crimean aromatic sun-dried tomatoes and herbs, even in the crimea it is customary to heat it... and pour honey over the dessert version. russia is multinational country, each people has its own type of cheese, and the adyghe one was invented, it seems, back in the 7th century bc. it is also very simple: full-fat milk, whey, salt, cook, do not bring to a boil, and then place the resulting mass in a colander. we sprinkled the plate with salt, put the cheese there, sprinkled salt on top, the cheese is ready to eat, but it needs to be done. cooled a little, stood, the cheese does not require ripening, it is filling and does not spoil for a long time, you can take it with you to the mountains, to work or on a long hike. the tatars
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brought kyrt cheese into our common culture, although the cheese it’s hard to call it, it’s more of a fermented milk product, convenient for nomads, but for a sedentary life here they learned to make homemade cheeses from curd mass, i lived in the village as a child, and my mother, my parents kept a cow... there was a lot of milk and my mother i always made cottage cheese, but they didn’t eat cottage cheese, so my mother learned to make cheese. the cottage cheese is boiled in milk and pressed, mixed. in the caucasus there is a tradition of greeting with bread and cheese, maybe that’s why the recipes haven’t changed there for centuries, the main thing in them is whey, in dagestan it’s written prepares it for a week. we make whey from dried goat stomach. we insert one stomach into a balloon, add one tablespoon of salt, one tablespoon of grain, one glass
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of apricot. the finished whey is added to milk, boiled over low heat , and the resulting mass is pressed; in circassian, the whey is prepared in cow’s stomachs; it is infused for a day, and then you can make cheese. we like exactly this kind of cheese, so that there are no lumps there, they like exactly the same dense cheese, so we always make this dense cheese cheese. perhaps the shape of homemade cheeses is similar to each other, but the taste, as many peoples in our country, there are so many types of cheese. elena savina, elena zykova, channel one. khash is a legendary armenian dish, there is an opinion that it is best to cook and eat khash in those months whose names contain the letter p, that is, january is very suitable, and also, as a rule, khash is eaten in the morning, there are so many coincidences, it’s time to cook, maria surva will tell you all the subtleties, if the day before was fun, then you urgently need a special soup, it gives strength, and is also tasty and nutritious.
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my culinary challenge is khash soup: real khash is made from beef hooves, some also add tripe, it gives the soup a specific aroma for everyone. i asked the butcher to cut the hooves into pieces, otherwise it won’t fit in the pan, and i can’t cut it with a knife, i soak it in water, it needs to be very well cleaned of dirt , i wash it, change the water several times, clean off the excess, this makes for... color broth. the khash takes quite a long time to cook, but if you have a pressure cooker, the soup will cook three times faster. i'll cook it in a saucepan. i fill it with water and turn the heat on high. as soon as it boils, i let it cook for a couple of minutes, drain the water, wash the hooves and put it back into the pan. i bring it to a boil again, reduce the heat and let it sit for a few hours until i add salt, pepper and nothing. you need to cook over
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very low heat. until the meat begins to fall away from the bone, this is about 4-5 hours, it will be ready in time for lunch, but in the meantime you can do household chores. the aroma is already permeating the whole house, due to the fact that the khash is cooked over low heat, the broth turns out amazingly tasty very helpful. half an hour before it’s ready , add salt. many people salt it after they have taken out the meat, but then it will taste rather bland; it is better to salt them together. in the meantime... i'll prepare the ingredients for serving. i crush the garlic, chop it and pour it with broth. garlic dressing is ready. i peel and chop the radishes. if it is bitter, soak it in water for a couple of minutes to soften the taste. i chop the greens and check the meat. it's cooked. look, the bone easily comes away from the meat. i take everything out of the broth,
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cut large pieces of meat and return them to... i pour a portion and serve with garlic dressing, radish, herbs and pita bread. by the way, dry pita bread is often crumbled directly onto the plate. add salt to taste, garlic dressing, herbs. and don’t forget about the racket as a snack. we invite you to become thick-fisted penzyaks. congratulations, sasha. pinzyak, penzyak! in this room there is the most valuable thing, the brush of the artist mikhail lermantov himself, here all the water comes from several sources, clean, tasty, cold, if i caught it, let me marinate it, the spice is kept secret , we cook 70% of the dishes in ovens, we prepare vinaigrette, we bake vegetables in the oven, smoke it all in a grill and i decided to take herbs, various berries, prepare such an uzvar with the addition
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of raspberry... i will have lamb lula here , great, so let's get started , let's go, premiere, cooks on wheels, tomorrow on the first, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, we are not boiled, we are not raw, we will not give up, we will get angry. you are always very beautiful, they brought me two females, i was furious, the kids were wet, he was gone, he was gone, he ran away out of his mind. you probably have some kind of special finger there, no, i can twist it for you, spin it, as they call girls who play checkers, checkers players, it seems like everything
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started out well for me, now it’s going to end badly, best of all, a new season, tomorrow after the evening news. do you eat buns? very rarely. and if my mother is kind, she can allow it once a week. winter this year is real, frosty, but it’s true that the birds are having a hard time whether they need to be fed or not. in order not to guess, let's turn to specialists. well, why not feed them, they’re hungry, that’s what many people think and what they don’t bring to animals in the park and forest, of course, out of the kindness of their hearts. in the feeder. which are installed for deer, i personally saw a basin with olivier on january 2, wow, we don’t carry olivier, or rather we don’t carry anything, moose, deer, wild boars cannot be fed at all, feeding by humans leads to the fact that animals begin to go out into the city
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limits, then they get used to the fact that they can get carrots in the winter, yes, they understand how, they start to leave, grab this treat from a person, well, they can either die themselves, or they can injure someone, that’s the first thing, but secondly, they actually have enough food, they all perfectly dig up the snow with their hooves , get to the dried grass, elk deer eat well, gnaw, gnaw the bark from tree trunks, wild boars dig up the roots of plants, despite the fact that we consider it a winter forest empty, there is a lot of food in it for animals, and this even applies to squirrels, although there is an exception here, it all depends on where you are going to feed the squirrel, you shouldn’t go into the forest like that and start feeding it, but... if it’s already a squirrel grew up in a city park, where every day people are walking, they feed her, then we continue to feed the feeder, pour food into the feeder, but we don’t do it like that from the palm of our hand, no, no, no, no, no, it’s dangerous, she can bite, but
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she’s cute in appearance, sweet in appearance apparently, but the bite can be painful, plus the squirrel doesn’t know how to brush its teeth, an infection can develop, you can have nuts in the shell, dried berries, but most likely these animals’ reserves are so-so. they didn’t make suckers, unlike the birds, they really need feeding, here in the national park they even get a tasty christmas tree they dress up every year. one year we hung colorful feeders, the second year we made feeders from pine cones, this year we made cookies for them from sunflowers. the technology is simple, pour gelatin or melted lard over the seeds, raw, this is important, fried and salted are prohibited. yes, they will consume them, consume them, but they have. liver disease will develop and the bird will die very quickly. we don’t put bread in the feeder either, it only puts a strain on digestion and has no benefit. what kind of feeder should it be? a prerequisite is to make sure that it is safe for the bird, she can fly there and definitely
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fly out. that is, the windows should be large enough. yes, yes, they suggest making not just one large feeder, but hanging many small ones, because one feeder is visited by one, or at most two, birds. but in childhood we made such feeders from milk cartons, such approaches. you also need to hang the feeder, otherwise everything will go to the rodents; these definitely won’t give up anything. anna vashekolkozubov, alexey danko, channel one. good, cheerful morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with us, get some sleep, probably full of energy, no, maybe they didn’t sleep properly. let's start revising the sleeping area. together with chiropractor, neurologist, sergei dlin. your back and neck hurt in the morning, perhaps it’s time for you to change your mattress. let's test it. we lie down on our backs and put our hand under the lower back. if
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it slides easily, the mattress is too hard. on it, the lower back will not completely relax during sleep. this mattress is double-sided. let's test it from the reverse side. a man can. squat, back straight, grab the edges, lift mattress, pull it towards you , turn it over, hold the old man to smoothly lay him on the bed, women shouldn’t lift the mattress, let’s do the same test again, now the palm can hardly fit between the back and the mattress, which means with this... the mattress is semi-hard, it follows the curves of the body, this is ideal for relaxing the spine; if a memory foam mattress is even better, it follows the contour as clearly as possible. body, now look at the pillow, it’s harmful to sleep without it, your neck doesn’t
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relax, prefer to rest lying down on stomach, so as not to throw your head back, you will need a small and thin pillow, and in general in this position the muscles of the neck and back tense, so i recommend choosing a more comfortable position, for example, the back, choose a pillow of such a height that the neck on it continues... the line spine , did not rise up or tilt back , but the ideal position for sleeping is on the right side, the height of the pillow in this case should be the size of the shoulder, in this position there is no pressure on the heart and other internal organs , the spine also relaxes, take care about your bed and back problems there will be less, good health to you, on the calendar january 20, this day was popularly called the winter season. they said that he is giving the news about spring,
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how this message is transmitted from under such snowdrifts, it will be interesting to watch today, but we will not only be engaged in nature this weekend, what else will our astrologers tell. both of these weekends are great guys, good-natured, honest, open, they know how to make friends and you can’t call them lazy. tomorrow, however, is a little restless, he’s bored study for a long time. one thing, but he is friendly with technology and all sorts of gadgets, he thinks quickly, and if you need to invent something, it’s also for him. today’s day is not so fast, but persistent, diligent, economical, and at the same time handy, the best friend of everyone who makes something, and he knows how to count money, if you’re going shopping, take him with you, and these days are also not bad they know how to fix what is broken and connect what is broken, ov, you don’t need their help, we’re not just talking about material objects, but about such and such... if
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you quarreled with someone, and now you regret it, you can fix it, but what the stars do not advise is arguing, especially with older relatives. for taurus , something they were counting on might not happen, someone will forget about the promise they made to you, some plans will be disrupted, or something simply won’t work out. go through this calmly, and the opportunity to buy or sell something at a profit will be pleasant. the twins have normal and a little lazy weekends.
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strengthen, strengthen, make your life easier . these days will help virgos to establish something, more convenient. unplanned expenses are possible, but they will not ruin you. single ladies, you definitely have a chance this weekend. libra will be able to enlist someone's support, find new allies, and truly become strong friends with someone. hans men, if you can’t decide to propose marriage. help today, scorpios have a smooth weekend, when everything goes as planned, the main thing is not to believe rumors and in general do not rush to take everyone’s word for it, and tomorrow, it seems, wants to please you with something and pleasantly surprise you. to the streltsy everyday life may become overwhelming, most likely you will have to do something that you have been putting off for a long time or that you never got around to, the luminaries are hinting that if you involve your family, you can quite finish all your work today, and tomorrow you can all go out together to some kind of event. there, by the way, you can meet one
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of the capricorns, they are very popular these days, they are invited everywhere, and they themselves are not averse to going for new experiences, and the stars in general are not against it, just be more careful with new acquaintances, okay, that’s enough nice weekend for aquarius, when no one interferes, does not confuse plans and does not put a spoke in the wheels , some pleasant surprise is not excluded, maybe a meeting with someone you recently remembered, or good news, and you can also... .give something, everything should work out for the pisces, however, perhaps some kind of ridiculous or funny situation, well, treat it with humor, but with money more seriously, please, and if you have small children, take care of them something interesting, or at least build a snowman, good luck to you! let's continue our broadcast: banking secrecy. in russia this concept was first introduced in 1894. these days, banking secrecy means everything that... the secret was kept before, how
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it is protected today, we’ll tell you right now, everything that she knows, the bank remains in the bank, this is a banking secret, we have had this way since the end of the 19th century, here it is, the charter of the state bank, authentic, we see such an interesting postulate: employees in the bank and members of the bank council, when determining their service, are obliged by written request to keep secret everything related operations of banks and its accounts. yes, according to the charter , everything is smooth, this is how everything worked in reality, for example, a mortgage... of a russian fashion designer mushu, pay attention, here she receives the empire of nadezhda lamanova, she kayutova on a loan of 60,000 rubles. bonds with coupons at the expense of collateral for your house under construction. all the wealth data is on one piece of paper, and it has passed through dozens of hands. some banks even then, for
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security reasons, began to print anonymous documents, no specific information about the person, just a number. this number is present in aristkontra magazine, this is a debt. journal, register of mortgages and issuance of the court. where were they stored? they were kept in a bank. in special rooms, books and documents were hidden in chests and safes: estimate the thickness of the doors. hacking was out of the question. and this is what it looks like now instead of a safe with tons of equipment. the place is unique. not a single journalist had been here before us. we are located in the bank's data center, where there are more than 76 racks with various servers, pieces of network equipment, and systems. inside iron boxes, hard drives , tatle data storage system, where banking information is also stored, this is how much information is stored here, how much 0.5 pitab of data is stored, how much is half a million flash drives with one gigabyte in one such box, and there are a dozen of them stored here everything from passport data to
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account transactions. any information that the client provides to the bank as part of its operations, as part of opening an account, making a deposit, receiving a loan. it relates to bank secrecy, the bank is obliged to preserve it by law, including from your own employees, not everyone will be able to find out about your financial situation. those employees who need access to this information because they work with this client, they have access to this. credit organizations make sure that client data is not leaked to the outside question of reputation, but there is an exception: the bank is obliged to share secret information with certain government agencies, tax authorities, courts, bailiffs, strictly upon request. margarita larkin, andrey ivanov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. we are friends in rostov the great, and even if you are in you’ve never been to this city, you were here anyway, i want to feel like a hero in a film, when they’re making a film, it’s unclear why they go there, real russian winter fun, dog riding, and two sleds,
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you sit down and have a race, victory will be behind us, what is this exhibit for, it’s definitely not a spear. this is not a spear, since, unfortunately, there is no fish, the ice is also not suitable, it turns out that nowhere else in the world there is such ice cream, yes, people specially come to try herring ice cream, let me i'll try it in about 15 minutes, let's see how you are, let's go, premiere, today on the first, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. this city is sometimes called the far eastern st. petersburg, and the main owner of these places is the majestic amur tiger, we are in khabarovsk, friends! charabanc, why charabanc and where is this ball actually and what kind of bank is it? and now no one will tell you, let’s take a sample, black
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caviar is cheaper than hekra ulita, about 150 thousand per kilogram, delicious. may i also know what can be made from fish skin? shoes, mittens, roll them up like this, here they are, until it becomes soft, you have been sewing a robe for 3 years, yes, how much does it cost? was when i was talking to a bartender abroad, i said, i’m working on that five thousand dollar bill on this bridge, yes, he was so pleasantly surprised, we can admire the view, i’m personally delighted, the life of my own, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, the new year holidays seem to be over, but all these olivier salads, herrings under a fur coat and other goodies continue to remind of themselves with extra pounds, it’s time to shake them off, and for this all you need is to develop the right habits, says our healthy expert darina griboyedova.
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what you need to do if you want to lose weight, the main useful habit is to move more. what about food? the internet is booming. let's figure out whether everyone can be trusted? we say no to diets, but of course yes to healthy habits for losing weight. lydia, good morning, to many. complex sites advise eating cottage cheese and yoghurt every day. the research regarding this group of dairy products is very controversial, so the group of dairy products is not currently included in the group mandatory, you need to be very careful with them and consult with your doctor. another tip from the internet: eat a salad with every meal. of course, vegetables are very good, we don’t finish eating vegetables, but a salad once or twice a day is quite enough. what do you think, lydia, about this healthy habit: fruits and berries instead of sweets? this is what i am ready to support, of course, the only important amount
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of fruits and berries, especially if you have a tendency towards diabetes, 300-400 g is quite enough. i think the next habit is for losing weight you should like, eat more fish. yes, fish is a very healthy product, but there are fish that contain too many heavy metal salts, for example, mercury - these are large fish, tuna, for example, therefore, it’s good if we eat fish two or three times a week, but probably not every day either. what can you say about such a useful habit: a glass of water before meals? indeed, they did research, people ate absolutely the same, one group drank water right before meals, the second did not, no one knows why, but for some reason those who drank reduced it. slightly more than those who did not drink water. lydia, if you eat slowly, like this habit, yes, we carefully worry about food and
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eat slowly, will this help you lose weight? very often we eat completely unconsciously, we don’t feel the tastes of food at this moment, therefore, i would paraphrase, not just eat slowly, but consciously listen to your body at this moment. well, probably the most useful thing for... for losing weight is the advice to sleep more, when we sleep enough, the next day our hormone levels are normal, which is responsible for overeating, if we don’t get enough sleep, the level of those hormones increases that lead to the fact that we want to eat, we do it impulsively and don’t even notice how we overeat the next day. so, we have approved six healthy habits for losing weight. lydia, maybe i should add something? seventh, 7 days a week, i would add a regular meal, dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime, and
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then it will be possible not only to lose weight, but also to safely maintain this reduced result, great, but a good motto is not just to lose weight, but to maintain it result. fans of figure skating, and in general everyone who is not indifferent to this bright, exciting spectacle, there is a holiday on our street, it is called: the russian jumping championship, this holiday will be shown by channel one, details from the sports journalist of channel one maria bas. the winter holidays have flown by like one day, but don’t be upset, because interesting figure skating competitions await us again. the year begins with a truly remarkable event, the second russian jumping championship in history. your skill on this unique tournament will be showcased by experienced athletes, our future stars. well, in general, i'm done. i can, or rather, i can’t do everything, but what i do, i can do, and it should be done at
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such events with ease, airiness, and delight the audience. the qualification that took place the day before determined the strongest, those who today tomorrow will compete for leadership in the individual and team tournaments, adelia petrosyan, margarita bazylyuk and elena kostoleva brilliantly passed the preliminary stage. taking the first three lines, well, among the men , fourteen-year-old was remembered for his outstanding performance arseny fedodov, who landed two triple axels in a row, it is noteworthy that after him this combination was first performed by pyotr gumennik, evgeny semenenko and mark kondratyuk, but no one managed to beat fedototov. aksel, i looked at the wonderful arseny, was inspired and decided to repeat it. but i practiced this a lot in training and was able to jump all right. in total , 12 best athletes
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among women and men qualified. eight couples are also participating in the competition, and some of them are preparing special surprises for the audience. we are here we want to show something new, show something interesting, but have fun. we have a plan to try to make ultra si, we will see how it turns out. there are 2 days of fantastic performances ahead. and unforgettable emotions watch the russian jumping championship on channel one on the website this is probably a familiar situation to everyone. an item is hanging out in the wardrobe. which you don’t even want to wear, and it’s a pity to throw away, some old sweatshirt, our designer olga nikishcheva will now refresh it to such an extent that it will return to the list of favorite things again. dear friends, today we will be remaking an unnecessary old sweatshirt, the collar of which has a stain on it. for work we will also need an old children's
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pullover with stretched elastic bands and with pellets. yarn for knitting, this is the collar that was left over from an unknitted sweater. to begin, completely rip off the collar of the sweatshirt. we cut the children's pullover along the side seams, cut off the collar, it is still narrow. we connect both blanks, combine the shoulder seams, chop them off, and now we begin to form the future applique from the front of the pullover, draw a line along which we will cut off the excess, sew the applique on a machine along the line, the excess...
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we cut off the knitwear, leaving an allowance of about half a centimeter from the stitching. continuing the pattern line on the shelves, we lay decorative stitches manually using knitting threads. it turns out to be a very interesting texture: sping. we decorate it with a yoke and sew on the collar, that’s all the work, such an elegant new thing can be worn with pleasure, original, warm, and nothing i didn’t have to throw it away or buy it. a large-scale war drama by alexei german the younger , air, a great, honest movie about the war, was released on wide screens across the country. your
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opinion and impressions.
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i was told: get into a wooden plane, partially, and fight with the best ace in the world. i probably would have been scared, they weren’t afraid , just don’t cry, otherwise i really don’t like it when they cry, long plans, quiet dialogues about the most important things, air battles, each of which can be the last for the heroes, as it happens , people hug with trees, i want to hug this movie so much and stand with it for a while, be with it, feel it and... those bitches that get it from the ground, that’s it, well, i was surprised by the main problem of the film, what’s all- what is more important is the person or the homeland, and that one cannot exist without the other, it was as if there was a tank passing by, a plane flying by, this is an honest film, after which you will leave the hall a different person, you can see the smallest details only on the big screen, air,
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feel it already in the cinema, fighters, maria bronzova, joseph kobrin, sofya rezvanova , andrey tsarev, channel one, our morning broadcast continues, a word to colleagues from the information service of channel one, we will find out what events have happened in the country and the world by this hour. news broadcast on air. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. major highways, including the federal m7, are closed in tatarstan. a snowstorm hit the region with renewed force. even on wide highways. there is only one lane left for travel, while visibility is almost zero, strong winds blow with gusts up to 23 m/s. bad weather caused many accidents, the largest one occurred on the volga highway, 20 cars collided there, two
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people were taken to the hospital in serious condition. traffic police officers switched to an enhanced work regime, all crews were on the road, rescuers were on duty, they organized heating points. according to meteorologists, this is the heaviest snowfall in the last 5 years; half the monthly precipitation fell in a couple of days. utilities throughout republic work around the clock. in kazan , the buran plan was announced for the first time in 2 years. the situation is difficult throughout the volga region. the airports of kazan and perm are operating intermittently, there have been delays, and dozens of flights have been delayed. the airliners are leaving for alternate airfields. the movement of buses and minibuses is limited on federal highways. and weather forecasters have not yet promised any improvement in the weather in the forecast for snow in the coming days. wind 80 years ago on january 20, the red army liberated veliky novgorod from the fascist invaders. he was occupied by part of the wehrmacht for almost 2 and a half year. during this time, the city was
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almost completely turned into ruins. the most valuable artifacts were stolen from museums. many ancient buildings and almost all industrial enterprises of the city were destroyed. in addition, 15,00 residents were killed, 200,000 were sent to concentration camps. hundreds of thousands of soldiers gave their lives to liberate veliky novgorod. in memory of all those who died in those terrible years , a thanksgiving service will be held today in the st. sophia cathedral, and ceremonial events are planned in the city. now the latest data from the special operation zone, another stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces has been captured near artyomovsk. our scouts discovered him and passed on the coordinates to the command. the first blow to enemy fortifications and guns was carried out by artillery and fpv drones. and only when the militants lost their main forces, an assault group moved out to clear the dugouts, which finally occupied the fortified area. russian troops are pushing back the enemy in all directions of the special operation, trying to stop
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the advance of our units, ukrainian formations are mining the approaches to their positions, but this does not stop our fighters. to create safe corridors for the passage of people and equipment, sappers use the specialized ur-77 complex. by human forces this is dangerous for a very long time, this installation will help to do this there within one minute, moving forward is impossible through a minefield, that is, any tank, bmp, it will stand up, this equipment is in a minefield, further, so that this does not happen, do not there must be stops, accordingly, in order for there to be no stops, you need to make a passage, course has worked, all the mines have scattered , a passage 6 m wide opens, at a distance of 100 m, components and assemblies are delivered within counted days, all the main ones are replaced
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, such field workshops are directly from the assembly line of a defense enterprise, so it is possible to reanimate even the most damaged vehicles in the shortest possible time . slovakia was left without its own air defense and combat aircraft, and has not yet received the compensation promised by washington and brussels. 700 million euros for giving ukraine its fighter jets and s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. the slovak minister of defense stated this in an interview with local media. he blamed the previous government, which was replaced in the fall, for the fact that the republic remained worthless. the head of the military department believes that the previous cabinet of ministers acted in the most irresponsible manner, transferring to the kiev regime what it needed for its own security. restoring the defense potential, he concluded, will take years only in the air defense sector. costs of at least a billion euros. expanding in europe mass protests caused by the consequences of the anti-russian policy of brussels by the authorities of the eu countries. they came to the center of the veins on tractors. farmers, so they decided
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to draw attention to the rapidly rising prices of fuel, electricity, fertilizers for the agricultural sector, also expressed dissatisfaction with the import of ukrainian food, which affects domestic prices and makes the work of local farmers unprofitable, again exhibited in the center of berlin, more than half a thousand heavy vehicles and dozens of tractors, they blocked movements. the protests are also caused by rising fuel prices and preferential treatment for ukrainian carriers.
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the navy rammed another moored to the pier. both are minesweepers belonging to different classes. the collision occurred while the ship was backing up. as a result of the emergency , there are reportedly no casualties, although there is now a one and a half meter hole in the left side of one of the minesweepers above the waterline. a unique tournament, which has no analogue in the world, starts in moscow. russian jumping championship. singles pairs participating established and promising stars. athletes, they will perform the most difficult elements that they previously practiced only in training. the qualifying stage is already over; in just one minute, the participant had to make one solo jump, one cascade, with a maximum of two attempts. russian champion adelia petrosyan did the best job among the girls. it took her less than 30 seconds to complete the elements. the playoffs and elimination rounds begin today. there are 2 days of fantastic performances ahead of our skaters. a brilliant spectacle for... the audience
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the first channel will be commented by the legendary tatyana tarasova, the most convenient places for viewing, as always with our viewers. so, watch the russian jumping championship this weekend live on channel one, today at 17:00 and after the evening news tomorrow at 15:10, our figure skating stars are reaching new heights. that 's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning everybody. who celebrates this day with the first channel on the calendar january 20, saturday, with you irina moromtseva, winter covered its equator with snow, but we , looking towards spring, keep our finger on the pulse of the seasons, however, we are gradually starting to get tired of all this snow and blizzards, we want more sun, birdsong, ringing bells, murmur of streams, however, there are places where spring always lives, and it’s not just some kilometers away from us, it’s much more...
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from irina ryzhova to bask in the activities, we ran up the hill, everyone is having fun, everyone is having a great time, we ourselves are filled with new emotions, it seems to me when we... we just sit and as we get older we start to get kind of bored, it’s wrong. point two from her husband, yuri volkov. he is always ready to push the family to do something new. only me not so much. this time to proper nutrition, the main winter ingredient is cod liver. just a teaspoon replenishes the daily requirement of vitamin d, which we now lack so much. and the beam costs only 100 rubles. add eggs, rice and of course onions. another one.
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vitamin ingredient, greens in themselves are pleasing to the eye, because they are green on a white background, delicious, hence the strength to ride again, to climb the hill again, already sixteenth time. the third way is to rush to spring with the pleasure of egor, he, like dad, loves to cook only sweets, gingerbread with glaze, it is in the cold season that they seem the most delicious. mom, meanwhile , candles. the fourth winter entertainment of the wolf family, coconut wax, the most harmless, heat it in a water bath, add flavoring up to 15%, pour it into cups, life hack, if you use a wooden wick, when burning it will crackle like a fireplace, the cost of such candles is about three times cheaper than store-bought ones, take note, the fifth way is to enjoy the winter from nastya volkova, comfort, all these soft pajamas, warm slippers, when are they still available... january, by the way, is the coldest
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month of the year, and if also make hot cocoa, the healthier thing is that without additives and 100% cocoa, i, to be honest, can’t imagine how it can be... yes there is winter, but if you get tired of it, then take more blankets, sit in the room, turn on a good movie and wait for spring. sixth - winter activity of the volkovs: collecting cones and spruce needles, and then make jam from them and make vitamin tea with you on the hill. with such activities we will quickly get home until spring. maria kuskov, dmitry roshkov, rastislav kolisnikov, dmitry gordienko, channel one. i wonder what is more: sand particles in the sea or snowflakes in the snowdrifts? by the way, you know that each of them is unique. our correspondent sergei abramov sotnik found out what the shape of a snowflake depends on, and he also learned that snow has its own voice. there are no two
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identical snowflakes in the world; each has its own pattern. it is mathematically shown that the probability education. that is, this is more than the number of atoms in the universe, who would like to check this fact, then we have enough material for this, but by the shape of a snowflake, scientific glyciologists can determine how things are up there, the shape often depends on the temperature, that is, at which it happens this crystallization, plus moisture is needed, material for the construction of a snowflake, it appears simply: a drop of water clings to a speck of dust, flies down, collecting moisture along the way, beautiful rays grow. if the minus of a little moisture is not enough, the rays do not grow, they fall hexagons, that’s when gears or prisms fall out, the humidity is higher, but there is not enough frost, maximum -10°. the most beautiful, delicate ones appear in high humidity and severe frost, as in kamchatka, where volcanoes
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humidify the air all year round. when it snows, and the temperature is high enough, let’s say, around zero, and that is , snowflakes, while they fall from the sky to the ground, manage to take on this beautiful shape. in yakutia it is dry, frosty, openwork snowflakes are rare, needles fall more often. but our temperature now is -40, so it’s snowing very small. these six rayed stars are not there now, simply because the temperature is very low. and what does snow sound like in kamchatka? it crunches dully, it all rings because of the humidity in yakutia. even schoolchildren know that snowflakes break, and experienced polar explorers know that they crunch. they can easily determine the temperature outside; the louder the ringing, the colder it is. and the snow is not falling silently. anyone who has been in a winter forest during a snowfall has heard this sound. a real miracle of nature that we see every year, and just imagine, more than 50% of the population
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the earth has not seen real snow. we are the lucky ones. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia novakhatnia sergey morin, channel one. we met in our studio. famous godparents and their godchildren, i am a very responsible person, one of my goddaughters ’ mother died, and i immediately said that i am taking you to live with me, elenochka, i know that you are also godmother several times, the oldest is 16 years old , the youngest is 4 years old, we removed the wall together, alexander mikhailovich solemnly wrote on me at the moment, he sprinkled you, they say this a lucky sign, a good omen, i have a godson who was previously. at svo , he is now in the hospital, i am very proud of him, baptism, when you understand who you are, to whom you belong, and you don’t run around, and don’t ask how to live, this is a day for the lord, we put off our everyday activities, we we go to the temple, when a person
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has some kind of trouble, the soul begins to suffer, the temple, there is an answer to questions that are sometimes difficult to formulate, my son’s heart stopped. we lost him and katya saved me, katya says to me: be godmother, for me it was such a gift, we have the best godmother in the world, look after the program time, bourbon steersman is a product of the stellor group, we are not boiled, we are not raw, we... will not give up, we will be angry, you are very always beautiful, ha, they brought me two females, i was furious, the kids are backing, but loudly, but he’s not there, he’s not there , the spider ran away, you have some kind of special finger, it’s probably there, no, i can
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twist it for you, twist it , as he calls girls who play checkers, checkers players, and... it seems like everything started off well for me, now will end badly, best of all, new season, tomorrow after the evening. do you eat buns? very rarely, if the mother is kind, she can allow it once a week. the winter this year is good, snowy, as it should be, you can ride down the snow slides to your heart's content, and take your children with you to reminisce about your childhood. well, what could be better, now, together with the advanced father of two children, kirill insarov and votaga of his assistants, we will arrange snow rides and test a variety of different ones. a manual for slides, and of course, we’ll remind you about safety rules, hello everyone, my name is kirill
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entsarov, and today i propose to take a breeze down the winter slide, today our nephews are visiting us and we, such a friendly group, decided to arrange a test drive of various devices for lowering sleds and ice skates, we will find out what is more fun to ride, what? be safe, the test drive includes a cheesecake, a snow scooter, an ice cube, a homemade linoleum ladder and a cardboard box. before you start riding, a few words about safety: first, the slide, there should be no obstacles, bushes, trees, benches, nothing that you could run into and get injured. for example, in our country, even the trees located on both sides of the hill are treated with special protective mats. and another important point: the slide should not be icy, but snowy. the second rule is the child’s posture, he should never roll head first, did you guys hear? yes, the last one, we don’t
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plant the rootstock, okay? yes, choose what you will drive? minolium, ceiling. i'll wait for you downstairs to time it. no, not very much, somehow slowly! so, linnoleum turned out to be the fastest slow - cardboard. now we'll test the emergency braking, we'll need to brake right here, are you ready? yes, let's run! brake, brake,
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oh, well, we've driven, yes, let's sum it up, the cheesecake is big, comfortable, but it's hard to brake. the snow scooter is maneuverable, fast, but for those who are older, the ice skate and linnoleum are fast and easy to brake on, but the cardboard is not interesting, the main thing is that we are all happy, ruddy and happy, go on the slide, it’s fun, i recommend it to everyone! hockey is played by real men, as is known, but not only by real grandmothers they also play hockey, although those whom you will now see on your screens are nothing like grandmothers. to name, they are a region for many young people, so we will do with you as usual
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with a head start, they will give us a head start, we go to arkhangelsk corner 1:0, everyone remembers, yes, this is a hockey team from the village of bereznik, arkhangelsk region, breaking all the molds, the youngest participant is just over fifty, the captain there are 83 teams, they all first stepped on the ice just 5 years ago. the most difficult thing was just to stay on the ice, we couldn’t stay on the ice even a bit, our legs were moving apart, we were i'm scared that we will fall and break something, we started skating with a goal where the puck is driven in, we push the goal and skate, the question immediately is who made older people take such risks, we ourselves, we wanted to, we ourselves came to the local ice palace and asked it was a joy to train them, when they were able to ride without support. incredible, now they train 5 days a week, two on the ice, three in the gym. they already
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skate confidently, are not afraid to fall, already understand the rules of the game of hockey, we are trying play on the road, they really like to travel with other teams to get acquainted, communicate , show themselves, they don’t always win, but they score goals, the opponents are usually younger, in petrozavodsk we generally played with girls, girls under twenty are close to twenty. yes, hockey players say, it has a rejuvenating effect. my knees stopped hurting, even though they hurt often. and in general i began to feel lighter, better. by the way, the word grandmother is taboo in the team. girls, girls, girls, nothing else, they really are young and active. besides there's plenty to do in hockey. children, grandchildren, a vegetable garden, many have work, social activities.
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they have time to help each other and just chat. for example, the whole team gets together to pickle cabbage. and... after a tea party with pies and jam, yes, yes, it’s better for athletes not to get carried away with baking, but they will work on it little by little, you need to sit on the floor, well, continue like this, and now lie down, oh no, your rewards for participating in tournaments the team carefully preserves them, there are not many of them yet, but the hockey players believe that everything is ahead, they have already overcome their age, stereotypes too, and this more serious victories in matches, anastasia zavidova, anatoly klaskov. first channel, now, attention on the screen, in front of you is the rising star of the furry football team, a young cat named india, despite his young age, he is, in general, up to the shoulder of many football battles, confidently stands on the goal, catches no only the ball that the owner throws to him, but also, of course
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, likes, millions of users, until spring, which means until the start of the gardening campaign, there are still a whole 6 weeks, but for experienced gardeners this is already some 6 weeks , need to we've got to keep up with the front immediately, indoor plants also require attention, so now the floor is oksana stankevich. you yourself have probably already had breakfast, but the flowers stand hungry in winter. there is no need to fertilize the plants , because they are in a light hibernation, but they definitely need to be fed, otherwise where will they get the strength until spring, drink tea with sugar in the morning, give the plants sweet water, a tablespoon of sand per liter of water, stir, water, this fertilizing
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everyone loves ficuses very much. succulents, for such a treat the plants will delight you with new ones shoots, you see, this zamioculcas is already putting out new branches, add lemon to the tea, don’t forget about orchids, they also love sour things, only 10 drops per liter of water, stir and water, but there is a rule: we don’t give sour water to flowering specimens , and those that do not want to bloom, we treat them without fail, with lemon water, orchids and new leaves grow and shoots with buds are released. lovers of a healthy
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lifestyle eat bananas in the morning. great! we eat the pulp ourselves, and give the skin to the plants. fill it with one and a half liters of water, let it sit for a day, water any plants you have in the house with banana water, the flowers will literally perk up after such a treat, they will look healthy and well-groomed, but the healthiest thing to eat is for breakfast, that’s right, i admit i don’t really like porridge or oatmeal . i cook rice regularly and i’m not lazy about flowers, i cook them too. i take 100 g of raw cereal, add 2 liters of water and grind it all. rice water is like an elixir for plants; they quickly
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begin to bloom. do you see how many flowers mespotiphilus produced? it's all thanks to rice fertilizing, by the way, orchids and anthuriums also love it, just don’t feed your plants, treat them once every two to three weeks, this will be enough to get this result. great news, the closed screening is returning to the air on channel one, fans of great good cinema, rejoice, everyone is watching the closed screening this evening, tell me what the movie is about, i don’t know. well, what about, maybe they are invisible, also because no one needs them, because they sit on the other side, well done, wonderful, you know that he artificial intelligence responded, we haven’t heard, no artificial. intelligence cannot replace the charm of natural intelligence, as loyal viewers of the closed screening program know well. the programs that i remind you are designed for a wide but deep
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audience. my name is alexander gardon. there are many mistakes in the film, i can admit to them. and i can turn any picture that you name to me into dust in 5 minutes, any one. is caesar right or brutus? so shakespeare explained that it is impossible to understand the principle. this movie is worth watching because that he is so-so. a live conversation between critics and viewers with the film crew: turn off the tv, go have tea, well, you will still come to the discussion, the closed screening program is returning to the air on channel one, actors, directors, film critics will come to alexander gordon’s cozy cinema hall, we’ll be together watch a good movie, why should you watch it this way and not another way? tomorrow there will be a discussion of the film directed by larisa sadilova: a vegetable garden, the story of two women whose world is closed in an ordinary vegetable garden, why is it so scary to go beyond the boundaries of this world? put down the buckets, take the shoes!
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the studio is divided into those who want to throw a stone at the garden, my mother digs in a friend’s garden for fun, but when people, when people hide behind the garden, on those who protect the picture, a sense of responsibility , yes, because when you this parents’ house, that’s understandable, yes, that is, these are the roots. when it's destroyed, she can't let it be destroyed, i have a friend, a famous artist, very famous, rich as a chair, she rolls cans because it gives her pleasure, alexander gardon always has a question in store that will awaken a heated discussion. young people ask you what kind of dog, roughly speaking, she won’t go to the supermarket and buy everything that she grows there, it will be three times cheaper, our new roles.
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january 20 is world cheese lovers day, it is hardly possible to say for sure where the first head of this very product was made, but archaeologists assure that cheese making has existed for more than 7,000 years in our country, cheese is loved, made and even boasted about. pashikhonsky, vologda, kostroma, these we have known cheeses for a long time, recipes born among the people have long gone into mass production, now few people will... bother with aging cheese for 2 months, and even at a strictly defined temperature. nowadays , homemade cheeses are often brined, those that do not require ripening. for example, in the south we
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have always made suluguni, in the crimea - crimean kholumi. they say that the turks brought his recipe with them from cyprus, back in time. it’s easy to prepare: enzyme, milk, cut the thickened mass. the grain is ready, now we will press it. first coup cheese needs to be done within 5 minutes. after 2 hours, we sprinkle the cheese with crimean aromatic sun-dried tomatoes and herbs; even in the crimea , it is customary to fry it, and for a dessert option, top it with honey. russia is a multinational country, each people has its own type of cheese, and the adyghe people invented odyghe cheese, it seems, back in the 7th century bc. it is also very simple: boil full-fat milk, whey and salt, do not bring to a boil, and then place the resulting mass in a colander. we... sprinkled salt on a plate, put cheese on it, sprinkled salt on top, the cheese is ready to eat, but you need to let it cool a little and let it sit.
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the cheese does not require ripening, it is nourishing and does not spoil for a long time, you can take it with you to the mountains, to work or on a long hike. the tatars brought kyrt cheese into our common culture, although it’s difficult to call it cheese, it’s more of a fermented milk product, convenient for nomads, but for a sedentary life, they learned to make homemade cheeses from us . we had a lot of milk and my mother always made cottage cheese, they didn’t eat cottage cheese, so mother learned to make cheese. the cottage cheese is boiled in milk and pressed, mixed with butter, boil again, the cheese is ready. in the caucasus, there is a tradition of greeting people with bread and cheese, which may be why recipes do not change there.
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insert a balloon into one stomach. add one tablespoon of salt, one tablespoon of grain, one glass of dried apricot. the finished whey is added to milk, boiled over low heat and the resulting mass is pressed; in circassian , the whey is prepared on a cow’s stomach , it is infused for a day, and then you can make cheese. we like exactly this kind of cheese, so that there is no lump there, we like exactly the same dense cheese, so we we always make this kind of dense cheese. may be. in shape, homemade cheeses are similar to each other, but the taste, as many peoples in our country, there are so many types of cheese. elena savina, elena zykova, channel one. the winter holidays took a short break, but judging by today's test, which my colleague allata decided to give his counterpart, tv presenter and musician anton lavrentiev, breaks are for the weak. the competition called guess the cocktail will be sophisticated and truly
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difficult. cocktails are in order. exclusively non-alcoholic. he knows for sure how to outsing a star, but can he outdrink? today my guest is tv presenter and musician anton lavrenti. anton, good morning, glad to see you. listen, but you are a brilliant musician. i want to say that you could easily sing the star yourself. you don’t have such a thing that for some reason they sing, but i would now shit them all. every time. honestly, well, there are moments when you think, well, i want to, i want to, well, what are you doing, but the roles are a little different, well, bartender of the show with anton lavrentiev and we begin, our task is to prepare a cocktail for the opponent, the one who accurately guesses all the ingredients will win, i add number two so that it doesn’t mean it hurts moonshine, we won’t take much of it, okay, i choose ingredient number next four and ingredient number 7.
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ingredient number 10, most likely it's something carbonated, will you, ingredient number six, the color is divine, almost kombucha, please, well, something sour, i think there's definitely lemon juice in there, lemon, well, there's definitely lemon there, just sparkling water, and not some kind of sweet soda, i think it’s some kind of hawthorn, oh, rosehip, plum compote, well , let it be a bell, well, it’s a success, i’m testing it while i’m still on my feet, i guessed one ingredient, and this means reason. preserved, lot number five, oh, oh-oh, oh , just because it goes back, it ’s syrup, most likely it’s white wine, let’s go with nine, number nine is also closer to red, but not, let’s say, cognac- colored , bottle number one, yes, thank you, thank you, this is a ten, well, by the way,
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nothing, i promise tonight. what a great guy, applause, well, well, i already have a cheat sheet with the answers, so, tomato juice, lemon concentrate, coconut milk, friends, cola, cola, grenadine, pineapple juice, coffee, mint syrup, mint syrup, and a tonic that was simply unmistakably guessed as the most wonderful presenter of the first channel, you receive a medal, good morning, which confirms that you are not weak,
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friends, listen to good music, watch the first channel, especially good morning, so that every morning there is goodness. anton, thank you big, have a nice day, good morning, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if on them... and unpredictability, incredible complexity and the struggle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eva was like a dream.
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russian jumping championship, live broadcast, today on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. closed show. with alexander gardon, you like the film so much, an absolutely original and powerful film language, the genre breaks down, suddenly they they go into such a monologue, oops and a monologue, you understood what you are talking about now at the level of the script, but of course, the viewer should
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see what happens to these characters from beginning to end, they are real and alive all the way, he plunges into the depths of human relationships, i looked at the picture and forgot about it, and in the morning i wake up and suddenly... so in the end they are together or not? sessions start today at first. on the calendar , january 20, people called this day a winter holiday, they said that it was the news of spring shows how this message is transmitted from under such snowdrifts, it will be interesting to watch today, but we will not only be engaged in natural history this weekend, what else will our astrologers tell us? both of these weekends are great guys, good-natured, honest, open, they know how to make friends, and you can’t call them lazy. tomorrow, however, is a little restless, he is bored doing one thing for a long time, but he is friends with technology and all sorts of gadgets, he thinks quickly, and if
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he needs to invent something, that’s also for him. day today's is not so nimble, but persistent , diligent in economics, and also handy, the best friend of everyone who makes something, and he knows how to count money, if... you're going shopping, take him with you, and also these days are good at fixing what is broken and connecting what is broken, you don’t need their help, we are not just talking about material objects, but about such subtle matter as good relationships, if you quarreled with someone and now regret , you can fix this, but what the stars don’t advise is arguing, especially with elders relatives, taurus may not have something that they were counting on, someone will forget about a promise given to you, some plans, or something just won’t work out, go through it calmly, and the opportunity to do something with benefit will be pleasant buy or sell. the twins have a normal and slightly lazy weekend, don’t get involved in what doesn’t concern you, take care of yourself, pay attention to your loved ones,
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everything will be fine, by the way, how about an outing with the whole family? a good weekend at crayfish, when everything fits in measure, just be careful with any complex capricious technique, get ready tomorrow... libra men, if you can’t decide to propose marriage, act today. scorpios have a smooth weekend when
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everything goes as planned. the main thing is, don’t believe rumors and generally don’t rush to take everyone’s word for it, and tomorrow, it seems, wants to please you with something and pleasantly surprise you. everyday life can be overwhelming for sagittarius, and most likely they will have to borrow money. a pleasant weekend for aquarius, when no one interferes, confuses plans and does not interfere with wheels, some pleasant surprise is not excluded, maybe a meeting with someone you recently remembered, or good news, or they might give you something, everything should work out for the fish, though perhaps some kind of
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ridiculous or funny situation, well, treat it with humor, but with money more seriously, please, if you have small children, do something interesting with them, even build a snowman, good luck! you smile is the key to a good photograph, but what to do if you think that your smile is so-so, but are you generally not very good at taking photographs? to start giving up these beliefs, photographer timofey pudan will tell you how to always look good in photographs. now he will share a professional secret. the success of a photo shoot depends not only on the surroundings and lighting, but also on the ability to pose. beginning models most often have a question: where to put their hands? it's so ugly at the seams. to start.
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bring your elbows forward, the pose is too tense to look feminine, put one hand on your cheek, with the other hand we carefully straighten the strands near the face, pay attention, one elbow is pointed down, the other to the side and don’t forget about the smile, it’s better this way, the new year holidays seem to be over, but all these olivier, herring under a fur coat and other goodies. says our healthy expert darina
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griboyedova. what should you do if you want to lose weight? the main useful habit is to move more. what about food? the internet gives advice, let’s figure out whether everyone can be trusted? we say no to diets, here are healthy habits for losing weight. of course yes. lydia, good morning. many healthy websites advise eating cottage cheese and yoghurt every day. research regarding this group of dairy products is very conflicting. therefore, now the group of dairy products is not included in the group of mandatory ones. you need to be very careful with them and consult your doctor. another tip from the internet is to eat a salad with every meal. of course, vegetables are very good. we don't finish our vegetables, but we do have salad. once or twice a day is enough, enough. what do you think,
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lydia, about this useful habit: fruits and berries instead of sweets. this is what i am ready to support, of course, the only important amount is fruits and berries, especially if you have a tendency towards diabetes, 300-400 g is quite enough. i think the next weight loss habit you should like is to eat more fish. yes, fish is a very... healthy product, but there are fish that contain too many salts, heavy metals, for example, mercury, these are large fish , tuna, for example, so it’s good if we eat fish two or three times a week , well , probably not every day either, what do you say? about such a healthy habit, a glass of water before meals, indeed, they did a study, people ate absolutely the same, one group drank water right before meals, the second did not, who doesn’t know why, but for some reason those who drank lost a little more weight, than
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those who did not drink water. lydia, what if you eat slowly, like this habit, yes, chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly, will it help you lose weight? very often, we eat completely unconsciously, we don’t feel the tastes of food at this moment, therefore, i paraphrased, not just eat slowly, but eat consciously and listen to your own at this moment. well, probably the most useful healthy habit for losing weight is advising you to sleep more, when we sleep enough, the next day we have the normal level of hormones that are responsible for overeating, if we don’t get enough sleep, the level of those hormones that lead to overeating increases. when we want to eat, we do it impulsively and don’t even notice how we overeat the next day. so, six healthy habits. for weight loss we approved, lydia, maybe
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add a seventh, 7 days a week, i would added regular food, dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime, and then you will not only be able to lose weight, but also safely maintain this reduced result, great, but a good motto is not just to lose weight, but to maintain the result, winter this year is real, frosty , animal birds, it’s true, it’s not easy... it’s easy to feed them or not, so as not to guess, let’s turn to specialists, well, how can we not feed them, they’re hungry, many people think so, and what are they not carrying? animals in the park and forest, of course, out of the kindness of my heart, in feeder , which is installed for deer, i personally saw a basin with olivier on january 2, wow, we don’t carry olivier, or rather we don’t carry anything, we can’t feed the muskies, deer and wild boars at all, feeding by humans leads to the fact that the animals begin to go out into the city
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limits , that is, they get used to the fact that they can get carrots in the winter, but they understand how they begin to resemble, clinching this treat from a person or something. they themselves may die, or they may injure someone, this is firstly, and secondly, they actually have enough food, they everyone perfectly digs out the snow with their hooves, gets to the dried grass trail, elk and deer perfectly eat, gnaw, gnaw the bark from tree trunks, wild boars dig up the roots of plants, despite the fact that we consider the winter forest empty, there is a lot of food for animals in it, and this even applies to squirrels, however, there is an exception, it all depends on where you are going to feed. a squirrel should not go into the forest like that and start feeding it, but if the squirrel has already grown up in a city park, where people walk every day, people feed it, then we continue to feed the feeder, we pour food into the feeder, but we don’t do it like that from the palm of our hand, no, no, no, no, no, it’s dangerous, she can bite, she’s cute in
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appearance, cute in appearance, but the bite can be painful, plus the squirrel’s teeth he doesn’t know how to peel, an infection may set in, you can have nuts in... dried berries in a shell, but most likely these animals didn’t have enough reserves, unlike birds, they really need feeding, here in the national park they even have a christmas tree they decorate the delicious one every year, one year we hung colorful feeders, the second year we made feeders made of cones, this year cookies for them are made of sunflowers, the technology is simple, pour gelatin or rendered lard into the seeds, raw, this is important, fried and salted are prohibited, yes, they will consume them, consume them, but they will develop liver disease and the bird will die very quickly. we don’t put bread in the feeder either, it only puts a strain on digestion and has no benefit. what kind of feeder should it be? a prerequisite is to make sure that it is safe for the bird, it can fly in and definitely fly out.
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that is, the windows should be large enough. yes, yes, they suggest making not just one large feeder, but hanging many small ones, because one feeder is visited by one, but a maximum of two birds. when we were kids, we made these feeders from milk cartons , these are suitable, you can, yes, you can hang them, but you have to take it away in april so that this plastic doesn’t litter nature, you also need to hang the feeder, otherwise everything will go to rodents, and these they definitely won’t give up anything. anna vashukalkozubov, alexey danko, channel one. good, cheerful morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with us, you slept well, probably full of energy, no? perhaps you slept incorrectly. let's begin an audit of the sleeping place together with chiropractor and neurologist sergei dlin. your back and neck hurt in the morning, perhaps it’s time for you to change your mattress. let's test it: lie on your back and put your hand under your lower back. if it slips easily,
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the mattress is too hard. on it , the lower back will not completely relax during sleep. this mattress is double-sided. yes. let's test it from the reverse side. a man can flip a mattress alone. we squat, back straight, grab the edges, lift the mattress, pull it towards us, turn it over, hold the old man to smoothly lay him on the bed. women should not lift the mattress. let's do the same test again. and now the palm is difficult. climbs between the back and the mattress, which means that on this side the mattress is semi-rigid, it follows the curves of the body, this is ideal for relaxing the spine, if the mattress is with memory foam, even better, it is as clearly follows the contours of the body. now let’s look at the pillow, it’s harmful to sleep without it, your neck doesn’t
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relax, you prefer to rest lying on your stomach so as not to throw your head back, you ’ll need a small one. and a thin pillow, but in general in this position the muscles of the neck and back tense, so i recommend choosing a more comfortable position, let’s say for the back, choose a pillow of such a height that the neck on it continues the line of the spine, does not rise up and does not tip back, but the ideal position for sleeping on the right side, height the pillow in this case should be the size of your shoulder; there is no pressure in this position. on the heart and other internal organs, the spine also relaxes. take care of your bed and you will have fewer back problems. good health to you! day! republic of crimea , we’ll go on a short trip, i really want a sea of ​​sunshine there. do you recognize what this
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place is? crimea. the cape is thick. local traveler alexander mikhailenko is looking for the most unusual places, not trampled by tourists, and shows his beloved republic from unexpected angles. these places are covered in snow, i i think few people have seen it at all. in general, such heavy snowfall is rare for the peninsula . damn, it looks more like greece, it bears traces of antiquity, it’s a winter painting, from
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the impression, of course, in winter it’s difficult to paint from life, but when winter absolutely everything changes for us, shape, landscape, color, that’s why i want to paint winter. inspired by sandy beaches and cliffs, which are considered one of the oldest on the planet, their caves are a separate world, the largest is kizil-kaba, or as it is called the red cave. temperature in the cave +10°, never changes, the total length of all passages is 27 km, the cave rises up at least 200 m, down goes down another about 30 meters . underground rivers flow here, and stalactites and stalagmites create bizarre shapes, there is a sleeping baby hare, and dragon teeth. in this place , a rather rare phenomenon will occur relatively soon, which... i can boast that i have seen
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this phenomenon at least once in my life, but they will come into contact in at least 150 years, we still have time to see enough of this miracle. crimea is so diverse that each area can have its own plants, landscapes and even climate when it snows, for example, bugas bay is reminiscent of ireland. and the karadak volcano is the kola rocks. islands, but all this is crimea, just not tourist, but the way local residents see it. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia zavidova, channel one. this is probably a familiar situation to everyone: there’s something hanging around in your wardrobe that you don’t even want to wear, and it’s a pity to throw it away, some old sweatshirt. our designer olga nikishcheva will now refresh her to such an extent that she will return to the list of favorite things again. dear friends, today we will be remaking an unnecessary old sweatshirt, the collar of which has a stain on it. for
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work, we will also need an old children's pullover with stretched elastic bands and with spools, yarn for knitting, like this collar, which was left over from an unknitted sweater. to begin with, completely rip off the sweatshirt here. we cut the children's pullover along the side seams, cut off the collar, it is still narrow, we connect both pieces, we combine the shoulder seams, we chop off, and now we begin form from a shelf. the lover has a future applique, draw a line along which we will cut off the excess. we sew the applique on
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a machine along the line. we cut off the excess knitwear, leaving about half a centimeter of seam allowance. continuing the drawing line onto the floor. we lay decorative stitches by hand using knitting threads. it turns out to be a very interesting texture: we decorate the back with a yoke and sew on a collar. that’s all the work, such an elegant new thing can be worn with pleasure, original, warm, and you don’t have to do anything. don't throw it away, don't buy. on this day, 80 years ago, january 20, 1944, soviet troops liberated
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veliky novgorod, with this. an operation began to finally lift the blockade of leningrad and a powerful counter-offensive throughout the northwestern direction. monument to the millennium of russia, symbol of veliky novgorod. when the nazis entered the city, they cut the fastening bolts and threw all the figures to the ground. it was assumed that this monument would subsequently be taken to germany as a symbol of victory over the soviet union. capture of the city. started with bombing on august 14, 1941, the plan of the german command to cut the moscow-leningrad road. by the end of the month, our troops left the city, although they entrenched themselves a few kilometers from its border. of the 40 thousand inhabitants, only a few dozen people remain in the city. the majority were evacuated before the occupation; those who did not have time were resettled by the nazis or taken to
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germany. the houses were empty, they were dismantled for building materials. bricks were used for paving roads, wooden floors were used for heating, for blends. there are only 40 intact buildings left in the city, among them the st. sophia cathedral; only the domes and part of the wall were damaged; the oldest temple of the 21st century was restored and some of the stolen relics were returned. the iconostasis was found in germany, the cross of the main dome in spain. for example, this is an icon, it preserved a fragment of a shell, and the restorers simply deliberately did not take it out on purpose, you see, there it is... to recapture novgorod, the soviet command tried for 2 and a half years, even, the city was turned into a fortress, not in the forehead take, by the year forty-four the initiative in the war was already on our side, only then the fifty-ninth army of the volkhov front was able to accumulate the strength to strike from the flanks. during the operation to liberate novgorod, two
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yarasan battalions took part, the thirty-fourth and forty-fourth. these battalions. played quite an important role during the offensive. the bet on speed and surprise worked. the advanced detachments of the two directions met at the sofia belfry. on january 20 , a red banner was hung on the wall of the novgorod kremlin. lydia obrosimova learned about this on the radio. to her i was 14 at the time and lived in evacuation with my family. of course, we were very happy, i just don’t know, even if we were leaving now. i'm going to get healthy. but there was nowhere to go back. this is how evgeniy saw novgorod then. andreev, a young engineer, came to rebuild the city again. here from today's station to the kremlin, there was an open field, all this space was solid, ruins, work began from the center, from that very monument of the millennium of russia. a team of eight restorers worked, the sculptures were lifted up manually, after six months the monument was already like new. yuri nesterov, stepan yarofeev, igor kostyukov, ilona
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tikhonova, channel one. on wide screens. country, a large-scale war drama by alexei german the younger was released, air, a great, honest movie about the war, the first viewers share their opinions and impressions, come and make your own, the film is really worth watching, everything is in order, we attack, malcha, to the left, finally, we go to the second circle, the endless road of life, above it are fragile girls, in clumsy airplanes, it depends on them, will the besieged city live, the air , the thick, tense air of war, alexey german, the youngest, conveyed such deep impressions in his film that it even took my breath away, my heart froze and i couldn’t breathe, women nearby were literally crying, a very deep film , please, little mus, please.


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