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tv   Poekhali  1TV  January 20, 2024 12:15pm-1:11pm MSK

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and with this our episode is completed, right now on channel one, the program is off, well, good luck, let's go, come on, misha, wait, the real russian winter, here it is, look how beautiful it is, pike, yes, yes , pike, the fattest cream used here is 33%, there were a lot of takes, we spent the whole day fiddling around. picks up, wait, i'm about to crash, but alive, brother of demons, chase, princess, chase, that's it, they seem to have broken away, they seem to have fallen behind. listen, it’s not
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easy to run around the great city, but we, friends, are in rostov the great, and even if you are in you’ve never been to this city, you were still here, because you probably saw the legendary film that was filmed here. ivan vasilyevich is changing his profession, by the way, she turned 50 years old, happy anniversary, all of you, well , us, of course, well, this is our journey around rostov, the great. it begins, well, let's go, let's run, again
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, the cloud has cleared up, we were driving here and didn't know that luck awaited us here, imagine, we were lucky enough to meet a person who was present on the set of the legendary film, photographed the entire filming process , today they would say backstage, wait, are they running out of here? from this porch, yes, yes, yes, yes, they were running out of this porch, this is where we are standing, here was a car, this is where the camera filmed, there were a lot of takes, no, this plot turned out very easily, here in the rostov kremlin , the famous director leonid gaidai filmed scenes of old moscow, the moscow kremlin chamber of ivan the terrible, filming of a comedy based on the play by mikhail bulgakov began in seventy-two, on screens. the film was released in
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seventy-third, she immediately became the leader in film distribution. over the course of a year, the film was watched by more than 60 million people, and we continue to enjoy it on the eve of every new year. where did they get these guards or whoever the fugitives were? and we have a military unit nearby. what are you, conscripts? yes, the soldiers, the soldiers came, they were dressed up, but for them it was a holiday. listen, yes, probably someone. of them later entered the army, and then into an acting or theater institute, according to the plot of the film in the role of the moscow kremlin rostov, it began to be built in the 15th century as the residence of the then metropolitan of the rostov diocese, jonah sisuevich. the architecture of the fortress, its preservation and large territory were ideal for filming. was the director strict? yes.
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that’s exactly why i came to look at the director, because well, he’s famous, because there weren’t any comedies like that anymore, it turned out to be such a simple little man, how old were you then? 22, well, as far as i know, you had a very cool camera for those times, yes, yes, yes, yes, zenith sixth, this is with variable focal length, it is so solid, the main thing is that it shot well. gaidai wrote the first version of the film script for yuri nikulin, but something didn’t work out, and in the end they approved yuri yakovlev. oh, this is the same gate. we climbed. i want to feel like the characters in the film. when they make a film, it’s unclear why they bother with it when you’re already watching the finished film.
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in general, we were very lucky with the kremlin in the film crew; we didn’t have to hide the details of the new building, because it’s actually not here, everything is authentic. today there is an architectural and museum complex here, in it includes the assumption cathedral, this is the oldest building in the city, a unique belfry with bells cast in the 17th century, holy gates, many churches, towers and walls of the kremlin. the thickness of the walls, just think about it, is 5 m. but masha and i are now more interested in the cinematic archers who jumped from these very walls, or rather from the roof, this wall on top has such a canopy, as you understand, it is impossible to run, on the opposite side there was it was made on a
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horizontal style, the camera couldn’t see it, but they ran on it perfectly, and then jumped in this direction, at the bottom there was a straw that... they were jumping from high walls, well, because this is a miracle and cinematography, and in general , now who did it? it took a whole day to film 3 seconds and 3 seconds, what was the difficulty in capturing this moment so that it would be real , something like this, they did the same thing, so the director says i don’t like it, let’s do more. they will go around, imagine, they will rise, more, more takes they did it, he says, again it’s not the same, that’s how it is with us , my wife, also our director doesn’t like what we do and how we do it, we run, but how long in general was this film filmed here in rostov the great, well, they’re
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here about a week , they will shoot this, then they will take the film to moscow, develop it, look at it, and if he doesn’t like something, he says: let’s shoot it again, now for playback. i remember the terminology, i looked at everything, and before this is how the director looked, he liked how it was in real life, only then there was this breakdown of consciousness, when you saw how it was done and how it turned out, of course, a flight into space, that is , when you see how they film it, you don’t understand, why are they jumping, why are they jumping for what, when all this has already been edited and to the music, and to the rhythm, you just sit and enjoy . we’ve been laughing like this for 50 years, but my wife and i have long wanted to take part in one old russian fun, winter, in my opinion, it’s time to use the magic of television and be transported somewhere, like ivan vasilyevich, but not in time, in space. i just
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i understand that we are now going to have real russian winter fun, and a dog ride, yes, yes, two sleds, you sit down, we’ll have a race there. a race, a race, yes, on two teams, this is a very famous team, tramps of the north, veronica nilova, a famous musher, winners of multiple competitions, we also took gold in china last year, here are dogs, which i am very proud of, yes, these are wooden classic sled, that's it, i take my place as a passenger, the most important thing is not to fall out of the sled, i hope this is out of the question, i ready, everything is good, so, well, masha and veronica will race on huskies, mikhail and i
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on a husky, well, let's go, to the start, attention, march, well, let's go! went! huskies are sled dogs, the breed was bred in the arctic. theoretically, huskies can cover a distance of up to 250 km without stopping. so, girls, come on, oh-oh-oh-oh, huskies are a hunting breed. previously, they helped catch bears, fur-bearing animals and waterfowl . these dogs are distinguished by amazing endurance. and we took the lead, we are in the lead, where, where, we are the first, likes, of course, a little calmer, right, and what is this, what is this, well, as you can see, we
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made men, come on, push it, mizha, we can’t lose to the girls. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, veronica, come on, come on, here you go. corral, girls, likes, super, right , right, well, come on, at least we'll be ahead of them by a head, girls, girls, girls, victory will be ours, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, well, i don't understand , and we had a photo finish, we
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were the first, yes, hurray, veronica, high five, well, the victory is for the girls, in our team there are huskies, huskies, in terms of their physical indicators they are a little calmer, a little more, in your team, by the way, there were six huskies and eight girls, can you imagine, no, we still have one boy there was, here, here, here, here, here, here he is, one man. listen, let me tell you, the adrenaline is off the charts, come on , i’ll pump you up now, just be careful , okay, zhenya, zhenya, zhenya, you know that they can exchange up to 40 km/h, up to 40 km/h, can you imagine, i drive around moscow more slowly, why are the dogs dragging me now and steering them, zhenya, and i have to steer, but you and you, wait, you need to, you need to slow down, have you taught me? oh, listen, it was cool,
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real winter fun, a great mood , and as you know, a great mood improves immunity, and we still have everything, you know what they say, no matter where we go, everyone says, come to us in the summer, here you go in the summer no, that's it. we advise everyone, you should definitely try it at least once in your life if you find yourself somewhere near rostov the great in winter, but we completely forgot that it’s not told you about the city itself, there is so much more, we return immediately, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born to... as if they had wings behind their backs, as if
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gravity did not affect them, risk , danger, entertainment, 3, and unpredictability, incredible complexity and the struggle of nerves, everything we love about figure skating, this. it was great and the flights on eva were like a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcast, today on the first one, mancacher whiskey - a product of the steller group. and
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we ended up on a frozen lake, which only imagine, 500,000 years, our dears, now you will probably think that we are at the north pole, you see , it’s so cold that our lips freeze, but we haven’t come up with anything better to do here than, that’s right, winter fishing, ice log me always attracted, hello guys, pike, yes, apparently, pike, caught a long time ago, half an hour ago, half an hour ago, that is, still fresh. listen, it means it’s biting well, if you’ve already caught it, and it’s still small, the thickness is about
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20 centimeters, so here the depth is only a meter, yes, one and a half, one and a half, it always surprised me how at a depth of one and a half me, here, here, here, here, here, maybe it’s already the bottom , here’s the bottom, i found it, raised it 15 centimeters, you pump it, it’s called playing, but the lake is 500 thousand years old, i read, more, most. lakes on earth after 50 thousand years of existence are filled with silt and turn into a swamp, but there are no historical fish , there are pikes over 20. over 20 kg 20 kg, that’s half of me. the first people settled near the lake 4,000 years before ours era, and peter ii even wanted to establish his first fleet here, but the depth of one and a half meters turned out to be insufficient. what's the thrill of winter fishing? it's a hellish cold, for kilometers, no one.
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you sit there, you don’t have a bite. eh, there's really nothing to do. why, if you dress correctly. and knowing where there are fish is a pleasure, adrenaline, pleasure, yes, this is a hobby, at what maximum temperature did you go fishing, or rather minimum, maximum cold, -31, and you sat, fished, and i heard you here in general people believe in miracles in fairy tales, but your region is famous, here is a pike, yes, remember this fairy tale about emelya, well, yes, try it, is it serious? come on, come on, there is a pike, emelya, there is, i would really like you to turn out to be magical, at the behest of the pike, according to my desire , pike take us to where the warmth is very tasty, please, please, oh, but the fish turned out to be a sorceress, as they wanted, to
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where the warmth is delicious, so i’ll go to the kitchen to cook with ekaterina, and zhenya will... try oh, wow, and schukha is really magical warmth, oh, who am i, the king , the king comes out, the king, the royal feast, the dish is set to pike in a royal way, we’ll do it, this will be my debut, i’ve never cooked pike in my life, what are we going to do with it, we’re going to stuff it with pike meat, oh, there’s even that. let me help you. so, an old rostov recipe: gut our pike, remove the bones, take out the meat. it is important to remove the gills so that it does not taste bitter. grind the fillet, add grated walnuts, spices to taste, and mix. stuffing. and we sew up
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our fish. where does the thread go then? what are we eating? no. and you pull it out yes it’s fried and the thread can be easily removed, we preheat the oven to how many degrees, 180, and for how many minutes? well, at 40, then throw it straight into the oven, after 40 minutes the food is served to father tsar evgeniy alexandrovich, this is really magic, but here i can already feel maryaevna’s hand. i put these together, ah , well done, but i thought he was just bragging , let’s try the tsar’s pike, you know, you keep saying, here’s the king, the king, but you think it’s easy for us kings, but we’re filming in the cold, then we find ourselves all warm suddenly in a restaurant, by the way, we actually need to give not only pike for harmfulness, but also milk, oh
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a delicacy. overseas caviar, eggplant , oh, so, oh, beauty, well, for the pike for maria sergeevna, well done, economical, so, but for some reason i don’t see those same ones, kidneys, hares, spinners, m, man, man,
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well, we continue to recognize rostov, it is one of the most ancient cities in russia, the year of its foundation is considered to be 862, then there was the first mention of rostov in the tale of bygone years, the prefix “great” appeared in 1151 in the ipatiev chronicle. yes it is not used in official name. the city with a population of thirty thousand is included in the golden ring of russia, but there are many more tourists here than citizens, up to half a million a year. there are 326 cultural monuments on the territory of rostov; the famous rostov fair was held here in the 18th and 19th centuries. at
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the same time , an unusual craft began to develop in the city. rostov became one of the centers for the production of painted enamel. look at those earrings, well, you’ve gone straight to heaven, yes, marya sergeevna. all these things are beautiful, how they are friends, this is not just little things, this is fenift, what is fenift , the fact is that rostov the great is the birthplace of fenifti, what is fenifti, this is a painting, a pictorial painting was caught, and today it is produced only here, they caught it, but can i have that little piece try it on, and you would look for something for your wife, for sure... to be more precise, there is also vologda fenift, but the largest production has grown here in rostov. initially, in the 16th century, craftsmen
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carried out commissions for the church, usually depicting scenes from scripture. inserts from fenifttia decorated priestly vestments, church utensils, and even the royal doors. in the twenties of the last century , an artel was created and women's jewelry, boxes and others began to appear. over the course of 100 years , a small artillery has grown into a large jewelry enterprise, and we are in the finifti museum. friends, if you think that here in rostov the great you can only buy and take fenis with you. then no, you can feel like real feniftians, but i think feniftians, in order to extract enamel, we will, in general, be artists
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who paint that very enamel, however, in this art has its own subtleties, for example, it uses machine oil, antifreeze, oh, it really does use machine oil, but not automobile oil, which is used for, well, lubricating machines, and our paints. they are mixed specifically with machine oil, so it is not water that is used, yes, it is oil, but why use machine oil, no, we have special paints, this is colored glass, they get it in dry form, artists mix the powder with machine oil, and that is, it turns out for glass we write glass, well, to put it simply, yes, the coating goes somewhere three or four times, now together with painting it can reach up to ten firings, it’s very exciting, and most importantly quite affordable, so come to rostov, come to the museum, here they host... master classes on painting for everyone, and oil - why is this a machine, why, is it some kind of binder, no, but the fact is that the paint is also mixed with machine oil and in order to
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wash the brush, yes, wet it, you need oil, come off the brush or for what, yes , then it burns out when fired, glass melts into glass, the work is painstaking, but it seems we are not doing a bad job, i will have a green summer tree, since the leaves are drawn, dots, dots, yeah, i knew, i was just testing you, how quickly the master can work, for example, on with such a magnet, it all depends on the complexity of the painting, flowers can be painted several times a day, and if, for example, you paint landscape or architecture, it can take several days, depending. it’s difficult, that is, such a medallion can be painted for two or three weeks, well, if you paint an icon, then yes on a scale of unobtainability 10 out of 10, yes, no
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, everything is fine, everything worked out, this is an author’s item , so although yes, you can sell it for a high price, i am a fenoil worker, as i see it, yes, the first stage is completed, all that remains is to burn our works of art, looking at - picture, you immediately remember the song , this one, you know it for sure, and behind the tree there is a tree, behind the tree there is a bush behind the bush there is another tree, okay, now the main thing is to look, the main thing is not to drop it in any case, but to transfer the most important final stage to processing , send the enamel to the oven and voila, nothing like this ever happens again who will not... famous godparents and their godchildren met in our studio. i am a very responsible person; one of my goddaughters
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’ mother died. that you, to whom you belong, do not run , and do not ask, but how to live, this is a day for the lord, we put off our everyday activities, we go to the temple, when a person has some kind of trouble, the soul begins to suffer, there is a temple there the answer to questions that are sometimes difficult to formulate, my son’s heart stopped, we lost him, and katya saved me, katya tells me, be
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godmother, for me this... it was such a gift, we have the best godmother in the world, look after the program time, gin sheaf, product of stellor group, we continue to travel around the yaroslavl region and the golden ring, now from rostov. we go to another ancient city. and we are in pereslavl zalesky. the name itself suggests that this is a city of antiquity and history. and the question is, why pereslavl, and even zaleski. the fact is that in russia there were, imagine, three pereslavl. and in each of these pereslavl the trubesh river flowed.
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and the question is how to differentiate. these cities then it was decided to add this to pereslavl, well, let’s say, to substitute another name for the forest, because there are a lot of forests here, indeed it is surrounded by forests, and there is a lot of greenery to this day, yes, but only this particular pereslaval zalessky is considered the younger brother moscow, it is only 5 years younger than her, and it was also founded by yuri dolgoruky, and the legendary russian commander alexei was born here. he spent the first 8 years of his life here, it’s a small town, there are probably 30 thousand people here, but tourists love it very much, this is the church of the forty martyrs, it is even called the calling card of the city, in pereslavl there are several more churches in the same red-orange and green colors, the church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary, simionovskaya church and vladimir cathedral, all of them were built in the 15th century. and this is
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the spasopreobrazhensky cathedral, it was founded by yuri dolgoruky himself in 1152, the year the city was founded, the cathedral is the only one of the five first white-stone churches of northeastern russia, preserved almost in its original form until our days. oh, look, you know what i see, a bridge, probably yes, a bridge, a church, however, it’s summer here, now it’s winter, there’s a stereoscope on the main street that can take anyone back 100 years absolutely free of charge. pereslav
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alzalevsky stands on lake pleshcheyevo, in the center of the national park of the same name. it was here in 1688 that sixteen-year-old peter ii began building his amusing flotilla, which marked the beginning of the creation of the russian navy. peter alekseevich here on lake pleshcheevo, let’s say, trained his strength, that's why this place is called that. the amusing fleet of peter i, well, if we talk about lake pleshcheyevo, this is the second largest lake in the yaroslavl region, and its depth reaches 25 m. yes, lake lednikovo, it is more than 30 thousand years old, by the way, among divers who often dive here , there are several legends, one of them is related to the fact that the lake has a double bottom, it’s like, well, it
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’s glacial, that is, you know something. more active, or more precisely, windmoving, translated, wind wing, that is, an athlete
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the skis are pulled forward by the draft from the wind, which is created by a small sail-wing. meet ours. to carry it, when we take hold of the handles , traction appears so that there is more traction, the lower hand is the gas handle, if i pull it down now, i will be carried away, but how to parachute from it, you can just
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throw everything, yes everything, although they say that it’s easy to master wing control, you still can’t do it without an instructor, at least for beginners like us. lower the left one, no, no, no, you lower everything, she lifts me up, and one and two, hands work, oh, i i really don’t see anything where i’m going, but wait, forward, forward, i’m about to crash , i’m going by myself, the main difference from snowkite, or , well, this sport in general is that there are no strakes here. accordingly, there is no great difficulty in controlling this wing, this wing, the difficulty is in finding the wind, because there is none near the shore, and you have to move further away,
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go, go, go, come on, with these movements you have to pull yourself off places, oh, oh, let's go, well... if you try this sport, remember, the first time you may not turn out like ours, especially if you are not physically in the best shape. however, a well-built person can have problems. it is not the easiest task to hold the sail so that it drags the body along the skis. i’m tired, after 10 minutes of training , my whole body already hurts, it’s out of habit , yes, the instructor doesn’t have to do anything else, step over, like dragging, dragging you
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in this way, in addition to good form , you also need agility to catch the impulse in time, and then use it so that the skis go in the right direction, who? remember the line from the song: i’ll probably let go of the tailwind , i’ll stay with you forever, let’s go, and also watch the weather forecast, suddenly there’s 20 m/sec, then things will go well, oh marie serge, wow,
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let’s fly, after this, of course, is all we can think about when it comes to relaxation. there are more than 50 accommodation options in the city center, including mini-hotels in ancient buildings and more modern hotels. we stayed in a large country complex. there is a lot of entertainment for the whole family and there is spazona, complete relaxation, as they say, rested, you can eat in pereslavl. it’s full of all sorts of authentic restaurants and cafes;
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there’s even a whole area called rybnaya sloboda. there, on the shore of the lake, there lived fishermen who caught that same vendace. there is a lot of fish in these parts, but even more fish dishes are prepared. but, but here is a fish dessert - this is something new, and these are not pies. and what about fish ice cream, thank you, wow, have you ever seen this, ice cream, very similar to vanilla with nuts, well, let me try it in 15 minutes, we’ll see how you do, come on, it’s fish, fish, fish with cream, with sugar, with caramel, you know, here's heart butter, remember it's known, yes, just imagine that... with sugar and nuts. the big question is, will
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milk or cream eat here? yes, of course, the fattest cream used here is 33%. how, how do they go together with herring? well , in fact, it’s a myth that herring is not compatible with a dairy product, even if you take minced meat in a dish, then the herring is soaked in milk so that the excess salt goes away, there is caramel, there is no caramel, here we just use sugar and a little powder. and there is salt, salt comes from herring. we took the concept of the restaurant directly based on herring and , accordingly, our entire line of dishes should be based on herring, that is , it turns out that there is no such ice cream anywhere else in the world, but it is absolutely unique, wow , wow, this is a popular dessert, yes, people specially come to try it namely frozen herrings, yes indeed, i just couldn’t imagine how fishy taste and something sweet, milky, you know what it’s called? harmony, contrast, uh-huh, incredibly, an important question for girls
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, high in calories, due to the cream, yes, okay, well , one at a time is fine, i would like two more, or even three, and what drink should it all be taken with, well, this is a dessert, you can try it with coffee, why not, by the way, yes, coffee with salted fish goes well together, let's have a coffee, let's have an amazing city, its inhabitants. there aren’t many, it’s small, and there aren’t enough museums here for several holidays, for example, the tea museum, here you ’ll be offered different varieties that were revered in russia, or take a look at the teapot museum and find out you can find out more about the fish in the museum of the kingdom of vendace; in general , there are a lot of different, non-trivial, funny educational museums in the city, a chocolate museum, an iron museum, a money museum, a museum of peasant design, and sewing art. and, of course, the botik estate museum
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of peter i. the oldest, first provincial museum in russia was opened back in 1803. it is there that you can see the oak boot fortuna. the only ship of the amusement flotilla of peter i that has survived to this day. and in this small building of the 19th century there is a museum of cunning ingenuity. mug for mustache. xix century great britain, just imagine that it was from these and from here, including several centuries ago, that english gentlemen drank tea, because for respected gentlemen, well, soaking your mustache was certainly not a camelleo, you won’t see such a fork in everyday life today, but in vain, a very convenient contraption, look, a telescopic fork, with the help of this in the last century you could easily reach the plate at the other end. table, a very relevant thing for us, for girls,
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because a cutlet from a companion’s plate is always tastier, these are always, by the way, very rare things, you can only find them here, in pereslavl zalevsky, in the museum of the tricks of ingenuity, here are collected household items mainly from the century before last, a lot of unusual, incomprehensible, in fact , things that made life and work easier. oh, hello guys, good evening, we understand that you have not just a museum, but a whole puzzle that you can touch, look at, and fantasize about. of course, a museum of cunning and ingenuity. guess what this exhibit is for? well, it symbolizes something, first manned space flight, right? but it seems to me, you know, this is some kind of device for women, it’s for manicure, maybe you don’t know what it is, just here there aren’t enough holes to drill it on the wall, it’s a pendant, yes, by the way,
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maybe a pendant, this is an iron for small parts, and how we ironed, heated a metal pond, inserted it here and ironed it into the rytnik. yes, it’s so incredible, that is, tacogol, omelette, smoothies, exhibits were collected from villages and cities of the yaroslavl region. today at xx century, you can’t even guess from its appearance what it was all intended for. and
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if you come to the museum, they will tell you everything about everything. excursion support is included in the ticket price. what do you think this is? well, obviously, this is a bottle, and this is some kind of, i don’t know, maybe some kind of rattle, this is a musical stopper, placed on any bottle, and a drink is poured out, music plays, clockwork , no batteries, mostly 19th century, it's also musical, it's also musical, right, but i see the key here, it's very similar to... bell, in essence you are right, this is a musical castle, they put chests where they kept wealth, if someone else was picking at the keyhole, there was music throughout the house, hammers knocked on the spiral, and the owner knew that someone had gotten into his chest, here you go, there was already an alarm system, the progenitor of modern alarm and
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security systems, everything that is not here, from lamps for carriages to remove.
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well, by the way, you still need to get used to using it. it's not that simple. we had a very enjoyable time. thank you rostov and pereslav lzalesky for pleasant film memories. i want to feel like a hero in a film. very comfortable decoration,
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easy. thank you for the speed and the wind in your face. and also excitement and adrenaline. come on, come on! give it a shot, misha, we can’t lose to the girls, we , of course, were a little frozen on the ancient lake nero, but what kind of pike we saw there, and how luxurious they taste, the famous finial, now in the trophy cabinet, there’s also the experience on wind- vinge, albeit not entirely successful, come on, come on, come on, ah, i'm stuck, fish ice cream, nice people, amazing artifact. of the past everything is so compact, close in a kind way. well, our journey ends, but unusually, this time it’s not just the two of us, it’s the four of us. one beautiful forest with three pretty faces, i think mine, this is a sable, and this is nida, beauty, what a great winter
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weekend we had, and what a result, we found out for ourselves that the small cozy cities of the golden ring of russia, here in them a real russian soul, on this wonderful romantic note we will probably sum up the results of this program, we traveled with you. russia is the country in which i was born , first of all, for me, accordingly, my homeland, which is a lot, a lot, which
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means beautiful nature, beautiful weather for me, the best thing is our people, most russians know about the signature rostov crayfish, my favorite dish is still olivier, although it is not a rostov farm dish, i advise my grandmother to try olivier for everyone, in her beloved country, in her home. i wish you sincerity, joy and always gratitude, be friends, create, develop, be the first, i wish everyone to our compatriots to our friends around the world, come to russia and be happy, it only seemed... yesterday, people's artist of the ussr vasily lonovoy performed at a parade in samara, inspired everyone in the state kremlin palace,
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opening a concert dedicated to the heroes of the side, next to military generals , by his own importance in the army environment, he was a real general. he is called by the chief officer of the soviet union. it’s hard to imagine that vasily semyonovich lonovoy is no longer with us. the first handsome man of soviet cinema, the object of endless adoration of millions of viewers, the viewer is unlikely to believe that because of someone you can commit suicide today, but because of vasily semyonovich you could commit suicide, out of love, out of passion, and some kind of lord, what -the count, i’m still trying to avoid the word sex symbol, he was always this sex symbol, oh, what he is like in war and peace, anatol kuragin, stunned, just some kind of beauty,
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photographed by vasily lonovoy, a unique archive of recordings has been created , documents, a real chronicle of his creative fate, into the personal fate of the actor
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admitted extremely cautiously, family is generally a taboo topic, for more than 45 years lonova was married to one of the best russian actresses , irina kubchenko, both of them did not say a word about their life together. vasily semyonovich simply agreed with kupchenka that... never to talk about each other, well, what, after all, you can’t understand, for the first time the creators of this film were allowed to accompany the actor to where his daily life flew at an incredible rhythm: night conversations on the road, airports, train stations, without officialdom or makeup. i sometimes there are completely holiday days, and sometimes it’s so bad that i don’t even remember my name. we will tell you how he lived, what he valued. the actor, what he was happy about, what his soul was aching about, how his son alexander, who had never
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given an interview before, felt about this crazy rhythm of his father’s life. and most importantly, where did lonov draw the strength to fill the audience’s hearts with love in such a youthful way. lyubochka. "i have no one but you, you hear, no one, and i want you to know about it, like this to play love without a single love scene in the film, today it seems incredible, but then in 1971, after the release of the film “officers” on the screens of the country, the image of ivan varabbas, created by vasily lonov, immediately stood out from the usual series of
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screen heroes, he played such... such a little in love, but, but desperate , who is on horseback and sweeps, and flies, and so, incredible, even if his love, when he, i didn’t get married, was like you didn’t meet, but there were no approaches from around the corner, no, any, any, open some kind of relationship, the first actress approved for the role of the heroine.
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i understand that germany has lost the war. but the role of the frivolous handsome kuragin in the epic film by sergei bondarchuk, war and peace did not suit him. will you be with anatoly kuragin? i say, then rest without me, and refused the role. he demanded that the director insert into the film an episode where the wounded kuragin’s leg is cut off. and this short, terrible scene, stunningly
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played by lonov, became one of the most powerful. in the film there is this nonconformism, his inability to somehow compromise with himself, well, this only gives him even more of some high appetites for assessments, guys, ambush, quickly back, and when it became obvious to the director of the film, officers vladimir rogovoy, that lonovoy refuses roles.


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