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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 21, 2024 2:40am-3:26am MSK

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then here, according to the poet’s word , art ends and the soil and fate breathe, and such soil is not the best soil breathes and fate, you know mammon, in general, an archaic person with him somehow, that’s why i, when i was photographing the island, i felt something in him he’s generally medieval, he’s some kind of person , maybe on the 15th something brought him here, and that’s why he couldn’t live, that’s why he didn’t know what to do with himself and he was all retinue. as if from some muscles, like from ropes, such were not visible, but it is clear that you know, that’s how, as they say, he was absolutely medieval with medieval attacks of rage and distrust, that is, it was as if it was organic for him to play ivan, at first he didn’t even really want to, because after the island, after wild success there, grandmothers kiss his hands in the subway, you know , hands flop in front of him, as if... and he’s a little bit,
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he’s like an actor - he flew, he felt himself, but somehow, he had ambition, vanity, well, of course, he’s a real little cock, he threw everyone out nests, it's me, i i he is a pure cuckoo, but he himself, he we they talked to him about it, he laughed a lot, he wanted to do a performance, even one that would be called i, i, that’s something, a person who... says to everyone: i did this, this is me, this is me, i came up with, i can be an actor without this quality, yankovsky, yankovsky was not there, no , they are completely antipodean, i remember, yankovsky arrived at the hotel, filming began in suzdel the next day, suddenly mamonov came, and i felt he had drunk, he was worried, he drank, it’s not good at all, and he came, we ’re sitting at the table there in this, locally... in
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restaurant in the dining room at this hotel, i sat down, i see that i’m on the verge of something like this, he says, oleg, you understand, i understand you, i want to understand, and if this one hangs up, look, he says, take it, no, oleg, you don’t understand, this menacing thing began in him, from bottom to top, like a hook, he crawled right under him. i want to love you, you understand, love, love me, and after 10 minutes of this conversation i couldn’t stand it, i left, but they somehow agreed later, after all, oleg is a great professional, and peter nikolayevich is still always an amateur, he always walks on the edge of the impossibility of not biting, of overacting, but...
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ivan is formidable, he is everywhere, he speaks, grimaces, and prays, cries, he is above, below, on the side, and in the middle of this he is like column, the saint stands, looks with those tormenting eyes, and doesn’t say anything , he was silent for the entire film, and it makes an amazing impression, yes, who will pray for me, a sinner, metropolitan, do not forsake me, your servant, swept away by god, metropolitan, father, who will pray for me?
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why is there always a road blocking our way? no, sit down, gleshkayu , sovereign, lord, sovereign, the last judgment, what's wrong with you, sir , the last judgment, arrived, arrived, filipushka, dear, arrived, the lord heard me, gave a sign, drag his son, wait, basmanov, wait, maybe you should bow at his feet? but it turns out that for mamonov , the film set was not limited to the film set, but he continued to play outside of it, i read somewhere that when he was on the island, yes, that is, his antagonist there was job, yes, whom dyuzhev played, and dyuzhev said in some interview, that he tried to establish some kind of human communication with mamonov and absolutely ran into a blank wall, then, well, i read that when the filming ended, mamun said. now you and i can
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make friends and communicate normally, but before i couldn’t, because since in the film we’re like enemies, and so different, then i won’t communicate with you outside the set either, and what you ’re saying. about yankovsky it’s very similar, yes, i want to be with you here in the dining room, in the restaurant, i also want to get into your soul, he already came as ivan the terrible, he already, but in this i want to love you, these were already some kind of iron pincers that were supposed to tear apart the internals, it was already there, torture was already flowing from there, but well, pavel semenovich, thank you very much, i am grateful to you for this conversation. dear friends, this was the podcast life of the remarkable, my guest was a wonderful director, screenwriter, wonderful conversationalist, sincere person, pavel semyonovich lungin. thank you, i was also very interested.
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hello, this is the podcast psyche and us we continue to open the boxes of our souls to look for various hidden problems there so that they don’t exist. today we will talk with clinical psychologist nikita yanochkin about a topic that worries us not only in the middle of winter, but literally every holiday. today we will talk about loneliness during the holiday. our heroine today, veronica menvelieva, has arrived. just such a story, hello, veronica, hello, i just found out that this is not the first time you ’ve been spending the new year alone? yes, i'm spending new year's alone for the second year in a row, in fact, it was such a transformational period, when i
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was celebrating the new year alone, i thought that well, i’m celebrating alone, i won’t tell anyone. i will celebrate this holiday alone and let it be alone with myself, that is , you were forced to celebrate the new year alone, well, yes, it was forced by circumstances, but of course i wanted in companies, since i am a communicative, active, creative person, of course i wanted all this in circle of new year paraphernalia with fireworks, champagne, tangerines, but i met you alone, but it was forced, and you ended up feeling sad, yes, i’ll say honestly, yes, i was sad, and maybe i wouldn’t have been sad if there hadn’t been such a stereotype, if there’s only one, then it’s not very good, and at that time you were probably watching social networks or started, yes, yes, everyone has garlands, fireworks , the tables are huge , well, it really was, to be completely honest, then of course it was more sad than fun, and in the morning, and in the morning it was
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even worse than on new year’s, because there is no feeling of a holiday, everyone goes out for a walk, everyone has this high spirits, and there was something else... i wanted to close myself off even more, be alone and spend this time here purely, i generally descended to such an emotional inner level, i consciously descended into an emotionally internal bottom for myself, let’s call it like that, why did you do it, well, the circumstances were such, i had a breakdown in a relationship, i broke up with my boyfriend, somehow i really wanted to go to the end, but where is the very bottom of the holiday , it’s not good at all
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... it’s bad, there are a lot of benefits for yourself, because sometimes your fortunes fall on certain days, let it be march 8th or the new year, celebrate the holiday alone, sometimes it’s even very cool, in my case i needed to be alone, if i had found myself in some company then, maybe not quite internally , i would have lived this moment the way i should have lived, i think what is it like, why... we need some important dates, important because for us personally, the birthday of our child or a grandmother’s anniversary, but also to celebrate such social holidays according to some established scenario according to some- then a stereotype, and if we don’t fit into it,
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it’s as if there’s something wrong with us, well, firstly, i’d like to draw attention to what veronica says about this period when... she celebrated the new year, yes, as a period of worry, parting with her boyfriend person, so i would like to clarify, these were difficult experiences, it was - you just broke up or... it was a long time ago, it was a long time ago, but these were difficult experiences, that is, at that time - in the new year this there were difficult experiences, yes, we were together for quite a long time, 3.5 years, and well, for a year or two i let go, yeah, that’s what i wanted i would like to emphasize that experts say that the level of psycho-emotional stress during... parting comes in second place after death, that is, this is a difficult
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experience, especially if at the beginning, in that she wanted to retire, in that that she was not ready for all these noisy events, for this unbridled fun that usually accompanies the new year, this is generally quite normal, the only thing i would like to recommend to people if they find themselves in situations like this stress, separation, still, at the beginning of your journey, do not isolate yourself, still look for some kind of support, family, friends, just if the experiences are very difficult, they are accompanied, perhaps, by some over-the-top thoughts negative, yes, a person cannot cope on his own, then, of course, it is better to have people nearby who somehow supported him and cried together. you do n’t even have to say anything, just be close to the person, that will be enough. as
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for the social stereotypes associated with such a large-scale holiday as the new year, indeed they exist, people ask each other, yes, where will you celebrate, with whom have you already decided there, and so on, of course, for some people who are forced, for example, to celebrate the new year. society there for some reason, they may have fear and shame that they are forced to celebrate it alone, so i think that this is a product of, so to speak, stereotypes, here is a person who celebrates the new year alone, he is not at all flawed, so if it’s a free choice, say, to retire, then no at all... yes, you can in the end, you can be proud of this, and you can make a whole social story out of it, you can, but when all the headlines
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of social networks, posts and stores, paraphernalia are all teeming with the holiday, inside you also have advertising, and usually all the new year’s advertising - it’s definitely there in the family circle and everyone writes: you’re in a pre-new year’s mood, with whom are you celebrating the new year, and you’ve already decorated the christmas tree and everyone seems to dictate these: positive , so to speak, emotions, but you don’t have them, and you think i haven’t decorated the christmas tree, but i haven’t i'm in a pre-new year's mood, in general, i even decided, exactly that year, not to even tell anyone that i was celebrating it alone, so that there would be no unnecessary questions about why, and what, but let's go here, i would now divide the situation into two parts, it seems to me that these are slightly two different directions and two different stories, the first one, which is now being talked about, is here... nikita’s help is needed, but if there is no such thing - a festive mood,
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before the new year or before a birthday, for example , also quite as needed relate to this, should you put someone in a festive mood? and you know, it seems to me that this expectation of a miracle is connected with new year’s eve, this is some kind of childish childish story, that’s what... for me , in general, it’s not very appropriate for a mature adult, but i’ll explain, i’ll explain, adult a person, he is not so much waiting for a miracle as he himself is a miracle for someone , that is, this is when i don’t expect someone to come and make me happy, it means giving me a holiday, and if this doesn’t happen, then i lie there crying in...
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let’s say, it’s one thing situational, the new year turned out that way due to some circumstances, but a person celebrates alone, but it’s another thing when he often encounters this state of loneliness and... suffers from it, is burdened by it, so i would suggest that such a person should not cry into his pillow, but conduct introspection , that is, reflect on why it turns out that i am lonely, how i manifest myself in such a way towards people, yes, that i am, that everyone is shying away from me, that i everyone left that no one needs me, because if we talk, let’s say about
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a smart person, an interesting person, a person who loves. maybe i’m kind of proud, maybe i complain to the horse all the time about life , maybe everything is wrong with me all the time, maybe i’m sad, maybe i don’t know how to communicate with people, but that’s who i am, so i have to to work on yourself, this is a very good goal, to become love, to become a miracle for someone, we have
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a huge number of different charitable organizations, volunteer and so on, that become. a miracle for people who, somehow, for some reason reasons, they were deprived, and i think that if a person follows this path, that is , becomes love, then he will have no end to people, he is a problem of loneliness, she will simply leave him once and for all, here is a lonely person, after all - if don’t go into any details there, this is a person who is closed in on himself, this is a system... taking, not giving. if a person is a giver, he is doomed, in a good sense, to be surrounded by people and need him. well, look, there are situations when a girl is lonely, like this moment, as veronica had, she is lonely. new year, new year holidays, as follows from the stereotypes that are quite actively formed by advertising, postcards, i don’t know,
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social networks, fairy tales, whatever, this is such a family holiday, she understands. that her parents are far away, i understand correctly, but she broke up with her boyfriend, her girlfriends are probably with their families, some with husbands, with children, some with their parents, and somehow it’s not very clever, but call, but can i of course he won’t refuse to meet you in the new year, most likely, he will say, of course, come, but you will understand that there is your own family, your own jokes, some conversations, some topics in which you don’t immediately lead and won’t butt in, you will. of course, feel a little awkward, well, that’s how i would feel, that is, she is alone in this situation, not because she has opposed herself to the world, that she is some kind of selfish, how she is closed in on herself, but it happened so, and she needs somehow get through this night, you know, that’s how she, how she needed to get through this night, when she was already in in general, nothing could be fixed
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, someone didn’t really want to ask, but there weren’t any companies in which i would feel cozy, comfortable, they weren’t there either, it was moving from my hometown to moscow, studying, that’s 2 years, i met alone, but i can say that the second year i purposefully did not, well, as if i didn’t want to go to any company, i wanted to meet alone, i needed to go through these states, that’s what i decided for myself, that’s it, i even, well, i actually liked this one myself, yes i did. i’m sitting alone, which means this is where life goes, fireworks, here i am suffering, yes, that was your image, i didn’t really, yes, perhaps i didn’t really want to infect other people with my mood, after all, people, they have the ability to convey their emotional mood, and i’m the kind of person who conveys the mood , it’s true, if i sit down, i smile
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and say: hello, i maintain an easy conversation there and so on, when i’m positive, otherwise it’s the same story, when i’m inside myself, well, no matter how i feel this this is the feeling of a holiday, i didn’t want it create, i have a question for our expert , whether it seems to me or not that veronica was admiring herself, her abandonment, loneliness and suffering at that moment, well , no matter how it was, in any case, in the first version it was an experience of grief, therefore, privacy was quite appropriate. everything is fine here, in the second case, if i understood her correctly, it was her free choice, she wanted it that way, that’s cool, why?
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into such doom, some kind of fatality, so, strategy one, which means we say for myself, these are all ideas, these are all stereotypes, this night is no different from others, except for the roar outside the windows, and i am an adult who decides for myself, i want, i look, there is a blue light on the first, i want, i go to bed at 10 pm , i want, i open champagne in one... face, i want, today we’ll eat dumplings at night, which i don’t allow myself, or i’ll watch some tv series, that is, i,
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as in the famous joke about psychologists, but now i’m proud of it, proud by my choice, yes, and if i want such a holiday, i prepare it for myself, as i want, if i don’t want any holiday, i don’t do this if i want people not to ask questions. where i am, what i am, there or they didn’t think of feeling sorry for me, so i go and write on social networks: friends, the new year is my dream, but that’s what self-confident people do , that’s what people do, yes, they do that , when they are ready to declare that this is how i decided, now for today’s year of life, i can afford to say this, this is the transformation, yes, then no, now yes, i can say that that’s it, i’m celebrating the new year alone , i decided so, i feel good, you know everything about it, if you want, call me, you want, don’t call, invite , don’t invite, i decide for myself, then no, then there was a lot of confusion in my head, pain,
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some kind of worries, then the next year is also mixed up, so i can say with confidence, i even hid it more, yes, what is it, and where do you meet, well, with your family, so that there are fewer unnecessary questions, don’t ask questions, yes, yes, so that these questions are not asked, i know, definitely for sure, that... people experience this feeling of inner uncertainty yes to state what is happening today, that's it. for me, happiness is no matter how strange water may sound, in russia, in almost every region you can find this very place. where you can just sit on the shore and be happy from contemplation and simply dissolving in this element. happiness is what makes our life better, more interesting and fun. every time i
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come to vladivostok, it’s just incredibly beautiful, incredibly warm, incredibly fun, i really liked it there, but except for the jellyfish, and i want to wish my great country russia that it continued to develop, become the same digital, because what awaits it ahead... this city is sometimes called the far eastern st. petersburg, and the main owner of these places is the majestic amur tiger, we are in khabarovsk, friends, sharaban, why is sharaban and where is this ball actually and no one will tell you what kind of bank it is now, let’s take a sample. "black caviar is cheaper than snail caviar, about 150 thousand per kilogram, who else, what can be made from fish skin, shoes,
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mittens, we roll it like this, and we crumple it until it becomes soft, you are 3 years they sewed a robe, yes, how much does it cost, it was when we were talking to a bartender abroad, i said, i’m working on that five thousand dollar bill on this bridge, yes it was like that. pleasantly surprised, we can admire the view, i personally am delighted, the life of our own, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, this is a psyche podcast, where i, natalya losyeva, a clinical psychologist, nikita yanochkin, our heroine, veronica, talk about what to do, if you celebrate holidays differently from everyone else, if a person really... is in the center of this universal holiday, he begins to acutely feel his loneliness, his some kind of abandonment , yes, even if, as you quite rightly
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say, this is due to the fact that... you are like, well, how can you survive this night, that he is for himself can he do how to help himself in such emergency psychological self-help mode? i think that - this fear, yes, that means , of social death, the so-called, when i will be judged, when i will not be understood, when i will be branded, and this is not maturity, because an adult, personally, mentally mature. he does not proceed from social stereotypes, forms his behavior, but from his own values , meanings, preferences, tastes, the more subjective and independent he is in this matter, the more personally mature he is, so i would recommend such a person to do self-analysis, right on this new year's eve, yes , take a notebook, hand, by the way, a very true thought, really, yes, i share the opinion, instead
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of these experiences, all... that is , transform them into work on yourself, set yourself the goal of growing up , register the task is to start working on yourself, to get rid of these so-called social fears. an excellent plan for a lonely night or a lonely holiday, yes, if this is some kind of date for everyone, since society has decided that this date matters, then i will mark this date with a plan and my transformation, as our heroine did. let's talk about the second strategy. she’s like this: you want to celebrate the new year with friends there or with people, you want a holiday, your soul is singing, but you don’t understand how to do it, because, for example, you found yourself alone in a foreign city, or even in your own city, but this is how the circumstances developed, so let ’s brainstorm what the right steps can be taken in order not only to change the attitude towards circumstances
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or towards yourself, as he says nikita. should i do something? firstly, i think that a person with such a situation is not alone, and today in our digital era there are a lot of all sorts of groups on social networks, where people are called exactly that, there i celebrate the new year alone or something like that if you go to some kind of collective call service, you can try to go this route, you can go to some public places, let’s say, there are all sorts of folk festivals, all sorts of slides, and so on. there are a lot of people , maybe you can try to find yourself there or find some like-minded people, so, well, how will you come and get acquainted, well, why not, let’s be friends, it’s up to a confident person, who i decided to create a new year’s mood for myself, i i’ll go to the skating rink, i ’ll go to the public christmas tree, i’ll get to know each other, yes, this is what a self-confident person
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who is not afraid to break inside will do. these boundaries between people unfamiliar to each other, and if today’s veronica does this, that veronica, what would you advise yourself to that veronica, and that veronica, she could have done that too, but she didn’t want any communication at all, as such, and if wanted, but it wouldn’t be, and if she wanted , it wouldn’t be, then she would get ready, go, buy new year’s paraphernalia first, in order to stir up this holiday spirit a little in herself, after... that i would signed up for a skating rink, would go skating somewhere in the center, where everything is bustling with the fair, drink mulled wine, eat some delicious donut, after i skated, i would go for a walk around moscow, since this one of the most beautifully decorated cities, yes, this is the capital, i would take a walk near the kremlin, on manezhnaya square on nikolskaya, take pictures of how beautiful it is, look, put some
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hashtags, who wants to go with me tomorrow... there, i don’t know, there’s an exhibition of new year’s decorations, put a plus sign, it would go fine, wonderful, i like it, so good , this is a recipe, good, if you are no longer at such a young age, not so vigorous, you don’t have social networks, such a woman of about fifty is sitting at home, this is how life turned out, the children left, her husband no, to the neighbors, it was like that before, by the way, yes, when there were no intercoms, there were common stairwells, now it’s appropriate to knock on the neighbors’ doors, now no, it seems to me that it would be useful for this woman to do something that she doesn’t i had time, for example, to sort through the cabinets within a year, but no definitely, maybe she wanted to watch some movie, which she had been putting off in the wrong place, or let’s say something
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to read, what what... such a situation, yes, when he is alone, then life does not end that night, you can come to terms with the fact that it happened this way, it happened this way, that’s what i can do so that, say, next year this doesn’t happen to me, but start being love, i insist on this, love in the sense in this case i have what is meant is not a state of feelings, but a state of will, that is, certain actions, deeds in relation to others people, and if the person left...
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daytime life, yes, routine, gives way to a holiday, that is, these are some kind of contrasting states, this is a kind of pulsation of life, because well, it’s impossible to live all the time in one mode, and such a work regime, but people when they begin to follow this path, they burn out very quickly when they don’t rest, when they don’t rejoice, that is, this is what is needed is this emotional shake-up and switching, of course, that’s exactly what the experts when they talk about... they recommend this here is hyperfunctional, hyperfunctional people learn to relax , they just offer this contrasting vacation, that is, if you, for example, are a programmer and you sit all the time, it means at
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the computer, this is your work environment, so if you let’s say you relax, spend your vacation reading a book , yes, you won’t rest, because your brain will understand that it’s basically the same thing, that you were sitting like that. it means you’re sitting here alone, that is, the programmer needs to go somewhere, maybe some kind of sports team games, or let’s say some kind of get-togethers there the psyche, the nervous system will understand that there is a contrast, a switch and rest occurs, also for example, here i am a psychologist, but for me the best rest is solitude, here is some story about the desert, forest, no people. that there are a lot of social contacts, communication , so i need to be silent, and my, my nervous system understands that this is where i rest, if i go to rest somewhere, that’s where there are a lot of people, where the party is, i won’t rest, so it’s logical that well, in this logic, yes, that
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holidays, everyday life are the pulsation of life, and the phenomenon of new year's wishes is an expectation of a miracle, it is generally justified by something, because in fact it is a very common story, not only in cinema and literature, that... the fact that we make new year's eve wishes, it tends to come true, why does this happen? you know, i’m still inclined to think that changes in life do not happen when the chimes strike, when we take care of ourselves, that is, this is automatic, that now the arrows will strike 12 and my life will change, a person can imagine this program in such a way that then subsequent actions, look, in veronica we actually have a very... it turned out, yes, she rebuilt herself, overloaded herself that night, then something happened that her life changed, well, as i understand it, it was n’t connected with new year’s eve, it was , in general, some kind of path that she went through, well, as a dreamy person,
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i think that it’s not with new year’s eve, but it’s precisely setting internal goals, and since the new year tells us, sum up the results of the year, set new ones. dreams, wishes, travel, i believe that this is a programming yourself based on the results, for me this holiday is an opportunity to sum up the results of the year. 12 months of working on myself, working on my project, there are projects and so on, studying, setting up new ones, but i do this every month, and when i understand that if you rely on this stereotype, that as you celebrate the new year, and... i don’t know, a pipe burst, then you can program yourself, yes, you’ve got it into your head what a whole new year means i'll have a year to overcome difficulties, and you will only be fixated on them,
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yeah, of course, all the time, that’s why, how can a person talk to himself if his new year didn’t go the way he wanted, and now he’s afraid that the whole year will be like this for him , and notices other events, this is also the most insidious, and this is because... let's advise together, well, i think that firstly, to abandon this stereotype means to indicate to yourself that this is not true, that. .. which means this new year's eve does not determine my whole life, my life determined by a bunch of other factors , including my free choice, my desires, my goals , my tasks, here is my diligence, work in this direction, that is, in this way, this is a podcast of the psyche, and other recipes for a healthy mental life, you you can find it on the website of the first channel i want to ask a psychologist for advice. i don’t want this to be a pattern, since i’ve been
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alone for 2 years in a row, and i don’t want to go into tradition, so that this becomes a tradition, the question is this: if there is an opportunity to go to a fun, noisy company, yes, or stay alone, then you, as a psychologist, will advise both for people and for me, which option you mean when you do n’t really want conversational company. i don’t really want to, but it seems like yes , it seems like i should go, so you as a psychologist, what would you advise, i would advise asking yourself, listening to yourself, what am i ready for now , uh-huh, what am i ready for now, for a noisy company or should you still do what you are ready for in solitude, well , this happens very often, i think you will agree, you have it was that if you don’t want to go somewhere, it breaks you there, you don’t want to get dressed, there you just go... what you need, and then suddenly, everything is so great there, and there are
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such cool people there or with met someone, then you think, well, what if i hadn’t gone, and there wouldn’t have been such a holiday , well, again, this is such a cognitive error, if what happened happened, you have to accept the reality that is, and not fantasize about her, this happened , well, okay, that’s what i can do there, to make my life better? taking into account past experience, it seems to me that this is the correct attitude, rather than regretting that i didn’t do something and so on, people sometimes become so encapsulated in these regrets that they are directly depressed some people fall down, why did this happen, yes, what can i do to correct the situation there or somehow improve my life, this would be the right approach, ask yourself the question more often, of course, conduct an internal dialogue with yourself more often. and as soon as this habit has already been developed within,
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this makes it easier for you to make a decision whether to go there or not, that is, you more consciously simply begin to make these decisions, not because it is necessary or someone suggested it. and i also thought that you can create your own traditions, but here i am, for example, on january 1st in the morning i always go to some interesting historical place, not far from that place, well, from home or in moscow or in the moscow region, this is such a tradition for me, i go to bed early. usually immediately after the chiming clock, in the morning, while the whole family still sleeping, i get behind the wheel, i’m arriving somewhere , another friend of mine has started a tradition of getting everyone together on the second morning, that is , everyone celebrated the new year, she’s lonely, she doesn’t have her own family, but this is one of the best pastimes in a circle of friends, because everyone celebrated the new year more or less traditionally, on the first day they woke up for lunch, somehow it went by.
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because i still want communication in my head, yes, but about traditions, and i would probably, if we talk about me, would bring it in, i probably still liked being there in solitude, i would make myself something like this, for example, you go out, yes, to a historical place, you go on january 1st, i would make it a tradition for myself, to go to a cultural, say, event, if it were there, maybe maybe a social event somewhere alone
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and spend the day, that is, also extend this, yes, if for example, you met in a noisy company, then create a tradition for yourself to go alone to where you have been putting off for a long time, as an option, or give yourself a gift something that, for example, i have been putting off for a long time, there are vocal lessons, for example, well, something like this, i didn’t like the phrase, something that i ’ve been putting off for a long time, i really liked it, i liked your idea and thought. about gifts to yourself, this is a good way, but why not, of course, if these are some kind of creative gifts, not non-destructive, yes, then well, even if it’s just a bag, i don’t know, or... new sneakers, yes, but you buy it for yourself, this does not mean that you have no one to give your sneakers that you dreamed of, i personally don’t see anything wrong with this, in fact, taking care of yourself is in in general, it’s wonderful, here’s caring for others, caring for oneself, and the only thing, you know,
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i would like to emphasize here that tradition is well your own, yes, that is, somehow forming them there, that ’s all cool. the only thing is so that the tradition does not turn into neurosis, but let’s say, i created some kind of tradition for myself, which means i created it, but now i can’t implement it, well , for some reasons beyond my control, so that it all doesn’t turn into again in some way, you scold yourself, yes, that this year i won’t be able to do this, that’s it there is a need to learn to accept or come to terms with the reality that we have, that is, to teach the psyche to be adaptive. to be flexible, because all this, all these neuroses - this is all typical for people who are stuck in some kind of situation, so we need to celebrate the new year only with people and nothing else, and if they are not there, that’s it, that means i such a sufferer, accept reality in all its diversity, that is , accept what is and use this
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reality for your own benefit for your mental, spiritual, physical development. hello from the psyche, here you are again, the podcast deception of substances and its hosts, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya
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pravda olesya nosova, doctor endocrinologist pavlova , and today we will talk about the two most important, probably, vitamins that we need. these are vitamin d3 and omega-3 acids. zukhra, please tell me why d3 is such an odious, one might say, vitamin, many people call it a hormone. in general, what is it, why do we need to add it to food, the most important thing. it is available in food, but there is simply not very much of it in it, so it is recommended take extra. in general, this is a bit of a fashionable trend; every decade we have a new panacea, or one type. then some substance, now the time has come for vitamin d3, but is it really not deserved, we don’t have any panaceas, this is the same vital substance, in general the word vitamin, and from the word vitos, life, all vitamins are needed without any of them some diseases, defects develop and the quality
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of life, of course, decreases, so somehow attribute something to a non-existent vitamin d or making an elixir of youth or life out of it is definitely not worth it. just as you shouldn’t reduce its value, why is it possible that for the last two decades there has been so much talk around vitamin d, even a movement has appeared for doctors d, it’s hard to even pronounce, these are the ones who prescribe vitamin d, everyone cares a lot for any reason, and for any reason, and what’s more, they reduce all problems to a lack of this vitamin, it is also called a prohormone, it really, after certain processes occurring in the body, turns into hormone. why does a hormone differ from a hormone to me? or rather, the fact that a hormone has a receptor, only such a protein molecule, like a place where it sits on a cell, on the membrane or on the nucleus of the cell, some complex reactions are triggered, so d-hormone has such receptors, this...


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