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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 21, 2024 3:25am-4:10am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] it’s definitely not worth it to take a non-existent vitamin d or make an elixir of youth or life out of it, just as it’s not worth reducing its value, why is it possible that in the last two decades there has been so much talk around vitamin d, even such a movement has appeared among doctors, it’s hard to even pronounce, these are the ones who prescribe vitamin d, a lot for everyone , for any reason, for any reason, and what’s more, they reduce all problems to a lack of this vitamin, it’s also... called a prohormone, it really does occur after certain processes occurring in the body turns into hormones, why is a hormone at all, where does it differ from a hormone, more precisely in that the hormone has a receptor, only such a protein molecule, like the place where it sits on the cell, on the membrane or on the nucleus of the cell, some complex reactions are triggered, the d-hormone has such receptors, and it is a steroid, a very important
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hormone, but it all starts with a vitamin, and... they have vitamins, i apologize, there is no such story, they don’t cling to molecules, they do not cling to receptors, they do not have receptors, but this does not mean that these vitamins are less important, just as important, for example, are vitamins of group b, participants in more than 200 reactions, well , for example, in order for vitamin d to produce certain reactions, vitamin b6 needs to be the key to open this reaction , he is such a co-factor, and a participant in the reaction, without this the reaction will not happen either. therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of each of them, and most often we understand how important it is when we have a deficiency of some vitamin, everyone knows that when sailors found themselves in some distant difficult travels, they ran out of vegetables and fruits, they developed scurvy because there was no vitamin c, and life is terrible without all this, so that’s why there is so much talk about vitamin d, in my opinion, it’s
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the same disease. like a number of others, we have greatly changed our principles of life, yes, what did a person do before, a person woke up early in the morning, because he fell asleep early enough, there was no light bulb above his head, no internet, there was nothing to do at late times of the day, especially in winter, everything is early they went to bed, got up early and went outside, there was also housework, but most of the people worked in the fresh air. in physiology, in science, our main source is the skin, the skin is the sun, in order for the skin to produce vitamin d3, several important aspects are needed: firstly, the skin must be saturated with this very substance, from which
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d3 is formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays , this is sebum. this d3. well, in addition, we take a warm shower, that is, we further contribute, yes, to the removal of this substance, we use all sorts of chemicals, washcloths. by the way, i read the synopsis of the book, the meaning of which was, we wash ourselves too often. yes, yes, of course, it sounds a little strange, but apparently such a problem really exists. well, now some doctors also recommend washing the folds, yes, well, that is, this is the
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perineal area, these are the axillary areas. more often with soaps, everything else, let’s say you ’ve worked out, wash off with regular cool water, and not cold, of course, we don’t get too cold, especially in the cold season, that’s how we we wash off the salt, we are clean, we maintain hygiene rules, but we don’t wash it, this is the most valuable thing, another point, in our country, and not only in a huge number of other countries, vitamin d deficiency is widespread, because of the angle of incidence of the sun’s ray. is such that when it gets on the skin, it is not capable of producing this ultraviolet ray d3, even if you and i have not washed off all this leather fat, a precursor to vitamin d, so it is very important on what or beyond what parallel we live, and we live for forty-two most of our country, so even if you and i, figuratively speaking, do not overdo it in the bathroom, we go naked most of
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the time, then this is the angle of decline. the fact is that you don’t produce much d3, so vitamin d deficiency is a really common phenomenon. here we should also note an interesting fact, one of the most common places for such pronounced deficiency. then vitamin d is africa, they often walk around half-dressed, yes, because it’s hot, certainly the sun is at the right level, yes, at the right height, the sun there is, to put it mildly a lot, but vitamin d deficiency is very common there, this is due to the fact that the darker the skin, the worse d3 is produced under this ultraviolet radiation, so this concerns us, if we are so, well , lighter, tanned, then in that the moment when we become so... pleasantly brown, vitamin d begins to be produced in significantly smaller quantities, well, this is probably what our body is like, it has all sorts of safety mechanisms to prevent any overaccumulation of something very
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important, therefore, consuming vitamin d in sufficient quantities, both for small and pregnant women, for adults and very important for the elderly, because in older people... the ability to produce this hormone, each category needs to be used, consumed the right amount, this determines a doctor who examines you and sees the results of your research like this by eye is not a good idea, because any vitamin is an active substance, and both a deficiency and an overdose are very dangerous. in the internet there are a lot of recommendations that literally say that by consuming large doses of vitamin d3, you can get rid of depression, diseases of bones, joints, they even
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tried to treat coronavirus, i remember these headlines - a silver bullet for coronavirus, i would like to protect everyone from such a little bit of excessive expectations of large doses, because of intoxication. for the amount of d3 that i take, it turned out that i had d3 not only in d3, i had d3 in multivitamins, i had d3 together with omega, d3 was in protein, which i drink before sports. overdose, thank god, after i canceled everything, all my symptoms went away,
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watch all episodes of the podcast deception of substances on the website of the first channel sometimes people fly like birds. as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them , as if gravity did not affect them, risk , danger, entertainment, 3.5 and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, this it was great! and the flights to eva are like in a dream! russian jumping championship,
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live stream. tomorrow first. today you will go to russia and return the sacred treasures of the nation. grenade! this box contains all the most valuable things. dad, the only letters missing from the house were letters from world war ii. this secret, in the end, killed my father, where there are values, there are crimes. let's figure it out now. your operation is classified. do you understand the order? yes sir. is anyone still hunting for the contents of this box? my grandfather vananerbe was engaged exclusively in archaeology. this really is the place. there are secrets which do not have a statute of limitations, from monday, after the program time, we continue the conversation, with you the podcast deception
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of substances and the hosts zukhra pavlova, endocrinologist and editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda olesya nosova, how else can a deficiency of d3 manifest itself, well, that ’s probably the majority. perceives d3 deficiency with the development of such a phenomenon as rickets, yes, when the bones become soft, they become bent, such unnecessary curvature appears, the chest changes. its shape, and more often this is associated precisely with children's age. yes, indeed, d3 is extremely necessary for children, all this is correct, and not only for children, but for adults for metabolism and for proper metabolic mechanisms in bone tissue. this is all correct, why? because our bone has not only an organic matrix, well, such a component, yes, but also an inorganic one. we all know that it is calcium, not only calcium, but above all. and so that this calcium, which comes into... with food, someone
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takes it with dietary supplements, can be absorbed in the intestines, end up in the blood, then in the bones, you need vitamin d3, it is under its influence that a transport protein is formed, like a taxi, which captures this calcium from the intestines and helps it be absorbed and end up in the bones. now, if we do not consume enough d3, then calcium may not be absorbed and the bones become loose, but how is this? may manifest itself, a person may fall and with a very small fall from his own height, some bone suddenly breaks, of course, this will later be diagnosed as osteoporosis or osteomelia, especially in older people and women more often than men, but this can happen at a younger age, although of course this happens less often, in addition, since please wait, that is , it is dangerous for children - the disadvantage is that they may have rickets, and rickets is ,
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in my opinion, a diagnosis for life, that is, consequences, consequences, yes, for life, and if you neglect vitamin d3 in adulthood, then essentially the same problems with bones, only in a different plane, this osteoporosis, yes, that is, the bones do not bend, they break, i must say that all hormones are not some kind of local effect, whether it’s bone tissue or something else. the target, that’s all, so vitamin d has an effect on human cognitive functions, that is , memory, the ability to make decisions, resourcefulness, here are thoughts on this, and this is the emotional sphere, these are works that have demonstrated the important influence of the vitamin d for the synthesis of testosterone, for the ability of an already fertilized egg to implant, that is, attach. as in the wall of the uterus, that is, in all aspects
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each vitamin or hormone plays its own important role, so vitamin d should be in a normal amount, there is no need to try to increase it there to 100, and if it is 35, this is not a tragedy at all; the norm is from 30 to 100, yes, that is, somehow excessively attributing something that d3 cannot do is absolutely not worth it, i have a friend, he is a professor, he has his own clinic, so he once in a conversation... talked about how he uses 25,000 units of d3 daily , yeah, and at the same time i feel great, this 25,000 units, despite what is recommended, no more than a thousand, 400-600 on average 400, 4600 units per day, he takes 25,000, and as i understand it, he takes it for quite a long period, and it seems to him that everything is fine ok and so on and
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he doesn’t feel it. passes first in the liver, and then in the kidneys , and if this mechanism is disturbed, yes, then no matter how much vitamin d you take, you will not get the active form, because the mechanism there is disturbed, there is some kind of kidney problem or metabolism in the liver is initially disturbed , therefore, we then prescribe the active form to the patient, not calcium diol, calcium triol, well , these are complex chemical names, so perhaps this professor has such a problem, and he 2500... daily intake does not harm himself, but in principle i don’t
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understand then, why do this, because any capsule that enters our body still undergoes certain transformations in the liver and this is a load on this liver tissue, why it’s not entirely clear, but he’s a professor, he knows better, that’s for sure, that’s for sure, but in general how how to take it in liquid form or in the form of capsules, in fact, one and another third mechanism, there are even sprays that show fairly good absorption, depending on the individual person, there may be certain mechanisms that are preferable, but all of this and even there are injection ones. forms in a number of studies they turned out to be less, let’s say, effective, but again, you know, we live in a time when for every thesis there are studies confirming these theses, there are studies, yes, so in my opinion, you
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don’t have to invent anything special , capsules, tablets, sprays and drops have proven themselves to be excellent, but they don’t look for good from good. why not , well, probably the most important thing here is to keep everything under control all the time so that it doesn’t work out, god forbid, like me, that at one fine moment you realize that you ’re taking this unfortunate d3 everywhere, everywhere, in general there are such special ones trained people, doctors, who should not only prescribe you a certain dose depending on your needs, age, characteristics, but understand, control and give you recommendations on how often you need to monitor. well, everything in life is possible, but it seems to me that a very small number of people will succeed, and in general everyone should do it. i really like it when you compare the profession of a doctor with that
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of a pilot, because well, it never occurs to anyone to sit at the controls airplane, well , simply because you get to play computer games, the risks are absolutely the same. and there is your life, yes, i, when i was just starting my activities, it seemed to me that everything, i i already know everything, i can do everything, i’m running, i ’m an anesthesiologist-renimatologist by first specialty, i was running to the operating room to get everything done before, say, the leading doctor arrived, that’s when one day one of my teachers noticed my enthusiasm, he said, until you read the book, he gave me the book, complications in anesthesiology, don’t go into the operating room, and he was absolutely right, because when i realized... in a number of cases, what could happen, but i wouldn’t know , what to do with this, well, here’s me right, as they say, covered like this, so, therefore, this confidence, that you can do anything, it is based on a small amount of knowledge and a lack of understanding of the possible consequences, when a person realizes this, he has a completely
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different attitude, more responsibility, yes, i’m still it’s very frightening that now there are a lot of dietary supplements appearing absolutely... for example, vitamin d3 is mixed with k2, yes, but this is not a story for everyone, not for everyone at all, this is a very important point, because when i say, let's say, or in some post i i wrote that everyone doesn’t need to use vitamin k2, because it increases the risk of thrombosis, immediately a large number of comments come in, how ignorant this is, k2 has no effect, these are completely different subtypes of vitamin k, it’s necessary. to say that vitamin k is also a fat-soluble vitamin, and it is an active participant in the coagulation system, but it has many different subsubstances, yes, but i always answer here, when we are dealing with a medicine, we absolutely understand that in this capsule, in what quantity directly, what
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called in micrograms or milligrams, when we talk about badi, there can be anything at all, k4, k1, k7 and so on. and the like, and there is no certainty that there is a substance that promotes capture, vitamin d3 produces a protein that transports calcium, k2 promotes the formation of such a terminal residue that grabs this molecule, if only it were so, yes, then that’s it it would be good, but if this capsule contains subtypes of vitamin k that increase the coagulation system, then we get a risk thrombosis in my practice there are many such patients, the likelihood is especially high if a person has varicose veins, he has an increased risk of thrombosis, for example, because women take estrogens and in contraceptives, or some other predisposing factors, is in a hot climate, does not like drink water and
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so on and so forth, then the addition of this element sharply increases the risk of thrombosis, and such patients cannot even always understand what happened... all that happened was just taking vitamins, suddenly this is the situation, and by the way, it’s catastrophic , you can’t take it so lightly and recommend it to everyone so calmly, well, we often hear this, kd3 is not absorbed without k2, i’d like to say, ok, everything is quite good with this in our body, so if d3 it’s more complicated, but it’s not produced in such quantities from food . with vitamin k, everything is relatively good, there is a lot of it in plant foods and other foods, well, first of all, vegetable greens, and even part of it is produced in
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our intestines, but why? listen, you need to go buy d3 , which improves no recommendations, no one needs to be prescribed by a doctor, not only that, ask questions to your doctor, the one who prescribed it should explain to you why, why, unfortunately, at a regular appointment, yes , the doctor doesn’t have much time, but try, as they say, to ask your questions succinctly, rather than making some wrong decisions and making mistakes, the price is too expensive, all issues of the project. watch the podcast lab on the website of the first channel this is a podcast
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deception of substances. olesya nosova and zukhra pavlova are with you. what else do we often do when we talk about skin? we use various creams. we do this especially often with spf, yes, these are protective filters that prevent our skin from being overexposed to ultraviolet radiation. this is also one of the elements of the disease of civilization and, by the way, not only women, men. they like to protect their skin now because they are told that it is , but this is correct, actually this is correct, yes, but this is another factor that prevents the formation of d3, because we have protected our skin with a protective film, now about omega-3 , acids are very important, there is a story about omega-3, they are always confused with omega 6, especially when bought, but this is a completely different story, the opposite even omega-3
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prevents inflammation. almost every minute. our body has no other way to fight everything negative than to inflame it. bacteria are viruses - this is excess adipose tissue, it also becomes inflamed, so in order to constantly maintain this balance, we need pro-inflammatory, that is, promoting development of acid inflammation. this is, for example, omega-6. and there is a lot of omega-6 in food, it doesn’t need to be added specifically with... capsules, you know, it often happens, patients show it proudly, but i take omega-3, 6,
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9, three are definitely great, nine is good for us too doesn’t interfere , you don’t need to take additional omega-6, in the same vegetable oils that we so generously pour into some salads or somewhere else, some people like to dip bread with salt, vegetable oil, that’s where the omega is -6 is in excess and... there is absolutely no additional consumption no need, omega-3 is a big deficiency, why? because the body does not produce it in any amount, in any quantity, it comes with food in insufficient quantities, we have a skew of omega-6, omega-3 about 1:20, but there should be one in three, where we have a lot of omega-3 , this is everything that is connected with sea fish, it is especially good when these... fish of northern breeds, and it is desirable that this fish be fresh, if it was frozen, transported for a long time, then there
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will be a lot of tension with this, so since we we can’t always eat freshly caught fish, this happens when we go somewhere, these are capsules, these are liquids in the form of an omega-3 solution, well, this is a reasonable compromise, yes, this is exactly what is called a vital story, those who were born in the soviet union, they remember how in kindergartens they gave everyone... a spoonful of fish oil, we had a hard time enduring this, as it seemed to us, execution, it was disgusting, we grimaced, grimaced, now, by the way, liquid fish oil is quite tasty, citric acid is added there, for example, very it is easy to calmly accept this, but earlier we received a rebezhir, at the national level there was such a prevention of d3 omega-3 deficiency, because in this rebezhir it was all there, it’s all there, yes, so omega-3 is
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not only that ... the defensive reaction very often becomes so uncontrollable, the balance of omega-3, omega-6 helps make this inflammation so controlled, regulated, manageable, then the body copes with some negative factors and does not receive side effects. little of, we all know that when we go to the sea, yes, where the sun is, we most often associate it with the sun, we feel good, we rest, relax, our mood improves, people very often come with seas and in general with such a vacation with pregnancy, it seems that it didn’t work out that way, everything worked out there, including many elements that contribute to improving the condition, yes, really the sun, serotonin, yes, really rest, relaxation, yes, leaving any difficulties there regarding workers or vital omega-3s, why
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omega-3, because even... in relation to serotonin, one sun might not help , serotonin is produced, but it is immediately captured by other parts of the nerve cells, but if there is enough omega-3, then this serotonin can act, it does not is captured, it is produced and acts, serotonin is the hormone of happiness, the hormone of happiness, yes, yes, we must remind ourselves of this all the time, that there is more serotanin in our lives, yes, well, by the way, without an excess, because otherwise it will also be bad, well... omega-3 is so multifactorial, in addition, that it fights inflammation, it helps us maintain a good level of serotonin, this means a good emotional background, a good quality of life, there is also a very important point when there is enough omega-3 in the body, it is built into the cells, each cell has this in its structure fatty component, this fatty component
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can be occupied by such a complex one - hard, let's say so inflexible. substance, lipid, low-density lipoproteins, they also talk about bad cholesterol, but maybe it’s this omega-3 molecule, then the cell is so elastic, the impulse flows through it very easily, as applied to life, and a person thinks well, quickly finds the necessary information, quickly remembers, and there are no these you know, such slippage, that is, even at the physical level of omega-3 plays lubricates our brain. how wonderful it is and stops creaking - well , as i understand it, we live in an omega-3 deficiency, if you don’t take it, then unfortunately, all these miracles don’t happen, i read here that omega-3 deficiency is equated in its harmfulness to smoking, yeah, that is, if you don’t eat enough fatty, fresh fish , which is practically impossible in our lifetime, and don’t
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take fish oil capsules, then consider it as if you were smoking, that’s the first time i heard it, i didn’t know that - in america , it turns out that a study of the heart and the factors of death has been going on for 75 years in the city of framingham, 5,000 residents, which means they are examining them, monitoring their food, their lifestyle , whether they play sports, what diseases they have, and so on and so forth, here on them, on these residents, this is what they found, that those who are not are deficient in omega-3. live 4 years more, so they assessed the index of this omega-3, and if it was more than eight, then life expectancy increased by almost 5 years, according to the results of this study, and so it is, i just came out of my mouth , which is called olesya, i wanted to say that smoking is an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, there is a score scale by which these risks are assessed,
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smoking occupies a very serious important place there and... inflammatory reactions there age, cholesterol level, but omega-3 helps in, let’s say, normalize this lipid spectrum, moreover, therapeutic doses of omega-3 improve the rheological properties of the blood, that is, there is less risk of these thromboses, which also increases cardiovascular risks, so it is difficult to overestimate the importance of omega-3 at the same moment when someone says that by using, starting, say, using large doses... you can cope with atherosclerosis, win back atherosclerotic plaques, this is all, of course, perfect not true, but this does not mean that vital acids that are not produced in our body are extremely necessary, do not need to be used, that is , everything must be approached wisely, here, by the way, we must remember that from time to time bloggers, especially those those who love hype say don't take omega-3, it has been scientifically
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proven that omega-3 does not reduce the risk of development. myocardial infarction in general mortality from cardiovascular disease, well, yes, it is, but it does omega-3 a lot of everything else, yes, yes, yes, it's like saying i don't know about aspirin. it doesn’t help with nail fungus, well, yes, it doesn’t help, but it relieves headaches , it lowers the temperature, that is, omega-3 is an extremely useful substance that should be in our body in sufficient quantities, here’s another thing an important thing , it is necessary that the omega we take be concentrated enough, yes, yes, unfortunately, uh, drinking a lot of omega is harmful, first of all for the liver, it’s fat, that’s why, that’s why have to search. when omega is such a low concentration, then in order to get some kind of therapeutic dose, and there are recommendations for different diseases, different doses, then of course you have to use
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a lot of capsules, and the more capsules, the greater the load on our liver, and of course, this still extra calories, why is this necessary, when you can take a concentrated capsule and get the required dose, according to the classification according to the recommendations of the american heart association - dosages were provided there, preventative is 300 mg of both omega acids, that is, it is clear that this is not thousands, but there is no need to strive for such large doses, if there are any cardiovascular pathologies or there are some inflammatory diseases, the doctor will tell you which the dosage needs to be used by this particular person, well, again, like with vitamin d3, but there’s no need to demonize this substance and there’s no need to assign anything to it... don’t say that you don’t need to drink water, but you need existing properties, just how is that but she won’t make us anything other than what we are, so if we don’t drink
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enough water, then i want to throw in another topic, about lard, because many people believe that lard is also such a healing story, life is also necessary, and they say that there is a lot of omega in lard, but it’s like... the point of a slice of this, yes, he says, yes , of course, that’s enough, well, eat this slice, you will enjoy it, yes, but just don’t do it there is no panacea from this and do not try to eat 100 g there to get
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a sufficient amount of omega-6, yes , there is no need for this, we really need milligrams of these substances there , and not grams or kilograms, so we also approach it wisely, this is even some kind of element of culture and lard. sometimes people there, when they tell you how they prepare it, you understand that it’s simply impossible to take it away, but please eat it in small quantities and be happy, probably the only disease that can be cured with lard is emaciation, by the way , yes good recommendation, such people also come to the reception, there are very few of them with a deficiency of body weight with a deficiency of adipose tissue, but they can safely be recommended if they find it tasty to consume this product in slightly larger quantities than everyone else... d3, what happens to
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with these substances, we tried to dispel those myths that mislead people and protect them from these unfounded recommendations. this was a podcast deception of substances, with you was alesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda and zukhra pavlova, an endocrinologist. hello, the vremya program is on air, ekaterina andreeva studios, the main events of the day. dozens of cars collided on the m7 highway due to heavy snowfalls in the volga region and there were casualties. the american self-propelled gun paladin, the german radar station iris and other
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equipment of ukrainian militants were destroyed. a report from the ministry of defense about the start of the special operation and our report on the work of tankers on the front line. an important milestone in the history of victory. 80 years since the liberation of veliky novgorod from the nazi invaders. how did you go? thousands out of town proposals, wishes for success, appeals to vladimir putin are accepted by his election headquarters. the co-chairs of vladimir mashkov spoke with people in moscow today. maryana lisenko. artyom zhoga has a separate program in donbass. building the future of construction day at the russian exhibition, industry records and ambitious plans. and the main thing for today at the forum is our loved ones, which is also taking place at vdnkh. the path to music 90th anniversary of vladimir dashkevich, the author of the melody for the adventures of sherlock holmes, winter cherry, bumbarash of a dog's heart. how a chemist became a composer
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and you... the formula for success. we begin the program with the situation in the volga region. a new wave of snowfalls hit several regions at once. ulyanovsk region, udmurtia, perm region, tatarstan suffered the most. traffic on federal highways is limited there. dozens of cars collided on the volga highway. there are people injured. and in kazan, for the first time in 2 years, the buran plan was introduced. report by svetlana kostina. forecasters say it is. the heaviest snowfall in the last 5 years, it is almost impossible to be outside, in general, the snow immediately blinds your eyes, this, by the way, is the turn to the nearest village, it is completely covered with snow, half the monthly precipitation fell in just two days. in tatarstan, the m7, m5 and m12 highways are blocked , it is dangerous to move along them, the situation is complicated by strong winds, 23 m/s, snow is blowing from the fields onto the road, instead of two.
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there was only one left on the highway, that’s it, we didn’t get there, in short, there were still 20, 30, 40 cars ahead , they jumped out the window so as not to blow us up here , about twenty cars collided on the m7 highway, these are trucks and cars, you see what is left of them, this car, for example, was pinched between two trucks, two people were seriously injured and taken to the hospital, eyewitnesses say that due to zero visibility, the cars began to stop on the side of the road, one of... .. no more loads were oriented at full speed , crashed into a standing truck, a few seconds - another truck is driving, they are already crashing into each other, a smoke effect occurs, this is all happening before your eyes, yes, everything is true, in the end the accident gets to us , we we left the car , a truck was rushing towards us from behind, which we ended up hitting , including our car, there could have been more casualties if not for the cars of sergei,
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a truck driver from belarus on the snowy... all the crews were on the road, rescuing the cars from the snow captivity and trucks, pulling cars out of the ditch and delivering fuel, which has to be literally lifted on a rope. over the past 24 hours alone, traffic police inspectors helped almost a thousand drivers in tatarstan. there are also rescuers on duty on the routes helping trucks get to parking lots firefighters joined in clearing the drifts. there are heating points in the m-7adul district, there are 43 of them on the highway . almost 3.00 people can be accommodated there for drivers
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of heavy trucks who are waiting from... a woman needed help, her car got stuck in a snowdrift, she was taken to a heating point, frozen, a bus got stuck on the highway with children traveling from ufa to kazan, traffic police officers escorted the bus to the nearest city, the children were placed in a local camp, the serious situation remains. traffic on the m-12 cannot be resumed due to a snow storm, when road workers say that they are literally breaking through the road, they are not exaggerating, look at how huge the snow banks are here, and that’s all, all this snow was lying on this road, and this landscape, of course, is more reminiscent of siberia or the far east , clearing 50 km of the road in one direction and the same amount in the other is extremely difficult for the safe movement of heavy trucks, the road was built in a field with wind and
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logs... it was possible to unblock those traffic jams from trucks, mainly those that had accumulated closer to moscow. the situation is difficult throughout polozhye, kazan and permir airports. work intermittently, dozens of flights are delayed, airliners are leaving for alternate airfields , there is snow in the ulyanovsk region, hundreds of cars are stuck on the highway, we are dripping quietly so that it doesn’t happen, then we can leave. utility services work around the clock throughout the region, in kazan, for the first time in 2 years, the buran plan was announced, today it was decided to extend it until
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monday, the roads simply do not have time to be cleared, buses get stuck in the snow porridge, under their cars, many left at home, it is necessary just follow the speed limit , everything else will be fine, and help everyone else. whoever finds themselves in such situations , everyone helps each other, immediately stops, pulls, pushes, it is of course very pleasing that people do not abandon each other in trouble, snow removal equipment is now actively working on kazan roads, although it has not yet reached the yards, if you think it's a big pile of snow, it 's not, it's a dusted car, see, i can't get to it, it's only been here for a couple of days, oh, there, there, there's the hood, hood, hood, here's the headlight. in the courtyards, residents themselves take up shovels, my neighbors and i went out to help a little, it’s very important for the whole city, as they say, to unite here, well , help, svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin , anatol mineev, larisa nikitina, channel one, now the latest progress data special operations from our ministry of defense, two
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dozen attacks by enemy attack aircraft were repelled by the russian military in four directions, half of them in donetsk, up to 320 militants were lost there, along the entire front line their number exceeded 900. in just one day ukrainian units were hit by fire in 118 regions, among a large amount of destroyed equipment and weapons, the american self-propelled gun paladin and the german radar station iit. in the donetsk republic , the tank battalion of the first separate guards-motorized rifle slavic brigade is on round-the-clock combat duty. crews have an average of two to six trips per day, depending on the situation. drone operators provide air cover. to the firing position along with the tankers. as soon as the tank comes out, it immediately rises to air, bird, bird leaves. the operator accompanies the crew all the way, adjusting the fire and warning of danger. in
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the event that the fpv, the throne, some kind of external danger, the crew, the tank, the spotter immediately informs, and now the tank has moved to... in the immediate vicinity of the enemy, fire, one, shot, one left, having completed the task, rolls back ago, tank crews in positions constantly replace each other, this t-72 has just returned from the firing line, has not yet melted, as we see the snow on
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tracks, now inspecting, servicing, replenishing ammunition in order to be ready to await a new order. the crew completes all necessary procedures in a matter of minutes. we are on duty around the clock, sometimes we leave twice a day, sometimes we leave five or six times, everything is different, depending on the situation. this modernized 72 does not have the usual visor against attack uavs, which is called natural protection. we use natural camouflage because it is more beneficial, one might say, it has already proven itself against fpv more than once drones. sometimes they get confused in the branches, but sometimes they get there. there were too many hits on the side here, so it was replaced, then during the hunt from the fpv drone they got a little caught in the ruins, but the crew came out of all the troubles


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