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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 21, 2024 5:35am-6:00am MSK

5:35 am
remember everything, it’s legendary , it’s done, i mean, i don’t know, it seems to me that grishin must have everything good somewhere in his notebook, honey, i love it very much, the way she lets down her braids, it’s such a beauty, a real angel , so light and powerful at the same time, she really skates. i did it, well, how i did it, well, what a beauty, just standing, now, like that, the audience stands up, everyone is called to stand up, yes, yes, yes, it’s just completely unimaginable, you know, this just doesn’t happen, this has never happened in the world , this is world reform, of course, beauty is beautiful.
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where does this come from, tatyana anatolyevna, this gold-talk? well, i don’t know , i don’t think so, well, how can you not think so, if i had a husband, a very educated man, who invented various other words, buzzwords, phrases, maybe because we lived with him for 30 years, maybe for me... something jumped over
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me, that is, there were trainings in the kitchen, yes, yes, it was necessary all the time, yes, yes, yes, you have to somehow respond to this, not just laugh or cry, age does not allow you to work bad because no, no, the older we get we become, the better we work, no, well, because there is no time, after it’s bad.
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chatting when a person is skating, then you will kill the music, because if you spend a long time with exactly this composition, which is before your eyes, in front of you, then you will not have a connection between movement and music, because you will tell and show all this and will not tell anyone it is necessary, it is necessary to combine this, but very very precisely , very... “we are not boiled, we are not raw, we will not give up, we will get angry, you are always very beautiful, they brought me two females, i was furious, the kids are spotty, but loud, he's not there, it’s not there, a spider has escaped, you have some kind of special finger, it’s probably there, no, i can twist it for you, twist it, girls who
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play checkers are called checkers players, it seems like everything started out well for me, now it’s going to end badly, best of all, new season, tomorrow after the evening news, you eat buns, very rarely, and if your mother is kind, she can allow it once a week. look carefully, do you recognize him? i am not interested in money and gold, you will go to russia today and return the sacred treasures of the nation. there are secrets that have no statute of limitations. german, from monday, after the program time.
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tatyana anatolievna, such a question, this is how i, as an active coach, sit down in the commentary room and discuss it. the work of other athlete coaches? well, i don’t know, you’re a professor on this issue, i’m not your friend alexey nikolaevich, yet, but i’ll strive , it’s clear that you’re striving, i can see you, why not, i don’t understand why not, why a multiple olympic champion, yes, member our team, for many many years, one of the leading coaches,
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i see that this is amazing, this brilliant, but still in the end i, i understand who won why? spectators can also understand and develop themselves, they
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have been watching figure skating for many years , they know many elements, they know, they will say so, they know, and just by their own feeling, they can say who i liked more, that’s enough, well in the end, grishin figured out why others couldn’t figure out how to immerse themselves in our sport, you sasha, how long did it take you to learn our rules? wait, okay? the rules change every year, how they can be learned, they are transformed every year , various points are added to them, but in general , i guess i want to say, somewhere around the end of the first season, it seems to me, it started to work out quite well, that is, half a season it took
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a lot, probably even a little more, but what is your favorite form for commentating, single skating, singles, here's a man's, difficult question, so i rarely find myself telling you. well, it seems to me that i just like figure skating, i like it very much, which is probably why i i think that’s why i ’ve been involved in this sport for a decade and a half now, but my beloved, well, sometimes someone skates better, sometimes they take you to the soul in a different form, i won’t undertake to answer unequivocally, then the question is for tetyana anatolyevna, again well, because it’s useless to ask grishin, because he has a doctor, and football, and... everything was in life, i would like to comment on some other sport for you, to try myself, maybe relatives, but i would like to, i would like, i would even like to train, wow, really?
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hockey, no, new ones, some things that i know in myself can be suitable for gymnastics, i ’ll come up with an element, i also need to come up with an element there, and i could do it, well , i see it a little well, i could do it there come up with something, read the rule, after you come up with it, you don’t need to read the rules before you come up with it, because it gets in the way, your head should be free, so it seems to me that gymnastics, we are now in chelyabinsk. we are watching the russian figure skating championship, not only watching it, but also commenting on it, now we are at the russian championship, it is impossible for me to imagine a season for myself without having been to the russian championship, this is, in my opinion, generally the central competition, not even
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the european championship or the world championship, this is the best competition that i love most, this is the most a nervous tournament for... of course, for us too, for amateurs, for professionals, to see what a person is capable of in such an environment, what should we expect? from the broadcast, what will be the most interesting, what will be, will be, what will be the most interesting, we will see, and we will comment, the best, we’ll talk about the best, why can’t we skip it, i guess, let’s talk about pairs, and you ’ll talk about your favorite singles, so, first of all, this is a confrontation, only half a point there, in my opinion, last year baikovo-kozlovsky won against... mishina and galyamov and this confrontation is probably very very interesting, of course, the second
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point is the perm couples, who this season showed some incredible level at the stages of the russian grand prix series and how much between they will have this fight, will they be able to to impose it on the two leading duets, this intrigue in pair skating, it seems to me, deserves interest and these pairs, all our five or six pairs there are the best pairs in the world.
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there will be a new champion of russia and for now we don’t know who it is, but we will find out literally very soon, and this is one of the main intrigues of the championship, the girls are all beautiful, they all jump, spin, no, there is no limit to good things, there is no limit to good things, interesting programs, interesting skating, a beautiful dress, is also not cancelled.
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i don’t know about you, in general everyone has it new year's omens, for example, i can't celebrate the new year if i don't have a christmas tree somewhere before december 19, because i'm used to my birthday, so i definitely need a new toy for the christmas tree, that 's probably our tradition and not only me, well, in general, in short, over the years i have already collected a suitcase of these christmas tree decorations, and if you consider that i inherited some more before the revolutionary ones, then i don’t know, two suitcases, but i every time i’m tormented, what to hang, what to leave?
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accepted new year, such a new year's marathon, because all this christmas begins, we manage to celebrate catholic christmas, and new year, and... and new year, that is, in general it goes on for quite a long time, such a new year's marathon turns out, yes , to which our people are already accustomed, attempts sometimes to reduce it, which such initiatives arose, are generally met with clearly no approval, in our country, even by the number of traffic jams , one can judge that until january 13, for sure , people continue to rest, only after that they gradually return to working order, yes
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to argue about whose calendar, in general, about chronology, but in my opinion the matter is... hopeless, if, say, we take the buddhist calendar, yes, it turns out that in thailand the year is 2566, because they count from the moment when the buddha went to nirvana, in china the year is 4720, because they count from the beginning of the reign of huangdi, this is the legendary founder of daasism and the first emperor of china, so... well, if we talk about my favorites, so to speak, may and otstekov, then they begin countdown in general, there researchers argue about in this regard, the difference is 300 years, but this is about 3,300 bc, you can imagine, but it turns out that, well, i don’t
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know, but for us some rome is ancient rome, and the chinese... for them, this is ancient rome, and they just laugh , scoff, and the mayans and oztecs simply laugh at such a chronology, ancient rome, but for them this is really the truest summer, that is, not even a chronology, but an idea in general about time, perhaps, the ancient vikings had, because they, they, in general, they did not imagine time as such a linear process, there was no beginning, there was no, they... believed that yes, there comes some kind of end, then a rebirth, it all goes in a circle, in general , well, i was here recently, with all my humanitarian education, i tried to get into the lectures of stephen hawking, and so it turns out that if he writes there that three directions of space and one imaginary in time form
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space-time, closed in itself without a boundary of edges, but if based on this, it turns out that... the vikings are generally closer everything, so to speak, to modern ideas about cosmology, physics and everything in general. if we are talking about the calendar, then the question arises: why did the romans first begin to celebrate january 1, in general , in 153 bc, since from this day the roman consuls took office, that is, this is just from ancient rome. and in the forty -sixth year bc, gaius julius caesar finally approved this date, using various astrological ones. forecasts introduced a new julian calendar from january 1 of the forty- fifth year bc finally began the year in ancient rome began to be celebrated precisely on january 1, and the new year became that new year and which we are already talking about? well, we didn’t immediately follow the roman path, so to speak, because we
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celebrated the new year until 1492. in march and then ivan ii ordered to celebrate , so to speak, from september 1, because it was convenient, because it was a harvest festival there and so on, tax collection too, so in general i decided that something was more convenient, but that too it was a generally temporary time in the history of the phenomenon, peter ii changed everything, in fact, with peter the great, we begin our celebration of january 1, and it’s interesting, uh. we’ll talk about this today, it’s interesting how the decree on celebrating the new year sounded, it was written so humorously, the great sovereign knew it not only in many european christian countries, but among the slovenian peoples, and his great sovereign himself cherkassy are all greeks, from whom our orthodox faith was adopted, all
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these peoples agree that they calculate their years from the birth of christ on the eighth day after, then there are januarys from the first day, they are from the creator of creation.
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fire several rockets, how many will happen to anyone, and where are the small yards, who wants to put one, two, three thin tar barrels on posts, filling them with straw or lighting them with brushwood, that is, this is also a tradition dating back to peter i, but this is the tradition festivities there ... but if we talk about the people in general, then of course they celebrate this too, and this is celebrated, but the new year holidays in general are probably the most beloved, with
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peter i, everyone’s favorite christmas tree also began, again we read the decree: as a sign good luck the beginning of the new hundred-year century in the reigning city of moscow, along large and well-traveled noble streets, for noble people at houses of deliberate spiritual and secular rank, in front of the gates to make some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper. this is the flow of the new year tree, but the new year tree itself is a very recent tradition, this is the 19th century, initially the german tradition came to us from germany, this tradition dates back to the first quarter of the 19th century, when the wife of grand duke nikolai pavlovich, the future emperor nicholas i alexandra feodorovna gradually introduced this custom at the imperial court, alexandra feodorovna absorbed this tradition in germany itself, in russia.
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russian ones can be watched in the podcast that we have already hosted, in the russia-west podcast on the swing of history, dedicated to the wives of russian emperors, you can watch this podcast on the website, the website of channel one, i just can’t imagine how children... ... back then, even before the christmas tree, well, listen, there weren’t so few, there weren’t so many holidays, especially some children’s holidays, but here, well, christmas tree, light up, everything in general, the children were simply deprived, deprived, and moreover, you are directly pointing out the problem, because initially only noble children were endowed with this, so we know exactly when it all started in... in 1817, this same empress alexandra feodorovna was received into the royal family, she was received warmly, but not quite warmly, because she really missed her brothers,
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she even wrote that i saw off my brother wilhelm with sadness, i felt new a surge of melancholy over separation from my father and brothers and sisters, it was a terrible moment. in addition, she had a conflict with the head of the imperial palace department , naryzhkin. she writes: before christmas , an event happened in our small courtyard that i... must mention in a few words: our marshal, the court marshal, naryshkin, was causing trouble to my husband every minute, that is , the future heir to the throne could easily cause trouble for the slightest he was so angry at the joke that he turned green and yellow with anger; in addition, he tried more than once to make inappropriate remark to the grand duke , even about me, and although many took part in it, i had the character to stand my ground and ensure that he left this place; in connection with this conflict, nikolai pavlovich somehow wanted a wife.
6:00 am
hello, the news is on air in the studio sergei tugushev, at the beginning of the episode, briefly about the main thing. go where others cannot, and then build a road for them. today is the day of the russian engineering troops. built the most extensive defensive structures in the world, about which crashed all attempts to counterattack high.


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