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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 21, 2024 6:10am-6:56am MSK

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russian championship, winners of the jumping championship in personal tournaments, there will also be guest stars, public favorites dmitry aliev and elizaveta tuktamysheva. the teams will be led by olympic champion alexander galyamov and european champion dmitry kozlovsky. the team tournament of the jumping championship will be shown live on channel 1, starting at 15:10. that's all for now, see you later. after the outbreak of the first world war, there were such attempts to cancel all these celebrations, the captured germans celebrated the new year very vigorously in hospitals and so on, this irritated the patriotic public; the patriotic society then decided that all this was western, not ours, absolutely not necessary, in general they wrote. how can you deprive children
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of such holidays, well, at least a nut on the christmas tree, so to speak, which used to be hung in gilding in such a way, well, i must say that this tradition about christmas, nuts in gilding on the christmas tree, lit candles on... just like that and so far, accordingly, the number of fires for the new year is a separate problem for fire services - this is not a time for rest, time on the contrary, the most intense painstaking work. it was basically a tradition of celebrating christmas, namely christmas, since 1817, as this tradition began, it continued at the imperial court, christmas trees were arranged for imperial children, the retinue was invited, it was already a family holiday, at first just an imperial one a holiday, and each family member had
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christmas gifts, christmas gifts were given out at christmas, of course, gifts, and this whole christmas tradition, it was not immediately practiced, as i already he said, at first only the nobility, but even among the nobility among famous people, this caused irritation for some, for example, among savelamphiles close to them, for example, ivan gonchurov, the famous, wrote about the christmas tree: “ it’s a clumsy, german invention.” not witty, take
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a wet dirty tree from the forest, stick agarks , and tie walnuts with threads, place gifts around, unnatural, and the church also objected to this, believing that these celebrations around the tree were demonic games until the eighties of the 19th century , the church was skeptical about the christmas tree, as alien, this borrowed german, not russian, non-orthodox tradition. this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. it must be said that in soviet times, it was the new year that became a truly national holiday, covering all classes, because in the russian empire, the new year, namely the new year, and the christmas tree.
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there was a transition, well, christmas trees, so to speak, yes, from christmas to new year, this was so fundamental for the soviet government, it was the transition, naturally, although after lenin’s death , they tried to ban the christmas tree and the new year tree, both of them; in the twenty-sixth year, by a resolution of the central committee, the all-union communist party of belarus , this very custom was called anti-soviet and not national, but they were in the twenty- ninth year. some local decrees have been adopted prohibiting the cutting down of green spaces in connection with religious rites, we were talking about the christmas tree, we were talking about willow, palm sunday and of course about the birch tree for trinity, yes, that is, it was sort of prohibited, but at the same time, at the bazaars, the christmas trees were still wrapped and sold, and the celebration
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of the new year or christmas, whoever, in fact at that time, this was evident from the diary entries, became such a sign of slight disloyalty with...
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although the basis, of course, was an image was taken from slavic folklore, there was such a frost or student, treskunets, then drizzly, which personified winter with which, who was such a rather tough character, he could freeze, he could do some harm, but you could have a relationship with him some trusting relationship, there was a folk tale: the man and the frost, yes, yes, well, there are a lot of fairy tales, in which, accordingly, the crops are frosted for...
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these events from december to january are separated, who is christmas, who is new year's, who is new year's fast, because that in some countries they very actively celebrate the gift of the magi, and this is a completely separate holiday, so these characters , they start migrating for all these children’s gatherings. from christmas, then it comes to this meeting of the magi, well, for example, there is such a character, well, we have the snow maiden, santa claus’s assistant, and there they help santa
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, well, i would say such dubious characters, well, in austria, southern bavaria, hungary, slovenia, the czech republic and even... regions of italy and croatia, there is such an evil krampus , i’ve never seen a picture of him, yes, yes, he’s like that, in general, he’s the anti-santa claus, yes, he’s the anti-santa claus, and i used to see them on western antique postcards, they were sometimes depicted right next to each other , it means that dear grandfather santa gives the child some kind of gift an apple, and next to it is...
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go into the house and give bad children a piece of coal as a pillow instead of a gift, or leave something completely indecent as a gift, so to speak. the fact that the child definitely won’t like it, here in the netherlands there is this one - black pita, he is always sure, like his face is black, he is in such trousers, he has a cap with a feather, but it turns out that - that means, according to legend, like it would turn out that this black pete is replacing santa, because santa cannot, uh, so to speak, come to everyone, well, and so he... he really wants to climb right in along this very pipe, that’s why there is
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a black pete who is not afraid to get dirty in this pipe, so he also has a list of good bad children, and he too, which means, in principle, can punish very seriously, so i wonder what’s the worst thing punishment, black pete, he can send the children to spain. why to spain? well, it doesn’t seem to be terrible, well, mallorca, i don’t know there, the canary islands , no, it’s all about history, because the dutch, you know very well, once fought with the spaniards, since then the show is in black pita, in legend of black pete, this performance was left in spain, which means it is something most terrible, already catholic spain, protestant holland.
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some kind of humanization, i would say, well , just in soviet times you mentioned the snow maiden, this is also a completely new invention, the snow maiden as a companion of santa claus appeared in 1937, and although before that in 1873 there was an adaptation of the folk tale snow maiden alexander nikolaevich ostrovsky. the snow maiden appeared as an obligatory companion of santa claus, then as a variation she was also his granddaughter, yes, who helps him communicate with children. in 1937, she appeared on the main moscow christmas tree in the house of unions,
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now it is a large dmitrovka, the house of unions also remains, by the way, everyone probably forgot why the house of unions, the residence of trade unions was located there, so the house of unions is there on the main christmas tree country in the year thirty-seven , father frost appeared with the snow maiden, you mentioned all these evil forces, it’s understandable why, because the turn of the year, yes, is such an intermediate time between. well summing up, summing up, the beginning of a new thing, when evil spirits can break into the world, well, yes, in the russian tradition, and this also manifested itself in connection with various kinds of christmas tales, christmas stories in which evil spirits appear, this period lasted until epiphany christmas eve, until january 18, when the souls of the dead can make their way into this world and the rampant evil spirits that... need to be fought, and yes, let’s just open gogl on this topic, yes, who wonderfully described this whole story, so what
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in our tradition, evil forces were also present, yes, hey, this city is sometimes called the far eastern st. petersburg, and the main owner of these places is the majestic amur tiger, we are in khabarovsk, friends, charabanc, why charabanc and where is this ball actually and what kind of ban , no one will tell you now, we’re taking a sample. "black caviar is cheaper than snail caviar, about 150,000 per kilogram, delicious , you can also make something out of fish skin, shoes, mittens, roll it like this , let's do it until it becomes soft, you are 3 years old they sewed a robe, yes, how much does it cost, when we were talking with barman abroad, i said, i’m working on that five thousand dollar bill on this bridge.” he was so pleasantly surprised, we can admire the view, personally i’m delighted, life their premiere, today
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at the first. rum, castro, a product of the stellor group. today you will go to russia, return the sacred treasures of the nation. a grenade! this box contains all the most valuable things. dad, only letters from the second world war disappeared from the house. this is a secret in the end, she killed my father too. where there is.
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after the program, time, what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs , love. vedechka loved himself very much, it was even sometimes simply charming, because it crossed all sorts of boundaries, i have a broader outlook than...
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this is a historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history, today we are talking about the new year: in soviet times, he same gaidar there is a wonderful thing, chuk and gek. stunning, absolutely, there is such a new year's spirit conveyed in brilliance.
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this means they advise you to stand on one leg and raise the other in this position, eat these grapes, so when, as soon as the new year comes, you need to stand on the other leg, that is, in this way, it’s as if life begins with that leg, well, we say, don’t get up from that leg, here comes the new year, now we need a new year from this very leg, well, somewhere there, let's say
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, uh, in portugal, in my opinion, instead of grapes... uh, they eat raisins and yes, yes, in in brazil, if i'm not mistaken, they eat pomegranate seeds there, the seed that remains is what they put in their wallet, it brings prosperity, good luck, the wallet will be full, in fact there are these signs, well, there's just an incredible amount in latin america, what do they mean? - similar, in some ways different. well, i don’t know, even the underwear they wear for the new year, in peru, for example, you need to wear yellow underwear, in colombia. also yellow, in kostoriya it’s purple, in brazil we have everything white, i recommend it, if you believe, the fact that it will bring happiness to wear everything
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, at the same time, purple and yellow and red, well, those who live somewhere near a body of water, with the sea, well, in latin america, there with the ocean, have one like this too... it’s a good omen to swim on new year’s eve, take a dip, at least on new year’s eve, the water temperature is there, but here, in our country, maybe only in the test, so to speak, you can do this, well, there are a lot of different ones, in chile , for example, it is on new year’s day that six-year-old girls get their ears pierced and given their first earrings, because, well, like initiation, here is a little girl, she is moving somewhere to the next step. begins to grow into a girl, if we return to soviet traditions, then one of the current traditions is the new year's address, but this also began quite recently, leonid
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ilyevich brezhnev was the first soviet leader who began to regularly address soviet citizens on new year's eve, before him too there were congratulatory speeches, but they were broadcast not on television, but on the radio, since televisions were simply rare, and the founder of this tradition... was the all-union headman mikhailovich kalinin, who addressed on the radio on december 31, 1935, but he did not address everyone, he addressed primarily soviet polar explorers, this was also the time when the heroic exploration of the arctic, and polar stations were created there, the famous papanin journey and some already worked in 1934 , kalinin addressed them in connection with this soviet achievement, and further...
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olivier on the table, champagne, the president on tv, well, of course, it’s different in the world, without olivier salad, although no, you know, salad olivier became. he says, but i only ate a real olivier salad abroad, uh, once i was brought to the peruvian military for the new year,
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when they sat me down at the table, i was a little stunned, because it turned out that there was a real olivier salad there, which goes with it we're used to wonderfully pickled cucumbers. tomatoes, at first i didn’t understand at all how this could be, but it turned out that the secret was generally simple, because almost all the officers who were there at the table, they studied with us in the shooting course, together with they were wives there, and the wives, naturally, wrote down all the recipes, all this continues and is passed on, as if it were a tradition, you said about olivier, another symbol of the new year is tangerines. in soviet times, of course, the main source of tangerines was abkhazia, and in the sixties, there were more tangerines, there were more sources of tangerines, one soviet
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delegation went to morocco there regarding some issue about the development of mineral resources, mutual assistance there and so on, and there one official tried local tangerines, he really liked them, he asked to pack them with him, which means that connections were made, moroccan ones began to appear in the soviet union - and the signs are also different, i don’t know about you, when the chimes strike, i’m trying so hard to combine time and the amount of champagne in the glass so that everything is on time from the beginning.
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these are new hopes, always hopes for the best, because i don’t know that there hasn’t been a case in my life where someone was waiting for the new year, that’s right, then you can remember the unpleasant, there’s something else, but specifically on new year’s eve they always remember the best, wish all the best, and that, in my opinion, is wonderful. a wonderful tradition, but you mentioned the tradition of the striking of the chimes, without which now... in russia the new year’s eve cannot be somehow comprehended or understood, but this tradition is also, in general, new, which appeared when the first appeared in the homes of our fellow citizens radios, and then television. the main thing is that there is such a tradition, in my opinion, it is good, because, well, if you wish for something good, well, even if not completely, even if only, but it comes true, well, in general, it is necessary it’s right to think about good things, well, at
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least strive to embody this good thing. life, in spite of everything, yes, it was a historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history, all the best to you, most importantly, good luck in the new year. today we discussed the history of the tradition of celebrating the new year in russia outside its borders, happy new year to you. you can watch all episodes of the historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history on the website of the first channel hello, this is the baden baden podcast, i am his presenter konstantin severinov, our guest today is igor pavlenko, hello igor, and we will talk about biohacking, and igor, he is a biohacker, so he
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will tell us everything about it. hacking in general is such a relatively fashionable and new phenomenon that came to us from the states, well, actually it’s paramedicine, that is, all paramedicine is from greek, it means next to medicine, about somewhere around, yes, that’s all famous influencers and biohacking enthusiasts, they even have special education, not only medical, but they don’t have any scientific knowledge, these are entrepreneurs, it specialists, these are all people obsessed with the idea of ​​​​increasing personal efficiency, but is this normal? when people who do not have professional knowledge in a subject deal with this subject or even give advice to others, no one advises an airplane designer how to make a better airplane or starts jumping out of a window and flying there, no, an airplane is a creation of hands of a person from the first bolt to the finished product, with the production of a person there are more questions than in reality answers, who, how, for what period?
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and since a car is a bio-machine and is much more complex than an airplane , many different points of view appear when we talk about the fact that we are now living better, some founders of biohacking say that perhaps this is a survivor’s mistake, that is, now we are sitting in this studio , we have medicine, we have science, but at the same time in some undeveloped countries, the islands of planned guinea, there are people who still live in a subsistence way, a subsistence economy, and if our descendants find them, excavate them in the third thousand... in the fourth, they may mistakenly conclude that undeveloped people lived at this time in 2023, and there are also points of view that say that people who lived there before us tens of thousands of years , they also had their own tricks to extend longevity and health, so this is how you look at it, you want to live to 150 years, you see, we have quantity, but we have quality, so i would
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probably like to live. a life filled with resources, quality, filled with memories, health, leaving something after itself, and maybe it won’t be until 150 years old, but it will be of higher quality than, for example, 100 years old, but somehow sadly in this case there is no conflict with doctors, that’s right, everyone wants it to be yes, but this doesn’t happen, that is, you know something that others don’t know, you think so, but you see, the conflict is still present, probably because of this conflict, i even embarked on this study, because i from a deeply traditional medical family, this is not passed on, so academics say, that the sons of academicians, and more often than not, sons also become academicians, this is a different story, i wanted to say that in the family you know who, so i became a certified economist, an entrepreneur, but health issues began to arise in me at a fairly early age, i was looking for answers , why am i a healthy person there, thank god with
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good genetics, my father and mother, well, experiencing very serious questions, i could not find them in traditional medicine, alopathic, and we are approaching a conflict, the conflict was that medicine and the hospital in general , yes from words. pain, she makes sure that she doesn’t get sick, that is, she works with symptoms, that is , doctors treat diseases, but for some reason there is no direction that would not deal with sick people, but that would work relatively with relatively healthy and allowed them to become even more preventive , but well, he’s deaf, he probably heard, all the doctors talk about prevention, that is, you mean preventive medicine,
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but it’s very effective, it seems to me, because like in the states, for example, in the sixties, let's remove vermiform appendices, appendixes, or mendalins from young people , because this is a rudiment, there are always consequences for this, and often goes towards yatoria, towards delusions, so we rather look, well then we still come to the conclusion that biohacking in your understanding or the one you practice is just a healthy lifestyle, some kind of it, but measured, i don’t know nutrition, i turn to nature. so look at the tree, for the new year, something like, yes, here, for example, how do you get the answer from there, for example , i noticed that animals, when they feel bad, they refuse food and take a short food break, and i began to wonder why they tell me
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that i have to eat on a schedule 1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5, and here it’s like a conscious 180° movement, that is, that is, this is intermittent, as it’s called, in my opinion, fasting, this is one of the intermittent fasting, this is a technique like this, if i may say, the father of american biohacking, he was the first to talk about it, well biohacking, this is dave asprey, well, you do it, of course, but still, suddenly i believed, saw the light and want to become a biohacker, and you will be my example of how i need to starve in order to do it right in biohacking, in our you , in biohacker style, and one of the postulates is western, as you say, i’ll just write it down, i’ll go right away, i won’t eat anymore today, for example, try the 16x8 system, when... and what will be implied is that there are regular insulin spikes , yes, you’ve probably heard about insulin resistance, it’s such a scourge
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of the third millennium of a well-fed society, and if you control surges in sugar and in particular insulin, then this leads to a strict health-improving therapeutic effect, i eat for 8 hours, i don’t eat for 16, and what will i do? how long does it take to do this? well, in order for some kind of habit to be formed and the neural connections to become stronger - the number, three 3 weeks, 3 weeks, 3 weeks, after that you will be able to get at least some, and what will be the effect, so you say efficiency, yes, what will it happen to me? well, for starters, you ’ll just spend less time on food, let’s get started from that, you’ll just have a mathematical hour or two freed up , i’ll save money, then you’ll have less, you know, this is such a trick that it’s stomach-churning. the intestinal tract contains 10 times more nerve endings than in the brain, that is, this is a story where a mass of microbiota is synthesized, well, i don’t have to tell you, and people are very focused on this story and often even depend on food, and if
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you remove this usual average dependence on food, then your energy is released, well, it would seem food is needed to get energy, okay, so we will be there for 8 hours. eat 16 hours without eating and we will do this for 3 weeks and a lot of time after consulting with your doctor if you have any chronic conditions. and this is very important, that is, in fact, all these experiments should be done after consultation with a therapist, definitely, definitely, we are talking about relatively healthy people who do not have any serious or chronic diseases, for example, with gastritis for a short time, that is long pauses between food, this is a contraindication, okay, so with thermotherapy and color therapy, when should this be done together, instead of how to do this?
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the main substance of conifers on the skin, improves blood microcirculation and accelerates blood in the capillary network, so it’s just when you take a bath, you need to pour spruce infusion there, because you can get burns, you also need to be smart, and what will happen from this, and how mind, mind must be taken from somewhere, someone should say this, someone should, tell me, how do you know how much is needed add, you can simply buy turpentine emulsion at any pharmacy, which is approved by the ministry of health, read the instructions there, and there will be instructions on dosage, and you need to follow them very clearly, that is, we are all biohackers, in fact, yes, haven’t you breathed on potatoes in due time, or sand in...
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greens, crispy, fresh vegetables, this improves both digestion and the bioavailability of products. any other recommendations, well, breathing, breathing is that connecting brain, you breathe differently than i do, how...
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accordingly, with some such recommendations, you did some kind of breathing exercises and switched to a special type of breathing that suits you, how long is the breathing exercises, here you and i are sitting here or are we somewhere in a traffic jam, in a store , we can hold our breath there, well, like for any duration of 15-20 seconds, when... we hold our breath, carbon dioxide begins to accumulate in our blood, this story forces our body to activate buffer compensation mechanisms, that is, we ourselves homeostasis in the body and 7.45 ph, when a critical content of carbon dioxide begins to accumulate in our blood, the body is forced to alkalize this story, so as not to cause mingas, this helps you, as you say, efficiency, you are meeting halfway with.. i was holding my breath with my business partner,
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now i’ll just come and break it up, right? well, for example, today i was very worried before our meeting, because meeting with you, i was engrossed in your lectures, konstantin viktorovich, here i have to communicate with such a person, i take your breath away it stole my breath away, everywhere in all places, so i did several breathing cycles, square breathing, this is from pronayama from hindu culture, and i felt a little better, right? i somehow got used to it, tuned in to the upcoming broadcast , and also controlled my anxiety, but this really, you know, it was in the classics, breathe deeply, you are excited, that is , this is not biohacking then, but still me. ..
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and why? i’m watching with interest, because i haven’t been chipped yet, i’m watching with interest, it’s important for me to look not at the dynamics in
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the moment, after a while, that is, i’m not the person who will probably try some methods on myself, i want to look at people who were chipped, how are they? will they live to be 150 years old? i don’t know, but i have 120 years left to observe this story, a little less for you, but in general we have, i think that, as you wrote me off early on, maybe, you know, maybe evidence-based medicine will somehow support me, i’ll be walking there with a stick, that’s why i was interested in meeting you, because what if you find out something else there, and i will be one of the first, and i will be one of the first to whom you tell, we invite you to become thick-fisted penzyaks, congratulations to you, sasha, pinzyak, penzyak! in this room there is a most valuable thing, the brush of the artist mikhail lermantov himself. here all the water comes from several sources, it is clean, tasty, and cold. since i caught it, let me
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marinate it. the spice is kept secret, we cook 70% of the dishes in ovens, we prepare vinaigrette, bake vegetables in the oven. we smoke it all in a grill and i decided to take different herbs berries, prepare this kind of uzvart with the addition of raspberry syrup, i’ll have lula made from varanina here, great, so let’s get started, let’s go, premiere, cooks on wheels, today on the first one, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group.
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the new season is the best, watch after the evening news, you eat buns, very rarely, and if your mother is kind, she can allow it once a week. protective layer, how to choose the best cream for winter? three superfoods for women's health: brazil nuts, flaxseed oil, oyster, thyroid gland, why hates our immune system, the program to live healthy will help everyone.


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