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tv   Igrai garmon lyubimaya  1TV  January 21, 2024 6:55am-7:41am MSK

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you have some kind of special finger, probably not there, i can twist it for you, twist it, as they call the girls who play checkers, checkers players, it seems like everything started out well for me, well, now it’s going to end badly, the new season is the best, watch after the evening news. do you eat buns? very rarely, and if my mother is kind, she can allow it once a week. protective layer, how to choose the best cream for winter? three superfoods for women's health. brazil nut, flaxseed oil, oyster. the thyroid gland, which is why our immune system hates it. program live great, it will help everyone. tomorrow on the first, i
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remind you that this is a podcast baden baden, i am its host konstantin severinov, we have such an unusual new year's atmosphere, and we are talking about the future, about biohacking with igor pavlenko, well, after all, it means chips are the future, that is the way you sound, this is howling, thirty years old, once upon a time, but not now, well, here are the elementary chips, i was recently at a conference on artificial. the simplest one is an earphone, a mini-earphone that automatically translates information when you communicate with a native speaker of another language, for you don’t need to use this, but this is not biohacking, it’s just a translator , but it’s some other thing, well, let’s just say, it ’s powered by body heat, there are all sorts of different gadgets that seem to give a certain touch of biohacking, but by and large , artificial intelligence, but he got into the car, it also talks to you, says:
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turn right, turn left. this is how all biohacking turns out, i think that here we have come to you, probably, to another ideological component, but what is biohacking, that is, bio is biology, yes, i from the very beginning i wanted to find out and hack, uh-huh, that we can hack biology, hack the devil, isn’t this too presumptuous, someone is trying this in environmentally friendly ways, as you say, zosh, is there hardening, nutrition? there are gymnastics, breathing, well, all these things , well, this is old-fashioned, this is everything that goes further, for example, taking dietary supplements, yes, our program is called bad, biohacking has such quite aggressive dietary supplements, and if we say, for example, pro-soviet biohacking, yes, at the kurchatov institute the founders initially developed the story with the redox potential of water, have you heard anything, no, when it...
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we have electron-donating and substituents and electron-accepting and the logic is that we are an oxidation process, we age, well here we are simply oxidizing, you can wrap the product in vacuum packaging, it will last longer, it is difficult to wrap a person in a vacuum, extreme and therefore the story is to somehow balance the process oxidation, for example, those molecules that do not have enough electrons in the orbit , those that have an excess, that is, donors, you are talking about antioxidants, we are talking about antioxidants and radicals, well then there is a secret, that’s what you need to do, what antioxidants you need to drink and for what? well, firstly, antioxidants themselves are, returning to the waste , plant fibers, some of them have an unstable structure, they are destroyed under the influence of stable heat treatment, crude fiber, the presence of fresh products it increases further.
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there are various gadgets, for example, water ionizers or water activators, which charge, for example, water miles with electricity, let ’s say -400, -150 mw, and thus we increase the concentration of antioxidants, that is, you need to charge the water and then drink it or on her or on her, soup needs electricity , she can wash her face, well, for example, the water in moscow apartments has a potential of + 400 mw. this is dead water, that is, every contact with this water of our body cells or our insides, it steals our dna from us, destroys it, oxidizes it simply over time , this was tested by someone, this is just evidence-based medicine or is it like an idea of ​​the redox potential , this is precisely the work of those of our soviet nuclear scientists and physicists, which were developed in a homogeneous manner, the hands would be torn off, but this is the same, but this was then, now... and the battery, and
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you, here’s the water before drinking, yes, yes, it increases the amount of antioxidants due to the fact that she gets a negative charge, water, yes, yes, i have an experiment, h2o gets a negative charge, i have an experiment, i, well, it’s probably no secret to you that fresh foods are light, they have more antioxidants than products that have been left there, oxidized, probably, i was even interested in one thing, at one time i
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just typed in the search and studied what the market offers there, what gadgets are related to this story, how scientific this story is, how effective it is, yes, you have there will be a lot of articles that will be for and against, but i would just try here, in this case there are no contraindications for activating water, that is, it won’t be worse, it won’t be worse, well, again, measure is medicine, as paracelsus said, well, do you use living water? i use it, yes, of course , i can tell you a lot about these tricks, methods, you know, instructions for use, but it’s more likely not about some situational things, so you charge the water and you ’re great, you’ll live a long time, it’s more likely about a set of measures, but it still has to be described, a complex complex, it must be
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somehow, you know, gassed, so that everyone can reproduce it, if only one person can reproduce it, then this does not exist, we are now, konstantin, at this turning point. when we have relatively learned how to treat illnesses, yes, we know how to do this, but how to be healthy, because this is a completely different approach, you see, not getting sick and being healthy, it would seem that we are going towards the same thing, but the modalities are completely different, here’s how to be healthy and more energetic there, despite age, to be more productive, this story still has white, more white spots, and we are at this stage, so if we talk about...
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16 we don’t eat, well, when we eat, we don’t sleep, that is, we sleep at these 16, when we sleep and how here again are studies that are related, for example, to circadian rhythms, how do you sleep, i’m like a father with many children with a girl, with a girl i sleep randomly for six months, that’s where i touched, that’s where i sleep , because, well , the load of sleepless nights is quite large, you’ve been practicing this for more than 10 years, but it means that there are some small... tricks and life hacks that will allow you to sleep a little more efficiently, for example, exposure to cold light, and there are studies, just in the lancet magazine, they too, i first learned about it from there, on the irritating effect of the cold spectrum glow on our central nervous system,
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which in turn causes inhibition of the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and if, for example, you take any gadget, you have me, have you ever turned on the nightshift mode, well, yes, this is how i usually am. here we can also recommend to our tv viewers that when, after sunset , the automatic telephone cold light will warm up a little, you will not see the difference, but - this will have less of a negative impact on our melatonin and we will fall asleep a little easier, but what else? the air temperature is not higher than 20, 19-20°c, this is when you sleep, it has a positive effect, yes, humidity, in moscow apartments there is monstrous humidity, that is, it needs to be humid here. in moscow and you need to dry it, you need sushi in moscow in any apartment, you you live in an apartment or in a house in a house, in a house, well, your house is wooden or some kind of house, well, if we are talking about concrete houses, stone ones, the majority of them, then this is a stone in itself, it draws out moisture, that is, this
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is such a sponge that cannot be filled, the average humidity in the room is 35%, this is the humidity that causes problems for our body, and if you raise it. some people don’t do this, they just go to the sea somewhere or to a humid climate for the winter, they kind of balance this story out for themselves, but if for me personally, for example, it is not possible now to go somewhere to the sea or to the ocean, but i want to more or less improve my standard of living and the quality of this lived life, then i install a humidifier, i install a device , for example, on the principle of ionic wind, yes this what is air scanning again, these are the same roots, here at our design bureau, which made the hydrogen bomb, they came up with a lot of... all sorts of things in their time, this story with air ionization, when
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there is the principle of ion wind, when we highlight light electricity , which balances the free radicals that come from us, from electrical appliances including various mechanical debris, there are salts of heavy metals, it drops without reaching our lungs, these were some studies, that ’s if it’s true , well, maybe this is true, then everything can be recorded, measured, determined, analyzed, and so on, everything is known. of course, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if they are not affected by gravity, risk, danger, entertainment 3.5 and unpredictability. incredible difficulty and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure
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skating, it was great, flying on eva like in a dream, russian jumping championship, live broadcast, today on the first, 100 years since vladimir ilyevich olenin passed away. this is one of the most amazing and significant figures in world history, this is the most effective emergency manager in the world, we have become the leading power in the world, we must bow to lenin and his comrades, we have become the leading power of the world even under peter i, every second of us could not read or write, lenin’s first decrees were education, science, culture, the first decrees, you know, were a little different, lenin turned out to be in this regard. not just a genius, lenin is treated very differently, very often they accuse
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him of not being a patriot, and if lenin had not managed to gather and mobilize everyone, there would be nothing left of our country, chaliapin, he explained why he he left, yes, because everything was taken away from him, there were just mistakes, difficulties, lenin as a truly great historical figure, he is great in his mistakes too, the man who changed everything, today is on the first. beast, why did the americans call our newest artillery system that? this is a combat robot, it is a fully automatic process, so they are afraid of the characteristics that we implement. the ukrainians made up vile lies about him. the tower looks as if trudovik himself cooked it after school. it fires along different trajectories, let’s say there are three shots, all three of these projectiles arrive at this target at the same time. how tsyptso distorted the inspiring interview of our fighter. i’m like stanislavsky, i’ll say, i don’t believe it, it’s not his speech, with this southern one. me and his host
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konstantin severinov, we are talking with biohacker igor pavlenko about biohacking and how to live long and be young, you see, i don’t invent anything, i don’t live in the paradigm of evil pharma and i covered myself with a blanket, by the way, a heavy blanket, this is one of the features of biohacking. they say that under a heavy blanket, weighing 5-6 kg, a person sleeps better, it is specially made heavier, that is, it should be cold, cold , all sorts of ions should be flying around , heavy and heavy, because a person has the feeling that he is in an embrace , that is, he is, as it were, being hugged, we don’t like many of us there were enough and in general people lack some tactile kinetic sensations, and a person sleeps a little more calmly, like a baby next to his mother. there must be light in this darkness, well, yes , there are such people, well
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, i’ve probably not yet established the truth in myself, there’s a lot of research regarding the fact that, again, light, the presence of some small lights in the room in which you sleep, it also has an irritating effect on melatonin, it recommends doing a complete blackout so that there is complete darkness, but for me personally, again , this is how i understand it, i tried it and so, i lived for a month and so, i tried. there’s a completely dark story there, but i can’t say that i somehow felt the difference, so, well, that’s it, then now i probably understand better what you’re saying about what you need to try, that is, you - like... you're on your own laboratory, or rather a laboratory animal , you decide that i live like this this month , yes, now i’ll finish it off, i’ll set up an ionizer here, i’ll put it here , and i’ll turn on the light bulb here, and just look what happened a month later, well so, and from whom, because we are at a turning point and no evidence base has yet been formed, that is
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, all the participants, again the founders, fans of biohacking are people without special education, they are enthusiasts. because who do you want, well, after all, if this sacred knowledge should then be broadcast to the world, and imagine, suddenly you know something that no one knows, it’s very useful, i wanted to pass it on to people, that’s why this is done in particular, but then it still needs to be standardized , codifiedly returning to evidence , you know, if in june you had a light bulb here, in january it was in a different place, then of course we may feel differently, but maybe it wasn’t because of the light bulb that you were sleeping better, but because january i just sleep well. the light is still , well, it’s dark, dark, and you wake up, it’s dark again , and we darkened the phone, and in general we don’t even open our eyes, well, with light, you and i, you agree, we have had contact with light since childhood, we we can’t live without the sun, we produce it, that is, there’s no way around it , so of course, if possible, if we have higher contact with natural light sources than with
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cold ones, it means that there were no such cold light sources in nature , not there were leds. therefore, all these minin reflectors, infrared lamps, and, in general, a person who is in the world are based on this, well, for example, let’s take the peoples of the north, who have, say, very short daylight hours there, and it has been proven that there is an average life expectancy the same events , yes, it is significantly less by an order of magnitude than that of yes, but it’s unclear, but it’s unclear, it’s unclear why, here we are, after all, we fell asleep according to your recommendations in... the dark, wet all around, cold, cold, crushed us this is the whole point, but we wake up to some cheerful music or the light starts to flicker somehow, we want to sleep less, you see, you say, we need to eat less so that we have more time to do our favorite work, well, it seems like i also wanted to sleep can you imagine how much we sleep, well, a third of our lives we sleep, it’s a shame, but i have
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an answer, but you won’t like it, well, that’s okay, i’ll restrain myself, i promise, i have... that is, it’s better to sleep, not wake up, i have personal experiments when i reached such sleep deprivation i slept 2-3 hours a day, and my sleep deprivation, that is, stealing or stopping, was there for 2-2.2 hours, i completely rested and got enough sleep, and this continued there for several months, but another problem begins there, you don’t know what to do with the remaining 22 hours, because that at the time when you woke up, your loved ones are still sleeping, your colleagues are still sleeping. when you , well, you can think about the meaning of life or something else, you’ll think about it for a day or two, and then, that is, you kind of fall out of social life, but then if everyone around you is sleeping, then you have to sleep yourself, because otherwise there’s nothing else to do , you can’t sleep, because you ’re very alert, you’ll have to eat and sleep, so here’s the idea of ​​increasing personal efficiency, it seems to reach some limit, and if
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you go beyond this limit, then you as if it is no longer very interesting here or not...
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they feel there, because it seems to us, we evaluate from our bell-shaped social normality, maybe this person is good, let him feel good, but then he is then kicked forward, only it's usually takes out. that’s the problem, well, that means it ’s his choice, he, he made this choice, we can’t be for people to be healthy and for people
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to be happy, we give recommendations, we have known all these recommendations since childhood , the ministry of conservation gives them to everyone , okay, then in conclusion, so that we can still look to the future, here you are leading the right lifestyle, this is a whole set of measures, which you, too, through trial and error, found what is suitable for you. and how do you see yourself at 70 years old, you will jump up the stairs, jumping over the steps, run, jump, everything, young will be the same, or how, how, you must have some kind of plan for the future, how can i tell you what will happen to me in 40 years, no, no one can say, because a brick falling on head, no one has ever canceled it, but in principle, if we consider this as a goal, i want to live the path allotted to me without shortening it... filling my life and the lives of my loved ones with emotions, this is a great idea, it is not even related to biohacking , in this sense, she
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is so universal, i really like her, thank you very much, igor, thank you great, konstantin, it was very nice. for me, happiness is, no matter how strange it may sound, water in russia, in almost every region you can find this very place where you can just sit on the shore and be happy from contemplation and simply dissolving in this element. happiness is what makes our life better, more interesting and fun. every time i come to vladivostok, it’s just incredibly beautiful, incredibly warm, incredibly fun, i really... liked it there, but with the exception of the jellyfish, i want to wish my great country russia, so that it continues to develop, become just as digital, because there is
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a great future ahead of it, i love this country because i love it, let’s start, oh, they can’t. abray marvoi, i've arrived, hello, hello, welcome, oops!
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barnaol welcomes guests, everyone is in a hurry from the area, definitely, accordionists will be in high demand today.
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we expected that we would arrive in barnaul, tivil, a good city with lights below us.
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the boat floats like a motor beats a heart, from the fact that we are washing, i was walking through the forest, walking through the bushes, i see a jar of sugar and hid it. in barnaul at the station the men were waiting for the bus , some with a basket, some with a bag, they tramped on foot,
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all the girl and loving, but not falling in love , oh, i'm pockmarked, you're pockmarked, let's kiss you, come on, oh, let it be any, saka strong with lard. well, dear friends, we are in barnaul, i have a very interesting message, how many times has the program play harmony been filmed on altai soil, for the first time our television program is filmed in the city of barnaul, with which i personally convey to you all.
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congratulations, siberian frosty greetings from the capital of the altai territory, your game and garmon sure, yes, yes, zakhar, we have an interesting accordion player here, he’s known him for a long time, it seems he even knows how to play, you can play these, then we’ll shoot, this is dmitri, what’s your last name, dim, bandyaev, bandyaev, exactly, we met in the open spaces, again, of the beautiful altai land, but now in barnaul. dmitry will play for us a combined version of the baren, we’ll wind up, and we’ll dance a little, warm up at the same time, yeah, that’s it, clap, let’s go.
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and we approach the village, the whole village is on us, we will break it into pieces, the whole village from us, take a boom-boom-boom, and i tore off the dew, asa, belos iros, black, and the fart
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of that village, guys, and in the middle of the shops, in the region lived two bounty hunters, and in silver, day, and we guys, well done . apple, i'll go into a squat, i don't have a dimple on my cheeks, i won't come to visit someone, there are drinking songs in the house, heart-to-heart conversations,
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piss-pleased lands, everything that is in half is all stoves, benches, crackers on the stove, as if outside dimples, everything is burning inside, it will continue to knock for a long time, in the heart of vasil makarych, in the cat it will not be spring again, the water will darken, there will be people simple to live, to rejoice, to be sad and to love , and let there be love in the hearts, forever, forever, and the birch trees kept crying, well , great kuman, roosters and dogs called into the houses, hello dear homeland, hello father
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altai, scrofula’s native home of evdokimovo region, waiting waiting for me under the bridge. and love awakens, the one that i saved in my heart, under the birch icon, i will lie down to die, for your torment, tears, forgive me, mother, it will continue to knock for a long time, your heart makarych, in the cat will not spring again. the water will darken, there will be people simple to live, to rejoice, to be sad, to love, and let there be love in our hearts, forever, forever, hey, hey, this city is sometimes called
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the far eastern st. petersburg. and the main owner of these places is the majestic amur tiger, we are in khabarovsk, friends! charabanc, why charabanc and where this ball actually is and what kind of ban, no one will tell you now, we’re taking it off. black caviar is cheaper than snail caviar, about 150,000 per kilogram, delicious , you can also make it from fish skin, shoes, mittens, roll it up like this, here you go i think, until it becomes soft, you sewed a robe for 3 years, yes, how much does it cost, when i was talking with barman abroad, i say, i’m working on that five thousand dollar bill on this bridge. yes, he was so pleasantly surprised, we can admire the view, i personally
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am delighted, the life of our own, the premiere, today on the first, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, and how are you going to make sure you get everything from him, let's go where , on the way, i’ll tell you, let’s go, oh! oh, why are you looking at the folder, swearing, just not i need to get attached to him, it’s dangerous, the reputation of the clinic is personally very important to me, i need all his diagrams, specifically where he hid it, where he transferred it, vadim will be there for a long time, if he can, they say, i’ll do whatever you want for you, maybe you’ll even take me into account a little bit, i won’t live by your rules, that’s enough, there’s something i don’t like, that you perceive me as a business? belozerov, container, new episodes, watch after
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the program time, a child, he is more important than money, what else am i, or a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to which my soul could finally rest, or am i looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs? love, vyadichka loved himself very much, it was even sometimes simply charming, because it crossed all sorts of boundaries, i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this made me wiser and more, for example, a patriot of my own country, as a writer, he is a writer of his own, your autobiographical things, what is the percentage of fact and what is the percentage of literary fiction? truth and at the same time exhausted. limonov is bored
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walking with everyone else. there are a few lemons, but the boy is the opposite. matador, eduard savenko in search of love. on friday on the first. can i have some more. barnaul is a siberian city, the weather is different, snowy, frosty, but always wonderful. what are you forgetting there, friend, i threw some valinok. garna is a nice
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city, the people are interesting, kind, cheerful and... always kind,
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seryozh, where are you from? altai republic, ulagansky district, chubelya village. wow, and hello, by the way, do you study in barnaul, yes , i study in barnaul and you can do russian songs
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sing and dance, and i sing and dance russian and altai songs, well, my own is closer, but still, this is a top show, yes, the famous altai top shore is the same, the same. beloved, yes, well , legends, epics, all the wisdom of the altai people is captured in this instrument, how do you like the game and harmonies, seryoga, excellent, normal, excellent, normal, we like it, well, you perform something for us, yes , i wanted to ask what you will perform, i will perform altai traditional singing, blessings, this is for the altai instrument to all living things, and we will also pass on the blessing to the tv viewers, also a blessing,
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well done, plays tobshur, gold embroidery weather , heal shining under the moon, remains a squadron, behind
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the rain, like behind a wall, rocuster cleaned the pistol, yumkera. they played under the lieutenant and korenet of milynevskaya, they remembered such a war, bullets flies, switches in the field, after-battle silence, pressing on the ears to pain, and the war of repentance, blasphemy flies whistling through... the silence after the battle presses on the ears of the gods, captains of the valikon temple , you are an old lady, unless the daring woman would be drowning in sweat, apart from
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the new centuries, they have gone away. a lot of people for for people such a war, the pulimukhs are looking for the field after my silence, david is on the sutured side, the sickening war, the pulimukhs are whistling the field after the battle, silence.
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everything will calm down and go away.


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