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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  January 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm MSK

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we can discuss them for a very long time, and we will continue discussing the fate of lenin together with gennady andrevich zuganov in the next program. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. at the height of the weekend, when people were going to the market to do their shopping, a rocket attack on donetsk killed at least 25 people and sent dozens to hospitals. attack of the armed forces of ukraine in our foreign ministry on...
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new point on the map of liberation from the village of krakhmalnoye in the kharkov region, our military knocked out the enemy, the location of foreign mercenaries in the area was hit konstantinovka and the reaction of paris to the destruction of the french soldiers of fortune in kharkov, cynicism and nothing more. their motto is, without us, no one. today is the day of the engineering troops in russia, they are the ones who take the first blow from the enemy. we'll tell you about this dangerous and important service. take it and forget it. on the oldest square of german dresdon, an inscription reminiscent of the bombing of the city by the americans and the british in 1945 was removed. our correspondent went to find out what the germans think about this. a mysterious and definitely bright part of our history. he died 100 years ago. lenin, later
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century, the legendary leader of the world proletariat, the subject of study by historians and political scientists. a real winter riot, the weather does not spare tatarstan, the buran plan is still in force, there is a collapse on the roads, which regions still suffered? fantastically difficult, very beautiful. russian jumping championship among figure skaters. today is the final day. no one in the world has done this.
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people whose voices are heard off-screen were heading exactly where several shells fell, in the center of the tekstilshchik microdistrict, far from the very outskirts of the city, this is one of the busiest places in kirovsky area of ​​donetsk, the intersection of two main roads in this area, a shopping center, a market, naturally, on sunday there are even more people here, there is a bus stop nearby, people are constantly walking, bodies of the dead are everywhere, mostly elderly people, on weekends residents of the private sector came here.
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five people. according to updated information , a combined strike from barrel artillery with a caliber of 152 mm and 155 mm was carried out on the block from the kurakhovsky krasnogorovsky direction. another 20 wounded were transported by ambulance to city hospitals, many in serious condition. total k eight people were delivered to us, all
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the patients were seriously ill, one patient was extremely seriously ill with multiple combined injuries of the chest, arm cavity, and limbs. in general, the vast majority of patients, one might say, have combined injuries ; all of them are currently receiving assistance, additional operating rooms have been deployed, the duty team has been strengthened, and surgical interventions are currently being performed. despite the fact that the front line is relatively far away, and there are no military installations nearby, the kirovsky district of donetsk is not quiet you name it, so this is not the first time that ukrainian militants have struck the market. and they are probably taking aim. different, but they did it, they knew that people were going to the market, and almost the entire day the employees of the investigative committee collected evidence and recorded the consequences of the artillery strike, the russian foreign ministry made a statement. the russian country categorically condemns this treacherous attack on the civilian population. the west's unbridled desire to inflict
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strategic defeat on russia at the hands of ukrainian puppets, which it is ready to mindlessly unlimited support, pushes the kiev regime to increasingly reckless steps, including acts of terrorism and mass violations. russia calls on all responsible governments and relevant international structures to strongly condemn this brutal terrorist attack; their silence will mean tacit approval of the murders of civilians and encourage ukrainian neo-nazis to commit even more bloody atrocities. the department reported that the topic of terrorist attacks by ukraine on civilians will be raised at the next meeting un security council. dmitry tolmachev, sergey ponomarev, igor kritskov, dmitry kuchuryavets. first channel donetsk. meanwhile , our fighters continue to work in the special operation zone, suppressing firing positions in the ssu. as our ministry of defense reported today, in the kupinsky direction, as a result of successful active actions of the western group , the village of krakhmalnoye in the kharkov
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region was liberated. in addition, seven ukrainian armed forces attacks were repelled near other populated areas. in the donetsk sector, fighters stopped attacks by enemy assault groups. out of commission. a large amount of equipment, including a tank, a howitzer, a hail rocket system, and several armored combat vehicles. in this direction , the enemy suffers the heaviest losses; over 300 militants were killed in 24 hours. air defense systems intercepted a ukrainian tactical point missile, as well as several shells from the american haimers system. rocket troops and artillery, as well as attack drones, liquidated an ammunition depot, and also hit a temporary deployment point for foreigners. well, what fate awaits clearly: good luck to all soldiers, this week our military demonstrated as much as possible in kharkov. more than sixty were killed, over twenty were wounded. when the base of french mercenaries was hit
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, the french ambassador was immediately summoned to the russian foreign ministry, but paris, apparently, didn’t care, the day before they generally said that they couldn’t prohibit their citizens from fighting on the side of the kiev regime? the topic will be continued by pavel krasnov. publishing footage from kharkov, where firefighters are scurrying around, mixed with people, against the backdrop of a destroyed house, on the backs of which “war crimes” is written in large english letters. ukraine , it seems, was in too much of a hurry, and therefore missed the obvious inconsistencies; even a cursory glance is enough to understand: the fire in the building had long been extinguished, the dead victims of the missile attack were taken away from here long before the start of filming. a message from the russian ministry of defense makes it clear why. on the evening of january 16, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a high-precision strike on the temporary deployment point of foreign fighters in the city of kharkov, the basis of which were french mercenaries. more than 60 militants were killed, over twenty were taken to
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medical institutions. the fact that many foreigners are fighting on the side of the kiev regime is no secret to anyone. and this is not the first time that the mercenary base has come under attack, but this time the message from our military was abundant. and french television completely revealed all its cards live, contacting a former
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military man, who, although he denied the death of his acquaintances, confirmed a well-known fact: there are enough mercenaries from france in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. i contacted all the french in the area, there are five groups here, i contacted them, none of them were killed, injured or bombed. under the pressure of facts , defense minister sebastiu, with a creaking heart, admitted the obvious, although he cannot do so with a reservation. abhors its citizens to fight in ukraine, however, it is possible that even before denying reality in paris they were not lying, but were simply not telling the whole truth: mercenaries are usually called adventurers who fight for money, after the start of the northern military district they poured into ukraine from all over the world, many hot the head was cooled by our blow to yavorovsky training ground, where more than a hundred militants were killed, but those willing to take risks are still there. mercenaries from germany, france, britain or even america who are there. adventurers from
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active military personnel who were sent to ukraine by their command, and this is yet another confirmation that nato is waging more than just a proxy war against russia. france considers itself at war with russia, this was the order distributed to the french troops back in march.
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like a normal soldier. and here you can’t help but agree with the russian foreign ministry, which on friday pointed out to the french ambassador summoned to smolensk square that the death of his fellow citizens lies on the conscience of paris. but does anyone on the champs elysees remember what this means? macron is now trying on the role of europe's main hawk. he said several times this week that russia should not win. we are not at war with russia, but our goal is to make its victory impossible. a russian victory would mean the end of european security. it is noteworthy that this rhetoric is already different from what europe has spoken before. the intention to crush
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russia was transformed into a more modest one, to prevent its victory. kiev is still promised weapons, but not as many as before, several dozen missiles, self- propelled howitzers and glide bombs, although all this certainly will not strengthen european security and is unlikely to help the ukrainians. this will not change anything, you just need to send a message to the kiev elite, to the kiev u... their motto, and the truth is, no one will be able to advance at the forefront if there are fallen trees on the road, no one will cope with
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the task of digging trenches so quickly, no one can so cunningly deceive the enemy by placing not real equipment, but dummies, they, military engineers, do all this brilliantly, the minister of defense congratulated them today. sergei shaigu noted the courage and dedication of the fighters; the system of engineering barriers they erected played a key role in disrupting the offensive. ukraine. all the subtleties of work and the secrets of the skill of the engineering troops. in the report of our correspondent anna prokofieva. where no one has gone before, infantrymen go into battle military engineers. assault battalions of engineering troops take the first blow , breaking through the enemy’s defenses, so that the main units can break through, where a person cannot get through, equipment gets down to business, military engineers are armed with dozens of vehicles, they clear rubble, pave paths in minefields, in a matter of minutes a tank bridge laying bridge crosses a ravine,
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a shelter or a small river, senior sergeant alexey dolkhik, an excavator driving instructor, in the combat zone of his... communication route, this is for the infantry, which runs and directly takes cover from fragments of all sorts of arrivals , dugouts and a tank position are also dug , shelling was initially daily, we had to think first of all, because there... your own trench, which you tore out, it sometimes even saved our lives. in a day, one such machine can dig about 600 m of trenches 2 m deep. for comparison, this would take weeks, or even months, for soldiers armed with bayonet shovels. anti-tank ditches, where more than one ukrainian armed forces combat vehicle got stuck during the so-called summer counter-offensive, also the work of our military excavator workers.
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it is already a recognized fact that the fence lines erected by the russian military in the northern military district zone. the most extensive defensive structures in the world. more than 3,600 km of trenches and communication passages, over 150 thousand trenches and shelters for equipment were opened by the beginning of the counter-offensive in the ssu, over 45,000 dugouts and more than 12 thousand prefabricated reinforced concrete structures were equipped. disguise and confuse the enemy is another task of military engineers. they are armed with a whole arsenal of dummies. this layout completely replicates form. the death of the anti-aircraft missile system axleboxes, it only takes 3-5 minutes to inflate the dummy, it costs tens of times less than real equipment, it is hit by real missiles, mostly western-style, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. from a bird's eye view , rubber cars look just like real ones and even imitate thermal and infrared radiation;
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it is not so easy to recognize them as decoy targets. if the enemy, of course, wants, for example, to determine what we have installed here, he tries to fly up with his bird. lower it, at this moment, accordingly, the anti-tron gun lands this bird, then the bird can be used, according to our troops, our interests. the military engineers themselves found a use for the birds. in addition to aerial reconnaissance, they mine using quadcopters, dropping ammunition from a drone and clearing the necessary areas. if we have stretch marks, we have noticed stretch marks in the area. we hitch up the cat and troll it through. if the size of the mining is larger, then we lower tnt blocks, 75, 200, 400 g. the operator controls remotely, he doesn’t go anywhere himself, he can just sit in the shelter and control it, it’s safe, it allows us to save a lot of the lives of our soldiers. sappers have many tasks in areas from which they have already managed to drive out ukrainian militants. the number of mines and
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unexploded shells here is measured in the thousands, and all sorts of traps complicate the work. for example, a discovered anti-tank mine may turn out to be a decoy to hide another charge underneath. it will explode when the sapper removes the mine. such an object is first pulled off with a rope at a safe distance, only after this they begin neutralization. underwater there were no fewer explosive surprises, and the conditions were even more difficult; we had to work in zero visibility, that is, by touch. so we walked around, checking every centimeter of the bottom with our hands. with the help of sapper pincers, we found the object with our hands by touch, determined that it was a mine, we neutralized it, raised it to the surface and handed it over to the sappers who were doing the work on land. on their professional holiday, military engineers are at the forefront continue to carry out the most difficult tasks, build defense lines, lay roads, establish crossings, clear liberated
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territories of deadly mines and ammunition , once again confirming their motto, no one without us. anna prokofieva, elena pich, vitaly katchenko, dmitry kiinovsky, ines mezhevalova channel one. now afghanistan, the crash of the falcon 10 plane, which was performing a charter ambulance flight to russia from thailand. there were six people on board, crew and two passengers. both are our compatriots, a married couple from volgodonsk. as reported at our consulate in bangkok, the spouses were evacuated from patai. a woman was taken to the hospital, she was in critical condition, she was on a ventilator, the place where everything happened had already been found. the federal air transport agency said four of those on board were alive. the fate of the two is being determined. our diplomats got involved in clarifying the circumstances of the emergency. it is known that the aircraft disappeared from radar the night before after refueling in india. according to preliminary data, the cause of the crash could have been a technical malfunction. in the investigation
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the russian committee opened a criminal case. slovakia decided to resume cooperation with our country in the field of culture. they lifted the ban that was introduced by the previous government of the republic 2 years ago. in addition to contacts with russia, then let me remind you that they also fell into the category of unacceptable. connections with the belarusian ministry of culture, the current head of the relevant ministry of slovakia signed a new order, the changes, according to local media, are in effect from this week. obviously, common sense still prevailed. in bratislava they directly state that culture should be out of politics. the words of a representative of the department are quoted by the press. there are dozens of military conflicts taking place in the world, and artists should not suffer because of them. one of the matches. the australian junior open tennis championship turned into real hysteria for kiev. russian vlada mincheva and
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ukrainian elizaveta kotlyar met in melbourne. our compatriot won, and after that, according to tradition , the participants in the game shook hands with each other at the net. for this, the ukrainian athlete was immediately attacked by her own people. it was started on social networks bully and write angry comments. and the national tennis federation called the handshake a mistake and... decided to remind all athletes that they should not do this not only with russian athletes, but with belarusian ones. the girl’s father began to make excuses, writing: “they say his daughter does not yet have experience in participating in such major competitions, so she performed this post-match ritual automatically, but now she greatly regrets it. however, what elizabeth herself thinks remains unknown. crazy and just a disaster, so residents of germany." and talk about what is happening to the local political elites. on the oldest square in dresdon, the authorities removed the inscription that was painted in memory of the victims of the british bombing of the city by the americans.
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in february 1945 , more than 100 thousand people died as a result of the attack. the city, in which there were no military installations, they were actually razed to the ground simply to intimidate, no one was ever punished for this mass murder. the modest memorial was a place of mourning for the germans, but it was removed. ivan blagoy about historical oblivion. first , high-explosive bombs, so that the glass would fly out and the rafters would be exposed for better air circulation, then incendiary bombs, so that houses would break out into fires, again high-explosive, so that these fires could not be extinguished. joint operation of the british american air force. dresden, which had no major military installations, was razed to the ground for several days, from february 13 to 15, 1945 . british commander. strategic aviation sir arthur haris, or as he was also called, bomber haris, for carpet tactics bombings, he later said so. the air force is often accused of waging war against civilians
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. all major wars have always been fought against civilians. himdiciemu 94 shows pictures of dresden's oldest square, the altmarkt, after the airstrikes. there was no time to preserve the dead, and almost 7,000 bodies were burned here. it was an open-air crematorium. the dead were taken to the square and burned because of the danger of an epidemic. another open-air crematorium, the first one appeared during bomb attacks, they caused fire tornadoes in the city. so in the movies show the depressurization of the aircraft at altitude. the gerditsa say that people were simply carried away into the abyss. for the rest of his life he remembered a woman with a child in her arms. the fiery whirlwind caught her with such force that she and the child were lifted off the ground, and i saw only a disappearing burning torch. me then. it seemed that i saw a burning angel. dietze, a survivor of the bombing of dresden, brought flowers to the modest memorial on altmar. we are talking about a stone bench, from the back, which, according to the decision of the city authorities this
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week, for some reason the memorial inscription was erased. u people who survived the fire tornado, restored the destroyed city with their own hands, they had a memorial on a historical site, and it was simply liquidated one day. dresdens now bring flowers and candles here, someone printed out the erased words on... which was the reason for the removal of the usa and great britain, yes dresdon was bombed, but the memorial inscription is difficult to understand, the text is more than politically correct, no mention of who bombed, no mention of it words. everything is so strange that initially there were even versions of vandalism; responsible officials talk about some long-standing discussion, the removal of the inscription is justified as follows: it suffered either from graffiti or from pollution and in general was engraved on the bench, in general it had been planned for a long time, but the mistake turned out to be nothing for the residents...
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russian propaganda will probably now also use a distorted picture to create germany. yes, really, but the author of this article himself writes about the catastrophic communication of the dresdon administration with the townspeople. i wonder why there is only our microphone in the frame? in germany this is not a topic at the federal level. drezdzdans explain to us in the matter of memory of the actual destruction of the city by our current friends, the americans and the british, ordinary people found themselves between a hammer and a hard place. on the one side.
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no scientific criticism, the soviet delegation , well, in the person of, let’s say, the chief of the general staff antonov at that time, it said that it was necessary to bomb bridges, it was necessary to bomb directly the exits from this or that city, well, the logistics of the transport route, and it was about leipzig and berlin, in the minutes of the jaalta conference dresden is mentioned only in in the context of the demarcation line between soviet and anglo-american troops, this city, nicknamed florence on the elbe for its beauty, fell into the soviet zone in memory.
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in the west, they were undertaken back in the fifties, the special services were looking for any documents that could be used against the soviets. there is a report on the work done in the cia archives. in response to your memorandum of december 4, 1951, this office has been unable to find any documentary evidence of a russian request to bomb drezzon. all this
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hectic activity is not because it’s embarrassing has become popular. the memory of who carried out the barbaric airstrikes helped soviet intelligence recruit west germans. the most striking example is the case of heinz felfe, a former ss obersturmführ who made a brilliant career in puloch at the headquarters of the west german intelligence service bnd. felfe was responsible for the entire soviet direction there. working at the height of the cold war in pulahi, i was well aware that my position was of great importance to my soviet friends. felfi, a native of dresdon , took revenge on the usa and great britain by handing it over to moscow. more than 15 thousand secret preserving the memory of the bombing with new documents issued by 100 cia agents. it would seem that things are a thing of the past, but the scandal flared up with force right now, during the information confrontation with russia, after the extremely negative reaction of the residents of dresdon to the disappearance of the inscription, the city authorities installed an information stand with a new text. so to speak, in order to correct inaccurate data, namely the time period of burning of bodies, to name the number of deaths during the bombing. historian
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mikhkov estimates the death toll to be very underestimated for the sake of politics, so as not to offend anglo-saxon friends, soviet historiography, relying on german sources, proceeded from the fact that more than 130 thousand people died in dresdon. the bombing of the city is an extremely painful topic for the druzdens, and yes, those who preserve the memory of it often sympathize with moscow. it was the soviet union that rescued shtolin from the mined area and returned the painting masterpieces to the dresdon gallery after restoration. one of the participants in the picket against the destruction of the memorial inscription, having heard that we were russian, asked to come to his car. it turned out that the glass there was russian. please show this on russian television to your viewers so that people know what we in central germany think. the sticker says mit rusland, i am not at war with russia. ivan the good, dmitry volkov,
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foreign. first channel. you are watching the evening news and this is what will happen next in our program. a real winter riot, the weather does not spare tatarstan, the plan. the snowstorm is still in force and there is a collapse on the roads, which regions still suffered? a mysterious, certainly bright part of our history: he died 100 years ago lenin, a century later, the legendary louse of the world proletariat, is the subject of study by historians and political scientists. fantastically difficult, very beautiful, russian jumping championship among figure skaters. today is the final day. this was not done. who in the world, here at our competitions we see for the first time in the world elements that surprised the star participants from the simpleton to the beautiful lady pygmaleon bernard show
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stage of the satire theater, an eternal classic in a new version. we'll be back in a few minutes after the commercial, so stay tuned. "we are not boiled, we are not raw, we will not give up, we will get angry, we are always very beautiful , they brought me two females, i was furious, they live a little, but loudly, he is not there, he is not there, he ran away in his mind, you have some kind of there’s probably a special finger there, no, i can twist it for you, twist it, as they call the girls who..." play checkers, checker players, but for me it seemed like everything started out well, now it’s going to end badly, best of all, new season, look after the evening news, you
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eat buns, very rarely, and if your kind mother can allow it once a week. borbon stersman, a product of group, and how are you going to do it so that you get everything from him, let's go, where, on the way, i'll tell you, let's go , oh, oh, why are you looking at the folder, swearing, just don't get attached to him, this is dangerous, my personal reputation of the clinic is very important, i need all his diagrams, specifically where he hid it, where he transferred it, vadim will be there for a long time. “if you can agree, i’ll do whatever you want for you, maybe you’ll take me into account at least a little, i won’t live by your rules, that’s enough, there’s something i don’t like, that you perceive me as a business, belazerov, container, new series, watch
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after the program time, child, he is more important than money"? protective layer, how to choose the best cream for winter, three superfoods for women's health, brazil nut, flaxseed oil, oyster, thyroid gland, why our immune system hates it, the program to live healthy, will help everyone, tomorrow on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group, look carefully, you will recognize it, grandfather, center, we are a coward, money and gold do not
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interest me , you will go to today russia, return the sacred treasures of the nation. excuse me, of course, but all this doesn’t look very plausible; there are secrets that have no time limit. german , tomorrow after the program it’s time, what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern men, revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, no matter what be that as it may, love, he loved himself very much, it was even simple at times.
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with everyone together, a little lemons, boy, on the contrary, matodor, eduard savenko in search of love, on friday on the first. this is the evening news and we continue. this week it was not the weather that severely battered the volga regions. a snow storm, which has not happened for the last 5 years, paused transport and air traffic for several days. utility workers worked around the clock, not having time to clear the rubble. tatarstan suffered the most in kazan. for the first time in a long time, the buran plan was even announced.
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in some places the snowdrifts reached the first floors of buildings. dozens were taken from city streets thousand tons of snow. svetlana kostina about snowy armageddon. the snowfall has stopped, but we can already draw preliminary results. it is clear that a month and a half's worth of precipitation fell in just a few days. the route for more cargo is still closed, you can see how many cars have accumulated here, they are all waiting for the roads to be cleared. tomorrow it will be three days, the weather was stormy, just, fear, that’s it, nothing was visible, everything was falling asleep, straight, the wind was blowing, trucks lined up in queues of many kilometers, an exception was made only for trucks with food first necessary, drivers are trying to clear the snow around their cars, but we cleared everything ourselves, completely, one of our comrades left, he was standing here, we somehow got out, we all got through, now we’ll all get out, now... we hope it will be frosty, everything will freeze here, and
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we will get out on our own. tatarstan found itself in the center of a cyclone that came from europe; snowfalls also hit udmurtia, samara and saratov regions, but tatarstan suffered the most, buran, which lasted for several days, paralyzed traffic on main highways m7, m5 and m12. this is the m12 highway, we are making our way behind the tractor, it cleared the snowdrifts for us, just like the car, i’m still in shock, just for the first time. m12 was built in a field, strong winds swept a lot of snow onto the road, trucks and cars were blocked, on the eve of the snow captivity the last cars were freed, now the main task is to clear the road to start moving , more than a million cubic meters of snow have already been removed from the roadway, heating points have been installed along the route for drivers heavy trucks deliver medicines and food. they gave me pasta, they gave me liver, then they gave me samsa, they gave me water. there are two bottles of these, well, they also gave me an apple, i ate it.
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the situation on the railway is difficult; 10 trains are delayed in the gorky direction. finally, my long-awaited captain showed up almost 5 hours late. it is not easy to clear the rails in such a snowfall, they are constantly covered up, in tatarstan trams stop every now and then, in kazan alone more than a thousand trucks and snow blowers work on the roads around the clock tractors. in 3 days from the streets of kazan. for animals, all the doghouses here are covered in snow, friends, without the help of volunteers we won’t be able
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to dig it all out, honestly, this mound here is a kennel, yesterday i cleared everything here, weather forecasters say that as long as the snowfalls in the volga region are over, the cyclone will go away further to the northeast, so the weather will change, a warning has already been issued for today on the twenty- second, that is, at night and in the morning of the twenty-second due to the fact that the pressure will increase and cloud cover will break, it is expected the temperature drops to -25°, so now the main task is to clear the city of snow, people come out en masse to clean their yards, and even children pick up shovels, he is also an assistant, and the most creative ones have already started making videos on the theme of snowfall, here a person is trying to get to work at any cost, and this one is waiting for a tractor in a snowdrift. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, mineev, khristina ivanova, channel one. what to do after snowfalls is definitely not worth it. in
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mytishchi near moscow, a driver set up a deadly attraction, tying him to car a string of inflatable cheesecakes, on which more than ten people were riding. moreover , everything happens on the roadway in the middle of the day. there are cars in the oncoming lane. it’s hard to imagine how it could have ended if one of the traffic participants had gone into a skid on a difficult road, but this time it didn’t work out. the author of such extreme entertainment. the police are now looking for him, official representative of the ministry of internal affairs irina volk spoke about this. the other day we talked about another unfortunate driver from the sverlovsk region, he tied a snow scooter with a child to his car. judging by personnel. it was only by a miracle that this did not turn into a tragedy; the man himself came to explain himself to law enforcement officers. today marks exactly 100 years since the death of vladimir ilvich lenin, the legendary leader of the revolution and the world proletariat. according to tradition, on this day in moscow there is a memorial event at the mausoleum. representatives of the communist party of the russian federation,
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including party leader gennady zyuganov, came to lay flowers. one can relate to ilyuch’s activities in different ways, but one thing is obvious even to the most irreconcilable politician, and not only: this figure. exaggerations of historical proportions and its influence on the further development of our country, and the world as a whole, is difficult to overestimate. lenin for the first time tried to build a new world in which labor ruled, not capital, although the main meaning of life was humanism, justice, friendship of peoples and goodness in every family and delicious bread in every home. he lived only less than 54 years. but if you have a large library, no matter where his complete works were, he wrote 55 volumes , you won’t find a single one on the planet today and foresaw almost all the major events that have happened not only in recent years 100 years, but also what will happen ahead. what else
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can be said about vladimir ilyach? what to remember? marxist theorist, founder of the soviet state, ambiguous, but also unconditional. a bright personality, and also mysterious, just take the names, there were several of them: vladimir ulyanov, nikolai lenin, and as for his activities, the political and philosophical legacy of the leader of the world proletariat still, a century later, remains the subject of heated debate among historians. kirill brainin listened to the opinion and studied the chronicle in detail. above the composition death of a leader, academician merkurov worked for a quarter of a century, and the leader of the world proletariat, who passed away in less than 54 years, acquired the status of the all-union grandfather lenin immediately after his death, and remains so in the mass consciousness even centuries later, although everyone knows that he was younger than any soviet leader who left the main post in the country , after him and not only for the same reason, this is the power of lenin’s mythology, which, in a sense, is in no way inferior to the ancient one. even the workers carrying
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the leader’s body in the first version of the merkurov monument were naked, for which the author sharply condemned the party leadership and had to... then dress them, but art historians of that time managed to note the tribute to the greek tradition of depicting mythological heroes, of course, there is a significant difference: lenin was without a doubt , but on the other hand, and what is not prometheus, only instead of fire, he brought the light of ilyech’s light bulb, universal education and medicine to the masses. leninskie gorki, where ilyich lived in recent years, competes with the village of kashena near moscow for the status of a harbinger of electrification of the entire country. an engineering building was built here frame. and there was equipment there, a siems generator, oil engines, everything supplied electricity here, by the way, under vladimirech, a line was built here to the village of gorki, and there this famous ilich light bulb came on, it was from here that
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the line was from this power plant. an important detail, however, is that vladimir ilyich shared not lenin’s land with the peasants, but simply the hills. elements, a house with steam heating, sewerage and running water, chosen as the leader’s residence, may cast doubt on his asceticism. but he could not resist attempts to create an image of a supreme being without flaws even at the end of his life, and with the gun salute that accompanied the death of ilyech, myth-making acquired an all-consuming scale. i think. carefully he became a myth when he was placed in the mausoleum, that is , when a man was made into a cult figure and his relics began to be worshiped, he essentially replaced god in the person of those who, in one way or
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another, idolized him. in the soviet union , a specific system developed; there was a kind of collective father. marx engels, and there was a certain the collective god-son, lenin stalin, although stalin was later debunked, but there was a certain communist spirit. essentially, in general , the communist religion is a parody of christianity, of course. but we are talking about a man who, immediately after the victory of the bolsheviks, separated the church from the state and spared no effort in destroying religion and the clergy. the collective mind of the creators. lenin's canon created a simply amazing thing. artistic images that have long since become textbooks are firmly cemented in the minds of several generations of ilyach's character traits. he is an excellent speaker, capable of looking into the future, attentive to the aspirations of the working people, inclined to physical labor, kind to children and merciless to the enemies of the revolution. of course,
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the paintings of the graveman lenin at the direct wire do not give an idea to what extent, but the archival documents are quite complete. in the eighteenth year, after the uprising of the peasants of the penza province against the surplus appropriation system imposed by the bolsheviks, lenin’s demands to responsible comrades flew along that same telegraph wire. lenin writes in penzum to comrades kuraev, bosch, minkin and... the kulaks must lead to merciless suppression, this is required by the interest of the entire revolution, for now the last and decisive battle with the kulaks has been taken, an example must be given: first, hang, hang without fail, so that the people see at least 100 notorious kulaks, rich people, bloodsuckers, secondly, publish their names, thirdly, take away all their bread, emphatically three times. fourthly, appoint hostages, according to yesterday's telegram, make sure that hundreds of miles around the people
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saw, trembled, knew, shouted, strangled, suffocated , bloodied fists, telegraph receipt and execution, your lenin. the note is, like other documents, such as photocopies, lenin’s demands to deal with prostitutes who solder red army soldiers, in soviet times, of course, were not available to a wide range of researchers, of course, the white terror. during the civil war he was no different from red in his cruelty, but the fact that this bloody method was not only alien to lenin could have prevented the formation the right image. the real image of vladimir ilyevich lenin is quite far from the idealized and mythologized image that was instilled in the population of the soviet union for 70 years. the example of these documents shows that he often pushed local leadership. on the ground, to unleash mass terror, to give it much more scope than even the bolsheviks themselves wanted on
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the ground. meanwhile, in those very places , lenin’s myth sometimes acquired bizarre forms. in 1930 , the young guard publishing house published a collection of folk tales about lenin, including an instructive story about ilyech’s friend, the food appropriation commissar, who offended the peasants and did not take care of the people’s property. lenin called him and said: “ you have no right to oppress a peasant, because the peasant is a great power in the state, bread comes from him, which means that as my friend i should punish you approximately, lenin kissed his friend, said goodbye to him, turned away and ordered to shoot him, here he is, some kind of lenin, he loved justice, in general, the fairy tale “ a lie, but there was a hint in it, of course, such lessons were not for children’s eyes, in the education of the younger generations, completely different literature was used, now, of course, there is no, as before, a separate lenin regiment, but extracted from the repository a scattering of books for any age helps modern
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researchers imagine the scale of the approach to forming the desired view of lenin. he imagined such a monolith, that is, this is a man, a knight without fear of reproach, such a serious example, and naturally, the whole soviet pedagogy was built on the name of lenin, of course. modern writers never dreamed of only one edition of lenin's secretary's book. bruevich, lenin's children - 2 million copies. nowadays there is hardly anyone who does not remember, say, the story about the clean plate society, which ilyich invented to force children to finish their food. the children asked permission to leave the table and ran to write a statement. after some time, they returned to the terrace and solemnly handed the paper to vladimir ilvich. vladimir ilvich read, corrected three mistakes and wrote in corner, you have to accept it. mikhail zoshchenko also took an active part in the literary movement ; this, however, did not save him much later from accusations of bourgeois vulgarity, but with a break for oblivion, every soviet preschooler learned about the assassination attempt on lenin in
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an accessible form and shook his head. the workers ran up and wanted to carry lenin in their arms to his apartment, but lenin did not allow them to do this, he said: “no, you don’t need to carry me in your arms, my sister and my wife will see that they are carrying me in their arms and they will think that i am very bad, no need to disturb them, everyone around we were amazed that lenin, at such a terrible moment , was not thinking about himself, but about other people. older soviet citizens had already watched, say, the film lenin in october or looked for answers to any questions in the leader’s collection of works, stood in line at the mausoleum, not noticing how with each new anniversary of october the logical outcome was approaching. lenin ceased to exist as a historical person, i think, he still does not exist as a historical person, he exists as a hero of myth, for some as a hero of a negative myth, for others as a hero positive myth, but this is no longer a person, this is a kind of phantom. he entered history like a phantom and continues to live in it. the collapse of the soviet union created by lenin gave birth to a new stage in the life of the lenin myth. in
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the nineties, it was extremely fashionable to write that ilyich had neurosyphilis. although the archives were already open then and nothing prevented us from getting acquainted with the medical documents, including taking an analysis for this syphilis that everyone is talking about, and there is an analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid, which was done in july of twenty-two, and here you can simply see, here it is, this is called the wasserman reaction, that is , an unconditionally negative result, that is, all these documents are available, they are not closed, every researcher can familiarize themselves with them, for now... medical diaries are classified, but and they assure that the archive does not say anything about sexually transmitted diseases, access to the documents may be opened just this year, but it is doubtful that there is anything that can stop the debate not only about the leader’s diagnoses, but about his legacy in general. the only thing what all historians more or less agree on is that lenin is undoubtedly the key politician of the 20th century, and no matter how trite it may sound , the man who changed the world. the most important thing is
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not even what is built. and approaching a dream, this is an attempt to realize something that is impossible to realize, an ideal society that is fair for everyone, this idea is contagious, without lenin, without this very impulse we will not understand the 20th century at all, we will not understand, by the way, social laws accepted in western europe and america, we will not understand china, we will not understand india. we will not understand how gradually the issue related to the decolonization of africa developed in the 20th century; it all has its origin in october of the seventeenth year, and lenin as a symbol of these events. everything else is assessments that, 100 years later, it’s impossible to resist; every new turn in history forces you to look back at lenin’s decisions,
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the echoes of which cause a headache and now may not be explained. on the centenary of her death, he ended with the words: one cannot be vindictive at such a distance, that is, 100 years after the death of the hero, i think the great historian was wrong; lenin’s example shows us that one can be vindictive even 100 years after the death of the hero. it is generally accepted that a historical figure should be considered solely in its own way. era, but this definitely doesn’t work with lenin, because somewhere in the subcortex sits the same myth that lenin is more alive than all the living, and if so, then the demand is different. kirill brainin, ekaterina koryaka, pavel romanov, kirill kushnev, dmitry popkov and alexander gusev - channel one. day sports and tourism at vdnkh. the grandiose exhibition in russia brought together outstanding athletes, politicians, travelers and tv presenters. the main
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event of the presentation was the plenary session, the development of two industries. traveling around russia is very popular. according to the results of last year, the internal turkish population was 75 million people. the goal for the next 6 years is to double it. tourism was one of the first to cope with the consequences of covid and... sanctions, so already according to the results of last year , we exceeded the pre-covid 2019 year in terms of the number of domestic trips reached 75 million, well, by the year 1930 we have a very ambitious goal set by the president, 140 million domestic trips, as for sports, these are also very ambitious figures, and we have 70%, you know, of our citizens by
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the year 30 engage in sports regularly, it is extremely important for us to present, dear friends, to you that picture, that picture of development, those trends that are currently being formed, because indeed tourism is an extremely important, very serious industry economy, an industry that will develop at a faster pace, an industry that relies on domestic demand and forms the same supply economy, and of course, tourism is something that is also changing the country; over the previous decades we have held the largest international... competitions that are only possible in modern sports, and of course, due to the implementation of these projects, cities such as moscow, st. petersburg, sochi, kazan, vladivostok, krasnoyarsk and many others received an impetus not only sports development, but the impulse for infrastructure development, attracting business, investing in projects, and thus the formation of a stable, stable country, a stable society in all respects, from
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an economic point of view, from a social point of view. by presidential decree. more than 200 families and professional dynasties came to the capital. today they met and talked with olympic figure skating champion alexei yagudin. he talked about how important it is to dream and set goals. probably my entire life path is a kind of corridor really possibilities. every person has a time in his life when he has desires and opportunities to seek. we have to dream, we have to think about something, we have to. a championship that has no analogues in the world. russian jumping championship among figure skaters. it is difficult, risky, but incredibly beautiful.
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it is there that our star athletes raise the bar to unprecedented heights. they perform elements that are just about to be introduced into the main competitions. it’s interesting that the very idea of ​​such starts was born precisely at first channel, and the figure skating federation supported her. more.
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the bravest ones take to the ice, they have to perform cascades of five jumps at once, nothing like this is done in programs at traditional competitions. pyotr gumenev from the red team and lev lazarev from the blue team are doing brilliantly. arseniy fedotov and ivan popov are trying their best for the teams, but not everything is going smoothly for elena kostoleva. it's a pity. the blues have a chance to win back. and then the charming junior margarita bazelyuk takes flight. two
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perfect cascade, nerves of iron, the outcome is obvious. the team of dmitry kozlovsky won. finally, the blue team wins. were you more nervous in the individual tournament or now in the team tournament? nowhere. the answer is a true champion.


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