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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 22, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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so to speak, some kind of half-chewed gum, well, i’m exaggerating, of course , but all this was used, well, i wanted some beautiful clothes, that is, in general, when young people want to dress fashionably, or at least it would be nice, it’s generally easy to understand, this is a podcast chronicling the end of times and i, evgeniy dodalev, am telling you about the subculture. soviet fortsovshchik. it’s an interesting phenomenon, because in fact , the former workers had their own subculture in the soviet union, because there were people there who pretended to be people from that country, which they specialized in, for example, the italians were called ira. they dressed like italians because they bought these things from italians. moreover, large travel companies
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, there were hunted for them, there were all kinds of vigilantes there, mistook them for foreigners, because they looked, they could speak fluently enough in the specialized language, in that, for example, those who worked with alor, in italian, those who worked with the finns, well, mostly of course, leningrad and tallinn and the baltic countries in general, accordingly, they had a different specialization there, they looked different, they dressed differently.
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in the soviet union he went to hungary, she invited me to her hometown of kecskemet, hungary, and i arrived there, she met me in the capital in budapest, and you know where she took me first, she took me not there, not to the bridges look from across the danube at some architectural masterpieces, no, she took me to macdonald's, because mcdonald's was opened in budapest earlier than in moscow, at... it was, well, it was just wow, like come, drink coca-cola, eat these fried potatoes, bigma right here i had the impression, there were no gadgets then, i couldn’t film it and post it somewhere - on social networks, stories, but then i came and told, that i was at mcdonald's, i ate a real bic mac, they looked at me almost like an alien, my comrades, well, except for those who grew up in the west and - fortsovki, no one perceived
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among my compatriots, among those compatriots with whom i communicated , no one perceived the students like this people who imitate something, many envied them, well, the fact that they were well dressed, in general, well, one could envy them, because here and there you buy some thing to go with it , there you gain weight or lose weight in order to fit into it, and with...
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humor, with adequate, congenial ideas about beauty for me, they listened to the same music, they liked the same things there, just... the work, by the way, was uh risky only at the first stage, when people were really afraid to get into the field view into some kind of database, because apparently some kind the operatives had bases, if a person came across, he was entered into this database, as
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if he were a person engaged in a job that was unworthy from the point of view of the system, although from the point of view of modern realities, this is just a business, a person chose such a person for... occupation, so, so he earned money, when this fear was overcome, then only then, in fact, what can they do to you, if you don’t plunge into all these currency frauds and you are not threatened with a real sentence and real pressure, then in fact, you risk nothing except showdowns with competitors, because there the farcists had their own designated zones, but in any case it was somehow regulated, if a person entered... this territory, if you didn’t bring him, he would appear on that one without a recommendation or another precinct, there could have been all sorts of showdowns , the most harmless thing was when a person was simply handed over to the police, they could, by the way, also throw it in, there was a rather noisy story
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about which they talked about in moscow about a vigilante who during this one some raig, recognized his former classmate... began to cooperate with him as first an assistant in forging, then he became a much more serious figure in this business than his mentor, and he cleared the clearing for his mentor, he turned him in, having planted currency on him, that is, he was imprisoned, he cleared the clearing, then came out and, after serving his sentence, killed him. killed his comrade or his sister, i don’t remember these details now, but these stories were told as if, after all, this is a business, like that, well difficult, where, because where there is big money, there can be big troubles
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, in addition, there was such a danger as registration, it was such an informal group, they were called lyubera, these are... guys from the moscow region, not necessarily from lyubertsy , they were just bashed by lubera, but in general they were from any area of ​​the moscow region, boys could come, they were called urla, so they could either physically punish them somehow for farting, or most often they simply imposed tribute, that is , you had to or other area, which they supervised. register, well, that is, this is such a forerunner of the racketeering that arose in the nineties, already in the nineties, as we understand, there was no blackmail, as soon as these shuttles appeared, that is, people had the opportunity to travel abroad, bring and most importantly officially implement this completely, then
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, in fact, there was no longer any need for blackmail, although many of the blacksmiths had already developed such close ties with a... foreigners who, there, had the same scheme as putan, with prostitutes, that is a frenchman i knew, to another frenchman who was traveling to moscow, he said, here, take a phone number, take this and that, because these things are best to sell, and if we are talking about foreigners from the warsaw pact countries, that is, from the eastern europe, they brought exactly the same amount as they took away, because many things could be bought in the soviet union. of those that were not sold, for example, in poland, the poles specialize very much in this, they bought french perfume here, french perfume that cost in the soviet union is much cheaper than in france,
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even in terms of the official exchange rate, because these were so-called petrodollars, that is, they were barter relations, we sent oil, received not only foreign exchange earnings from the state, but also... partly in goods, and these goods are from france - these are perfumes, from finland - these are clothing products, they were sold in soviet stores. of course, everything sold out instantly, that is, either there were some crazy queues where you had to sign up, or it went under the counter, but in principle - so the poles bought a lot of things here and took them to poland, because they sort of bought it twice, they came here, sold something, made money here, and brought something from the soviet union to poland and sold it there and made money and ...both here and there, you can watch all episodes of the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel
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this is a podcast chronicling the end of times and i, evgeny dodolev, tell you about the subculture of soviet black marketeers. for sale, by the way, they were often used, in addition to stores, well, the so-called retail outlets where they were thrown away, there was such a term. they threw away goods, they threw away these goods, there were also thrift stores , my classmate, to whom i was married in my first marriage, had two like that - girlfriends, twins, they worked in thrift stores, and one in one, the other in the other, that is, they they worked in more than one store, i often bought something from them, there was a scheme there, they were very integrated into this fartsovki system, because the blackmailers... many of those things which were, well, didn’t sell like hot
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cakes, they handed them over to a thrift store, and there was a certain kind of conspiracy there, because the receptionist at the thrift store, she could, she had some kind of fork, she could value the thing at 30 rubles , but the same thing could be valued at 50, naturally, and they set a ceiling price, on the one hand, on the other hand, these things were so desirable... for so many, they also provided a service to some of their friends, they said what will happen in our hall tomorrow there, i don’t know, there was some kind of coat or a tie or some kind of shirt, that is , a farculator - he received money, part of this money he gave to the appraiser as an honor, and it was even much funnier when these two sisters, with the help of their acquaintances , they generally set up this kind of business that - let's say a visiting... specialist from abroad, brought some thing to
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a thrift store, he was given the minimum possible estimate for these things, immediately a call rang out to a familiar iron, which was about to open this store alone commission, came, bought this thing officially through the cashier, immediately took it to my sister in the second store, where she put the same thing on... i earned my own money, but from the point of view of soviet legislation, it could have
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fallen under article 154 of speculation , that is, buying for the purpose of selling, for the purpose of profit , that is, a person consciously bought an item, understanding that he would sell it and sell it for more and sold it for more, i not only bought jeans and not only sold things that... i asked clara to sell , i was a music lover, with records were the same story , that is, yes, the melodiya company released some licensed things, including publishing records by those artists who were there, let’s say, loved by me, but this happened, i don’t know, well, once a quarter there for six months , by the way, there was a very funny story when... the melodiya company released a paul macartney record, but since paying for
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a collection, a license and or for a numbered album was a completely different order of money, they removed one song from the album from another album this thing was put on love songs, and it began to be taken out as a collection, although there were , relatively speaking, nine out of ten were from the original album and one was added from the other, it went as a collection, these are these records, as well as one of polo macartney’s records specially published in the soviet union. and a lot of people took it to the west, because it was such a joke, such a rarity, this vinyl was a good gift, all this was sold at the gum line farthest from red square, not far from the department of records, there was a department where the records were sold, there there was such a black market, that is
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, young people hung out there, exchanged this vinyl, bought, sold. and often you could get there out of the blue, because let’s say a person came with a record that he had either listened to, had already recorded on a tape recorder, or even wanted to get rid of, wanted some other record, was ready to change, but the one who had there was a desired vinyl, he needed either money or something completely different, so the man sold the record in order to then buy another record, well... in himself at the very moment of the sale, when he received the money, he already became, in general, an object of potential interest of the police, because this was, in general, illegal trade from hand, again, unless it was impossible to prove that this was speculation for the purpose of making profit , that is , they couldn’t put you on trial, but you could be
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provided with a headache, in general, somewhere i can say to myself that in my student years i was such... a parter of the light category that i sold records, bought records, helped his friend lari sell goods brought from hungary, all this came to naught when, in fact, firstly, currency exchange in the country was legalized, secondly, freedom appeared, exit and this shuttle movement began, things began to be brought here in an organized manner, in general, it came the end of times. this was a podcast chronicling the end of times, and i, evgeny dodolev, told you about the subculture of soviet farcists.
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this is a podcast 20 years later, me and its host konstantin mikhailov, and today my guests are... old friends, dj fonar, aka vladimir fonarev, and evgeniy rudin, he’s the legendary dj gruf , hi, hi, today we have a dj broadcast, i’m also a welder, but not a real one, i’m a tractor driver, you ’re a dj yourself, you know, this is great, yes, so as not to slip, so to speak, a professional conversation and in order not to use exclusively our medical terms, so that others will also be interested , let’s immediately agree on this: that we speak in simple language, use a minimum of some dj terms, well, there are hooves, faders, kio, okay, agreed, yes, yes , volodya, turn it off, everything is possible, yes, everything is fine, we had some fun, okay , danced, had a mini-rave on a podcast 20
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years later, guys, we were relevant in the 2000s, someone else was relevant in the nineties, listen, i remember that at some disco i was the head of the mercury show group , we danced breakdance, we took first places among robots throughout the soviet union, in one of the clubs, i remember that i first saw this, what was called djing, who djed, vladimir fonarev, also then with kore, by the way, it was in the studio class, in class studio, where we started together with lika you... yes, lika star, lika pavlova, there was even lika mc, lika mc, yes, that is, lika blah blah, you, all this, so guys from the nineties, in the zeros, in the tenths in the twenties, they are more relevant than all the relevant ones, often what happens, zhenya, when you started, there were several periods, that is, there was
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a st. petersburg period when i just started playing, it was the nineties, well, a little , a little later, volodya, this is our most strikan, the most abusive one. he played volodya and not only on records, he played on reels , on reels before that , that is, he practiced all this, and here is my official appearance, since the whole country recognized me as a groover, it was the ninety-sixth year, when i premiered on one of the radio stations, happiness yes, now what, yes, now we remembered when you started, we remembered when we learned the dj’s game, we remembered when we learned the lantern, i also remember, sorry, i can’t now, i was overwhelmed by a wave of... i remember , which i listened to avidly, again on the same radio station, maximum volodya fonarev's funny house program , i remember, i was especially hooked by the program where... you were a guest, yes, it was my first broadcast in moscow, in general, yes, generally the first broadcast in moscow, and volodya invited me there, in general at one time i wanted volodya to adopt me, for something else, the first years
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of living in moscow, zhenya lived at my house, we have been here for 30 years, i’m generally grateful for my appearance in moscow, of course , volodya, because that he is probably practically the only person who me so much, i came from st. petersburg, and a fellow countryman, well, i was born in another place, but i lived in st. petersburg, studied there, yes. wow, i didn’t think that yours was so tight, i remember that for the first time i heard from you such words as drum and base, even then break beat, yes, hardcore, he was the one who said that it was not necessary in ten terms, okay, these are musical styles, but okay, the name of the group , i heard chemical brothers from you for the first time, i heard prodigy from you for the first time, no one knew yet, groove already knew, and he was always on wave, that is, there, let’s say, i’m a dj there , well, that’s it... dj, roughly speaking, everyone, well, except for rock, let’s say, you’re there too , plus or minus, this one was always somehow ahead not much, and what he did and continues to do is a little,
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maybe even incomprehensible to those who are living now, but it will be clear later, each direction, as in principle, any style of music has its own audience, and even if there is some -this is an underground direction, there will always be its own audience, even if there are 5,000 people there, but they are exactly those 500 people who will appreciate all. after you said prodigy and the chemical brothers, six years later they became popular in russia, yes, that’s absolutely accurate, well, actually prodigy’s first tour was back when they were not world stars, you know where prodigy performed for the first time, where in the concert hall of russia, wow, but that’s not even the point, in fact, this is what i want to say, when all the electronic music appeared, there were no clubs for the people who went to the clubs and saw all this, how this is all flashes what it all sounds like.
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we know exactly what a guitar sounds like, we know what a piano sounds like, a violin, yes, and the appearance, we even know how they sound all together, yes, and electronic musical
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instruments helped synthesize, the word synthesis came from where, the search for a new sound, then there is something to which we are already accustomed, it was novelty, and it was a time when science fiction, astronautics, robots, computers, space, yes, that which shaped our, our musical. humanoid, who can take an egg there and almost peel it, that is, now this romanticization is no longer there, we fly into space, roam the vast expanses
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of the internet, the amazing thing is that all our lives we looked up and wanted to know about the infinity of the universe, but what is it, now we are looking for the infinity of the universe where in our computers , that is, the internet has become for us that very cosmos, listen, well , there is no longer the romanticization of this electronic sound of this. electronic or still is, what is happening now, is, is, yes, in general, probably just, if we consider electronic music as a kind of creative process, it is always a changing space, a new combination of sounds appears, new transitions from one musical style, that is, at the intersection of something, that is, it is a constantly mutating, developing and moving process, in this, probably, attracts all people, find something new, all episodes of the podcast are 20 years old. you can find it on the website of the first channel evgeny rudin, aka dj groof and vladimir fonarev, aka lantern. podcast 20
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years later. i’m its host konstantin mikhailov, and we continue, let’s roll back along the time scale to maybe the nineties, eighties, you remember the first raft, where it took place, this raft culture, when it began and where, well , it certainly began - in st. petersburg, for sure, absolutely exactly, the dance floor club fontanka 145 and the first party in the planetarium with wesbam, definitely, yes, that’s when i just ended up in this one, yes i, well, i was already there. than classical disco, disco was different from rave, and above all, st. petersburg had a very cool locations, it could be parties in various estates, and at the stock exchange, ice skating rinks, that is, completely different places that accompanied, it seems, the same dance music, it was in the eighties, and dance floors were in
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the seventies, but this ... discos in the huge thousandth spaces of rave, these ones here. we have historical information, which was recorded by our tour guide, anastasia privalova. let's hear what anastasia thinks about the emergence of raft culture, and you you may agree, you may not. the main debut took place on december 14, 1991 in the cosmos pavilion at vdnkh. about an upcoming event.
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they talked in all the musical circles of the capital, and even on central television there was a video with an invitation to this cosmic ball. so, for the first raft party, more than 3,000 people gathered in twenty-degree frost. this unique event was written in golden ink into the musical book. stories like gagarin, party. by the way, an interesting fact. real cosmonauts were present at the gagarin party, valentina tereshkova and georgy grechko. what do you think? from moscow's point of view, this was the first event. this was the first night event; before this, events had never taken place entirely at night.
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there was an opportunity to come into contact with space, but in an ultra fashionable modern way, then i would like to make one remark, the fact is that the word dezhaki appeared much earlier, if we remember the group red poppies, their album spinning discs, which was released in the early eighties, as a disco club host or just a disc-jac, i’m glad that you i’ll introduce you to my disco, this is actually the eighty-first year,
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the eighty-first year, did you mention? that the first djs practically djed on reels and, firstly, there was no special equipment and the current club records themselves are impossible, as if there were turntables but there was no money for them, and i personally knew one person in st. petersburg who built a potentiometer into reel-to-reel tape recorders, that is , adjusting the speed to bring the compositions into rhythm, yes, there was no term for pitch control back then, but how did we know that it was possible change the speed, but in general then the only place where you could download music. if i may say so, to actually get copies, these were recording studios that were scattered, there was one on tverskaya, you take a cassette there from a list, select it, pay money, there are people there with reels, absolutely, yes, that’s why the dezhaks mostly played music either from cassettes, or from reels, then the history of the appearance, this is connected with how everything developed, what were the first records, appeared, so i, as it were, with the first records, with the first turntables, as it were was, it was a revelation for me that there were records with dance music, because
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well, that’s what you were talking about, that you... this material was missing one more song per side, yes, great tracks, yes, which are well 6 minutes each so that it can be mixed normally, because this is definitely a rumor, there are no indications here, there can’t be any syink buttons. on vinyl, of course, vinyl is a kind of almamator of all djing in general, if you know how to play vinyl, you can do everything, absolutely, if you are a hip-hop dejaque and you will play absolutely any style at all , that is, yeah, and you continue to collect dance vinyl, such electronic ones - as far as possible, yes, i have even removed the boxes so that you already have a lot of records, compare records, who has more, and you still distributed, yes, because i consider myself a more technological dj, i’m just now also studying classical djing, i have a teacher. gorgeous jura and he also got me hooked on venel djing now, i ’m hooked, it’s just an absolutely incredible buzz, i need to explain why first it’s just a tactile sensation , it’s tactile, yes it’s nice, you put a needle, then you hold the record when it’s hammered in, you
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start it, why used to say the dj plays, plays, plays, because at the time when vinyl games existed, there was there are a lot of groups that became, well, let’s say there were such people. that’s why they said that the dj plays, that’s why i’m so glad that the technologies for creating music directly, of course, yes, have stepped forward, they have stepped forward not only in terms of the equipment itself, yes, but writing music, because the styles, by and large, have remained the same, are somehow transformed, well, trance is being transformed there. chaos style is being transformed draamb jean, what will happen next, jean, you should know, i think that everything will go towards technology, because music is changing, uh, now the technological approach is completely different, music is getting louder, music is becoming sophisticated in effects , it sounds different,
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the construction of the music becomes more so, let's say, experimental in the same moment, and if we talk about the pop scene, that is, it becomes more danceable, if we are now... one after another, even if they are pop, so if we talk about the immediate situation of djing, in general , the first djs, the very first djs appeared on radio stations; in general, the appearance of djing is probably associated with the emergence of a radio station at the beginning of the last century; in the tens and twenties of the last century, it became possible to rebroadcast sound; people appeared who had their own music collections; the only media from which it is possible. was to play music, it was actually a record, and such people went on air, talked about music, installed, in fact, even technical equipment, if we look at radio equipment, mixers, players that existed and so on, they developed together with the presenters,
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who then became certain individuals who began to invite people to the event, having good musical taste, the first competition arose between live performers and those who simply play music, even there was a device, yeah. when we met my wife, he had a t-shirt , it was the ninety-first year, he had it written, there was a special mechanical device for playing records, you could come up, choose music, throw money , in fact, order a record, with real djs it’s not like that they work, so i’m a real dj, and not a playback machine. zhenya once had such a composition dedicated to a dj , don’t play my cd right away. i think it will be basically something closer to writing music like in a studio, that is, the technical
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equipment that is given, it allows you to give a lot of vector music, well, we all should understand perfectly well that the main direction of a dj is that he must write music himself, even the world rating, which used to be... in the magazines of the top 100 djs , yes, he was compared by those djs who played how, now exclusively only by musicians, by tracks that this or that track became popular among this bias, in fact it is writing music, distributing music, it is like the right and left hand, if they work fully for us , then we have the opportunity to be a bright artist, i’m one-armed, listen, that is, if someone doesn’t write music, it’s not a dj, no, i said that it would be better for this to happen. the audience and you will see the reaction, because in fact this is exactly the same law of the stage, there is an artist who
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comes out on stage, in this case it is a disc jockey, there is an audience, and if, for example, a poet or storyteller communicates through words, then we communicate through music, a sequence of tracks that is lining up, it is either interesting or not... look on the website of the first channel, this is
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a podcast 20 years later, i am its host konstantin mikhailov, my guests today are the legendary djs, lantern and gruf. when did you start writing music after you became a dj? i immediately became, i first started writing music, and then became a dj, which is very cool, if someone in the tank doesn’t yet know that a dj is a gruff, he’s actually not really a dj, he’s a groove composer. he writes a lot of music, electronic, and he writes there is a lot of music for films, for which he has a lot of awards, all sorts of prizes, he continues to write music for films, let's look at an excerpt from a video, a work written by his wife with a groove: oh, girls, this is still not my music, that this is me from her i’m tired, but i can’t when there are no words, i want something catchy, i’ll go talk to the dj to play something else?
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comes up and asks to put on normal music, there are also these harvesters, the situation is such that they will always come up, the main thing is to be in the right place in the right time when you have your own target audience, when people know what they are getting into, they open their hearts, yes, they open their souls, and you communicate with them, by the way, a unique situation, paintings remain from the artist, and from the writer books, yes there, well, in general, we can continue further, what remains of the dj? the dj is left with only the memory of how wonderful
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the event was, that is, like a fog that dissipates, yes, you can record a mix, but you need to be at that very time when dezhaki is playing and feel that atmosphere, which he creates, if he is an interesting storyteller, then we live with him from beginning to end of his dj set and enjoy it, listen, but there are , say, high-class djs who play electronic music, which requires an understanding person, according to at least there is a club there, and there is a dj artisan who... an offer comes to perform at corporate events, and i always warn
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, i will not adjust if you know what i play, yes, and there are people who are not part of clubs, they grew up a long time ago, but then what - we do, they like it, they invite , and there is nothing wrong with it, the main thing is not to step on your own throat, yes, that is, and not to put a remix on i don’t know , some popular artist, yes, i have done this many times , when he just comes, there through the organizers with a flash drive, and like, you can give us such and such, i say, well, listen, well, this... everything should be honest , absolutely how can you celebrate the new year in your favorite company without your loved ones there shizgars of some kind, otherwise the lantern is playing electronically, that there is a break in the pattern, well people are always unlike musicians, well, i and dezhakeev, that is , they have a completely different idea of ​​​​music , as if for them this audio reproduction is associated exclusively with some kind of emotions , for us it’s uh-huh.
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as for moscow itself , the discoverer of everything that was connected here, there are two people, these are, of course , volodya fonarev and oleg odzha, but oleg was more in soul, in chaos, yes, volodya immediately closed behind him... this electronic - the dance layer was the first to put it on air, that’s why it worked out, scaled it up, yes, then when the radio station 106.8 appeared over time, i became the program director, then... volodya became the program director, oh, yes, who is here in the photo, here on the left , here you guys are, these are tunes swanks, by the way, the most famous project in the whole world, it starts, who are they, they are ours, they are ours, yes, their track in the movie fast and the furious is behind the soundtrack, seriously, swanky tunes, yes, of course, yes, yes, they, when you performed at the bottom the birth
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of your audio school, i thought they were some kind of scandinavians, no, they are absolutely europeanized they look absolutely accurate, they themselves are from smolensk, in my opinion, they themselves are from smolensk. the founder of the school, and alexei zhokhov is directly the person who took the entire kazantype for himself and called it z city, yes, by the way, andrei gennadievich abramov, aka android, he is a gorgeous composer, electronics engineer, i’ll tell you how it happened, i’m in my time is very much a game. real english powerful nature and i look at the records, it appears on one android android android android and quite by accident i find out that this a russian man, it turns out that i
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was already familiar with him, we contact him, he comes from brazil, comes here to moscow, we get to know him. and he simply says that i have an idea to open such an institution, because i was doing this in san palo, clearly, that is, his idea was an audio school, andrey absolutely, he suggested, i was like a resource, which could be used, now you were at the peak, well now, yes, and that’s not even the point, the point is that you needed a room for this, to do this, it was necessary to find a team of people , to administer all this, and since andrei practically didn’t know anyone anymore, he lived for 10 years, yes, yes, so imagine , do it, we started with this, let’s use the same techno-musician who makes the tracks, if we have turntables, we need to finish something on them, no, let me go later , maybe teach me, maybe, what styles exist, there is such a thing as mixing music, in this case we have two players , the first player is the second player, it
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contains different compositions, there are a mixer, yeah, on which the volume level is actually output so that this signal goes here. that’s what we call flash drives, yes, with a flash drive, in fact, we play music, here the flash drive is sticking out, which means it will come from the uzon zalinka here we load the composition, that’s actually where the sound starts from vinyl, isn’t it better quality than from a flash drive, as much as i don’t like the sound of vinyl , yes, the numbers are still louder and louder
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, of course, it’s clear that this is not mp3, it’s clear that but vinyl, the thing is that vinyl, of course , the sound quality is much richer but now that’s not the point, yes, one composition is playing, we load and prepare the next composition, wait until the track is closer to the end, yes it will end, and i see you have already synchronized bpm, this is bit per minute, that is, the amount beats per minute, here 124.2, here 124, one and the other composition must have the same speed
3:01 am
so that there is no discrepancy.


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