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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  January 22, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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we’re talking about this museum, which has all this. mendelya sardieva, director of the mamadysh museum, is in touch with us now. hello, please tell me, yes, what kind of exhibition was this, where is it located? we organized such an entertaining and at the same time educational event back in the new year of the ussr. children here get acquainted with the traditions of preparing for the new year celebration. in the soviet union, watching a cartoon. play, listen to a song that their parents, grandparents listened to, sing together, here we heard a boy say that this is not a tape recorder, this is a special speaker into which you need to load music, something that caused them special surprise, they did not understand what it was for, but for the children it was very interesting, because they compared with modern technology and technology. soviet
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period, and children do not know, but we must instill this in children, explain, thank you very much for keeping this history, telling kids and adults about it, all the best to you, proverb, people who do not know their history, it's like a child who does not know his mother, well , they just cited one of the quotes, we can quote more great people, a people who do not know their past has no future, clematis, be proud of the glory of their ancestors. not only is it possible, but also must not be respected , it is shameful cowardice, this is our pushkin, any renunciation of the past, any sweeping denial of it is an evil delusion, semyon frank, and well, my beloved, i don’t know the past, it’s impossible to understand the true the meaning of the present and the goals of the future, bitter, if we talk about to those who know and do not know history, whether they remember anything at all or not, the other day the british minister disgraced himself, went into a museum and confused mars the sun, jupiter and venus, in my opinion, yes. now let's read: the mistaken
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tory space minister doesn't know the planets and confuses suns with mars, conservative mp andrew griffith was appointed minister of state for the department of science, innovation and technology in november, but cannot distinguish the sun from mars, this is the character when he said, you made a mistake there, he says, i’m not an encyclopedia for you to know everything, these are the planets of the solar system, but i’m just the minister of space, thank you very much for coming to us today, i’ll remind you that if you, dear viewers, have any news in doubt, send it to to the editor , we will definitely check it out , there are definitely reasons for pride too, all the best to you , what happiness is, these are the simplest things, it seems to me, this is love, health, this is respect, and of course, this is peace, this is what around me i am surrounded by the very...
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the best, not only for myself, but for everything to your surroundings, to the whole country, to the whole world. the first channel presents. protective layer, how to choose the best cream for winter? three superfoods for women
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's health: brazil nuts, flaxseed oil, oysters, the thyroid gland, why our immune system hates it, the program to live healthy will help everyone. so, dear friends, we have such a cheerful uterus, these are the ovaries. these are the fallopian tubes, this is the uterus, this is the cervix, the vagina. today we will talk about the ovaries. we called the whole cycle in our program instructions for use or user manual, because god gave us women such organs , gave us ovaries, an absolutely unique organ, but we don’t know how to use them, as a result, let’s look at the screen from ours... horns and legs may remain, from
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healthy and beautiful, they can become completely unnecessary to us. so, our topic today is ovaries. user manual, who knows how to use this unique organ? this, of course, is a unique woman, an obstetrician-gynecologist, who for almost more than 40 years has been holding appointments at the institute of obstetrics and gynecology every thursday and renotology. she operates all week, gives lectures to people on saturdays, and again receives and operates on sundays. it's like this all my life. without a single day of rest, our guest today is academician, professor , doctor of medical sciences, deputy general director of the federal center for obstetrics, gynecology and perenatology, leila vladimirovna adamyan, come to us, lei vladimirov, we made
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such an ovary especially for you, in general for what functions does the ovary perform, why is it a woman. before you answer, i want to address women: here our ovary, dear women, why do we need it? the function of the ovaries is the production of hormones to help our reproductive system during pregnancy, for example, during menstruation, that is, it’s so good, the production of hormones is a charitable help, so on, but i believe that the main function is still the reproductive function, because a woman. this is the person who gives new life, since the ovary gives new life in what way? and when interacting with a sperm, that is, the sperm must crawl to the ovary, climb here and give here someone a new life, right? well, what did you think, leila vladimirov, you
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give lectures on saturdays, that’s right, eggs mature in the ovaries, let’s listen to an academician who has been studying all his life. these female genital organs, the ovary is our everything, this is life, these are these eyes on the contrary, this is happiness, joy, love, sexuality, libido, this is the creation of a child, of course, in the presence of sperm, but even in this situation, when it occurs , sperm, and somewhere here, yes, just imagine, here is the ovary, an egg comes out of it, it , the egg, goes through the fallopian tube, meets here to the sperm, and somewhere
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here they meet, the sperm, if the normal reproductive tract goes in this direction, and here... comes out their date, but even in this , since the egg is much larger than the sperm, it is alone, during the cycle it goes on this fateful date, even there, it does not allow everyone, because there are a sea of ​​sperm, 60 million sperm in drops per one, imagine, and she... feels exactly the sperm that she will allow you to enter itself , its tail will come off, then there will be an embryo, and this embryo goes, continues its journey, all this lasts 72 hours, imagine, it enters the uterus, and
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there may be an ambush here if the uterus is not prepared, so it’s a kinder surprise - this is good. but it is very important that the endometrium , that is, the uterine cavity, is in such a state of anticipation, it already knows this uterine cavity and the endometrium, that it prepares the soil where this embryo can enter, and he is a smart embryo, he knows the place where he is safe and then the process of implantation occurs, the embryo enters the mucous membrane... of the uterus and develops from it further into the fetus, it was a poem, a poem, no one spoke so sublimely about fertilization, the life of the egg and in general about why the ovary exists, this a healthy
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ovary, enlarged many times, these are the stages of maturation of the egg, and this is the moment the egg comes out like that, so that finally this fate... this is the main function of the ovary, and it’s true, thanks to this we have reproduction, reproduction of our own kind, that we get pregnant and give birth to children. second , leila vladimirovna said that this is a feeling, we produce all the hormones here, and thanks to these hormones our eyes shine, if they are estrogens, the mucous membranes are moisturized, we have changeable moods, because hormones are changeable, so the heart of a beauty is like the wind of may , out of me. only, but not only, it is energy, it is memory
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, that is, the ovary, it is the conductor of all energy functions in the body, of course, ovarian receptors are found everywhere, in the skin, hair, eyes, in all tissue organs, in bones, and if there are not enough ovarian hormones, mostly in the first place, these are estrogens, then then... deficits occur, a woman is sick of living, of course, now we’ll ask about enemies, who can say which ovarian enemies are, the main enemy, probably, may be some kind of disease or lack of attention that leads to this disease, infestation of attention, infection, so who will add, who will add, well, maybe hypothermia, it’s impossible, a lot of women think, sat in the cold, got sick with the disease, it’s very simple, of course, it's even funny.
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we have identified several factors, the first is mutant genes, i want to now approach this dna molecule with you, first of all this is the mutant vrc gene, here is a normal gene, suddenly some molecule deteriorates, something happens to it, for the ovaries this it’s dangerous because... drugs, smoking, alcoholism, all of this affects the ovaries. 15% is genetics, and there is no escape from it, the brc genes are just that... yes, this is the genetics that really damages this structure. and
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then various serious diseases may arise, including cancerous and malignant tumors, and mammary glands, and ovaries, and much, much more. and, look, so, a breakdown of the gene, the birseik gene. get tested for those who have first-degree relatives, mothers, sisters, etc., grandmothers, with cancer. produce, if you are obese, your ovary the number of eggs that you are able to also stop working, this must also be remembered, and if you have diabetes, this is also bad for the ovary, you can monitor all this you yourself. no one else, now another question: what friends do the ovaries have? well, come on
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, our interlocutors, i think that a visit to a gynecologist is the main friend of the ovaries, because once we agree, a visit to a gynecologist? yes 100%, once a year further , an examination, and i think not to self-medicate, after all, and not to overload the body with any unnecessary drugs, this is a poplar, but can i... list what we have highlighted , i was preparing to meet you, so, so, what do we highlight, first, if you use hormonal contraceptives, it reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 50%, provided it is done correctly, if it is balanced with a doctor, and for a minimum of 10 years if you are going to use them at the very beginning, well, reproductive age, because...
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ron - this is the same hormone that is precisely a protector against estrogens, which cause hyperproliferative diseases, that is, the risks of cancer p
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let’s pause for a minute, and then continue, superfoods for women’s health,
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depending on the size, enough to eat just a couple of oysters and the zinc will be renewed. how to calm a frenzied immune system, improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, a protective layer, what cream does...
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cognac, old barrel, a product of the steller group, look carefully, you’ll recognize it, grandfather. we are a coward, i am not interested in money and gold, you will go to russia today, return the sacred treasures of the nation and from these treasures, my father, you will excuse me, of course, but all this does not look very good. there are secrets that have no statute of limitations. german. today is after the program. world is changing before our eyes. to understand it, to imagine what it will be like tomorrow, you only need to look back and take a closer look at the diversity of great human civilizations, the vast majority of
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which share the same values ​​as us. china has always been a developed country, in the third century ad, in the seventh, in the seventeenth, the standard for china's development is a powerful, well-coordinated economy. india is indeed, on the one hand, taking leaps and bounds. forward and develop advanced technologies, such as digitalization, space industry. on the other hand, the country is striving to return to its roots. it is not that islamic civilization did not deny the achievements of other cultures and civilizations; on the contrary, it actively involved itself. almost all states understand the importance that africa will play in the 20th century. when the europeans thought they were opening up to america, america was raped. people who were no worse than the spanish crooks and bandits; without colonial oppression, modern western europe simply did not exist; we are the last ones left, if we
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we weaken, if ours is destroyed, there will be no country that tries to preserve the laws of god both spiritually and in its social life. premiere. civilization project from january 25th to thursdays. on the first: squeak squeak go crazy, this is how we open the morning, oysters in our kitchen, today we have three superfoods for women's health, when we have three superfoods, we always have a march of winners, a parade of champions leads.
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nut and flaxseed oil, girls, thank you for such an appearance, and even with posters, and now bring us real products into the studio, so who's going to start with what ? let's start with what, michael, i'll start with brazil nuts, right? the fact is that 100 grain nuts contain 31 daily norms of selenium, which means 3 grain nuts are 3
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g, this is probably a tenth of a nut, well, yes, about enough for selenium, why do we need selenium, mikhail igorich, let's go to our amazing layouts, what does selenium give us? conducted a study and found that selenium reduces... the amount of endometrial cancer by 22 times by 22%, these are cancers, endometrial, so now, if you have enough selenium, endometrial cancer, the risk of cancer is radically reduced , is this bad for a woman’s life, i ate half a brazil nut a day or a third of everything, and life got better, girls, selenium from brazil nuts, a product, here i have the second product is absolutely wonderful, it’s called flaxseed oil, there are 33 daily doses of omega-3 polyunsaturated
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fatty acids, let me drink from a spoon, from a spoon, oh, great, how very tasty, what does omega-tri-saturated fatty acids do, especially in the female body , they reduce the level of inflammation. 78% of all patients with autoimmune diseases are women, almost out of 108 women, studies have shown that just a daily dose of omega-3 at 15 dash 20% reduces the risk of autoimmune diseases in women, that is, autoimmune diseases are those diseases which are due to the fact that our immunity has gone crazy. the immune system should not destroy our cells, but it destroys them. for everyone who has autoimmune diseases, autoimmune thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis,
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lupus erythematosus, flaxseed oil is... yours product, you don’t need to drink it in bottles, because 33 daily norms, that is, 100 g divided by 33, less than half, less than half a teaspoon, and mikhail and i slammed a kiss, a whole slam, so andrei petrovich, this is a super product, yes absolutely , and herman shaich will tell you about this wonderful product, in general, we knew all along that the oyster - well, that ’s right, the sperm has to work, we know, hermansche, what the oyster contains, the oyster contains zinc, but what about a woman without zinc, what about her beauty without zinc is impossible, why let's go, please, let's go here , so, dear friends, a woman without zinc is like a man without a sperm, because zinc allows the sperm to crunch its tail and the woman to renew.
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listen, today kamchatka oysters are sold in any market, in any market, how many daily doses of zinc are in 100 g of oysters. in principle, 100 g of oyster contains 12 daily, and the norm is enough, depending on the size, to eat only a couple of oysters, and zinc will be renewed. and so we thought and thought about what dish to prepare from all the products together. and our wonderful cook, alexey.
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told us: i can do it. lyosha, come here. so, look, the task is quite non-trivial, because we understand that heating and doing something with oysters is not recommended, you should eat them raw, if we know, that is , what we are doing, we combine brazil nuts and flaxseed oil into a paste , or you can call it brazil nut tahini, accordingly, we season a classic vegetable salad, you can say coflow, along with an oyster, as i recommend.
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with sperm in activity walking forward, well that, let's repeat the daily doses of brazil nuts, how much per day is enough, 3 g of brazil nuts per day is enough, here is 3 g, shown to you, not a whole nut, flaxseed oil , how much is half a teaspoon, approximately also 3 ml, half a teaspoon, finally an oyster, one or two oysters, there.
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so, friends, the shield and sword of our body is our immunity. now we will show you real footage of how our immunity works. let's look at the screen. so, this moving cell, this cell, this is a macrophac, this is a leukocyte, which turned into fabric. he eats everything that doesn’t belong to him, he just ate a stick, and now you see, it’s red. a microbe , consisting of two balls, flickers, this is a diplococcus, that's how he ate the microbe, because it protects us, our immunity from all viruses and microbes, but it does not only that, the red ones are cancer cells, before your eyes our immune a cell eats cancer cells, and this is another real video, cancer cells glow yellow, this little black one is our macrophak,
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an immune cell... devours kills cancer cells cells, this is how our immunity works, what is happening, why terrible things suddenly happen, let’s show you more. our thyroid gland, causing an autoimmune disease called autoimmune tereopeditis. after such an introduction, i go to our medical site, where
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our doctors are already working and an ultrasound examination of the patient is taking place. we are examining the thyroid gland, right, herman schaich? here... the visible gland is ultrasound, the simplest, first method of examination, i must say that if we turn to our guests, then we will ask you a simple question: do you have glasses of water, take and just swallow a sip of water and answer the question for yourself: is there any interference with swallowing or not? interference means that the thyroid gland has enlarged. for some reason it makes it difficult to swallow, maybe not radically, but there is such a symptom, if you encounter this symptom, press red, if everything is gorgeous, green, and
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the owner of the only red color, we invite you to visit us, come to layouts, herman schaich, so, here is our model of the thyroid gland, here is the thyroid gland, here it is, a butterfly, here, here, here it is, a healthy gland and an unhealthy one, radically enlarged, here it is enlarged, here it is healthy, what happened to you, 10 years ago i felt weak, my hair was falling out, my weight began to increase, and a lump appeared on my neck, right here. swallowing became also unpleasant, i went to a therapist, she referred me to an endocrinologist, then the endocrinologist prescribed tests for thyroid hormones, tsh, free t4, and more i looked at the antibodies in the blood, thyroglobulin
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triperoxidase, these are antibodies to the tissues of the thyroid gland, the antibodies were elevated, tsh was also elevated, and t4, the gland itself, was reduced, so i... since the cells of the thyroid gland are dying,
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then accordingly the hormones are not are produced, because the main function of these cells is to produce hormones of the thyroid gland, what happens next to it, there are few hormones, there are few hormones and so on.
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they are crazy, they are crazy. there are few thyroid hormones, but we have head of the thyroid gland in the brain. this is the same tsh that you, separated by a comma... said thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone is rising, it is elevated, it hammers the thyroid gland and they say: says: produce hormones, come on, come on, produce hormones, but to produce nothing, it begins to increase in size, like this, to increase in size in order to produce these hormones due to the increased size, therefore autoimmune thyroiditis is an enlarged thyroid gland.
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the inflammation goes away, it decreases, and you remain without hormones, i can upset you, you will take hormones all your life, only the dose may change depending on how much thyroid function you have left, of course, that is, while we are treating your autoimmune thyroiditis without affecting your immunity, without killing these cells , this is also such a treatment. yes, but with the thyroid gland doctors have taken a different approach, we have thyroid hormones in tablets, they completely compensate for your condition and improve your life, as you yourself assess, your condition has changed since from the moment the treatment was prescribed, i think that for the better, i became more active, my weight dropped a little, my hair actually stopped falling out, and my thyroid gland stopped falling out.
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normal hormone replacement therapy in the right dose, he is an absolutely healthy person, you have no problems, okay, yeah, do you have any questions for us? no, the sailors have no questions, then thank you very much, please sit down, and we will pause for a while and then continue. a protective layer, what cream will protect the face from frost, if a cream with twenty percent urea softens the heel, then your face will be just like a peach, how to choose, how to apply and what should be included in its composition.
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the republic is one of the smallest regions of russia, only half a million people live in it, but despite this, it is a republic with a huge heart. moscow - the capital of russia is famous for its tower. we also have the ancient city of yelets, hospitable zadonsk, etc. a lot of tasty and interesting things, friends, if you have not been to the baltic sea, correct that immediately, the leningrad region is an amber region the pearl of our country, in general we have a wonderful country, which i am proud of, proud that i grew up, was born and live in it, always be as beautiful, multifaceted and majestic, thank you.
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borbon stersman is a product of the stelar group. the trial of hunter biden is in full swing in america. i have been extremely irresponsible with my finances, but to use this as the basis for an impeachment inquiry against my father is beyond absurd. you need to take care of your dad, because it is your safety. if biden loses power, he goes to jail. this is the threshold of a monstrous falsification of big elections. the money that he did not reflect in his tax return is essentially the theft of ukraine’s budget funds. congress was able to win from the fbi, these audio recordings of how zlochevsky discussed all this schematic bullshit, these wells in ukraine are actually wells where dollars are pumped, whoever is in power controls. lachevsky made a new roof for himself, he reached the supranational level. there are many suspicions that he is in in general, they had already killed him because the man knew too much. the witness who was supposed to testify exposing biden on...
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“now let’s figure it out, your operation is classified, you understand the order, that’s right, someone is still hunting for the contents of this box, my grandfather vanerbe was engaged exclusively in archeology, this is really it the very place, a hiding place in a hiding place, there are secrets
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that have no statute of limitations. german, today after the program it’s time": what else am i, or a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries, based on love and devotion to whom finally could my soul rest, or am i looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people to each other, at all costs, love, i loved myself very much, it was even sometimes just lovely, because i went through all sorts of veronitsa, i have more a broader outlook than any soviet...
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it must be different in some way or not, or whether in winter or summer, everything is the same color, we use the same thing. mikhala igorevich, what fatefully happens to us in winter, why should the cream be different, of course, of course, the point is that in winter the air much drier, because when it’s cold,
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all the moisture is pulled away, moisture is pulled not only from the air, but from our skin, if we... it’s dry, why? because the cold takes away the moisture, the water turns into snow and ice , so the moisture doesn’t fly in the air, we can’t get enough from anywhere, which means that it’s dry outside, it’s dry, the cold wind also pulls moisture from our skin if we go indoors , home, but at home again the same problem, heating. evaporation is very dry air, not only the skin suffers from this, but also other organs, so the skin becomes very vulnerable, and the upper layer of the skin, the epidermis, which must be renewed all the time, it sloughs off
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like this, like this, look, there are two more physiological factors that are also in a balloon. in winter, remember, because when we go out into the air, look what’s going on, well, of course it’s not like that, but the skin is peeling, everyone knows, and it’s cold there, our peripheral blood supply also decreases, that is, the vessels spasm, the blood supply to the upper layers of the skin decreases, then there is the nutrition of these layers becomes worse; it exfoliates faster, hysteresis faster, the second point is also physiological, there is a large percentage of people about. the 20% who experience low-grade inflammation of the type of cold allergy, pimples on the hands, the amount of moisture decreases due to inflammation, not only because it evaporates, but because inflammation removes moisture from the tissue. in this regard, here is our jar of cream, which
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doctor will outline a way out of this dramatic situation for us, german shavch, what a cream on... choose what it should contain, what components should we, women of russia, pay attention to, german shevich, attention, these are moisturizing substances that attract water molecules, glycerin, urea, hyaluronic acid, we have a picture on the screen, how many water molecules does each moisturizer molecule attract, german shevich, over to you, look, cerine attracts from three to five water molecules, sometimes even 6-7, urea about seven water molecules, agent.
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such medical secrets, or as they say today, life hacks, i, for example, in general, i only buy urea creams, firstly, they are cheap, there’s such a hefty jar, i think there’s 500 g in half a kilo, it costs like 1.00 rubles. other creams, like this jar, where there is 10 g, it will also cost 1.00 rubles. that's why i buy. a hefty jar of urea cream, it contains 20% urea, and i know for sure that everything will be
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moisturized, why? urea is a cheap product, the manufacturer always indicates the percentage, we use urea creams in the treatment of diabetes, we have a huge problem in diabetes, dry heels, cracks on the heels, which give rise to gangrene of the feet, so only creams with urea work there, can you imagine? if a cream with twenty percent urea softens the heel, then the face will be just like a peach, comrades, like a peach, you can’t say anything more, so i, as a doctor, have long voted for creams with urea, why i will support you, german shaich, about hyaluronic acid , hyaluronic acid is an expensive product, so they never tell us the concentration, but we are doctors, we know there is no concentration, it’s high the question is, is it there, right?
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and i will say that another very important ingredient in winter creams is the presence of fats, that is , lipids in these, in these creams, here there should be lipids of the surface itself, why, they have several properties, firstly, they protect the surface from the fact that the liquid will evaporate, because water and liquid pass through this fatty layer. it won’t fly away from the skin, and there is even a special subtype of these fats, called ceromide, they help, hold
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our keratinocytes together, they are in the membrane keratinocytes, so keratinocytes are skin cells, i will overcome, which means that ceramides are fats that prevent evaporation in water from the surface of the skin and hold keratinocyte cells. we do not allow moisture to leave the skin, and we keep keratinocytes in place, keeping
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our skin youthful. what else is important to say, it is important to say


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