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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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they don’t sleep, they are so resourceful, they use all sorts of methods and loopholes , recently there are really a lot of cases of fraud on the ukrainian side, so to be aware, really, watch the program, time will tell, and the popular front telegram channel itself , read, there is very useful information about everything in detail, now we give the floor to the information service of the first channel. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. donetsk, gorlovka and yasenovataya are under fire again today ukrainian terrorists, there are wounded. nato-caliber artillery is hitting the petrovsky district of the dpr capital. meanwhile , it became known that the number of victims during yesterday's terrible attack on the mercury market has increased. at the donetsk market
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, mercury, which was struck the day before by the kiev regime, is now a spontaneous memorial, many flowers, red carnations, roses, people brought them all last day, they are still bringing them today, in memory of the victims. nearby there are still untouched, overturned boxes. with the goods, several shells fell precisely here, look, it’s a residential area, here are residential buildings, here are residential buildings, this is inhumane, i was here yesterday, only after hours, probably at 12:00, it was generally terrible, because here they were still clearing away the rubble, there there were people lying there, it’s terrible, we drove by, it just opens with blood in the heart, i feel so sorry for the people, i really feel like anyone could have been here. we actually study in another
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city, we just arrived today and found out about it yesterday and came here first. the day before, as always on a day off , there was vigorous trade here, this market in kirovsky district is one of the busiest places in donetsk in budnya, according to eyewitnesses, the first shells fell at about 10 a.m., then, at intervals of a minute, several more arrivals, right into the market, before the ambulance arrived, sellers of surviving tents and passers-by with cash rushed to help the wounded. ..
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after receiving medical care, the person was sent home, care was provided on an outpatient basis. 18 people still remain in medical organizations. the condition of seven victims remains serious at the moment, 11 patients are in moderate condition degree of severity. additional operating rooms were deployed in hospitals, and donetsk doctors were advised by colleagues from federal clinics. the most severe patients were taken to the republican trauma center. lyudmila antonenko , a saleswoman, had her leg cut by shrapnel, according to her, it happened during the second flight, she miraculously survived, the girl next to me was selling vegetables, we were talking, then she threw me out onto the road, well, next to me, i don’t remember how, i remember, my leg hurt a lot, raised her head, she was dead, the arrival was near a former store is a zasyadka, he just sells there, who are these grandmothers who trade with deer, with... i can’t understand what kind of
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bastard you have to be in order to shoot at these people, i believe that they were specifically targeting civilians, there is no no military facility, nothing. condolences and words of support are now being addressed to donetsk residents from all over russia, people are posting photos on social networks with funeral candles. donetsk, samara mourns with you, our condolences to the relatives of the victims, we wish a speedy recovery to the injured. donetsk residents, ulyanovsk is with you, russia is with you, no forgiveness for this. a terrible tragedy, pain, tears, strength for you to survive all this. the day before, investigators were working at the mercury market. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, ordered to identify those involved in the shelling. it is already known that the fire was carried out, among other things, from natom 155-caliber artillery guns. in donetsk , all flags have been flown at half-mast since the morning; january 22 has been declared a day of mourning in the republic. sergey ponomarev, vladimir belyaev, roman serebrennikov and mikhail vasiliev, channel one. the monstrous blow to the civilians
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of donetsk will become one of the main topics today meetings of the un security council. russia demanded to convene it. the participation of the sign of our foreign minister sergei lavrov, the minister the day before. has already arrived in new york, the involvement of the united states and european countries in the bloody crimes of the kiev regime will also be discussed, because it is western weapons that are used to strike the civilian population of donbass. the meeting is scheduled for this evening. now about how the special operation is going, today new details have arrived about the liberation of the village of vesyoloye in the dpr. our ministry of defense published footage of the assault airborne units of the enemy outpost. reconnaissance discovered militant positions on the approaches to the village; the firing points were suppressed by russian artillerymen. and attack aircraft attacked enemy control points and fortifications. after this, our paratroopers, under the cover of an armored group, launched an assault from several directions at once. the enemy fled, abandoning the positions of the wounded; some of the militants laid down their arms and surrendered. and more news from the ministry of defense. in the southern donetsk direction aviation,
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artillery and heavy flamethrower systems delivered powerful blows to the temporary deployment points and places of concentration of manpower of two ukrainian brigades at once. the enemy suffered huge losses, and a large number were also destroyed. the suspect is taken into custody. the villages of two russians who died in a private plane crash have been found in the mountains of afghanistan. this information has already been confirmed by emergency services, and earlier today the first footage of survivors circulated on the internet. let me remind you that four managed to escape. they were looking for them for almost a day in
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the mountains, snow and frost. the photo confirms two pilots and one of the medics who were on board. everyone has signs of frostbite. nearby is the wreckage of a business jet, the tail numbers are visible. airplane. 10 was russian, the crew was on a medical flight from thailand to moscow, accompanied by doctors, they transported a resident of volgodonsk to her homeland, who became seriously ill during her vacation, her husband was nearby , it is reported that the spouses died, a special board will fly to kabul tomorrow to evacuate the bodies . let me remind you that the disaster occurred on saturday, the falcon refueled in india and headed for tashkent, from where it was supposed to fly to russia. according to yet unconfirmed information, the cause of the crash could have been the failure of two engines at once. citizens' signatures in support of vladimir putin's self-promotion as a presidential candidate were today submitted to the central election commission by his election headquarters. this was done personally by co-chairs vladimir mashkov and maryana lysenko, as well as trusted representatives and volunteers. they delivered 95 large boxes with signature sheets filled out in
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all regions to the central election commission. while 3,000 signatures are enough for registration, 10 times more have been collected throughout the country. let me add that the elections president will take place on march 17. russians began to travel more actively around russia during the new year holidays; the tourist flow increased by almost 20%. this was discussed at a meeting between mikhail mishustin and deputy prime ministers. it was noted that the level of service is growing, trips are becoming more comfortable and safe, and, despite high demand, prices hardly rise. it is important to continue to support russians’ interest in holidays within the country and develop the tourism infrastructure. our citizens have developed a strong interest in holidays in russia, annually systematically the flow of vacationers within their country is growing. during the past new year holidays, people very actively visited the regions, each of them has unique places, these are large cities with
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christmas markets, ice arenas, theaters, museums, natural attractions, resorts where you can practice winter sports, receive... wellness procedures. dmitry nikolaevich, i would like to hear a few words about the dynamics of development of this industry. according to preliminary data, the increase in the number of trips compared to last year, new year holidays, amounted to more than half a million people, which is about 19%. at the same time, the average hotel occupancy is more than 80%. it is important that the tourism industry and specialized services were prepared for peak loads. tourism is multifaceted. sphere, therefore it is very strongly influenced by related industries, we all need to do everything possible in order to further develop opportunities for domestic tourism in russia, this is , first of all, the creation of convenient infrastructure, convenient roads, convenient hotels, hotels, opportunities including normal food ,
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rest, this is all that will help us systematically approach the development of such an important industry for us, a strong hurricane covered the snowfall. which connects the city with russky island, a strong wind can simply overturn such vehicles, there are traffic jams on both sides of the crossing, the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated in the volga region, in 3 days as much precipitation fell there as usually in a month, traffic on the highway of the bulyanovsk region was temporarily blocked, moriel, tatarstan and chuvashka. in the capital, meanwhile, there is a thaw already on wednesday to +1, already tomorrow scientists are predicting a new magnetic storm, the peaks will occur at 6:00 am moscow time at... noon. now about the loud premiere on the first one. a serial film by yegor
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konchulovsky, big house, about the feat of the defenders of leningrad and the heroic work of our special services. in '42, they prevented large-scale sabotage in the besieged city. but the leader of the gang of nazi punitive forces was able to leave and returned 20 years later with a new task. war drama , action-packed spy detective, based on true facts from which grief was based secret. the screening of the film is timed to coincide with the eightieth year. incomplete lifting of the siege of leningrad, which we will celebrate on saturday. pyotr deryagin met with the creators of the film. all five explosions should sound at exactly 9 am. smolny, palace bridge, state bank and telegraph. the most important thing for you is to send a big house to hell. siege of leningrad, hunger and bombings, someone here sacrifices everything to help, but there are also those for whom the concept of duty and honor is worthless. german intelligence wants to destroy leningrad from...
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two times, two eras, one story, history about how to remain human despite the influence of evil. during the production of the series , special attention was paid to recreating the appearance of besieged leningrad. unique documentary footage of the city under the siege was also used here. mom, eat, give me the cookies. this is insanely heavy material. and thus, in my opinion, we are still forming ourselves. the series was created with the support of
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the internet development institute, and its detective part was filmed based on recently declassified cases. the film reflects the true story of how the activities of the henchmen of german intelligence, and about the various machinations of those who decided to profit from the tragedy of people during the blockade. he’s like a vampire, he sucks on everything, he’s paintings, there’s all sorts of art , he takes away dying people, rows and rows.
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so, the premiere of the serial film “the big house” is already tonight, watch the time immediately after the program. and that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue with the “time will tell” program. they joined us, or we joined the viewers of the first channel, friends, we are glad to welcome you, hello, this is a stream people.


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