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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 23, 2024 1:25am-2:15am MSK

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what to do with this, retrain the algorithm , carefully monitor each time, or, in fact, a more effective very human way of answering, each such complaint should be considered only by a person, then suddenly it turns out that the algorithm has fulfilled its function, because in fact they begin to give more loans, these are the things where before people were kind of cautious and didn’t want to set the bank up, but it’s somehow incomprehensible, suddenly it turns out that he’s saying okay, okay, in fact he’s... quite a reliable
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borrower, so a huge number again approved loans will benefit the bank , those people who previously considered the entire flow will now consider the flow of those who were dissatisfied that they were not given a loan, and what will happen to teachers, they will also become an exotic rare profession, and no, a teacher in general - about something else, a teacher is not about transferring knowledge, a teacher is about, if we are to transfer something, then life. this is , first of all, really, forgive the big words, a school of life, here i am completely in favor of implementing as much as possible stories with all sorts of algorithms , because it sounds beautiful, that the teacher should be there thinking about each student, and the teacher sits, fills out endless forms and checks homework, this is exactly what an algorithm can do better than a teacher, freeing him up for much more human, more emotional. deeper
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interaction with students, often the teacher as a person who can once again share his personal human experience, and this is fundamentally different from any artificial neural network, which it does not have human experience, she was not a child , she did not run, she did not get all the bruises there, she did not fall in love for the first time in her life there, and so on, so here is a story related to human, including bodily experience, transfer to algorithms, everything.
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such a mess on the stream, they were well replaced by an algorithm, well, that teacher who simply tells, even convincingly, even with examples, will lose to the one who can evaluate the student’s emotions, his own emotions, absolutely right, that is, all these technologies are not so much a killer profession as they are very interesting modifiers, and as we know, well, from the experience of even previous computerization and digital transformation, not everyone will survive this . someone will learn and become
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a much stronger teacher, a manager, someone else, someone will be forced to look for another profession, about the very human sphere, about interpersonal relationships, what will happen to them, let's start with dating, because for many, many centuries there were whole rituals, boys meeting girls on the contrary, balls, village gatherings, discos. now everything will not be done by russia . by the way, about the disappeared professions, matchmaker, as a fairly widespread profession, even there 100 years ago, in general, disappeared, simply disappeared in the cities, other dating channels appeared there, well, the service is familiar, well, world-networked, smart , out of the 8 billion remaining people, they will be able to find me an ideal match, i don’t need it, i have a wife, well, listen, this will always depend on whether you want it, because now there are no non-network algorithms. overall it's pretty massive
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service on the internet, yes, but there are quite a few there, so far, as i understand it, no, not online, not yet, but now they will appear. but people won’t change because of this, someone just wants to come, i don’t know, to the same bar on friday and wait for his heart to skip a beat, looking at this other person, someone will say, well, the computer is better change, many now think that the computer will find me better, because at least it has a richer choice, then i, let it throw out options for me, then with wipes there i’ll figure out which of the options will be useful , but if neural network technologies develop here, is it possible that you are ivan ivanov, we analyzed your entire past, all your thoughts, and you need jessica johnson from such and such a state in the usa or there will be there are people who will trust this, there are people, this is in fact, again a story about psychology, which is more important
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than stories about technology, maybe this is not very noticeable, but throughout the entire conversation i am trying to convey such a simple idea that psychology is in everything decides this much more than technology. you understand everything for her, the computer is some kind of higher power, higher knowledge , it’s written there, don’t tell me where you really live, everything is written in the computer, after all, about interpersonal relationships, how to predict the success of a couple maybe just as it is now known that those
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people who were selected, since these services have been around for many years, there is a large percentage of couples among those who have accessed this service. whose stability is better than the average time before divorce according to country, for example, such statistics have been there for about fifteen years already, so well, there seems to be an opportunity there, not from personal experience, i met my wife on a creepy site, in my opinion, i don’t even remember its name, there’s something there it was with pink angels, we live together, but the neural network did not help me choose, once again, this means that even with those weak algorithms, there were still these so-called matching algorithms. which were established according to a very formal set of criteria, suitable, does not fit, at least there as a first approximation, moreover, even then there were excellent, completely empirically groped things that showed that it is necessary to take into account additional criteria that
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the algorithm can take into account, because it is already from the experience of who is with whom trying to communicate, for example, he knows that the geographical factor is very important there, the distance between cities and so on. and a bunch of such criteria really, in general, allowed many people, those who did not believe in themselves so much, but really believed that, well, a computer, it is a lot knows, he is smart, he will help you find your match, and there were people who, knowing about the existence of these services, still searched in what seemed to them the usual, face-to-face way, so it will also continue, from the fact that you have this the algorithm, which, by the way, already worked well... will work even better , someone will go there, someone will still believe that i, i don’t know, will meet my girlfriend there, just one day, looking at the same sunset that i saw on the seashore, and we held hands from this shore let's leave and live happily ever after, those people
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who believe so, they still will not go to the most ideal algorithm, well, other principles, the popular science podcast kudin is with you. i’m its host grigory tarasevich , our guest andrey sebrant, and we talk about neural networks, about artificial intelligence and how important it is in the era of progress of robots and artificial intelligence to be emotional, to understand oneself, to understand others, to sympathize with others, to be human. another human thing is truth and lies. it is clear that truth and lies can often be formalize it like yours. for example, but it’s difficult to formalize other things, how should you deal with a complaint about it, so that the fakes are infested? well, here, by the way, this very story arises, which is very closely connected with
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the use of all these non-russian algorithms in jurisprudence, because there is another concept of justice, which is very close. regarding the question of truth and lies, it seems that abstract justice does not really exist, after all, there is always justice in this particular situation. and it turns out that here algorithms can, of course, be, such experiments have been carried out a little, more objective than a person, but people would still prefer not an objective decision, the opportunity to talk with a judge, there, with a person making some kind of fateful decision for them to varying degrees , looking into his eyes, because they deeply believe that they absolutely do not need to.
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of course, technology helps to do this, but it only helps, just another powerful tool, a tool in this case for lazy people, that is, here is a story about the fact that you can show a fake picture and convince a person that it is different from the story that was documented many times in the last century, when there is from the right angle, at the right moment chosen from the series...
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that the dog rushed, that the police set dogs on people, and a completely documentary photograph served because it was published, and not the entire series, as proof of a false thesis, so fakes simply became easier, genie, this is propaganda for lazy people, when you cannot submit a fact, a completely honest, truthful fact, to in the right context, with the right intonation at the right time, thus your point...
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after all, what kind of services, for example, well , besides pictures and translation, what else? you know, well, very different, it’s just that at your level, we say that we have a great, i don’t know, operating system, but at the operating system level, in fact, you still need something like that know about the files, what is saved where, that is, here is the scenario that was recently considered, which is what the neural network
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allows, if it is part of the operating room systems, to solve a problem that... well, it happens regularly in my life, so i need to find it, i know that vasya threw a sign at me in one of the messengers last week, damn, i don’t remember how it was called, i remember that last week it was vasya who threw a sign in one of the messengers, in fact, for a modern machine learning system this is a clear task to find a file that has these signs that it was saved from one of the messengers that this happened somewhere. 7 dash 14 days ago, and that user, from whom this came in the messenger is called vasya or his nickname is connected with vasya , solving this in the usual algorithmic ways will kill you, so no modern system solves this, the neural search system for it is an absolutely ordinary problem, this is only a special case, that is here’s
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a story about the fact that you will have tips when writing letters, which will automatically pop up when the person on duty is there. the kind of letter where you have to politely say no, but unfortunately you can’t write, well, how do people still offend you when you just answer in the answer to such a cart, in a word, no , that’s it, that’s the point, so you have to write at least a paragraph, but it’s a pity to waste your time on this paragraph, answer with a template, but he knows that this is a template, so it’s somehow bad, so let it be a unique response paragraph that we have nothing to do with, even if it’s not the russians who are doing this, so all this is at the level of that familiar... digital environment, that we don’t need to buy some new super-expensive computer or a super-expensive smartphone that needs to be installed some kind of program, no, it’s all little by little this very digital environment in which we live will be implemented in different places, suddenly it turns out that you are starting to talk with a pike, which, at your command , can do a lot of things, well, if you sum up
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your forecast, squeezing it like do some neural networks in a short thesis. a lot of routine operations will go away from neurosits, people will have to rearrange their employment, for those who were associated with routine operations, at the same time, forgive me, you still have to clarify that the word routine conveys somewhat different meanings meaning, because what sometimes seems to us like a creative activity, well , for example, there is that same example of toppers, which, in fact, is a routine that neuroses cope with, or, well, checking homework . some kind of psychology or empathy will become, maybe next year the key word may be, great, i think we’ll move somewhere there, thank you very much,
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thank you very much to those who watched and listened to us. hello, this is the baden badden podcast, i am its host konstantin severinov. today we have guest igor pavlenko. hello igor. and we will talk about biohacking. and igor, he is a biohacker, so he will tell us everything about it. biohacking in general is relatively fashionable. and a new phenomenon that came to us from the states, well, actually it’s paramedicine, that is, all paramedicine is from the greek, it means next to medicine, around somewhere around, yes, that’s why all these are well-known influencers and biohacking enthusiasts , they don’t even have a special education, not just medical, but scientific, they are entrepreneurs, it specialists, these are all people obsessed
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with the idea of ​​​​increasing personal efficiency, and this is normal when people who do not have professional knowledge in a subject are engaged in this subject or even give advice to others, but no one advises aircraft designers how to make a better plane or themselves doesn’t start jumping out of the window and flying, no, the plane is the creation of human hands from the first bolt to the finished product, with human production the question is this, there are more questions than actual answers, who, how, for what period, because a machine, a biomachine, is much more complex than an airplane. there are many different points of view when we talk about the fact that we are now living better, some founders of biohacking say that perhaps this is a survivor’s mistake, that is, now we are sitting in this studio, we have. medicine, there is science, but at the same time in some undeveloped countries, islands, papuan new guinea there are people who still live in a subsistence way, a subsistence economy, and if our descendants find them,
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they will unearth them in the third millennium, in the fourth, they may mistakenly conclude that undeveloped people lived at this time in 2023, and there are also points of view that say that the people who lived there before us for tens of thousands of years, they also had their own extension tricks. longevity and health, so which way to look at this? do you want to live to be 150 years old? well, you see, we have quantity, but we also have quality, so i would probably like to live a fulfilling life, resourceful, high-quality, filled with memories, health, leave something behind, and maybe it won’t last until 150 years, but it will be of a higher quality than, for example, 100 years old, well, somehow sadly, in this case there is no conflict with doctors, right? everyone wants it to be like this, but it doesn’t happen, that is, you know something that others don’t know, you think so, but you see, the conflict is still present, probably
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because of this conflict i even embarked on these studies, because i come from a deeply traditional medical family, this is not passed down, academics say that sons of academicians, and more often sons-in-law, the same thing becomes that i wanted to say that in the family , heaven knows who, so i began to graduate. economist, entrepreneur , but i began to have health issues at a fairly early age, and i was looking for answers, why am i a healthy person, thank god, with good genetics, thanks to my dad and mom, but i have very serious questions, i couldn’t find them found in traditional medicine, alopathic, and we come to the conflict, the conflict was that medicine and the hospital in general, and from the word pain, she makes sure she doesn’t get sick, that is, she works with the symptoms. that is, doctors treat diseases, but for some reason there is no direction that would not deal with sick people, but that would work
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with relatively healthy people and allow them to become even more preventative, but well, he’s deaf, he probably heard everything doctors talk about prevention, you mean preventive medicine, this is a huge area, it makes economic sense, because when a person is already completely sick. chalmanov, the same ivan palov, that is , it existed for a long time, confirmation of the words, my father, he is an abdominal surgeon, he says that you need to be treated while you are healthy, we need to define the terms, so you can
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say what biohacking is, in in your understanding, biohacking is a set of measures related to the body, aimed at increasing the personal efficiency of the body, faster, higher, stronger, the motto of biohackers is dior, yes, an abbreviation from english. that is , every person, if he wants to be effective, in addition to evidence-based medicine, he must do research on his own body and make some decisions for himself, yes, which will concern only him and his body, because many things are individual. you see, this is the idea of ​​​​becoming better than nature, as if rising to the level of god, that is, my body, it is not efficient enough, it seems to me, therefore, as in the states, for example, in the sixties... let's remove vermiform appendices, appendixes or tonsils, because it is a rudiment, there are always consequences for this, and it often goes sideways
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yatragyny in the direction of misconceptions , so we are more likely looking, well then we still come to the conclusion that biohacking in your understanding or the one you practice is just a healthy lifestyle, some kind of well- measured, i don’t know nutrition , i turn to nature, so look at the christmas tree for the new year, what do you think? how do you get the answer from there, for example, i noticed that animals, when they feel bad, they refuse food and take a short food break, and i began to wonder: why do they tell me that i should eat according to schedule 1 2 3 4 5, and here it’s like a conscious 180° movement, that is , that is, this intermittent, as it’s called, in my opinion, fasting, this is one of the intermittent fasting, this is a biohacking technique, the first this is what the father started talking about, well, if i may say so. in biohacker style
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, in our way, in biohacker style, and one of the postulates, western like, tell me, i ’ll just write it down, i’ll go right away, i won’t eat anymore today, for example, try the 16x8 system when you eat and raise glucose, only for 8 hours, that’s all the rest of the time it either falls or stagnates, so what will happen? it means that there are regular insulin surges, yes , you've probably heard about insulin resistance, it's like this...
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well, for starters, you'll just spend less time on food, to begin with, you 'll just have a mathematically freed up of an hour or two of time, then you will be smaller, you understand, this is such a trick that the gastrointestinal tract has 10 times more nerve endings in it than in the brain, that is, this is a story where a mass of microbiota is synthesized, well, it’s not for me to tell you, and people are very focused on this story, and often even depend on food,
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consultation with a therapist is mandatory, mandatory, we are talking about relatively healthy people who do not have any serious or chronic diseases, for example, gastritis, short-term, that is, long pauses between meals, this is a contraindication, well, with thermotherapy and color therapy, this should be done together, instead, you can do it in courses, for example, our physiologist zalmanov was 100 years ago with cypress baths. you came up with it now, and do you make turpentine baths? oh, tell me, this is interesting, zalmanov is side by side with him, it was a long time ago, but what does a turpentine bath mean? turpentine baths based on the very simple effect of the irritating effect of turpentine, and the main substance of conifers, on the skin, improves blood microcirculation and accelerates blood in the capillary network, so well, it’s just when you take a bath, you need to pour infusion there, yes, but the main thing is not to overdo it, because you can get burns, you also need to be smart,
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and what will happen from this? but how can intelligence, intelligence come from somewhere, someone should say this, someone should , tell me, how do you know how much to add, how can you simply buy turpentine emulsion at any pharmacy, which is approved by the ministry of health, read there instructions, and there will be written instructions about the dosage, and you need to follow it very clearly, that is, we are all biohackers, in fact, yes, didn’t you really breathe over potatoes at one time, didn’t you really warm your sinuses with sand in your socks and a bunch of ointments. i got it, i need it suffer, and for 8 hours you need to eat something special? well, there are general recommendations that, let’s say, for the most part, people won’t mind, tell me, well, for example, here’s a simple rule, it doesn’t matter how you eat, we ’re not talking about any concepts, there’s
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ketogenic nutrition, vegetarianism. and so on, we will let everyone choose, but if we increase the content of raw vegetable fiber, and say, half the contents of your plate will be occupied by some herbs, greens, crispy, fresh vegetables, then this will improve and digestion, and bioavailability of products , regarding any other recommendations, well, breathing, breathing is that connecting brain, you breathe differently than me, like others, and i don’t know how you breathe, but if you want, i’ll teach you, tell me how you are... well, according to my observations, nine out of ten people breathe through the chest, especially for women, yes, who want to look good, look cool, tighten their tummy, and so on, here they reduce the amplitude and breathe through the chest , and if you connect the diaphragm and our large dome muscle, which is attached to eight organs , begin to breathe precisely by giving amplitude in the stomach, then
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- they also write, we have a lot - breathing exercises according to buteyka, according to strelnikova, that is, our domestic physiologists, now in the west they are gaining the concept of the vimakhov school, you know, this is snowy, this an ice man who holds the record for swimming under ice 125 m, and you breathe accordingly with some such recommendations, you did some kind of breathing exercises and came to a special type that suits you. here we are with we are sitting here or are somewhere in a traffic jam, in a store, we can hold our breath there, well, like for any duration, 15-20 seconds, when we hold our breath,
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carbon dioxide begins to accumulate in our blood, this story forces our body connect the mechanisms of buffer compensation, that is , you and i have body homeostasis, and 7.45 ph, when the critical content of carbon dioxide begins to accumulate in our blood, the body is forced to alkalize this story, so as not to cause mingas, it helps you, like everything else - anyway, here you are say efficiency, you are going to a meeting with a business, with a business partner , you held your breath, now i’ll come and just tear it up, yes, well, for example, today i was very worried before our meeting, because the meeting with you, i was looking at your lectures, konstantin viktorovich, here i have to communicate with such a person, your breath has been taken away. i lost my breath everywhere in all places, so i did several breathing cycles, square breathing, this is from pronayama from hindu culture, and i felt a little better, yes i i somehow got used to it, tuned in to the upcoming
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broadcast, and also controlled my anxiety, but this really, you know, it was in the classics, breathe deeply, you ’re excited, that is, this wasn’t biohacking then, yes, it still seemed to me that biohacking is something completely new, completely different. we talked about environmentally friendly biohacking, that is, those things that are available to every person, you and me, without special knowledge, but we can go into technological biohacking, for example, into implantation, yes, what is that, and there is an ideologist of google, ray kurzvel, this is a famous futurist, and he predicts that in 1928-1935 , the implant market in our world will become very effective, and people will use implants more willingly than there, but do you have any implants? yes, you have implants , well, excuse me, if they are like that, so that it’s like for biohacking, so you know , jump further, run faster, well, something like that , depending on what is meant by an implant, for example
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, a swatch wristwatch, yes, they also perform a certain function of implants because they can tracking saturation and blood sugar levels , sugar levels and pulse levels, it’s just monitoring some kind of cholesterol, that is, this is actually. i’m watching with interest, because it’s important for me to look not at the dynamics in the moment, after a while, that is, i’m not the kind of person who will probably try some methods on myself, i want to see people who have been chipped, how things are going for them, whether they will live to be 150 years old, i don’t know, but... i have 120 years left to watch this story, a little less for you, but overall we exist, i think that you wrote me off early on for this very thing, maybe, you know, maybe evidence-based medicine will somehow support me, i’ll walk there with a stick, that’s why i was interested in meeting you, because
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well, suddenly you you will find out something else there, and i will be one of the first, and i will be one of the first to whom you tell, the committee of 300 or the world government, the 300 most influential...
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a boy, slender, very flexible, such, this freedom and lightness, it seems to me that lyunya was generally distinguished, well, leonid isakovich a very demanding person, but he really is a demanding person in life, he is a real friend whom you can call at night and say, leni sakivich, i need a taxi, i have never seen him turn away from some problem or from or from some requests to him, i was so lucky in life with the one with whom... life brought me together, there was someone to look up to, someone
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to imitate, the premiere of the documentary on sunday on the first, i remind you that this is the badden baden podcast, i am its host konstantin severinov, we have such an unusual new year's surroundings, and we are talking about the future, and the probiohack with igor pavlenko, well, after all , it means that chips are the future, that is, how... it sounds, this is the twenty-eighth, thirty-fifth year, once upon a time, but not now, well, here are the elementary chips, i was recently at a conference on artificial intelligence , the simplest one is an earphone, a mini earphone that automatically translates information when you communicate with a native speaker of another language, you don’t need to use it, but that’s not biohacking, it's just a translator, but it's some other thing, but let’s say it ’s powered by body heat, there are all sorts of different gadgets that seem to give a certain coating. hacking, but by and large artificial intelligence, yes, he got into the car,
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it talks to you too, turn right, turn left, and it can drive, and it can drive for you biohacking, that’s how it all turns out biohacking, i think we’ve come here to you, probably, to another ideological component, but what is biohacking, that is, bio is biology, yes i am from the very beginning i wanted to know that we can hack biology , hack demons, isn’t this too much... hopefully, someone is trying it in environmentally friendly ways, as you say, zosh, there’s hardening, nutrition, there’s gymnastics, breathing, well , all these things, well, this is old-fashioned, this is everything that goes further, for example, taking dietary supplements, yes, our program is called bad, biohacking has such quite aggressive dietary supplements, and if we are talking, for example, about soviet biohacking, yes, in kurchatov’s the institute was precisely the founders from the very beginning. developed story about the redox
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potential of water, have you heard anything? no , when we have electron-donating, yes , and electron-accepting substituents, and the logic is that we are an oxidation process, we are aging, well, we are just oxidizing, you can wrap the product in a vacuum package, it will last longer, wrap a person in a vacuum it’s extremely difficult, so the story is to somehow balance it. oxidation process, for example, for those molecules that lack electrons in the orbit, those who have an excess, that is, donors, you are talking about antioxidants, we are talking about antioxidants and radicals, well then there is a secret, this is what you need to do, what antioxidants you need to drink and why? well, firstly, the antioxidants themselves are returning to the waste plant fiber, some of them have an unstable structure, they are destroyed under the influence of stable thermal energy... then there are
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various gadgets, for example, water ionizers or water activators that charge, for example, water miles with electricity, let's say there -400, -150 mw, and thus we increase the concentration of antioxidants, that is, you need to charge the water and then drink it, or you need to make soup on it. research on the oxidation-reduction potential is precisely the work of those of our soviet nuclear scientists and... physicists who developed hydrogen hands, i would
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tear my hands off, well, that’s it, but that was then, now about dead water and living water, this some interesting topic, it seems fabulous to me, that is, you have jars with one on the other, you mix them a little bit at a time and there is a very simple action, like from any physics, there is a cathode, anode, and a battery, and before you drink water, yes, yes, it increases the amount of antioxidants over due to the fact that it receives a negative charge, water. yes, yes, i have an experiment, h2o gets a negative charge, i have an experiment, i, well , it’s probably no secret to you that fresh foods are light, they have a large amount. antioxidants than the oxidized products that have been sitting there, probably that’s what i need even one thing was interesting, at one time, i was checking the charge of the vp with a meter from svetka’s orange , which and which was lying down , but about water then after all, if that’s what we ’re doing here, you see, it’s in our mentality it’s mythical, our parents charged it into the water through the tv,
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remember it was like allan chumak and so on, that is, in general, in our mentality, we are prone to mystification, remember, like in fairy tales in the epic, it’s alive. so you tell me how to make it alive, i want it alive, yes, well, anyone can find a water activator, just type it into the search and study what the market offers there, what gadgets are related to this story, how scientific this story is, how effective it is, yes, you will have a lot of articles there that will be for and against, but i would just try it here, in this case there are no contraindications for activating water, that is, it won’t make it worse. it won’t get worse, well, again, moderation is medicine, as paracelsus said, well, you use living water, i use it, yes, of course, i can tell you a lot about these tricks and methods, you know, instructions for use, but it’s more likely not about some situational things, so you charge the water and you ’re great, you’ll live a long time, it’s more about
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a set of measures, but it still needs to be described, a complex set , it must be somehow, you know, gassed so that everyone can.
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well, when we eat, we don’t sleep, that is, we sleep at these 16, when do we sleep and how? here again is research that is related, for example, to circadian rhythms, how do you sleep, i’m like a father with many children with a girl, with a girl i sleep for six months, haphazardly, that’s where i touched, there i sleep, because well, the load is quite large, but you ’ve been practicing this for more than 10 years, but it’s implied that there are some small tricks and life hacks, which will allow you to sleep a little more efficiently, for example, exposure to cold light, there are studies, just in the journal lanced , where i first learned about it, on the irritating effect of the cold spectrum
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of light on our central nervous system, which in turn causes depression production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and if... for example, take any gadget, for you, for me, have you ever turned on nightshift mode, well, yes, i usually have this, yes, i can also recommend it to our tv viewers, when, after sunset, the cold light automatically insulates the phone a little, you will not see the difference, but this will have less of a negative effect on our melatonin and we will fall asleep a little easier, and what’s more, the air temperature is not higher than 20, 19- 20°?
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there is 35%, this is the humidity that causes problems for our body, and if you raise it with the help of, for example, the same humidifier to 60 , 65%, then your body will thank you, so people, well, this is practical advice, but i don’t know how biohacking it is, probably this behacker advice, if some of your people don’t do this, they just go to the sea somewhere or to a humid climate for the winter, they kind of balance this story out for themselves, but if i personally, for example, don’t have the opportunity to go somewhere right now - either on... or on the ocean, but i want to more or less improve my standard of living and the quality of this lived life, then i install a humidifier, i install a device, for example, on the principle of ionic wind, but what is this? well, the ionization of air again, these are the same roots, here at our design bureau, which made the hydrogen bomb, they came up with a lot of all sorts of things in their time, this is the story
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with the ionization of air, when there is the principle of ionic wind, when we release light electricity, which balances free radicals that come from us, including various electrical appliances mechanical garbage there are salts of heavy metals , it lowers without delivering to our lungs , these were some kind of studies, this is... biohacking and how to live, i am its presenter konstantin severinov, we are talking with biohacker igor pavlenko about a long time and to be young, you see, i don’t invent anything, i don’t live in the paradigm of evil pharma and i covered myself with a blanket, by the way, a heavy blanket. this is one of the tricks of biohacking, they say that under a heavy blanket, weighing 5-6 kg, a person sleeps better, it is specially made heavier,
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that is, it should be cold, wet, cold , all sorts of ions should be flying around , heavy and heavy, because a person has the feeling that he is in an embrace , that is, he is, as it were, being hugged, for many of us what was missing and in general people are missing some tactile kinetic sensations and the person sleeps a little more peacefully. there are such people, i have somehow probably discovered the truth in myself until i have established a lot of research regarding the fact that, again, there is light, the presence of some small lights in the room in which you sleep, it also has an irritating effect on melatonin, they recommend doing a complete blackout so that it is completely dark, but for me personally, again , this is how i understand it, i tried it that way. i lived for a month and so, i tried a completely dark story there, but i can’t say that i somehow felt the difference, so, well, that’s it, then now i probably understand better
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about what you are talking about, what is necessary try, that is, you - as you are your own laboratory and, more accurately, a laboratory animal, you decide that i am this month i live like this, yes, now i’ll finish it off, i’ll place the ionizer here, i’ll put it here, and i’ll turn on the light bulb here, and just look what happened a month later? well, but who, because we are at a turning point, and no evidence base has yet been formed, that is, all the participants, again, the founders, fans of biohacking are people without special education, these are enthusiasts, the problem is because who are you, well, after all, if this sacred knowledge should then be broadcast into the world, and imagine, suddenly you know something that no one knows, this is very useful, i wanted to convey this to people, this is what this is being done for in particular, but then it still needs to be standardized, codified and... returning to evidence, you know, if you have here in june there was a light bulb here, in january it was in a different place, then of course we may
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feel differently, but maybe it’s not because of the light bulb that you slept better, but because in january you just sleep well, there’s still light , well, it’s dark and dark and you wake up, it’s dark again, and we have darkened the phone and even though we don’t open our eyes, well, you and i will agree with the light, we have had contact with light since childhood, we cannot live without the sun, we develop, that is, there is no way from this... the lives of wreaths the same, yes, it is much smaller.


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