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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 23, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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uh-huh, let 's prepare a romantic dinner, together, it's beautiful, she's got something in mind , of course, in my opinion, it's not her thing at all, construction, oh, but a helmet suits him very well, but he needs a white one, not an orange one, i know, that the bosses wear a white helmet, and i’ll take care of the main course, this is that we have beefcakes, this is our pasta, and pasta. the settings are mostly beps, but what is a beps? instant noodles , but please explain to me the magic of these very noodles, i cook very well, i always have some at home supplies made with my own hands, but when i see these very noodles in these plastic packages, my eyes just begin to wander, why is it so tasty, what kind of magic is there, why is it delicious. magically oh yes
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, i completely agree with you, and even if you eat with chopsticks, that’s generally it, she wanted to be surprised by his interesting custard noodles, she’s preparing him for the fact that he will have such dinners once, let’s speed it up quickly, and so on to ours, this dish, this masterpiece, necessarily, salt, water, all. everything is fine, yes great, everything, well, the hostess is immediately visible , otherwise, come on, then you also have a bite, be kind, i’ll turn down the light, which is divine here, uh-huh , now it’s light, not romantic, now create a romantic it is necessary, oh, you are waiting for lizaveta, greetings from a friend, write until dawn, you are still sad
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about me, victory is achieved, i will come to you on a hot war horse, and we hold on to the victory, i will come to you on a hot fire, well done, he also knows such songs , girls, take the flowers, go into the room, thank you very much, vyacheslav and givi, your eyes are sparkling, girl so spectacular, yes, well, as for artyom, in terms of the relationship, it seems to me that they are not givi, but what can you say, yes, they are beautiful, they are all good, but as for the family like this, the first option, that's how i am so far.
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i’m inclined to say, well, he’s a nice man, by the way, he’s very nice, yes, he ’s so kind, well , it’s clear that we’re from different planets, probably yes, evgenia is certainly a very impressive girl, she has a specific goal, she’s from moscow will never leave, she put too much on the line, i know girls who come to moscow need to survive, so she will survive, guys, that’s what i said from the very beginning, tirina came out, that’s all, this is god’s gift. i’m telling you, take it out of the store, you just won’t find someone like irina , god told you this directly today, for your patience, for all your torment, and i hit the mark right there , i told you you need an accountant so that please, even your profession is the same, yes, yes, so we won’t, as they say, give a gift horse, but we it’s rare that this happens, there’s just unity of opinion , but you think with your own head, this is only our wish for you to live, so no matter where you go
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, in any case, we will support you, go ahead, what do you think, will it come out, won’t it come after you, no, well, i still, i’m also inclined that no, i invite everyone to come out and support artyom, wonderful, wonderful. hello, hello, here i am , in general, i chose you because you are open, honest, modest, i think we will find further attention together, yes, i think we could talk somewhere, to meet, i thought so too, if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely...
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tell you, let's exchange prices . hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. save the wounded, help those who lost loved ones in the donetsk republic of mourning after the ukrainian terrorist attack. words of support from all over russia. criminals and accomplices, donetsk and other examples when the blood of civilians is on the hands of ukraine and the west.
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sergei lavrov spoke to the military. mistakes of afghanistan survivors after a dramatic rescue in a plane crash: versions of why the ambulance flight did not make it. the state approach to protecting the rights and interests of workers, a conversation between the president and the head of the federation of independent trade unions. visible support for the signature for the self-nomination of vladimir putin as a presidential candidate was accepted by the central election commission. from the far east to kaliningrad. domestic tourism, convenient roads, cozy hotels, interesting ideas, meetings. the office writes zelensky's decree on territories of russia historically inhabited by ukrainians, how does kiev see the implementation of new claims? she couldn’t sit at home, elena blinovskaya
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was sent to a pre-trial detention center, for which the preventive measure for the author of the scandalous marathon of wishes was tightened. we don't believe it. 70 years, best roles, new projects, an inimitable outlook on life that changes every moment. so, donetsk is the day after the ukrainian terrorist attack, bloody and calculated. 21 of the 25 victims are still in hospitals. 27 people will never return to their loved ones. about what happened in the city was reported to vladimir putin, who gave the order. in addition to what is already happening in the donetsk republic, today there is mourning. sergey panomariov from the spot. look, it’s a residential area, here are residential buildings, here are residential buildings, this is inhumane. i was here yesterday, they were clearing out the rubble, there were still people lying there, it
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’s terrible, it makes my heart bleed, i feel so sorry for the people, i really feel like anyone could have been here. we actually study in another city, we just arrived today and... that’s it, we came here. at the donetsk market mercury, according to which the day before the kiev regime struck, now it’s a spontaneous memorial. there were a lot of flowers, red carnations, roses, people brought them all last day, and they still bring them today, in memory of the dead. nearby there are still untouched, overturned boxes and patches with goods. several shells fell here. the day before, as always, there was brisk trade here on the weekend. this market is in the kirovsky district, one of the busiest places in donetsk in budnya. according to eyewitnesses, the first shells fell at about 10 a.m., then several more arrived at intervals of 5 minutes. straight to the market before the ambulance arrived , sellers of surviving tents and passers-by in private cars rushed to help the wounded, taking people to hospitals; dmitry grishin
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’s wife was injured and wounded in the stomach by a shrapnel. he took his wife out in his car, then came back, helped whoever else he could, a woman, he got out of here, got out, i had a blanket in the car, there was gas.
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you have to be a bastard to shoot at these people, i believe that they were specifically targeting civilians, there are no military installations there, nothing, condolences, words of support now they are addressed to donetsk residents from all over russia, a huge number of comments on social networks, mourning events are taking place in many cities, in moscow they bring flowers to the representative office of the donetsk people's republic. i was born in donetsk, i have friends and relatives there who were under shelling yesterday, i could not remain indifferent, the chairman of...
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the kiev regime, behind which stands the collective west, explained once again, what to do if not before everyone gets it, and civilians die again, the head of the russian foreign ministry. lavrov spoke at the un security council a few hours ago. the minister's arguments and
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answers in the report by giorgi alisashvili. the pre-organized meeting of the un security council with the participation of the head of russian diplomacy had changed the context the day before, and although the original topic of the ukrainian conflict formally remained the same, after sunday ’s attack on the donetsk market it was clear that it would be the starting point for an already difficult conversation. the west is practically uncontrollably pumping ukraine with weapons to open it up. and shops in donetsk. the blood of dozens of dead,
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civilians on the hands and conscience of those who arm the zelensky regime and at the same time officially declare that the kiev authorities themselves have the right to choose targets for strikes. it is significant that, according to lavrov, western countries began supplying weapons to ukraine even in the midst of discussions on the implementation of the minsk agreements. in reality, as the participants in the negotiations themselves later admitted. the west was not preparing peace, but war. as a result, it came to the supply of weapons prohibited even by the majority of nato members. the position of the un is completely ignored. any transfer weapons must take place within the framework of international legal mechanisms, including relevant un security council resolutions. reports of the transfer and use of cluster munitions throughout the conflict are indeed cause for concern. the secretary general has repeatedly called for an immediate end to the use.
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what is not disposed of may surface in the old ruin is disposed of in ukraine, and in the most unexpected places, the black market operates uninterruptedly for weapons. what has been delivered to ukraine has already been noticed, according to lavrov and in africa, the middle east, latin
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america. the head of the russian foreign ministry emphasized that for washington this is a profitable business in all respects, while europe is suffering direct losses. mr. blinken, us secretary of state, emphasizes that continued assistance to ukraine is a guarantee of creating new jobs in the united states. as if we are not talking about financing a war that has already killed hundreds.
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the united states is tightly blocking any attempts to conduct an honest international investigation, and the current european leaders, especially in germany are obediently silent. the permanent representative of china, who took the floor, noted that security can only be common, and not for selected countries, something that nato, apparently, is not ready to admit. the consequences of the expansion show that the desire for so-called absolute security is being realized. it is unfortunate that russia continues to use the security council to spread disinformation. unsubstantiated allegations and conspiracy theories cannot justify the start of this war. president putin has set
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a goal - to destroy ukraine and enslave it people. peaceful resolution of the ukrainian crisis is the continued support by the west of the kiev regime, despite its obvious agony and inability to achieve its dictated task of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia or, as they began to say recently, at least weakening my country, the reality is that despite to the complete failure of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield...
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the government of ukraine proposed this evening to ban transport links with russia for 50 years. and earlier today in kyiv appeared decree. russian territories that have been declared historical lands of ukraine, where they are and how to understand this in general , we will tell you in detail a little later, now with reports collected during the special operation, our armed forces are pressing in all directions and improving their positions. over the course of a day, more than 900 militants were destroyed, a third in the donetsk sector, 10 tanks were shot down there, including a german leopard 25. a ukrainian su-25 attack aircraft was shot down in the kharkov region by air defense forces. or six long-range western storms cruise missiles. names of heroes, tank commander, junior sergeant ilya abdulin, operating from a closed position in conjunction with the drone operator, quickly suppressed enemy firing points. as a result, our assault squad captured an important stronghold. sergeant major renat tautenov, the platoon commander, carried
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three wounded out from under fire, bandaged them, and evacuated them to the first aid station. many times he provided first aid on the spot, saving the lives of soldiers. those killed in a private plane crash in afghanistan were a married couple from volgodonsk, officially confirmed. for the sake of his wife, who was seriously ill, the husband ordered a medical flight from thailand. the route with refueling ran through india and uzbekistan; the plane did not reach tashkent, for unknown reasons, ending up in the airspace of afghanistan, which it was supposed to fly over. the survivors will now tell the investigators how it all happened. accompanying pilots, they are now in kabul, while my colleague grigory emelyanov , based on the information that was available, tried to find out why the plane did not reach moscow. footage distributed by the afghan media, pilots and doctors from the crashed the falcons themselves require medical assistance , however, as the afghan side says , it is not too serious, their lives are not in danger,
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the rescued were taken to the regional center of kafapa, from there to kabul, to a military hospital, last night we found the crash site, in total there were six on the plane people, four of them were alive, two died, with the survivors, as you can see, everything is in order, they are being given first aid. and now we are going to kabul. stories of planes crashing in deserted snow-capped mountains rarely end with a happy ending. afghan the province of badagakhan, that very characteristic eastern protrusion on the map of afghanistan, is, of course, not the very heart of the world, but close to it. footage from the crash site of the small falcon 10 clearly demonstrates the difficulties the rescuers faced and how miraculously the pilots and doctors survived, afghan media write. the governments of russia, tajikistan and afghanistan maintained constant diplomatic contacts. despite difficult conditions, extreme cold, snowfall and difficult terrain, rescue teams worked hard throughout night. their efforts resulted in the successful rescue of four survivors. they took from thailand to
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russia a resident of volgodonsk who had become seriously ill on vacation. the woman was connected to the iv apparatus, her husband accompanied her during the flight, the spouses died. three survivors owe their salvation to the fourth. according to afghan media, medic igor syvorodkin, the youngest on board, managed to get to the nearest village and explained with gestures. what happened, however, this is where the story of miraculous salvation ends, questions begin, there are still more of them than answers, how did it happen that both engines of the falcon failed at once, this happens when there is a serious and very unlikely, experts say, electronics failure, or when the fuel runs out, but the plane was refueling in an indian area, they couldn’t have filled in less kerosene without the knowledge of the pilots, or they could, or it’s the crew miscalculated the amount of fuel, and if there was not enough, could the pilots? try to cut through afghan airspace, because initially it was not planned to enter it at all. before each flight, a flight plan is drawn up, the type of aircraft, where it flies, at what altitude
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, at what speed, which airspaces it will cross which countries, and this is the right, the legal right to fly over territories, otherwise it can simply be shot down, it’s a different matter if this happened forcedly, but. .. confuses the crew qualification experts: the commander has less than 2,500 flight hours, which is very little,
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the co-pilot has 800 hours altogether, they received documents confirming the completion of training for the falcon 10 less than a year ago, it just so happened that these documents also did not give the right to commercial transportation of people. both pilots hold private pilot licenses. these pilots cannot carry out commercial operations, that is, neither the company nor the pilots have the right to engage in commercial activities, they submitted a flight plan for a flight without passengers without luggage, that is, falcon had to fly with only two pilots, how did the passengers end up there and how how this flight... was approved, this is also a question of how such a gordian knot of violations was tightened, and what actually happened there, during the flight, and before it, is now being sorted out investigative committee, the testimony of the surviving
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pilots will help fill in the blank spots in this story. grigory emelyanov, maria martanova and kirill loginov, channel one. the role of the trade union in resolving social issues and protecting the interests of workers, this was discussed at the meeting of vladimir putin with mikhail shmakov. he permanently heads the largest trade union association in the country. no, i just want to say that we are moving towards the congress, and we have another intermediate date, which is 30 years since the turning point, from the year ninety-three, it turned out like this, that i have been heading this organization of ours for exactly 30 years, i want to say that over these years.
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today, signature sheets were delivered in support of the movement of vladimir putin as a presidential candidate. the law requires 3,000 signatures, but the election headquarters received significantly more. anatoly lazarev observed the procedure. the burden is not heavy - the volunteers admit, but the burden of responsibility - yes. 95
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boxes of signatures in...
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signatures that will be subject to verification. we have already begun the substantive verification. for consideration the question of registering a candidate with the central election commission is given 10 days. but the work of the election headquarters does not end there; on the contrary, there is a new stage - new tasks, which require more people to complete. just expanded today.
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i think that the scientific community appreciates what the country’s leadership has done, primarily the president, for science, but the ldpr presidential candidate, leonid slutsky, does not need to collect signatures, because he is nominated from the parliamentary party. slutsky is in orenburg today, the trip program includes communication with students, business representatives and a visit to the plant.
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drive a locally made snowmobile, in yaroslavl itself a discussion with the townspeople and the state of the local housing and communal services. today i will present an idea that we have already tested in several regions in the rostov region, in particular, how you can make utility bills 25% less by improving heat conservation inside the building, a whole range of measures to improve housing and communal services, it is
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planned, this is a big part of mine programs. the central election commission must decide to register all candidates for the post of president no later than february 10. anatoly lazarev, dmitry vishnevoy, artyom tikhonov, ekaterina yarovenko, sergey deev. first channel. russia is increasingly choosing to travel around the country; during the new year holidays alone, tourist traffic increased by 20%; the development of the industry was discussed today at a meeting between mikhail mishustin and deputy prime ministers. another topic is the youth employment program. ivan prozurov, more details about everything. the russian economy needs qualified specialists, and to ensure that scarce niches are filled by young personnel, a special program to promote youth employment was created. it is designed until the end of this decade according to... within the framework of the updated document, we will begin to create conditions so that girls and boys, even before reaching adulthood, can
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decide on their future profession, well , gain the necessary experience, acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for their future specialty. for this purpose, provision was made for vocational guidance for students in the sixth to eleventh grades. what will allow them to quickly decide in which area they would like to devote themselves, employment procedures will be optimized, including temporary ones, children from 14 to 18 years old will be able to master practical skills in their free time from school, well, most of the meeting is devoted to domestic tourism during the new year holidays, compared to last season, the increase in tourist flow is impressive - about 20%. this means that another half a million russians chose a vacation this year. at home, almost all hotels were occupied. it is important that the tourism industry and specialized services were ready for peak loads. the ministry of economic development coordinated preparations for the festive events together with the ministry of emergency situations,
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rospotrebnadzor, the ministry of internal affairs, as well as regional and city administrations. and most importantly, the new year holidays passed calmly, without serious incidents, our citizens were able to enjoy their holidays in different parts. the leaders of the new year season have traditionally been moscow, st. petersburg and the krasnodar territory. these regions received more than a third of the total new year's tourist flow. crimea remains an attractive destination. peninsula 80 thousand guests visited, which is more than a year ago. russians have shown unprecedented interest in domestic ski resorts, with 75% more people wanting to get to the sochi slopes (150,000 people). in second place is the actively growing tourist cluster sheregesh in kusbass. the discovery of the year was the complex. in the murmansk region, as well as fairs, festivals, original tour programs, as a result , new points of attraction have been marked throughout the country, open the gates, get some food, only suzdal, the new year's capital of russia with population of 9.00 people received 150 thousand
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guests, an important task was to help residents of new regions discover russia, especially children, new year holidays, more than 800 children from new regions came to the sverdlovsk region for... a christmas tree, the same events took place in mordovia , nizhny novgorod region, the joint efforts of regions, responsible federal departments and business, along with state support mechanisms, continue to unlock the enormous tourism potential of russia, the state will help bring the industry to a new level, its development is yielding noticeable results, passenger traffic alone on holidays amounted to almost 6 million people, tourism is a multifaceted field, so related industries have a great influence. we all need to do everything possible in order to further develop opportunities for domestic tourism in russia, this is , first of all, the creation of convenient infrastructure, convenient roads, convenient hotels, opportunities including normal food,
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recreation, this is all that will help we need to systematically approach the development of such an important industry. and, of course, one of the key issues is the cost of services, on behalf of the head of government, the ministry of economic development and trade together with the federal antimonopoly agency. a resident of the altai territory was detained by special services while attempting to carry out a terrorist attack at a ministry of defense facility in barnaul. fsb officers discovered his connection with certain curators of a group banned in our country. he went out to them himself, and then prepared molotov cocktails. during interrogation, he stated that he planned sabotage on civilian targets. in kuzbass, by court decision, a resident of kuznetsk was taken into custody, who regularly transferred funds to ukrainian militants. a criminal case was initiated under the article of treason. well , now, as promised, about zelensky’s decree on
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historical ukrainian lands in russia. yuri lepatov tried to understand what it was. the large semi-intelligible dictionary of the odessa language gives the following explanation of the term “manechka”. the manner of shooting into the stream. during a raid in the complete absence of such production necessity. zelensky did something similar, outlining his plans to seize russian regions on january 22 unity day.
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i decide to develop for consideration the council of national security and defense of ukraine an action plan to preserve the national identity of ukrainians in the russian federation, including on the lands historically inhabited by them, in the kuban, in starodubshchina, northern and eastern slobozhanshchina within the modern krasnodar territory, belgorod, bryansk , voronezh, kursk and rostov regions of the russian federation. in fact , he told the soviet krivoy rog schoolboy vova about the historical truth in class nikolaev. they choke their tongues , they don’t want to talk to their own, and the mercy of someone else’s king is dearer to them than any brotherhood, and for the time being goglev’s argument worked, you understand that we cannot be against the russian people in principle, because they are the same people are one and the same people. let's finally dot
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the i's, we are definitely not one people, we have a lot in common, but we will repeat once again not one people. yes, another innovation from the current leader of ukraine, he announced his intention look for your people all over the world, distributing ukrainian passports. if the ss men would take it, those of the ss men
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who, in order to distribute passports, must at least live in canada, those who wanted to get a ukrainian passport received it 30 years ago, it’s just no longer needed by anyone, now people are fleeing ukraine in millions, millions , tens of millions of people are fleeing ukraine, who will take a ukrainian passport now? zelensky’s grandfather, a veteran of the great patriotic war, or his great-grandfather, killed during the holocaust, could have done this to his offspring for this reason something similar to what taras bulba did with his. not only in the krasnodar territory, belgorod, bryansk, voronezh , kursk, rostov regions live people from the lands of what is now ukraine, they generally live throughout russia, being an indigenous people since the time of resettlement to the lands of north-east russia. yaroslavl, for example, was founded by yaroslav the wise, the novgorod and later kiev prince, and vladimir by the kiev prince vladimir, who baptized russia. in those days when the word ukraine. could only mean the outlying lands. moving people often
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they gave new cities the name of the cities they came from. vladimir is in russia and ukraine, like voronezh, like galich, like peryaslov. in russia it is pereyaslavsky. people, russian people, going north, to the northeast, carried their culture, the names of cities, the names of rivers, that is, it was a common population that was forcibly divided, at the beginning by the horde conquest, then... yours then the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, reunification ukraine, as they actually believed, little russia and the zaporozhye army came from russia in exactly two parts the russian people were reunited. the idea of ​​zelensky’s campaign to the east is to free ukrainians from the russians, from themselves. in fact, this is something like a tragicomic version of hitler’s trang nastin plan, which is understandable to all people with common sense, but few people in the west dare to talk about it yet; this taboo was destroyed by example. there must be some kind of compromise, what
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do they expect, that the russians will leave crimea, donbass, lugansk, this is unrealistic. it has been stated that the current leadership of slovakia opposes ukraine’s membership in nato. bratislava will veto kiev’s possible entry into this military bloc. officials and politicians in response to what is happening have different stages.
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that we can do without a new mobilization, the shortage of military personnel is noticeable, in general, the plan for the west to finally transform ukraine into a large pmc, that is, into a private military company, where everyone is supposedly ready to die for other people’s interests, simply receiving wages, this is the only thing that is real zelensky proposes conciliarity as a national idea, not at all. myself
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the term conciliarity, by the way, appeared precisely in russian religious philosophy; it presupposes the free spiritual unity of people, not at all like the kiev one. hamas. but 130 israeli citizens remain in the areas hit, including this night. in the city of hanyuni , at least 50 people were killed and about 100 injured. those whom doctors could not help are buried right in the hospital yard. let me remind you that on october 7, hamas troops from the gaza strip attacked israel, killing residents of border areas and taking hostages. in
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in response, the israelis announced a complete blockade of gas, and then a ground operation in the enclave. at the end of november, the parties declared a truce. in america, desantis has been catapulted; the governor of florida is no longer donald trump's competitor in the fight for the white house. there was a strong competitor, why did he give up and how does this affect the overall situation? mikhail okinchenko sorted it out. 14 republican candidates entered the race for the presidency last year, but now there are only two left, donald trump and...
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niki randhawa, herself from an indian family immigrants, her parents were not us citizens at the time of birth. this is a direct hint that haley has no right to occupy the chair of the country's president. trump made similar accusations against barack obama, who was born in kenya. however, this episode of the biography, as we know, did not prevent obama from winning the presidential elections two times in a row. it is difficult to say whether this will affect haley’s political reputation, but her ignorance of us history is being exaggerated by many american media. well, this is not a simple question, i think the reason was government actions regarding freedoms, what people can and cannot do, that is, about the bean. bourgeois north and slave-owning south, which is written about in american school textbooks, the person applying for the post of head of state turns out to have no
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idea. however, nicky haley has her own trump card, trump’s age is 77 years old, and although, unlike biden, who is 81, trump looks like a full-fledged, sensible politician, haley continues to hit the same target. i don't want to humiliate anyone, but when we are talking about the position of president, we don’t need a person about whom... we’ll wonder if he has enough mental abilities? a question that many voters in the country are actually asking, regardless of political preferences, fifty-two-year-old helly compares favorably with her competitors against this background and is sympathized with even in the democratic camp. i haven't decided who i'll vote for yet, i'm a democrat, but i think biden is too old for this position. i watched the republican debate and i think haley... despite the fact that i don’t agree with much in her program.
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there is no need to fight with rivals in the debates in the primaries, but in this way it is unlikely that trump will be defeated; financial donors to the democratic party, as it turns out, are thinking in a similar way. much of haley's money comes not from republicans or conservatives, but from staunch democrats. for example, anti-civilization activist reed hoffman, a major sponsor of nicky haley, he is the founder of linked-in and a friend of jeffrey epstein, who regularly visited a pedophile. island, nicky haley is not a conservative, this is not a criticism of her, just a fact, nicky haley is a staunch neoliberal.
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indeed, she still has the same liberal slogans against banning the influx of migrants. even at the start of her presidential campaign, she announced support for israel and ukraine , demands increased pressure on iran and russia, and does not change her opinion. so, in the absence of an alternative to biden among the democrats, nicky haley may be that alternative. in this case it is impossible. elections, it may well turn out that niki haley will remain the only viable candidate offered to the american voter. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, tatyana bakulina, alexey kozlov. channel one usa. let's return to the events here. vdnkh, exhibition russia. today it has become the most family-friendly place. dear loved ones, to the all-russian forum.
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it was read by his translator, my grandfather, and his father, and i read everything that i love to my children. the senior closed the session, joy, joy, we will definitely sum up the results this evening, we will discuss this together with him,
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with his younger sisters , with my wife, commitment to sports, definitely , competing with children is generally the most interesting thing, so not to lose, to resist, well, when you get older, the children are more mature , sometimes you start to perform a little, it hurts, the family is healthy and spirit and body, they say in the ministry of health, the dynasty of doctors is home. medical consultation, that’s the power. the kanavalovs are fourth-generation neurosurgeons, but in their family, the advice of elders is not about science, but about care. almost all of our family members, especially boys, engage in active in sports, and many different ones. my father always told me that without movement, without sports, life is not a very good idea, dynasties develop and are supported, including family and pedagogical dynasties, that’s why. this continuity is very important, it is historical memory, it is also the transmission of cultural code and traditions. peter
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lunstrom, a musical dynasty, and for him family is the history of russia, i assure you. on the banks of the shilka river, if according to famous people, then such, you know, kandinskys, not only tell, but show themselves a show family talents, a program without restrictions , the only thing that large families sometimes managed with difficulty was to fit on stage, to discover something new in themselves, they hurried to the skating rink, olympic champions gave master classes there, we all learned, congratulations, really noisy and a call from the children's there was laughter after the official part, and here the forum began
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in full, as at every family holiday with a group photo. in these family photographs, the geography of the entire country, families came from all regions, they will spend time together, communicate, share experiences, perhaps they will start a new tradition of meeting. yana padeban, sergey mukhin, veronika elvuchenkova, natalya sidorova and kristina neznanova, channel one. creator of the internet project marathon of desires, tax debtor. for a billion rubles today she was sent to pre-trial detention until april 26. elena blinovskaya was handcuffed in the zamoskovaretsky court of the capital, which tightened the measure of restraint against her. before this, there was house arrest, the violation of the terms of which was not the first new year's party, which blinovskaya held on december 23. among the guests was a witness in her criminal tax evasion case involving illegal electronic payments. as the investigator noted,
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there was a lot of expensive entertainment at the party while payments were being made. wanted to be in a space in which the promise of teaching how to transform the space at will, it’s unlikely that she was one of blinovskaya’s so-called tricks now, well, the transformation is also only 15 days. several elements of the weather, a gust of wind over 140 km/h, knocked people off their feet and tore off roofs in vladivostok. the cable-stayed bridge to russky island was opened only a few hours ago. did not happen in samara, a real avalanche fell from the roof onto children playing near the house, miraculously no one was hurt, in the volga region roads were blocked due to heavy snowfall, the cyclone passed through the ulyanovsk region, tatarstan, mariella, chuvash, now it is moving towards novgorod and st. petersburg , at pulkovo airport there were delays in arrival and departure; due to strong winds, nine flights were diverted to alternate airfields. in moscow, after frosts by wednesday
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plus, we’ll hardly sail at night anyway minus. beloved by millions, the actor, presenter and producer leonid yarmolnik accepts congratulations on his birthday. a brilliant film career spanning half a century, one and a half hundred roles, not necessarily major, but always memorable. what is the secret of the audience’s success and who influences his work schedule today, olga knyazeva found out. the question that definitely shouldn’t be asked to leonid iermolnik is whether he is a workaholic. so, everything is clear. acting in films, theater, participating in tv shows, interviews. i feel bad when i don't have a job, i don't know how to rest, i know how to play in billiards, for example, i know how to scuba dive, i know how to skate, but i, for example, don’t know how to lie down and sunbathe, that’s not
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my thing, so life is movement. to imagine that ermolnik had a period when he had to slow down and give up many interesting projects in order to work in the film of alexei german the elder, it is difficult to be a god to understand and feel his hero rumata of estor, it has always been so and so it will be, such is our mayor, according to we say that the role was unusual for the usual image of an actor, and he was waiting for it and still calls it one of the main things in life, i certainly love some paintings, i understand that i am made of them, i am certainly proud of the work. it’s hard to be god with alexei yuryevich german. i am proud of the works that are associated with valery petrovich todorovsky. i adore and love my cinematic mother, alla surikova. i have five paintings by her. gentlemen are given to me. it was. comedy. but what about the inimitable chicken tabaka, the favorite pantami of soviet audiences. or mama's boy feofan from
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the film, the same menhausen. and for these shots the director set the task of looking like stalons, he rocked every day for 3 years. all my life i was taught to play something, and then for 14 years alexey yuryevich weaned me from playing, he didn’t need me to play someone, but he just made me a rumata, that is, according to stanislavsky, of course, but isn’t that originally didn't you teach? this is taught, but sometimes they are taught in such a way that the artists lose their state of naturalness, especially today, today there is no such supernatural makeup, i am all in
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the proposed circumstances, that is there is no need to hide, one of the recent works in the film for you and me about stalin’s repressions, ermolnik plays the doctor dorfman with ease, creating the image of a gentle, intelligent person, namu kogan was arrested.
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no way, find something that interests you, communicate more not on an iphone or an ipad, just like we talk to you, but at the same time you can also sing, then people become sincere, warmer, ermolnik is 70 today, but no one believes, journalists ask again all the time, clarify, the audience of the play 203-205 at the sovremennik theater, too they don’t believe, he plays out such passions on stage together with not because i have lost some interest in the fair half of humanity
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, the girl is so beautiful and i am so incredibly beautiful very often, everyone comes up to me , young people leni sakovich can take a photo with you, my mother takes you so well loves you there or my dad loves you so much and i’m still waiting for the moment when young people will come up to me and say: my grandmother loves you so much, my grandfather loves you so much, but time passes. olga knyazeva, andrey lesnykh, vyacheslav chereshko, boris chuchupalov, daria rybakova and nika lashlyakova, channel one.
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