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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  January 23, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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sorry, i detained you at the station , let's go, let's go, let's go, comrade lieutenant found me , i just thought that everyone had been evacuated, i 'm at the station, i always have the keys in my pocket, at the station, at the station they caught saboteurs, we were all detained , i just couldn’t get out for a long time, i’m not sorting anything , everything is on fire, okay, oh, station, station, station, leonid ivanovich, leonit ivanovich, wait, skip it, lie down, lie down, i don’t see anything, i don’t see anything , let's go, i said. hurry up with me,
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come on, open it, now, now, come on, i now, come on, open it, well, why are you bothering there, open it, here, well, open it, but i don’t have the key, and where are the keys, the authorities have it,
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this box contains all the most valuable things, lieutenant, keep in mind, be careful, i ask you, it will disappear, you will go to the tribunal, you will answer in all severity, this is a picture, your task is a map, keep in mind, this is all very valuable, get to sosnovo, they should meet you there, hand over the cargo to our authorized representative for signature, i understand, here you go treat this especially, carry it out, hurry up, hurry up, i’m so i understand that we need to hurry.
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right, commander, everything is ready, we can go! just be careful, lady! listen, i have this for you, there is a monastery there near sosnoye, give this to abbot bartholomew, your fathers will accept it, well, god bless you, lieutenant, thank you, let’s go! how long, soldiers, soldiers are going, soldiers, soldiers, soldiers are going.
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what do you need here? the one who gave it to me said that you will help, how is he doing , the last time i saw him, he was praying, he asked you to pray for him, but the car is acting up, we should get it fixed, spend the night. a
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in the morning we are going, there will be blood and food for you, lead your people, brothers, help, unload , let's unload, so let's get up, get up , let's unload, what do you have, well, what, it's always like that, you're what we need, by morning fix it, we'll spend the night here, tomorrow we'll go to the village, there we'll wait for the authorized person, the authorized person, and if there is no authorized person, will you car? and don’t caw at me like a raven, understand? you understood me? yes, i understand, i, i understand, comrade, commander, i will fix it, i will fix it, where will it go, comrade, lieutenant, only we have fuel, on there are only five kilometers left , stop chatting, petrochi, you work, come on, work
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, so, unload the boxes here, yeah and... other valuables, besides this, and there won’t be an authorized person, let’s go to moscow, on our own , that’s how many hundreds of miles, on foot, have you repaired, of course, of course, i will fix it, unload the box, already comrade lieutenant, where will it go,
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wine, church, drink, the wine will restore strength, “god bless, everyone came at night, and i it's time, listen, priest, what do you mean, they allowed to serve in churches, he never forbade me, who
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comrade stalin, no, lord." and dare daddy, you can feel the fritz nearby, let's lieutenant, we 'll smoke, yeah, you sleep, sleep, lieutenant, i 'm on guard, and you, ah, i'm not used to it, i 'll sleep for another hour and it's fine , that’s enough , i’m from siberia. i transported people like these monks in stages, it used to be that by the time you got them, the pieces of iron to the camp, half a truckload of corpses , they were stuffed there so that there were herrings in a barrel,
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listen, the guys cleaned everything to a crumb, and we didn’t even say thank you to the holy fathers for the bread and salt, eh? not like human beings, barsh lieutenant, barsh lieutenant, the germans, their father jonah noticed when he went into the forest for firewood, where they came from, paratroopers, saboteurs, there is another way out of the monastery, only through the courtyard, malyutin. i, take safronov’s machine gun, go upstairs, the task is to kill the enemy, the two of you follow me, take the box, we are in the lorry,
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in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. amen. lord have mercy. lord have mercy. lord have mercy. lord have mercy.
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they took a vow of silence, now none of them will utter a word. are you speak doutch? yes, i was lucky, from where, before the revolution, i served the sovereign, the last rank was rotmister, kyiv hussar. the bolsheviks expelled him from russia, lived in berlin, managed to return, got caught.
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verschlüsselt er von. cipher code to the center. we have the cargo. in 10 days we will be in khizn.
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thank you, but this is not what i’m looking for, please help, i’m looking for old high reliefs, uh-huh , here we go, here’s an old one, no, i’ve already looked at everything like that, it’s not here, no, it’s not here, i’m done i looked, where, i don’t understand, young man, here’s a foreigner, who at least doesn’t understand, wait.
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this is a story about the icon of the kazan mother of god, however, all this is for fans mystics, and you are not a fan of mysticism, perhaps, churches in germany, so you are from germany, yes, ispavarian, there is such a beautiful town, here you go, high relief in front of you. for years there was a museum from the patronymic here, everything that was left of the destroyed monuments was brought here, at one time even the triumphal arch was here, then it was put back together, amazing, actually interesting, there are not many russians who know about this, guide , the cemetery of the tang
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monastery is marked as one of the attractions for, so to speak, a thoughtful tourist. well, for those who don't have enough, mafsuley or your favorite supermarket on red square, yes, yes, and this is probably david, who defeated the gulaf, for sure, and i have always admired that one, sergei radonishsky blesses dmitry donskoy for the fight against the tatars, is that, on shady bones, huh.. my grandmother took me here for a walk, just like at pushkin’s, she took me for a walk in the summer garden, three, everything is fine,
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yes, everything is fine, i forgot, i have to go. yes, i have to go too, let’s go, especially since he will soon ask us from here anyway, yeah, my name is anton, i’m in a car, i can give you a lift, you are very kind, anton, by the way, you have a good understanding of russian idioms, russian history for a simple tourist from germany. i am a philologist by training, but now i work on radio, clearly,
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here, yes. anton, i would like to thank you somehow, maybe we can have dinner together sometime, of course, whenever you want, my phone number, call me, i will definitely call you, thank you, goodbye.
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indeed, the same place we
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invited friends for a picnic, danskoy monastery.
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stand where you put your hands, hands, i didn’t do anything wrong, run away, looks like a foreigner, but what he’s a foreigner, foreigners don’t dress like that, i don’t do anything bad, don’t let him go to the police station, we’ll sort it out later, let’s go.
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what is the commissioner's responsibility? i'm investigating the murder of one oswald müller. do you know this one? no. ask. thank you. please come in. have a seat. thank you.
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but oswald müller dealt with the problems of restitution, the return of valuables. i know what restitution is, mr. commissioner.
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zeller is entrusted with an important mission: to intercept the nkvd cargo on the way from mogilev to the soviet rear. has zeller really not returned from his mission? he captured the nkvd headquarters and reported this to the center. but zeller did not go to the appointed place.
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but today you will go to russia, find zeller, and return the sacred treasures of the nation. you understand the order, sherhorn. yes sir. your operation is classified. as much as possible.
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that you are directly related to the death of oswald müller. i wonder on what basis you accuse me.
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we wish everyone a wonderful winter day, olga ushakova and sergey babaev are with you, january 23 is on the calendar, and this is tuesday, wake up soon, friends, we have a lot ahead something interesting, we want to celebrate handwriting day or handwriting day, i don’t know if anyone is doing this or not, or just somewhere to sign some documents sometimes, we will check, test tablets for dishes-powerful machines, all sorts of liquids, powders, etc. more effective? what’s better, what’s more profitable, and we’ll also figure out such an important issue as down jackets, why they stop keeping you warm, we’ll cook something tasty, and we’ll definitely look at the russian forum exhibition, what ’s interesting there this week, but first we’ll have to do our morning warm-up , kind morning, i try to study every day, huh? what to do if you
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can’t get to training at all? now i will show you an exercise that you can do even while lying down in front of the tv. we support our head with our right hand, rest our left hand on the floor, legs bent, raise our right knee. we don’t lean back to fix the torso, we strain our abs and buttocks. we return to the starting position. we continue to move smoothly without jerking. now let’s complicate the exercise: raise the knee, straighten the leg, swing up diagonally. let's continue! we turn over to the other side. the exercise is not difficult, but if you do it regularly. you'll strengthen the muscles in your thighs and buttocks,
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so lying on your side can be beneficial. the down jacket is probably the most popular winter clothing. some models of down jackets, according to manufacturers, will withstand frost down to -30. convenient, practical, and most importantly, warm. well, we use the same things from winter to winter and notice that they somehow stop heating. what does this come from? maybe we ourselves become kind of frozen as we age, or? on the contrary, we somehow take care of our down jackets incorrectly, we bought a down jacket, after a couple of years it hardly warms up, why we’ll figure it out in the laboratory, we brought an old winter jacket and a thin windbreaker, pay attention to the seams of the product, here they are of poor quality, the material begins to peel off from the seam and the seam begins to diverge with us, it naturally does not fully hold and seal the entire structure, if inside, it will completely come out through such lines, the filler. the colder the body is, the denser the padding, the better it holds
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it’s warm, but after a while even the thickest down jacket often loses volume, here we have the main concentration of our insulation, in this position there is nothing at all , that is, it can talk about something, we don’t have a bag there, there is no fastening to secure the insulation , that is, these stitches all over the jacket are not for beauty, in each such compartment there is a bag with filler , the smaller it is, the longer the contents will not... roll off, here the space allowed, the insulation has migrated, let's look from the inside, it’s no longer a pity for the jacket it became anyway it’s cold, the insulation here is in an absolutely free state, because of this we see that we have these kind of wave-like conditions during the wear process, we cut the windbreaker, why didn’t the polyamide roll up in it, it’s made here in the form of a non-woven fabric, which is ideally segmented in the cell that the manufacturer intended for... because it is a canvas, it is better held together in this cell, has
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a certain strength, elasticity, but the material is the same, synthetic, if you look at the same under a microscope threads, checked the outer layer, the blue jacket absorbs all the moisture, the insides also suffer accordingly, the white one again turned out to be more reliable. so, when purchasing, we look at the material of the top layer, the quality and quantity of seams. the more there are, the longer the fluff will remain in place. then everything depends on the operation, not only. how often we wear the item, but also how we wash it, if incorrectly, the service life is reduced, we study the label, the dry-clean only icon, we take it there, we wash the rest in the machine, down jackets at a temperature of no more than 40°. more desirable use gels for down jackets, they are highly soluble, therefore they allow you to clean this product well, be careful with the dosage, read how much to add on the bottle, if you don’t wash out the gel too much, the filler will stick together. by the way, you can spin down jackets at a maximum of seven hundred revolutions. if you see that your product did not
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spin out the first time, it is better to repeat the spin cycle, but in no case add more speed, because you will ruin the product. with all this on... the performer can still roll it up, there is a life hack , tennis balls will help break it up; if you put them in the dryer along with the product, you won’t have to deal with the lumps manually. legia belyanska, ilyarkazubov, andrey aksenov and dmitry gordienko, channel one. when someone sneezes in transport, in another public place , everyone tenses up, but it’s understandable, yes , germs fly away, microbes can be very dangerous, this is on the one hand, but on the other hand, doctors say that sneezing is useful, as at least for the most sneezing person, it’s also pleasant, besides. and impossible sneeze with your eyes open, i checked , it never works, no one succeeds, but in general you still have to sneeze, let’s do it right, they also ask you when you sneeze, are you sick, colds are just that only one of the reasons for sneezing, the second allergic
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reaction, well, this is a slightly different mechanism that is triggered, but in principle the protective reflex is triggered again, we want to get rid of what irritates our nervous system, brings us to sneezing through irritation of the nervous system, bright light and changes temperatures, mechanical irritants, such as pepper or dust, are the third reason to sneeze. the air flow speed when scratching is about 130 km/h. the pressure in the bronchi and trachea increases to 75 kg per square cm. there is a danger of damage, in what case? yes, we need to do this without pinching our nose, because our nasal cavity communicates with the eustachian tube with the cavity of the inner ear, if we have such high pressure here, it rises through the eustachian tube in the ear, that is, what could this mean - damage to the tympanic membranes, it may simply burst, and it is also possible
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to increase intraocular pressure, rupture the trachea, damage the larynx and fracture the ribs, so to avoid harm, do not sneeze into yourself. let the air come out, the etiquette expert also supports, we need to sneeze, we don’t need to hold it back, there is so much delicious stuff around, drinks, food, that chip suddenly attacks, if we suddenly want to sneeze, it’s better to use a textile napkin and sneeze a little to the side, not over the table, not over the food and not towards the interlocutor, the same goes for case with paper napkins, and if there is neither one nor the other, it turns out that we must use our hands, in no case do we use the right hand, because then we often greet with it, we can use the left palm, covering both the nose and mouth, this is of course a last resort, or we use the bend of the elbow. the same rules apply in any other public place. what to do with the sound? with the sound, just
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try to reduce it, but if you suddenly get a loud sneeze, then it’s best to apologize to those around you. remember that it is not at all necessary to say bless you, especially in public places, and no one should be offended, this is these rule. nikolai lesnikov, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, yulia bykova, channel one. our good, cheerful morning continues and the time has come to find out what got into the networks of our ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky. as always, the coolest, most popular touching videos. according to a long-standing tradition , we start with seals, this one. i decided to play in the field of miracles, although, as you can see, according to my cat rules: animals play the drum they took the owner's frying pan, and while it is spinning, the huskies are dripping and dripping, 3.5 million have already arrived, how will the dogs respond, meet a dog named moverick, he became famous for the fact that he likes to spy on his neighbors,
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enormous popularity, why, because what users of the world wide web share is their curiosity, but who doesn't like to find out what their neighbors have? is happening, it’s true, well, yes, here’s the hero of our next video - a horse named george, he lives in australia and his favorite pastime is going into his owners’ house look yourself in the mirror. numerous users are wondering if george is happy with what he sees there. well, finally , we’ll talk about fashion, the designer creates amazing costumes, outfits made from balloons, each one takes at least 4 hours, so it’s better to wear something like that, away from the cacti. from violent cats, otherwise you might end up naked, but let’s hope that the underwear is not made of balloons or inflatable. do you know that in our country an experiment has begun on labeling certain types of cosmos. household chemicals, this applies to products for makeup, hair care, all sorts of shaving products, deodorants, soaps and detergents,
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this is important for everyone, yes, but what is it for, and what will it give us consumers and how will all this happen, let's figure it out right now, cosmetics of one brand , but the price is so different, for example, this cream in large chain stores is almost 7,000 rubles, in small local stores it is several times cheaper from... the original is written, the company invests a lot of time and resources to get a quality product, yes, these are ours laboratories, and testing, a fake may have an unknown composition, and a fake, of course, carries risks primarily for health, but it is now impossible to verify the authenticity 100%, for this, cosmetics and household chemicals need to be labeled as clothing, medicine or perfume, that is, you will have to prove quality. product and its safety. in cosmetics there is such a dense folder of permitting documents so that it can get onto the market at all, there are certificates
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of conformity, a declaration of safety, laboratory tests and much more. all this is checked in the honest sign marking system before issuing a code to a specific legal entity. both domestic and foreign goods will be labeled by the manufacturers themselves, brand holders or importers. more than 90 of them are already taking part in the experiment. we have to. examine the packaging, we must understand where it is more convenient to apply this marking, so that it is optimal from a cost point of view, then we look at how convenient it is to control that the code that you applied is readable, this plant already had one experience with perfume, but with it it’s easier to find a place for marking on mascara or lip pencil, it’s more difficult to change the design or put it in a box, the time for everything is a little more than a year, but despite the fact that additional expenses are expected. .. same paint and printing paper, prices should not skyrocket. if we talk about perfumes, we had a slight increase
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in production costs. here, but again, here are my colleagues in production, they always tend to improve processes and minimize costs. i hope that in in this case, we will work from the same perspective. as a result, then using the unique data matrix code it will be possible to track the path of the product from the manufacturer to.
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of course it was a dream, they invited me to audition , then they didn’t call me, i thought, probably not, and so i thought with despair, well, there was an opportunity, unfortunately, probably not, look how the lines fly, it means it’s not all in vain, this technology completely unique, which we experienced, alexey ger, one might say, is a pioneer in this matter, my hero makes five rotations, barrel, man, which colastrophobia, and you there, is impossible , yes, and this is exactly where you are, when alexey asked how long you can stand it, i...
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so that it is safe, so that there is benefit, arsenin knows the doctors for sure, you want to be healthy, four times per week you start the day with fried eggs, i’ll explain why this is so , but first pay attention, i store the package of eggs in the refrigerator on the shelf, not on the door, because here the temperature can even reach +10°, we need a maximum of 5° if the eggs are farmed , important. drink salmanello, it is a bacterium that causes many gastrointestinal diseases, wash the shell with warm water and laundry soap, and then
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thoroughly. and too much is dangerous to health. also, to prevent cholesterol from jumping during frying, we cook the dish in a non-stick frying pan, without oil. but you can eat as much egg white as you want. it is a valuable building material for cells, easier to digest than meat, useful at any age,
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especially in the elderly. we serve fried eggs with herbs and... vegetables with fiber, the protein is better absorbed, it is in this version in such a quantity that eggs are extremely healthy and safe, enjoy your meal and stay healthy! for naukhi, a pakistani goat, a bearded mangabey cub and a newborn black jaguar. a bearded cub sounds very exotic, of course, but these are all babies that have appeared in various zoos in our country, let’s get to know them. hello naita, hello, hello, how did you spend your night, did you miss me? found only four months old, but she is a small black jaguar, which means she is a hunter. first we carved it out with a special mixture, and then we began to add minced meat from different types of meat, that is, minced meat comes from beef, mushes, rats, rabbit is also added. a red book black
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jaguar cub is born at the izhevsk zoo for the second time. a year ago a male appeared, last year a female knight, she sleeps on the back of a large toy lion, her mother’s licking is replaced by a massage comb, it will be soft , fluffy and have a calming effect at the same time. naita knows those who care for her and are very attached to the veterinarian eugenia, but at the same time remains a wild animal. and this the charming creature's name is cheppalinka. she is a baby black bearded mangabey. a flock of these rare... monkeys has been living in the nizhny novgorod zoo for 10 years, but now they have a baby for the first time, we eat by the hour, that is , we have food every three hours, well, it’s already clear that she wants to eat. chapolinka's mother did not have milk, so zoo staff had to take the cub and feed it with formula. in nature, black mangabeys feed on nectar 4 months a year. in a zoo, nectar is replaced with compote and given sweet
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fruits. pear is her priority, she loves it more. a soft toy replaces the little monkey’s mother’s hug, a bright lamp imitates the hot tropical sun, and the hands behind the equipment represent the branches on which the chipaglian learns to jump. monkeys are very good parents, mothers, aunties, fathers, the child jumps around in the enclosure, they all endure it all patiently, play with the child all the time, we also have to do this, so we constantly play as soon as chapolinka starts feeding. on her own, she will return to the enclosure with her relatives. long-eared the baby goat, which was born in the ambush of the great ustyug, did not have to be resettled and bottle-fed, but special conditions were still created. the comoros' homeland is pakistan, so they do not tolerate cold well, but they are very well adapted to heat, so we moved them to a warm enclosure where they will
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stay in the winter. even though it’s cold in the homeland of santa claus, the young goat got into... this is not a toy for a dog, but this is a hairstyle that the russian grooming champion lyudmila romina suggests, this is a funny option, isn’t it, for those who have pets it’s a must watch, but for everyone else, maybe mothers of daughters will also be interested, look at how thick the poodle’s mane is, so that the fur gets less dirty, let’s do a neat styling, i call it the little dragon. first, i comb my mane along the hairline from the head to the middle of the spine to remove frozen hairs, separate a strand of about 2x2 cm, gather it into a ponytail , secure it with an elastic band, after 2 cm i separate the next strand, connect it to the existing ponytail, and
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secure it with an elastic band. so, strand by strand we collect the dragon’s mane, look how neat styling. thousands of tons of snow fall from the mountain and rush, destroying everything in its path, with absolutely frantic energy, rescuers fight avalanches quite successfully, the main thing here is to notice the danger in time. chiget, mt.
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in sakhalin there is no danger of an avalanche yet, but the ministry of emergency situations employees are preparing , conducting training, the snow will be removed using a bell-shaped avalanche installation, it is attached to the helicopter on a twenty-meter cable, the principle of its use is the mixing
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of two gases, oxygen-hydrogen, the launches were hidden, explosion, a volumetric detonation occurs, which creates pressure on the adjacent explosion. the task is to fly up to the calculated location, literally hover and lower the capsule. the operator presses on command. in the kholmsky district in 2022 , blizzard accumulation had accumulated under the fragile recrystallized snow, an avalanche could happen in the near future, classes at a nearby school were canceled, specialists from the laboratory of avalanche and force processes dug a trench across the snow cap and laid charges. this is a controlled avalanche, like this. forced descent looks like a stone pillar mountain on the aibga ridge in the krasnodar region. the rainy season in russia is in full swing. meteorologists measure the snow level every day and if it exceeds the norm,
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they call the avalanche service. the work to prevent snowfall does not stop. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, channel one. our program continues right now, we give the floor to colleagues from the information service of channel one. find out what's new in the country in the world by this hour, news on air, see you again soon, this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, tank duels, direct fire attacks on closed positions , forced marches and unexpected raids to the front line, all this is the daily work of the crews of our formidable armored vehicles in... nvo. here are the shots taken during the battles for the liberation of marinka. the t-90m tank breaks through the southern group of troops, actively maneuvering and firing. the lead vehicle, equipped with a trawl, overcame a minefield, penetrated the first line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine and, with a shot
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from the main gun, destroyed one of the support points, withstanding a direct hit from an anti-tank system. and this is the kupinsky direction. there, the crew of the t-80 bv is busy destroying the fortress areas of the enemy dugouts. west groupings, every day there are new combat missions, first of all, support for our motorized rifles going on the assault. we worked from closed firing positions, against enemy dugouts, against lightly armored vehicles , main battle, we rolled out directly, three on two, well, we won, there was direct contact, it was hot, of course, scary, we took a fist, gathered our courage and... kherson region artillerymen, paratroopers of the dnieper group of troops destroyed a branch of the ukrainian armed forces in a strong point on the right bank of the dnieper, strikes from 152-mm howitzers geocent b were carried out on
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aerial reconnaissance coordinates, among the priority targets were also enemy mortar crews, ammunition depots and boat stations. considering the situation on the line of combat contact, the mistakes of the command and, as a result, a huge loss, kiev officials. only this european integration is taking place separately from kiev, which the eu is already directly saying has no place there. the eu has accumulated debt before countries. who supplied weapons
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to ukraine, writes the spanish newspaper el pais , we are talking about an amount of 7 billion euros, they began to figure out who owes what to whom, against the backdrop of the failure of the so-called counter-offensive, more and more information is emerging about the sending to kiev of essentially scrap metal unsuitable for combat , and another question is where these weapons go, as you know, ukrainian officials are selling everything they can to the left, it is not yet possible to restore order, brussels plans to create a fund to help kiev, it is assumed that... without it ukraine will receive 5 billion euros per year. the need to coordinate steps to solve acute problems in the middle east in transcaucasia, as well as the implementation of key russian-turkish projects in the energy sector, was discussed by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov with his ankara counterpart hakan fedan. the negotiations took place at the un headquarters in new york, where lavrov arrived the day before to participate in a security council meeting on the situation in ukraine and debates on the middle east problem. events. about
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the red sea waters and the gas sector the central topic of the meeting between the head of our diplomacy and iranian foreign minister hassein amir abdallahian. and earlier , lavov had conversations with the heads of the foreign affairs departments of lebanon and indonesia. a wave of stock-outs in europe, in estonia, a protest action by school teachers, and tomorrow a strike will cover the entire education sector. the government spends its time in endless negotiations, but there is nowhere to get money for schools. in lithuania, tractors from all over the country went to vilnius, blocking roads, including cases when the authorities took away land from agricultural producers under the pretext of protecting territories. in france, farmers are building barricades on highways. the authorities fear that the scale of the current protests can be compared with the yellow vest protests, when the whole country was shaking. farmers are protesting in the netherlands, romania and poland. germany and the railway will stop working again this wednesday. compromise. the authorities
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were unable to find him; the new action will last about a week. st. petersburg, ilena region is in the grip of a powerful snowstorm, the roads are so swept away, that the special equipment cannot cope, while it is clearing one area, another is already covered with snow, while a very strong wind is blowing, gusts reaching 20 m/s. this little car spun so much on the icy highway, as if it were a toy, the driver miraculously did not fly into the ditch, barely managing to brake. cars are slipping, traffic jams are growing, and motorists are losing their nerves, standing in traffic jams from dusk to dawn is unbearable, so some abandon their cars right on the side of the road, after a couple of hours there is already a snowdrift in which the outlines of the car are barely distinguishable, in short , you’ll even see something like this, they just abandoned the car , it’s still not visible, it’s as if special equipment will demolish it, at pulkovo airport there were delays for departure and arrival due to strong side winds, the day before 18 flights were unable to land there, not
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... on the calendar, january 23, tuesday, our good , cheerful morning continues, in moscow, at vdnkh , the grandiose exhibition forum russia continues, thousands of people visit it every day, and the total number is already more than 5 million, many come once, twice, three times , you too take the time to go, you won’t regret it, the russia exhibition, what awaits us this week, it’s good that everything is great, let’s start with pavilion 57, the exhibition of ten. children of science and technology,
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this week is dedicated to moscow state university. lectures on quantum technologies, neurotechnologies, astrophysics, technologies of living systems, as well as specialized master classes are expected. in the scientific laboratory you will be able to feel like a scientist biologist, add unicellular algae and crustacean microorganisms to the water and conduct biocontrol of the environment. fascinating biology for the whole family. want to. a boring geography lesson at the stand of the russian geographical society vr cinema. we continue to explore different parts of our country. on land, under water, from a bird's eye view. on this. weeks according to the beauty plan of tuva, and you can also take part in the photo competition of the most beautiful country, 11 nominations, everyone can try their luck. we have wonderful prizes, ranging from a prize fund of 250 thousand rubles to the opportunity to join the expedition of the russian geographical society.
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in the naturegrad pavilion - days of protected areas, every day is dedicated to work reserves of national parks of the country , there are 177 of them in total . you can choose a postcard with the image of national parks of reserves of our country, employees of these territories will send a postcard from there, mine will be from the polistovsky reserve, here is a geographical greeting from the pskov region, in
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the dream house pavilion there is a week of financial literacy, master classes, children will be taught how to manage a budget, at the job fair they will be able to try on a profession, but that ’s not all, we will have... meetings actually dedicated to space, that is, we will build houses on the far side of the moon, talk about environmental history, we will build waste processing plants, and you have been playing with the whole family for a long time, here at the exhibition you can do this in every pavilion, an excellent opportunity to spend time usefully and have fun. maria nikolaeva, denis ponomarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one. winter this year is snowy, frosty, and it is still cold in many, many regions. we are only in the second half of winter; march has begun ; we are also generally not a spring month in terms of climate, so public transport should go exactly on schedule, it should be warm, comfortable, convenient for everyone, and of course it should be modern, and i am glad that such transport is becoming more and more widespread, kamyansk-uralsky, sverdlovsk
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region, about 164 thousand inhabitants, one of last year problems, lack of public transport, there were small buses at peak times. buses that have been packed since january have passenger compartments more free in the city 17 new high-capacity buses are closing problematic routes more space to stand more comfortable naturally to stand and sit it’s much warmer while you’re driving to work and back , at least you’re warming up in the cabins . climate control in the winter is not cold in the summer . it won’t be hot for the safety of video surveillance . there are usb connectors to charge the phone and , which is important for people with limited mobility, separate seats and low floors. and the bus is equipped with a kniling system. this system allows you to tilt the bus at a stop towards the doors for ease of disembarking and boarding passengers. gas-powered buses, compared to oil- fueled vehicles, have almost a third less emissions. public transport is being updated throughout
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the country, all thanks to the national project for safe and high-quality roads. since january, 25 new large-class buses with 100 seats have been installed in sochi. there is a problem with overcrowded cabins on this route. how in khamensk uralsky gas transport has climate control, video surveillance, without looking in the mirror i can see everything from the cameras, what ’s going on at my bus stop, what ’s going on in my cabin when the bus arrives at the stop, you can find out in the smartphone application. as part of this program in february we will receive another 26 units of the same comfortable buses. and this is the rostov region, they received 40 new electric buses, the passengers are happy. the movement process itself, acceleration, and smoothness are very good. every 80 km, charging at the station. in total, under the national project , almost 4,500 new buses, trolleybuses, trams and
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electric buses arrived in different regions last year alone. 240 units of this type of transport were delivered for the first time. evgeny pelyakov, elena savina, channel one. it makes me happy that my district is every year it develops more and more, thanks to russia for this, well, in omsk, what i like most is the football field, damn it, the hockey field, we were born such a great poetmontov, here in klyuchevs. was born, i would very much like the present that exists now in russia to develop every year and become better and better, clearly the glade is the place in which the great writer lived and was born. nikolač is thick, it is filled with apple orchards, which bloom very beautifully in may. i love my
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profession very much, i dreamed of being a doctor class, take care of your health, undergo medical examination, love to everyone, good happiness. you've probably noticed that your favorite phone and no less favorite computer constantly offer to update some applications, sometimes daily, sometimes they don't even offer anything. they update themselves, without asking us, yes, modern technology, it generally likes to live its own life, so these constant updates are needed, or you can somehow do without them, given a computer and a phone that constantly ask for updates, two it specialists, one for, the other against, we will listen to both sides to make our decision, we have software, no matter what, let’s sketch it like this... it has a number of features, it has protection, and if
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the developers missed something, then vulnerabilities appear in the software, which of course need to be closed, it is impossible to close them except by updating the software. updating is primarily protection against viruses, which almost every hacker creates day, on the second new functions. developers do not stand still; they, of course, improve their software products. they add a variety of features, you, of course, will want to use the calculator, for example, to call again, suddenly. but here is an important detail: compatibility of the update and the gadget on which it is downloaded. i had an old phone that was probably seven years old and it worked great until i upgraded it one day. new software, which is designed for much more advanced phone models, on the old one the phone will work, but not very correctly. experts advise. update the operating system of smartphones older than 3 years, plus difficulties may arise with
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reinstalling applications. payment systems on our phones do not work; if we have to restore a purchase, we physically cannot do this and the working software may stop working for us. if we don't know exactly what updates will bring us, we can often break our computer or break our phone. this is what the screen looks like after unsuccessful updates: such equipment needs to be repaired, hence the main question. for an update, it’s been available to me for about a year and a half, well, you haven’t updated it, you’re for
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updating, but you haven’t updated your smartphone, yes, but i’m happy with the smartphone, hence the opinion that both it experts agreed on, if works well, don't touch it, maria kuskova, andrey ivanov, ilya saesh, dmitry gordienko, channel one. if you need to update furniture or parquet, in general, anything wooden, maybe a special wax will help to hide scratches or chips. for furniture, how to choose it, why it is needed, why the soldering iron has anything to do with it, in general, how it all works, we will find out immediately. it’s a childhood dream to hit and scratch furniture, and you won’t get anything for it, it’s an experiment. we test wax for furniture, it comes in different forms, which one to choose depends on the damage. small scratch on glossy surface. a marker will help, there is varnish there, you see, the glitter masks the defect,
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a touch is suitable for small chips, it is liquid enough to fill shallow damage to match the rest of the surface, it’s best to initially sand it a little, after which we apply our touch , a soft chalk is also suitable for this, but if the dent is large, you need a masking pencil, a masking pencil is the same wax for furniture, it just has the shape of a child’s chalk, it’s convenient for them clean up. the harder it is, the deeper the damage it can mask. one inconvenience: you need a soldering iron. with its help, you can close a fairly deep dent layer by layer. the effect of any wax is camouflage, it will not hold the same load as the wood itself, therefore, both strokes and markers, and soft, hard crayons will work equally on a functional and decorative surface, they will be erased with sufficient contact, the price of the product often plays a role here. if things are going to spoil, it’s better to take something universal and cheap. markers and strokes
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are more suitable for places where the structure is not damaged; only the color needs to be restored. and if you need to restore something once in a while... it’s always better to buy something more expensive, such products do not change color over time. nikola lesnikov, dmitry likhachev, anton remenny, vladimir popov, channel one. cognac. old barrel is a product of the stellar group. fast food. you can scold him as much as you like, but from time to time we all buy some delicious, high-calorie burgers or fries. or nuggets and answering the question in the affirmative: do we need sauce, such small jars, it seems to me, well, just like that, it ’s so tasty everything, these potatoes, all these nuggets are becoming even better, how is it all made and can it be compared it's with homemade benefit and harm in general. we are conducting an experiment: we want to compare these sauces in small boxes, which are used by almost
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all fast food cafes, with their homemade counterparts. the main connoisseurs of such food, students, will help. their teacher is anastasia starostina. you can also cook it simply from tomato paste. ketchup also requires sugar, salt, vinegar, and spices. if you add more different seasonings you will get barbecue sauce. plus you will need a couple of ingredients to get the dark color and piquant taste. we will use soy sauce, worcestershire sauce. and under the potatoes - cheese. essentially, it is grated cheese dissolved in milk. the flour needs to be powdered; it will serve as a natural thickener. also add turmeric so that the color becomes recognizable, deep yellow, the three most popular sauces are ready, you can compare them with factory versions, where and which ones were immediately figured out, i liked the homemade ones better, cheese ketchup prepared in the kitchen received more votes, in the case of barbecue opinions
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were equally divided, that is, on the table there were fresh sauces made from natural products, but many still... gave preference to the store-bought analogue, well, i don’t know, well , it’s somehow more familiar, i liked store-bought ketchup better, it’s richer in taste, of course, it’s a matter of composition, the ingredients on the labels are similar, but with the obligatory set of those same foods, among them flavorings, the body tends to get used to, to get used to the bright and unforgettable taste, also thickeners that give a viscous texture, and maybe dyes.
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expiration date too, but who will look at all this if the food on the tray smells like that tempting. yuri nesterov, nikolai krysanov, vasily yurov, channel one. we have in the form of cards, real plastic ones or in the form of applications, a huge number of all kinds of bonus offers, from stores, from all sorts of hairdressers and other things, and bonuses, bonuses, bonuses are accumulating there, and is it possible, for example? not to exchange for a discount, but for real money, maybe this? i don’t know, but i know for sure that scammers are actively taking advantage of the fact that we have these cards, who are they? the number is unfamiliar, i think it’s a scammer again, it will be something like this. hello, he's calling you a bank manager, a clinic employee,
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a tax representative, a local police officer, is actually a fraudster in order to deceive you. here is a new scam scheme. now thieves have begun to pose as employees of stores, such as those that have bonus cards for their regular customers. the scammer tells us that we are running a unique promotion. the store gives customers the opportunity to collect bonuses in cash, and they can do this right now. you only need to say the full plastic card details and monetized bonuses. they will immediately transfer money to it, don’t even think about doing this, it’s a scammer talking to you, not a single store will monetize bonuses, they are given only to sell more goods. remember , you can only pay part of it with bonuses, for example, 20% of the purchase amount is a markup for the product, that is, the store owner will not
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lose anything, but will give you new bonuses that will need to be spent within a certain period of time so that they don’t... this is just a marketing ploy, it stimulates sales, and scammers promise to monetize bonuses to find out your plastic card details, so we add the caller’s number to the blacklist. we forget about it. the australian open tennis championship continues. what news is there, how our athletes began their performances at this prestigious tournament, a colleague from the sports editorial office of channel one, dmitry terikhov, knows for sure. the first week of the australian open tennis championship turned out to be extremely difficult for the russian participants, but still three of them managed to reach the quarter-finals. daniel medvedev starts almost every grand slam tournament as one of the favorites. in melbourne, a twenty-seven-year-old muscovite. he played twice in the decisive match, but has not yet won the title, perhaps this time danilo will smile on luck. at the start, the first racket of russia was opposed by the frenchman teren satman, who, with the score 7-5-2-6-4-6-01, refused to
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continue the fight, citing a leg injury. in the second round, medvedev had to save the situation. fin emil rusuvori took the first two games 6-3-7-6. at an incredible cost effort, they managed to turn the meeting over and gain the upper hand in 4.5 hours, 6:4 7-6, 6:0. after that. there was a relatively easy match with felix ojaaljasim from canada 6-3-6-4-6-3, daniil had to spend a little more effort on the portuguese nun borges 6376 5761. in an ideal situation , a russian final could happen at the australian open 2024. in the second part of the bracket , andrei rublev advances to meet medvedev. he had problems with the brazilian thiago wilde in the first round. 7 5 6 4 3 6 4 6 7 6, followed by two convincing victories. over us representatives. christopher eubanks, a twenty-six-year-old native of the russian capital, beat sebastine korda, the son of the triumphant
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australian open twenty-six years ago, peter korda, in three sets with the same score 6:4. rublev won 6.2 76 64. the confrontation with local favorite alex dominor lasted for five the games remained for the russian 6:4, 6:7, 67, 63, 6.0. in the women's singles, only 1/4 of the russians managed to reach. nikolinskaya defeated american hatew in the first round volynets 6-3-3-6-6-2. in the second - oranchiy rus from the netherlands 6-1-75. in the third - another representative of the united states. sloane stephens, winner of the ueis open 2017. 67-61-64. and finally, in the fourth round, jazmine paulini from italy 6-4-6-2. thus, the twenty-five-year-old muscovite made it into the top eight at the main tournaments of the season for the first time. it is impossible not to note the performance on the courts of melbourne. young mira andreeva, who created a real sensation. the sixteen-year-old russian woman scored three victories, including over ounjaber from tunisia, who has played in
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the final of grand slam tournaments three times in recent years. only the eleventh racket of the world, barbara krejcikova, was able to stop the best newcomer of 2023 according to the wta in the czech republic. good morning, dear tv viewers, thank you for welcoming this morning in our company, sergey babaev and olga ushakova are with you today. tuesday came the twenty-third. january, by the way, today is international handwriting day, or handwriting day. oh, please tell me, when was the last time you wrote by hand, that’s exactly what you wrote, you didn’t sign for the courier invoice, and didn’t fill out some form , maybe even in block letters, they just wrote, well, at least a page, it’s difficult, at school, at school they definitely wrote, but on the keyboard of a computer and a smartphone, we type text every day , voice assistants for... you don’t need to do anything with your hands, you just said everything, and yet experts say that writing by hand is incredibly important for brain development. writing down your thoughts by hand
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, or at least a plan for the week, is the best exercise for effective brain function. u our brain has such a feature, and the more we strain it, the better it works for us. there are only two options in the central nervous system: excitation and inhibition. the letter is just the first one. they called us , dictated some information, we can type it into the phone, or we can write it down on some piece of paper or in a diary, this will already help, in each entry there is a character, so the pragmatic storyteller and lawyer, hoffman, carefully wrote, and so sweeping and artistic singer chaliapin, unobvious in the middle zone under... loops in the letters b or c or above the loops in the letters z or d? if the middle zone is very large, inflated, this is such a big, big me, and if
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the middle zone is too small, yes, then most likely the person has downright low self-esteem. but if handwriting is about character, it turns out that we work on handwriting, work on ourselves when you are sad, and if you just start smiling, after some time, right? connections in the opposite direction also work, yes, the mood, state, changes, improves, but here the principle is the same, write larger if you are often embarrassed. be more legible if you think that no one understands you, but there is no point in writing it out like a copybook. people very often think that such a beautiful calligraphic handwriting is great, yes, in fact this is not entirely true, we seem to measure beauty a little differently, yes, this is specific, yes, yes, because the more, written out in your handwriting, the more opinion-oriented you are, even professional calligraphers don’t write
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in calligraphic handwriting in real life... elena anfimova once made out banquet cards in a restaurant, the client paid and asked receipt, i draw it out with a ballpoint pen, like a chicken’s paw, there i received the money and the clients look at me, they say, if i saw this, i would never hire you as a calligrapher in my life, it’s just different, calligraphy is more of a drawing, creativity, and not working with information in the central nervous system , the process of inhibition, also an important life hack from the artist, open the blank. notes, exhale, think, what epithet should i use to express my opinion, with all the monograms, fluorishes, strokes, write what you think at the moment, relieves stress, in general, by hand complete benefit, no matter how you look at it, varvara fedorova, denis dzharov , channel one, these finnish athletes staged unusual competitions the other day, played
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basketball, and even... with the rule, but not with a sword, they used tennis rackets, familiar to and with a small ping-pong ball, and himself, it turned out unusual, funny, users of the world wide web were completely delighted. our program continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the information service of channel one to find out what’s new in the country and in the world. one o'clock, news on the air, see you again soon. this is the news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the artillery of the group of troops of the center destroyed strongholds and accumulations of equipment of ukrainian formations in the krasnolimansk direction, in total about 170 targets were hit, three drones were shot down by air defense systems, here are the shots taken during the battles for the liberation of marinka , t-90m tank breakthrough
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of the southern group of troops is active. armed forces of ukraine and anti-tank complex. and a shot from the main gun destroyed one of strong points, having withstood a direct hit from this already kupinskaya direction, there the destruction of fortified dugouts and the enemy, occupied by the crew of the t-80 bv group west. every day there are new combat missions, first of all supporting our motorized riflemen going on the assault. we worked in closed firing positions on enemy dugouts, on lightly armored vehicles, battle, we rolled out directly three on two, so we held the victory, direct contact, it was hot, of course scary, we took a fist, gathered our courage and gave artillery to the paratroopers in the kherson region dnepr groupings of troops destroyed a branch
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of the ukrainian armed forces. while at a guard post, with skillful actions, he repelled an attack by a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the ukrainian armed forces. as for the ukrainian units, they have nothing to shoot with, they are exhausted and losing morale, mercenaries and the united states, who are fighting on the side of the kiev regime, told the american publication hill about this. biden's $60 billion aid bill to ukraine has been stuck in congress since the fall, and now the soldiers of fortune are unsuccessfully knocking on doorsteps in washington
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to... come on, that's what they're saying the soldiers of fortune themselves. he spoke about the lack of weapons and ammunition, about the low morale of ukrainian soldiers on the front line. another mercenary reported an insufficient number of serviceable rifles and that there was not enough time for training and preparation. little or none at all, about the strong dependence on non-profit organizations that provide body armor, helmets, boots, walkie-talkies, night vision devices and even provisions, in the same way... in the situation of french mercenaries, of which there are many in ukraine, despite the fact that paris is from denies it with all his might, all because mercenary activity has been prohibited in the fifth republic for 20 years, but there are loopholes in the law and facts that can no longer be hidden. let me remind you that recently in kharkov
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, a temporary deployment point was destroyed by a russian high-precision weapon, where at least sixty soldiers of fortune from france were killed. as it turned out, among them were representatives of the military elite. the media reports that the son of a brigadier general and another member of the military were killed. dynasty in total according to a source of russian agencies in ukraine from since the beginning of the conflict, over 300 mercenaries arrived from france; 130 died. the need to coordinate steps to solve pressing problems in the middle east in the transcaucasus, as well as the implementation of key russian-turkish projects in the energy sector, was discussed by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov with his ankara counterpart kakan fedan. the negotiations took place at the un headquarters in new york, where lavrov. was the day before to participate in a security council meeting on the situation in ukraine and debates on the middle east problem. event in the red sea and gas sector became the central topic of the meeting of the head of our diplomacy with iranian foreign minister hassein amir abdalahian, and
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lavrov had earlier conversations with the heads of the foreign ministries of lebanon and indonesia. st. petersburg and elena region are in the grip of a powerful snowstorm. the roads are so swept away by special equipment. cannot cope while she is clearing one area, the other is already covered with snow, while a very strong wind is blowing, gusts reach 20 m/s, this car spun so much on an icy highway, as if it were a toy, the driver miraculously did not flew into a ditch, barely managing to brake , cars are slipping, traffic jams are growing, and motorists are losing their nerves, standing in traffic jams from dusk to dawn is unbearable, so some people abandon their cars right on the side of the road, after a couple of hours there is already a snowdrift in place, in which the outline ...
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18 flights were unable to land, they flew in circles over the region, and then were forced to leave for alternate airfields . an increased level of weather danger continues to operate in the region; today, according to the forecast , a snowstorm will cause ice on the roads, although it is warmer up to 3°. as soon in the capital after frosts already on wednesday and thursday +1, by the weekend -4-6. and that’s all for now, today is january 23, a very, very tasty, appetizing holiday in all respects, international day of pies, or just a pie, a big pie, oh, let’s celebrate today, let’s celebrate, yes, well, right now let’s find out what the forecast is our astrologers have prepared for us, january is the turning point of the twelfth and thirteenth lunar days, the ninth day of the sun, like yesterday, fast and energetic, at the same time businesslike, sensible, you can to say smart, he will help organize something, put it in order, establish useful contacts, this day is very good for
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everything related to the house, property and household, and he is also responsive and sensitive, as they say, a broad soul, the other side of that but medals, he is quite sensitive when we perceive everything too sharply... it’s easy to hurt, hurt, offend, a lot of time on such days is consumed by empty conversations, gossip breeds, something or someone interferes in our affairs. aries this may happen at some point start getting angry, but there’s no need to get angry, just do what you think is necessary, everything will work out. among other things, there will be a chance to learn something, gain some new knowledge or skill, or even make a small discovery. guests may arrive in the evening. this day will help taurus overcome some obstacle and get rid of something that interferes. and slows down, this is a very good day to achieve something from the authorities, the evening seems to want to invite you somewhere. the twins may have some kind of acquaintance, here the luminaries are obliged to warn: today it is very easy to make mistakes about people, about business, be a leader, be patient, calm and
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be more attentive while driving, especially on ice. cancers may learn something that will change their plans, the day is generally one of those when you have to do not what you want, but what circumstances and duty dictate, but you will be... grateful, and the evening will reward you for everything. leo is having an ambiguous day, as far as work, career earnings are concerned, everything is not bad and even more than that, but on the personal front some nonsense is possible, stupid grievances, a break-up with someone close to you, take action. a very good day for the virgins, things will go well for those who create something with their own hands, a small profit is possible. you may also be praised for something or noted in some way. only virgin men, don’t argue with the ladies today, there’s no point. scorpios will have a chance to move something
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forward, strengthen their authority, and some will discover a previously dormant talent. as for office romance, the stars don't really like this idea, but it's up to you to decide. sagittarius may have some important conversation ahead of them. if you want it to end something constructive, remember that there is such a word as compromise. otherwise, the day is quite successful, the evening will be absolutely excellent. capricorns are simply sparkling today. it’s easier for her that what seemed vaguely complex
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will help to clarify something, unravel it, establish relationships with someone, and if you can’t decide to open your heart to someone, do it today, good luck to you, dry air is dangerous, right? choose a humidifier, food chemistry, why do we need betacaratin, why does grub increase blood pressure, the program to live healthy always. ready to help, today on the first. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. today is our family evening: celebrity guests with their wonderful parents. that's it, let's rest. i started acting when i was seven. honestly, i'm not helping.
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on saturday on the first. if i lived in shanghai,
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i would probably feel like the heroine of some reality show. cameras make our lives comfortable. we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters left on the street. look at the material, the perfect seams, this is original. why is it cheaper? champs elysees do you buy them? locals love to show off and wear branded items, albeit fake. the lives of others. premiere on sunday on
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the first. who in your family washes the dishes? one can increasingly hear the answer to this question: not who, but what? dishwasher. and this is a brilliant invention. how many conflicts can be avoided, how much time is freed up. it is important to choose the right products so that they are effective, high-quality, safe and preferably inexpensive. we will test tablets, powder, gel, capsules. and at the same time salt rinse aid for this household appliance. first salt, then detergent. and finally, rinse aid. is it really impossible to wash dishes in the dishwasher without all this complex chemical set? let's figure it out together. in principle, you can work without rinse aid, but most likely without rinse aid, firstly , some stains of the detergent itself will remain on the dishes. not necessarily, but there is a possibility. well, the dishes will not shine. in general, the rinse aid, as a rule, now comes with a washing
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sill, when two in one, additionally there is no need for a rinse aid, there are three-in -one products with salt, but here it is more difficult, why is it needed, thanks to it the detergent. it foams better because the water becomes softer, only the dishwasher has its own built-in softener, the filter actually exists and works fully immediately after purchase, but over time it begins to lose its properties, and it is the salt that helps maintain its working condition, though only the one that is poured in separately, the three-in-one tablet does not reach, it only gives foam. for washing, salt can be taken from three tablets in one, directly for the portion of dishes that we are now washing, but the machine will lose its properties because of the filter. the ion exchange filter , which actually prepares the water, will not be restored, it will lose its properties, that is, salt is needed in order for the filter to retain these functions, otherwise there will be build-up under hard water , a leaky hose and expensive repairs, so it is advisable to use salt , add a kilogram every six months. now let’s talk about
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the form in which the detergent itself is more effective. in the form of gel, powder, capsules, tablets, is there a fundamental difference? they are all approximately the same in composition, there is such a thing as a contact surface, and it is better, of course, when our substance has a more crumbly structure, or it is even liquid, then it will, well, interact much better with what is in dishwasher and remove dirt. simply put, the gel powder will work faster and more efficiently than the capsule and tablet, but this only matters if the work cycle short, look, set it for 30 minutes. here is the result from the tablet, on a glass. stains , here you can see that the bottom is greasy , here there are leftover food, it’s dirty, the utensils are also greasy, the powder gels worked great, it creaks, it ’s good, it’s gorgeous, in half an hour the tablet capsule
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simply doesn’t have time to completely dissolve, that’s when the cycle is long, the difference it’s not visible, that is, we take into account the time; we remember the main thing, you definitely shouldn’t pour regular dishwashing detergent into the machine. foaming has increased a little in the machine and foam gets in just a little bit on the floor, but in principle the dishes remain clean. ruslan gunyaev, nikita kulakov, anatoly brikalov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. do you know that in our country an experiment has begun on labeling certain types of cosmetics and household chemicals, this applies to makeup products, hair care products, all sorts of shaving products, deodorants, soaps and washes. funds, this is important to everyone, yes, but why is it needed, and what will it give us consumers and how will all this happen, let’s figure it out right now. cosmetics of the same brand, but the prices are so different, for example, this cream in large chain stores is almost 7.00 rubles. in small towns it is several times
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cheaper from one and a half thousand, the original is written. the company invests a lot of time and resources to get quality products, yes. this is our laboratory and testing , a fake may be there with an unknown composition, and a fake, of course, carries risks primarily for health, but it is now impossible to verify the authenticity 100%, for this, cosmetics and household chemicals need to be labeled as clothing, medicine or perfume, then you will have to prove the quality of the product and his safety. cosmetics have such a dense folder of permitting documents in order for a certificate to get onto the market at all.
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this factory already had such experience with perfume, but with it it’s easier to find a place for marking on mascara or lip pencil , it’s more difficult, as an option to change the design or put it in a box, the time for everything is a little more than a year, but despite the fact, that additional costs are expected for the same ink and printing paper, prices should not skyrocket. if we talk about perfumes, we had insignificant. an increase in the cost of production, but again, here are my colleagues in production, they always tend to improve processes and minimize costs, i hope that in this case we will work from the same perspective. as a result , then, using the unique data matrix code , it will be possible to track the path of the product from the manufacturer
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to the store’s checkout, in contrast to the barcode, which is the same for all identical products, and this one is individual for each unit. as a result , the buyer will be able to scan the code in the application for an honest sign and thereby verify originality of the product. if it's something else, then the application is immediately in red, it's you. it’s wrong and the person sends complaints directly from the application so that the next person doesn’t stumble upon this either. the application shows the name, brand, volume, manufacturer and even importer, then there is no doubt, a suspiciously low price does not mean that the product is counterfeit, unless, of course, the low price for well-known brands remains. anna obrosimova, dmitry likhachev, channel one. winter this year is snowy and frosty, and in many, many regions it is still, well but what else? the second half of winter has begun. march is also generally not a spring month for us in terms of climate, so public transport must run exactly on schedule,
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it must be warm, comfortable, convenient for everyone, and of course it must be modern, and i am glad that such transport is getting more and more. kamyansk-uralsky, sverdlovsk region, about 164 thousand inhabitants, one of last year’s problems, lack of public transport, there were small buses during peak hours, the buses were packed. in showrooms from january passengers have more freedom in the city: 17 new buses, large capacity, closing problem routes, more room to stand , more comfortable, natural both standing and sitting, much warmer while you drive to work and back , at least you are already warmed up, the cabins are climate controlled, it’s not cold in winter, in summer it won’t be hot, there are usb connectors for video surveillance security, you can charge your phone, and what’s important for people with limited mobility are separate seats and low floors, a bus. with kneeling system. this system allows you to tilt the bus at a stop in side of the doors for ease of disembarking and boarding passengers. gas-powered buses, compared to
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oil-fueled vehicles, have almost a third less emissions. public transport is being updated throughout the country. all thanks to the national project for safe, high-quality roads. since january, 25 new large- class buses with 100 seats have been installed in sochi. on this route, the problem with overcrowded cabins was solved. each bus carries more than 300 passengers per day, more than one and a half thousand passengers per week, as in khamensk and ural, transport is gas-powered, there is climate control, video surveillance, without looking in the mirror i can see everything from the cameras, what’s going on at my stops, what’s going on in my cabin, when the bus arrives at the stop, you can find out in the smartphone application, as part of this program in february we will receive another 26 units of the same comfortable buses, and that’s already it? the rostov region received 40 new electric buses, passengers are happy. the movement process itself, acceleration, and smoothness are very
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good. every 80 km, charging at the station. total for the national project only in the past almost 4,500 new buses, trolleybuses, trams and electric buses arrived in different regions this year. 240 units of this type of transport were delivered for the first time. evgeny pelyakov, elena savina, channel one. the down jacket is probably the most popular winter clothing. some models of down jackets, according to manufacturers, will withstand frost down to -30. convenient, practical and most importantly warm. well, we use the same things from winter to winter and notice that they somehow stop heating. what does this come from? maybe we ourselves become kind of frozen as we age, or, on the contrary, we somehow take care of our down jackets incorrectly. we bought a down jacket, after a couple of years it barely warms up. why, let's figure it out in the laboratory, they brought an old winter jacket and a thin windbreaker, pay attention to the seams of the product, they are of poor quality, the material begins
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to peel off from the seam and the seam begins to separate, it naturally does not fully hold and seal the entire structure, if there is fluff inside, it is through such stitches will come out completely, there are fewer fillers, the body is colder, the denser the stuffing, the better it holds it’s warm, but after a while even the thickest down jacket often loses its... here we have the main concentration of our insulation, in this position there is nothing at all , that is, what can this talk about, we don’t have a bag there, there’s no fastening for fastening insulation, that is, these stitches all over the jacket are not for beauty, in each such compartment there is a bag with filler, the smaller it is, the longer the contents will not roll off, here the space allowed, the insulation has migrated, let's look from the inside, already it’s not a pity, it still became cold in the jacket. the insulation here is in a completely free state, because of this we see that such wave-like states occur in the process of wear.
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we cut the windbreaker, why didn’t the polyamide roll up in it? it is made here in the form of a non-woven fabric, which is ideally segmented in the cell that the manufacturer intended, due to the fact that this fabric is better held together in this cell, has a certain strength, elasticity, but the material is the same. synthetic if examine identical threads under a microscope, check the outer layer, the blue jacket absorbs all the moisture, the insides also suffer accordingly, the white one again turned out to be more reliable. so, when buying, we look at the material of the top layer, the quality and number of seams. the more there are, the longer the fluff will stay in place. then everything depends on the use, not only how often we wear the item, but also how we wash it; if incorrectly, the service life is reduced. we study the label, the badge is dry cleaning only, we take it there, and we wash the rest in the machine. down jackets at a temperature of no more than 40°. it is advisable to use gels for down jackets. they are
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highly soluble and therefore allow. clean this product well, be careful with the dosage, read how much to add on the bottle, if you overdo it, the gel will not be washed out, the filler will stick together. by the way, you can spin down jackets at a maximum of 700 rpm. if you see that your product did not spin out the first time, it is better to repeat the spin cycle, but in no case add more speed, because you will ruin the product. with all this the filler can still roll off. there is a life hack: tennis balls will help break it, if you put them in the dryer along with the product, you won’t have to fight. with lumps by hand. legia belyanska, ilya ridkazubov, andrey aksenov and dmitry gordienko, channel one. our good, cheerful morning continues and the time has come to find out what got into the networks of our ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky. as always, the coolest, most popular touching videos. according to a long-standing tradition, we start with cats. this couple decided to play in the field of miracles, however... you see, according to your cat rules. for
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lack of a drum, the animals took the owner's drum. vodka, and while it’s spinning, the likes are dripping and dripping, 3.5 million have already arrived, how will the dogs respond, meet the dog named maverick, he became famous for the fact that he likes to spy on his neighbors, enormous popularity, why, because users the world wide web is shared, this is his curiosity, but who doesn’t like to find out what ’s going on with their neighbors, really, well, yes, here’s the hero of our next video, a horse named george, he lives in australia and his favorite activity: away from cacti, away from violent cats, otherwise you might end up naked, but let’s hope the underwear isn’t made of balloons or
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inflatable. when someone sneezes in transport , in another public place, everyone around gets tense, but it is understandable, yes, germs fly away, germs can be dangerous, this is on the one hand, but on the other hand, doctors say that sneezing is useful, at least for the person who sneezes, it is also pleasant, in addition, sneezing is one of those processes that, well, cannot be stopped, and it’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open, i checked, it never works, no one succeeds, but in general you still have to sneeze, let’s do it right. and they also ask you, when you sneeze, are you sick? colds are just one of the reasons for sneezing, the second is an allergic reaction, well, this is a slightly different mechanism, but in principle again the protective reflex is triggered, we want to get rid of what irritates our nervous system, makes us sneeze, through irritation nervous system, bright light
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and temperature changes, mechanical irritants, for example, pepper or dust - the third reason. the speed of air flow when sneezing is about 130 km/h, the pressure in the bronchi of the trachea increases to 75 kg per square cm. there is a danger of damage; in any case, damage will be checked incorrectly. yes, you need to do this without pinching your nose, because our nasal cavity communicates with the eustachian tube with the cavity of the inner ear; if we have such high pressure here, it is through the eustachian tube. rises in the ear, that is what could this mean in the end? damage to the eardrum, it can simply burst, and it is also possible to increase intraocular pressure, rupture of the trachea, damage to the larynx and fracture of the ribs, so in order not to cause harm, sneeze into yourself, let the air escape, the etiquette expert also supports, you need to sneeze, you don’t need to to contain it, there are so many delicious things around,
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drinks, food, then suddenly... that same sneeze attacks, if suddenly we want to sneeze, it’s better to use a textile napkin and sneeze a little to the side, not over the table, not over the food and not towards the interlocutor, the same is the case with paper napkins, and if there is neither one nor the other, it turns out that we must use our hands, in no case do we use our right hand, because then we often say hello hey, we can use the left palm, covering both the nose and mouth, this is of course a last resort, or... we use the crook of the elbow. the same rules apply in any other public place. what to do with the sound? with the sound, just try to reduce it. but if suddenly it turned out to be a loud sneeze. then it’s best to apologize to others, remember that it’s not necessary to say “be healthy” at all, especially in public places, and no one should be offended, this is these rules.
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nikolai lesnikov, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, yulia bykova, channel one. our program continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the information service of channel one to find out what ’s new in the country and in the world by this time. news on air, see you again soon. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. artillerymen from the center group of troops destroyed strongholds and accumulations of equipment of ukrainian formations in the krasno-limansk direction; in total, about 170 targets were hit, and three drones were shot down by air defense means. made during the battles for the liberation of maryenka, the t-90m tank broke through the southern group of troops , actively maneuvering and firing, the lead vehicle , equipped with a trawl, overcame a minefield, penetrated the first line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces and, with a shot
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from the main gun, destroyed one of the strong points, withstanding a direct hit from anti-tank complex. and this is the kupinsky direction, where the t-80 bv crew of the west group is busy destroying fortified areas of the enemy’s dugouts every day. in the kherson region, artillery paratroopers of the dnieper group of troops destroyed a branch of the ukrainian armed forces in a strong point on the right bank of the dnieper. strikes from 152-mm howubs were carried out on aerial reconnaissance coordinates, among
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priority targets, as well as enemy mortar crews, ammunition depots and boat stations. considering the situation on the line of combat contact, command errors and how as a result of the huge loss, kiev officials are racking their brains about where to get more people to send to the front line and of course. they are looking abroad, where millions of ukrainians have gone , that the eu should stop supporting refugees and send them back, said sergei leshchenko, adviser to the head of zelensky’s office, and added that they will have something to do at home. according to leshchenko, ukraine right now is losing a whole generation of young people who are rapidly integrating into the european environment, although in essence these youth are doing exactly what she was called upon to do, starting from the maidan. only this european integration is taking place separately from kiev. which the eu is already directly telling him has no place there. the eu has accumulated debt to countries that supplied weapons to ukraine, writes the spanish newspaper el paiz. we are talking about an amount of 7 billion euros.
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they began to figure out who owes what to whom against the backdrop of the failure of the so-called counteroffensive. more and more information is emerging about the shipment to kiev of essentially scrap metal unsuitable for combat. and another question, where does this weapon go? as is known, ukrainian officials are selling. tractors from all over the country went to vilnius, blocking roads, the reason was, among other things, cases when the authorities took away land from agricultural producers under the pretext of protecting the territory. in france, farmers are building
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barricades on highways. the authorities fear that the scale of the current protests can be compared with the yellow vest protests, when the whole country was shaking. the need to coordinate steps to solve acute problems in the middle east in transcaucasia, as well as implementation.
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a surprise awaits the latter: joe biden is not will be, he will not come, although he is listed as the main candidate, why is there no clear answer, voters were explained that the current owner of the white house will start the primary from south carolina, at the same time, residents of hampshire began to be disturbed by some strange phone calls, a voice similar to biden’s , advises not to go to the primary elections, as it turned out, biden in the phone is nothing more than a computer program, the authorities called it an attempt to disrupt. kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, magnitude 6.7, tremors were felt in all countries of central asia, as well as in in azerbaijan, everything happened at night, chandeliers were swinging in the houses, furniture was moving, people were running into the street in panic, eight people were injured in almaat, three were injured by jumping from the second and third floors, the rest by running out of the entrances. in the city , reception centers for citizens of the prischs worked all night.
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basically, they are all located in educational institutions, and therefore classes for first-shift students in schools and colleges were canceled today, and early in the morning there was a continuation, a new series of tremors, but not so intense. that's all for now, for now good morning to colleagues. this video blogger conducted an unusual experiment: he made a couple of nice snowboards from several layers of cardboard and glue, and then handed the boards over to his friends , athletes, extreme sports enthusiasts, for testing.
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you can eat eggs so that it is safe , so that there are benefits, the doctor sergei arsenin knows for sure, if you want to be healthy, start the day with fried eggs four times a week, i will explain why this is so, but first pay attention, i store the package of eggs in the refrigerator for shelf, not on the door, because here the temperature can even reach +10°, we need a maximum of 5° if the eggs are a farmer... it is important not to catch salmonella, this is a bacterium that causes many gastrointestinal diseases. we wash the shell with warm water and laundry soap. after this, we thoroughly clean our hands. if the eggs are factory-made, then they have already been treated with drugs against salmonella. what else do you need to know about this product? egg yolk contains the daily requirement of cholesterol, so one. a day
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is enough for an adult, remember, i said that fried eggs you should eat only four times a week, this is because you get cholesterol not only from eggs, but also from other foods, and too much is dangerous to your health. also, to prevent cholesterol from jumping during frying, we cook the dish in a non-stick frying pan without oil, but with egg whites. you can eat as much as you want, it is a valuable building material for cells, it is easier to digest than meat, it is useful at any age, especially in the elderly. we serve fried eggs with herbs and vegetables; with fiber, protein is better absorbed. exactly in this version in this quantity of eggs extremely useful and safe. bon appetit and stay healthy. for the ears.
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add minced meat from different types of meat, that is , minced meat comes from beef, mice, rats, rabbit is also added. a red book black jaguar cub is born at the izhevsk zoo for the second time. 2 years ago a male appeared, last year a female, naita, sleeps on the back of a large toy lion, her mother’s licking is replaced by a massage comb, it will be soft, fluffy and at the same time a calming effect. this is what he knows about those who... care for him very much
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tied to the veterinarian evgenia, but at the same time remains a wild animal. and this charming creature’s name is chippolinka, she is a cub of a black bearded mangabey. a flock of these rare monkeys has been living in the nizhny novgorod zoo for 10 years, but this is the first time they have a baby. we eat by the hour, that is, we have food every 3 hours. well, it’s already clear that she wants to eat. chapolinka's mother did not have milk. zoo staff had to take the cub and feed it with formula. in nature, the black mangabey is 4 months old. feeds on nectar throughout the year. in a zoo , nectar is replaced with compote and sweet fruits are given. the pear is her priority, it is bigger than her. a soft toy replaces the little monkey’s mother’s hug, a bright lamp imitates the hot tropical sun, and the technician’s hands represent the branches on which chipalinka learns to jump. monkeys are very good parents, mothers, aunties, fathers
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, all the time the child jumps in the enclosure, they all patiently endure it all, play with the child all the time, we also have to do this, so we constantly play as soon as possible. polinka will start feed on its own, it will return to the enclosure with its relatives. the long-eared kid, who was born in the siege of veliky ustyug, did not have to be resettled and bottle-fed, but special conditions were still created. the ugly ones of comoros are pakistan, and therefore they do not tolerate cold well, but they are very well adapted to heat, so we moved them to a warm enclosure where they will stay in the winter. although it is cold in the homeland of santa claus, but still... the little goat found himself in a warm environment, he is cared for, cared for and cherished. nazir nagumanov, elizaveta stoyanova, channel one. the committee of 300 or the world government, 300 of the most influential wealthy families , are hatching plans for a new world order. we have become
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prophets without realizing it. these people are so rich that they would make david rockefeller look like a pauper. the first serious creation of this community. the land of people and the dismemberment of russia into small principalities, while western hegemony exists in russia is impossible, the true masters of the dungeon or the 300 spartans, the dolls of the heir tutti, are on the first today. whiskey
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mancacher, a product of the stellor group, look carefully, you will recognize him, grandfather, prifagramo to the center, we have russian, money and gold do not interest me, you will go to russia today, return the sacred treasures of the nation, and from these treasures, my father, a lover of doom , you will excuse me, of course, but all this does not look very believable, there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, german, today is after the program time, a dragon for a poodle, this is not a toy for a dog, but this is a hairstyle that is offered execute russian grooming champion lyudmila romina , this is a funny option, isn’t it, anyone who has pets should watch it, but for everyone else, maybe mothers of daughters will also be interested, look how thick
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the poodle’s mane is, so that the fur gets less dirty, we’ll do a neat styling , i call her little dragon, first i comb her mane along the lines. hair from the head to the middle of the spine, to remove dead hair, i separate a strand of about 2x2 cm, collect it in a ponytail, fix it with an elastic band, after 2 cm i separate the next strand, i connect it to the existing ponytail and secure it with an elastic band. so, strand by strand we collect the dragon’s mane. look how neat the styling turned out. you can update it once a week after swimming. follow my recommendations and your doggie will be clean and well-groomed. now about such a terrible phenomenon as an avalanche. thousands, thousands of tons of snow
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fall from the mountain and rush, destroying everything in its path, with absolutely frantic energy. rescuers fight avalanches quite successfully, the main thing here is... to notice the danger in time. chiget, a mighty and very treacherous mountain, there is a high risk of avalanches here every winter. after such a snowfall, there usually remain stele layers, which... then develop and this is a time bomb, then they are the so-called avalanche-forming layers. you need to act proactively, shelling dangerous areas with the help of artillery pieces. the task is to destroy the points of critical snow accumulation in order to achieve this. the head has just come off. don’t allow it, because there is a road, parking and people below. we didn't work along the contours the greatest stress is where it breaks. we worked below in order to...
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the task is to fly up to the design location, literally hover and lower the capsule, the operator presses the start button on command, this is work in hard-to-reach places. there is another way: a hill in the village of chekhov, kholmsky district in 2022. there, under the fragile recrystallized snow , blizzard accumulation had accumulated, an avalanche could happen in
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the near future, classes at a neighboring school were canceled, specialists from the laboratory of avalanche and mudflow processes dug a trench across charges were laid on the snow visor. this is a controlled avalanche, this is what a forced descent looks like on the stone table mountain of the aibga ridge in the krasnodar territory. the rain season in russia is in full swing; meteorologists measure the snow level every day, and if it exceeds the norm, they call the anti-catch service. the work to prevent snowfall does not stop. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, channel one. you've probably noticed that your favorite phone and equally favorite computer offer constantly update some applications, sometimes daily, sometimes they don’t even offer anything, but update themselves without asking us. modern technology, in general. to live your life, do you really need these constant updates, or can you somehow manage without them? given a computer
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and a phone that constantly ask for updates , two it specialists, one for, the other, against, we will listen to both sides to make our decision, we have the software, it doesn’t matter, let’s draw it schematically like this, there is a whole range of it features, it has... protection, if the developers missed something, then vulnerabilities appear in the software, which of course need to be closed, it is impossible to close them except by updating the software. an update is, first of all, protection against viruses that hackers create almost every day, and secondly, new functions. developers do not stand still; they, of course, improve their software products and add various features to you. of course , you will also want a calculator, for example call on the phone, suddenly. but here is an important detail:
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compatibility of the update and the gadget on which it is downloaded. i had an old phone that was probably seven years old and it worked great until i upgraded it one day. new software, which is designed for much more advanced phone models, will not work very correctly on an old phone. experts advise not to update the operating system of smartphones older than 3 years. plus, difficulties may arise with reinstalling applications. they don't work for us payment systems on phones, if we have to restore the purchase, we physically will not be able to do this, and the working software may stop working for us. if we don't know exactly what updates will bring us, we can often break our computer or break our phone. this is what the screen looks like after unsuccessful updates. this equipment is in repair. hence the main question: by what criteria do we decide to update the application? operating system or not, we want everything to be as before, we are happy with something, we don’t update, we want something new
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user experience, then we update, but keep in mind that it's a risk and something can go wrong, right? 2-3% is a negative outcome of the update when it leads to loss of functionality. now an unexpected turn: when was the last time you updated your phone? you can see that it says update available here, so i’ve had it available for about a year and a half. well, you don’t update it, you are for updating, but you haven’t updated your smartphone, yes, but i’m happy with the smartphone, hence the opinion that both it experts agreed on, if it works well, don't touch it. maria kuskov, andrey ivanov, ilya saesh, dmitry gordienko, channel one. fast food, you can scold it as much as you like, but from time to time we all buy some delicious, high-calorie burgers, or fries, or nuggets. and answering in the affirmative the question, do we need sauce, such small jars, it seems to me that it’s just like that, it’s so tasty,
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all these potatoes, all these nuggets become even better. how do they do it all and can it be compared to homemade? benefit and generally in terms of harm. we are conducting an experiment: we want to compare these sauces in small boxes, which are used in almost all fast food cafes, with their homemade counterparts. the main connoisseurs of such food, students, will be helped by their teacher anastasia starostina. you can also cook it simply from tomato paste. ketchup also requires sugar, salt, vinegar, and spices. if you add more different seasonings you will get barbecue sauce. plus you will need a couple of ingredients to get it. dark color and spicy taste, we will use soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, and cheese sauce for potatoes, essentially it’s grated cheese dissolved in milk. the flour needs to be powdered; it will serve as a natural thickener. add turmeric there so that the color becomes recognizable, deep yellow. the three most popular sauces are ready and can be compared with factory-made
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versions. where and what? they figured it out right away, i liked the homemade ones the most, the cheese ketchup prepared in the kitchen, they collected more votes, but in the case of the barbecue , the opinions were equally divided, that is, there were fresh sauces on the table, as if made from natural products, but many still preferred the store-bought equivalent, well, i don’t know , well, it’s somehow more familiar, i liked the ketchup from the store better, it’s richer in taste, the point here, of course, is that the ingredients on the labels are similar. there are also thickeners that give a viscous texture, well, there may be dyes, that sauce that comes from a pack, from a store, it is brighter, richer, not even naturally red, what can we do, our
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brain loves everything bright, at this enterprise in belgorod regions prepare up to 150 per day tons of ketchup, which sells... with a bang, just imagine the scale of production, and we all use it, of course you need to follow a simple rule, experts remind you, look at the composition, the shorter it is, the better the product, and you will be surprised at these boxes that are given to fast food cafes, the composition is indicated, the expiration date is also there, but who will look at all this if the food on the tray smells so tempting. yuri nesterov, nikolai krysanov, vasily yurov, channel one. the australian open continues tennis. a colleague from the sports editorial office of channel one, dmitry terikhov, knows exactly what news there is, how our athletes began their performance at this most prestigious tournament. the first week of the australian open tennis championship turned out to be extremely difficult for the russian participants, but still three of them managed to reach the quarter-finals. daniil medvedev
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starts almost every grand slam tournament as one of the favorites. in melbourne, the twenty-seven-year-old muscovite played twice in the decisive match, but he has not yet won the title. submitted, perhaps this time danilov will smile on luck. at the start, the first racket of russia was opposed by the frenchman teren satman, who, with the score 7:5 26 46 01, refused to continue the fight, citing a leg injury. in the second round, medvedev had to save the situation. fin emil rusuvori took the first two games 6-3-76. at the cost of incredible efforts, the meeting was turned over and gained the upper hand in 4 and a half hours. 6:4 7-6 6:0. after that there was a relatively easy match with felix ojaaljasim and canada 6 3 6 4 63 a little more daniil had to spend his strength on the portuguese nun borges 63-76 5761. in an ideal situation , a russian final could happen at the australian open 2024. in the second part of the bracket , andrei rublev advances to meet medvedev. he had problems with the brazilian thiago wilde in the first round. 7 5 6 4 36 46 76, followed by two
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convincing victories over the us representatives. christopher eubanks, netherlands 6175, in the third is another us representative, sloane stephens, winner of the ues open 2017, six. 7 61 64 finally in the fourth round jazmine paolini from italy 64-62. thus, the twenty-five-year-old muscovite made it into the top eight at the main tournaments
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of the season for the first time. it is impossible not to note the performance on the courts of melbourne by young mira andreeva, who created a real sensation. the 16-year-old russian has three victories, including over ounjaber from tunisia, who has played in the final of grand slam tournaments three times in recent years. stop the best rookie of 2023 according to wt.
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the more we stress him, the better he gets. works for us. there are only two options in the central nervous system: excitation and inhibition. writing is just the first activating process, including memory, a good way to fix information in the head. they called us, dictated some information, we can type it into the phone, or we can write it down on some piece of paper or in a diary. this will already help, in each entry there is a character, as the pragmatic storyteller and lawyer, hoffman, carefully wrote. and so sweepingly and artistically the singer chaliapin, not obvious in
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the middle zone, under the loops in the letters b or c or above the loops in the letters z or d. if the bloated middle zone is very large, this is such a big big i, if the middle zone is too shallow. then most likely the person has downright low self-esteem, but if handwriting is about character, it turns out that we work on handwriting, work on ourselves when you are sad, and if you just start smiling, after a while, and step-relations in the opposite direction too they work, yes, the mood, the state, changes, improves, the principle is the same here, write larger if you are often shy, more legible if you think that no one understands you, but there is no point in writing it out like in a copybook, people very often think that such a beautiful calligraphic handwriting is great, yes, in fact this is not entirely true, we seem to measure beauty
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a little differently, yes this is surprising, yes, yes, because the more detail in your handwriting, the more opinion-oriented you are, even professional calligraphers in life do not write in calligraphic handwriting, once elena anfimova was decorating a banquet.
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here are the shots taken during the battles for the liberation of marinka tank t-90m breakthrough of the southern groupings of troops actively maneuvering fire, the lead vehicle equipped with a trawl
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crossed the minefield and penetrated the first one. defense of the ukrainian armed forces and with a shot from the main gun destroyed one of the strong points, withstanding a direct hit from an anti-tank complex. and this is the kupinsky direction, where the crew of the t-80 bv of the west group is busy destroying the fortified areas of a friend’s dugouts, every day there are new combat missions, primarily supporting our motorized riflemen going on the assault. they worked in closed firing positions, on enemy dugouts, on easy armored vehicles, battle. we rolled out directly 3:2, well, we won, direct contact, it was hot, of course, scary, we took a fist, got together with a friend and fought back, in the kherson region, artillerymen, paratroopers, dnieper troop groups destroyed a branch of the ukrainian armed forces in a strong point on the right bank dnieper, strikes from 152-mm howbaes were carried out on
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the coordinates of aerial reconnaissance in number. repelled the enemy's attempt to break through our defenses thanks to the competent actions of the commander, the soldiers destroyed 16 armored units technology. private igor trofimov, while at a guard post, skillfully repelled an attack by a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the ukrainian armed forces. concerning. ukrainian units, they have nothing to shoot with, they are exhausted and losing their fighting spirit, hill, mercenaries from the united states who are fighting on the side of the kiev regime, told the american publication about this. biden's $60 billion aid bill to ukraine has been stuck in congress since the fall, and now soldiers of fortune are unsuccessfully knocking on doorsteps in washington to convince legislators that everything yes to zelensky weapons. according to the mercenaries, ukraine is an excellent training ground for
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americans to test modern technology. and if the war ends, this training ground will be lost. so far, however, everything is moving towards this. here are the most common complaints. he spoke about the lack of weapons and ammunition, about the low morale of ukrainian soldiers on the front line. another mercenary reported an insufficient number of serviceable rifles, and that there was little or no time for training and preparation. about heavy dependence on non-profits organizations that provide body armor, helmets, boots, walkie-talkies, and night vision devices. vision and even provisions. the french mercenaries , of whom there are many in ukraine, are in the same position, despite the fact that paris denies this with all its might, all because mercenary activity in the fifth republic has been prohibited for 20 years, but there are loopholes in the law and facts that can be hidden is no longer possible. let me remind you that recently in kharkov , a temporary deployment point was destroyed by a strike from russian high-precision weapons, where at least 60 soldiers of fortune from france were killed. as it turned out, among them were representatives
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of the military elite. mass media'. the need to coordinate steps to solve pressing problems in the middle east in transcaucasia, as well as the implementation of key russian-turkish projects in the energy sector, was discussed by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov with his colleague.
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in the grip of a powerful snowstorm, the roads are swept up so that special equipment cannot cope, while it is clearing one area, another is already covered with snow, while a very strong wind is blowing, gusts reach 20 m/sec, this a car on an icy highway spun so much, as if it were a toy, the driver miraculously did not fly into a ditch, barely managing to brake, cars are slipping, traffic jams are growing, and the nerves of motorists are fraying, standing in traffic jams from dusk to dawn is unbearable, so some...
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an increased level of weather danger continues to operate in the region; today, according to the forecast, there will be a snowstorm and ice on the roads, although it will warm up to 3°, as soon in the capital, after frosts already on wednesday and thursday in moscow +1. by the weekend -4 -6. that's all for now. we are glad greet everyone who is meeting this beautiful winter morning in the company of channel one, with olga ushakova and sergei babaev. on the calendar, january 23, tuesday, our good, cheerful morning continues. and in moscow at vdnkh the grand exhibition forum russia continues. thousands of people visit it every day. and the total number is already more than 5 million. many people come
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as scientists, biologists, to plant unicellular algae, crustacean microorganisms in the water and carry out biocontrol of the environment, fascinating biology for the whole family. if you want a non-boring geography lesson at the stand of the russian geographical society, vr cinema, we continue to explore different parts of our country, on land, under water, from a bird's eye view. this week, according to the tuva beauty plan, you can also take part in a photo con.
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specialists who directly interact with the polar bear will tell stories, show photographs, show completely unique videos of drones flying over arctic territories, there is a lot of interactivity in the pavilion, you can catch plastic from lakes, there are interactive coloring books, or you can look at the post office, there is a reserve post office here, you can choose a postcard with images of national parks, nature reserves in... countries, employees of these territories will send a postcard from there, mine will be from the palestovsky reserve, this is a geographical greeting from pskov region, in the pavilion there will be a dream house, a week of financial
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literacy, master classes, children will be taught how to manage a budget, at the job fair you will be able to try on a profession, but that ’s not all, we will have meetings, actually dedicated to space, that is, we will build houses on the reverse side. have you been playing with your whole family for a long time? here at the exhibition you can do this in every pavilion, an excellent opportunity to spend time usefully and with pleasure. maria nikolaeva, denis panmarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one. many things make me happy, first of all, traveling, traveling around the country, when everything is fine with your loved ones. our lands, our fields, our forests, our daisies, meadows, flowers, trees, this is all our
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native land, this is the only country in the world, whom i love and will love very much sincerely. as a child, i loved to braid pigtails and ponytails for dolls, and now i want to become a hairdresser, so i have a house in the center and... i am surrounded by five churches, when the bells ring, my mood becomes even better. love our beautiful, huge country, there are a lot of opportunities in it, as soon as you understand this, they will come to you. i am incredibly glad that i live in such a country and can travel around our russia. cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. today, january 23, is very, very tasty, appetizing, in all relations holiday, international pie day, or just a pie, a big pie, oh, let's celebrate today, let's celebrate, yes, right now, let's find out what forecast our astrologers have prepared for us, january 23,
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the turning point of the twelfth and thirteenth lunar days, the ninth the day of the sun, like yesterday , is fast and energetic, at the same time businesslike and sensible, one might say intelligent, will help to organize something, put it in order, and establish useful contacts. this day is very good for everything related to the home, property and household, and it is also responsive and sensitive, as they say, wide. soul, the other side of the same coin, he is quite sensitive, when we perceive everything too acutely, we are easily hurt, hurt, offended, a lot of time on such days is consumed by empty conversations, gossip breeds, something or someone interferes in our affairs , aries - this may at some point start to make you angry, but there is no need to get angry, just do what you think is necessary, everything will work out, among other things, there will be a chance to learn something, gain some new knowledge or skill, or even make a small opening, in the evening guests may come to see you. this day
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will help taurus overcome some obstacle, get rid of something that interferes and slows them down. this is a very good day to achieve something from your superiors; the evening seems to want to invite you somewhere. the twins may have some kind of acquaintance. and here the luminaries are obliged to warn. today it is very easy to make mistakes in people. about business. drive with patience, calmness and attentiveness while driving, especially on ice. cancers may learn something that will change their plans. day. generally from those when you have to do not what you want, but what circumstances and duty dictate, but you will be grateful, and the evening will reward you for everything. leos are having an ambiguous day, as far as work, career earnings are concerned, everything is not bad, and even more than that, but on the current front, some nonsense is possible, stupid grievances, a break-up with someone close to you, take action. a very good day for virgos, things will go well for those who create something with their own hands, a small profit is possible. you may also. to praise for something or somehow note, only virgin men, don’t
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argue with the ladies today, it won’t do any good anyway. libra may have some prospects in the business sphere, but it is important not to rush to carefully weigh everything. in fact , all this may turn out to be a soap bubble and be careful with sharp tools. scorpios will have a chance to move something forward, strengthen their authority, and some will discover a previously dormant talent. as for the office romance between the stars. i don't really like the idea, but it's up to you to decide. sagittarius may have some important conversation, if you want it to end with something constructive, remember that there is such a word as compromise. the rest of the day was quite successful, the evening will be absolutely great. capricorns today simply sparkle with charm and, of course, will be able to take advantage of it, and in general it’s one of those days when everything develops from good to better, especially in their personal lives. let's just do it without alcohol. aquarius is fine. on working tuesday, when everything goes according to plan, two
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pieces of advice from luminaries: first, be attentive to details, second, don’t take part in all sorts of intrigues from the category of whom we are friends with. aquarius and ladies, don’t get carried away with too bright cosmetics, you are already irresistible. a very powerful day for pisces, it will make things that seemed vaguely complex clearer and simpler, it will help clarify something, unravel it, and establish relationships with someone. and if you don’t dare to open your heart to someone, do it today. good luck to you! who in your family washes the dishes? you can increasingly hear the answer to this question: no one, but what, a dishwasher? and this is a brilliant invention. how many conflicts are possible? avoid how much time frees. it is important to choose the right products so that they are effective, high-quality, safe and preferably inexpensive. we will test tablets, powder, gel, capsules, and at the same time salt rinse aid. for these household appliances, first salt, then detergent
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and finally rinse aid. is it really impossible to wash dishes in the dishwasher without all this complex chemical set? let's figure it out together. in principle, you can work without rinse aid, but most likely without rinse aid, firstly, there will be some stains from the detergent itself, then on the dishes, are not necessary, but there is such a possibility. well, the dishes will not shine. in general, rinse aid, as a rule, now comes along with a washing bottle, when two in one additional rinse aid is not needed, there are three-in-one products with salt, but here it is more complicated, what is it for? thanks to it , the detergent foams better, because the water becomes softer, only dishwashers have their own built-in softener, filter, they really do have one and work fully immediately after purchase, but over time it begins to lose its properties, and it is the salt that helps maintain its working condition, although only the one that is poured separately does not reach the three-in-one tablet, it only gives foam for washing.
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of course, when our substance has a more crumbly structure, or it is generally liquid, then it will, well, interact much better with what is in the dishwasher and remove contamination; in other words, powder gels will work faster and more efficiently than a capsule and a pill, but that only matters if
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the work cycle is short, look, we set it for 30 minutes, here is the result of the tablet , there are stains on the glass, here you can see that... the bottom is greasy, there are leftovers of food, it’s dirty, the devices are also greasy, the gel powder worked perfectly, it creaks, that’s good, gorgeous, in half an hour the tablet capsule simply does not have time to completely dissolve, but when the cycle is long, the difference is not visible, that is, we take into account the time, remember the main thing is to pour regular dishwashing detergent into the machine. definitely not worth it, there is a slight increase in foam formation in the car, and the foam a little bit of it gets on the floor, but in principle the dishes are clean. ruslan yunyaev, nikita kulakov, anatoly brikalov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. do you know that in our country an experiment has begun on labeling certain types of cosmetics and household chemicals. this applies to
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makeup products, hair care products, shaving products, deodorants, soaps and detergents. this is important to everyone. yes, but what is this for? and what this will give us as consumers and how all this will happen, let’s figure it out right now. cosmetics same brand, but the price is so different. for example, this cream in large chain stores costs almost 700 rubles. in small towns it is several times cheaper from one and a half thousand, the original is written. the company invests a lot of time and resources to produce quality products. yes, this is our laboratory and testing. a fake may have an unknown composition, and a fake , of course, carries risks primarily for health, but it is now impossible to verify the authenticity 100%; for this, cosmetics and household chemicals must be labeled as clothes, medicines or perfume, that is, you will have to prove the quality of the product and its safety. in
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cosmetics there is such a dense folder of permitting documents so that it can even get onto the market, there are certificates of conformity, a declaration of safety, and laboratory tests. and much more, all this is checked in the private mark marking system before issuing the code to a specific legal entity. both domestic and foreign goods will be labeled by the manufacturers themselves, brand holders or importers. already more than 90 of them take part in experiment. we must examine the packaging, we must understand where it is more convenient to apply this marking, so that it is optimal from a cost point of view. next, we look at how convenient it is to control that the code you applied is... read, this factory already had such experience with perfume, but with it it’s easier to find a place for marking on mascara or lip pencil , as an option, change the design or put it in a box, the time for everything is a little more than a year, but despite the fact that additional expenses are expected for the same ink and
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printing paper, prices should not skyrocket. if we talk about perfumes, we had a slight increase in production costs. here, but again, here are my colleagues in production, they are always inclined to improve processes and minimize costs, i hope that in this case we will work from the same perspective. as a result, then using the unique “dataamatrix” code it will be possible to track the path of the product from the manufacturer to the cash register of the store, unlike a barcode, which is the same for all the same goods, and this one is individual for each unit. as a result, the buyer will be able to scan the code. an honest sign into the application and thereby check the originality of the product; if it is something else, then the application immediately highlights it in red, and the person directly from the application sends complaints so that the next person does not come across it either. the application shows the name, brand, volume, manufacturer and even importer, then
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there is no doubt, it’s suspicious, a low price does not mean that the product is fake, if, of course, low prices for well-known brands will remain. anna obrosimova, dmitry likhachev, channel one. winter this year is snowy and frosty. it’s still the same in many, many regions ; we’ve only just begun the second half of winter. march is also generally not a spring month in terms of climate, so public transport must run exactly on schedule, it must be warm, comfortable, and convenient for everyone. yes, and of course, it should be modern, and i’m glad that it is. kamyansk-uralsky, svertlovsk region. there is more and more transport. about 16,400 inhabitants. one of last year's problems was the lack of public transport. there were small buses during peak hours , there were buses that were packed, since january passengers have more freedom in the passenger compartments, there are 17 new
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high-capacity buses in the city , they are closing problem routes , it’s more spacious to stand, it’s more comfortable, it’s natural to stand and sit, it’s much warmer while you’re going to work and back at least you're already warming up. the salons have climate control, it is not cold in winter, it will not be hot in summer, for the security of video surveillance there are also usb connectors, you can charge your phone, and what is important for... gas-powered buses, compared to oil- fueled vehicles, have almost a third less emissions. public transport is being updated throughout the country, all thanks to the national project for safe, high-quality roads. sochi has had 25 new large class buses since january. seats, on this route the problem with overcrowded cabins was solved, each bus carries more than 300 passengers per day, more than one and a half
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thousand passengers per week, as in khamensk, ural, gas-powered transport has climate control, video surveillance, without looking in the mirror , i can see everything from the cameras, what’s going on at my stop, what’s going on in my cabin, when the bus arrives at the stop, you can find out in the smartphone application, as part of this program in february we will receive another 20.. . six units of the same comfortable buses, and this is the rostov region, received 40 new electric buses, passengers are satisfied, the process of movement itself, acceleration, smoothness is very good, charging at the station every 80 km, in total according to our project only in last year, almost 4,500 new buses, trolleybuses, trams and electric buses arrived in different regions, 240 units of this type of transport were delivered for the first time. evgeny pelyakov, elena savina, channel one. a down jacket is probably the most popular winter clothing,
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some models of down jackets , according to manufacturers, will withstand frost down to -30, they are comfortable, practical and most importantly warm, well, we use the same things from winter to winter , we notice that they somehow they stop heating, why does this happen, maybe we ourselves become some kind of miraculous as we age, or, on the contrary, we somehow take care of our down jackets incorrectly. we bought a down jacket, after a couple of years it barely warms up. why, let's figure it out in the laboratory. they brought an old winter jacket and a thin windbreaker. pay attention to the seams of the product. these are low quality. the material begins to peel off from the seam and the seam begins to separate. naturally, it does not fully hold and seal the entire structure. if there is fluff inside, it will completely come out through such stitches. there are fewer fillers, the body is cooler. the denser the padding, the better it will hold. of our insulation, in this position there is no insulation at all
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, here we have the main concentration of nothing, that is, what can this talk about, we don’t have a bag there, there is no fastening to secure the insulation, that is, these stitching all over the jacket is not for beauty, but in each such compartment there is a bag with filler, the smaller it is, the longer the contents will not roll off; here the space allowed the insulation to migrate. let's look from the inside, it's no longer a pity, it still became cold in the jacket, the insulation here is in absolutely free state, because of this we see that we have such wave-like states during the wear process, we cut the windbreaker, why didn’t the polyamide roll up in it, here it is made in the form of a non-woven fabric, which is ideally segmented in a cell, which the manufacturer intended, due to the fact that this is a canvas, it is better held together in this cell, a certain strength, elasticity, but the material is the same, synthetics, if you look at the same threads under a microscope, they checked the outer layer, blue jacket
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absorbs all the moisture, the insides also suffer accordingly, white again turned out to be more reliable. so, when buying, we look at the material of the top layer, the quality and number of seams. the more there are, the longer the fluff will stay in place. then everything depends on the use, not only how often we wear the item, but also how we wash it, and if it’s wrong, we reduce it. service life, we study the label, the dry-clean only badge, we take it there, we wash the rest in the machine, down jackets at a temperature of no more than 40°. it is advisable to use gels for down jackets, they are well soluble, therefore they allow you to clean this product well, be careful with the dosage, read how much to add on the bottle, if you don’t wash the gel out too much, the filler will stick together, by the way , you can wring out down jackets at a maximum of 700 rpm, if you see. to prevent your product from being wrung out the first time, it is better to repeat the spin cycle, but in no case add more speed, because you will ruin the product. with
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all this, the filler can still roll off. there is a life hack, i’ll help you break it down. tennis balls if you put them in the dryer together with the product, you won’t have to deal with lumps manually. legia belyanska, ilya ridkazubov, andrey aksenov and dmitry gordienko, channel one. when someone sneezes in transport, in another public place, everyone around gets tense, but it’s understandable, yes , germs fly away, microbes can be very dangerous, this is on the one hand, but on the other hand, doctors say that sneezing is healthy , at least for the most sneezing person, and it’s also nice. in addition, sneezing is one of those processes that, well, cannot be stopped. and it is impossible to sneeze with open with my eyes, i checked , it never works, no one succeeds, but in general you still have to sneeze, let’s do it right, they also ask you when you sneeze, are you sick, colds are just one of the the reasons for sneezing, the second allergic reaction, well, this is a slightly different mechanism that is triggered, but in principle again the protective reflex is triggered,
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we want to get rid of what irritates ours. that the nasal cavity communicates with the eustachian tube with the internal cavity ear, if we have such high pressure here, it rises through the eustachian tube in the ear, that is, what could this mean in the end? damage to the eardrum, it can simply burst, and it is also possible to increase intraocular pressure, rupture the trachea, damage the larynx and fracture the ribs, therefore, in order not to cause harm, sneeze into yourself and let
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the air escape. expert on... we need to sneeze, we don’t need to hold it back, there are so many delicious things around, drinks, food, then suddenly that same sneeze attacks, if we suddenly want to sneeze, it is better to use a textile napkin and sneeze a little to the side, not over the table, not over the food and not towards the interlocutor, the same is the case with paper napkins, and if there is neither one nor the other, it turns out that we should use ours hands, under no circumstances are we... in a public place, what should we do with the sound? with the same rules work in any other sound, just try to reduce it, but if you suddenly get a loud sneeze, then it’s best to apologize to those around you,
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remember that saying bless you is not at all necessarily. especially in public places, and no one should be offended, this is these rules. nikolai lesnikov, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, yulia bykova, channel one. we will see each other again soon, but for now we will find out what is new in the country and in the world by this time. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. this is news first. in the studio, maria vasilyeva, hello! the artillerymen of the group of forces of the center destroyed a total of strong points from the accumulation of equipment of ukrainian formations in the krasnolimansk direction about 170 targets were hit by air defense systems; three drones were shot down. and here are the shots taken during the battles for the liberation of maringa, the t-90m tank breaks through the southern group of troops, actively maneuvering and firing. the lead vehicle,
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equipped with a trawl, overcame the minefield and penetrated the first line of defense. and with a shot from the main gun destroyed one of the strong points, withstanding a direct hit from an anti-tank complex. and this is the kupinsky direction, where the dugouts and the enemies are busy destroying fortified areas crew of the t-80 bv group west. every day there are new combat missions, first of all supporting our motorized riflemen going on the assault. we worked in closed firing positions, against enemy blends, against lightly armored vehicles, combat, we directly. rolled out 3: 2, so we won, direct contact, it was hot, of course, scary, they took the varnish, gathered their courage and fought back, in the kherson region , artillerymen and paratroopers of the dnieper group of troops destroyed a branch of the ukrainian armed forces in a strong point on the right bank of the dnieper, attacks from a 1502mm howbe was applied to the coordinates
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aerial reconnaissance is among the priority targets. integration is taking place separately from kiev, which the eu is already directly saying has no place there. the eu has accumulated a debt to countries that supplied weapons to ukraine, writes the spanish newspaper el paiz, amounting to 7
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billion euros. they began to figure out who owes what to whom against the backdrop of the failure of the so -called counteroffensive. more and more information is emerging about the shipment of essentially scrap metal to kiev, unsuitable for combat, and another question: where are these weapons going? as you know, ukrainian officials sell to the left everything that only they can. it is not yet possible to restore order. brussels plans to create a fund to help kiev; it is expected that through it ukraine will receive 5 billion euros a year. and all this at the expense of taxpayers, who find it increasingly difficult. there is a wave of restocking in europe. in estonia, there is a protest by school teachers. and tomorrow the strike will cover the entire education sector. the government spends its time in endless negotiations. in lithuania, tractors from all over the country went to vilnius, blocking roads, including cases when the authorities took away land from agricultural producers under the pretext of protecting territories. in france
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, farmers are building barricades on highways. the authorities fear that the scale of the current protests can be compared with the yellow vest protests, when the whole country was shaking. farmers are protesting in the netherlands, romania and poland. in germany , the railways will stop working again this wednesday. compromise. the conflict in ukraine is a computer game for members of the european parliament, where they press buttons when they approve the supply of weapons, and then read reports on the screen about losses, about this was stated by the representative of slovakia milan urik. according to him, the west acts this way because we are talking about the slavic people and does not want to notice that the conflict is destroying the whole of europe. urik called for an end to military aid. he reminded his colleagues that one counteroffensive in ukraine had already failed, but a second was unlikely to happen. by the way, other european parliamentarians agree with this. in the united states
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today there are primary elections in the state of new hampshire, the primaries will be held simultaneously for republicans and democrats, but the latter are in for a surprise. joe biden won't be there, he won't will come, although he is listed as the main candidate. why is this so, there is no clear answer? voters were explained that the current owner. countries of central asia, as well as in azerbaijan. it all happened at night: chandeliers were swinging in the houses, furniture was moving, people were panicking and running into the street. in almaat , eight people were injured, three were injured
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by jumping from the second and third floors, the rest by running out of the entrances. in the city , reception centers for citizens were open all night, mostly all of them are located in educational institutions, and therefore classes students in the first shift in schools and colleges were canceled today. a continuation followed early in the morning. a new series of tremors, but not so intense. chicken egg, a real superfood. all experts say this, but on the other hand, the same experts say that this very superfood contains a lot of cholesterol. but for complete happiness there is always something missing. i remember that as a child i cooked myself scrambled eggs from five eggs, and my dad really invited me. and he knows for sure how many eggs you can eat so that it is safe and there are benefits. doctor sergei arsenin. if you want to be healthy, start your day with fried eggs four times a week. i'll explain why this is so. but first, please note that i store the package of eggs in the refrigerator on a shelf, not on the door,
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because here the temperature can even reach +10°, we need a maximum of 5°. if the eggs are farmed, it is important not to contract salmanella; this is a bacterium that causes many gastrointestinal diseases. shell with warm water and laundry soap, then thoroughly clean your hands; if the eggs are factory-made, then they have already been processed. drugs against salmonella. what anything else you need to know about this product? egg yolk contains the daily requirement of cholesterol. so one per day is enough for an adult. and remember, i said it's not good for your eye to eat just four times a week. this is because you get cholesterol not only from eggs, but also from other foods, and too much is dangerous to your health. also for cholesterol.
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did not jump when frying, we prepare the dish in a non-stick frying pan, without oil, but you can eat as much egg white as you want, this is a valuable building material for cells, it is easier to digest than meat, it is useful at any age, in the elderly , especially, we serve fried eggs with herbs and vegetables with fiber, the protein is better absorbed, and in this version in... the quantity of eggs are extremely healthy and safe. bon appetit and stay healthy. dry air is dangerous. how to choose the right humidifier? chemistry of food? why do we need betakaratin? why does brab increase blood pressure? the program to live healthy is always ready to help. today is the first one. cognac monte shock, a product
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of the stellor group, what else am i, or the brotherhood stern male revolutionaries, on whose love and devotion my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs, love.
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limonov is bored walking with everyone else; limonov is a bit of a boy on the contrary. matador, eduard savenko in search of love on friday on the first. if i lived in shanghai, i would probably feel like the heroine of some reality show. cameras make our life comfortable; we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters left on the street. look at the material, the perfect seams, this is original. why is it cheaper? but you don’t buy them on the champs-elysees, do you? locals love to show off and wear branded items, albeit fake. if you are one minute late with your delivery, will you have any problems or? yes, it is, that’s why the guys sometimes beg clients to forgive them, sometimes even falling to their knees. are you a unique man, a manicurist? there are many of us here. do you like going to a man?
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i love it, i advise everyone, here this phrase “ice cream for the children, flowers for the woman” does not work, because ice cream with vodka , it’s a best-seller for us, there’s a deception all around, just ice cream with lemon, the lives of others, the premiere on sunday on the first, a long-eared pakistani goat, a bearded mangabey cub and a newborn black jaguar, a bearded cub sounds very exotic, of course, but that’s all these are the babies who have appeared in different zoos in our country, let's get to know them , hello, naita, hello, hello, how did you spend the night, did you miss you? find only 4 months old, but she is a little black jaguar, and means hunter. at first we fed her with a special mixture, and then we began to add minced meat from different types of meat, that is, minced meat comes from beef, from mushes, from rats, rabbit is also added. a red book black
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jaguar cub is born at the izhevsk zoo for the second time. 2 years ago a male appeared, last year knight’s female, she sleeps on the back of a large toy lion, her mother’s licking is replaced by a massage comb. it will be soft, fluffy and have a calming effect at the same time. knight knows those who are for she looks after her and is very attached to the veterinarian evgenia, but at the same time remains a wild animal. and this charming creature's name is... chippolinka, she is a cub of a black bearded mangabey, a flock of these rare monkeys has been living in the nizhny novgorod zoo for 10 years, but this is the first time they have a baby, we eat by the hour, that is... we have had food for 3 hours already, well, you can already see it what she wants to eat. chapolinka's mother did not have milk, so zoo staff had to take the cub and feed it with formula. in the wild , black mangabeys feed 4 months a year nectar. in a zoo, nectar is replaced with compote and sweet fruits are given. pear is her
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priority, she loves it more. a soft toy replaces a little monkey's mother's hug. a bright lamp imitates the hot tropical sun, and the artist’s hands are depicted. branches along which chipalienka learns to jump. monkeys are very good parents, mothers, aunties, fathers, everyone, the child jumps around in the enclosure, they all patiently endure it all, play with the child constantly. we also have to play like this all the time. as soon as chapolinka starts eating on her own, she will return to the enclosure with her relatives. the long-eared kid, who was born in the ambush of the great ustyug , did not have to be resettled and bottle-fed, but special conditions were still created. the comoros' homeland is pakistan, and therefore they do not tolerate cold well, but they are very well adapted to heat, so we moved them to a warm enclosure where they will stay in the winter. although
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it is cold in the homeland of santa claus, the young goat finds himself in a warm environment, he is cared for, cared for and cherished. nazir nagumanov, elizaveta stoyanova, channel one. we have, in the form of real plastic cards or in the form of applications, a huge number of all kinds of bonus offers from stores, from all sorts of hairdressing salons and other things, and bonuses, bonuses, bonuses accumulate there, and is it possible to exchange them, for example, not for a discount, for real money? , maybe this is the case, i don’t know, but i know for sure that scammers are actively taking advantage of the fact that we have these cards, who are they? the number is unfamiliar, i think it’s a scammer again, it will be something like this. hello, the bank manager, a clinic employee, is calling you, the tax representative, the local police officer, is actually a fraudster in order to deceive you. here is a new scam scheme. now thieves have begun
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to pose as employees of stores, such as those that have bonus cards for their regular customers. the scammer says: we are running a unique promotion: the store gives customers the opportunity to collect bonuses in cash, and this can be done right now, you only need to say the full details of the plastic card and the monetized bonuses will be immediately transferred to it, even don’t think about doing this , the scammer is talking to you, not a single store will monetize bonuses, they are given only to sell more goods, remember, you can only pay a part, for example, 20% of the purchase amount is a markup for the goods, then there , the store owner will not lose anything, but will give you new bonuses that you will need to spend within a certain period of time so that they do not burn out. this is just a marketing ploy, it stimulates sales, and
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scammers promise to monetize bonuses in order to find out your plastic card details, so we add the caller’s number to the black list and forget about it. now about such a terrible phenomenon as an avalanche, thousands, thousands of tons of snow fall from the mountain and rush, destroying everything in its path, with absolutely frantic energy, rescuers fight avalanches quite successfully, the main thing here is to notice the danger in time. chiget, a mighty, very treacherous mountain, here every winter there is a high risk of avalanches, after a snowfall like this , there are usually left behind layers that then develop and... this is a time bomb , these are the so-called avalanche-forming layers. you need to act proactively, shelling dangerous areas with the help of artillery pieces. the task is to destroy the points of critical accumulation of snow, so that this, but only just
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the head, melts away. don’t allow it, because there is a road, parking and people below. we did not work along the contours of the highest stress, where it breaks. we worked below in order to have very powerful breaks. we need to destroy these layers, in fact, even if the avalanche does not go down, from the explosion of the shell, the snow is nailed, glued to the slope, like whatman paper with buttons to the wall, was presented, point work, point 20, 3.16 + correction 19.34. there is no danger of an avalanche on sakhalin yet, but the ministry of emergency situations employees are preparing, conducting training, and will remove snow using a bell-shaped anti-avalanche installation. it is attached to the helicopter on a twenty-meter cable, the principle of its use is the mixing of two gases, oxygen-hydrogen, launch from the wings, detonation, and a volumetric explosion occurs. the task is to fly up to the calculated location, literally hover
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and lower the capsule. operator on command press start. this is work in hard to reach places. there is another way - sopka in the village of chekhov, kholmsky district in 2022 , there, under the fragile recrystallized snow, blizzard accumulation has accumulated. the avalanche could happen soon. classes at a nearby school were cancelled. specialists from the laboratory of avalanche and mudflow processes dug a trench across the snow cap. they laid charges, this is a controlled avalanche, this is what a forced descent looks like on the stone table mountain of the aibga ridge in the krasnodar region. low season in russia is in full swing, meteorologists measure the snow level every day, and if it exceeds the norm, they call the anti-catch service. the work to prevent snowfall does not stop. dova, channel one. we are glad to welcome everyone who
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is meeting this beautiful winter morning in the company of channel one, with olga ushakova and sergei babaev. on the calendar, january 23, tuesday, our good, cheerful morning continues. and in moscow at vdnkh the grand exhibition russia forum continues. thousands visit it every day human. and the total number is already more than 5 million. many come once, twice, three times. you also find time to go, you won’t regret it. exhibition russia, what awaits us this week? it’s good that everything is great, let’s start with pavilion 57, the exhibition of the decade of science and technology, this week is dedicated to moscow state university. there will be lectures on quantum technologies, neurotechnologies, astrophysics, living systems technologies, as well as specialized master classes; in the scientific laboratory you will be able to feel like a scientist biologist and replant water in a single cell. algae, microorganisms crustaceans and conduct biocontrol of the environment, fascinating biology for the whole family.
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do you want a fun geography lesson at the stand of the russian geographical society, vr cinema. we continue to explore different parts of our country, on land, under water, from a bird's eye view. this week on the beauty plan of tuva. you can also take part in the most beautiful country photo competition. 11 nominations. everyone can try their luck. we have wonderful prizes, and from a prize fund of 250,000 rubles. before the opportunity to get on the expedition of the russian geographical society. in the naturegrad pavilion - days of protected areas. every day is dedicated to the work of the country's national park reserves. there are 177 of them in total. the week will begin with the day of the king of the arctic, the polar bear. a unique opportunity to listen to the stories of specialists who directly. interact with a polar bear, they will tell stories, show photographs, show completely
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unique videos of drones flying over the arctic territories. there is a lot of interactivity in the pavilion, you can catch plastic from the lake, there are interactive coloring pages, or you can check your email. there is a reserve post office here; you can choose a postcard depicting the national parks and reserves of our country. employees of these territories will send. a postcard from there, mine will be from the palestovsky nature reserve , this is a geographical greeting from the pskov region, in the pavilion there is a dream home - a week of financial literacy, master classes, children will be taught how to manage a budget, at the job fair you will be able to try on a profession, but that’s not all , we will have meetings, actually dedicated to space, that is, we will build houses on the far side of the moon, talk about environmental history, and build garbage. factories, and you have been playing with your whole family for a long time, here at the exhibition you can do this in every pavilion, an excellent
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opportunity to spend time usefully and enjoyably. maria nikolaeva, denis panmarev, stanislav yazhnyakov, channel one. you 've probably noticed that your favorite phone and no less favorite computer constantly offer to update some applications, sometimes daily, sometimes even nothing. offer, but they update us without asking. she generally loves modern technology. to live your life, do you really need these constant updates, or can you somehow manage without them? given, a computer and a phone that constantly ask for updates, two it specialists, one for, the other against. we will listen to both sides to make our decision. we have software, it doesn’t matter, let’s draw it schematically, it has a number of features, it has. protection, if the developers missed something, then
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vulnerabilities appear in the software, which, of course, need to be closed, closed except by updating the software. it is impossible to update - this is , first of all, protection against viruses that hackers create almost every day, and secondly, new functions. developers do not stand still, they, of course, improve their software products, and add various features, you, of course, will want to use the calculator, for example, to call again, suddenly. but here is an important detail - the compatibility of the update and the gadget, on which it is loaded. i had an old phone that was... probably seven years old, it worked great until i upgraded it one day. new software, which is designed for much more advanced phone models, will not work very correctly on an old phone. experts advise not to update the operating system of smartphones older than 3 years, plus difficulties may arise with reinstalling applications. payment systems on our phones do not work; if we
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have to restore the purchase, we we physically won’t be able to do this, and our working software communication may stop. work if we don’t know exactly what updates will bring us, we can often break a computer, break a phone, this is what the screen looks like after unsuccessful updates, such equipment needs to be repaired, hence the main question: what criteria do we use to decide whether to update an application or operating system or no? we want everything to be as before , we are satisfied with something, we don’t update, we want a new user experience, then we update, but we keep in mind that this is a risk and something can go wrong. that's right, 2-3% is a negative outcome of the update when it leads to loss of functionality, now an unexpected turn, when was the last time you updated your phone? you can see that it says here that an update is available, i’ve had it available for about a year and a half, well, you haven’t updated it, you’re for updating, but you haven’t updated your smartphone, yes, but i’m happy with the smartphone, and hence
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the opinion , in which both it experts agreed, if it works well, don’t touch it. maria kuskov, andrey ivanov, ilya saedzh, dmitry gordienko, channel one. if you need to update furniture or parquet, in general, anything wooden, maybe a special furniture wax will help hide scratches or chips. how to choose it, why it is needed, why the soldering iron has anything to do with it, in general, how it all works, we will find out immediately. it's a childhood dream to hit and scratch furniture. and nothing will happen to you for this. this is an experiment. we test wax for furniture, it comes in different forms, which one to choose depends on the damage. small scratch on glossy surface, a marker will help, there is varnish there, you see, the glitter masks the defect. for small chips , a touch is suitable; it is liquid enough to fill the shallow damage and make it even with
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the rest of the surface. it’s best to initially sand it a little, after which we apply our touch, a soft chalk is also suitable for this, but if the dent is large, you need a camouflage pencil. a masking pencil is the same wax for furniture, it just has the shape of a child's chalk, it is convenient for removing dents, the harder it is, the deeper the damage it can cause able to disguise. one inconvenience: you need a soldering iron. with its help, you can close a fairly deep dent layer by layer. the effect of any wax is camouflage; it will not hold. the same load as the wood itself, therefore, strokes, markers, and soft, hard crayons will work equally on a functional and decorative surface, they will be erased with sufficient contact, this already plays the role of a cost tool, for things that often spoil, it is better to take something universal and cheap, markers and strokes - more suitable for places where it is not damaged structure, but only
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the color needs to be restored, and if you need to restore something once and for all, it is better to take a more expensive one, such products do not change color over time. gololesnikov, dmitry likhachev, anton remenny, vladimir popov, channel one. fast food. you can scold him as much as you like, but from time to time we all buy some delicious, high-calorie burgers, or fries, or nuggets. and in the affirmative, answering the question: do we need sauce, such small jars, it seems to me, well, just like this, it’s so tasty, all this here potatoes, all these nuggets are getting even better. how do they all do this and can it be compared with at home? in terms of benefits and generally in terms of harm. we are conducting an experiment: we want to compare these sauces in small boxes, which are used in almost all fast food cafes, with their homemade counterparts. the main connoisseurs of such food, students, will be helped by their teacher anastasia starostina. you can also cook it simply from tomato paste. ketchup also requires sugar, salt, vinegar, and
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spices. if you add more different seasonings you will get barbecue sauce. plus you'll need a couple ingredients. to get a dark color and a piquant taste, we will use soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, and cheese sauce for potatoes, essentially this is grated cheese dissolved in milk, you need to posses it, it will serve as a natural thickener, and turmeric too, so that the color becomes recognizable, rich yellow, the three most popular sauces are ready, you can compare them with factory-made versions. where and which ones were calculated immediately. i liked the homemade ones the most. cheese ketchup prepared in the kitchen collected more votes, but in the case of barbecue, opinions were equally divided. that is, they were on the table. fresh sauces are definitely made from natural products, but many still preferred the store-bought equivalent. well, i don’t know, well, it ’s somehow more familiar, i liked the ketchup from
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the store better, it’s something, well, more rich in taste. the point here, of course, is that the ingredients on the labels are similar, but with the obligatory set of those same things, including flavorings. the body tends to get used to, to get used to bright and unforgettable tastes. another thickener.
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this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. the artillery of the center group of troops destroyed strongholds and accumulations of equipment of ukrainian formations in the krasno-limansk direction. in total, about 170 targets were hit. three drones were shot down by air defense systems. and here are the shots taken during the battles. for the liberation of marinka, the t-90m tank broke through the southern group of troops, actively maneuvering and firing, the lead vehicle, equipped with a trawl, overcame a minefield, penetrated the first line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces and fired
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from the main gun destroyed one of the strong points, withstanding a direct hit from an anti-tank system. and this is the kupinsky direction, there is the destruction of fortified enemy dugouts, occupied by the crew of the t-80 bv group west. every day there are new combat missions, primarily support. dnieper troops destroyed a branch of the ukrainian armed forces in a stronghold on the right bank of the dnieper. strikes from 152-mm geocent b gaubs were carried out on aerial reconnaissance coordinates among
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priority targets, as well as enemy mortar crews, ammunition depots and boat stations. and here are the names of the new heroes, participants in the special operation. a tank battalion under the command of captain ali alibekov repelled the enemy’s attempt to break through our defenses, thanks to the competent actions of the commander, the soldiers destroyed 16 units.
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there is little or no training and preparation, a heavy dependence on non-profit organizations that provide body armor, helmets, boots, walkie-talkies, night vision goggles and even provisions. the french mercenaries, of whom there are many in ukraine, are in the same position, despite the fact that paris is from denies with all his might, all because mercenaryism has been prohibited in the fifth republic for 20 years, but there are loopholes in the law and facts that are no longer possible to hide. let me remind you that recently in kharkov , a temporary deployment point was destroyed by a strike from russian high-precision weapons, where at least 60 soldiers of fortune from france were killed. as it turned out, among them were representatives of the military elite. the media reports that
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a brigadier general and another member of a military dynasty were killed. in total, according to the source of russian agencies in ukraine since the beginning during the conflict, over 300 mercenaries arrived from france, 130 died. the need to coordinate steps to solve pressing problems in the middle east in the transcaucasus, as well as the implementation of key russian-turkish projects in the energy sector, was discussed by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov with his ankara counterpart hakan fedan. negotiations took place. at the un apartment in new york, where lavrov arrived the day before to participate in a security council meeting on the situation in ukraine and debates on the middle east issue. events in the red sea and gas sector became the central topic of the meeting of the head of our diplomacy with the head of the iranian foreign ministry, hassein amir abdalahian. and earlier , lavov had conversations with the heads of foreign affairs departments of lebanon and indonesia. st. petersburg and the lenno region are in
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the grip of a powerful snowstorm. the roads are so swept away that special equipment, special equipment cannot cope, while it is clearing one area, another is already covered with snow, while a very strong wind is blowing, gusts reach 20 m/s, the driver spun this glee on the icy highway so hard, as if it were a toy miraculously did not fly into a ditch, barely managing to slow down, cars are slipping, traffic jams are growing, and motorists are losing their nerves; standing in traffic jams from dusk to dawn is unbearable, so some people abandon their cars straight away. on the side of the road, after a couple of hours there is already a snowdrift in place, in which the outline of the car is barely visible, in my opinion, the road, it’s shorter , you’ll even see something like this, they just abandoned the car , it’s still not visible, it’s as if special equipment will demolish it, at pulkovo airport due to strong crosswinds there were delays in departure and arrival, 18 flights were unable to land there the day before, they flew in circles over the region, and then were forced to leave for alternate airfields,
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the increased level continues to operate in the region. weather danger today, according to the forecast, a blizzard and ice on the roads, although it will warm up to 3 °, as soon in the capital, after frosts already on wednesday and thursday in moscow +1, by the weekend -4 -6. and that's all for now. the australian open tennis championship continues. what news there is, how our athletes began their performances at this most prestigious tournament, a colleague from the sports editorial office of channel one, dmitry terikhov, knows for sure. the first week of the australian open tennis championship turned out to be extremely difficult for the russian participants, but still three of them managed to reach the quarter-finals. daniil medvedev starts almost every grand slam tournament as one of the favorites. in melbourne, twenty-seven-year-old moskvich played twice in the decisive match, but has not yet won the title. perhaps this time danilo will smile on luck. at the start of the first racket of russia, the frenchman teren satman was opposed, who with the score 7:5, 2-6, 4-6, 01 refused from continuing the fight, citing a
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leg injury. in the second round, medvedev had to save the situation. fin emil rusuvori took the first two games 6-3-76, at the cost of incredible efforts, they managed to turn the match over and gain the upper hand in 4 and a half hours 6:4 7 6 6:0. after that, there was a relatively easy match with felix ojallassim from canada 6-3-64-63 . daniil had to spend a little more effort on the portuguese nun borges 6-3-76 57 61. in an ideal situation, it could happen at the australian open 2024. the final. in the second part of the grid on medvedev's meeting is being promoted by andrey rublev. he had problems with the brazilian thiago wilde in the first round. 7 5 6 4 3 6 4 6 76, followed by two convincing victories over the us representatives. christopher eubanks, a twenty-six-year-old native of the russian capital, beat in three sets with the same score 6:4, and rublev won sebastian corda, the son of the triumphant australian open, twenty-six years ago, petracorda, 6:2-7-6. 6:4
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the confrontation with local favorite alex dominor stretched into five games left behind the russian 6:4 6-7 6 7 6 3 6:0. in the women's singles, only anna kolinskaya managed to reach 1/4 of the russians. in the first round she defeated american katie wolynets 6-3-3-6-6-2. in the second - oranchiy rus from the netherlands - 61-75. in the third - another representative of the united states. sloane stephens, winner of the ues open 2017. 6-7.
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according to the wta, only the eleventh racket of the world, barbara krejcikova from the czech republic, was able to do so. good morning, dear tv viewers, thank you for welcoming this morning in our company. sergey babaev and olga ushakova. tuesday came on january 23 , by the way, today is international handwriting day, or handwriting day, but please tell me, when was the last time you wrote by hand, that’s right, you wrote, you didn’t sign the courier’s invoice and didn’t fill out some form , maybe even in block letters, they actually wrote, well , at least a page, it’s difficult, at school, at school they definitely wrote, but on the keyboard of a computer and smartphone we type text every day, we now write notes.
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fix the information in your head. us process, including memory, a good way of writing, just the first activating one called, dictated some information , we can enter it into the phone, or we can write it down on some piece of paper or in a diary, this will already help, in every entry character, so carefully written by the pragmatic storyteller and lawyer, hoffmann, and so sweepingly and artistically by the singer chaliapin, is not obvious.
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after some time, yes, neural connections also work in the opposite direction, yes, the mood, state changes, improves, but here the principle is the same: write larger if you’re often shy and picky if you think no one understands you, but there ’s no point in writing it out like it’s written down. people very often think that such a beautiful calligraphic handwriting is great, but in reality this is not entirely true, we seem to measure beauty a little differently, but there you go. this is amazing, yes, yes, because the more mm of writing in your handwriting, the more opinion-oriented you are. even professional calligraphers do not write in calligraphic handwriting in real life. once
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elena anfimova was preparing banquet cards for restaurant. the client paid and asked for a receipt. i draw out the paws of a chicken with a ballpoint pen, there i received the money and the clients look at me and say: if i had seen this, i would never have hired them in my life. yourself as a calligrapher, it’s just different, calligraphy is more of a drawing, creativity, rather than working with information in the central nervous system, a process of inhibition, also an important life hack from the artist. you open your notebook, exhale, think, what epithet should i use to express my opinion, with all the monograms, fluorishes, and flourishes, you write what you think at the moment moment, relieves stress. in general, handwriting is a complete benefit, no matter how you look at it. varvara fedorova, denis dzharov, channel one. today is january 23, a very, very tasty, appetizing holiday in all respects, the international day of pies, or
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just pie, a big pie. oh, let’s note, yes, well, right now, let’s find out what forecast our astrologers have prepared for us. january 23, the turning point of the 12th and 13th days, the ninth day of the sun, like yesterday, fast and energetic, at the same time businesslike and sensible, one might say intelligent, he will help you organize something, put it in order, establish useful contacts, this day is very good for everything related to home, property and household, and he is also responsive and sensitive, as they say, a broad soul, the other side of the same coin, he quite sensitive, when we perceive everything too acutely, we are easily hurt, hurt, offended, a lot of the time. such days consume empty conversations, gossip breeds, something or someone interferes in our affairs. this may start to make aries angry at some point, but there is no need to get angry, just do what that you think everything is necessary. everything goes well, among other things, there will be a chance to learn something,
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gain some new knowledge or skill, or even make a small discovery. guests may arrive in the evening. this day will help taurus overcome some obstacle, get rid of something that interferes and slows them down. this is a very good day to achieve something from your superiors; the evening seems to want to invite you somewhere. the twins may have some kind of acquaintance, the luminaries are obliged to warn about this. today it is very easy to mistake people about business. have patience calmness and more attentiveness while driving, especially on ice. cancers may learn something that will change their plans; the day is generally one of those when you have to do not what you want, but what circumstances and duty dictate, but you will be grateful, and the evening will reward you for everything. leos are having an ambiguous day, as far as work, career earnings are concerned, everything is not bad, and even more than that, but on the personal front there may be some nonsense, stupid grievances, a break-up with someone close to you.
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a small profit is possible, you may also be praised for something or noted in some way, only virgo men, don’t argue with the ladies today, it won’t be of any use anyway, libra may have some prospects in the business sphere, but here it is important not to rush to carefully weigh everything, in reality all this may turn out to be a soap bubble and be careful with sharp instruments, scorpios will have a chance. as for office romance, the stars don't really like this idea, but it's up to you to decide. sagittarius may have some important conversation ahead of them. if you want it to end with something constructive, remember that there is the word is compromise. the rest of the day was quite successful, the evening will be absolutely great. capricorns today simply sparkle with charm and, of course, will be able to take advantage of it. and in general, it’s one of those days when everything develops from good to better, especially in your personal life.
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let's just do it without alcohol. aquarius has a normal working tuesday, when everything goes according to plan. two pieces of advice from the luminaries. first, be attentive to details, second, do not participate in any intrigues based on whom we are friends with. aquarius and ladies, no get carried away with too bright cosmetics, you are already irresistible. a very powerful day for pisces, it will make clearer and simpler what seemed vaguely complex. the first serious creation of this community
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was the us federal reserve system. we are confronted by a ruthless conspiracy. both the head of the fbi and the head of the cia were participants in this whole case. mi6 is officially funded by the british royal family. they say that a small world is easier to rule. they advertise autonasia in every possible way for the sick and for the elderly. the usa is already under by the power of satan, that christ is no longer here. opium and then heroin. they don't hide their last names. the world is changing before our eyes, to understand
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it, to imagine what it will be like tomorrow, you only need to look back and take a closer look at the diversity of great human civilizations, the vast majority of which share the same values ​​as us. china has always been a developed country, and in the third century ad, in the seventh and seventeenth, the standard for china's development is a powerful, well-developed... economy. india is indeed on the one hand it is moving forward by leaps and bounds and developing advanced technologies, such as digitalization and the space industry. on the other hand, the country is striving to return to its roots. it is not that islamic civilization does not deny the achievements of other cultures and civilizations; on the contrary, it actively draws it into itself. almost all states understand the importance that africa will play in the 20th century. when the europeans thought they were discovering america, america was inhabited
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by people who were no worse than the spanish crooks and bandits, without the colonial wisdom of modern western europe simply. “we are the last ones left, if we weaken , if ours is destroyed, there will be no country that, spiritually, in its public life, is trying to preserve the laws of god, premiere, project of civilization from january 25 to thursdays, on the first. to the seventieth year of leonid ermolnik, in general, i acted in films for many years, i acted,
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let's test tablets, powder, gel, capsules, and at the same time the salt rinse aid for these household appliances. first the salt, then the detergent, finally the rinse aid, is it really possible to wash dishes in the dishwasher without all this complex chemical set?
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let's figure it out together. in principle, you can work without a rinse aid, but most likely without a rinse aid, firstly, some stains will remain. it’s not necessary to put one more product on the dishes later, but there is such a possibility, well, the dishes wo n’t shine, in general, rinse aid, as a rule, now comes with a washing bottle, when it’s two in one, no additional rinse aid is needed, there are three products in alone with salt, here it’s more difficult, why is she needed? thanks to it, the detergent foams better, because the water becomes softer, only dishwashers have their own built-in softener, the filter actually exists and works fully immediately after purchase, but over time it begins to lose its properties. and it is the salt that helps maintain its working condition, although only the one that is poured separately does not reach the three-in-one tablet, it only gives foam. for washing, salt can be taken from a three-in-one tablet, directly for the portion of dishes that we are now washing, but the machine this will lose its properties, because the filter will not be restored, so the ion on
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the exchange filter, which actually prepares the water, it loses its properties, that is , salt is needed so that the filter retains these functions and beginnings under hard water, leaky hose and expensive repairs, so it is advisable to use salt, add a kilogram every six months. now about the form in which the detergent itself is more effective in the form of gel, powder, capsules, tablets, is there a fundamental difference? by they are all approximately the same composition, there is such a thing as a contact surface, and it is better, of course, when our substance has a more crumbly structure, or it is generally liquid, then it will be uh. well, it’s much better to interact with what ’s in the dishwasher and remove the dirt. simply put, gel powder works faster and more efficiently than capsule and tablet, but this only matters if the cycle is short. look, set it for 30 minutes. here is the result from the tablet on the glass divorces. here you can see that the bottom is greasy,
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here are the remains of food. it's dirty, the cutlery is also greasy. gili powder worked great, it squeaks, that’s good, gorgeous! in half an hour , the tablet and capsule simply do not have time to completely dissolve, but when the cycle is long, the difference is not visible, that is, we take into account the time, remember the main thing, you definitely shouldn’t pour regular dishwashing detergent into the machine. the foaming in the machine is a little increased and the foam gets on the floor a little, but basically the dishes. pure ruslan yunyaev, nikita kulakov, anatoly brikalov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. winter this year is snowy, frosty, also in many, many regions so far, we have only already begun the second half of winter, march is also generally not a spring month in terms of climate, so public transport must run exactly on schedule, in it
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it should be warm, comfortable, comfortable for everyone. yes, and of course, it must be modern, and i am glad that such transport is becoming more and more common. kamenskursky, sverdlovsk region, about 164 thousand inhabitants, one of last year's problems - lack of public transport, there were small buses during rush hours, the buses were packed. from january passengers have more freedom in the passenger compartments in the city 17 new high-capacity buses are closing problem routes more spacious standing more comfortable natural and standing and sitting much warmer while you travel to work and back at least you are already warming up in the cabins climate control in the winter is not cold in the summer it will not be hot for safety there is video surveillance and usb connectors, you can charge your phone and, which is important for people with limited mobility, separate places and low bus floors. kneeling system. this system allows you to tilt the bus at a stop towards the doors for ease of disembarking and boarding passengers. gas-powered buses
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, compared to oil- fueled vehicles, have almost a third less emissions. public transport is being updated throughout the country. all thanks to the national project for safe , high-quality roads. since january, 25 new large-class buses with 100 seats have been installed in sochi. on this route, the problem with overcrowded cabins was solved. each bus carries more than 300 passengers per day, more than per week one and a half thousand passengers, as in khamensk , ural, gas-powered transport, there is climate control, video surveillance, looking in the mirror on the cameras i can see everything that ’s going on at my stops, what ’s going on in my cabin when the bus arrives at the stop , you can find out in the smartphone application, as part of this program in february we will receive another 26 units of the same comfortable buses, and this is already? the rostov region received 40 new electric buses, passengers are happy. the process of movement itself, acceleration, smoothness are very
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good. every 80 km charging at the station. in total, under the national project , almost 4,500 new buses, trolleybuses, trams and electric buses arrived in different regions last year alone. 240 units of this type of transport were delivered for the first time. evgeny pelyakov, elena savina, channel one. good morning, i try to exercise every day, but what should i do if i can’t get to training at all? now i’ll show you an exercise that you can do even while lying in front of the tv, support your head with your right hand, rest your left hand on the floor, legs bent, raise your right knee back. do not deviate to fix the torso, strain the abs and buttocks, return to the starting position, continue to move
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smoothly without jerking, and now we will complicate the exercise: raise the knee, straighten the leg, swing up diagonally, continue. we turn over to the other side. the exercise is not difficult, but if you do it regularly, you will strengthen the muscles of your hips and buttocks. so lie on your side to your advantage. a dragon for a poodle is not a toy for a dog, but a hairstyle that is suggested to be done russian grooming champion lyudmila romina. this is a funny option, is n’t it, yes, anyone who has pets should definitely watch it, as well as everyone else, maybe mothers of daughters will also be interested, look how
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thick the poodle’s mane is, so that the fur gets less dirty, let’s do a neat styling, i i call her little dragon, first i comb the mane along the hairline from the head to the middle of the spine to remove dead hairs, i separate a strand of about 2x2 cm. i collect it in a ponytail, fix it with an elastic band, after 2 cm i separate the next strand, connect it with with the existing tail, i secure it with an elastic band. so, strand by strand we collect the dragon’s mane. look how neat the styling is; you can update it once a week after bathing. follow my recommendations and your doggie will be clean and well-groomed. and with this our program has come to its end.
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thank you for spending this morning in our company. we wish you a great mood and a good day. sergei babaev and olga ushakova were with you. please stay with us on channel one right now on the air news. see you. this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, in this issue. steep turns, alligators and night hunters in the sky. and air magic is not just a machine, a comrade in arms who needs to find an approach. he’s
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alive, he understands us. complexes of superiority, impunity, what else is wrong with the united states, an interview with sergei lavrov in new york, the head of our foreign ministry also has a series of meetings with colleagues from friendly countries. they counted and shed tears, not for money, not for weapons. the european union summed up the results of military supplies the eu now owes the kiev regime 7 billion euros. and there will be even more. instead of cars and snowdrifts in the leningrad region, drivers abandoned their own. there is also a cyclone in moscow, what kind of weather it will bring, not running, but art. that 's it, my run is ready, i'm so happy.


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