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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 23, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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we really raised all the statistics we could about the effectiveness of different humidifiers, we found an article that shows that an ultrasonic humidifier makes it possible to actually increase the humidity in a room, but for this, conditions were created, that is, its container did not dry out, that is, they added there...
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the russian scientist was right, nothing is moistened, or are we just waiting? no, i think that in general the manufacturers did not set such a task, but that you are absolutely right and your experiment was a success, and it succeeds in all respects apartments, ran a bath, opened the door , humidified your room, that’s for sure, humidifiers require maintenance, it is fundamentally important to know what can develop there.
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which should work day and night, and if you have a bathtub, this is the best way to reduce the amount of flu viruses in your lovely home. that’s all for today, you and i had a good time, may you live a great life.
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hello, the information channel on the first starts working live, time will tell this program, in the studio of ruslan astashka, olesya loseva. powerful explosions this morning thundered in kharkov and kiev , the air raid warning sounded throughout ukraine, footage of an attack on kiev regime targets in kharkov was leaked online, part of kharkov was left without electricity and water after the explosions this morning, local authorities reported this, and local media also reported, that in ukrainian. there were about seven arrivals in the capital. in addition, ukrainian social media users report explosions in summy, pavlograd and dnepropetrovsk. according to military telegram channels, the attack was combined, among other things, cruise missiles were used x-1. all details immediately after a short advertisement. the best. new season. on sunday on the first.
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i think yes, of course, definitely air, because to work with alexey germann... of course it was a dream, they invited me to audition, then they didn’t call, i thought, probably not, i didn’t approach, and so i thought in despair, well here was an opportunity, unfortunately, probably not, look how the buildings are flying, it means everything is not in vain, this technology, completely unique to those that we tested, alexey german, one might say, a pioneer in this matter, my hero does five rotations, a barrel, a person who has clastrophobia, and you are there, impossible, yes, and you are in this very place, when alexey asked how long you could stand it, he thought that the girls were spinning, they it was difficult, i think, as much as you can say, we have never had anything like this before, of course, the paw podcast, today on the first one , bending over science, unexpected ways to reduce sugar, the birthday of canned beer,
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is there at least something good in it, pain period, we save people from pain, program live healthy, helps enlighten, tomorrow comes first. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the evacuation of theaters began in the late autumn of '41. our theater became the only group that deliberately remained in the besieged city. the muses were not silent. all 872 days in leningrad they sang operetta.
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like the artists, the bomb shelter, the performance continues, the premiere, the blockade run, on saturday at the first, it was a feat, a feat in the name of art, today we have a family evening, celebrity guests with their wonderful parents
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, artillery is shooting at civilians in the zaporozhye region, from the cannon infrastructure of the city, leaving residents without gas and electricity, today in the studio we have a unique opportunity to talk with evgeniy vitalievich baletsky, the head of the zaporozhye region, to ask you directly there how everything is in place it is perceived that these blows are constant from the dryers against the backdrop of the failure that they had in the counter-offensive, they are already openly talking about this in the west, how theirs is changing... hello, the fact that today the enemy is not turns out to be on the battlefield, today they are trying to compensate by hitting the infrastructure, and today even their forces are not enough to hit the entire infrastructure of the zaporozhye region, they
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are delivering targeted strikes on one area, precisely the one that is closest to the front line, this is the pologovsky district, this is an area in which today, of course, is largely damaged. infrastructure , first of all, electricity, because this city , in principle, the entire area is powered, gas comes through orekhova, that is, from the enemy, gas it’s not there today; the enemy knocks out the component using cannon artillery. today, of course, we have difficulties in this matter, but today they won’t succeed, they won’t succeed. if this could have been done a year ago, today it will no longer work, because today there is a really working administration, in the city, in the region, there are the necessary resources so that we can restore this infrastructure and 150 and 330 along the high line . and by the forces of our power engineers, and many
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thanks to them for this, the city, the enemy, not freezes, we will do everything to ensure that this area is provided in the same way as it should be provided with electricity, so that there is life in the city, well, from their actions it was clear that this is the task they have, absolutely, and this is confirmed by the prisoners we are taking, that today the direction, the pologov direction for them today is becoming one of the key ones in order to show... themselves in pr, as they do systematically in the interior for internal use in the former ukraine, which is what you get russian world, everything is frozen for you, here’s how difficult everything is for you, here’s how bad everything is for you, but i emphasize once again, now it won’t work out, how people live, differently, there are of course difficulties with supplies, there are difficulties with what you yourself understand, especially in such areas like pologi, takmak. there are difficulties in the energy dar in that the supply is difficult
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, there are problems, well, there are no hairdressers , specialists are leaving, that is, we are also solving this problem as best we can, but i can’t say that there is no life, there is life, well, we have difficulties we overcome, we all we perceive questions not as a problem, but as a task, when we perceive them as a task , we break them down according to a road map, tie it to time, means, forces, those responsible, in general we solve these problems, so there are difficulties, but we build, we do, youth, today it is well shown, there are young people in the city, and in general in the zaporozhye region, so we are full of optimism, we see how much has already been done in our regions, in donetsk, in lugansk, in zaporozhye, kherson, we see what is happening today serious changes, people see this, believe in us and we will not let you down, evgeniy vitalievich, well , where there is a strong desire to win. naturally, there is also a desire to live, and not a desire to die, but i have this question, tell me, are they really deflated, here you
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are there, how do you see it, yes, this is obvious, because we communicate not only with prisoners, which we now take in quite large quantities, and we communicate with our yesterday’s counterparties, friends, comrades who remained, we really have a lot left for river to the people who...
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so as not to continue further, the ukrainian people, in general, today they have already been completely blown away, today everyone understands that the state of ukraine has not come to fruition, inside there is a very severe depression from disappointment, we communicate with people who today are also in power, in local and regional authorities. zaporozhye mainly because, well, our communications, you understand, are very short, everyone lives, who is here, who is there, relatives, acquaintances, godmothers, everyone got married, was born, was baptized, and so on, therefore, this situation with mobilization , which simply collapsed zelensky’s rating, i think that rating studies will be published in the near future, and we see what happened due to the fact that... in ukrainian society there was despondency, complete disappointment from that the counter -nast failed, complete disappointment that
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the authorities are not able, are not able to organize life in these conditions in the territory that was once ukraine, are not able today to organize mobilization in a humane way, since this in fact, it should have been, even in the soviet union under, as we say today , totalitarian conditions, but still there was no such thing, excuse the rudeness of the bestiality that is happening today. time has already passed , they are starting to rebuild, repaint , many of the middle elites of the second division come to us , talking about how it will be, and how was it with yours, with the apartments, how was it, and how was it with your land , there haven’t been such conversations for literally six months, that is, they are already preparing, but today yes, today people are already coming out asking our people, well, i’m just talking
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to our people and talking about how this is how you were at the institute, this is how it is with us? and how it will be with us, yes, yes, as it will be with us, that’s how it will be with the earth, as it will be with us, they say, that is, not just like with you, but as it will be with us, that is, they have already attributed themselves, yes, those who call in principle, those who generally communicate, they understand everything perfectly, in reality a person, in addition to what he thinks, he also feels, they also see the state of what is happening today in ukrainian society, the former ukraine, today there are absolutely no reports of victory, talking about what we are now. we’ll grab that we ’ll come up with some laws here now, but all this can be fed , but not for long, you know, that’s why everyone today sees that no counter-offensive , this whole idea has collapsed, and that we will return our people and return them to a correct life , human life, and not the one that the western civilization promised them today, like a carrot, so
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to speak, and deceived them, but they fell for this leverukha, today they will be raked out of... in the front line under systematic fire from enemy artillery and tanks, ali alibekov organized defense in the entrusted area, distributed armored vehicles to his subordinate personnel in possible breakthrough directions. thanks to competent task setting, organized interaction between units and comprehensive and timely support, captain alebekov’s tank crews, while repelling
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the enemy’s counter-offensive, destroyed over 100 ukrainian militants trying to break through, as well as 16 armored units. equipment, our guys have to do their work every day in the most difficult conditions, a video of our sappers working in the zone has spread across the internet, but it’s easy for a sapper. zhenya, how do you like the pool today? how do you like the pool? in the kharkov direction , our frontline operators intensified attacks on enemy positions. the vysushniks are knocked out of the fortified dugouts using kamekaze copters. let's get a look. they just won't run away anymore.
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so fly, fly, fly, lower, get down. the ukrainian authorities apparently want to turn kharkov is in a new fortress, and city residents are already writing an appeal to the local administration with a request to evict the military from the basements of residential buildings. we inform you that in our five-story building at the above address , on october 11, 2023, military personnel from the armed forces of ukraine and the international guard moved into the basement, and no one was there... people also live, now it is unsafe to live in the house, you, as a military man, know what was going on in schools, kindergartens, where the military defense or the armed forces of ukraine were located, we beg to evict the military from the basement, we have nowhere to hide during raids and
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shelling, we all want to live, in general , ukrainian officials don’t care about the opinions of ordinary citizens, because they live... both in kiev and in paris, but a list of mercenaries who went to fight in ukraine, to fight for zelensky, is already spreading across the internet, or for money, one of the mercenaries, alexis drion, is the son of an army brigadier general.
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the army, a rapid reaction force, is actually on the verge of special forces, and its presence of this force in kharkov is a continuation of the very line that we saw in mariupol, because in mariupol, when i was working specifically on the list of french military personnel, and the combat swimmers who were there, defending, so to speak, azov-steel, then retired french military intelligence captain pierre plasse, naturally, helped me even roughly estimate which of his former subordinates was in mariupol. therefore, i can also say that there is no need to feel any mercy, not to take these people prisoner as much as possible, in view of the fact that i saw, among other things , the testimony on the french radio station
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radiosute, of one of these executioners, who he was proud that he destroyed more, as he said, that is, he killed more than thirty of our soldiers at night using very good night weapons, that is, wait, he speaks on french radio, yes, he slaughtered them, and he talked about it with pleasure, you say, here in many european countries, well... mercenaryism is prohibited by law in france, what is the situation, why does he talk about it so openly, mercenaryism is prohibited, but once again i have to repeat what i said more than once on various broadcasts, i have information about, that at the moment when we began a special military operation against french troops, an order was signed by the french minister of defense stating that france is at war with russia, it’s just that at the moment it is not in the first, in the second echelon, among
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our people , and why is it the kharkov direction, it is connected with the bordering belgorod region, with the shelling of belgorod, and that france divided ukraine, and part of this kharkov region, it was essentially handed over to the french. france really considers this direction strategic, due to the fact that there is an experimental american nuclear facility located right forty kilometers from our border, the contents of which are unknown to anyone, i think even to the ukrainians it... is unknown, including france, speaking in tactical terms, gives the ukrainians the opportunity use the developed navstar satellite system, with the help
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of which they aimed their weapons at belgorod, so once again we must oppose france in the maximum possible way, including sabotage work, and do for for them, their participation from the ukrainian country in this special military operation is as painful as possible, that they realized that this is impossible, we are hitting the ukrainians, in this case i... believe that macron has crossed all possible red lines at the moment he has laid down two defensive enterprises for supplying shells to the front, training ukrainian pilots at two military bases to fly mirozh 2.0, which will then go to the front, killing our soldiers. i’m telling you, apparently the europeans have this, you know, glorious tradition of getting together every 100 years and getting punched in the teeth, well, if they want, please, we don’t mind, we’ll give you more. let's find out what is happening in the kharkov direction, i think we can already call the kupin direction as a whole, in our...
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they are used as a human shield, following the example of the liberated cities that i just mentioned, you can see that the dry land they simply did not let people out of the apartment, and those who tried... to evacuate opened fire, these are the nato standards by which the armed forces of ukraine have been trained for more than one year, including in conditions of combat in an urban development, now there is a very severe shortage of personnel in the armed forces of ukraine, ukrainian national formations from the extremist right sector called up in russia began to recruit the first group of teenagers and this
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center was founded in kharkov. when accepting recruits, the nazis place the main emphasis on orphans and children from disadvantaged families, teenagers are taught combat skills, and are also brainwashed with russophobic propaganda; the right sector sends the trained students to the front to simply die for the kiev regime, because it’s the easiest thing to do. motivate these children. now i want to briefly go over the front line.
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the order, these are, let’s say, their measures to intimidate the population of ukraine, so that they understand that they will not go on an assault anywhere, this is purely to intimidate the masses, they are being exclusively protected only in order to motivate newly arrived soldiers who will be sent to meat assaults, after they walk like hares through minefields, along obstacles, and with armored vehicles, they will destroy them there, then some... experienced fighters of the right sector will further advance into offensive actions, but they are used specifically to motivate and block detachments of the ordinary population of ukraine, who really do not want to fight, thank you very much, war correspondent, evgeniy lisitsin was in direct contact with us, but in ukraine mobilization does not stop even day, while even the british press writes that there are too many
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elderly soldiers at the front, and the losses at the front... have led to the fact that the average life expectancy of a man in ukraine today is only only 57 years old. the large number of elderly soldiers in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces reflects the demographic crisis in ukraine, which could have serious consequences for the country's post-war reconstruction. the average age in ukraine is about 40 years, and its population has decreased from 52 million to 37 million people since the collapse of the ussr. it is expected that the average life expectancy of a ukrainian man in 2000 will be only 57 years, while for women it will be 70 years. these indicators will not return to pre-war levels, 66 and 76 years, as at least until 2032. well, the west managed to prevent the main explosion in ukraine demographically, sending all the fuse of the independent to the front. how the enemy is changing and whether there is a personnel shortage in the ukrainian armed forces was discussed in the popular front stream. you
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are constantly there. on the front line, you see the resistance that appears, as a rule, where our paratroopers are located; on the other side, they also try to deploy combat-ready units, not to set up territorial defense, realizing that they will quickly sell it. maybe you are in captivity judge or by some kind of return fire? i got the impression that, well , as there are such expressions, they were blown away, the onslaught from that side, well, just disappeared, so to speak, yes, well , it didn’t disappear, but it seemed to decrease very much, so we literally started gradually in august move forward. you came across prisoners or, let’s say, prisoners to whom you had to provide medical assistance, as a medical evacuation group, our position is right here, well, you can say on the front end, and the scouts are right through our position, prisoners were taken out several times in one of the battles by 20
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prisoners, of course they were depressed, their condition was, well, it was a pity, for more exclusive stories , see the telegram channel stream on... they just start singing a song about the fact that i didn’t communicate with them personally, but each of them didn’t know, he was forced, forced, he ’s generally a cook, a musician, yes, and he never opened fire on anything, then who ’s shooting? in a peaceful way i would like to ask a question, i grew up... we communicate a lot with prisoners, indeed we take it, when the military takes it, the commandant’s office arrives, we communicate with these people, just look into their eyes, try to understand, you often
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ask a question to the person sitting opposite you , the junta soldiers, who is about the same age as you, and you ask, i ask him, i say, gena , well, well, well, we just cannot feel sorry for the enemy in principle, because he took up a weapon and he, with a weapon in his hands, being the opposing side , resists, while the enemy resists, he must be destroyed,
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when the enemy surrenders, he falls under the norms of certain rules, there is no question of pity, the question is that there are certain rules by which the enemy is taken prisoner and used as necessary for our victory. excuse the rudeness, material , because in this case, when they kill our children, when they kill our brothers, then they don’t think that they are all cooks, they are all kind and good, then they destroyed and shouted on the maidan when they jumped when they burned our people in odessa, when they shot in kharkov, when they were hammering for 8 years, sorry for the rudeness of the donbass civilians, then they were not, but today it’s all comrade golf’s fault, again.
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the enemy, while he resists , must be destroyed on all fronts, for this we have all the necessary forces and means to beat the enemy throughout the territory of the former ukraine, and against the enemies who today boarded the planes that are rising from romania today, which are flying from poland today, and we see today, thanks to the capabilities of our reconnaissance, aviation assets space reconnaissance, we see that planes from... europe take off and fly to ukraine, that today they are working from those airfields that are protected, as they think, but in any case , work should also be carried out there, this is my point of view, it is probably subjective, but i say again that
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considering that the enemy must be struck throughout the entire territory of ukraine, use sabotage means, reconnaissance means for this, and there should be no mercy for the enemy anywhere, this is the only way we can win stop the action. thus, he only respects strength, well, on the diplomatic front, and there is something like that, our minister of foreign affairs, sergei viktorovich lavrov, is fighting at all costs, the day before he spoke at a meeting of the un security council in new york, the main topic of the security council, naturally, was the terrorist attacks of ukraine on civilians citizens, the west stands behind ukraine, and responsibility for such thoughtless attacks on russian cities lies primarily with western countries. the merchants of death are not at all embarrassed that
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their weapons, including cluster ammunition and shells with combined uranium, methodically, mercilessly and deliberately, deliberately hitting purely civilian targets, as was the case during attacks on residential areas of belgorod on december 30, yesterday on the market and shops of donetsk, the blood of dozens of dead. united states, stefan ebert, stefan, hello, hello, good morning, good morning for us, good morning for you... good night, thank you for
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contacting us directly at this time of day, but i really want to know how to america, first of all , journalists, and then we’ll ask about ordinary citizens, if they, of course, care about this , reacted to sergei lavrov’s speech? oh, can i ask, what performance? well, in general, yes , they don’t cover it at all, lately they haven’t really covered the fact that kiev is attacking civilians, so to be honest, well, it doesn’t matter to the average person, at best, consider , that - as it is in russian, it serves it right, blame yourself, but it’s like you attacked poor innocent ukraine, and that means you deserve it.
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and not a single word about what, what
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is happening at the un, or about what it means they bombed the locals, and by the way, this happens all the time, to be honest, because i walked along these streets in donetsk at one time, yeah, and i know something like that and obviously, they don’t care, which means - yes, well unfortunately, on the same side
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as the poor people there, because we can’t give them money anymore, it’s not money, by the way, it’s a weapon and most likely, well, that’s a little secondary, because we have all that gas elections, this is the mood of the people for this, they still sympathize with ukraine in every possible way , they support it in every possible way, so although we are tired a little bit. from all this, well, as we see and notice here, again, you yourself see nothing, you have now been given a break, and then hope in the white house that a second wind will open, and zelensky will certainly support with his provocations and help. thank you very much
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to political scientist from the united states, stefan ebort, who was in direct contact with us. during his speech, sergei lavrov also touched on the topic.
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and sold everything that his chosen company was based on, so i don’t see myself negotiating with this person as possible, i speak for myself, once again i say subjectively, that all the initiatives that come from these people, they were finished then, for me, when they, our troops , almost surrounded kiev and could finish the special operation, then they were able to through another deception. the tricks of all these successive minsk-1 , minsk-2 and so on, simply, as our president vladimir vladimirovich emphasized, that they simply cheated, simply deceived and gained some time in order to drag a large amount of weapons into ukraine, and for us, of course, it was a definite, well
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, unpleasant, at least an unpleasant blow, i just happened to participate under a contract in the first one. i remember how khasavirt was signed, it was such a humiliating act, it was so destructive for society that i am sure that today, our commander in chief, i am sure that the russian people today are not ready, they would very much welcome it, so our task is to complete the special operation the results set by the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich. but for me this is not just denazification and demilitarization of ukraine, for me this is all our russian cities, as for me, including lepay and revel, because all these are cities that should be returned, albeit not by military means, it is quite possible diplomatically and influence on these territories, but so that the russian people would not
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feel like guests anywhere, we built the baltic states, we built western ukraine, we all built the soviet one together. this is our common achievement, and today we can divide it into the right ukrainians there or muscovites and the like, this is all fascism, so our task today is to finish the special operation in such a way that nowhere else can anyone afford to be rude to a russian person, our task is to finish the special operation, in the west the task is to start an even bigger war, they are starting to spread the theme that russia is about to will attack nato, secret military plans last week... the russians, having decided to launch an invasion, will first try to carry out large-scale cyber attacks on the infrastructure of europe in order to create
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labor problems in seaports or disrupt logistics and weapons supply chains. russia will not hesitate to use hundreds of long-range, precision-guided missiles against civilian targets across europe. moscow can use its military power to first seize the suwalki corridor. the second stage involves sending thousands of russian soldiers and tanks. controlled by artificial intelligence to attack one of the baltic states on nato's eastern flank, most likely lithuania, poland or estonia. then, a few days after the start of the ground invading air attacks on nato's eastern flank, putin will send his russian fleet to carry out the vital task of taking control of the arctic regions. the russians' goal is to destroy nato as an alliance in 20 years by invading the eastern flank and conquering critical places such as the arctic.
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it's not so much about preparing for a specific attack or tuning in to it, but about the fact that such a development of events needs to be borne in mind, when i have to reckon with something, i need to tune in to a danger that is unknown whether it will come into force, it is necessary to arm yourself just in case, and this is exactly what we are doing now together with our nato allies, these are necessary measures. vladimirevich, what’s wrong, i’ve completely lost my fear, i want to ask, well, excuse me, just like that. i'm sorry, i 'm explaining to the germans that, in principle, the same pistorius , who knows 300 words, probably in
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russian, does not say certain things, but they will also come up with the idea that there will be a war there with quivers, bows, arrows, spears, there are handjobs we will throw, if it comes to war, then with the nato bloc, then it will not be the same scenario as a special military operation, when they develop a scenario, talk about scenarios, forget that there cannot be a russian... detachment today stopped by nato air defense systems, certainly by german ones. and in this interview, the interviewees asked, well, what are you going to fight with, there are no people, the barracks are empty. then people don't support it. but he continues to pursue his line. i think there are two very strong factors here. the first is start of nato exercises. still, let’s say this, more than a thousand cars, armored vehicles, 50 ships, 90,000 personnel from norway to romania. and these exercises will continue until the end of may. i think this is a very serious escalation. and you also need to be prepared for any scenario , the second point, you know, pistorius is a member of the party that today, point by
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point, well, could they continue to lead in germany, this is scholz’s party, when they begin to explain to the german people, this is already according to the second historical circle, they are waiting for you deprivation, because there is a war ahead of us , there is nothing new in this rhetoric, but the germans react, the germans react differently, well, there are germans who want to defeat the russian federation. anti-war rhetoric in germany, i will talk about telling, i will not say that there is no other, i want to focus on the fact that pistorius is pressing, he is very popular in germany, he has overtaken all politicians in popularity. he can, so to speak, hook scholz, i think he is baiting him very clearly, well, scholz is like a top manager in times of crisis are not economically interesting,
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but this is a new crisis manager who is restoring not only the ministry of defense, but also the party, do not forget, which wants to remain in the government, and he is worse than scholz, i cannot judge this, worse or better, but i ’m interested in another of his military rhetoric, well, he’s a warrior rattling his weapons, he understands how, yeah, that is, he’s tougher, if scholes is so wrong with one eye. back and forth scholz is trying to check legally some aspects, when they talked about the french, here clearly, the french are present there, but what are the french doing there? did they also come to run around with the boys and play with the boys? no, they clearly serve a certain french interest or french technology, but the conversation is going on, to supply cruise missiles, that there are ukrainians who can control german cruise missiles or enter coordinates? no, of course, the germans will do this, therefore this decision is so fateful, no matter how it ends in something else, i want to pose a very strong question.
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and against them, excuse me, the germans have now sharpened the special services in a way that has never happened before, that is , i have not seen such activity of the special services against those who talk about peace in germany for 30 years, well, yes, certain people in europe do not want , in america and britain there is no peace, for them peace is war and peace in general can be a respite between warriors, zelensky also understands that war is his life, in the literal sense of the word, he issued another crazy decree, it turns out. residents of the south of russia are ethnic ukrainians. president of ukraine vladimir zelensky signed a decree on the territories of the russian federation historically inhabited by ukrainians. it is noted that over the centuries russia has systematically destroyed national identity, oppressed ukrainians, violated their rights and freedoms in the lands historically inhabited by them, in the kuban, starodubshchyna, northern and eastern
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slobozhanshchina, within modern territories.
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so on, let me remind you that the warhead of the taurus is 450-500 kg, so its range is about 500, if compared with the iskander m. that is, these are not chaotic statements, these are a thoughtful nato step, this is thoughtful nato rhetoric, aggressive, which means that these territories, i have been talking about this for a long time, because having a direct relation to the kuban and by origin, actually working with the cossacks of the kuban, as in the representative of moscow, the union of the cossacks in the kuban
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, i know very well that from the point of view of ukraine, ukraine considers these territories its own, and therefore , according to its logic, it liberates them, liberates them, in quotes, naturally, by all means available to them, killing the population, that is, us, therefore, proceeding from it is clear that a new round of conflict is being prepared, in this case i completely agree with colonel khodarenok, we have a common position here, that these are our victorious and relational speeches, that the crisis has arrived, we are already winning, everything is fine, thank god, we we win, but...
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he just wants to survive in this fight, because his personal skin is on the horizon, which he simply can lose. how is the situation at the front, are we getting closer to zelensky’s skin? well, we
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can’t get closer to zelensky’s skin, in any case, if he will survive, he will escape, so it’s not as if it’s in his skin, but the fact that we have advantages, good progress in the donetsk direction and well, let’s call it lugansk, although it’s far from lugansk, this is the border of the lugansk people’s republic. sky region , here the enemy has an obvious operational crisis, which in the north he is somehow still trying to localize , even though he is losing territory, but there is an appearance that he can localize it, but in the donetsk region there are problems there, and so far he is only growing, in other directions, again but we are pressing, we continue, that is, we are not weakening the pressure in the artyomovsk area, for example, the pressure has again resumed in the seversk area, the pressure has resumed in the liman area, again they are coming... this has happened in the entire northeast military district, in my opinion, more never
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happened, this is really a big problem for them. thank you very much podalyaka, he was in direct contact with us, well, now we offer you to look at the already favorite section of trench truth. good afternoon everyone, a new issue is with you. in its very initial stage at its very initial stage you can observe, you see, here the foundation pit has already been dug, there are load-bearing supports , then it will be there
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, it will be sheathed, the roof will be covered on top, this is how tankers build mendazas, well, here i am standing at full height, there is a log above me, so the guys are assembling it very deep it's long for them to live here. here is a fairly deep dugout, here i am standing, here i am up to the log, they can’t even reach the log with their hands, this is how the guys conscientiously make a shelter for themselves, about hygiene, fishing is prohibited, so you see, everything is clean here for the guys, guys barefoot, look what it's like, look what it's like cleanliness, that’s how hygiene comes first , right here... we crawl under mask with a net so that we can climb into the hatch, the earth is already there, the earth, where are you, here, here he is, that’s it, now i too i’ll climb there, inside the ninety
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breakthrough for the first time, i’m very interested in what its fundamental difference is from the seventy of the same one on the basis of which it was created, besides the weight, i already found out, yes, and the engine power. well, the fundamental difference in weapons is that here, first of all , improved guidance systems and views can be see further, more clearly, shoot more accurately. plus , in the event of some unusual human factor situations, the commander can calmly take control of the fire himself, that is , there is a special device for this device here, and the commander can fully control the turret, all the guns, that is, in fact, if god forbid with the gunner something happens for some reason, he cannot fire, the commander can work for the gunner, he does not get off his seat, but that’s absolutely true with the control system.
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commander's machine gun here too is done directly from the inside, and that is, you don’t even need to get out, yes , you don’t need to get out, expose yourself to unnecessary risk, especially now, when uavs fly powerfully everywhere, absolutely, so well, the earth jumped out of the tank like a bullet, and i’m barely getting out of him, because firstly, i’m big , unlike the earth, and secondly, of course, i have dexterity, no such dexterity, although i ’m lying, of course, this is firstly, magpies, size has nothing to do with it, so we get out , earth, thank you, watch all episodes of trench truth in the telegram channel stream popular front, qr code on your screen, be sure to subscribe, a short advertisement and we’ll be back, the committee of 300 or the world government, 300 of the most influential rich families are hatching plans for a new... world order, we have become
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prophets without realizing it, these people are so rich that compared to them , david rockefeller would look like a beggar; the first serious brainchild of this community was the us federal reserve system. we are confronted by a ruthless conspiracy. and the participants in this whole case were both the head of the fbi and the head of the cia. mi6 is official financed by the british royal family. they say this: it’s easier to rule a small world, they advertise autonasia in every possible way for the sick, for... the usa is already under the rule of satan, that christ is no longer here, the circulation of apiates, opium, and then heroin, they do not hide their names, reduction goals extra people on earth and the dismemberment of russia into small principalities. as long as it exists in russia, western hegemony is impossible, the true masters of the dungeon, or the 300 spartans. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. cognac
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monte chococa is a product of the stellor group. the world is changing before our eyes, to understand it, to imagine what it will be like tomorrow, you just need to look back and take a closer look at the diversity of great human civilizations. the vast majority of whom share the same values ​​as us. china has always been a developed country in the third century ad, in the seventh, in the seventeenth, the standard for china's development is a powerful, well-coordinated economy. india , on the one hand, is indeed moving forward by leaps and bounds and developing advanced technologies, such as digitalization, space industries. on the other hand, the country is striving to return to its roots. it is not that islamic civilization does not deny the achievements of other cultures and civilizations; on the contrary, it actively does so.
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from january 25 to thursdays on the first what else am i either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people to each other. through thick and
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thin? love. vedechka loved himself very much. this at times it was even simply charming, because it crossed all sorts of boundaries. i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this has made me wiser and greater, for example, a patriot of my own country. as a writer, he is a writer for himself. your, as it were, autobiographical things. what is the fact percentage and what is the percentage? matador eduard savenka is looking for love on friday on the first. if i lived in shanghai, i would probably feel like the heroine of some reality show. cameras make our lives comfortable. we are not afraid for our bicycles and
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scooters left on the street. look at the material, the perfect seams, this is original. why is it cheaper? but you don’t buy them on the champs-elysees. yes , it is, that’s why guys sometimes beg clients to forgive them, sometimes they even fall to their knees, and you are a unique man, a manicurist, there are many of us here, you like going to a man for a manicure, i love it, i recommend it to everyone, here is this phrase “ ice cream for children babit flowers" doesn't work because the ice cream is with vodka. it's a bestseller for us there is deception all around, just ice cream with lemon, the lives of others, the premiere, on sunday on the first, look carefully, you recognize it, grandfather, the codegram is in the center, we are a coward, money
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and gold do not interest me, you will go to russia today, return your sacred treasures of the nation, and from these treasures my father loves him, excuse me, we need to revive our military industry. today, there is renewed talk of reconciliation and we again hear voices claiming that a ukrainian victory is impossible and that western support will not last long. yes, last year the ukrainian counter-offensive has not produced the desired results, but rather than
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offering reconciliation, the eu should redouble its efforts in areas where it has achieved success. this process must be accompanied by a revival of the european defense industry. it's just talk. there is no talk about the military defense industry, about other industries , especially against the backdrop of the fact that the germans are already throwing up their hands, but where can you buy mercedes now if the showrooms have already announced that they are closing , they are being sold, they are leaving, if only you knew where, to china , because the united states has run out of quotas for the revival of europe. news on channel one. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. the russian army today launched a large-scale attack on the ukrainian military rear, the target of our missiles and drones.


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