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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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but instead of offering reconciliation, the eu should redouble its efforts in those areas where it has achieved success, this process should be accompanied by the revival of the european defense industry, you see , they are only talking about the military defense industry, there is no talk about other industries, especially against the backdrop of , that the germans are already throwing up their hands, but where can they buy mercedes now, if the showrooms have already announced that they are closing, those for sale are leaving, if only you knew where, to china, because the united... states have quotas for revival europe is over. news on channel one. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. the russian army today launched a large-scale attack on the ukrainian military rear. the target of our missiles and drones.
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became objects of the military-industrial complex, fuel infrastructure, as well as combat airfields and places of deployment of mercenaries. what is known by this hour: several explosions occurred in kiev; as is known, there are enterprises there that produce products for purely military purposes. in addition, through kyiv ukrainian militants are being supplied with shells and weapons; they are also being accumulated on the territory of the capital's warehouse complexes. a column of fire rises over kharkov, where eyewitnesses counted four powerful explosions. in addition to military-industrial complex factories, there are many places in the city. the drowning of foreign mercenaries, who more than once became legitimate targets for our attacks. so last week , more than 60 french militants were killed in kharkov. precise flights were recorded in povlograd, dnepropetrovsk region, in shostka , sumy region. the military is located there airfields. our aircraft, including helicopters, k-52 alligators and mi-28 night hunters, are actively working in the enemy’s close rear areas, as well as in advanced positions.
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they leave for the combat mission in pairs. having received intelligence information about the location of enemy fortifications, they attack them with missiles. they also have powerful cannons. all our pilots are real aces, each of them has destroyed many targets. oleg shishkin learned some of the secrets of their work. this is a mandatory ritual. having returned from a combat mission, inspect the helicopter, touching important components and assemblies, with your fingertips, running along the body. and there is something more to this than just checking the technical condition of the car. and the commander with the call sign lighthouse still freezes for a few seconds near the cockpit, leaning against the cold armor. we thank our hard worker. the way you treat a helicopter is how it will treat you. pilots absorb this commandment even at military school. it’s alive, it understands us, it’s not just a piece of hardware, it’s, firstly, the best helicopter in the world, and secondly, it’s a living creature, our brother, he protects us, we try to protect him. k-52 alligator is a unique helicopter with an automatic control system. propellers allows you to perform
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aerobatics that are inaccessible to other machines, the machine is good, the machine allows a lot, the machine performs the tasks assigned to it well, the defense industry tried to make this a work of art, i would probably call it that way, both seats are equipped with catapults in case of emergency landing. the k-52 is protected by armor weighing 300 kg; it can be placed on six suspension points weapons with a total mass of 2 tons, as a rule, are like this... another feature, this thirty-millimeter gun is installed exactly the same on infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, so if necessary, cartridges can be borrowed from motorized riflemen. helicopter pilots operate unguided missiles against enemy bases, usually at a distance of about 7 km; before the attack they perform a pitching maneuver, the helicopter raises its nose and the missiles rush towards the target. on a combat mission. fly out in pairs
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along with the mi-28 night hunters. these shots from the alligator's cockpit clearly show how the presenter fires a salvo, and this is a video from the forward gunner, who determines the coordinates of targets and controls their destruction. in order not to give away the scout, we deliberately removed from the frame everything that could indicate his location. and the tributes are handsome, objective control from a drone confirms the destruction of the enemy’s supporter. after the attack the helicopters. make a sharp turn, fall to the limit and go on the opposite course, they worked normally, were successfully completed, and the targets were hit, in this army aviation unit of the southern group of forces, all pilots with combat experience, real aces, everyone has escaped enemy missiles more than once, this is usually an ambush, the enemy is taking risks, he comes closer, but he worked for us, we immediately reported to the forward gunner, he and the brothers who operate fpv drones, everything worked on it successfully. the lighthouse has hit more than 300
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targets, including nato equipment, somewhere there is more duralumin in the armor, it scatters like a sparkler, well , visually we can see what it means that something like that was nato for... we have anti-tank missiles like the whirlwind , she basically has everything it’s the same as setting fire, but what bonuses did they receive for us? we get a bonus for everything, the state didn’t offend us. returning from a combat mission, pilots often do a roll call on air, from the command post the crews thank them for their work, and then everyone in the sky joins in, then no one needs to explain what air combat brotherhood is. thank you for the work, as always the best, this is the best work in the world, mutually, thank you, the best work. the best job in the world is the best job in the world. oleg shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoiko, first channel. moscow is ready to conduct a dialogue with all countries in whose interests it is to stop using ukraine as an instrument of war against russia. our foreign minister
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sergei lavrov stated this in an interview with american journalists. he emphasized: washington is not interested in such a dialogue. the united states has been destroying relations with russia for decades, demonstrating a complex of impunity. and the superiority complex, the conflict in ukraine, as well as the situation in the middle east, sergei lavrov discussed during a series of bilateral meetings in new york after the security council meeting un. georgy lisashvili with details. between two meetings of the security council on the ukrainian conflict and the situation in the middle east, sergei lavrov held negotiations with colleagues with whom these diplomatic issues could be discussed. in a small negotiation room, one delegation replaces another: indonesia, lebanon, the emirates, turkey. usually such meetings on the sidelines of voonov last no more than 20 minutes, but this time it reached 40. there are a lot of questions, so even sergei lavrov’s joke addressed to his iranian colleague seems like a fragment of a discussion about geopolitics. everything is fine. everything's under
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control. the main thing is to understand under whose control. however, the head of russian diplomacy spoke about this with a correspondent of the american cbs channel that...
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“you see, i’ve been working here for 10 years, my children study at stanford, and before the vote they came to me and said: don’t forget about where your children are studying and about which banks you keep your money in? that is, are you saying that most of these countries were pressured by the united states? not the majority, if that’s how decisions are made, from on which the destinies of entire nations depend, is it any wonder?" "that he was unable, not only to prevent, but even to adequately respond to the israeli events of october 7. moscow calls for viewing this terrible tragedy in the context of the entire arab-israeli conflict, the solution of which can only be based on the relevant un resolutions. there is no
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justification for the barbarity of october 7, but the retaliatory evil will be reproduced by ever new generations of those who decide that they were abandoned and betrayed. this is not a prediction, but i assure you that until then, not yet... by presidential decree. in the document signed by vladimir putin, for the first time a single concept of a large family is introduced, this is one where three or more children are raised. previously , the criteria were determined by regions. the decree guarantees large families the provision of benefits, as well as benefits for parents, early
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retirement for women, assistance in education and labor; the government is instructed to create a unified database on such families to ensure that they receive all types of support. relatives, loved ones, it started at vdnkh, and today there grand opening of the year of the family. mikhail mishustin called today to closely monitor the situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant; the prime minister met with the head of rostechnadzor alexander trembivsky. the agency is responsible for industrial safety. there are fewer accidents at russian enterprises, despite the fact that production volumes have increased. our country has had a moratorium
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on inspections for several years now; on the instructions of the president, we extended it for the twenty- fourth year. such a ban expands the role preventive visits, as a result of which enterprises receive recommendations, and not fines and sanctions. at the same time, control over compliance with mandatory requirements and technological regimes remains where it is needed to prevent incidents and accidents. this task should be in the first place in your work, a new mechanism has started working, you know, risk indicators, if we had only 26 inspections within the framework of risk indicators in the twenty-second year, in the twenty-third year there were 400 and then they will continue with taking into account that that this is an effective real mechanism, it allows you to carry out targeted inspections, not in the general mass of the enterprise, exactly where the risk indicator worked, we will continue to increase it. the main task is to reduce accidents and injuries. in the twenty-third year, on average across industries, the number
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of accidents has been reduced, and accidents have been reduced; this is a key task. the number of participants in the victory dictation event has increased 12 times in less than 5 years. last year the event brought together 2 million people in 46 countries. about this today declared at the meeting of the organizing committee "our victory". the united russia party proposes to expand the subject of the dictation. social support, according to data from last year, just under 17
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thousand front-line soldiers lived in our country, each of them should certainly be surrounded by warmth and respect. at the same time, we will continue to provide targeted assistance to veterans of special military operations and members of their families. another important area of ​​our work is monitoring and putting in order monuments related to the great patriotic war. this year it is necessary to continue this work, to pay special attention to our new regions, many memorials and burial places were damaged as a result of hostilities, everything needs to be restored, this is not only a tribute to the memory of the participants of the great patriotic war, but a return to our origins of our common historical memory. a large-scale operation to search for predators is taking place today in the kurgan region; last night at the medvezhye lake resort, a wolf came out to people. attacked residents. one woman eventually died from her wounds. three injured
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now in the hospital. the animal itself was eliminated. authorities note that this is the first such case of a predator attack here. specialists, together with hunters, are now combing the area and checking if there are other wolves nearby. law enforcement officers patrol the streets of the village. st. petersburg and the leningrad region are recovering from a strong snowstorm. dozens of drivers were stuck in huge snow drifts this night. powerful wind. the footage shows how one of the cars spins on the highway, other drivers are trying to get out of the captivity of the elements with with the help of shovels, someone decided to abandon their car in a snowdrift, it was actually completely hidden under the snow, pulkovo airport was working intermittently, flights were delayed or cancelled, about twenty planes went to land at alternate airfields, well, today a blizzard will cover moscow, with warming will come along with the snow,
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that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, we are glad to welcome viewers of the first channel, today with us, with us a lot today, well, or rather no, we don’t have many topics, the topic is one, but it is so broad, so interesting, ekaterina shugaeva, anatoly kuzichev, sergey sudakov and alexander semchenko in the studio. where do we start? well, vladimir zelensky issued what he himself called a decree, which means he is rewriting history, which means on a large scale, he agreed to the point that... he declared the territories of several russian regions, this is the krasnodar region, five regions, belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, kursk and rostov , in fact, i'm serious when i say, it's not right now not to think that you you’re reading a book, it means how to control the universe without attracting the attention of the orderly, firstly, the orderlies became interested, it didn’t work, yes, and secondly, it’s still official, well, we haven’t found the decree yet, on the website - it’s there no, but at least
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there was an announcement about it,


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