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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 23, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. we are glad to welcome viewers of channel one, today we have a lot today, or rather , no, we don’t have many topics, there is one topic, but it is so broad, so interesting. ekaterina shugaeva, anatoly kuzichev, sergey sudakov and alexandra semchenko in the studio, where do we start? this means that he is rewriting history, which means that on a large scale, he has agreed to declare the territories of several russian regions, this is the krasnodar region, five regions, belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, kursk and rostov, in fact, i’m seriously saying , now it’s not not not to think that you are reading a book, it means how to manage the universe without attracting the attention of the orderlies, firstly , the orderlies became interested, it didn’t work anymore, yes , and secondly, this is still official, well, we haven’t found the decrees on the website yet. it
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’s not there, but at least there was an announcement about it, zelensky said about it, which means, in his opinion, that some native ukrainians live there, and dear residents of voronezh and bryansk, you heard right, look in the mirror and you will be surprised, well, i don’t know , let’s talk now, they tell me that people from the mentioned regions of one of the above-mentioned regions are calling us, and you wait, be patient, i want, for our experts to first give their short commentary on this, we’ll come back. that is, well , it looks like madness, but in reality there are probably some rational intentions there, not madness, not madness, the american plan, which is now involved primarily to to look for this fifth column, we have heard many times that the united states of america always wages war on two fronts, on the internal and external, that is, on the ground, and the concept is as follows: if ukraine considers these territories to be theirs, which are certainly inalienable. ..
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for the waiting people this is called, what kind of waiting people are there in bryansk, who are they waiting for? no, no, these are exactly the collaborators, now their concept is not crazy, because they understand why they are doing this, let them, they can find five traitors, 10 traitors, but they we need these traitors and scum, now they can’t find what’s stopping them, no, the thing is, it will be in accordance with his decree, he says, look, i signed the decree, it works, it works, in this sense?
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zelensky ’s decree is partly true. ukrainian territories can be called moscow and vladivostok and so on, why because where did the russian land come from, that is, russian warriors came from kiev and took them under their sword, took them to the sword , and also the forests, well, that is where moscow was and more distant territories, that’s all as if they came, colonized, then historical conditions developed so that the center of russia. moved from the south, from kiev, moved to vladimir, to suzdol, well , ultimately to moscow, and then from moscow there was this widespread expansion to the pacific ocean, even beyond the pacific ocean, by the way, alaska should also be included in this decree, california reacted, we include it in this decree, because this is all hawaii, hawaii, well , the hawaiian island is big there, then we are not only waiting for calls from brenska, we are talking about the ancestral russian land, we include it there.
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warsaw must be included in the decree; i can include berlin in this very place, because we will include ours there, of course, this is russian russian land, you have read the criminal code in finsley, i advise you to read and look at the signature under this criminal code, alexander’s signature is there ii , that is, this is how it is, this is all our russian land, so we’ll call zelensky kelsing force, i’m exaggerating of course, but in principle there are certain historical roots for what? do they do this? yes, of course, i absolutely agree with my colleague here, they are hammering, so to speak, a nail on the future for future conflicts, for future internal confrontation, for revival, well, the emergence, the formation of some kind of fifth column, because well, the americans have been fighting with russia for quite a long time, they won in this war in the ninety-first year one day, they know that they won this war, forming an internal conflict that tore the country apart from the inside.
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they are throwing yakut separatism into yakutia and telling how much is needed for this wait, well, for this we need at least some, let’s also theorize here , a man from bryansk got through to us, his name is, if i understand correctly, artyom, you’re artyom and anatoly, i welcome you, we think, please tell me , yes, what kind, yes, just say it yourself, logs or whatever it’s customary with them and... and you’ll understand everything yourself, no, i don’t know , i don’t pronounce it, i do too, yes, i looked in the mirror on your advice, when you said, everything is fine, but what is the question, this , this clown of the country 414, who is 404,
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who call himself president, issued this decree that, in his opinion, i have now become a ukrainian, and the missiles that they send - to the bryansk region, to the belgorod region, to the kursk region... they somehow protect the identity of the ukrainians, perhaps they warheads of some kind of selective action do not affect the ukrainians, he has completely gone off the rails, or in your opinion he has gone off the rails, in your opinion he has gone off the rails, artyom, on the other hand, look, you say that you are from this decree there and from this clown to the ukrainians didn't, but are you sure that you have somewhere in entrance or the neighbors are not expecting such a decree, so we are talking about this now, well, no, but maybe someone wants to be a ukrainian citizen , those who want to be ukrainian. i’m sorry that i’m, that i’m interfering, artyom, i’m sorry, listen , all these, so to speak, minors, excuse me, please, for this word, non-terrestrial, minor or elderly morons who, you know, set fire to some cabinets , they are also doing something there, they think that such and such, well, some would just be idiots for
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a little money, and some are ideological, maybe, so maybe such a decree will go very well for them, and zelensky, in theory , is counting on them with his decree, so why will they do it with double intensity? all the nasty things they did before or what, i don’t understand how the decree will help them, or what? justification and justification for my actions, because for a person, i do this, because i am a citizen, because i fight for freedom and independence, in forty-four the germans created a union of free peoples of russia, somehow this is a union the enslaved peoples of russia, at first they tried to put him under the vlasovites, but then the ukrainian nationalists, just the banderaites, took over the leadership of this union and led this union already under. already under the americans, with american funding, and there were present, not only ukrainians, absolutely everyone was present there, but regarding what your audience said, yes, what your audience said, that he did not become a ukrainian, so here zelensky also has an excellent justification from
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his propagandists, so he is an occupier, you you understand that from the occupier of bryansk, that is , by the way, that by the end of the broadcast it will become clear in general, that is, everything here is their concept. which explains absolutely everything , everything is possible, yes it’s clear, i don’t know what you want to talk about, we’re not we’re not sure that we ’re ready, so to speak, to support a full-fledged conversation on this topic, well, tell me, we’re the telegram channel of dmitry anatolvich medvedev we also observe in the bryansk region that zelensky is the main drug addict in ukraine, we all saw an old video of him spinning in a chair, clearly under not under the influence of methanol, so to speak , not alcohol
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, but nothing was crushed, they just show you and me, they say, if you want, we can at least put a hare here, which means it will perform its functions and everything will go just as normally, if you want , after all, we want , please, here’s zelensky, and we do the same thing, we also work, so zelensky’s character here is generally the second, or even the third power, you understand, as one buddhist teacher said, i repeat, this you can teach a trick to a hare, would be, would be would be a teacher, but for... there will be in, so in any case, thank you very much, really, hang in there, i think that you definitely should
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say, but we don’t want to be, hold on, don’t let the ukrainians in, yes who are trying, so to speak, to indoctrinate you, as they say from the ukrainians, well, it’s interesting, let’s start talking about it and suddenly began to talk about it seriously, because it turned out that this is not just clowning, there is some kind of political calculation, very unpleasant, well, let's remember 1917. 1900 is difficult and scary for our country the year is 917, here is state duma deputy vasily shulgin, here are his thoughts and reflections regarding, regarding ukraine and ukraine, please, the resolution of the provisional government on the formation of the general secretariat as the highest body for managing regional affairs in ukraine is, in fact, a creation in the russian state a special region and giving it the name of ukraine.
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and did not give them the opportunity to express their attitude to this most important issue for a person, the issue of belonging to one or another of a different nationality. sash , anatoly will thank you very much for giving this quote, because shulgin is now talking about the second universal of the central rada, this universal was at a time when the provisional government was not even led by terensky, prince lvov, this is about the question of who invented ukraine, whether lenin invented ukraine, yeah. i remember that this is june of the seventeenth year, not october, no, not october, and not
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november, that is, there is no lenin, lenin was already gluing together what these guys had stolen temporary temporary workers who came, yes , the central rada was indeed organized, and the central rada was organized back in march, literally 2-3 days after the abdication, after the publication of the manifesto on nicholas’s abdication , the central rada was organized, and they put the head of this central rada essentially an agent.
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the big bourgeoisie, well, for example, one of the ministers of the provisional government was a very serious entrepreneur of ukrainian origin, in ukraine he is still celebrated, tereshchenko, a sugar factory, a millionaire who, you know, what he did, you’ll be surprised what he did during the first world war, he traded grain with germany, the first world war, germany.
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that you fought with them, you’re a cossack general, and that’s what he let them go to the germans, then during the great patriotic war he also fought with them, then the germans came, the bolsheviks, the only ones who organized an uprising against, tried to fight, but naturally the forces were not equal at that time, but they were able to in november in the eighteenth year to organize something
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that now it seems to me that the russian government also seems to me, well, it doesn’t advertise it anywhere, it seems to me that after all, without the russian government it wouldn’t...
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it would simply stop, go to zero, end, turbulence in those societies , nothing else would have happened, by prolonging the war, russia essentially caused internal images, internal protests, internal essentially launched the mechanism of internal explosions in western societies, and now russia’s allies are, including ordinary citizens of the same. america, the same great britain, germany, well, in general, yes , in general yes, that’s how it was then, that’s how it is now, essentially a victory for russia, even look at this lgbt agenda, which is being implemented everywhere, and russia against, and accordingly, the victory of russia is in the interests of ordinary americans, ordinary british, ordinary germans and so on. russia is now fighting, essentially, in the interests of all
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humanity, and this prolongation of the war is awakening all this. this is a fragment of him - this is his uncle and nikolai, this is a fragment of his memory, they they were practically the same age, nevertheless , uncle, listen, ukraine flourished as part of the russian empire and the russian monarchs made every effort to develop its agriculture and industry. 99 % of the population of ukraine spoke, read and wrote in russian, and only a small group of fanatics,
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receiving material support from galicia, carried out propaganda in ukrainian about the benefits of... ukraine welhelm the second often teased his russian cousins ​​about the separatist aspirations of the ukrainians , but what seemed like an innocent joke before the revolution, in march 1917 acquired the dimensions of a genuine catastrophe. the leaders of the ukrainian separatist movement were invited to the german general headquarters, where they were promised complete independence of ukraine if they succeeded in dismantling the russian front. their main motive was the complete separation of ukraine from russia. the russians must leave the territory of ukraine. please note, again this march, not october, but march of the seventeenth year, give a short comment, just as long as you know, such separatist jokes in ukraine always turn out, so every
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century in... give the difference between a russian and a european , and yes, and hospitable, that’s when you ask the question, why are you
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setting the table for this person, he is your friend, brother, relative, no, of course, in the united states of america, when you are invited to a birthday party, it is very correct to ask you how much this invitation will cost, well, not only were you invited, you came with a gift, and you still have to hand over 20, 30 or 50 dollars, because this is normal, the cash register is at the entrance, then there is a cash register at the entrance - this is normal, because should...
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that it turns out that estonia and latvia and lithuania, i went on an excursion to tallinn, but i didn’t know, it turns out all this time the americans did not recognize part of the soviet union and the inhabitants of these... for some reason, even then in soviet encroachment times well, it seemed like the blessed seventies, i don’t know, the eighties, but then they also felt like they were a little bit not the soviet union, for now, yes, but in
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the future, and so on, they have them, that is, this also influenced, yes this decree , this is on our territorial integrity, which in fact, our constitution protects where our protest will be or will it be, when this decree appears, we must clearly understand that today we, of course, will express protests.
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yes cream on and what not, well, the truth is now it’s not even an idiotic joke , it’s militaristic, well, the truth, well, if it’s real and it turned out, yes, all the courts, all these all these bodies, and so on, they are a priori against them , they are unfair, they are sharpened against us, and so on it’s quite stupid, really , continue to contact them with persistence, as they say worthy of better use evgeny spitsin comes into direct contact with us, historian evgeny yuryevich, a big hello, can he hear us, yes, hello.
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here are the quotes that you cited from both vasily vitalievich shulgin and grand duke alexander mikhailovich; they once again eloquently indicate that the bolsheviks had the most indirect relation to the creation of ukrainian statehood. all this came out immediately after the collapse of the russian monarchy and the corresponding collapse of the russian empire, since the ukrainian people’s
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glad, then the ukrainian people... the public they had already emerged - in the spring of 1917, this is the first circumstance, the second was whether ukrainization was carried out in the ragul manner, after the bolsheviks came to power, yes it was carried out, and above all after the civil war , and somewhere since the twenty -fourth year, but i want to note that this is an important circumstance that we do not pay attention to. attention, i’ll just give you two documents. so the first document is the end of june 1920, a note from felix edmondovich dzerzhinsky to vladimir ilyovich lenin. he wrote this note while in kharkov. i’m practically quoting: the local communists are some kind of scum, the entire middle intelligentsia is very often in the petlyurites.
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this is the first quote. second quote. from stalin’s letter to kaganovich and other members of the central committee of the party ukraine, this is april of twenty -six, just when we are talking about the peak of this ukrainization in the ragul style, two main provisions of this letter, listen carefully to what stalin wrote, first, we are not bolsheviks against ukrainization notable natural. which will take decades as ukrainian villagers move to cities and join the ranks of the working class. you are now carrying out the forced ukrainization of the russian proletarian masses, krivoy rog and donbass. this is not a form of national liberation, it is a form of national oppression, which is capable of giving rise to
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anti-action in the russian proletarian masses. ukrainian chauvinism, the second point of this letter, with the weakness of local, then, i emphasize, communist cadres, the department of ukrainization quite often they were given into the hands of the small-town intelligentsia, who will always carry out ukrainization, under the slogans to take away from everything russian, take away from everything soviet, take away from moscow, and here the communists, this ukrainization was carried out by yesterday's... borotbists, serech, little russian left-wing cheeses, who in the twentieth year self-dissolved their socialist-revolutionary party, and in orderly ranks went to the rcp, and took leading positions in the communist party of ukraine: lyubchenko, polos, shumsky, and so on and so forth, these are the guys they carried out this ukrainization in the rogul style, which stalin opposed and fought with this public, evgeny.
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it’s not by chance, listen, it’s not by chance that dzerzhinsky wrote that the entire average petliurist intelligentsia, just think about it, it only took about 3 years from the seventeenth to the twentieth that those same petliurists were in power, they had already brainwashed the entire middle intelligentsia.
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creating a union federation on an equal basis, so that it would be a single strong state, not as anti-russia, but as ally. yes, it’s clear, between russians, ukrainians, belarusians , representatives of other union republics there were no fundamental disagreements, much less hostility, even khrushchev, who handed over crimea, he handed over crimea not to the americans and not to the chinese and not to the romanians and not poles and non -austrians, he handed over crimea as part of the soviet state, these are the direct culprits of the loss. crimea in the ninety-first year - these are those who destroyed the single union state: gorbachev, yeltsin, kravchuk and further down the list, so no need to translate shooters at the leaders of the bolshevik party, primarily lenin and stalin, in those
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historical conditions when the russian empire shattered into fragments, thanks primarily to the liberal bastard, the bolsheviks were able to assemble the russian empire, a significant part of it.
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for a very long time, literally several , if this degeneration occurs, then you will have to destroy the country for generations, you can destroy the country for almost 40 years, in any direction, you can cut in any direction, now the ukrainian is shaky separatism, but you can shake tatar separatism, or you can shake yakut separatism, which they will immediately correct, where it will succumb there of course.
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completely different, the point is that you understand what’s going on, 3-5 years is a lot or a little, of course, for history it’s zilch, it’s nothing, but look how the process of reuniting us with our native crimea went, many they said, the crimean tatars will not accept you, they will treat you differently, but no, nothing like that, look, these 10 years have passed, look in 10 years, how much has been done, we we are going along a different path , today, if you come to germany, he will come...
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see you soon on the air, thank you very much, committee of 300 or the world government, 300 of the most influential rich families are hatching plans for a new world order. we became prophets without realizing it. these people are so rich that in comparison with them david rockefeller would look like a beggar; the first serious brainchild of this community was the us federal reserve system. we are confronted by a ruthless conspiracy. participant. all this both the head of the fbi and the head of the cia were involved. mishest is officially funded by the british royal family. they say that it’s easier to rule a small world, they advertise euthanasia in every possible way for the sick, for the elderly. the usa is already under the rule of satan, that
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christ is no longer here. trafficking in apiates, opium, and then heroin. they do not hide their surnames and goals of reducing the extra people on earth and dismembering russia into small principalities. as long as russia exists. western hegemony is impossible, the true masters of the dungeon, or 300 spartans, dolls of the heir tutti, today on... rum castro, a product of stellor group. female pilots and female technicians must demonstrate skill, courage and self-sacrifice. this is the film you were waiting for, i think yes, of course , definitely air, because working with alexei german, of course, was a dream, they invited me to audition, then they didn’t call, i thought, probably not, and so on with despair i thought, well, there was an opportunity, unfortunately
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, probably not, look how the buildings fly, it means everything is not in vain, this technology, a completely unique technology that we tested, one might say, a pioneer in this matter, my hero makes five rotations, a barrel, a person who is claustrophobic in this is impossible, and you just find in this that when alexey asked how long you can stand , i understand that the girls were spinning, it was difficult for them, i think, how much? you say, we haven’t had anything like this before, of course, the lab podcast is on the first today, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, bending over science, unexpected ways to reduce sugar, day the birth of canned beer, is there anything good in it, field point. we save people from pain, the program to live healthy
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, helps enlighten, tomorrow comes first, what am i looking for, either a brotherhood of stern men, revolutionaries based on love and devotion, to whom my soul could finally rest, or i am looking for a religious sect preaching love , people's love for each other, at all costs, love, very...
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on saturday on the first. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. the russian army inflicted new massive attacks on military targets in ukraine. explosions in pavlograd, dnepropetrovsk region, where there is a military airfield, in
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telegram channels they also write about explosions in shostka, sumy region, where there is an impulse plant that produces detonators. several explosions on the eastern outskirts of kharkov. it was previously reported that there are many bases with foreign mercenaries in this city. as for kiev, the capital's authorities announced destruction in residential areas and habitually blamed the russian side for this. at the same time, data is received about the operation of air defense, which is dangerous, first of all for the ukrainians themselves. air defense complexes in kiev are located within the city limits, moreover, between residential buildings and other civilian objects, fragments of ukrainian missiles fall on the territory that these... we are supposed to protect. moscow is ready for dialogue with everyone who believes that ukraine should not be an instrument of war against russia. sergei lavrov spoke about this in an interview with the american television channel cbs. the head of our foreign ministry is now in new york, where the day before he took part in a meeting of the un councilors. according to minister, there in the united
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nations the united states launched a diplomatic war against russia. for example, countries that previously voted for an anti-russian resolution at the general assembly did so.
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said that the integration of new regions should be systematic, comprehensive into the socio-economic space of russia, the industry of the new regions is quite developed, but we must work on common standards, for a long time norms and standards were applied there that differ from those adopted in russia and in euroses, in eurasian economic union, how rostechnadzor builds
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its work there, first of all, i want to say, within the framework of your order, we have created four territorial departments. services in the new constituent entities of the russian federation , numbering 304 units, have fully identified radiation sources, we have 39 facilities, with more than 720 radiation sources on the territory of the new constituent entities of the russian federation, these are medical, this is industrial, as for the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, we are there organized a regime... constant supervision, inspectors from rostechnadzor are there 24x7 with a constant presence on the territory of the plant, we also conduct daily briefings with representatives of magat, it is very important that the situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is under control, it requires special attention. the level
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of investment of technological equipment enterprises in what is called industrial safety has increased, this is very important, the quantity has decreased. this is all a consequence of the competent industrial policy pursued by companies. news from the special operation zone, ministry of defense report, belogorovka area. the russian military strikes an airmobile brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the shells fly straight to the target. fpv drone operators were working in the disputed area. the drones are at low altitude, fly up to targets and hit them. it is reported that a lot of ukrainian equipment was destroyed and published footage of the fighting during the liberation. marinka - tank duel. the russian military is confidently breaking through the militants' defense lines. the crew received state awards for heroism. in order to perform at 100% on the front line, our fighters are constantly honing their skill. for example, training at a special training ground where a real enemy stronghold is recreated. the assault squads
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act clearly. attention to every detail. experienced fighters are in action, including those who helped restrain the so-called ukrainian contrarian movement. it can hardly be called training, a whole battle rehearsal, explosions, smoke, this is how the soldiers of our forty-ninth army hone their skills. work more efficiently, that is,
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count each step, while remembering the turns of this earthen labyrinth. let's, come on, come on, how much serious attention is paid to preparation here can be judged, at least by these trenches, this is not just a hastily dug trench, this is actually a ukrainian armed forces stronghold recreated according to the data from our... branch, which our guys will soon have to storm . that’s why you don’t need to explain to anyone that you need to give 200%. and if the instructor commanded that one was wounded, then the wounded one falls. it's still clean. it’s hard in training, even harder in battle. this is a fighter with the call sign fers, at 24, he is already a group commander, he says: in a real battle the most difficult thing is to get close to the enemy, there are mines and tripwires everywhere, well, in the trenches fear fades into the background. that from precision , as in training, your muscle memory is already just working, everyone who is stronger wins, well, as always, we
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turn out to be stronger, he says, the situation along that front line has changed dramatically recently, the enemy is exhausted, an example of this is several successful ones assaults, already lost in spirit, they no longer have any combat potential, they are simply afraid, they say, unlike in su, each of our assault groups is more than a family. the guys here are completely different, as in civilian life, here they are like brother for brother. sergey panomariov, roman serebrennikov and mikhail vasiliev, channel one. high state awards for our military engineers and orders of courage were received by the heroes of the special operation, who are now undergoing treatment and rehabilitation in a branch of the vishnevsky hospital. among the recipients was denis shamalyuk, who, together with his colleagues , captured six ukrainian soldiers. on january 1, vladimir putin spoke with him during a visit to the hospital, but today.
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guys, thank you very much, come back home, safe and sound. the eu has accumulated a colossal debt of over seven billion euros to the community countries that supply weapons to ukraine; this is the amount that the state should have received as compensation for the supplies, writes the spanish publication el paiz. there is nowhere to get money, but brussels has a paradoxical decision to create an assistance fund for ukraine as soon as possible, from which kiev will be allocated... another 5 billion euros annually. the article notes that with such debts it will not be easy to ensure new supplies even through the fund, but for the kiev
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funding reduction regime is a disaster. ukraine and the west are preparing for a long war after the failure of the counter-offensive of kiev troops in the fall of 2023 . the situation at the front is difficult, the ukrainian military is exhausted due to lack of rotation ; some units have an excess of western weapons, while... others have an acute shortage, because the eu was unable to deliver the promised million artillery shells to ukraine. kiev has already warned its allies that if it does not receive support, it will be forced to leave 2 million people without wages, and another million without pension and social benefits. transport collapse is again threatening germany; railway workers today are starting one of the largest strikes. in the evening , drivers of freight trains will stop working, and a little later, passenger train drivers. and they plan to continue the protest to...
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become a donor and save more than one life in blood services across the country, with the support of the federal medical and biological agency , student week is taking place, a large-scale event to attract as many young people as possible to the most important mission. according to statistics, every third person on earth requires a transfusion at least once. thousands of students will come to donate blood this week, and many will do this not for the first time. during the week , young people will be told about different areas of donation. in st. petersburg and the leningrad region, they are eliminating the consequences of a powerful snowstorm. the storm raged all night, wind gusts reached 20 m/second. this
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car spun on an icy highway. for a toy. there are drifts on the roads. cars skid and get stuck in snowdrifts. some drivers had to abandon their cars on the side of the road. here, in short, you’ll even find something like this, they just abandoned the car. she's not visible yet. the special equipment will definitely demolish it. due to bad weather, pulkovo airport suspended operations. 18 aircraft went to alternate airfields. according to weather forecasters, the snow will continue during the day, with rain. today they predict a snowstorm in moscow, it will warm up to -3, there will be icy roads on the roads, but tomorrow it will be above zero. well, in irkutsk, despite the snowfalls, an athlete who approaches every training session is preparing to implement a new idea creatively, drawn running, a global trend that has more and more followers, including in our country, alina sanoeva will explain everything, i went out to draw a goose on
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the map, instead. snowy field, instead of a hand - legs. after gps tracking displays the route on the phone, this is the picture you get. the beak will be around a small forest. that 's it, my run is ready, i'm so happy. this video of an athlete from the irkutsk region anastasia chuvasheva gained popularity on the internet and grew into a sports challenge under called i'm running. finished drawings began to be posted on social networks. it all started with a local sports chat, where runners uploaded their running tracks. in other words. when i looked at their reports, it always seemed to me that it looked like some kind of figures, i even worked as a fortune teller in this chat, i usually wrote what it looked like, nastya liked the idea of ​​running and drawing at the same time so much that she decided to diversify her paintings , recently tried to portray a lamb in a snowy field, now she swung at a dinosaur to draw, you will have to run 25 km, the route
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is first built on a map at the computer, then you will have to somehow. run through the fields to make a leg, then a tail, drawings that are created on the map using gps tracking are called gps art by lovers of running, cycling, swimming, and also just walking. this is a global trend, it appeared with the development of running applications that are capable of tracking and recording the athlete’s movement in real time. now it's a whole movement. the themes for the drawings are very diverse, from heroes, comics and films to landscapes of the african savannah. and here, for example, is a portrait. we start with the head, straight to the right, left, right, left, twist it a little, in general, warming up means twisting everything that spins. today i also decided to join the art of sports, but i’ll say right away that i don’t pretend to create any complex paintings, but as people experienced in this matter say, the best things start with something very simple. krasnoyarsk resident lyudmila gonjurova has been into gps art for 4 years and has been painting various
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animals and flowers. the difficulty is that we have very unpredictable cards. several times it happened that i ran and ran and ran into a fence, so i had to climb over, what should i do? and there are many such moments along the way, here we can also play around, here we go, we run, right here, but how do people react? and people react differently, especially when you are running, suddenly you suddenly turn around and run in the opposite direction, but they think that not everything is fine with you, however, how not to react.
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the information channel on the first continues, time will tell the program, we are working live broadcast, our guys on the front line simply never cease to amaze us with their approach, their professionalism, courage, accuracy and precision, a rare shot appeared on social networks, tankmen from buryatia shot down ukrainian drones from a tank gun, and another feat of our fighter was shown in the stream of the popular front and even found a hero, we see... with whom it spread all over social networks. our soldiers, risking their lives every day, are fighting to ensure that such monstrous incidents as in donetsk do not happen again. and recently on social networks there was a popular video of how a wounded soldier , to the sound of shells, read a piercing poem: russia is crying, the landlady, like this, is suffering, and we are suffering, and the earth
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is suffering. 11 am, if i get out before night, it will be good, the no-balance is valid for another 4 hours , so good luck, guys, how... thinking about survival, going on the ice, you are wounded, as i understand it, they were waiting for evacuation, i didn’t evacuate i waited, but the evacuation still had to crawl 3 km, and i crawled them, that’s why these poems,
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when i crawled, i drank the russian gym to myself, it helped me, i can’t explain why, at that moment, at that moment, as if there was already such a story, that a tank was working on us, art was working on us, and most importantly, cluster munitions were working on us, there was nowhere to hide, and i understood that this was all , and in order for my children to understand that dad didn’t give up completely, and that’s what dad fought for all the previous 16 months, he remained true to his ideal, for some reason it came to my mind that i remembered igor tolkov, even more such touching materials can be found in the telegram channel stream people frontcode on yours.
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i couldn’t cope with our dirt, i got stuck , apparently that’s why the neo-nazis from the centuria group identified them in this video, they had to get on horses, well, are we waiting for them to get those same vaunted ukrainian shpanies? well, all this does not prevent, nevertheless, the ukrainian punitive forces from systematically destroying the civilian population of donbass, in particular donetsk, where this sunday, as a result of another terrorist attack, 28... people were killed, dozens were injured, including children. yesterday, in response to this, our fighters destroyed enemy workshops with shells on which were inscribed in memory of the dead civilians
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of the donetsk microdistrict telstilshchik. we learn about what is now happening in the donetsk direction from war correspondent pavel kukushkin, he gets in touch with us directly. pavel, hello, hello, ruslan, how is the situation now, especially after sunday’s shelling. after the terrorist attack, has the enemy calmed down, quieted down, or continues? well - here we can say it in two ways, the enemy does not hit donetsk so massively, but nevertheless all the same, the shelling of the border areas of donetsk and other cities, including gorlovka and sinovataya, makeevka continues, and of course, in comparison with that sunday’s barbaric and powerful blow, from which 28 people died and 30 are still in custody.
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from georgievka to khurakhov is about 10 km, now there are battles directly in this settlement and to the south novomikhailovka - this is also a very important settlement, because... with the liberation of novomikhailovka , we have operational space to to enter the ugledar group of ukranazis on the flank and cut off the supply artery. pavel, a polish publication writes
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that we will soon throw ukrainians back into the era of swords and muskets. did you see a lot of musketeers and zelensky’s guards there on the front line? well, of course, we see them, we observe them, we observe them from the birds, fighters, attack aircraft, observe them. on vkontakte, directly, i mainly observe prisoners, more and more of whom are now being taken by our fighters, here is the international brigade tag during assault operations. five were captured several ukrainian military vehicles and are they really running out of weapons? well, you know, ruslan, i would be very careful with this now, because yes, they are talking about the fact that supplies are being reduced, but nevertheless, now, in any case, on the sector of the front where i am, while they have weapons are all right as long as they snap back enough...seriously, so
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here, uh, well, let’s just say, we need to be careful about these statements, we understand that a war is also happening on, let’s say, the information front, and let’s just say, stuffing works, and accordingly, we need to be very careful about such statements, while with the armament of the ukranazis, that ruslan, especially as i say, from the polish media, of course, especially since we understand that poland is now... one of the closest allies of ukraine, and i think that in the hope of finally getting the eastern lands, as they call it, or galicia, but now, of course, they are trying in every possible way to work in the country of the ukrainian-nazi regime. thank you very much, pavel kukushkin was in direct contact with us. well, it’s obvious to everyone that ukraine she is not independent, she commits all her crimes under strict guidance. we
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did not have a chance to discuss the situation in ukraine with us representatives, because the current administration in washington is not interested in any political dialogue with moscow, we are ready to listen to everyone who is truly interested in justice, including justice created in relations between russia and ukraine, which will include, of course, termination.
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how is such an obvious confession, well, firstly, he admitted that we, that is, we mean, we the americans are with hitler together, that is , he admits that america was initially on the side of nazism, they just came along at the end to share this victorious pie, now the americans have returned to their previous positions, they are on the side of nazism, tabakh confirmed this, besides, what questions might the japanese now have regarding the atomic bombs, who dropped them, well, he... said everything, we dropped two atomic bombs on japan, vlad, and how do you generally evaluate this speech, what is it about, exclusively for internal audience only, i would like it to be heard in the west too, this needs to be archived , you know, i remember this clown well, when he was still here, he was a big fan of attending all sorts of parties for free, what is called food, drink, and toasts then said the corresponding things there...
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that for many, many years there was a plan to stop russia, if before it was more connected with our internal, to put it mildly, agents, with the help of it they tried to contain it, then... when this turning point occurred, of course they started calmly and it’s cold to prepare for the next hot stage, we talk here all the time about the fact that there is a war with the armed forces of ukraine, but in my opinion it is necessary to change the terminology itself: we are at war with nato and the united states in a proxy war, it’s just that the armed forces of ukraine in
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this case act in the role of a colonial army, because it’s clear that now we don’t even calculate how many shells, equipment, weapons there the ukrainian armed forces produces, it receives all this, it is required from the ukrainian armed forces. another thing is important for them, firstly, that this war lasts as long as possible, this the most important thing, and secondly, to make , as it were, a transition to a new technological structure called cold war 2.0, accordingly with the complete militarization of industry, with the zeroing out of very many,
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let’s say, related things associated, for example, with huge debts their own, that is, this transition to the cold war, it will allow them to solve a huge number of internal problems, economic, and only within the framework of this they are ready to move very far, but to fight with russia, looking at the way the war is going, looking at the state of the russian army today, they are certainly not eager to say anything at all, but the task is to drive as many ukrainians as possible, nevertheless they do not hesitate to call for ukrainians to hit the territories russians, for civilians, they are not embarrassed to admit this, even if...
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they need to give more of these swords to ukraine there. yesterday, by the way, in the danish newspaper there was even a drawing of how a caring european hand was giving new swords to zelensky for this very war against russia. and this is what this tabakh says, yes, about the fact that we destroyed half the entire population of germany in order to defeat it, i want all those who do not understand, perhaps still, to hear why the svo, for what the svo and against what? of his own, he directly says : we must destroy at least half of the population of russia, we will have to drop atomic bombs, you see how western newspapers are now filled with what, yesterday british newspapers came out with maps of how they will fight against russia in 2044, we
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we see again a statement, they want the forty -fifth, apparently yes, they believe that the forty-fifth should follow, in any case, they paint a rather apocalyptic picture for themselves.
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transfers. donald tusk was in kiev yesterday. this is a fundamentally important difference from a simple one , he actively communicated with zelensky and openly stated that there would be a new package of military assistance from poland, but immediately clarified that it was all on credit. donald tusk arrived in kyiv. donald tusk arrived in kiev, and this is his first visit to ukraine as prime minister of poland. with in the morning he already met with the president of ukraine vladimir. and then tusk spoke with his ukrainian counterpart denis shmygal. it is already known that polish officials brought with
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them a new military aid package and security guarantees. the president of ukraine and the prime minister of poland announced this at a conference after a meeting held in the format. today, mr. prime minister and i held very productive negotiations on all aspects of our bilateral relations. we discussed defense support. kyiv will receive a new one polish defense package. a new form of our interaction will also be created for the sake of more. ukraine has no place for neutrality. if russia has a serious advantage in
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weapons and ammunition, we will all lose, so we will build joint projects and enterprises, we will invest in companies in poland in ukraine, which will work to increase our defense capabilities of ukraine, poland throughout europe. how will ukraine-polish cooperation unfold now, taking into account the cooling. relations between states, which started just a couple of months ago, a lot of problems need to be solved, how seriously will ukrainian and polish politicians take real cooperation. we have a whole range of problems in bilateral relations; the ukrainian public reproached poland for not pursuing a pro-ukrainian policy; more help was expected from the new cabinet. we all know. that there are conflicts of interest, we will discuss them and our conversation will be in the spirit of friendship. it is very important for me to create
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the belief that poland is the most reliable and a stable ally of ukraine in this mortal battle with evil. i came to kiev to defend the security of poland. the war is not only a ukrainian problem. freedom for the whole world is coming. but you can’t stick a knife in your own back, but you can trust the poles, that’s what he thinks. it will only have to, as it were, emphasize that poland is loyal, poland, so to speak
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, is a friendly country, but exactly until ukraine can begin to be torn to pieces, then we will see the true face of poland, then they will remember everything loans and about all the, so to speak, debts , about everything else, zelensky ’s situation is so hopeless, but he cannot help but understand how he will have to pay, no, zelensky is a player, his situation, at least now, cannot be called hopeless at all. kukushkin said this correctly, the situation at the front is not yet such that ukraine can be written off or dumped, there is a very difficult war going on, there are very heavy battles and the situation is completely different, so poland is now sitting in ambush, so ukraine something is thrown up, and zelensky is a player , and he has been one all his life, he believes that he will outplay everyone, given that biden seems to be looming behind him, biden will be president for at least another six months until november. he seems to have his own game of survival, so to say that he
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is in despair, so he rushes to hug everyone , i would not, i repeat, this is such a, you know, player from the odessa import who, in general, believes that he is someone he can beat anyone, but sometimes it turns out that that he has already been outplayed and is being beaten. vladimir vladimirovich, well, in their heads they have already won, they are already preparing a commission and a group of companies for the restoration of ukraine, they are already... distributing loans that will one day be repaid, they are already inviting investors, the poles are so confident that at least the western ukraine is coming to them , well, many hope so, of course, although you know, the poles even reached kiev, and it was always considered almost a polish city, well , some of them anyway, but note, we are talking about what else are the poles they will show their true colors, they immediately show themselves, tusk is still here, was yesterday in kiev, yesterday... the european commission declares: well, at the request of poland, we maintain restrictions on the range of ukrainian
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goods of ukrainian products. it would seem, yes, but lend a helping hand to your ally, ward, no, listen. we understand perfectly well that an absolutely cynical, experienced politician is pro-ukrainian, he knows that he hasn’t won anything yet, they are unlikely to let him win, he understands perfectly well that he is now playing his own game, the main thing in this game is the bargaining chip is, of course, ukraine and the saddest life of thousands of millions of these same ukrainians, they are now discussing, because what’s wrong with ukraine, how to deport the ukrainian
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population back to throw them as cannon fodder. zelensky's advisor leshchenko , mind you, one of the organizers of the euromaidan 10 years ago, remember what they promised the ukrainians, free travel in europe, european salaries, you will live simply, rivers of milk, there are jelly banks, now he is in a state of flux, yesterday speaking at a meeting there with various figures, declares, well, we need to help ukraine bring everyone back, all those who fled from ukraine, since there is no one and nothing with which to fight. here you go, how do all these fairy tales end , they take a position and are even ready to pay extra to the ukrainians so that they return, but there is also germany, which stands its ground and says: no, we are sending ukrainians back to the system, they now give help not in cash, but they issue bank cards, ukrainians are very unhappy with this, as far as i know in germany, they are dissatisfied, not dissatisfied, they happily sit in
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germany, i understand what awaits them in ukraine, and many fled from poland to germany, understanding what awaits them in poland, of course, of course. well, poles, you are telling your face so far that they have never hidden their face, vladimir vladimirovich, everything is known about poland, and i think even zelensky understands, but he still lives with illusions of confidence, and the west has not yet completely drowned the independent decided in the european union they have developed a new plan to help ukraine bypassing the veto that hungary had previously imposed, and for this purpose a special one will even be created, so called a war fund, that's how this scheme would work. european union officials will this week begin implementing a new plan to provide tens of billions of dollars in military aid to ukraine despite internal disagreements. the new plan envisages the return of more than 20 billion euros of eu funds to member states in exchange for tens of billions of euros in military aid they will provide to ukraine over the next four years. the russian-friendly government of hungary
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blocked payments from the fund for more than six months member states, demanding certain concessions from ukraine. faced with these difficulties, the eu's external services plan proposes the creation of a special military fund for ukraine, which will absorb part of the remaining assets of the european peace fund, and will be replenished by 5 billion euros annually between 2024 and 2027. the idea is to use this money to compensate countries for joint purchases of uav ammunition and air defense missiles for further transfer to ukraine. the rest of the money will go to pay for the military training program. ukrainians in the european union, within the framework of which 40,000 have already completed training. what kind of scheme are they coming up with, because many european countries were unhappy that they were abandoned, they handed over weapons, old soviet ones, they were promised to be compensated financially with new weapons, but somehow they forgot about it, they had problems with the peace fund, therefore, it is urgent to create a war fund project, in fact, all military allocations for ukraine were allocated through
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the orwell peace fund, yes, but then a ministry arose there. this is where the problem arose, the hungarians refused to finance it, well, in general there is nothing to fill it with, they are now urgently creating a new fund, but here the problem is in germany, again, the germans said, and we have already given a lot of direct assistance, let’s now each country intervene separately, but the germans seem to have already contributed their share, that is, in fact, again, greed is ruining those who rule there in europe, on the one hand , ukraine needs... to divide the money, but if my neighbor pays, the poles, the spaniards, whoever , but not us, that would be great, then we are for the vote, hence these problems, and the most important thing is that while america is stuck with this help, you understand, the europeans are really well aware that they themselves will not be able to handle all the military assistance from ukraine, so you are 100% right that they will not they are trying to find who will pay for ukraine instead of the europeans themselves,
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here is another way to save the independent economy, suggests the ex-head of the world bank with the telling surname zelik. true, his proposal is not new, you have already heard it, he calls for transferring to ukraine blocked russian assets, calls all this elegant justice, g7 countries. and other countries froze russian reserves for 2 years without creating devastating negative consequences. it would be nice if countries understood that they cannot annex a neighbor's territory without losing access to their assets. to do this with russia's assets would be elegant justice. well, here you need to understand that if they try to take away russian assets, if they could have taken them away a long time ago, this is necessary understand, there will be such an answer that they will lose much larger assets that are located on our territory and there are many, many other nuances, but vlad.
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we will refuse to repay all the loans that are available at the state level at the corporate level, and there is, excuse me, more money than is blocked, plus we will take away all the foreign assets of foreign companies that are located in the territory... directly related to the loss of finances, otherwise what are you
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saying, these are still more specific questions, because basically loans are everything that connected, this is connected with, as it were, a different level, this is not the european bureaucracy, this is not, as it were, the highest financial, or something like a floor, and this is all that will be carried, as it were, along the way by those who are involved in all this the matter was invested, through them they could just be. to step over, and ultimately deal a crushing blow to their own currencies, to their own role of financial currencies in the global financial process, this is of course what they are very afraid to do, at least for the moment. a short forecast: whether they will go in the end or not, you know, i have the feeling that they will still go, just maybe not so quickly, yes, but they will go, because they really still have a rather stalemate situation, either they have to find this money somewhere for the war, or it will really affect... that the war is not going the way they would like, vladivich, in short , your forecast regarding it will go, it has happened more than once, remember the tsarist debts that they took from us then, and then they still
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demanded those debts for decades, according to which we refused to pay, but for sure will follow this path, and note that the lion's share of those assets that are located in russia is not the united states, but other countries, so they will crush their, as it were , allies, with a short advertisement and we will return. today you will go to russia, return the sacred treasures of the nation, in this box all the most valuable things are, dad, only letters from the second world war disappeared from the house. where there are values, there are also crimes. do you understand the order? yes sir! is anyone still hunting for the contents of this box? my grandfather vanerbe was engaged exclusively in archaeology,
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this is really the same place. a cache in a cache, there is a cache that has no statute of limitations. german. today is after the program . old barrel cognac is a product of steller group. female pilots and female technicians must demonstrate skill, courage and self-sacrifice. this is the film that you have been waiting for, i think yes, of course, definitely air, because working with alexei german, of course, was a dream. they invited me to audition, then they didn’t call me, i thought, probably not, i didn’t fit in. and so with i thought in despair, well, here, there was an opportunity, unfortunately.
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borbon stersman is a product of the steller group, what else? either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect preaching love, people’s love for each other, at all costs, love, i loved myself very much, it’s even it was sometimes simply charming, because it crossed all boundaries, i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this made
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me wiser and more... on friday, on the first eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, the enemy is marching into leningrad, and you are looking for excuses, this is the siren that sounded on the air.
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the feeling of hunger is terrible, it’s when you always want to eat, but there’s nothing to eat, i have no strength, i can’t make it to live, it was hell, hello, hello, can you hear me, tanks rushed through our positions, i ask for support, well, here’s a familiar room , here is the embrasure, which means a cannon, if at least one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank, even on a stick on horseback. i’ll shoot, we all endured, we believed that the war would end soon, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, it’s our duty to leningrad, on saturday, on the first, for the seventieth birthday of leonid ermolnik, i actually acted for many years, i played either or criminals or abnormal. half
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the country made this jez, it’s the dream of any actor to play something big and global, he was rewarded for his patience, he turned out to be a flower that takes a long time to bloom, it was the happiest time in my life, but like any talented man, you are both beautiful and terrible, he is very light, and the contrast of his lightness is his devotion to friendship, i was so lucky in life with... the one with whom life brought me together. the documentary premieres on sunday on the first. last weekend , donetsk came under heavy shelling, killing 28 people. the goal of the ukrainian nazis was to exterminate exclusively civilians, this is how the residents of donetsk have been living for 10 years.
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constantly being at risk, but despite this the city continues to live, believe and exist, and in such difficult conditions. our colleague alexander mozgovoy spoke about the tense everyday life of workers at the donetsk bus station. the morning has not yet dawned, donetsk residents, as you can see, are rushing to work, we are at the bus station and today we will set off along a route that begins in the city center, and ends in the front-line zone, considered at a distance of a mortar shot from the enemy position.
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route forty-one, it’s also one of the most unsafe in donetsk, that’s right, yes, yes, not the most unsafe, yes, this morning they already started shelling, we’re all now believers have become, well, at one time i was not a believer, now i passed from... i participated there a little due to age, i wrote off and i returned to work here, you know, there are now text messages coming in on various social networks there saying: officially, that attention , shelling of such and such an area, don’t go out into the street, you’re driving, you can’t even, yes, well , don’t go out into the street, that doesn’t mean, it’s not for us, we’re going, we need to go, people are sitting
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in on the bus, but if you don’t go, it’s already possible that somewhere nearby they will go to bed, then we’ll turn around, it turns out that every stop essentially brings us closer to the front line, right? of course, here you are not far, there are also drones flying here and artillery shelling happens, of course more flies in, krasnogorovka is nearby, i already had to hit somewhere, of course, in 10 years, in 10 years this is in the order of things, as the soldiers got used to it, some no longer twitches, falls 20-30 m, no longer paying attention, maybe not paying attention that much. already, yes, yes, the main thing is to react if you hear,
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wreaths, children’s, toys, ukrainian here the shell hit the bus with passengers directly and... this is just one of such spontaneous memorials in donetsk. and your control center is this little booth, right? yes, my office. but in general it is not protected in any way, absolutely. no, of course not, but what kind of shelter is there in this entrance? we hide in the entrances, if anything happens, well, we hide in this bus stop, how many times it was broken. that's right. tell me, if there is some kind of signal that shelling is starting, you have the opportunity to warn drivers, as if instantly you start calling, calling around, and the boys
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are already calling each other, even though they have to go to work under shelling, oleg, how many flights? you have to do a lot of driving here every day , i come three times, well, three times, sometimes four times, no more, well, i work half a day, but has it ever happened that flights were delayed or canceled due to shelling? no, this never happened in my memory. a long time ago all this happened to him, it happened to him in the twenty-second year on october 4, at that time there was an arrival at the park, she killed the boss
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there are car columns here, all the windows have blown out. so far they have temporarily boarded it up with film , but in the future we will restore it, during this time there were seven arrivals to the park territory, my drivers seem to be of the old school, as if we have schedules, we have this very thing, they all come out, they all drive, well, as if there are no such people who are afraid, and you said, and the driver with whom we talked, here is oleg, what is really missing, there is not enough labor , that’s it. and yet, when the homeland said it was necessary, the mobilization guys went sovol, yes, i have 24 people, of which 22 are drivers, one mechanic, one
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slezer, everyone returned, well , about seven people returned, they are due to health reasons, if they are still serving, they are serving. these are new buses, they arrived in september of the twenty-third year, from the chief of the region, the city of moscow, that is, we have 30 buses, new, good buses have arrived, now we have problems, as if with drivers, we are recruiting drivers, we need drivers and... how naturally, then there will be more graphs, there will be more buses running around the city of donetsk.
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every day you go on a flight and don’t know whether you will return or not, knowing that you are going exactly to those districts that are being shelled, shelled. and this is a real hero, i am sure that history will still write its contribution about these outstanding heroes of our time, then the news will come first. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. new stage. russia's most important project in africa, at the first
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nuclear power plant being built in egypt, today they began pouring concrete at the base of the fourth the last power unit. the event is significant and the presidents of the two countries took part in the ceremony via video link. vladimir putin and abdelfattah assisi gave the command to get to work. as ebaa - rosatom's flagship project on the african continent, the station will provide energy to 20 million egyptians and stimulate the development of technology. after filling. concrete , full-scale construction will begin on the north side; all four power units will be built simultaneously. and this is what vladimir putin said at the ceremony. rosatom is being built in egypt immediately four nuclear power units with a total capacity of 4,800 mw. power units based on generation 3+ reactors will be able to annually produce up to 37 billion electricity, which will ensure order.
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the most complex design, installation and technological
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problems are solved. more than 16 thousand people are involved every day, most of whom are egyptian citizens, who work hand in hand with the russians. the russian army today launched a large-scale attack on the ukrainian military rear. as the ministry of defense reported shortly before our release, it was used high-precision weapons, long-range airborne ground-based weapons, and the target... were the facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, producing missiles and components for them, as well as ammunition and explosives. the target of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit, the message emphasizes. and in confirmation of the footage that appeared on social networks, there were several precise flights in kiev, while, as has happened more than once, the local air defense distinguished itself, the ukrainians place their complexes right in the residential areas of the city, hiding behind civilians, therefore, they often hit residential buildings with their own anti-missiles. a stop of fire rose over kharkov in the morning. there, eyewitnesses counted four powerful explosions; in addition to
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military-industrial complex factories, there were many places where foreign mercenaries gathered in the city. accurate flights were recorded in povlograd, dnepropetrovsk region in shostka. sumy region. and also from the report of the ministry of defense in the krasnolimansky direction, our units have improved the situation along the front line. the enemy lost over 220 fighters and many armored vehicles. the item was also destroyed management of the operational-tactical group of the armed forces of ukraine liman. our aviation, including helicopters, is actively operating in the enemy’s close rear areas, as well as in forward positions. k-52 alligators and mi-28 night hunters. they go on combat missions in pairs. having received reconnaissance information about the location. they fire them with missiles, they are also armed with powerful cannons, all our pilots are real aces, each of them has a lot of destroyed targets. oleg shishkin learned some of the secrets of their work. this is a mandatory ritual after returning from a combat mission to inspect the helicopter, touching important components of the units
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, with your fingertips, running over the body, there is something more in this than just checking the technical condition of the machine, and the commander with the call sign lighthouse still freezes for a few seconds at the cockpit, we thank our hard worker in combat, how do you feel about the helicopter, so and he will treat you, pilots absorb this commandment even in military school. he’s alive , he understands us, it’s not just a piece of hardware , it’s firstly the best helicopter in the world, secondly, it’s a living creature, our brother, he protects us, we try to help him take care. k-52 alligator is a unique helicopter. the coaxial propeller system allows you to perform aerobatic maneuvers that are inaccessible to other machines. the machine is good, the machine allows a lot, the machine performs the tasks assigned to it well, the defense industry tried to make this a work of art, i would probably call it that. both seats are equipped with catapults in case of an emergency landing. the k-52 is protected by armor weighing 300 kg; six suspension points can accommodate
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weapons with a total weight of 2 tons. usually, these are guided missiles, helicopter pilots call them felt-tip pens, and unguided ones. pencils, another feature, this thirty-millimeter cannon, exactly the same one is installed on infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, so if necessary, cartridges can be borrowed from motorized riflemen. helicopter pilots use unguided missiles against enemy positions, usually at a distance of about 7 km. before the attack, a pitching maneuver is performed, the helicopter raises its nose and the missiles rush towards the target. they fly out on combat missions in pairs together with the mi-28 night hunters. on these frames.
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were carried out successfully and the targets were hit. in this army aviation unit of the southern group of forces, all pilots with combat experience, real aces, each escaped enemy missiles more than once. this, as a rule , is an ambush, the enemy is taking a risk, he comes closer, he worked on us, we immediately reported to the forward gunner, he and the brothers who operate fpv drones successfully worked on everything. the lighthouse has hit more than 300 targets, including nato equipment. somewhere there is more duralumin in the armor, she scatters like a sparkler, well, visually we see what it means that something like that was nato, for a whirlwind-type missile, our anti-tank one, in principle it still needs to set fire, but they received bonuses for us, that we get a bonus for everything, the state doesn’t i was offended when returning from a combat mission, pilots often do
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a roll call on air, from the command post the crews thank them for their work, and then everyone in the sky joins in, then no one needs to explain what combat air brotherhood is, thank you for your work, as always the best, this is the best job in the world, thank you in return, the best job in the world, the best job in the world, this is the best job in the world, oleg shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoyko, channel one. moscow is ready to conduct a dialogue with all countries in whose interests it is to stop using ukraine as an instrument of war against russia. our foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this in an interview with american journalists. he emphasized: washington is in such a dialogue. not interested. the states have been destroying relations with russia for decades, demonstrating a complex of impunity and superiority complex. sergei lavrov discussed the conflict in ukraine, as well as the situation in the middle east, during a series of bilateral meetings in new york after a meeting of the un security council. georgiy alisashvili with details. between two meetings of the security council
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on the ukrainian conflict and the situation in the middle east, sergei lavrov held negotiations with colleagues with whom these diplomatic issues could be discussed. in a small negotiation room, one delegation replaces another. indonesia, lebanon, emirates, türkiye. usually such meetings on the sidelines of voonov last no more than 20 minutes, but this time it reached 40. question.
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voted because i know how americans, british and some europeans get those votes. i have many friends in new york, when the vote on this resolution was going on, i asked why they voted that way, they answered a little guiltily.
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calls to look at this terrible tragedy in the context of the entire arab-israeli conflict, the solution of which can only be based on the relevant un resolutions. no justification for the barbarity of october 7, but the retaliatory evil will be reproduced by ever new generations of those who decide that they were abandoned and betrayed. this is not a prediction, but i assure you that until the injustice is corrected and a palestinian state is created, there will be more and more violence in palestine and others.
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because of the situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, mikhail mishustin called today, the prime minister met with the head of rostechnadzor alexander tremvitsky. the agency is responsible for
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industrial safety. accidents on russian there are fewer enterprises, despite the fact that production volumes have increased and new facilities have been added. the figures have increased, despite the current moratorium on inspections. there has been a moratorium on inspections for several years now. on the instructions of the president, we extended it for...
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one of the cars spins, other drivers are trying to get out of the captivity of the elements ; the footage taken shows how on the highway with the help of shovels, someone completely decided to throw their car into a snowdrift, it was almost completely hidden under the snow . intermittently pulkovo airport was operating, about 20 planes went to land at alternate airfields. well, today a snowstorm will cover moscow, and warming will come along with the snow. now it’s -3°, and tomorrow the temperature will rise to above
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zero. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon, “big game” is on air. today, vladimir putin and his egyptian counterpart abdel-fattah as sisi took part in the ceremonial ceremony via videoconference ceremony to mark the start of concrete pouring at the base of the fourth power unit of the egyptian edda nuclear power plant. let me remind you that this is the first nuclear power plant in egypt and... it is none other than our rosatom, and this is a very important project, and i would say, a symbol of the strategic partnership between russia and egypt, a contribution to russia’s partnership with the countries of the middle east and africa generally. also , vladimir putin said today that russia has supported egypt’s entry into brix from the very beginning, and egypt joined brix this year, and is waiting for president assisi at the summit of this association in kazan in october this year. well, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov
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continues his visit to new york headquarters. un, and that night he held talks with his colleagues from turkey, iran, indonesia, lebanon, with the permanent representative of the united arab emirates, the night before he spoke at a security council meeting on ukraine, which was convened by russia in connection with the terrible terrorist attacks that are increasingly being carried out the kiev regime, suffering setbacks on the battlefield, the latest examples of such terrorist attacks were attacks on the center donetsk in the market and shops, as a result of which, according to today's estimates, 20 people died
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. they emphasize that if last year russia hit mercenaries and so on and so forth, even including hitting energy infrastructure facilities, then this year it’s hitting precisely military facilities. ivanovich, you have the floor. yes, indeed, there have been no strikes on the energy infrastructure yet, so there are strikes on the military, well, again, military production, it is also equated to military facilities. this is true. today, in addition to the cities you indicated, there were
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strikes were struck, exactly on the six, pavlograd, mirgorod, well, there is an airfield near mirgorod, most likely the starokonstantinovsky airfield, well, for now i have no more data, that is, five cities. in general there were opponents shown. the work of the krivoruk air defense, but this is already traditional and reported that about half of the missiles were shot down, that is, even according to ukrainian sources, no more than half of our missiles were shot down, which is also noteworthy, this is already becoming the norm, but the enemy’s nato investments are really not going well , everything went smoothly for them the other side, well, we must give due credit and they are investing less, that is, now the enemy is on the defensive everywhere, and in some places our troops are attacking very well in the donetsk direction on -
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which is investing military investments in ukraine, they are bringing less and less effect. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich, i really completely agree with you, but now the united states has been forced to temporarily interrupt its investments in the kiev regime, they really hope to resume it , and today we will talk about whether they will succeed do. well, we must understand that the more deplorable the situation of the kiev regime becomes, the more it will resort to such inhumane terrorist attacks as the recent attacks on the center of donetsk. and just the other day, the financial times published an interview with one of the main terrorists in the world, today, this is the head of the ukrainian ministry of defense kirill budanov, where he
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stated in black and white in this interview that we will continue to do everything we did before, that is, bearing in mind the terrorist attacks on territory of the russian federation, both in new regions and in old regions, and of course, to reduce, at least reduce.
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in your person once again, we express our condolences in connection with that terrible tragedy that occurred in donetsk the other day, secondly, this is how you assess the prospects for military operations and the prospects for the ukrainian armed forces moving away from our borders and from big cities in the context that they are preparing for a serious defensive war, thank you very much for your condolences, because yes indeed for...
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regarding the statement why are they doing all this? you know, they understand our slavic character, if they hit us, then we must immediately respond, so they call us in this way, if they shot at a textile worker.
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if you noticed, the teeth, even the ones they make, they exactly make such engineering populations, yes, they copy one to one, minefields, teeth, this cannot be underestimated, because we studied their defense of nato fortifications, namely nato pillboxes around mariupol , because there it is according to nato system was built, this is a fairly powerful fortification, but they can overcome 980 km there, they make it three deep and so on, but i would like to simply. to show that
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the front line is not only the one that is shown to us, yes, it is much wider, and if , by and large, we continue to observe exactly this kind of mockery of our civilian population, then you know how plumbers say , the breakthrough could be anywhere in the pipe, then it won’t seem like much, that’s for sure, well, i think that - there are really smart people working in our general staff, it is unlikely that we will try to attack these people head-on.
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became prophets without realizing it, these people are so rich that in comparison with them david rockefeller would look like a beggar, the first serious brainchild of this community was the us federal reserve system, we are confronted by a ruthless conspiracy, both the head of the fbi and head of the cia. mishest is officially funded by the british royal family, they say it’s easier to rule a small world, they advertise autonasia in every possible way for sick, for the elderly, the usa is already located.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. today you will go to russia and return the sacred treasures of the nation. this box contains all the most valuable things. dad, the only items missing from the house were those from the second world war. this secret ultimately killed my father too. where there are values, there they are. and a crime, now we’ll figure it out, your operation has been detected, you understand the order, that’s right, someone is still hunting for the contents of this box, my grandfather was engaged exclusively in vananerbe archeology, this is really the same place, a cache within caches, there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, german, today after the program. time. if i lived in shanghai,
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i would probably feel like the heroine of some reality show. cameras make our lives comfortable. we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters left on the street. look at the material and the perfect seams - it's original. why is it cheaper? but you don’t buy them on the champs-elysees, do you? locals love to show off and wear fake but branded items.
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others, the premiere on sunday on the first, for the seventieth birthday of leonid ermolnik, i generally studied for many years, i played either criminals or not... awareness of the commonality of civilization stems from
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the recognition of the commonality of the past, present and future.
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on the first, a big game was broadcast, speaking the day before at the un security council, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov made, it seems to me, an extremely important statement and in many ways unprecedented at such a high level, and...
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about how to keep the leaders in power kiev regime to indulge their fantasies, and to overcome the legacy, the destructive, ten-year plunder of the country of violence against its people, to eliminate the causes, the tragic situation for ukraine, i demand that russia stop the special military operation, they understand perfectly well that if this suddenly happened, then the kiev the regime...
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has now outlived its usefulness, in fact, on the one hand, indeed, by denying the zelensky regime the right to exist, russia is thereby forming its own negotiating position. unfortunately this is very convenient an element for western countries as well, because zelensky has committed so many war crimes that will cast a shadow on western countries; remove zelensky now, some will escape responsibility, we would not want this, but on the other hand, if zelensky ceases to be the president of ukraine, this is inevitable will happen in the near future, because he canceled the elections, he is not going to release power, accordingly he becomes an illegitimate president, and in this regard there may be a question for him.
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applied the purpose of the russian special operation in the form denazification to the current situation on the eve of possibly some kind of resolution, be it through military means or through negotiations, well, in the west, and at all levels, including the highest levels, they continue to frighten their own public with the fact that if russia wins in ukraine , then this will supposedly inevitably lead to a direct military clash between russia and nato, and accordingly.
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and decades of exercises called steadfast defender 24, 90,000 military personnel are participating there, and their exercises are a legend, naturally, this implies the deployment of nato armed forces in response to a russian attack on one or more nato countries. well, as the last cherry on the cake, today’s statement by german defense minister boris pistorius, who, by the way, is being tipped to become chancellor instead of scholz. he already said last week that we need to prepare for russia to allegedly attack nato, so listen to what he
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said today. it is less a matter of preparing for an attack and more a matter of waiting for it, but it is to be expected. and if you need to prepare for dangers that you don't know when or if they will happen , which means you have to arm yourself. this is what we are doing with our nato allies, and it is necessary. ivan alekseevich, this is just political manipulation. it exists, and sergei viktorovich talks about it very correctly, but
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it seems to me that from an expert point of view, we can say that apparently not only for this, perhaps, not only for this, definitely for this, but perhaps not only this argument is now being used for this, the fact is that you and i have repeatedly said, dmitry vyacheslavovich, that several times over the past year and a half they have come to a fork in the road, that nothing is working out, the next stage. what an escalation, since the fall of last year they have been faced with the fact that there is nothing to escalate in the territories that are now areas of military operations, that’s all.
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are beginning to think about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia, as they dreamed of, with the help of this vassal outside nato it doesn’t work out, from my point of view , thoughts are beginning in favor of escalation, but no longer by the forces of this vassal, this geopolitical suicide bomber, but actually preparing for a big war, they say the kiev regime failed, but if we all fall on russia together, that’s all for ...nato , that’s how they reason, then maybe something will work out, but again they need someone to act as such a bully, to provoke, apparently this role from and then a suicide bomber, yes, this the role will be assigned, assigned to the baltic ones, well, for now, let's say, state, in this sense this is a very dangerous
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situation, they are starting to prepare for a big war, which cannot but be nuclear. talk about the following: from an expert point of view, it seems to me that our president could say that we are ending the war, we did not start the war, we are ending a war that has already been going on for 10 years, but apparently we will now also prevent the war, to which westerners are preparing for in the next 10 years. we are ending the war that started 10 years ago and at the same time preventing a nuclear war, at least in europe, if not a global one, which the west is starting to prepare for its deployment in 10 years, while, i think, some europeans are saying: okay, now we won’t help ukraine with the kiev regime, we’ll prepare in 10 years, in fact, dreaming that it may not come to this, but america will
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push them precisely towards this, it seems to me that the irresponsible western elites... should re-read the russian nuclear doctrine, where the scenarios are spelled out in black and white russia's use of nuclear weapons in a non-nuclear war, and if god forbid there is a major direct war between russia and nato, then the emergence of this war at the nuclear level will be inevitable, and the united states is unlikely to be able to sit overseas, just like great britain, if they hope to this, and i completely agree with you, ivan alekseevich, yes, all these conversations confirm it. the west’s unwillingness to abandon the very hybrid war against russia, the very goal-setting of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia, that is, they are changing their tools, but not the goal setting itself, and if someone hopes for a deal with the west on ukraine or a broader deal, all this rhetoric, all these actions show that this deal is impossible, at least in the foreseeable
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future, and let long-term militarization and long-term. between russia and the west, but in the west they are discussing another scenario, and experts have already written about it, including ours, for quite a long time, but now it is quite at a high level and an authoritative level in the west, this is also being said out loud, i mean the scenario the entry into the territory of ukraine of troops of military units of individual nato countries, as ukraine’s military defeat increases. he said this the other day in the past, now he is a retiree, but previously he was a very high-ranking american diplomat who was responsible for the european direction, listen to what he said. i think that it will not come to the actual presence of nato military personnel on the territory of ukraine, however, there are some nato members who, not subordinate to nato, can send their own military forces to ukraine, that is, not
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as if within the framework of nato’s general entry into the war.
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actions in ukraine, this is 100% launched by specialists from western countries. the poles imprisoned 70 thousand people during this period, or rather wrote reports, that is, what they do there, they write reports for vacation and go to the zone of a special military operation, more than 70 thousand, i want to remind you. these are two army corps, now many shelling of our settlements, when it is carried out specifically by western weapons , is carried out by western specialists for accuracy of destruction countries, but there is one thing, but, yes, this is not a safari in africa, our artillerymen, our reconnaissance officers, our missilemen proved to them that guys, it’s dangerous here, they are dying in batches and therefore to say that for them it will be an easy one. definitely not a walk, and b, many are already wary of coming to the territory of ukraine, because they might go back in coffins. i completely agree, the only addition is that if
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some nato countries go for open deployment, while we are talking about something that is not open, yes, if they go for open deployment of their regular military units on the territory of ukraine, russia will perceive this as a declaration of war with all the ensuing consequences, a small advertisement. then we will continue, today you will go to russia, return the sacred treasures of the nation , in this box all the most valuable things are, dad, only letters from the second world war disappeared from the house, this secret eventually killed my father, where there are valuables, there are and crimes, now we’ll sort it out. your operation is classified, you understand the order, that ’s right, someone is still hunting for the contents of this box, my grandfather vananerbe was engaged exclusively in archeology, this
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is really the same place, there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, german, today is after the program. cnop gin is a product of stellar group. female pilots and female technicians must demonstrate skill, courage and self-sacrifice. this is the film you've been waiting for, i think yes, of course, definitely air, because it was certainly a dream to work with alexei german. they invited me to audition, then they didn’t call me, i thought, probably not, and so with despair i thought, here we go.
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today, on the first eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, the enemy is marching into leningrad, and you are looking for excuses, comrades, to burn a tank from a bottle, the luga line, if even one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank, even on... on horseback, i’ll shoot you, pulkovo meridian, bread, i ruined the bread. “i don’t have the strength,
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maksimich, i can’t get to the factory. leningrad metronome. breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, it’s our duty to leningrad. operation spark. to me i have never wanted to live as much as i want to now. i want to live to see victory. cinema epic blockade. on saturday on the first. i won’t run from the enemy, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand, today we have a family evening, celebrity guests with their wonderful parents, that’s it, let’s relax, i started acting when i was seven years old, honestly, i’m not helping her, she really it works independently, this is definitely perfect, in general, at first she
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stood in a line, i said, can i put her near the microphone? we thought that we had we had a super genius kid and it was a defining moment in my career. i just always believed in him, looked at everything soberly, well, after all, i’m a nartologist for everything soberly, tomorrow is my mother’s birthday, i will give her a car, this is honestly earned money. you lost your spouse early and you raised your son alone? yes. thanks to our parents for their contribution to the development of us all. on saturday on the first.
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probably the greatest happiness is when all your loved ones are nearby, alive, healthy, children have absolutely everything for their full development, yes semyon, absolutely true, cheerful team , attitude, dream, desire, aspiration, goals : victory, picnics, walks, going on rides, first of all, i am an altruist, that is, i strive to do good to other people, as well as to society in our country as a whole. we give flowers and a good mood, so we wish everyone a great mood, russia be happy, i wish our country to prosper, many talented people appear in it, who bring it even greater success. there is a big game on the air,
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the biden administration is not leaving it. attempts to get congress to adopt a new budget for ukraine intimidates congressmen with various apocalyptic scenarios, including that american global leadership will collapse altogether and ukraine will no longer be supported not only by the united states itself, but by its allies. listen to what john kirby, spokesman for the national security council, said tonight. we should expect that some of our allies. partners may make different decisions if they see that the american leadership falters or that the us withdraws support for ukraine, this would have potentially disastrous consequences for ukraine. well, even sadder consequences for both kiev and washington were mentioned by national security adviser to the president of the united states jake sullivan and director of national intelligence hens at a meeting with congressional leaders that joe biden
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organized at the white house last week. listen to how nbc news describes the results of this meeting, the contents of this meeting. in a private meeting on wednesday, january 17, joe biden's top national security aides directly told lawmakers that unless congress approves a new military aid package for ukraine in the coming days, russia could win the conflict in just a few weeks, at best. months, according to two people familiar with the discussion, according to the national security adviser. jake sullivan and director of national intelligence averil haines told congress that in the coming weeks, ukraine will run out of certain types of ammunition for artillery and air defense systems. presidential aides explained to congressmen that the cessation of aid would affect not only ukraine, but would have much broader consequences. in particular, it could force other countries that rely on the united states, such as japan and south korea, to rethink existing alliances. so far, all these
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horror stories are absolutely here. apparently , house speaker michael johnson, who is simultaneously heads the republican caucus in the house of representatives, because after this very meeting in the white house, he did two. the first statement said: “the border, the border, the border , the us-mexico border is the most important priority for the republicans, the second, he stated that in order to allocate money , the republicans need to understand what the strategy of the united states is, yes, what this strategy is, what is the final goal, what is the final point, and how ukraine and, accordingly, the united states will emerge from this conflict, there are no answers to these yet, ivan alekseevich there are no questions, there are no answers, they cannot be, because..." here, as i said before, there is actually a looming, looming fear that the goal of the united states is to delay everything in such a way as to prepare for a big war , which may, and even almost inevitably, have a nuclear component, so for the republicans
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who still have common sense, some, it all looks like if you are somehow dying out now, it means we are not going towards nuclear the war is in 10 years, so well, let it be for...
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republicans are trying to appeal, the lame duck does not make important decisions , and not only in the eyes of the republicans, in the eyes of the whole world, for us too the administration, and for the chinese and for everyone, the biden administration is already becoming a lame duck, and indeed, you brought me to the next question, because another argument has already been formulated as to why mike johnson and the republicans in the house of representatives in general are so stubborn, and this argument was formulated, for example, by democratic congressman michael quingley. which said that the republicans simply do not want to contradict donald trump, that donald trump really, he constantly says, at every election rally he says that he will end this war in ukraine in 24 hours, the last time, by the way,
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in new i speak to hampshire, he said that even before the inauguration, he will agree on its end, and he is against, accordingly , allocating more billions and billions to ukraine, in this context, republicans who understand that trump is inevitable, rather in... if he only will not be killed or imprisoned to prison, will become a nominee from the republican party, they just don’t want to contradict him, well, indeed, you brought it up correctly, the election campaign is already in full swing, and trump has already confidently won the first primaries, which were in the state of iowa, today the state of new will vote -hampsher, the primary is organized there in a special way, because not only republicans will vote. but independents are also voters, so opinion polls in the run-up to this vote are for nicky halley, who the only one who remained trump's rival after disantis's recusal, well, this poll
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was conducted when desantis had not yet withdrawn his candidacy, in general, 52% for trump, 34% for haley, but 64% of registered republicans for trump.
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yes, and donald trump, who is now saying that he is scathingly saying that he is ready to end the military conflict in ukraine in one day, he will also say with the same expression on his face when he becomes president that this must be continued , it needs to be increased, and i let me remind you of this small nuance: when trump won in 2016, since then congress has taken so many restrictive measures, created such an interesting legal atmosphere around the president that, in principle , the president... can
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make such promises, but he cannot fulfill them technically, purely technically, so this is exactly how we need to approach it, which was actually proven again by trump’s first presidential term, he would like to pause the russian-american confrontation, but he the deep state , the democrats, the congress simply didn’t give it, let’s remember the katz law , which trump was forced to sign into law on countering america’s adversaries through sanctions, yes, trump was forced to sign it, despite the fact that...
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yes, under trump the united states began to provide lethal military assistance to ukraine, it was under trump that the united states began to launch direct attacks on the troops of bashar al-assad in syria, obama did not dare to do this, well, in principle, the united states began to violate international law even more and act more harshly, so there are no illusions here, but it seems to me that there may be a positive hypothetical effect for russia from the trump administration. the collapse of the american global empire, the weakening of the american system
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of alliances, the deterioration of relations with europeans, the collapse of the anti-russian and pro-ukrainian coalition that the biden administration has so far built and is maintaining, this could have a truly positive effect, but the fact is that the policies of the trump administration hypothetical in relation to russia itself will be remain sharply hostile, i personally have no illusions. we now pass the floor. news and the big game will return at 17:00 don't miss it. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. an important stage of a major russian project in egypt. today dawnstar is building the fourth power unit of the etba nuclear power plant. first. in the country. as is building rosatom, this.


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