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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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the weakening of the american system of alliances, the deterioration of relations with europeans, the collapse of the anti-russian and pro-ukrainian coalition that the biden administration has so far built and is maintaining, this could have a really positive effect, but the fact is that the policy of the trump administration, hypothetical in relation to itself russia will remain acutely hostile, i personally have no illusions. now we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17. but don’t miss it. this is news first. hello, in the studio valeria korableva. an important stage of a major russian project in egypt. today dawnstar is building the fourth power unit of the edba nuclear power plant, the first in the country. the nuclear power plant is being built by rosatom. the flagship project
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of the state corporation on the african continent. the ceremony of pouring the first concrete was attended by vladimir putin and egyptian president abdel-fattah az-sisi via video link. construction of the nuclear power plant began in the summer of twenty- two; in august last year, rosatom received a license to build the last fourth power unit. preparatory the work has been completed and large-scale construction is now underway there. they plan to complete it in 2028. all blocks. power units on generation 3+ reactors will be able to annually produce up to 37 billion kw of electricity, which will provide about 10% of the country’s energy consumption, and unlike coal and gas power plants, nuclear power plants will not emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which will certainly have a beneficial effect
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on ... environment and human health, while russian safety standards, all norms and regulations are strictly observed magat and the most stringent environmental requirements. the most complex design, installation and technological problems are successfully solved. more than 16,000 people are involved every day, most of them egyptian citizens, who work hand in hand with... we assist egyptian friends throughout the life cycle of a nuclear project, including obligations for the long-term supply of reactor fuel, nuclear power plant maintenance, and waste management. spent nuclear material. we are doing everything to ensure that the egyptian economy develops a fundamentally new industry, nuclear energy. my brother, president putin, would like
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to express his deep gratitude for the support of this project. i am glad to share with you this historical moment, which will forever remain in the memory of our people. today, the dream of all egyptians to have their own nuclear power plant is being realized. this great event that we have witnessed today opens a new page of close interaction between egypt and the russian federation. this project will meet egypt's electricity needs, necessary for economic plans and large joint projects being successfully implemented, egypt's entry into brix opens up new prospects. russia is the chairman of the association this year. vladimir putin invited abdel fattah az sisi to the brix summit, which will be held in kazan in october. we will return to the topic of nuclear energy a little later, now about a new large-scale group strike that the russian... army inflicted on
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military facilities in ukraine, kiev, kharkov, sumy and dnepropetrovsk regions. the purpose of military-industrial complex factories is places where foreigners gather mercenaries, military airfields. as our ministry of defense noted, all assigned tasks have been completed. frames are the latest data in the report by amir iisupov. images from kiev, kharkov, pavlograd. the russian army is hitting uaf targets behind enemy lines. cruise and ballistic missiles are used. this morning by the russian armed forces. the russian federation suffered a group strike with high-precision , long-range, air-based ground- based weapons against facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce missiles and ammunition components for them, as well as explosives. the target of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit. in rare cases, even the ukrainian armed forces admit that they were unable to intercept at least 20 missiles out of all of them, but at the same time they claim that all the x-101 cruise missiles were destroyed in the air. although footage taken
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by local residents suggests otherwise. here the x-101 shoots off heat traps to bypass air defense systems and reaches. the russian armed forces are routinely accused of striking civilian targets, but quite compare the huge glow after the explosion of a damaged missile that reached its target within the city, it becomes clear that this is the result of the work of ukrainian air defense. the complexes are located in residential areas, between apartment
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buildings and other civilian facilities. the fragments of ukrainian missiles are falling onto the territory that the air defense systems are supposed to protect. and this is how today’s attacks on military infrastructure are, the press secretary commented. we continue our special military operation, our military does not hit social facilities or residential areas neighborhoods and does not hit the civilian population, unlike the kiev regime, this is what fundamentally distinguishes our military from the military of the kiev regime. personnel of the ministry of defense su-25, they are also rooks, cover the fortified area of ​​the militants in the krasno-liman direction. enemy air defense, again. helplessly, the pilots returned the planes to the airfield unharmed, and the tankers were dismantling the dugouts in the kupinsky direction, firing from closed positions, from a long distance, hiding in the forest belt. relatively safe option considering the quantity drones circling in the sky, but sometimes the guys
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have to work closely with direct fire. the most memorable thing for me was going out for an assault; we got ready behind enemy lines and landed.
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under no circumstances should this become a pretext. with the connivance and tacit approval of the west , the greatest crimes are being committed today. the hands of the kiev regime are carrying out the actual destruction of the ukrainian orthodox church. the russian church has been praying for peace in ukraine since 2014. already the beginning of the conflict showed all the depth of rejection of our values, unwillingness to look for space for...
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the situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant requires special attention and must be under control, mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with alexander trembitsky, head of rostekhnadzor, the department
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is responsible for safety in the industrial sector, they did not say only about this nuclear power plant, but about other important facilities in our country, and those that russia is helping to build abroad. no one else on the planet has done this: a floating arctic plant for production of liquefied natural gas, built in the murmon region, delivered via the northern sea. it would be extremely difficult to build an enterprise of this scale in permafrost conditions, so they decided that it would stand on the water. the construction of the century took place under the close attention of rostekhnadzor, like other megaprojects, the construction of the country’s most powerful natural gas processing plant in ustlug, one of the world’s largest amur gas processing plants, which in a few years should reach full capacity power. the department does a lot of work with foreign partners, what kind of work? is this what the head of the profile is about today?
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and we are developing a regulatory framework, probably this is their key regulatory framework based on russian legislation in the field of the use of atomic energy, which is generally understandable, the russian engineering school for the construction and maintenance of nuclear power facilities is not only strong, it has practically no competitors at the global level. in 2024, on the initiative of a team with myani from ethiopia, we will also sign agreements with them in twenty years. rostekhnadzor employees were on a visit to the people's republic of china; the regulator
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visited nuclear energy facilities in march; they want to come and see where our colleagues from rosatom are implementing investment projects in foreign countries; naturally, we are also present, preparing regulatory documents, preparing licensing of the safety justification , including for the delivery of fresh nuclear fuel. you know that there was a bangladeshi plant in turkey, we continue to work with hungary, an agreement has been signed. a lot of work is now happening in our new regions, where four territorial supervisory service departments have already been created. the integration of new regions must be systematic and comprehensive into the socio-economic space of russia. we must work on common standards; for a long time, norms and standards were applied there that differ from those adopted in russia and the european union, the eurasian economic union. now in the regions they are creating programs to update mines, most did not meet the requirements
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industrial safety of russia, special attention, of course, to the situation at the zaporozhye npp. rostechnadzor specialists monitor the situation there, what is called 24x7. i travel periodically, we have full understanding with the new operating organization, which was created under the auspices of rosatom, we also conduct daily briefings with magat representatives from the mission, you know that we are present there.
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was involved in the transportation of american equipment for ukrainian militants, while the american military denies the information, they say that constantly maintain contact with the ship, it continues to safely follow the intended route. that night, the united states and britain launched new airstrikes against houthi targets in yemen, reportedly targeting the capital, sana'a. 21 israeli army soldiers died in the center of the gaza strip. the military were in... buildings at which hamas militants fired an anti-tank missile. israeli fighters were going to demolish these houses;
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they were mined, which is why there was such a detonation. meanwhile, tsahal surrounded hanyunyunis in the south of the enclave. the operation continues in other areas, and the following images came from the city of rafah. after the israeli strike , several houses were destroyed, and the search for people under the rubble did not stop for a minute. and then, a few days later, when there was practically no hope of saving anyone, we succeeded. that's all, thank you for being with us, the program is on air right now, let's get married. the first week of the australian open turned out to be extremely difficult for the russian participants, but everything three of them managed to reach the quarter-finals. daniil medvedev starts almost every grand slam tournament as one of the favorites. in melbourne , twenty-seven-year-old moskvich played twice in the decisive match, but has not yet won the title. perhaps this time luck will smile on daniel. at the start, the first racket
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of russia was opposed by the frenchman teren satman, who was at the score.


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