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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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well, this is how they live with regards to the guardianship authorities, and you know, on social networks, there are a lot of beautiful slogans everywhere from the ministry of social development of the moscow region, which perfectly position themselves as a very professional body that works to protect the rights of children, orphanages it turns out there are none left in the moscow region, so someone says the children, the children would be better off in an orphanage, and you know, the ministry is positioning it in such a way that there are no orphanages in the moscow region, everyone says they won problems of orphanhood, everyone was given away. in families, or in humble ones, apparently, in such families, or in foster care, they were distributed, so there should be not just slogans, these declared ones about how well we are all working, there should be some real activity in specific real territories, for example, in these lyubertsy, for me it’s just something that doesn’t fit in my head, as a person who is registered, where there are direct grounds, absolutely right, for the restriction or deprivation of parental rights, and there not even once 7 seventh article, when it a threat to life, but no selection was made, that is, children...
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for centuries, this was the only chance, but you did not let them take advantage of you. petrova’s family was not registered with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities of the lyubertsy city district. we consider commentary on the subject of family privacy inappropriate, since disclosure of personal data of citizens is possible only with their personal consent. i call masha and say: masha, what should i do? is he taking the kids away now? she, no, run away, run away. floor tried
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to chip in, together with the child, together with as a child, now where is your husband in the psychiatric hospital, he told me, i’ll go and hang myself in front of the children, yes, i blew air into his mouth like that, and he just like that, you were drunk as a pig, you came, man, so what do you want the children to live with, with alyosha, your son is a real maniac, and you have a conscience, blaming my son?
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takes part in the work of the all-russian family forum, relatives and loved ones, within the framework of which the solemn ceremony of the start of the year of the family in russia will take place. let's listen president. the more children, the better. you probably know that yesterday i signed a decree on the status of large families. the people i met with have repeatedly raised this question and asked about it. this really has practical significance, i hope that this will all play out properly, so that large families have the same status throughout the country, but without any doubt i can say that a large family is the support of the country, and the family in general, but and having many children is all the more a support, why having many children is so important, yes, because they know it better than i do, because those are brought up here - these are the main qualities
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of a person, on which, in fact, the family rests, and the country, indeed, everything rests on the family, for me it is symbolic , today is my grandson , coolie’s birthday too, so it’s family day, it’s for everyone, well, it’s something different for everyone, everyone has a family, and if not, then there will definitely be one, family is exactly what holds us and what distinguishes our society from the one they want to impose on us, these postmodernists with... lgbt values, we have always been strong precisely because we had strong, powerful families, which made it possible to ensure the continuity of generations, the continuity of traditions, and the continuity of our heroic achievements, so the family is at the heart of everything, and already president putin together with the president of egypt als, via videoconference, took part in the ceremony of starting
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concrete pouring at the base of power unit number four of the eldaba nuclear power plant, which is being built by rosatom, and this is the first nuclear power plant. in egypt, it must be said that - now the egyptian energy industry is still largely based on the aswan platinum at the power plant that was built by the soviet union, and now russia is building a nuclear power plant, actually completing this construction, this is what our president said about the development of our relations with egypt. in fact, a new stage in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in egypt begins, the most important for...
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invite your egyptian colleague to the brix summit in kazan. egypt is now a full member of this association, and i am confident that it will take part in this summit. well, this night, even closer to morning, our
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armed forces delivered a powerful blow with high-precision systems to an object on the territory of ukraine. well, our ministry of defense announced that the target of the strike was achieved, all designated targets were hit, our, our ministry of defense always tries to underestimate its achievements rather than vice versa, but the ukrainian ministry of defense is exactly the opposite, just like the local administration, at least the deputy chairman of the kiev city military the administration said that all russian missiles that were flying towards kiev were shot down, without exception, but so... it was or not, well , it is clear to us what was wrong, but boris aleksandrovich rozhen is professionally monitoring this situation, he is now in direct contact with us communications, boris aleksandrovich, good evening, and good evening, yes, indeed the enemy said that he shot down all the missiles, but firstly, there are videos that, in violation
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of prohibitions, were published, where the destruction of objects on the territory of kiev was recorded, plus the people of kiev wrote , what several arrivals were recorded in the city, so it’s as if the propaganda here was completely at odds with the invoice that comes... from the territory of ukraine, objects in pavlograd, shostka, sumy region, in kharkov were also successfully hit, and another one was hit there with foreign mercenaries, again there were at least a couple of episodes when ukrainian air defense again fired at residential buildings, that is, well, in principle , they work as standard, that is, they declare that they shoot down everything, hit their own houses, residential, well, critical objects to protect they cannot fully, this is due to that. that due to the fact that the enemy is now experiencing serious problems at the front, they dragged some of the air defense systems from kiev and large cities closer to the front, accordingly weakened the protection of industrial facilities, rockets are now flying there, of course, and behind the air defense systems at the front, of course there is a constant hunt
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, first of all, for the western ones, and of course, when we see these missile launches, not only the task of destruction is solved there, but also the identification of positional areas, western po systems, which are then additionally dealt... a blow, since they are, as a rule, in a sparsely populated area, where the enemy, of course, is silent when he flies there, but such information leaks out, such important targets are certainly hit, and this has happened more than once , even after the new year, and as for the situation at the front, in most sectors, our army continues to successfully hold the initiative, in the zaporozhye direction, now without any significant changes, fighting continues there on the rabotinsky ledge on the temporary ledge on... are actively operating in the area of ​​shelter and staromaisky, in the ugledar direction, our army continues attacks south of novomikhailovka in the direction of the road to ugledar, here the enemy is trying to stabilize the situation after our advance in the donetsk direction, our troops have successes in the pervomaisky area, in
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the artyomovsky direction we have progress at kleshcheevka, as well as to the west of artyomovsky, we also have small advances. in the bogdanovka area, on the northern ledge, our attacks continue in the area razdolovka and belogorovka, here in the belogorovka area we have small tactical successes, and the biggest successes recently are... in the svatovo-kupyansk direction, where after the capture of starch our troops are expanding their offensive in the direction of berestovye and kislovka , a significant amount of territory has been liberated here, and we are already approaching a number of small villages there, battles for which will begin in the very near future, here the enemy has not yet been able to stabilize the situation, attempts fighting off the starch ended unsuccessfully for him, yes, thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen with the most accurate information from the fronts, special. here kiev, after yesterday’s decree of zelensky on claims to
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a significant part of russian territory , came up with an even more toothsome decision, the cabinet of ministers of ukraine banned the entry of russian vehicles into ukraine for the next 50 years, 50, yes for the next 50 years, and for vehicles registered in territory of the ussr. russian federation, excuse me, a ban on everyone, in all transport modes for refugee trains, direct air traffic, internal waters, entry into ports and so on and so forth, look, a whole list for 50 years, how are they going to live for so long, i’m wondering , it is unclear how they are going to live, but we can say that we have already entered the territory, and there are tanks, planes, well, we will have to tank, by the way, there are tanks there...
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this is how to voluntarily accept russian citizenship, so as not to go to this meaningless war for them, because this
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the war is not protecting the interests of ukraine, but as zelensky has said many times, they are protecting another democracy, american, european, well, that is, we see some crazy decrees, the further the fighting continues, the madness increases, but then the jackals around ukraine are already spinning around with all their might. according to the understanding regarding financing, there is no longer help, because help without money was possible, but it is clear that certain
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opportunities are ending. poland is ready to support ukraine with equipment, we will continue to look for joint financing, as well as take advantage of different commercial opportunities. there in ukraine there is only one land of commercial opportunities, so i just wanted to say that love affair, here is lemberg, exactly, which means chernivtsi, in my opinion, is also there. in general, ivanofrankovskaya, this was stanislav , in my opinion, a city in poland, they sleep and see this, i’m not sure that the west will allow them that much, but i can imagine what will happen to the former myrovites who are guilty of the volyn massacre, from, i would say, no less aggressive and evil-minded poles, who consider ukrainians to be cattle and have always believed that this was second class. this is a polish nobleman , here are ukrainians - it’s just some kind of this from gogol, you can read all this
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completely, what will happen there, what kind of stabbing, how they will cut each other, but ukraine, of course, it demonstrates what - agony, some kind of grotesque, because the more the ukrainian ship, the ship of statehood, plunges into the abyss, so to speak, the crazier it becomes. it would be funnier if their statement weren’t so sad, but they got the state in the ninety-first year, in general, the opportunity was squandered, absolutely yes.
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now it’s just funny, they would put things in order in their own country, they wouldn’t spread rot on the rusyns, everyone is running away from them and dreaming in general, but i must say that poland will now only give on credit, and the loan will probably be secured by land, rather in total, and if in money, then at the rate of the ukrainian central bank, plus your profit, you can imagine, yes, how much, how much it will cost ukraine, it will be in gold.
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leadership here has wavered, or that the us has retreated from supporting ukraine, and this will potentially lead to catastrophic consequences for ukraine, there is still no money , kirby’s words, they are very interesting, on the one hand, he seems to be singing this yaroslavny lament regarding ukraine, which we have recently heard very loudly from every western iron, all newspapers, all the politicians say that ukraine will collapse right now, not today, tomorrow, well, let’s not take their word for it, here... there are many nuances associated with their political situation, with the upcoming elections, but what is important is that kirby says, he says that others countries, allies of the united states of america, looking at the actions of the united states, can change not only their behavior, but also their attitude towards the united states of america, this is the key point, we very often say that the united
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states of america wants to achieve the weakening of russia, and this is true , want to use russia as an anti-chinese tool. and it is profitable, it is unprofitable, but out of principle it is necessary to defend what, they believe in washington, what they were going to do there, only in a situation of, well, complete collapse, abandon everything leave, so he simply says: guys , if we stop acting as a hegemon, they will not treat us like a hegemon, which means we need to continue to put pressure,
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does the saudi principle already apply to them, we will talk about this when we talk about our neighbor in the east, everyone no longer applies to that. step by step , some still regard it as the hegemon in europe, some still regard it, but in any case, in poland, now, on the 24th, they are starting a strike, including a farm strike, they are going to a ukrainian close the border already block roads within the country, in paris today an interesting demonstration near the city hall of paris to the sounds of the anthem of the soviet union is taking place, an event requires catering.
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they are lighting up well, bulgaria, however, it is somehow not in the general ranks of the protesters, but they are there too, in any case, military aid never arrived, because the promised 200 armored personnel carriers decommissioned there, the ministry of internal affairs, there was no money to transfer them, as far as i remember the statement of the bulgarian minister of defense, we are now in bulgaria is specifically at the stage when... someone wants to destroy this state, we historians know that the polyans and drevlyans who populated kiev are the tribes that populated bulgaria, and
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of course, the adversary is trying to impose the same on bulgaria the matrix itself and prepares bulgaria for the ukrainian scenario. i received very interesting data today, i came to you for the first time with a cheat sheet, my friend, who is the head of one of the large media groups, called, he is now abroad, so i allowed yourself... call me and tell me, sociology came out today, the other day it will come out, which means that 60% of the population are against the destruction of monuments, 60% of the population are for 24, against the supply of weapons to ukraine - 66%, for 22%. opposition to removing march 3 as a national holiday, the day of the liberation of turkish slavery, was 78% to 9%. 48% are in favor of lifting sanctions.
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that i am constantly trying to say, even with the creation of the international movement of russophiles, the people are not a state, which means their peoples will try to create bulgarianphobia in russia, serbophobia, francophobia, and in order to so that the adversary still wants to push europe and russia into war, and of course we must be here at our level.
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my happiest story in life is when i arrived in volgograd i saw my mother in my homeland, she is very beautiful and i really liked her, i love you, russia, our dear russia, because there are the most extraordinary people there, they can probably only be compared... .with red roasts, which are in the red book. i am a nenets by nationality, i love my culture, i dance and sing, and you we met our cherished dream at dawn
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, when the whole world is in morphean glory, the stars are crushing under the moon, you run up the stairs with happiness, exhaling air with silence, we have very cool regions and please come to us, we are waiting for you all. borborsman, a product of the steller group, the committee of 300 or the world government, 300 of the most powerful and wealthy families are hatching plans for a new world order. we have become prophets without realizing it. these people are so rich that they would make david rockefeller look like a pauper. the first serious brainchild this community became the us federal reserve system.
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the usa is already under the rule of satan, that christ is no longer here, the trafficking of apiates, opium, and then heroin, they do not hide their names and goals of reducing the excess people on earth and the dismemberment of russia. small principalities, while they exist in russia, western hegemony is impossible, the true masters of the dungeon or 300 spartans. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. female pilots and female technicians must show skill, courage and sacrifice. this is the movie you've been waiting for i think yes, of course, definitely air. because of course it was a dream to work with alexey german, they invited me to audition, then they didn’t call, i thought, probably not, and so i thought with despair, well, there was an opportunity, unfortunately, probably not.
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look how countries fly, it means everything is not in vain, this technology, a completely unique technology that we tested, alexey is a pioneer in this matter, my hero makes five rotations, a barrel, a person who has claustrophobia, and you are there, it’s impossible, yes, and this is exactly where you are when alexey i asked how long you could stand it, i understood that the girls were spinning, it was difficult for them, i think, how long can you say, we haven’t had anything like this before, of course, the lab podcast, today on the first, to seventy.
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turned away from some problem or from or from some kind of request made to him? i was so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together, there was someone to look up to, someone to imitate. premiere of the documentary: on sunday on the first. if i lived in shanghai, i would probably feel like the heroine of some reality show. cameras make our life is comfortable. we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters. look at the material, at the perfect seams, this is the original , why is it cheaper, but you’re not buying them at the elysees, the locals love to show off and wear branded items, albeit fake, if you’re a minute late with delivery, then you will have some problems or yes it is, so the guys sometimes beg clients to forgive them, sometimes they even fall to their knees, and you are a unique man, a manicurist, there are a lot of us here,
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the premiere is on sunday on the first. big game on the first. nato exercises begin today. the biggest since the end of the cold war is called the staunch defender. defender of whom? the west, from whom, naturally, from us. but the scale of the exercises is impressive. these are all nato member countries, 32 countries, including bulgaria, which is also taking part in these exercises. 90 thousand people. e 50
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ships, 80 fighters and 1,100 combat vehicles, that is, not then, this has not happened for a long time, against this background some kind of hysteria is happening regarding the russian military threat, here is the british daily mail already even placed a map of how russia will attack nato countries, with all the details, with arrows, where the missiles will fly, where the tunnels will be destroyed, how... hackers will seize the infrastructure and so on, they already know everything, pistorios, minister defense of the federal republic of germany, says that germany must prepare , let's listen, as for a potential conflict with russia - it is not so much a matter of preparing for an attack as a matter of waiting for it, but this is to be expected, and if you need to prepare for danger, even though you not you know, if it will happen and when, this
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means that you will have to arm yourself and...
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prepare, well, you had to cheer up, also cheer up - this is this map, they say that one of the authors of this map, which even justified it there, a little isn’t this the scenario of these exercises, this is ben hodges, the former commander of nato troops, who is distinguished by such pathetic extermination statements that very rarely border on reality, so here we see tanks that storm the baltic states, for some reason the northern corridor, which is like. ..
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how did it end? well, troops appeared on rotation, they came to this small town, four brigades in poland and in all the baltic countries, they are now strengthening them a little, but we call this the arrangement of the theater of military operations, but we must understand the following, that behind all this there is a cheating of the cheeks - it won’t be called anything else, nato countries have serious problems in the production of weapons for personnel, they don’t like to talk about this, but when it comes to this, it turns out that europe can produce 4000 shells a year, which germany is now considering the issue of attracting foreigners to the bundeswehr, that is , there are 190,000 ukrainians of conscription age, maybe they will go and become new, this is wafs, well
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, history will tell, time will tell why this is why this is being done now, these are such huge exercises, it really costs huge money, in europe there really is no mood to fight with russia.
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russia does not agree, iran does not agree, china does not agree, the eldest victim, of course, in this situation europe will be squandered, well , unfortunately, this is where the dollar is placed, which means huge amounts of money sit, first you spend on armaments for the war, and then on the restoration of this territory, where, if not in europe, that’s the theater of action, in my opinion, it’s so that...
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to which the representative of the state department seriously answers, because he - well, he’s sure that the journalist knows, probably, if he asks such a question, it’s amazing, well, why be surprised when... i came to america, this is just the afghan war, the survey was among americans , 70% were looking for afghanistan on the southern borders of the united states, somewhere here near texas in the mexico region, which speaks of their naivety, because since the state of their government is so worried about the russians in afghanistan, then here they are, the russians are coming, just like in the film.
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is absolutely necessary to judge historical topics, to understand the past, how it influences the present, to imagine the future, they simply have such a monstrous level that you are surprised, as i thought, that here is the elite, who still become what kind of journalists - important publications that are invited to a meeting with representatives government is different, but i feel that, well, in general america, of course, the state department.
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states are still trying to bury trump , try, yeah, so this is the last hope of the deep to raise niki haley, which also doesn’t work out very well, while polls show that trump is in the lead there, in any case, he will defeat nikihei with the democrats and in every way, for everyone according to polls, he has 52% to haley's 34, among republicans 64 against. 22%, while trump is confident that biden himself will not even reach the end of the election campaign, let's listen to trump's opinion. "we continue to see attacks by iranian proxies throughout the middle east, and now pakistan is attacking iran, don't you think that this could, could result in a third world war, yes, absolutely, our president is a completely incompetent person, he cannot connect and in two words, he cannot leave the stage himself , he is not able to overcome the stairs, he is not
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able to negotiate with either putin or sizempin, whether you like it or not, they are very smart, very powerful and very dangerous people, each of loves them." country and wants it to succeed, our president, in my opinion, is not capable of this, if i were in power, no one would attack either israel or ukraine, our president is completely incompetent, and we must win the upcoming elections, otherwise there will be nothing left of our country, do you think biden will leave the race, personally i think so, well, it’s difficult, in general, i read some experts who believe that the deep state, having realized that, well, in this situation.. niki haley is, according to all experts, a clear setup from lubin’s state into the republican party, there are some hopes for this, let’s see,
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it’s very difficult now, america itself, as well as europe, have entered into something so unpredictable. for the first time in the history of the united states, the authorities of one state of texas drove away the federal border service, which is releasing emigrants, established a fence there, with
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the help of its national guard, the decision of the supreme court of the united states, the feds have. the right to remove these barriers, but a fight is already starting there, the feds are removing the barriers, of course, the illegal immigrants are right there, they are fleeing there in droves, the reaction of texas, texas says, we will stand our ground, and some congressmen from texas say that if this continues, especially if biden wins the next election, texas will simply secede from the united states of america, well, really in fact , the logic of the actions of the court and the central american government is as follows: with the state and the state protects its borders, when the subjects protect their borders, this is already close to the collapse of the state, but the paradox is that the central the authorities today are not guarding the border, they are just cutting the wire and allowing an incredibly huge number of illegal migrants to enter the united
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states of america, the figure of 12 million people was announced, this is very, this is very, very much, it doesn’t even matter for what reason the democrats are are doing, it is important that they... do it and that this causes enormous tension among the americans, just as huge migration flows caused tension in europe, this is where the intersection of the interests of texas and the interests of the united states begins america, and frankly speaking, it is really very interesting how this will develop further, because it seems that everything is the other way around, the texas separatists want to guard the border of the united states of america, and the central government of the united states of america is opening up the opposite.
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surely someone is still hunting for the contents of this box? my grandfather vanerbe was exclusively involved in archaeology, this is
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really the same place. a cache within a cache, there are secrets that have no statute of limitations. german. today is after the program . whiskey mancacher. product steller group. let's bend according to science. unexpected ways to reduce sugar. birthday of canned beer. is there at least something good in it? field point. we save people from pain. the program to live healthy, helps educate. tomorrow, on the first day. what else am i doing? either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i am looking for a religious sect that preaches love,
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the love of people for each other, at all costs, love. eddie loved himself very much, it was even sometimes simply charming, because crossed all boundaries. i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this has made me wiser and larger. limonov is bored walking with everyone else; limonov is a bit of a boy on the contrary. matador, eduard savenko in search of love. on friday, the first, on the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist
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blockade, the enemy is marching into leningrad, and you are looking for excuses, the tank is on fire, comrades , the tank will burn from the bottle, the luga line, if even one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank. i’ll shoot you even if i’m riding on a stick, pulkovo meridian, bread, i ruined the bread, i have no strength, maksimich, i need to get to the factory, leningrad metronome, breaking the blockade - this is not just a military operation, no, this is our duty to leningrad, operation spark. i never wanted to live as much as i want to now, i want to live to see victory, the epic
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blockade is on saturday on the first, i will not run away from the enemy, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand, today is our family evening, celebrity guests with with my wonderful parents, that’s it, let’s relax, i started filming. seven years old, honestly, i'm not i help her, she really works independently, this is definitely perfect, mom said, in general, at first she stood in a line, sang like everyone else, i said, you can put her near the microphone, dad decided, we thought that we had a super brilliant child, and this became the decisive moment in my career, you are venus, i am jupiter, i just always believed in him, looked at everything soberly, well, after all, i ’m a narcologist, i looked at everything soberly. tomorrow is my mother's birthday, i will give her a car, this is honestly earned money, you
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you lost your spouse early and you raised your son alone, but i was 38, i knew that i had children , i needed to put them on their feet, this is my treasure, these are the first medals that arthur dedicated to his mother. becoming all of us on saturday on the first. big game live. the united states of america is getting deeper and deeper into the middle east, inventing more and more new operations that they carry out and bombing more and more new territories, carrying out. the law is absolutely aggression, the bombing of yemen, they have now begun to bomb the territory of syria, the territory of iraq, two more sovereign
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states, that is, the united states now. are waging an aggressive war in three states of the middle east, contrary to any norms of international law, just for a minute, but even god bless this, the united states is achieving absolutely nothing in this war, otherwise they would not have renamed their wonderful operation, which was called guards prosperity in a new operation, which is now called poseidon's archer, but in itself is ridiculous, especially in islam...
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organized official potential long-term approach to operations in yemen, they struck a blow against the houthis, about which there was already a joint statement by australia, bahrain, great britain, canada, the netherlands and the united states. let's listen. us and british forces, backed by australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands, carried out strikes on eight houthi targets in yemen in response to their ongoing attacks on merchant ships as well as warships passing through. through the red sea. today's attack hit an underground storage facility, as well as locations associated with houthi missile and air surveillance assets. our goal remains to de-escalate tensions and restore stability in the red sea, but we will not hesitate to protect lives and the free flow of trade on one of the world's most important waterways in the face of ongoing threats. well, it must be said that the houthis have already
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responded with a strike on the american ship. with which the usa and saudi arabia bombed us for 9 years, they have nothing new. if america had not fought with us, we would doubted their faith, but if america is going to fight us, it is a reason to be proud, because we are fighting the enemy of the world, who is fueling wars, terrorism and problems throughout the world. this is the british-american enemy who spreads immorality, usury, injustice and tyranny. america has nothing but destruction.
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america has nothing but murder and terrorism, just like britain. well , really, they’ve been bombed for 9 years now, they ’ve been bombed and the result is zero, they’ll bomb again the same way, but it’s possible every time renaming the operation differently , but it’s clear that they involve artificial intelligence in this, but they’ll involve someone like ben hudges, and he comes up with a bunch of names, but everyone understands that from change, as they say, the names, the essence of the phenomena does not change, americans, when the conflict began... in the gas sector , we remember they brought up two aircraft carrier strike groups and thought that now the entire arab world would intervene and a war would begin in favor of america, but this did not happen, and the fleet is standing still, but they they decided that since you don’t start a war with the fleet, then we will start a war, but no matter how we call it a war, that’s why one operation failed, that’s it, let’s open
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the next one, maybe it will succeed, it won’t succeed, the third, the fourth and so on will be operations, but interesting... the organization of the eu security mission in the red sea discussed various options for this operation, which i proposed to member states. now we need to achieve unanimity to understand when we can formulate this mission. they also want to get into the red sea, also into archers by poseidon. why bulgaria? well, well, the economic and military aspects are different. here we must not forget that the war for the vanity
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canal is a serious one. topic, because egypt, including egypt, suffered from this war, because the flow will interfere, that is, bulgaria will act on the side of egypt. geopolitics, after all, is both history and geography, that is, in my statement now i tried, on the contrary, from a geographical point of view to say why all this is necessary, because it’s not only about history in the military-technical aspect, i attribute this just to american pressure.
5:58 pm
italy, that is, the most part of the european union , supports these actions. but then barel says that we will make another mission in the same place from the same states, why, in order to take control of this, italy just categorically refused to participate in this operation, but
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other european countries, something to them there isn’t, yes, that is, that, you know, this is also such arrogance of power, here are the european leaders, not to mention the anglo-saxons, about america, which is constantly becoming more and more plunges into this crisis, into another , there won’t be, they have already taken the lead, they have certain ideologies, they follow this mainstream, in everything, what america says is bad, that means it’s bad, what ’s good is good , it’s a shame,
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they are no longer afraid of the wrath of the arab world, remember how, you know, in the seventy-third year scheel said that he did not want to be against israel, and america said, but as an occupying country. unfortunately, time is running out, we have a situation where the united states can no longer control the chaos it has sown, so yes, that’s why our cause is just and victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. support from those on whom our state relies? this is a large family.


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