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tv   Vremya  1TV  January 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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our generation will always pass on to the next generation the core that our great power has, maria butina, the doll of tuti’s heir, was with you, now is the time for the program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. supports of russia about raising children, supporting parents and true common values. vladimir putin opened the year of the family in our country. at all
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distances, a missile strike on the ukrainian military rear in the case of army aviation is oligators and night hunters. energy of the future - a new unit of the nuclear power plant, which rosatom erects in egypt. the construction was started by the presidents of the two countries. everything is under control, it remains to be seen how. meath's chapter on the anti-russian diplomatic war to the detriment is really important. the world is small, a pentagon ship carrying weapons for ukraine was fired upon in the red sea, everyone is paying for the aggravation started by the west, safety precautions, how industrial megaprojects are monitored in russia and abroad, a conversation between the prime minister and the head of rostechnadzor. 2 days in the cold in the mountains, testimony from pilots and doctors who survived the plane crash. in afghanistan, like
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is there an investigation going on? a snowy wednesday morning, a spring thursday, a mild winter friday, weather forecasters predict swings in the weather, we'll tell you the details. vdnkh, exhibition of russia, seventy-fifth pavilion and opening of the year of the family. vladimir putin came to talk with the winners and participants of all-russian family competitions, not only about support measures, for example, a decree was signed on the status of large families. and the same benefits regardless of place of residence. the family in russia is where our common future is laid, a circle in which they will support with a word or personal example. the president also remembered the instructions of his parents. report by olga knyazeva. nastya is from a large family, she is 20 years old, usually at this age they want to live for themselves, but she wants a big family, like she had in her childhood. large families, they support the country, they value culture, they...
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remember their roots, relatives, large families who are not indifferent to the fate of the country, these are the ones who came to the russia exhibition today to support them, on the initiative of vladimir putin, an all-russian competition was created this is our family project, based on the russia land of opportunities platform. the main task of the competition is to find active seven throughout the country, and it doesn’t matter whether they play sports, sing in a choir or create a family tree, the main thing is that they do it together and are ready to share their experience. vladimir putin spoke with the finalists of the competition today, and they talked not only about adult problems and joys, but about children’s ones. say please. what's your little brother's name? yarik, he is four years old now. you're offended that mom is from dad, they pay more attention to the little ones, aren't you the oldest? no, i play football, my position is striker. who is your favorite player? my favorite player, well , besides yourself, that is, my favorite player is pele, i knew him very well.
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and country, respect for elders. love , care for the younger ones, hard work and everything connected with this organism, family, these are the very traditional values ​​that we constantly talk about, which we support, in fact, our entire internal policy and economic policy is in one way or another connected with family support, previously each region decided for itself how to support families with many children, but now there will be free travel for schoolchildren, free prescription drugs for...
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we were able to do this completely free of charge, this benefit works in our region somewhat differently, but so, for example, the last time, we once went to the yaroslavl zoo with my family, a discounted visit to this institution for a large family is provided on wednesdays, why on wednesdays, well, of course some kind of nonsense, the meaning of this decree signed yesterday is precisely to build a unified approach throughout the entire territory of the russian federation, and of course, visiting museums there, other cultural institutions, zoos there and so on, they are these things, which you said should be uniformly applied throughout the russian federation, it is unlikely that this will be done on a click from today to tomorrow,
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but we are the goal of the decree just to level out all these things, parents asked putin how to develop the skill not to poke in front problems, look for a way out, find one, as makarenko once said, the best education is a personal example, in this sense , now i’m trying to remember what made the impression: firstly, i never, i want to emphasize this, never saw my father drunk , in general, this has never happened, i ’m not talking about my mother, i’ve never heard a single swear word from him at all, well... they don’t even tell him, you know, responsibility is manifested in the little things, i remember how my father on such a ladder, and we lived here in the communal apartment - the electric meter was on the site, i remember how it crawled and
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wrote out, you know, everything that needs to be paid for electricity was down to the penny , i did everything on time, paid, that is, at 6:00 in the morning, now we came here, when the music of the anthem was, well, this is the music of the anthem of the soviet union, at exactly 6 in the morning the anthem played, he left for work, then i remember how he met with his combat comrades with a friend who pulled him out of the battlefield, saved his life, putting his life dangers, that's all together, well, of course, the atmosphere... desirability, the atmosphere of love, kind attitude towards each other, support, this is all the environment in which we live, well, in any case, i lived, this is exactly what educates,
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this is what lays the foundation, morally - the moral basis of the future full-fledged person. from the small town of sukhodolsk, lugansk people's republic , he created a family ensemble singing hearts, and he also works in a music school, teaches children to play folk instruments, we received a wonderful gift before the new year, musical instruments, equipment in all directions, i am a populist, these are 10 tula button accordions, an accordion, a two-row harmony , a full cycle of stringed instruments, a fishing house, wind players, when the instruments were discovered, saxophones, horns, tubas, clornets, even new bassoons came, indeed, a separate program to support schools, music schools, it’s very nice to hear that it really works. as for folk instruments, this is , of course, special, what is called an article, this,
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this is what preserves our history, our culture, and we have it so diverse, so beautiful, so bright, well, of course, in this series, russian culture is of no small importance, to put it mildly, meaning the state that forms the significance that the russian people and russian culture play, from local measures assistance to individual families to large national programs, new regions are gradually being integrated into the life of the country, and we have large programs for the restoration of these regions of your regions, over a trillion rubles, a trillion 77 billion, this is decent.
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historical connection, but in fact , as elections and referendums showed, they never lost these connections, but still in entering... into the all-russian space, i hope it will happen as quickly as possible, at least we we will strive to ensure that this happens as quickly as possible , along with resolving security issues. of course, the meeting with the president is taking place as part of the russia exhibition, even those who are passing through moscow definitely try to get here to see the pavilion of their region, the pavilion we saw bashkiria, we haven’t gotten there yet, right after the meeting it’s a must, it’s good, it reflects the greatness of the republic in general, yes, we love it very much. “bashkiria, bashkiria, i will remind you of history, joined voluntarily, asked
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to be accepted into the russian state, and i have said many times, i will repeat it again, the bashkirs took on the functions, the functions of the border guard, armed all their young people in the war of 1819, put on a horse. all men from 15 years old, northern cupids, pride, russian schoolchildren do for the military here such victory talismans, a girl from bryansk gave one to the president, vladimir vladimirovich, can i take a photo with you, thank you for doing this, thank you, i’m speaking now both on my own behalf and on our behalf.
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no, this deer doesn’t get tired, that’s why he
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walks everywhere day and night, like athletes on ski boots. there is one more reason to come, the golden wedding on april 12, cosmonautics day, everyone present here has already received an invitation, they also received an invitation to the golden wedding, let’s go for a walk, so if we go, let’s cooperate, we are very happy friendship. it’s with families like these that i will definitely help you get there, i promise you that. while the meeting with families was going on, the president was highly anticipated at the concert, putin officially launched the year of the family in russia. the main purpose of the family is the birth of children, continuation of the family, and therefore the continuation of our people, our centuries-old history. rooted in the family, our culture, identity, national character, family teaches. educates, passes on traditions, knowledge, including professional experience.
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there are famous dynasties in all russian regions: military personnel, engineers, steelworkers, doctors, teachers, cultural figures, families, people of different nationalities who remain faithful to their chosen calling and are proud of their work. there were families from a large country in the hall, some of them not only with many children, but also multinational. gennady came to... a new group strike on the rear of ukrainian formations, targets: military factories, airfields, locations of mercenaries, locations: kiev, kharkov, sumy and dnepropetrovsk regions, our ministry of defense reported. fulfillment of assigned tasks in kiev as always tried to justify the work of their air defense.
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amir yusupov, who summarized the information, clearly illustrates how our missiles overcome it. images from kiev, kharkov, pavlograd. the russian army is hitting uaf targets behind enemy lines. ballistic cruise missiles are used. this morning, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high- precision, long-range, airborne ground-based weapons against... a facility of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produces missiles and their ammunition components, as well as explosives. target strike is achieved, all designated objects are hit. a rare case, even the ukrainian armed forces admit that they were unable to intercept at least half of the missiles, but at the same time they say that all the winged hastu-1s were destroyed in the air, although footage taken by local residents suggests the opposite. here hastu-1 fires off heat traps to bypass air defense systems and reaches its target. but previously, heat traps
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were used only on airplanes and helicopters, not on rockets. on this video. on civilian objects, but enough compare the huge glow after the explosion of a damaged missile that reached its target within the city, it becomes clear that this is the result of the work of ukrainian air defense, the complexes are placed in residential areas, between apartment
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buildings and other civilian objects, fragments of ukrainian missiles fall on the territory that the air defense systems should . they are covering the fortified area of ​​the militants in the krasnoliman direction. enemy air defense is again powerless, the pilots return the planes to the airfield safe and sound. and so the tankers are dismantling the dugouts on kupinsky direction, they hit from closed positions from a great distance, hiding in a forest belt. a relatively safe option considering
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the number of drones circling in the sky, but sometimes the guys have to work closely with direct fire.
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52 and night hunters mi-28 , the piloting capabilities are unimaginable, the weapons are powerful, and at the same time the pilots also feel their equipment in a special way, oleg shishkin saw everything, this is a mandatory ritual, returning from a combat mission to inspect the helicopter, touching important components of the units with the tips fingers, having walked over the body, there is something more in this than just checking the technical condition of the vehicle, and the commander with the call sign lighthouse also... freezes for a few seconds near the cockpit, leaning against the cold armor. we thank our hard worker. the way you treat a helicopter is how it will treat you. pilots absorb this commandment even at military school. he’s alive, he understands us, this is not just a piece of hardware, this is, firstly, the best helicopter in the world. secondly, this living being, our brother, he
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protects us, we try to take it. k-52 alligator is a unique helicopter. the coaxial screw system allows you to make shapes. their felt-tip pens and pencils that are uncontrollable in common parlance, another feature is this thirty-millimeter cannon, exactly the same one installed on infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, so if necessary. before the attack, a
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cobra maneuver is performed, the helicopter raises its nose and the missiles rush towards the target. they fly out on combat missions in pairs together with the mi-28 night hunters. these shots from the alligator's cockpit show good you can see how the presenter fires a salvo, and this is a video from the forward gunner, who determines the coordinates of targets and controls their destruction so as not to give it away. we deliberately removed from the frame everything that could indicate his location, but they are not handsome, objective control from a drone confirms the destruction of the enemy’s supporter, after the attack the helicopters make a sharp turn, fall to the limit and go on a reverse course, they worked normally, were successfully completed , targets hit, in this southern army aviation unit groupings of troops are all pilots with combat experience, real ones...
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we have anti-tank, in principle it’s like setting fire, but they received bonuses for us, we receive bonuses for everything, we didn’t offend the state. returning from a combat mission, pilots often do a roll call on air, from the command post they thank the crews for their work, and then everyone in the sky joins in, then no one needs to explain what combat air brotherhood is. thank you for the work, as always, the best, this is the best work in the world, mutually, thank you, best job in the world, best job in the world. this is the best job in the world. oleg shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoyko, channel one. new names of our heroes, captain ali alibekov. his tank battalion,
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repelling enemy attacks, destroyed over 100 militants. 16 units of armored vehicles held their positions. private igor trofimov, a motorized rifleman, spotted the saboteurs, opened fire, the militants fled with losses, and when equipping our defense lines , he used non-standard approaches, which helped save the lives of the soldiers. and technology. meeting the state duma began today with a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the ukrainian terrorist attack on donetsk. 27 civilians became victims of that criminal attack. the deputies also adopted an appeal to international organizations. the world organization must know what is happening in ukraine. the world should know about the terrible tragedy that occurred in... therefore, we consider it right for the national parliaments of all countries to know about this, for the united
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nations to assess what is happening, and of course, it is important for us that this position be conveyed to all citizens of the planet are silent about this situation. they are trying to find other explanations, but responsibility for what happened lies with the bloody nazi regime in kiev, and zelensky personally. kiev's attempts to claim russian territory are untenable, so today presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on zelensky's decree on the so -called historically... ukrainian territories of the russian federation. our kuban, belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, kursk and rostov regions are listed there. the kyiv regime does as it pleases
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these seem to be ideological, but in fact absurd steps. and now, when the situation for him is getting worse before. let me remind you what vladimir putin said on february 21 , 2020, the day when russia recognized the donetsk and lugansk people’s republic. the whole point is that ukrainian society was faced with the rise of extreme nationalism. which quickly took the form of aggressive russophobia and neo-nazism, hence the participation of ukrainian nationalists and neo-nazis in terrorist gangs in the north caucasus, and increasingly louder territorial claims against russia. development of russia's first nuclear project in africa. at the egyptian elda nuclear power plant , concrete has begun pouring into the base of the fourth power unit. all of them will be built. at the same time, our advanced technologies will provide this country with clean energy, the presidents of russia and egypt gave the start to a new stage of construction. report by alexey kruchinin. the giant
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grows on the edge of the desert, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. egypt's first nuclear power plant will become one of the largest in the world in terms of area. 57 km, this is comparable to the size of the town of el-dobabaa, which, in fact, gave station name. in terms of scope and significance, the object here is already being compared to the famous aswan platinum, also, by the way, the brainchild of our then soviet engineers. for egypt, this is, without exaggeration, an industrial leap. the country did not have its own nuclear power industry before. the desert coastline in matruh province has been transformed in recent years. we are starting to pour the first concrete into the foundation slab of the fourth power unit, god help us. essentially it begins. a new stage
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in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in egypt, the most important for russian-egyptian relations a project, the implementation of which will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to the development of the egyptian economy, will help strengthen its energy base, and will contribute to the creation of modern industries, skilled jobs, and the solution of social issues. egyptian president abdel-fatah al-sisi noted that construction is ahead of schedule, a huge russian-egyptian team, more than 16 thousand people, is working on the site every day. my brother, president putin, would like to express his deep gratitude for the support of this project. i'm glad to share with you this historical moment, which will forever remain in the memory of our people. today, the dream of all egyptians to have their own nuclear power plant is being realized. since the beginning of the 21st century , egypt's population has grown one and a half times.
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the country of millions is in vital need of new energy resources. power units using generation 3+ reactors will be able to annually produce up to 37 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, which will provide about 10% of the country’s energy consumption. moreover, unlike coal and gas power plants, nuclear power plants will not emit dioxide into the atmosphere carbon. rosatom is a recognized leader in the world. to use the most advanced engineering solutions, cost-effective and reliable technologies during the construction of the station, while strictly observing russian safety standards, all magath rules and regulations and the most stringent environmental requirements. any nuclear power plant is a long-term project, ldba is designed for at least 60 years. rosatom will provide the station with fuel. of course,
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not only egypt will benefit from the construction. such a large-scale project means hundreds of contracts for our designers and builders, the development of domestic nuclear technologies, plus profits from future sales of electricity. a foreign project is always accompanied by very large orders in the russian federation, everything related to nuclear technologies, nuclear engineering, control systems, of course, we produce this ourselves, at least 70% of capital investments fall on russian enterprises, these include new jobs and new... all this, of course, is a contribution to the gdp not only of the arab republic of egypt, but a contribution to the gdp of the russian federation. launch of the first the power unit of the station is planned for the twenty -sixth year, then, perhaps, four reactors will not become the limit for eldaa. the egyptian site, rosatom notes, makes it possible to build more. and most importantly, the region has a huge need for modern nuclear power plants. by entering africa with cutting-edge projects, russia can become a leader in this growing nuclear energy market. the
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un security council, where russia will seek an adequate approach to the middle east crisis. foreign minister sergei lavrov, the day before, he spoke about ukraine as an instrument of the west, before today’s meeting, i held a series of meetings with colleagues and gave an interview to one of the american television channels. first things first. diplomatic department, the swiss foreign ministry, as noted in the russian algerian colleague, the next chapter, the context of the meeting is formed taking into account the unfriendly policy of switzerland, expressed in support of ukraine and the actual renunciation of neutrality, however, the conversation in format lasted more than an hour. between two
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council meetings. palestine, jordan, indonesia, lebanon, emirates, turkey, there are many questions, so that even sergei lavrov’s jokes addressed to colleagues seem to be fragments of a discussion about geopolitics. yesterday i was in brussels and met with the heads of foreign affairs of all 27 countries of the european union. i don't envy you. everything is fine? everything's under control. the main thing is to understand under whose control. however, the head of russian diplomacy spoke about this with a correspondent for the american cbs channel pomela falk. what went wrong in relations between moscow and washington. lavrov recalled the expansion of nato to the east, the beginning of which contacts between the two superpowers began rapidly degrade. we see that
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the current generation of leaders in the united states has not learned a single lesson from the unacceptable policies that the united states began to promote after the collapse of the soviet union. they answered: you see, i’ve been working here for 10 years, my children study at stanford, and before
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the vote they came to me and said: don’t forget about where your children study and about which banks you keep your money in. so you're saying that most of these countries were put under pressure by the united states? not for the majority. for everything, if so accepted decisions on which the destinies of entire nations depend, is it any wonder that he was unable to prevent, or even adequately respond to, the israeli events of october 7. moscow calls for viewing this terrible tragedy in the context of the entire arab-israeli conflict, the solution of which can only be based on the relevant un resolutions. there is no justification for the barbarity of october 7, but the retaliatory evil will be reproduced by all new generations of those who will decide that they were abandoned, betrayed, this is not a prediction, but i assure you, until then, until the injustice is corrected and a palestinian state is created, there will be more and more violence in palestine in other parts of the arab and the entire muslim world.
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sergei lavrov will be able to speak in more detail on this topic today at a meeting of the security council, which will begin at 10 pm moscow time. georgy lisveli, pavel nesterov, natalya labanova, sergey romanov, channel one usa. one of the crises in which the west is involved is gaining momentum. the us and britain attacked houthi positions in yemen, who fired on the ship pentagon. it was reported to have been involved in transporting american weapons for ukraine. the red sea is increasingly problematic for shipping. this evening, brussels even promised to correct, it is clear in what direction, the economic forecast for the eu, which at the same time launched an initiative that could make everything even worse. grigory emelyanov with details. to beat or not to beat, that is the question. it is clear that in war, opponents often embellish their own achievements, especially in such a strange war that is now unfolding in the red sea. so, the houthis claim they launched a missile attack
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on the ocean jazz cargo ship used by the us navy. in the name of the almighty, the yemeni naval forces conducted an operation against an american cargo ship in the gulf of adana, firing at its enemy. iran, the iranian -backed houthi terrorists' report of an alleged successful attack on ocean jas is patently false. the command maintained constant contact with the ship throughout its safe transit. and secondly, that washington's response will also be inevitable, and the houthis’ attacks will also not go unpunished. last night , the us and what it calls a coalition of half a dozen countries, including bahrain and the netherlands, carried out 18 strikes in yemen. if no one
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attacked the notorious ocean jazz, why such a powerful act of retaliation? and, by the way, ocean jazz is not just another dry cargo ship; this ship was previously revealed as a carrier of large cargo in the interests of the us department of defense. to ukraine, now it was used in interests of the us middle eastern group , according to the houthis, the ship was hit by a ballistic missile, the us denies damage to this ship, well, they actually deny all the houthis’ statements about damage to certain ships, but then dead special forces soldiers emerge, who are supposedly drowning somewhere , if it is so logical that washington decided to respond especially harshly, but again it failed to scare the houthis. the planes that bombed us in 2015 and the ones
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that bombed us last week are the same planes. rockets bombs that fell on us - these are the same rockets and bombs that have been flying at us all these 9 years, they have nothing new. if america is going to fight us, well, we are proud to fight the enemy of peace who is fueling wars all over the planet. we have not seen anything new from the united states except destruction. however, the united states did not promise anything new. washington is determined. repeating the same actions in the hope of getting some different result. i remember strategic communications coordinator john kirby threatening last week that the blows will be delivered as long as necessary. well, while both sides are frightening each other with inevitable retribution, which includes answer to answer to answer and so on ad infinitum, economists are calculating how much this infinity can cost. and given the fact that the whole world is obsessed with risk reduction, including insurance companies, ship owners, even small... great damage and unpredictable damage caused to cargo and
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ships in the red sea, and they are unacceptable, the redirection of these flows around africa leads to that cargo owners ship owners lose about 2 billion dollars a month, in the volume of global traffic this is not god knows what amounts, but potentially an increase in the cost of trade leads to inflation, that is, the consequence of the blockade of the soviet canal is: risks of potential inflation, in order to reduce their own risks, companies, everything those who decide to continue moving through the suede canal mark their ships on electronic tracking platforms with the inscription we have no ties with israel, the houthis promise not to touch such, however, this promise does not apply to those who touch the houthis themselves, the united states and izhi with them, this is where the european union appears on the scene with the eternal desire to shoot itself in the foot. eu countries agreed in principle to carry out the security operation.
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new zealand announced it was sending as many as six, no ships, six troops to the region, and no, this is not a joke. grigory emelyanov, natalya lobanova, irina bliznyuk and kirill danilov, channel one. and again to our news, monitoring compliance with technological regimes for safety at production and energy enterprises should be in the first place at rostechnadzor. mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with alexander trembitsky. service introduction more. millions of critical objects. anna kurbatova about the scale of the tasks. this is the black
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gold of donbass and the main treasure - anthracite. the oldest and most valuable type of coal, with the strongest heat transfer. mining coal in general and anthracite in particular has always been difficult. the region has some of the deepest mines in the world, up to one and a half kilometers deep. but the infrastructure of many leaves much to be desired hasn't been updated for decades. and if we apply our industrial safety requirements.
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that there are four people there, in total there are almost 2 million objects under the supervision of the service, including, for example, a floating arctic plant for the production of liquefied natural gas, this has never been built by anyone on the planet before, it was built in the murmansk region, assembled, and transported along the northern sea way, in the arctic the main plus is just
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a minus, freezing the gas, that is, bringing it to a liquefied state is easier and cheaper there, but to build an enterprise of this scale in permafrost conditions is on the verge of... science fiction, so we decided that the plant would be located on the water. the construction took place under the close attention of rostechnadzor, like other megaprojects, for example, the construction of one of the world's largest amur gas processing plants, which in a few years should reach full capacity; rostechnadzor is doing a lot of work with foreign partners. russia is not only the largest nuclear power, but the largest exporter of technology for peaceful atom, we are building power plants in dozens of countries around the world, how... your department solves problems related to the energy complex. today we have signed and are in effect 15 agreements with countries, where we help them create both regulatory bodies, train personnel, and develop a regulatory framework, probably this is key, their regulatory
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framework is based on russian legislation in the field of the use of atomic energy . which is generally understandable, our engineering school for construction and nuclear maintenance. it is very important to reduce the accident rate, while increasing the efficiency of supervisory measures, so that the reduction in accident rates allows the business to focus on its core business. in russia, there has been a moratorium on unnecessary inspections for several years now, with targeted control only where it is really necessary, as was the case last year. the number of inspections at enterprises was reduced by half, while the number of preventive visits , on the contrary, increased, and this trend mishustin emphasized should continue henceforth. anna kurbatova, zulfiya khakimova, alexander anonichev, channel one. now advertising. what will happen next? russian survivors
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of a plane crash in afghanistan recall what they experienced before help arrived. the weather swings, in a couple of days we fly from winter, to spring, and back. will.
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old barrel cognac is a product of stellar group. i thought, probably not, and so i thought with despair, they invited me to audition, then they didn’t call me, i had the opportunity. unfortunately, probably not, look how the buildings fly, it means everything is not in vain, this technology is completely unique technology that we tested, alexey german, one might say, is a pioneer in this matter, my hero makes five rotations, a barrel, a person who has claustrophobia, this is impossible, and you are in this very situation, when alexey asked how long
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you can stand , i understand that the girls were spinning , it was difficult for them, i think, no matter how much you say , we have never had anything like this before, of course, the lab podcast is on the first today, what else am i, or a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom could my soul finally rest, is it what i'm looking for? a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs, love. edechka loved himself very much, it was even sometimes simply charming, because he crossed all sorts of boundaries, i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer.
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the enemy is rushing into leningrad, and you are looking for an excuse, burn, comrades, a tank will burn from a bottle, the luga line, if even one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank, even on a stick, i will shoot you, punkovsky meridian. bread, i ruined the bread, i have no strength, maksimich, i can’t reach the delivery,
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leningrad metronome, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, this is our duty to leningrad, operation spark, i never wanted to live as much as i want now, i want to live to see victory, cinema.. epic blockade on saturday on the first. i will not run away from the enemy, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand. this is the program time, we continue, and new footage with russians who survived the plane crash. they are in kabul in the hospital. after the crash of a private plane , falcon is one of...
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the requirements for candidates for entry into the european union are predictable, recognition at the legislative level of moral phenomena, destructive gender ideology, same-sex unions, the possibility of gender reassignment, feminism, euthanasia, recognizing especially having internalized all this, in the european union it will no longer be the people of ukraine, the population with an inverted idea of ​​good and evil,
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values, high moral values . in ukraine, there has been and is a change in the qualities inherent in our ancestors, replaced with lower characteristics, such kamkhastvo, hypocrisy, ignorance, disrespect, lies and corruption. the independent authorities finally lost touch with their history, with their culture, and began to purposefully destroy the thousand-year-old foundations and historical memory of the ukrainian people and the true faith. one of the latest decisions, which cannot be called anything other than the light of fatherhood, is the postponement
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of the date of christmas celebration on january 7 to... december 25, this was done in order to separate ukraine from russia, from the entire orthodox world, to please its patrons overseas. the defense of traditional values ​​is the defense of russia's sovereignty, this idea was voiced by every speaker. anatoly lazarev, natalya sidorova, stanislav opletin. first channel. concern for children's health and plans to modernize the construction of medical institutions in the moscow region were discussed today in krasnogorsk. build there.
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purchase, we understand that the result of this is very dependent, and of course, we are betting on understanding the special role of doctors, we will have about 400 of them, and 600 nursing staff, the chairman of the ldpr, leonid slutsky, he is running for president from this party, today he presented his campaign headquarters, spoke via video link with branches in the regions, showed how the appeals reception center works and outlined the accents of the candidate’s program.
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today, a candidate from another parliamentary party, communist nikolai kharitonov, arrived there. he is going to meet with townspeople and workers of local enterprises. the russian presidential elections will begin on march 15, the main day is 17. in the american state , the fate of the highest post will be determined in november. well and today is the primary, the new hampshire primary. the state traditionally opens this type of voting. plus it has a reputation as a place capable of surprises. so. the interest is understandable. mikhail okinchenko did not stand aside. this tuesday's vote only strengthens republicans' desire to elect donald trump again. your vote will decide in november, not this tuesday. biden’s voice, which many residents of new hampshire heard on their phones the day before, urged people to ignore participation in the primaries. however, it soon became clear that this was only only dirty pr technologies using
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artificial intelligence. and in general, the current president has none. attitude not only to fake calls, but to participation in preliminary voting. biden did not put his name on the ballot after new hampshire refused to agree to a new election calendar that included south carolina as the first primary state. democratic national committee chairman jamie harrison described the vote as new hampshire as insignificant. it is in vain, of course, that the american democratic party is so dismissive. this certainly didn’t gain them any more supporters. it is a source of special pride for the residents of the state. is the fact that the so-called primaries with the primary elections of presidential candidates have been taking place here since 1920, only many years later similar elections began to be held in other states, but in new hampshire they are jealously making sure that they remain the first to take place last year week in iowa, the so-called caucuses don’t count, it was more like a large-scale opinion poll among republican party supporters.
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here's a comparison of iowa and new hampshire voter turnout numbers, but keep in mind that... iowa is twice the population of new hampshire, and look at this data: new hampshire typically has twice as many voters turning out to the polls than iowa. there is an explanation for this: in new hampshire, party affiliation matters. it has. a supporter of any party has the right to choose any candidate. democrats and republicans, while in the state are approximately the same, 300,000 each, but there are also so-called independent voters, there are already 400,000 of them. most early polls show overwhelming support for trump. 62% of votes for him, only 35 for haley. however, one poll announced by cnn showed a difference between the candidates of only 2%. but few people believed this, because they are on trump’s side.
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do we really need two octogenarian candidates, that's what worries me: remember joe biden 2 years ago, and now look at how he has fared in that time. and this tactic can work in a tiny village where only six
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residents voted on the eve and they all chose haley. on a statewide basis, this result, of course, does not solve anything, but it may influence trends. in addition, the governor also spoke out in support of haley. meanwhile, newmpshire has the glory of a state that can greatly surprise.
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central russia this week will experience a rapid journey from january to march and back. tomorrow the air temperature will rise to +2, on thursday friday, a little less. there will be a sharp warming accompanied by strong winds and heavy precipitation, which will add. problems for both motorists and road services; a thaw with sleet has already covered the north-west of the country. in the leningrad region, last night dozens of drivers got stuck in snow drifts; it was not always possible to get out of captivity even with the help of shovels. however, weather forecasters promise that such weather will not last long; a mild winter with quite comfortable light frost will return to the capital just in time for the weekend.


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