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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 24, 2024 12:00am-12:56am MSK

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they can form the security order in which they want to live, well , russia plays a leading role here, it was a big game, all the best, goodbye, our daughter wrote to us yesterday: where have i been, where i want to go, and there are many places on this beautiful land. russia is a huge family, a family in which everyone lives together, my children will be worthy citizens of this big friendly family. usually during a holiday i draw something, for example, my mother loves paintings in black and white style, and recently i painted one, now it hangs in our kitchen. to
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everyone was loved, loved, and so that we could have healthy children, we are all so kind, everyone is so united, and i also want to say that i have a big dream to develop in my country. dear friends, the creative industry podcast is on the air on channel one with you, as always, its host elena kiper, producer and music video director, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives and media manager, our guest today is the people's artist of russia, artistic director of the moscow provincial theater sergei bezrukov, hello, hello, let's start with the glorious anniversaries.
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as for the anniversary in the theater itself , they congratulated me, the artists still could not stand it, they congratulated, although i said that i would not celebrate, but they asked me to still come to the theater on this, not on this day, but later, they just got together anyway, they congratulated me, and they made a skit, everything was very touching, sweet, because for them i am the provincial dad, they call me that, the provincial dad, because that i created a theater in the image and likeness of a snuffbox, and oleg pavlovich was always a dad for us, a dad who cares, who...
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thinks about us absolutely like a loved one, i also created a provincial theater for her, in any case, this is the attitude to the artists, like my own father, and for me , of course, it’s an anniversary, let’s still celebrate the theater’s anniversary, my okay, and then i missed the theater’s anniversary, the theater’s anniversary, but here we are on the 12th of january, almost under the old new year we celebrated the anniversary of the theater, which has already turned 10 years old, in the film the air that is coming out on screens now , there are at least two moments in the film when... a dialogue arises, what is more important, you are my personal state or my homeland, this question is heard twice there, and very brightly, clearly, and it seems to me , this is just very relevant, because now this feeling of empathy, compassion, it is very important, especially for the younger generation, and for an actor, a future actor, even more so, because compassion, empathy is practically empathy for your hero, whom you play is the opposite for you it helps if you are able to empathize, if you have tears.
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let's look at the third, the first shots of me, the leningrad siege, the girl pilot. and technical girls must show dedication, courage and self-sacrifice, not only pilots, but also technicians, they need to give birth, braid their hair, but they are here, masha, why do you need war, you lived richly, what do you mean, why, how many of our people are dying, why are you sending the girls, they are not ready yet, i would give them time... mastering, give me an order, protect the road, at any cost, why didn’t you kill the german, well, i didn’t i can live, seventeenth, what do you dream about, how i dance, how i go out on stage alone, zhenya,
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you need love, you could fall in love with me, everything is fine, let’s attack, attack? but to love your homeland is death to go, what is more important , the homeland or the person, homeland , isn’t that the case with you, girls, we beat the germans, i shot them down , you shot them down, don’t you believe in us at all, or do you feel sorry for me, please, little one my, please, fly, fly, fly, fly, airplane, fly, look how the buildings are flying, so it’s not all in vain, let’s fly somewhere else with him, of course, this is the story that with
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pain, such an unhealing wound, still so serious. the meaning that is very important here, now they are very important, of course, and those answers that one way or another still exist, the homeland, the pain of my hero, here is a wonderful female cast, wonderful nastya tolyzina, excellent work by lena lyadova, here aglaya tarasovo, there ’s such an amazing female cast here, they ’re like a female squadron, but they’re girls. wonderful, simply wonderful, wonderful, and i had the chance to play the commander of a flight regiment, but it was a difficult task, with on the one hand, don’t play the commander, lyosha said, don’t play the commander, but this is called externally playing the commander, and yet this harshness towards yourself, when
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you don’t have the right to humanly feel sorry, you don’t have the right, and it slips through the internal, you are ready to regret, and those same... scars on the heart, they don’t heal, one scar, a second, a third, it’s because i constantly restrain myself, i restrain myself, i restrain, i restrain, there is a phrase that in war there is no boys or girls, why should i feel sorry for girls more than mine boys, the guys are all dying, in the coming days you will be engaged in combat training, studying landmarks in the area, after that you will begin to carry out combat missions to ensure the transport route, when you go out into the laduga there will simply not be any. there will be losses, but we will not retreat, leningrad is under siege , children, women, and old people are being evacuated from the city, the city needs supplies and food, female pilots and female
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technicians must show training, courage and self-sacrifice, just don’t cry, otherwise i will i really don’t like it when they cry. admit that the guys are dying, and the german is faster and that the engine is imperfect, what is expected from the designer, when will our engines be, because the oil leaks, when, when, when, every time, every time accept, accept what you accept you can’t, the death of boys and girls, this is the hardest test for him, as for the commander of a regiment, to see the death of young people completely. well, i won’t tell her, i won’t anticipate, i advise you to watch it, i was actually waiting for this film, because surprisingly, it hit the set of this film by chance, to look at augmented reality, that is, special effects, unique technologies, and
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i’m glad that in this we are actually ahead, when we are proud of what technology is difficult to brag about, as they say, we were already ahead of us a long time ago, but it turned out, it turned out that, in principle, we can get ahead. the transport screens are real in this fighter - a real fighter that rises to the height of just this four-story building in a real combination of computer graphics, but there is no lame key here, nothing is drawn here, this is a complete feeling of a real battle, and the angle of attack, everything here, and with landings with smoke, that is, it is impossible to imagine that this shooting is impossible, because it...
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according to technology, it looks in the frame, it looks completely unique, the barrel is real when in attack, my hero does five five barrel rotations and this is real, yes, when alexey asked, he said: sergey, how much can you withstand? i say, well, it’s clear that it’s impossible for a person who has claustrophobia, yes, and you ’re in a real plane, when when you're strapped in when everything is absolutely real, if you're claustrophobic. it’s better not to sit there, or let’s say there’s something wrong with your blood pressure when you spin or five
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spins, he asked me how long you can stand it, i understood that the girls were spinning, it was difficult for them, i think, how long can you say, alexey , so much and i will be a doctor, you experienced all the same reversals and additions, of course, because when playing on chromekey, well, an actor can act, but the pressure is as if, you know, i don’t know, they can draw him a red face, here she has difference, all this will still be visible when you hang... upside down, the blood rushes in, everything is absolutely real, this is the rotation and what is in your eyes and face, and what is in the cabin, yes, everything is absolutely natural , real, half-drawn, it’s all true, and of course it adds the effect of presence, we’ve never had anything like this before, of course, we bend according to science, unexpected sugar reductions, the birthday of canned beer... at least something good, a pain point, we save people from
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pain, the program to live healthy, helps and enlightens, tomorrow on the first, gin sheaf, product of the lar group for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the enemy is rushing into leningrad, and you are looking for excuses, comrades, a tank from a bottle, the luga line, if even one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank, even on a stick, i will shoot you, pulkovo meridian. bread, i ruined the bread, i have no strength, maksimich, i can’t get to the factory,
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leningrad metronome, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, this is our duty to leningrad, operation iskra, to me i never wanted to live as much as i want to now, i want to live to see victory, the movie is epic... the blockade is on saturday on the first. i will not run away from a frag, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand. for the birthday of vladimir vysotsky. chupala, i play in russia. pure gold. we rely only on the strength of our hands, on the hands of a friend and a driven hook. how close and affectionate you are, climber. mine became my caress i carried my misfortune through the spring on
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the ice of the past i loved sadder than graves everything tender in me without wings you from the tripod i am the field i’ll send a message to vladimir semyonovich in love, what difference does it make to you, it’s really impossible to live longer. we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to look back, and the sons were leaving for battle, the premiere, their own rut on saturday. on the first. we continue the creative industry podcast and today we have sergei bezrukov in our studio. you know what i really wanted to ask when i watched this film, it’s very atypical for us, for children who grew up in the soviet years, for us, on
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the screen these were always heroes who uncompromisingly rushed on the plane, heroic , war is people, people, faces, and this is exactly what alexey emphasizes, people are faces, so here we see just real people with their experiences, commander, but his inner one is just there, there is a terrible world there, what he is with he can’t agree, he has to, because the order is not to take a step back,
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a very young girl, for the first time, what does it mean to shoot at an enemy, a german, when you can’t? when my hero takes responsibility, responsibility, you must take this step, i take responsibility for you, this scene is of course scary, but the hero understands that i take this sin of myself, i take myself in order for you to do, you must become a soldier, you must become a warrior, you must become a pilot, because if not you, then you, this is war, how is it psychological take yourself, you're a girl. at all, this is none of her business, but there is great love, love, yes, a feeling, perhaps, of that very life, because for the hero there is an order, there is a duty, his love, for example, from the heroine of the punished lyadova, these are two asses, two commanders, a female one and he is a regiment commander, that's two
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people who have known each other for a long time , who love each other, but i remembered how you were an asshole... “tell your guys, please, so that they don’t bully them like girls, okay, the second army is surrounded, our offensive was blown away when they don’t have that same life, peaceful life, real life, that’s a terrible phrase
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when we got into a fight there. about the fact that you’re letting the girls out, they haven’t learned to fly yet, and i’m just leaving the operating room there, i just died young guy, pilot, i say why should i get married, there are more of your girls than these boys, here in the war there are no boys or girls, you once dreamed that we would have boys, girls, now we have them, a terrible phrase, now we have a family, we have girls, we have boys, these are two loving people who... are at war and say to the cat: i dreamed about you, this is some kind of tenderness, a rather harsh tenderness, because there is no sentimentality here, there is no time for sentimentality , there are problems, there are problems, the engine is not the same, and the engine is not ready yet, the planes are not yet ready, the planes are not yet the same, the enemy is ahead of us
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, because of this we are dying, and yet this tenderness, which we do not allow ourselves so much, this tenderness. then further, well, i won’t talk, because the situation, the film, collected all the difficulties that a film can encounter from during filming, from some natural surprises to technical ones, of course, a very difficult test on the bay, when the wind was terrible, when planes were blown away, when the whole group practically held them with their hands, because the cables broke and had to be held. of course, this really was a serious test for the film, in general for everyone who worked on it, so i would like to say thank you to everyone for the courage that they showed, but this, this is not... the film is a real shooting of real conditions in which this film was filmed, we see on the screen, but the girls are filming there, how it was, how they endured such spartan
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conditions, but i think that this just added the effect of presence, because that in general alexei’s handwriting, the absolute truth in the frame, everything lives in parallel, not just a separate scene, no, everything lives, the whole airfield lives, it lives its own life. big story, well, it’s finally come out on screens, but what do you think, the main character, the actress who played the main character, is this
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a new movie star, is this a very resourceful artist? anastasia talyzina, she, i have seen her in other roles, she has already played in many places, i think that for her this is such a breakthrough, of course, of course, very talented, emotional, really living everything and accepting the story of her heroine as... her personal drama, that is, she was really required to have the very same courage, just like her heroine and nastya were required to have the courage to survive all these inhuman conditions that sometimes occurred in the filming, i came across one interview when you were not yet forty, and there you say, among other things, that you would really like to star in a real war movie, that’s how they fought for their homeland, there weren’t many war films , yes, but it was them in general... so if you imagine,
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then this is of course very small, because for some reason everyone says that you have many military roles, i say, no, if you don’t take general kapel, but still there is a civilian war, so there weren’t many military people, but i’m waiting, i hope there will be another job next year. i think yes, of course , definitely air, because working with alexey german, of course, was a dream, i didn’t expect it, i didn’t know, they just invited me to audition, but then they didn’t call me, i thought, probably not, and so i thought with despair, well, here was an opportunity, unfortunately, probably not, then they called and approved it, i was happy, endlessly. because it’s a completely unique acting experience to work with such a director, every work with a new director is an experience, and despite the fact that
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you may have acted a lot, nevertheless, every time it’s like the first time, every time it’s a feeling delight and such good acting excitement, a new director, especially a director like alexey, here’s the next work, and the film is large-scale... project of the cinema directorate, and this is a famous project, famous, because it is, after all , bogomolov’s famous novel in august 44, the moment of truth, and of course, despite the fact that there were absolutely amazing film adaptations, the film ak 44 with excellent performance, evgeny mironov , zhenya was played amazingly by captain nalegkin, this is one of such iconic roles in his biography and of course.
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and that film is the story of the personal drama of the hero captain alyokhin, because his family drama there is very serious, and just at the moments of truth this version of the management cinema, there is a big emphasis on human stories and the taman people, captain alyukhin, blinov, they have their own destiny, in the frame, there is a past in which they still live, there is a present. and the fact that it is possible, probably, some kind of assumption of their future, but this is their, so to speak, background, each of them, with a very serious
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emphasis on this, will end, for us it is important now how who these people are, and this this relationship between captain alyokhin, the main one in this counterintelligence group, poneto, is adjacent to tamantsev and olekhin, this is how they are with each other, who they are, and i’m glad, that nikita kologrev, who has now certainly become a star, and he will be there too, and he played tomantsev, and this role is of course one of such interesting ones.
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there will be a creative biography of him, because he is unusual there , this is serious work, and his image of tomansky , of course, is impressive, simply based on the most complex filming that took place and the character of this hero and what he experiences, his story with his mother, because, let’s say, in that work of august 44, there is nothing of this, there is a military detective, very powerful, superbly played, but here this accent in addition to...
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this girl, zhenya belova, he was able to say write, because of this he was shot by the repressive, but my hero could not do this, despite the fact that two completely unique pilots and my hero are really very good a pilot, but something is called, as they say, stepping on the throat of his own song, somewhere he was silent, when they burned there in the village they burned, there when he begins to remember from the past
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what happened in the revolutionary years, then, that yes... they closed their eyes a lot, remained silent, were silent, but then he says a powerful phrase, because for him the word is an order and he carries out the order, he is just ready to die for his homeland and dies for his homeland, but we are fighting for the best in us, also a very strong phrase that says a lot: we we are fighting for the best in us, let's talk about the best in us, about ourselves as a man, about a man, a man without hands. constantly, constantly, of course, you see your children in the film industry, what next? i don’t promise, on the one hand, i can’t say that no, i will never allow it, because we see magnificent dynasties, the wonderful yankovsky dynasty, when we look at the wonderful amazing work of vanya yankovsky, and i was also an acquaintance, i acted with my grandfather, with oleg ivanovich,
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i am very familiar with the dynasty. i also acted together with liza yankovskaya and i’m honestly pleased with that, i’m glad that generations and actors are magnificent and even the younger generation has inherited this talent, well, somewhere you said in an interview that this is a terrible profession, of course, you know here , you wouldn’t wish it on your own child, this is serious test, of course, you need to look at the presence of talent, if you have talent, then i will help, what is your diagnosis? well, now, while the intermediate one is now interested, and i see, i see empathy, for example, in styopa, for the sake of the feeling of empathy, it’s masha, an amazing dreamer, and i think that if the director, even the producer, the screenwriter, even very well, besides, that she will have the texture in anya, and this texture will of course be a very beautiful actress, if an actress, but how can i say, anya believes that after all, the best
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director is a screenwriter or producer, we’ll see, here you can’t make any guesses, as they say, the ways of the lord are inscrutable, well, at what moment we know, for example, or vasya, vasya has a very interesting character, he is a leo according to the horoscope, he is still two too many. years, but the character is a sense of rhythm, drumming, music , hearing, wonderful, i don’t know how they play, how he also starts everything, well, everyone plays in childhood, the performances are already in childhood, but still i notice something there is something special, i will look further, if there is talent, if there are abilities, dad, the course leader, will help, if... there is and will take work, especially since my father taught me, after all, he is my first, most important teacher, then he joined in, oleg pavlovich tabakov, but the most important teacher, who taught me literally from the age of eight, even earlier, is my father
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, veda, god bless him, my dad, who taught me everything , the craft, but even he said, i remember his words, my dad even reminds me of this every time, even on my anniversary he reminded me, he says: if i hadn’t i saw in you... that you can empathize, i realized that it was necessary work further, then he began to work for me to enter the mkhat school and then my father did all the independent work at the studio school with me as a director, so all my work was professionally done as a director, and i carried out the will of my father’s director, and then oleg got involved pavlovich tabakov , who believed in me in the theater, took me in already from the third year, i was already famous in the snuffbox and further, further, further, further, but my father... believed from the very beginning, so i also understand that when i i will believe in my children , when i see this, then i will connect, what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries, on the love and devotion to whom
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my soul could finally rest, or i am looking for a religious sect preaching love, love people towards each other, at all costs, love, vedechka loved himself very much.
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heroines of some reality show. cameras make our lives comfortable. we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters left on the street. look at the material, the perfect seams, this is original. why is it cheaper? but you're not on do you buy them on the champs-elysees? locals love to show off and wear branded items, even if they are fake. if you are one minute late with your delivery, will you have any problems or? yes, that is right. that's why guys sometimes beg clients to forgive them. sometimes they even fall to their knees, and you are a unique man, a manicurist , there are many of us here, you like going to a man for a manicure, i adore it, i advise everyone, here this phrase “ice cream for the children, flowers for the woman” does not work, because ice cream with vodka,
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we have it's a bestseller, if there's deception all around, it's just ice cream with lemon, the lives of others, premiered on sunday at the first, on the seventieth anniversary... at the same time he is shaken terribly, he is very light, and the contrast of his lightness is his devotion to friendship. i was so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together. the documentary premieres on sunday on
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the first. we continue the conversation with sergei bezrukov, with you, the host of the creative industry podcast, elena kiper and roman karmanov. how did the theater approach ten-year-olds? i think that firstly, it is its spectator, because theater without a spectator is impossible, we may be one of the most accessible theaters in moscow for spectators, because... it ’s literally 15 minutes from taganka to kuzminki, and from kuzminki you walk a minute and a half, i built a theater accessible to everyone in the literal and figurative sense of the word, because that we are the first to introduce typho-commentation in the theater for people who are blind or visually impaired, there is , of course, no running line, there are special screens for people who are deaf and deaf, and for people with mobility impairments , are there... are there ramps and there is space where place it in the hall, which can also be very
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important; not all theaters could afford to place it in a wheelchair. i was with you on the nameless star. sasha sozon staged a very interesting work for us, in my opinion, and moreover, this is exactly the same acting experience that the artist receives thanks to guest directors, what i came up with for them, because i also work in different genres, so as not to get tired, i have drama. cosmogoria, i have a krauki performance, let's say energetic people, when the audience sings along with the artists , hits of the seventies, sasharuka staged, we , by the way, invite the dogs to the canopy, very interesting work, driving with excellent acting, because it is very important to me that the director dies in the artist, as he bequeathed konstantin sergeevich stanislavsky, the director must die in the artist, not the director, here i am the director, the artist, in fact, the poor guy there doesn’t know how it all works.
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my relatives are dad, and in the governor’s office they also call me governor’s dad, but artists are the same children, the same children who need to be taken care of to care, i need to think, i literally passed by there, i was on the phone in worries, i literally didn’t pay attention, that’s all, this is a sleepless night, this is the feeling that they didn’t look at me, they looked at me, it means something has changed, the relationship has changed , that means there will be no more roles, that means everything is not... they didn’t give me a certificate, let’s say, my god,
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i didn’t get a certificate, but for an actor, pay attention , if suddenly something is wrong, it’s a blow, it’s a very serious blow, emotional blow, so this is attention, care, a must the right moments, it’s very important to approach, say kind words, a year and a half ago, i think , i came to vgik, i got there completely by accident, bezrukov was running around the first floor , worried that not all applicants who were worthy, they somehow fit into this quota , which is always there, and it was clear that it was simple, well, just a pain, and well, well , you have to do with it, in gikto, what else appeared , thank you to malyshev, thank you very much for offering me, i can say that i have matured , of course, because he worked in the theater already in the provincial one, as director-teacher, they are all different theatres. different schools, i am a mkhatovets, karina andolenko, i also graduated from the mkhat, all the other
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guys who graduated there, some graduated from yaroslavskaya, who else, where, let’s say anton khabarov chepkinskaya graduated, that is , they are all actors from other theater schools, but we work in one group, these are all my artists, that’s right, my guys, my guys, i, of course, i work with the guys in mkhatovsk, but i say, we have an advantage, we are already preparing to be film artists, to play in the theater to the cinema, here i took mine, i selected it all over the country, i looked through 4.00 applicants, moreover , when i missed moscow, i also traveled to cities and towns on tour, at the same time i also say, i came to my performance in the evening, can i still collect in advance, let’s say he sent an announcement that i would like to see applicants and i...
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specially looked at my guys from all over the country, and so, uniting all the artists under the auspices of mkhatovskaya, i already worked with my artists as a teacher , that's why artist of the moscow provincial theater, this can already be said. course in vgik , i don’t think for long, i’m fast, fast, on my feet on the rise, i said, okay, i scored, but there is still such an opportunity, and i’m glad that thanks to the sponsors and support, because all the guys study with me for free, i
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somewhere i came across that the most important thing now is, yes, in fact at all times, this is the only thing that is left for us in general, this is sincerity, now i think that this is what we, thank god, do not ... adopted from the nineties, how are you, i'm fine, this is fine, in fact, the person who asks how you are, he doesn’t care about your problems, and he is waiting for you to say, i ’m fine, smiles, that’s it, i’m not connecting, we have this sincere everything, this is sincerity stayed when everything is going well, well, that means you need to help, if it’s not quite good, then you need to help, just as in response you are waiting for your friends to say, what, that’s it, come on, that’s it, let’s start working, dear friends, with today we were people's artist of the russian federation, artistic director moscow provincial theater, sergei bezrukov. thank you. with you was the creative industry podcast on channel one, its host elena kiper, producer clipmaker. and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives and
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media manager. we say goodbye to you, goodbye. thank you. hello, this is the easy money podcast, i'm its host mikhail khanov, today our guest is maxim orlovsky, hello, maxim, hello, financial expert, market expert, stock market expert, investor, private, institutional, now general director of one of the largest investment houses in the russian federation, and today we will talk about what... the twenty-third year was for investment, what drew our attention, what could be earned, and most importantly, what will the year 24 be like? in the stock markets, what can and should you make money on in 2024? and the first question is very simple: the twenty-third year was good, bad for traders, for
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speculators, how can you characterize it? overall the year was very good, rare asset classes that are not gave some good returns, but... first of all, ruble bonds, after the central bank almost doubled the key rate, of course, although the market did not react, in my opinion, properly, but it’s still were some of the worst investments, and these are investments protected by government obligations, that is, we buy government debt, we buy and the de facto state owes us, how much could you earn on bonds as a percentage, well , let’s say... at the beginning of the twenty-third years, we believed that the rate would rise or somehow predicted it, how much interest income could be earned, in this case you earn only on short-term bonds, that is, then the rate was 7.5, this is the level of profitability, if - your bonds, taking into account the revaluation, or the bond fund in which
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you invested at the end of the year, you earned 8-10%, this is very good, this is very good, many funds that invest in bonds show returns near zero or negative. yes, de facto, now, but we let's get back to this, this profitability is inferior to the bank profitability on deposits, definitely, definitely, good, but let's put this topic aside for a bit, what else could you make money on in the twenty-third year, this is what you could basically lose on, on other things you made money , the twenty-third year is definitely the year of shares, so the shares grew quite strongly, the broad index there grew by almost 40%, and if we are talking about individual... the names of our largest companies, then this is an almost twofold increase, but blue the chips are all in the black, yes, it’s great that gold , which is so beloved by our rumored, at least home-grown investors, is an asset, the end of the year is very good for gold, who knows, you and i understand perfectly well that if the price rises,
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it means someone is buying gold is buying it is primarily in the world markets, maxim, who is buying gold now, the main demand for... gold comes from central banks, from some funds, and a new trend, households in india and china are joining this game, buying coins, buying bullion is a new trend, but in general we must understand that gold is still such a thing from the past, from those times when gold was money, when paper... were tied to gold, this still remains, let's see how they will develop further events, probably the current situation, including around russia with...
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a piece of paper along with everyone else and we also remember the situation, your phrase about households in india and china triggered me to this memory, you remember perfectly, probably 2009, when gold was on the same around the peaks of 1900-1950, when just all the analytical publications wrote that this is a new stage in the revival of gold and that now china is buying real gold and india will have two and two and a half and three and we remember very well... that gold then fell to the level of 1.300, that is, it lost what 30% of its price, the protective asset lost 30%, and
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for 8 long years gold was there, what is called -30, now this situation could repeat itself, or now we are only looking positive, no, everything is possible, everything perhaps, so, gold is losing its status as some kind of international unit of account, yes, today’s instability, the arrest of reserves, the impossibility of, say, russia, iran, and a number of other countries. served by distrust in soft currencies can revive settlements , including in gold, as such a unit between these, but you would not recommend it as a means of accumulation and preservation, i do not use this thing, but in our reality, look what we have now revaluation is not subject to tax, and this is also becoming a good tool, what will happen next, we'll see, with the passing of a generation that perceived gold unambiguously as money, and paper money... or non-cash money only as a derivative of it, the value of this asset will probably also go away. let's see, here's an example,
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you have the ratio of gold and silver, once in the united states it was fixed at 1:15, now it's 1:80, and in fact, on this movement, many people broke their necks, lost money when they were waiting for recovery these magical - divine yes coefficients ratio, well, but it never happened, well, here, you know, i can say that you are the first analyst who has this attitude towards gold, this very precisely coincides with my attitude towards this asset, despite the fact that, as many say, you know how, if it comes, if everything goes bad, and the apocalypse and so on, i say, well , remember the movie mad max, where the price is usually ammunition, weapons and gasoline, yes, you won’t run around with gold in a post-apocalyptic world, yes try to sell it, okay, what else is bitcoin? i don't i’m investing in the crypto industry , so for me this is a bit of an otherworldly asset, what is your lack of faith connected with, this is
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a lack of faith in this institution as a means of accumulation, as a means of receiving money or possible risks outweighing profitability, why if we talk about markets, about algorithmic trading, what is important here is that there is liquidity, there is an instrument, in general, in principle, it does not matter what instrument it is, right, if we look at it. this is a little bit from the point of view, probably right, then money is the thing that the state accepts paying our taxes, this is a thing in which we measure the value of certain objects , as for bitcoin, no one accepts it, yes, its emission is limited, but what can be done with it if tomorrow the largest economies accept it equally with its own currencies, probably... this will greatly increase its value and prestige in some ways, by and large, the difference between bitcoin and the ruble or
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the dollar in non-cash terms, that’s all, these are just some records, right, the only question is , the state says that i accept it as a legal means of payment, your taxes, prices in my state are expressed in this unit, for the sake of there are countries, including japan, but i’m not talking about venezuela and the same with them, but there is. large countries that accept bitcoins as payment for goods, there i think that now you can already buy an apartment and cars, it’s impossible to say, as long as there is a mechanism for exchanging for regular money, it all works, as soon as you have everything, everything will be fine in these units, maybe, maybe, but for me it’s not completely a clear thing, it will be, it will not be, there are other things that are more understandable that can be worked on, for me there is no difference between a digital and non-digital asset. by and large, non-cash money is the same digital asset, shares have existed for a long time in the same way in the form of some kind of records, that’s right,
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which are electronic, which you and i cannot see, cannot touch, or paste over anything. okay, oil, what happened to oil in 2023 and what are your forecasts for 24? the year was quite difficult, if we say, of course, everyone was expecting a recession in the usa, i will remind our audience that everyone was expecting a recession in the usa, and accordingly throughout the world, everyone expected that the economy of the largest world would not withstand such a high rate increase, but it did, with surprise even the federal reserve system, this is such an analogue the central bank...
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is forced to limit its production and supplies to international markets in order to support the price of oil. technologies that have come to the united states, to canada, to brazil allow us to get oil cheaply in places where we didn’t even think about it before, well, now about shale mining or not only, and deep-sea mining, and sands, if we look at it, the united states is about to be practically self-sufficient. its own oil. the united states, if we take almost 13 million barrels a day there, it is generally the largest producer, let's say for our audience that the united states of america is currently one of the three, there is a struggle there all the time, number one is already 13 million barrels you mine the usual ones because the saudis saudi arabia has reduced it and so have we reduced 11 and a half, you
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and i produce oil along with the bastard condensate , we count, and the americans have another 5 million on top, but this is what is happening, that is , technology does not stand still, and if there is an opportunity to earn money somewhere, it is earned, there is a lot of oil, there is a lot of oil, so to support oil prices, these are two factors, the first, the most important factor is discipline within opec plus, if the cartel falls apart, the price of oil goes to where it should be, based on current economic conditions, every company there this is somewhere in the region of 35-40 - no, i would say higher, that is, this is the level that we saw there - in general - seventeenth eighteenth, here 55-65 is in this range, of course, any drop in the beginning is happening much lower, you remember very well that oil was once worth negative money there after
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the reset, the glut in the first place. storage facilities, when all the tankers were floating full and the problem of the expiration of this april expiration was the repayment of supply contracts when everyone was ready to pay money for the fact that this oil will be taken from them, this is what a negative price is, this is when you, along with the oil, say, i ’ll pay you more, just take it, well , it didn’t last long, it was literally there for a few days, but still less than this , the collapse took a long time, and i hope that angola’s exit from opec plus is the only one. well, this is a few percent that this will not affect the existence of the cartel, otherwise everything will not be so good for us and for the ruble. well, we remember that saudi arabia’s budget is calculated at 85 + minus, let’s say 83 already a critical figure, a deficit-free budget, the leader actually has the consortium
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you’re talking about, guardianship, saudi arabia, the actual main engine and...


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