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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 24, 2024 4:00am-4:57am MSK

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did you like any of the participants in today's program? write to the website of the first channel, and i’m larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, let’s get married. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. supports of russia about raising children, supporting parents and true common values. vladimir putin opened the year of the family in our country. at all distances, a missile strike on the ukrainian military rear in the case of army aviation, alligators and night hunters. the energy
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of the future is a new block of a nuclear power plant, which rosatom is building in egypt, the construction was started by the presidents of the two countries. everything is under control, all that remains is to find out why the head of mit is talking about the anti-russian diplomatic war to the detriment of really important matters. it’s a small world, a pentagon ship carrying weapons for ukraine was fired upon in the red sea. safety precautions, how industrial megaprojects are monitored in russia and abroad, a conversation between the prime minister and the head of rostechnadzor. 2 days in the cold in the mountains, testimony from pilots and doctors who survived a plane crash in afghanistan. how is there an investigation going on? snowy wednesday morning, spring thursday, mild winter friday.
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weather forecasters predict swings in the weather, we'll tell you the details. vdnkh, exhibition of russia, pavilion 75 and opening of the year of the family. vladimir putin came to talk with the winners and participants of all-russian family competitions. not only about support measures, for example, a decree was signed on the status of large families and equal benefits regardless of place of residence. the family in russia is where our common future is laid, a circle in which we will be supported. word or personal for example, the president also remembered the instructions of his parents. report by olga knyazeva. nastya is from a large family, she is 20 years old, usually at this age they want to live for themselves, but she wants a big family, like she had in her childhood. large families, they support the country, they value culture, they remember their roots and relatives. large families who are not indifferent to the fate of the country, these are the ones who came to the russia exhibition today to support them on the initiative of vladimir.
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an all-russian competition has been created, this is a family competition for us, based on the russia land of opportunities platform. the main goal of the competition is to find active families throughout the country, and it doesn’t matter whether they play sports, sing in a choir or draw up a family tree, the main thing is that they do it together and are ready to share their experience. vladimir putin spoke with the finalists of the competition today, and they talked not only about adult problems and joys, but about children’s ones. tell me, please, what is your little brother's name? yarik, how old is he now? 4 years old. are you upset that mom and dad pay more attention? on the little ones, you're the same senior? no, i play football, my position is forward, who is your favorite player? my favorite player, well , except for yourself, that is, my favorite player is pele, i knew him, he was very kind, such a nice person, yeah, i know that you knew him, he treated our country very well , signed the most important decree, at
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the state level it determines the status of large families and support measures, a large family is the support of the country, and a family in general, but even more so, a large family is a support, because those who are raised here uh, these are the main qualities of a person , on which, in fact, the family and the country rest, respect for elders, uh, love , care for the younger ones, hard work, uh, everything connected with this organism, family. these are the very traditional values ​​that we constantly talk about and which we support, in fact, all of our internal policies, economic policies are in one way or another connected with supporting the family, before each region decided for itself how to support large families, but now it will free travel for schoolchildren free prescription medications for children under 6 years old, museums, cultural parks and exhibitions are also free, all this without any reservations for different regions, last year we came to moscow in the summer. with my eldest child
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, we decided to visit the moscow zoo , we were able to do it completely free of charge, in our region this benefit works a little differently, for example, the last time we went to... to the yaroslavl zoo as a family, preferential visits to this institution for large families are provided on wednesdays, for some reason on wednesdays, well, of course, this is some kind of nonsense, the meaning of this decree signed yesterday is precisely to build a unified approach throughout the entire territory of the russian federation, and of course, these are the things that you said, visiting there museums, other cultural institutions, zoos there and so on, they should be... uniformly applied throughout the russian federation, it is unlikely that this will be done by clicking today for tomorrow, but we are the goal of the decree to align all these things . parents asked putin, how to develop the skill from childhood not to give in to problems, to look for a way out and find one. as makarenko once
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said, the best education is personal example. and, uh, in this sense, now i’m trying to remember, what made an impression? firstly... never, i want to emphasize this, i have never seen my father drunk, this has never happened at all, i ’m not talking about my mother, i have never heard a single swear word from him at all, and about my mother too they don’t even say, you know, responsibility manifests itself in the little things, i remember like a father on such a ladder...
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this is all the environment in which we live, well , at least i lived, this is what educates, this is what lays the foundation for the moral foundation of a future
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full-fledged person. alexander dechenko from the small town of sukhodolsk, lugansk people's republic, created the family ensemble singing hearts, and he also works at a music school, teaching children to play folk instruments. before the new year... we received a wonderful gift, musical instruments, equipment for all directions, i am a populist, these are 10 tula button accordions, an accordion, a two-row harmony , a full cycle of stringed instruments , a fishing house, wind players, when the instruments were opened, saxophones, horns, tubas, clornets, even new bassoons came, we actually have a separate program to support schools , music schools, it's very nice to hear that it really works, what? as for folk instruments, this is of course a special thing, what is called an article, this is what preserves our history, our culture, it is so diverse here, so beautiful, so bright, well, of course
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, in this series, russian culture is of no small importance, to put it mildly, meaning... you have talented, able-bodied people, and this, this , over the centuries, such a collective, such a character has developed , this ability for creative work in the broadest sense of the word, and in mines, in schools, in music schools and so on,
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so this restoration of historical connections, well, in fact, as elections and referendums showed, they were not lost never these connections, but... still entering into the all-russian space, i hope it will happen as quickly as possible, in any case, we will strive to ensure that this happens as quickly as possible while... dealing with security issues, of course, the meeting with the president is taking place as part of the russia exhibition, even those who are passing through moscow definitely try to get here to see the pavilion of their region, we saw the pavilion of bashkiria, we haven’t gotten there yet, right after the meeting it’s a must, the good ones generally reflect the greatness of the republic, yes, we she's very love, bashkiria, bashkiria, i’ll remind you of history, i joined voluntarily, asked to be accepted into... the russian state, and i ’ve said it many times, i’ll repeat it again,
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the bashkirs took on the functions, the functions of the border guard, armed everyone in the war of 1819 their young people, they put all men from the age of 15 on horses, northern cupids, yes, pride, russian schoolchildren make such victory talismans for the military, from bryansk she gave one to the president, vladimir vladimirovich, can i take a photo with you? thank you for being this you are doing, thank you, i’m speaking now both on my own behalf and from our soldiers to whom you are sending this, you know, well, you’ve probably heard many times already, these are the crafts, letters, drawings, our... guys in the combat zone in the conditions in which they
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are located, they are hung not as a work of art, but as a part of the heart of those who remember them and wish them good luck in victory. the fifth generation alenevod from yamal came with his daughters, son, grandson and invited putin to visit the tundra. we invite you to yamal, to holiday. reindeer herding day, let's take you for a ride on three white reindeer, the reindeer drives fast, what's the speed? well, the big one, the very first 70, gives, 70 km/h, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, okay, they run so fast, he doesn’t run, this one doesn’t get tired, the deer, that’s why he walks everywhere day and night, like athletes. there is another reason to come, the golden wedding is on april 12 , cosmonautics day,
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everyone present has already received an invitation, the kolenivods have also received an invitation to the golden wedding, we’ll go for a walk, so if we go, let’s cooperate, we are very glad to be friends, with just such families, i will definitely help you get there, i promise you that, while the meeting with the families was going on, the president was very much expected at the concert, putin officially gave the start. steelworkers, doctors, teachers, cultural figures,
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families, people of different nationalities, who are dynasties, military personnel, engineers, remain faithful to their chosen calling, and are proud of their work. in the hall there were families from a large country, some, not only large families, but also multinational ones. gennady came to chukotka to work and found his love, 20 years together, four children, and you were waiting for blue eyes, of course, every time, we will wait. first channel. to the news about the progress of the special operation, a new group attack on the rear of the ukrainian formations. targets - military factories, airfields, locations of mercenaries. locations, kiev, kharkov, sumy and dnepropetrovsk regions. our ministry of defense reported on the completion of the assigned tasks. in kiev, as always, they tried to justify the work of their air defense. how do our missiles overcome it? it’s clear from amir yusupov. who summarized information. images from kiev, kharkov,
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pavlograd. the russian army is hitting uaf targets behind enemy lines. ballistic cruise missiles are used. this morning , the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high- precision, long-range, air- based ground-based weapons on facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce missiles and their ammunition components, as well as explosives. the target of the strike has been achieved, that's it.
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but it’s enough to compare the huge glow after the explosion of a damaged missile that reached its target within the city, it becomes clear that this is the result of the work of the ukrainian air defense. the complexes are placed in residential areas, between apartment buildings and other civilian objects; fragments of ukrainian missiles fall on the territory that air defense systems are supposed to protect, just like today’s attacks on military infrastructure,
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commented the russian leader’s press secretary dmitry pesko. we continue our special military operation. our military does not hit social facilities, residential areas and does not hit civilians, in the difference from the kiev regime is what fundamentally distinguishes our military from the military of the kiev regime, the personnel of the ministry of defense su-25, they are also rooks, cover the fortified area of ​​the militants in the krasno-liman direction, the enemy air defense is again powerless, the pilots return the planes to the airfield safe and sound. and so the tankers are dismantling the dugouts in the kupinsky direction, firing from closed positions from a great distance, hiding in the forest belt. a relatively safe option considering the number of drones circling in the sky, but sometimes the guys you have to work closely with direct fire, they rolled out three on two, there was direct contact,
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it was hot, of course, scary, well, they took it. more about working in the frontline area, helicopter pilots call it the best in the world, the formidable alligators k-52 and the night hunters mi-28,
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the piloting capabilities are unimaginable, the weapons are powerful, and at the same time the pilots also feel. car, and the commander with the call sign beacon does more than just check the technical condition and freezes for a few seconds at the cockpit, leaning against the cold armor, we thank our hard worker in combat, how do you feel about helicopter, so will it... it’s alive, it understands us, it’s not just a piece of hardware , it’s firstly the best helicopter in the world, secondly, it’s a living being, our brother, it’s us protects us, we try to protect him. the k52 aligator is a unique helicopter; the self-propelled propeller system allows it to perform aerobatic maneuvers that are inaccessible to
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other machines. the car is good, the car allows a lot, the car works well. the tasks assigned to it, the defense industry tried to make this work of art, i would like this, probably called it. both seats are equipped with catapults in case of an emergency landing. the k-52 is protected by armor weighing 300 kg; six suspension points can accommodate weapons with a total weight of 2 tons. as a rule, these are guided missiles; helicopter pilots call them felt-tip pens and unguided pencils in common parlance. another feature is this thirty-millimeter cannon, exactly the same one installed on infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, so if necessary, cartridges can be borrowed from motorized riflemen. helicopter pilots operate uncontrollably against enemy support positions missiles, usually at a distance of about 7 km. before the attack, a pitching maneuver is performed, the helicopter raises its nose and the missiles rush towards the target. they fly out on combat missions in pairs together with the mi-28 night hunters.
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in these shots from the alligator’s cockpit , you can clearly see how the leader fires a salvo, and this is a video from the forward gunner, who determines the coordinates of targets and controls their destruction, so as not to give away the scout, we deliberately removed from the frame everything that could indicate his location, tony handsome guys are flying. objective control from a drone confirms the destruction of the enemy’s stronghold. after the attack, the helicopters make a sharp turn, fall to the limit and go back on course. they worked as expected, were successfully completed, and the targets were hit. in this army aviation unit of the southern group of forces, all pilots with combat experience, real aces, each escaped enemy missiles more than once. as a rule, this is an ambush, the enemy is taking a risk, he comes closer, he worked on us, we immediately reported.
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from a combat mission, pilots often arrange to air roll call, from the command post the crews thank you for their work, and then everyone who is in the sky joins in, then no one needs to explain what air combat brotherhood is? thank you for the work, as always better, this is the best job in the world, mutually, thank you, the best job in the world, the best job in the world, this is the best job in the world, oleg shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoyko, channel one. new names for our heroes, captain. ali alibekov, his tank battalion, repelling enemy attacks, destroyed over 100 militants, 16 units of armored vehicles, held their position. private igor
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trofimov, a motorized rifleman, spotted the saboteurs, opened fire, the militants fled with losses, and when equipping our defense lines , he used non-standard approaches, which helped save the lives of soldiers and equipment. the state duma meeting began today with a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the ukrainian terrorist attack. knew about this so that the united nations could assess what was happening, and of course, it is important for us that this position be conveyed to
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of all citizens of the planet, they are silent about this situation, trying to find other explanations, but they are responsible for what happened. is taking, as it seems to him, ideological, but in fact absurd steps, now, when the situation is worsening for him even before, let me remind you what vladimir putin said on february 21
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, 2022, the day when russia recognized the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. the whole point is that ukrainian society was faced with the rise of extreme nationalism, which quickly took the form of aggressive russophobia and neo-nazism. hence the participation ukrainian nationalists and... neo-nazis in terrorist gangs in the north caucasus, territorial claims against russia are becoming louder and louder. the development of russia's first nuclear project in africa at the egyptian eldaa nuclear power plant began pouring concrete into the base of the fourth power unit. all of them will be built at the same time. our advanced technologies will provide this country with clean energy. the start of a new stage of construction was given by the presidents of russia and egypt. the nuclear giant is growing on the edge of the desert, on the shores of the mediterranean sea, the first nuclear power plant in egypt will become one of the largest in the world in area 57
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km, this is comparable. with the size of the town of el-dabaa, which actually gave the name to the station. in terms of scope and significance, the object here is already being compared to the famous aswan platinum, also, by the way, the brainchild of our then soviet engineers. for egypt, this is, without exaggeration, an industrial leap; the country did not have its own nuclear power industry before. in recent years, the desert coast in the province of matrouh has been transformed; in fact , a new city has appeared here for the delivery of building materials, and a port has been built. three the power units are already being built, but according to the project there will be four in total. and today the leaders.
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will make a significant contribution to the development of the egyptian economy, will help strengthen its energy base, we will contribute to the creation of modern industries, skilled jobs, and the solution of social issues. egyptian president abdal-fatah assissi noted that construction is ahead of schedule. a huge russian-egyptian team, more than 16 thousand people, works on the site every day. my brother, president putin, would like to express his deep gratitude for support for this project. i am glad to share with you this historical moment, which will forever remain in the memory of our people. today, the dream of all egyptians to have their own nuclear power plant is being realized. since the beginning of the 21st century , egypt’s population has grown one and a half times; the country of one hundred million is in vital need of new energy resources. power units based on generation 3+ reactors will be able to annually
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produce up to... at the same time, russian safety standards, all magat rules and regulations and the most stringent environmental regulations are strictly observed requirements. any nuclear power plant is a long-term project. elda is designed to last at least 60 years. rosatom will provide the station with fuel. of course, not only egypt will benefit from the construction. such a large-scale facility means hundreds of contracts for our designers and builders, the development of domestic nuclear technologies, plus profits from future sales
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of electricity. a foreign project is always accompanied by very large orders in the russian federation, everything related to nuclear technologies, nuclear engineering, control systems, this is, of course, we produce ourselves, at least 70% of capital investments go to russian enterprises, these are new jobs, and new technologies, all of this, of course, is a contribution to the gdp not only of the arab republic of egypt , but a contribution to the gdp of the russian federation. launch of the first power unit of the stations. is planned for the twenty-sixth year, then, perhaps, four reactors will not become the limit for eldabaa. the egyptian site, rosatom notes, makes it possible to build more. and most importantly, the region has a huge need in modern nuclear power plants. by entering africa with cutting-edge projects, russia can become a leader in this growing nuclear energy market. alexey kruchinin, sergey kuznetsov, ekaterina yarovenko and kirill loginov. first channel egypt. the
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un security council will meet in new york in less than an hour. where russia will seek an adequate approach to the middle east crisis, foreign minister sergei lavrov, the day before he spoke about ukraine as an instrument of the west, before today's meeting he held a series of meetings with colleagues and gave an interview to one of american tv channels. georgiy alisashvile about everything in order. in the quiet un corridor, adjacent to the security council meeting room, there has been an unusual buzz since the morning. long time no see. sergei lavrov’s first guest today is his algerian colleague, the next head of the swiss foreign ministry, as noted in the russian diplomatic department, the context of the meeting is formed taking into account the unfriendly policy of switzerland, expressed in support for ukraine and the actual renunciation of neutrality. however, the conversation in tetatet format lasted more than an hour. between two meetings of the security council on the ukrainian conflict and the situation in the middle east, sergei lavrov held negotiations with colleagues with whom these
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diplomatic issues could be discussed. in a small negotiation room, one delegation replaces another. palestine, jordan, indonesia, lebanon, emirates, turkey. there are many questions, so even sergei lavrov’s jokes addressed to his colleagues seem to be fragments of a discussion about geopolitics. recalled the expansion of nato to the east, the beginning of which contacts between the two superpowers began to rapidly degrade. we see that the current generation of leaders in the united states has not learned a single lesson from the unacceptable policies that the united states began
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to promote after the collapse of the soviet union. for everyone who is truly interested in justice, including justice in relations between russia and ukraine, this means not using ukraine as an instrument of war against russia. we'll be ready. in the meantime , there is no one to listen to the united states, as lavrov claims, here at the un they have unleashed a real diplomatic war against russia. more than 140 countries on the un general assembly voted in favor of a resolution condemning your invasion. it doesn't matter to us who voted how, because i know how the americans, the british and some europeans get those votes. i have many friends in new york, when the vote on this resolution was going on, i asked why they did this?
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then, firstly, no one fired at ocean, well, where in the statement of the naval command without mentioning iran? the iranian-backed houthi terrorists' alleged successful attack on oceanjas is patently false, command maintained constant contact with the ship throughout its safe transit. and secondly, that washington’s response will also be inevitable and the houthis’ attacks will also not go unpunished. last night, the united states and what they call a coalition of... dozens of countries, including bahrain and the netherlands, launched 18 strikes on the territory of yemen, if no one attacked the notorious ocean just, why such a powerful act of retaliation. and, by the way, ocean jazz is not just another dry cargo ship. this vessel was previously spotted in
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as a carrier of large cargo in the interests of the us department of defense. among other things, it was used to transport equipment from the united states to europe, both for exercises in eastern europe, and for the transfer of this equipment to ukraine, that is, it was involved in the supply of american weapons to ukraine. now it was used in the interests of the us middle east group; according to the houthis, the ship was hit ballistically.
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well, we are proud to fight the enemy of peace, who is fueling wars all over the planet, we are not saw nothing new from the united states except destruction, however, the united states did not promise anything new, washington is determined to repeat the same actions in the hope of getting some different result, strategic communications coordinator john kirby last week i remember threatening that there would be strikes .
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forms with the inscription we have no ties with israel, the houthis promise not to touch such people, however, this promise does not apply to those who touch the houthis themselves to the united states and izhi with them, here with the eternal desire to shoot themselves the european union appears on the scene. eu countries agreed in principle to conduct a security operation in the red sea and discussed various options for this mission. considering that the red sea is the shortest route from the indian ocean to europe in the first place, the solution. will present the european
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mission as its next achievement, just as the sanctions that the british government threatens to impose against the houthis will be presented as achievements. i wonder if these sanctions scare anyone else at all. and, of course, one cannot help but mention, in the regiment coalition allies arrived, new zealand announced that it was sending as many as six, no ships, six troops to the region, and no, this is not a joke. grigory emelyanov. again to technological regimes for safety on our news: control over compliance of production and energy enterprises should be in the first place for rostechnadzor. mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with alexander trembitsky. introduction of service over a million critical objects. anna kurbatova about the scale of the tasks. here it is, black gold donbass and the main treasure. the oldest most valuable type of coal, the strongest
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heat transfer, mining in general coal and anthracite in particular has always been difficult, the region has some of the deepest mines in the world up to one and a half kilometers, but the infrastructure of many leaves much to be desired, the equipment has not been updated for decades, and if apply our industrial safety requirements, most mines did not comply with them at all, a lot of modernization work is needed, it has already begun, more about that today head of rostechnadzor. as part of your instructions , the main attention was paid, of course, to the mines on the territory of the lugansk and donetsk republics. the integration of new regions must be systematic and comprehensive into the socio-economic space of russia. we must work to the same standards. for a long time, norms and standards were applied there that differ from those adopted in russia and the eurozone in the eurasian economic union. how new regions switch to new standards will be monitored by...
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a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas gas, this has never been built by anyone on the planet before; it was erected in the murmansk region , assembled and delivered along the northern sea route. in the arctic, the main plus is just a minus: it is easier and cheaper to freeze gas, that is, to bring it to a liquefied state, but to build an enterprise of this scale in permafrost conditions is on the verge
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of fantasy, so they decided that the plant would be located on the water. the construction took place under the close attention of rostekhnadzor, like other megaprojects, for example, the construction of one of the world’s largest amur gas processing plant, which should reach full capacity in a few years, rostekhnadzor is doing a lot of work with foreign partners. russia is not only the largest nuclear power, but the largest exporter of peaceful nuclear technologies. we build power plants in dozens of countries around the world. how does your department solve problems related to the energy complex? today we have signed and are in force 15 agreements with countries where we ...
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this is ensuring safety, it is very important to reduce the accident rate, while increasing the effectiveness of supervisory measures so that reducing accidents allows businesses to focus on their core business. in russia, there has been a moratorium on unnecessary inspections for several years. control is targeted only where it is really needed. so last year, the number of inspections at enterprises decreased by half, while the number of preventive visits , on the contrary, increased, and this trend, mishustin emphasized, should be. new footage of russians who survived the plane crash, they are in kabul in the hospital. after the crash of a private falcon plane in the afghan mountains, one of the victims reached the nearest village, that's what was waiting for help. we had to
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be there in the cold for almost 2 days to survive, we were very worried that his legs were very frostbitten. let me remind you that there were four survivors, two doctors and two pilots . as one of the versions of the crash, the investigative committee is considering engine failure, but the rest will be studied: an unauthorized change of course, a possible lack of fuel due to an error in calculations during refueling, it was reported that the pilots may not have the right to fly commercially. the board was ordered by the husband of a very ill wife for her evacuation from thailand to moscow; in the disaster, the couple died. historical memory, traditional values, family support, interaction between the state and the church were discussed today at christmas meetings in the federation council, where anatoly lazarev was also present. christmas parliamentary meetings are a traditional format, the current twelfth in a row. clergy, representatives the legislative branch gathers together
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to discuss issues that are in the religious-moral and state-forming plane. for example, this year has been declared the year of the family in russia. traditional values ​​in the education system, the law banning gender reassignment in russia and banning lgbt propaganda, it is very important that we , our country, based on a centuries-old spiritual and cultural tradition that has formed its own code of moral values, have been capable, including in some that is, and
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lead this resistance, incredible word, i will now say to the antichrist, resistance to the coming. into the world of global evil. global evil, according to the patriarch, comes from the west, which itself has reoriented itself to dubious values ​​and is trying to force others to do the same. it is with great heartache that we perceive everything that threatens ukraine today. the requirements for candidates to join the european union are predictable. recognition at the legislative level of immoral phenomena, destructive gender ideology, same-sex unions, and the possibility of gender reassignment.
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there has been and is a change in ukraine values, high moral qualities inherent in our ancestors, were replaced by lower characteristics, such as rudeness, hypocrisy, ignorance, disrespect, lies and corruption of morals. the independent authorities finally lost touch with their history, with their culture, and began to purposefully destroy both the thousand-year-old foundations and historical memory of the ukrainians. people and true faith, one of the latest decisions, which
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cannot be called anything other than luminosity, is the postponement of the date of christmas celebration on january 7 to 25 december, this was done in order to separate ukraine from russia, from the entire orthodox world, to please its patrons overseas. the protection of traditional values ​​is the protection of russia's sovereignty. this idea was voiced by every speaker. anatoly lazarev, natalya sidorova, stanislav opletin. first channel. concern for children's health and plans to modernize the construction of medical institutions in the moscow region were discussed today in krasnogorsk. i came there to the roshal children's clinical center under construction from the governor's inspection andrey vorobyov. the hospital is 80% ready and will open in the summer. the head center for children's healthcare in the moscow region will provide care at the highest level. in the center, you can examine, treat 14-15 thousand children , and from the moscow region, of course, everyone who
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needs help, so we tried to purchase the best equipment here, we understand that the result very much depends on this, and of course we are betting we understand the special role of doctors; we will have about 400 of them and 600 nursing staff. chairman ldpr, leonid slutsky, he is running for president from this party, today he presented his campaign headquarters, talked via video conference with branches in the regions, showed how the center for receiving applications works and laid out the emphasis of the candidate program , to reach every family, every person, taught great zhirinovsky, to what extent will we be able to do this, to what extent will we be able to resolve the issues of ordinary people, systemic issues that...
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from another parliamentary party, a communist in orenburg, and today a candidate flew there nikolai kharitonov. he is going to meet with townspeople and workers of local enterprises. the russian presidential election will begin on march 15, the main day is 17. in the american state , the fate of the highest post will be determined in november, but today is the primary, the primary election in new hampshire, the state traditionally opens this type of voting, plus it has a reputation as a place capable of surprises, so the interest is understandable. mikhail akinchenko did not stand aside. this tuesday's vote only strengthens republicans' desire to re-elect donald trump. your vote will decide in november, not this tuesday. biden’s voice, which many new hampshire residents heard on their phones the day before, urged people to ignore participation in the primary. however, it soon
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became clear that these were just dirty pr technologies using artificial intelligence. and in general, the current president has nothing to do not only with fake calls, but also with participation in the preliminary voting. biden did not put his name on the ballot after new hampshire refused to approve a new election calendar that lists the first state for the primary. south carolina. democratic national committee chairman jamie harrison described the vote in new hampshire as inconsequential. it’s no wonder, of course, that the american democratic party was so dismissive; it certainly didn’t gain them any more supporters. for residents of the state, a source of special pride is the fact that the so-called primary elections of presidential candidates have been held here since 1920. only after many years similar voting has begun to be held in other states, but in new hampshire they are jealously monitoring it. in order to remain first, the so-called caucuses that took place last week in iowa do not count, it was rather a large-scale opinion poll
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among supporters of the republican party. here are the comparative data. voter turnout in iowa and new hampshire, but you have to remember that iowa is twice the population of new hampshire, and look at these data: in new hampshire , usually twice as many voters show up at a polling station than in iowa. tom has explanation: party affiliation doesn't matter in new hampshire. a supporter of any party has the right to choose any candidate. there are approximately the same number of democrats and republicans in the state, 300 each. but there are also so -called independent voters, there are already 400,000 of them. most preliminary polls show.
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she's 52 and trump is 77. do we really need two octogenarian candidates that's what worries me, remember joe biden 2 years ago and now look how he's done in that time and this tactic might work in
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tiny village night, where just something. residents voted the day before and they all chose haley. on a statewide basis, this result, of course, does not solve anything, but it may influence trends. in addition, the governor also spoke out in support of haley. meanwhile, newmpshire has the glory of a state that can greatly surprise. in 2000, it was here that the late john mccain defeated george bush, and in 2008, hillary clinton snatched victory from barack obama. however, this did not prevent the losers from eventually taking the presidency. so niki haley announced in advance. what if he gives in trump will not refuse to participate in the election race; in a month there will be primaries in her native south carolina, in early march, the so-called super tuesday, when voting will take place in several states at once. in any case, the final say in choosing a candidate for the white house lies with the republican party convention, which is scheduled for mid-july. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, andrey mikhailov, channel one washington. and finally, about the weather
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for residents of central russia. will have to endure a rapid journey this week from january to march and back. tomorrow the air temperature will rise to +2 , thursday friday a little less. the sharp warming will be accompanied by strong winds and heavy rainfall, which will add problems to both motorists and road services. a thaw with sleet has already covered the north-west of the country. in the leningrad region, last night dozens of drivers got stuck in snow drifts. it was not always possible to get out of captivity even with the help of shovels. however. weather forecasters promise that such weather will not last long, just in time for the weekend in the capital a mild winter will return with a quite comfortable light march.
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