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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  January 24, 2024 9:20am-10:00am MSK

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i can’t even talk now, because under such a strong impression and emotions, of course, i still have to go through, at some point i even wanted to become a pilot, but this greatly lifts the spirit, spirit... important questions, what is more important than the homeland and very many often the main characters ask very people, but the main answer is probably given by these same main characters, that the homeland is unthinkable without a person, and a person cannot live without a homeland, this is probably what this film is about, it is very poignant, what are you
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dreaming about, i’m attacking, a picture you need to see everyone, the film airs on big screens in cinemas across the country. that's all for now, we'll be back with more news, anti-fake is on air right now. what is the difference between minibuses for friends and foes according to ukrainian propaganda, what is the central nervous system and how is it connected with the forces of special operations of the armed forces of ukraine, which are waging a large-scale information war against us, as well as the cynical lies of kiev and the terrible truth from the residents of donetsk about another terrorist attack on their homeland city. about this and much more today. this is an
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anti-fake program and here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation, we very often refute fakes about melitopol, a new portion has arrived, ukrainian propaganda is spreading a fake that in melitopol minibuses supposedly there are notices hanging that for residents without russian passports the price of travel will be increased by almost twice. melitopol minibuses allegedly decided to increase the price of the project for those who do not have a russian passport. residents of melitopol noticed the carrier on route number 18; it runs on the kalinin lermontov flight. vigilant citizens noticed an announcement on the headrests that from february 1 , 2024 , the price of a route taxi fare would rise to 45 rubles, that is, almost double, since today the cost of a one-way fare is 25. the announcement also noted that for the preferential category of citizens, travel will cost 15 rubles. and for holders of russian passports it will remain at. 25 rub. we all traveled in minibuses, just
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imagine, yes, well, for example, there is a benefit recipient, but he usually comes in with some kind of a piece of paper, and minibus operators have such a thing as time, yes, he must make as many flights as possible to earn as much money as possible. just imagine the picture when he is crammed into, for example, there are 15 people in a minibus, yes, three of them, but there are ukrainian citizenship, four beneficiaries, which means everyone else has russian passports, just imagine how this person... there will be accounting to carry out this, he needs to give change to everyone, for example, yes, but i have 100 rubles there, and for example, i want 500 rubles to get the task, can you imagine what kind of hell the driver is plunging himself into, who will have to find out who is the beneficiary, who is there , something else, and so on, just any person who knows how it all works, he will certainly laugh, i i read and think that the cost will increase for everyone who does not have a russian passport, but at the same time the discount is 15 rubles, the holder of a russian...
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passport is 25 rubles. that is, it turns out that 45 will only be for those who have a ukrainian passport, so write directly, write directly for those who still have a ukrainian passport, the price of a minibus exceeds up to 45 rubles. but naturally, this is all written for one purpose, as we have discussed many times about russian passports, to make the russian passport toxic, to show that look, russia has come, russia is violating rights, although it makes people richer. with each such fake it gets better, because on the contrary, you want to get a russian passport, because you will have all sorts of benefits, discounts, subsidies, medical care, you will have everything in the world, and the photograph, perhaps this is someone’s joke, all sorts of things in minibuses pieces of paper according to the tariffs, of course they are, very often you can notice that if there is such a clarification, it is usually accompanied by a seal, signature and yes, the name of the organization, which is everything.
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sometimes yes, that is, the cost of a minibus increases , there were also such similar stuffing, but the decree number is always accompanied, and this decree can be found on the official websites, here are the links , that is, i am warned in advance, if any changes are made, then here it is given time for people to get acquainted, yes they are it’s just that you wake up in the morning, and your fare is twice as expensive, that is, from the technical point of view. point of view, yes, that’s at least the absence of a print, at a minimum, but most importantly, there is no reference, that is, this photo, well , in kiev they could, roughly speaking, and most likely did so, well, they printed it and printed it on the background, not even that minibuses in a car or in some office were photographed and that’s it,
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they were riveted, and this is because they were counting on an audience that is not there, that cannot see it with their own eyes, the locals in melitopol seem to be able to sort this out, just... there was some kind of order that no, there is no order regarding passports and nothing is shared here, here is a discounted fare of 15 rubles. these are schoolchildren and pensioners, and the disabled, well, here is a whole list of beneficiaries, and just citizens - 25 rubles. tell me, do you
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use minibuses, yes, but they said that the prices for those who show ukrainian documents are different, no, they don’t want to, the same prices, yes, tell me, but do you use minibuses? yes, but they said that for those who presents ukrainian passports , prices have increased, this is the first time i’ve heard this, seriously, that is, this has never happened, not even once, yeah, i’ll add, because it seems to me that it ’s important to pay attention to the drivers of minibuses and public transport in the donbass, in the new territories , which, this work is associated with great risk, because very often minibuses are exposed. in donetsk, when they really turn into a hero, they take risks, but save
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people, i propose now to find out how things are with public transport in melitopol, the head of the meritopol city administration, galina viktorovna danilchenko, is in touch with us, we are glad to welcome you. come on, hello, please tell me what’s going on with minibus travel, have you come across this fake? i’m very surprised why they publish this, that’s their goal, you know, what’s the blasphemy, what’s the cynicism, the fact is that in the former ukraine in all 30 years not a single municipal route has been launched, not one, oh they didn’t care about the passengers at all, the prices were blasphemous, the prices... were unaffordable for travel, minibuses drove killed, now, when municipal transport is allocated, we now need to receive over 300 buses of different categories, different classes, completely new buses for municipal
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transportation in the zaporozhye region, in order to maintain our social tariff, so that people can travel comfortably on these buses, in order to improve...
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i am very glad that i have the opportunity to gain experience from my colleagues from other cities of our huge country, our russia, and of course, where else to gain experience, how not in our capital.
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according to science: unexpected ways to reduce sugar, birthday of canned beer, if there is at least something good in it, pain point, saving people from pain, program to live healthy, helps and enlightens, today on the first. bourbon steersman, product c. what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on
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love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people to each other, at all costs, love. vedechka loved himself very much, this at times it was even simply charming, because it crossed all sorts of boundaries. i have a broader outlook than anyone. soviet writer, and this made me wiser and greater, for example, a patriot of my own country, as a writer, he is a writer of his own love, in your seemingly autobiographical things, what is the percentage of fact and what is the percentage of literary fiction, everything is true and at the same time fiction. limonov is bored walking with everyone else, limonov is a little bit bored, the boy is the opposite. matador eduard savenko looking for love on friday on the first
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for the birthday of vladimir vysotsky. kupala, they will play with pure gold. we rely only on the strength of our hands, on the hands of a friend and a drunk hook. how close and affectionate you are, my climber. i became my caress, i carried my misfortune in the spring on the ice in the past, i loved more sadly than graves, everything tender in me without wings , you hobbled the fields for lovers, i posted to vladimir semyonovich, what difference does it make to you, it really couldn’t have lived longer, we didn’t have time. had time, did not have time, did not have time, look back, and
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the sons are leaving for battle, the premiere, their own track in saturday on the first, if i lived in shanghai, i would probably feel like the heroine of some kind of reality show. cameras make our life comfortable; we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters left on the street. look at the material, at the perfect seams. this is the original, why is it cheaper? but you don’t buy them on the champs-elysees, do you? locals love to show off and wear branded items, albeit fake. if you 're a minute late with your delivery, you 're going to have some kind of problem or yeah, that's what it is, that's why the guys sometimes beg their customers to forgive me, sometimes they even fall to their knees. are you a unique man, a manicurist? there's a lot on here. do you like going to a man for a manicure? i love it and recommend it to everyone. here. this phrase: for children, ice cream babit flowers does not work, because ice cream with vodka,
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it’s a bestseller for us, there’s deception all around, just ice cream with lemon, the lives of others, the premiere is on sunday on the first, this is an anti-fake program and we continue, probably each of you... remembers your usual last sunday morning, unfortunately, a huge number residents of donetsk remember him especially, and some will never be able to see a single sunday and a single but. i suggest looking at special material on this topic, and then dealing with the situation. another heinous crime against
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the civilian population of donbass, committed at the hands of ukrainian neo-nazis. from here, uh-huh, and then the second, the second fell here, the third fell inside, into the market, and the fourth, here is house 107, 107, fifth, terishkov 17, look, by the clothes, guys, acquaintances, but you won’t fit, ah-ah- yay.
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what kind of bastard do you have to be to to shoot at these people, in my opinion , it is so harmless , they are the most unprotected, i believe that they were specifically targeting civilians, there are no military installations there , nothing, there is a man ahead of me , apparently she either got hit in the back like that, and i got here , you girl...
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these fakes are already appearing, i was leafing through them about how it was supposedly the russians who fired at themselves, it doesn’t fit at all, vitorio, you were also in donetsk at that moment, i was, yes, as it were in another area, i read the news and went there, that is, part these pictures are mine for the second year now , the center of donetsk is simply mercilessly, there are no more places in donetsk that are not being shelled, perhaps. for me, the most terrible picture from this market is these unfortunate boxes, usually with jars of just honey standing on them, and next to it is the body of some grandmother who was just trading, this is what she did, this is what she had to be hit with artillery, but i am sure, i am absolutely convinced, that it was done
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absolutely thoughtfully, absolutely on purpose, they hit the market directly and clearly, i suggest that vitoria look at your material. this morning the center of the kirovsky district, one of the largest residential areas of the city, was shelled. the strikes hit one of the city's largest markets. usually in the morning there are a lot of people here, and this is the result of a powerful blow from the ukrainian armed forces. the footage is very creepy. here people identified their loved ones. there are only houses and shops around, there is nothing that could justify this morning barbarity, there are a lot of broken cars, it must be emphasized here that this not a downed missile and the consequences of the air defense, but a targeted shelling, vitoria, what they were shooting from, they managed to establish 155 caliber, this is a nato caliber, i just remembered, the headline
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of the italian newspaper, when these deliveries began, that... i spent there, well, a lot of people came up for a month and thanked me for at least trying. news, yes, when on the day when belgorod was shelled, on the day when on
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new year's eve, when the center of donetsk was shelled, where people died, not a word, at christmas we remember, like this situations, yes, on the contrary, people say, the majority, but here you have, well, it has settled down , yes, the war is over, they don’t say on television: today they are doing everything they can to restore and restore health, the situation is serious injuries and injuries , so the doctors remain tense, shelling
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of the city continues, we have hardly had a day where it was completely quiet throughout the city, we have nine districts, and in recent years, as a rule, four or five districts have been under shelling at the same time, and which -that international correspondents come to you to cover what is happening, of course. and the international press, which are accredited with us, you understand, so many platforms and so many efforts are already being made in order to convey the truth, and the truth is visible, everyone knows it, the western world does not want to accept it. please tell me, most often we talk about the fact that it is so vile that when the first arrival and utility workers and emergency services arrive , it often happens that more arrive the second time, this is common practice, in principle, now they have gone again.
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there are also deaths there, there is destroyed municipal equipment that was engaged in repairing heating mains, repairing power supply systems, that is, all this can be seen deliberately, because there are no erroneous actions here or someone accidentally shot, there is no need to talk about this and it’s a fact, unfortunately not isolated on our territory, casualties among the civilian population of the city of donetsk number in the thousands, including the dead and wounded children yes.
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ukraine bombed and shelled the city, but russia is bad, this is actually the stage of bargaining, that is, they, at least, can no longer contain the information that these criminal shellings are underway, 155 mm caliber guns, these ones have the ability to carry out high-precision shooting, so what happened on the market was a random, let’s say, arrival, as they like to say arrival, it’s not an arrival, it’s a product in advance. committed murder using precision instruments, let's we will distinguish between a random shell, when it went off, where it will land, and the specific
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murder of people who are in... exactly there on sunday at 10:00 in the morning, this is a terrible tragedy, vitoria, thank you so much for covering this and at least somehow... then you are trying to deliver it to europe so that they at least understand something. well, right after a short pause, we ’ll talk about what coal is in exchange for a passport. today you will go to russia and return the sacred treasures of the nation, the grenade.
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complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. brag is heading to leningrad, and
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you are looking for an excuse, comrades, a tank from a mountain bottle, the luga line, if even one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank, even on a stick, i will shoot you, pulkovo meridian, bread, i ruined the bread. i don’t have the strength, maksimovich, to get to the factory. leningrad metronome. breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, it is our duty to leningrad. operation spark. i have never wanted to live as much as i want now. i want to live to see victory. cinema epic blockade. on saturday on the first. "i won't run away from
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enemy, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand, for the seventieth birthday of leonid ermolnik , i acted in general for many years, i played either criminals or abnormal people, half the country made this gesture, it is the dream of any actor to play something big and global, he rewarded for his patience, he turned out to be a flower that blooms." he is very light, and the contrast of his lightness is his devotion to friendship. i was so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together. the premiere of the documentary film is on sunday on the first. this is an anti-fake program and we
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we will continue to talk about the kherson region and coal, i will read: the russians issue preferential coal, but only if you have a russian passport, so ukrainians without... similar to previous fakes about russian passports, and not only passports, cars can still drive as well already, but speaking seriously, the situation with ukrainian numbers, medical care can be received by ukrainian
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citizens in the new regions of russia, as far as i know, the administration keeps records of the building managements of houses in the new regions, which they need coal, it doesn’t matter to them what kind of passport it is, it’s important to them that people get coal, because... yes, in winter, coal is the main means of heating in the house. the minister of fuel and energy complex of the kherson region, pavel vasilyevich sovransky, is in contact with us. we are glad to welcome you. is it true that if you don’t have a russian passport, you won’t be able to get coal? well, what can i say to this, this, of course, is just another nonsense. preferential coal can be received by every citizen living in the kherson region with a citizen’s passport russian federation, with a passport. ukraine and even a residence permit. do you need registration to receive discounted coal? in order to receive free coal, you must confirm your residence in this household. of course,
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this requires registration. we want to support exactly those people who stayed, live in their households and want to continue living in the kherson region. is there any possible shortage of coal or is everything okay with it now? this year we plan to distribute around 70,000 tons of coal, that’s 2 tons per household, but that’s somewhere in the region 30,000 rubles for each household, as of today there is no shortage, contracts have been signed, today it has already been brought and distributed, well, 12,000 tons have been brought and distributed. somewhere around 7,000 tons, i think that in early march we will bring all 70,000. whose coal do you heat your houses with? these are donbass, donbass, donetsk, lugansk. thank you very much, all the best. i would immediately
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remember a story from 2014, when the fighting in donbass had just begun. this first winter is very difficult. and the authorities of the republic, well, they need was to actually build the republic anew. from scratch, and there was a huge problem with heating the villages, i remember how my friends, volunteers, they just brought coal to donetsk, to the donetsk agglomeration, to various villages nearby, to save people, because naturally people were freezing, and i ’m just looking now, completely free, that there is enough coal for everyone, at what speed, well, literally in a year and a half, economic ties have been established, everything is moving and the region is starting to develop again. while on the other side, everything is falling apart, nothing no, at the same time, another story, 2018 or, in my opinion, ’19 scandal, when it turned out that ukraine, despite the war with donbass, continued to purchase
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coal from the dpr, lpr, but this same coal, it didn’t go to to warm up the villages there, various on the ukrainian side of donbass, he went on for sale there through odessa. i propose to now get the head of the administration of the genichesk region , elena aleksandrovna tirskikh, in touch with us, and we will find out exactly what benefits are provided. we are glad to welcome you. now, if a person ukrainian passport, for some reason he has not yet managed to receive a russian passport, are there any benefits available to him, is he paid a pension, and in general, what can a person get with a ukrainian passport now? well, if we are talking directly about receiving coal, then there is no such restriction, neither on social coal, nor on... the issuance of gas cylinders, which are provided to us free of charge, pensions today, yes , are being re-registered, people are still filing, a recalculation is underway, already according to the standards of the legislation of the russian federation, pensions are being recalculated, then
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i mean, for an increase , we are working as usual, people are re-registering, and there are no problems, what is the scheme for obtaining preferential coal or gas, a person comes, provides a... passport, no matter what kind of citizen, writes an application, we give him such a stub to receive coal, and it goes to the warehouse and receives this. and serve accordingly. last year,
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when people applied for coal, we did a door-to-door inspection to see if there was stove heating. today we do not do this, because all the documents preserved. the only thing is to provide a document confirming your identity. that's all. thank you so much, it was a pleasure talking with you today. greetings to all residents. and warmth, of course. thanks a lot. well, why use fake coal? it seems to me that if you live near donbass. well, what questions can there be about coal in general? it was interesting a year ago in poland, just another example, in poland, in order to get coal, people stood in cars for 2 days, drove up to the plant, there they were given enough coal coal, in order to put everything in the luggage , the trunk fell asleep, went, everything left and they stood in line for 2 days, this fake about coal is being spread by the center of national resistance, and although we have already talked about it many times in our program: it would not be out of place to talk about this organization today, too, remind alexey, this center was created under
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the special operations command of the armed forces of ukraine, but it has a huge backstory, despite the fact that it appeared in march 2022, that is , when the svo began, various similar centers worked in ukrainian tsypso organizations, and what i want to say is that a network structure was developed, that is, literally in cities various public pages were created where... fakes were thrown in, where information from local residents was collected and already processed in the right direction, a certain network was created, yes, yes, undoubtedly, therefore, when a center of national resistance appeared, not only was it naturally based entirely on the capabilities of western intelligence services, which supervised this whole matter, but it also relied on this directly base, so the main task, of course, is collecting disinformation. not in russian cities
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, they are located on the territory of ukraine, maybe poland, maybe somewhere else, yes, but to a fragile mind, suddenly suddenly a center of national resistance, we have resistance, a center, firstly, there is resistance, immediately you will notice that they are any, any emergency, there, be it man-made, be it lightning. an organization created by enthusiasm, but no, they even have an address in the domain of the ministry
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of defense of ukraine, that is, they directly are subordinate to the ministry of defense of ukraine, which means the ukrainian armed forces, which means criminals and terrorists. here's something else you need to know about the center of national resistance. i think this information is comprehensive. we have sorted this out, i will only remind our viewers that if you have any news or doubts , send it to our editorial office, i always remind you that you should also send everything you are proud of. all the best to you. the first channel presents. let's bend according to science. unexpected ways to reduce sugar. general


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