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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 24, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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about 400 flights have been canceled in japan , a cyclone is also raging there, there is an endless sea of ​​snow on the streets, snowdrifts up to half a meter high, the roads are collapsed, cars cannot pass, meanwhile a hotline has been opened on sakhalin , rescuers and volunteers are ready to help everyone who has suffered from -due to a snow storm, local residents try to maintain a positive attitude during such a cyclone; in general, the weather drives away their mood. cool remote control, we worked, now we went to the store, the mood is normal, like in childhood, there haven’t been snowstorms like this for a long time, well, it’ll work my wife is coming, yes, it’s normal, usually , we even remember, we went to school in such weather, but here now distance classes have been invented, it’s normal, the main thing is to get home and relax, and weather forecasters warn about further deterioration of the weather in the region, snowfalls will even intensify, and stormy the wind will rage until saturday, two periods may fall in 3 days... that's all for now, we are following
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the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, these same greetings from the bottom of our hearts are the viewers of the first channel, friends, here you go we want to start this switching on, this this broadcast. first of all, you remember, we discussed this the other day, because there are a lot of pictures in the western press, i’m not even talking about the ukrainian one, we also have pictures of how they, it means, are digging in some kind of thing, building their own version surikin’s lines, look, there’s heavy equipment, with all the pies, with concrete, etc., and then we agreed with our colleagues, thank you for their response, and discuss this in detail, what it means, but because it means, well firstly, if they build, these are, as it were, defensive lines, that is... on the offensive, i understand correctly
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, there is no longer any question, obviously there is no question whether this is a certain line, their ukrainian line there with some of their internal ideas about how it should, where it should go, i don’t know, the border of the frozen conflict, otherwise it seems to me that this kind of line would not be built, i don’t know, but no matter what, it means something, something, so it’s clear why we call it the surikin line, because they all admired it there surikin's lines. the media wrote that you understand, this is great counter-offensive, if it weren’t for the russians with their vile cunning, it means they set up the syurovikin lines, now we can’t pass them, in short, they admired it so much that the ukrainians decided to reproduce it, look what is now being written about this, about in this process, which you see on the screens, the british edition of the telegraph, we read, the new defensive structures in the ssu are very reminiscent of the so-called surovikin line, a three-layer system of trenches, tank traps of strong points, which...
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was successfully used to disrupt ukrainian counteroffensive. the minefields where nato brigades of western armored vehicles stood were replicated by kiev, although strengthening the fortifications would slow the advance of russian troops, reduce the number of ukrainian troops needed for defense and lead to fewer casualties, it would also reduce kiev's ambitions to retake occupied territory. well, actually for me, well, for discussion, it seems to me that this phrase is key, with a question mark, of course, the only one. i want to show you what the british also showed and where and how it will be go through this very ukrainian line , let's see, it means that this is what we have, this is one, it means this is the same, as they call it, well, an element of it, but the second folk one is kharkov, yeah, well, it’s clear, yes, well, kramatorsk, slavic , and the third, here is the third, and that is, they even left avdeevka, pokrovsk, this is already nearby the dnepropetrovsk region, yeah, well... what does this mean,
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in short, friends, does this mean that the ukrainian is not actively , without articulating, without verbalizing, so to speak, but they hint that we’ll freeze it, that’s it we’ll give it to you, so look, since you yourself are drawing an analogy with surikin’s line, let’s mirror it, let’s build the surikin’s line so that we don’t go anywhere else,
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the public and they say: that means they definitely won’t go anywhere else , they are in the donetsk people 's republic according to, and that is, it is mainly in donetsk for now, well, it was clear there that it was more to pokrovsk - i’m just very interested in kharkov, nikolaev and odessa. through izyum and there from izyum, it’s slavic right there , too, they’re building yes, yes, yes, you can see if honestly, the line looks so terrifying , then they didn’t pass our question, but how do we wipe them? kat, first of all, regarding the line and those resources of funds and, i would say , the engineering know-how in which it is invested. barbed wire - this is natural , there is an endless number of structures there, children's candy and dragon teeth, these traders, which they have just begun to install there, we have something like anti-tank ditches,
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strengthening the first second high-rise buildings with sasha, look, this is how they draw our line , here now they’ll show us again, well, now they’ll show us how they draw sewing like this. look, not only that, we have air supremacy, this is very important, we have mobile tanks that come out of the pillars and easily return back to cover, but easily naturally at the front, but relatively easily because they are light, t- 72, t-90
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weigh an average of 54-57 tons, their tanks weigh very, very heavy and a lot, they are under 70 tons here, they are flexible, heavy, i can start and end there, but... the point is that there is no unification, disgusting logistics, because they have to live by importing everything , and we have a short transport distance and , roughly speaking, two production steps away, because we are fighting, roughly speaking, on our territory, defending our land, and they import from where, from what, french engineers, we are the so-called wife, there is also the quality of concrete, these are ukrainians, sorry, because if they look like the french. then the french poured concrete so much that the germans were very surprised when they began to break through the line with just a few shots, that is, there is quality, and the quality of concrete is when you pour it quickly, especially in the cold, especially in such conditions, well, there you also need to observe technology, after all, the resources of the countries are somewhat different, because the line is defended by people, i mean the composition of those , who will sit in
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the okupy, if you take these with naked, excuse the expression, loin parts reclining in the pool, put on military clothes, what we just showed and the so-called votgu.
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although strengthening the fortifications will slow down the advance of russian troops, reduce the number ukrainian troops necessary for defense and will lead to fewer losses, but , the british write to us, this, of course, will reduce kiev’s ambitions to return the occupied territory, end of quote, what is it like this, let’s take one second, this is just one sentence, i’ll add alexander, because that recently, probably about a week and a half ago, the news came out that we, our aviation, which the enemy does not have, has become.
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weapons there, the earth flows like water and the air disappears. 23 atmospheres of pressure, temperature 3.00°. i keep saying temperature burning of a human body somewhere burning 800-900°, there are 3,000, this is a crematorium, and one bomb causes damage to 15,000 km, these are two stadiums, all this is in the trenches, in their line, there is simply not a single one left, there will be no line , the fishing equipment will remain there, but the people, the people will not be there, we have already used it, there would already be news, it has been little used, we need more, in short, a means to work with this so- called line.
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peace summit on ukraine with central partners such as russia. it's obvious that without russia there will be no peaceful solutions, since russia is directly involved in this. the purpose of this meeting was to unlock a dialogue that would continue in this direction. such negotiations must be conducted in silence. preparations will be made to discuss the possibility of organizing a peace conference on ukraine with other countries, including china and india. so far, moscow and kiev take diametrically opposed positions regarding the resolution of the crisis.
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swam across, escaping from the german concentration camp lake geneva, they carefully they shot me, seriously, yeah, and then they gave me back the bodies, and then, when our people began to win, in 1944, they hung a sign, here they died a heroic death, such and such prisoners of war, they even wrote down their surnames in advance, remember already the film is wonderful, this is a brilliant american comedian, i don’t remember what his name is, the film was called world history part of the torus, and there from time to time the main character turned as if into the camera and said, it’s good to be...
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yes, this is the first question, why do we them we allow, so to speak, well, we allow the construction
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of these lines, this is the first question, the second question , well, as i understand it, any sane commander-in-chief will not send his soldiers to slaughter, yes, and if in the near future neither they nor we manage to break through these line , will this indicate that in the future this will lead to the freezing of the conflict, eldar, what do you just think about the word freezing the conflict, well, when, when i hear the freezing of the conflict, but my personal opinion is that in any case this conflict will need to be resolved sooner or later, that is , this is not this is an unfinished story, that is, well, this is my personal, not you at all in my opinion, i join, of course, the words of freezing the conflict are annoying, thank you very much, thank you, excellent question, katya, thank you big, but what’s the problem with not
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unresolved conflicts, because they are still resolved. i may be wrong, but comrade will tell you, we are not against it, that is, our command is not against them digging these lines in the steppes, so that they climb there, and we will crush them there thermoboric bombs, including why? because if we now, for example , yes, i always said, it was a very big success for us that we met them in the summer in the donetsk zaporozhye steppes, and not in the cities, yeah, if we move them now, they will go to the cities, they will sit there with slavyansk, and kramatorsk, with pokrovsk it will be the same as with artyomovsky, we must finish them off
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in the steppes, and let them dig and let them load goods there. destroying cities, storming cities is naturally their destruction, everything is correct, this is, firstly, this is a monstrous, this is a very difficult story of storming cities and in general war in cities with large losses and so on, peaceful among civilians, including mainly .
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notorious nazis who fight until the last bullet in the horn, and there are still plenty of them out there, as soon as they sit on this line and do not run, they will find their grave there. alexandrevich is absolutely right, i agree with him, from a military point of view. we have air supremacy, moreover, free- falling bombs equipped with stabilizers and with a certain finishing system, they fly 20 km, maybe 20-25, you don’t even have to go into the area of ​​​​responsibility, their air defense system, they don’t have such an air defense system, and after that you calmly fall asleep with these same
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bombs, not counting the missile, which generally have a range of course barely not limited, you can use votr iskan very much...
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no one has canceled our constitution at all, the territory of the russian federation is occupied today, yes, the donetsk people's part of the russian kherson is completely. break all these lines and promise me that there will be no freezing, and then we will provide the security of our territory to the depth to which they have missiles , that’s right, if they have missiles for 3,000
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km, it’s great, that means up to poland, well , up to 200 to paris, well, that’s what putin said, that ’s what lavrov said he said, when they ask about long-range missiles, he says, it means that we will have to move it to this distance, amazingly there is a feeling that we don’t have, it’s not a feeling, it’s a fact that we are being watched closely...
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a massive cyber attack will begin , disinformation campaigns will be launched, propaganda campaigns and other forms of nonviolent pressure to foment unrest in countries that russia wants to include in its sphere of influence. the kremlin will launch attacks by land, sea and air in an attempt to destroy the military alliance. first , russia will attack the suwalki corridor, the second stage will involve sending thousands of russian soldiers, tanks, and artificial intelligence-controlled special forces to attack one of the baltic states. on nato's eastern flank, most likely towards lithuania, poland or estonia. russia is already laying claim to ownership and control of most of the northern sea route. from well above the arctic circle, russia's northern fleet could
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strike scandinavian ports or cross arctic waters to attack britain across the north sea. well, it’s so easy, it’s easy, says the channel one expert. no problem and get to work guys, yes, keep writing. well, here’s what’s interesting, now comment. perhaps there is a political consensus, and not just an expert one, but be that as it may, boris pistori, pistorius is such a minister defense of germany, excuse me, that means, well, but strangely enough, stoltenberg comes into the arena for some reason and refutes it.
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with our blood, i hope that now we will finally break with this tradition, because , seriously, they killed, they are westerners, they killed hundreds of thousands of ukrainians
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, including, they killed them, these people do not exist, they are carriers of our haplo group one, roughly speaking, our recent soviet citizens, even if there are 20 times thousands duped and fooled there, but they will never give birth to children again, we have a deserted the southern russian plain on which the population lived, moreover... all the possibilities, and these opportunities do not have to be used linearly, there are enough people sitting in western europe, i simply think that stoltenberg, due to the lack of his mind, is a former glass agent who
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worked on ours on us. thank god, and then i forgot about it, he was an agent of our service, yes, yes, you didn’t know, yes, yes, yes, no, miss him, yes, he was captured first of his work history, and then after that, when the soviet union collapsed, he quickly so to speak, he changed his orientation, yes , yes, so the beginning of his biography, we tried to get our hands on him for a while, she opened a show about it, masha butina talked a lot about this on her broadcast, and i helped her promptly as - a call sign or - well, as it is, she even had an operational agent name, but... what kind of conversation is it about the fact that it’s enough for us to use all those dissatisfied with them who are sitting inside, they understand these dissatisfied people, i understand, completely , i won't even talk about this topic because many times on this topic was discussed, but these are dissatisfied with what they want, weapons, money, opportunities, and we should want, frankly, to avenge our population, but there is no such danger that while they are talking seriously about our impending attack on them, they can
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arm yourself with this principle, listen, let's not wait.
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was engaged exclusively in archeology, this is really the same place, a cache within a cache, there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, german, today after the program time, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group.
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superstar. how can you maintain the activity of a thirty-year-old at 80? why can cheese help with cramps? cervical cancer occurs every 17 seconds. we will treat him. the program to live healthy will help everyone. tomorrow on the first. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. awareness of the commonality of civilization flows from the recognition of the commonality of the past, present and future. when our first people discovered siberia, they hardly thought that...
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in lands rich in oil and gas, we were so lucky geographically that we didn’t sail anywhere abroad to expand, it expanded naturally, so peoples poured into the empire in a normal way, we always help, this is also part of our change, people say, let’s not help anyone, it won’t work, your children will start helping, this is the feeling land, patriotism and faith and responsibility for this land, this is the basis of true national identity, contenders for... world domination have always underestimated russia, and russian civilization has always been broken. we often have massive heroism nameless. today there is a war of self-preservation, moral, national, historical, cultural. premiere. civilization project. the first film. russia, tomorrow on the first. today is our family.
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it's really an independent work, it's definitely perfect. in general, at first she stood in line, sang like everyone else, i said, can i put her near the microphone? we believed that we had a super brilliant child and this became a decisive moment in my career. i just always believed in him, looked at everything soberly, well, after all, i’m a narcologist, i’m ready for anything soberly. tomorrow is my mother's birthday, i will give her a car. this is honestly earned money, you lost your wife early and you raised your son alone? yes, i was 38, i knew that there were children, i needed
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to put them on their feet, this is my treasure, these are the first medals that arthur dedicated to his mother, thanks to our parents for their contribution to the formation of all of us on saturday. on the first. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the evacuation of theaters began in the late autumn of '41. our theater has become the only one a team that deliberately remained in the besieged city. the muses were not silent. all 872 days in leningrad they sang an operetta. my friends, i am very glad.
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the performance continues. premiere, blockade runda. on saturday on the first. it was a feat. a feat in the name of art. so, friends, hello again, the governor of the muron region, andrei chibis, has joined our conversation. andrey vladimirovich, thank you very much for being with us. we are glad to see you visiting us, we have such a good tradition, governors come to us, they tell you, and you know, it’s true , now it’s not not not a set of routine curtsies that are written down for me, i perform them, no, well, it’s true, even alexander yuryevich won’t let you lie, when we talk, sometimes you sit there, you
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listen with your mouth open, you don’t want to insert a word, but you have to, this is our job, we’ll insert it, well, because it’s terribly interesting , in short, you have to say it, there’s just so many interesting things you sit and think to yourself, my god, my god, what did you come with forum? we came with what we are proud of, you know, we have there are special people living in the north, they are strong, persistent, these people have been through a lot. first, during the soviet period, the rapid development of the murmansk region, the arctic, then, unfortunately, in the nineties, well, in fact, the north was abandoned, it is clear that the country had many problems, and you know,
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this was such a difficult story for the mormon region, a difficult page, and today, thanks to the support that we see from the president, the support of those initiatives, the projects that we... are implementing, today the murmansk region, yes, the entire russian arctic is actively developing, if you take it, and you know, this is truly a source of pride, here i am, my colleagues, when i am there, and we have a lot of events for exhibitions, we now hold all business events, we try to hold it is at the exhibition that we sign agreements here, negotiate with our partners and you constantly see people who, well, once lived in murmansk, but left due to... their age, those people who come, those young guys, we have a large number, they, you know, they have such emotions, pride for our native land , very difficult, but strategically important , pride for our country, this is what we
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came with, because we have something to be proud of, i actually have an association with murnomsk, i actually have two associations, excuse me, one and the main one, of course, is the northern fleet, severomorsk, this is the mormon region, so to speak, and i was by the way, seeing it several years ago, and of course, well, i won’t tell you there, there’s a lot of non-ethereal stuff there, because we can’t promote what uh i was treated there, well, it doesn’t matter, this means the first association. to the northern fleet, of course, the second association, in fact, when i was there in murmansk, i remember, i get up, it’s noon , it was winter, i open the curtains , it’s night, it’s dark, you close the curtains, i come to the hotel in the evening, it’s night normally, you close it, and so on further, well, this is quite difficult, because in addition to the fact that this is a strategic region, from the point of view of tourism you come to you, what to see, well, let’s start first not with tourism, i’ll start with the people we have live, and this is fundamentally important. because for us the main task was, you know,
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to change this paradigm, and the last one to turn off the light will be the one who will fly away from murmonsk. unfortunately, after the nineties there was such pain, because before under the union it grew and developed, but now everything has collapsed there, and we, of course, relied on the economy, on its development, and over the last 5 years we have managed to increase domestic regional product, think about it, 2 s2 times. people and we today are people who really see what is what what is economics? these are not just numbers , these are taxes to the budget, we have ceased to be a subsidized entity, this is the money that we spend on transforming our cities, on the construction of sports facilities, on the renovation of schools, on the construction of new schools, here we are today, here we are literally in december a month ago they launched a new railway to the western shore of the kola bay, and what does this mean, it’s 50 km, almost 50 km on the road.
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done, made the hardware, this year we are launching a new port, the first one built in our country since soviet times in the north and this development is well, people have new jobs, people’s incomes are growing.
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when we implement all those things
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that we have planned, yes, although there has not yet been support for everything, what result can we count on in terms of voting , so briefly, in the thirtieth year, we planned that we would change this is what we will change last year, 800 fewer people left than arrived, and for us this is a victory, so for all of us this is a huge victory, andrei vladimirovich, this is really cool. yes, on the first news channel, friends, watch them, don’t switch anywhere. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. and at the beginning of the state duma there are several key issues on the agenda. in particular, a bill that increases liability for crimes against national security. it is being considered in the first reading: we are talking about additional punishment,
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confiscation of money, valuables and other property. it will threaten for the dissemination of deliberately false information about the armed forces, the rehabilitation of nazism, calls for extremist activity. an important clarification: this applies to cases where crimes were committed for mercenary reasons or by order, as well as based on political, national or religious hatred. the authors of initiative 395. confiscation of property funds that were obtained during criminal activities, because often...
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they can be punished in rubles, a fine from 3000 to a million, they can suffer a criminal penalty from three to six years. now, as always at the moment of truth, the country needs concentrate around the armed forces, around the ministry of defense, the minister of defense sergei kuzhigetovich shaigu, all those who are today fighting the forces of evil, nazism in ukraine, the responsibility should be extremely... in addition, the deputies adopted a draft appeal to the national assembly of france because of participation of french mercenaries in hostilities on the side of the kiev regime. paris denies this, despite extensive evidence. let me remind you that last week our military hit a mercenary base in kharkov, it was about 60 militants from france were killed.
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the federation council opened its spring session today. they discussed, in particular, preparations for the presidential elections. speaker valentina. discussing new ideas for further state development, our task, as a senator, is to create all the necessary conditions for this. it is important that residents of all subjects of the federation show civic responsibility, come to the polling stations and cast their vote for the most
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worthy candidate. elections are, first of all, the free expression of the will of citizens. it is the citizens of russia who are in charge. there will be from 500 to 1. from more than 100 countries , we have sent an invitation to our partners on the basis of bilateral agreements, interaction with national electoral commissions, election organizers. let me remind you that the presidential elections will be held in march, the seventeenth is
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the main day, but voting will be possible from the 15th. an urgent message from the ministry of defense crashed in the belgorod region. there were 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on board, they were being transported for exchange, six crew members three accompanying persons, a commission went to the crash site, the causes of the emergency are being clarified, adding ukrainian media reports that the plane was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces. in addition, there is information that the kiev authorities were warned that it was planned to deliver the prisoners to belgorod. the exchange was reportedly supposed to take place today. poland stopped investigating the case of the explosion of a ukrainian missile on its territory in november twenty-two. then, let me remind you, two citizens of the country died. the prosecutor's office explained that the proceedings impossible due to prolonged obstruction of the investigation. and here’s the point: there is no doubt that the shell was from the ukrainian air defense,
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although at first they tried to lay the blame on russia, but under the weight of irrefutable arguments they had to admit the obvious, but who exactly is to blame for the deaths. warsaw, meanwhile, according to the american press, hamas is ready to discuss an agreement on the release of civilian women and children hostages. in the 3 and a half months since the beginning of the unprecedented escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, the council
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un security was never able to pass a ceasefire resolution. so far , the organization has not presented a document that would oblige the warring parties to stop. in many ways, everything depends on the principled position of the united states, which initially, with its veto, gave israel carte blanche for war. and the whole world became a passive witness in response to terrible crimes. in hamas, a sector with a population of two million is being razed to the ground, causing consternation at the resourcefulness of american diplomacy, which alternately floats resolutions on ceasefire, then calls for a reduction in the intensity of hostilities in gaza, on the eve of our meeting we proposed a draft chairman's statement demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. however, the united states and its allies also blocked this document, confirming it. in fact, preserving the lives of palestinian civilians is not their priority. as a result , there is a real humanitarian catastrophe in gaza:
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refugees are everywhere, there is cold in the endless tent cities, hunger, there is constantly not enough water, out of thirty-six hospitals, 16 are working, and only partially. analyzing the reasons for what happened, the head of the russian foreign ministry stated essentially the failure of us foreign policy throughout the middle east. and the actions of the anglo-saxons pose a direct threat to international peace. about satellites into independent states, which led to hundreds of thousands of deaths in iraq, multiple american invasions, their destruction of the statehood of libya, the war in syria, a huge flow of refugees, and an unprecedented surge in international terrorism. secretary of state blinken has flown to the middle east five times since october 7, but judging by the result, washington has no leverage left even over its strategic ally israel and its representative.
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germany subsequently admitted that they did not even think about fulfilling them.
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years of which france acted as guarantors and the repetition of such criminal actions against the palestinian people cannot be allowed. at negotiations with the un secretary general, sergei lavrov discussed the fundamental role of the organization in the process of the palestinian-israeli settlement. moscow proposes to hold an international conference on this topic, and before this, organize consultations in the security council at the ministerial level. foreign affairs, however, for now the main task, as before, remains a ceasefire. georgy litsashvili, pavel nesterov, natalya labanova, channel one usa. footage from the capital of mongolia, a gas carrier carrying 60 tons of fuel got into an accident, a fire, then an explosion a second later. the driver, the flames spread not only to other cars, but to houses. it is reported that three firefighters were killed, it comes. conflicting data on the total number of victims from six to 20 people. heavy snowstorm on sokhalin,
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wind gust up to 30 m/s. visibility on the highways is almost zero. many drivers were trapped in the snow. in such conditions , the ambulance tries to get through to the call. there is no public transport, schoolchildren have been transferred to distance learning. office employees are working remotely. the snowfall continues, here is the view from the windows of the first floors. everything is covered. in some places the snowdrifts are higher than 3 m, people literally have to build tunnels to get outside. this is how i punch, punch, and there, even before the road, there seems to be a gap, but there are still 15 meters to the road, horror, in short, complete. the snow apocalypse reached japan, half-meter-high snowdrifts fell in a couple of hours, the roads collapsed, traffic jams stretched for several kilometers at the airport. almost 400 flights were cancelled, the consequences of heavy snowfall were being eliminated in the volga region,
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giant snowdrifts, weather conditions were such that they had to shut down. equipment with increased power and maneuverability, such as is used at airfields, arrived in ulyanovsk and shkorala. this snowfall in the volga region is the strongest in the last 5 years. a stormy side wind further aggravated the situation; tons of snow swept off the fields. road service specialists have calculated that they have to remove almost 2.5 million m of snow from the road, just imagine, that’s 240. heavy trucks, if they all line up in a column, it will stretch from moscow to
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novosibirsk. a snowstorm hits the volga region on friday in tatarstan. heavy snow that did not stop for several days, hundreds of cars were stuck on the roads, visibility dropped to several meters, there was snow on the roadway huge snowdrifts, the roads were immediately closed, the most difficult situation was on the new m12 east highway, this is the m12 highway , we are making our way behind the tractor, it cleared the road for us, the snowdrifts are on par with the car, i just felt like i was in a tuna for the first time in... 24 hours more than 3.5-5 m of snow fell in this particular area, that is, it was higher than this concern, yes, that is, on average there was a barrier fence, it was about 10 meters, in areas of such large snow transfers, there was more than 3.5-5 m of snow. 19 in january, a section of the m12 in tatarstan was closed for only 152 km; yesterday
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the first 70 km in both directions were opened to traffic. the rest of the road is being cleaned around the clock, finally, the night before the cars drove towards moscow, the snow is very heavy, there is still a lot of work, yes, but i think we will finish it soon , real mountains of snow have accumulated on the sides of the road, only a powerful rotor can handle them , which throws snow into the field, but even such cars have to literally cut a road, the snow came from the fields, there was a strong wind, it compacted it, plus here... yesterday we had a severe frost, here the frost reached 25°, so this snow froze, now the equipment is very difficult to take it, let's show it, yes, it's really hard, well, yes, that is, it's just his not to collapse, because it is accordingly compacted snow, like stone, like stone, like ice, the restoration of metal fences is also underway, during a snowstorm they had to
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be cut so that cars could get off the blocked road, now in open areas... the speed limit is 70 km/h outside the snowstorm, all payments for travel on the m-12 in tatarstan were reset to zero. the opening of the route has already been postponed several times; on the kazan side, heavy trucks stood waiting; they say that the free alternative to the m7 has also not been completely cleared. there is also a traffic jam and the kirdyk-murdyk road, in short, well, a country man, we drove all the way here from kazan and that’s it, someone is taking a detour, but they say it’s also not cleared, there are also traffic jams. the m7 is standing, too. it was decided that additional u-turns would be organized on the m-12 highway and snow barriers would be installed so that in future the highway worked without interruption. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, anatoly mineev, channel one, tatarstan. well, let’s return to the topic of the crash of the il-76 military transport aircraft in the belgorod region. we have just received a message from the state duma. speaker vyacheslav volodin instructed to prepare an appeal to the us congress and the german
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bundestag in connection with the crash. united let's prepare an appeal to the congress of the states of america and the german bundestag so that the deputies can finally see who they are funding and helping. this the nazi regime, fed by biden, macron, scholz, and other politicians, they must realize their responsibility, and members of parliament must impeach them, let's say this and bring our
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position, our soldiers, to the attention of national parliaments. they shot at their own people in the air, there their mothers were waiting, their wives were waiting, their children were waiting, they came to a decision. the pilots of our military transport aircraft, who were carrying out a humanitarian mission, shot defenseless people with american and german missiles, so the deputies of these countries should finally realize their responsibility, where does this all lead, and who do they help? i repeat, the ukrainian media report that the plane with ukrainian prisoners was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces. that 's all for now, we are monitoring the development of the event, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information
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channel on the first continues, time will tell this program, we are working live. an l-76 transport plane crashed in the belgorod region. as our ministry of defense reported, at about 11 am... 65 ukrainian prisoners of war transported to the belgorod region for exchange, six members of the aircraft crew, three accompanying, a vks commission urgently flew to the crash site to establish the causes of the disaster. what is remarkable now is that the ukrainian media immediately after the appearance of information about the incident appeared.
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the fact that they are directly involved in the crash of a military transport plane, this means that they are jubilant, that the ukrainian media immediately began to talk about the fact that they hit their own,
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they killed their own people, and how now zelensky , kuleba, whoever it is, danilov, how they will be , the same one, how they will look into the eyes of those ukrainian women, mothers and wives, yes, who, who, who. in these footage that we are showing you of the assault on a ukrainian armed forces stronghold, over the past 24 hours in the donetsk direction the enemy has lost more than 300 people wounded and killed. our fighters also destroyed a tank, two armored vehicles and seven
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ukrainian armed forces vehicles; during the counter-battery fight, a 152-mm gun was destroyed d-20 and combat vehicle of the grad multiple launch rocket system. and now with us in direct communication from the donetsk direction, war correspondent sergei sreda, let's find out what is happening there. hello, the floor is yours , yes, hello, well, in recent days our special operations have probably reached a new level, and this immediately led to the fact that in the donetsk sector there are significant successes for the russian group, progress throughout the donetsk sector, starting here, probably, from the capital of the dpr all the way to solidar, the enemy is pushing through towards chasoy yar in the area of ​​the same solidar, the russian group broke through. to understand, even in one of the areas there, the advance was 4 km along the width of the front; our successes
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are contributed not only by military skill, but also by engineering developments; as an example , i’ll probably cite the idea of ​​the north volunteer brigade, which adapted sea depth charges to ground operations, they have... updated filling and new weapons show high efficiency; the affected area is about 900 square meters it's almost a square kilometer. new weapons are used too. in the donetsk sector, and as they say, prisoners who have already encountered this development, and it terrifies the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, they are afraid of northern missiles, like fire, they don’t even go to positions without drugs, the ukrainians themselves call it combat anabolics, but in fact these are drugs, and in general the soldiers who were captured in the isu, they say that now there is complete demoralization in their army. there is no ammunition, and
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the command says that supplies they are experiencing problems with supplies from the west and promise that they will soon resume, but for now they are asking everyone to be patient, western instructors, they understand that in the current conditions the ukrainian army is not capable, not even capable of providing any significant significant resistance, so they are giving a new installation killing as many russians as possible forces the acs to strike at citizens.
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the country is moving in the wrong direction, what we see now, i cannot call democracy, it smells of verticality and authoritarianism, behind this is the desire of some people, i cannot name their names, but they want everything to be centralized, and therefore i see centralized media and television, and these people are also trying to build a vertical of power, mayors. the heads
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of the community are elected by citizens, but they are replaced by people appointed from above. the first lady of ukraine, elena zelenskaya, also contributed to the bleak overall picture during the telethon, she said that, in principle, ukrainians should not expect a bright future. it seems to me that there is no need to wait for it to get easier someday, but there is no need to fold your arms, the longer the war continues, the more difficult it is to keep the world’s attention focused only on our problems. "we must be realistic with you, the world is great , every day war can ignite somewhere else, this does not mean that we must change our behavior, a bright future, for those who dig themselves deeper every day, a bright future there’s no need to wait, well, they don’t bury their children, they live somewhere in london, sometimes theirs, sometimes theirs, but strangers, yes, but here’s another gift donald trump flew overseas for the independent, who promised to stop the conflict in ukraine in 24 hours and stop supporting."
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they are trained, or rather, ah, mobilized military personnel from nato instructors, nato is doing everything right. and in general, in fact, the problem is zelensky, because he is ineffective, because corruption, etc. , etc., etc. this is being done purposefully so that by the time zelensky is written off by the west as a political figure, i do not rule out, by the way, that just like a physical one, in including subject, it can be written off, public opinion was ready for this, of course, they will once again try to sell it, let’s say, to the public, as some kind of
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kremlin plan, that putin personally did something and so on, but the fact itself the fact that zelensky is becoming a tactical asset is absolutely obvious; second, europe itself is preparing for what will come to america. trump? trump is about america's national interests. trump is about the fact that this whole left-liberal agenda, which, in fact, now, which we see in the west and in america, in europe, it can transform. we shouldn’t look at this, it doesn’t matter to us at all, america is the enemy, even under trump we won’t have anything good in our relationship with them, but europe itself is preparing for the fact that it will be necessary to build bridges, because it will force them to pay for ukrainian, i have repeatedly said: you pay little, we provide you with security, now you have demonstrated that you are not just ineffective, but not ready in confrontation with russia, they are already saying that the military-industrial complex is not enough, no the proper level of production of shells, those
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same exercises, the largest since 1988, that will now take place, they are aimed by nato to identify those huge problems in the interaction of troop coordination. trump, as he has repeatedly said, can , in fact, with one decree there, or at least with some kind of gesture, show that this is all a huge information cocoon of myths that were pumped up in order to simply mislead people, so the west is also preparing for ukraine get rid of it and at the same time prepare for the fact
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that trump will come, they will have to work out completely different narratives, so they work proactively, but vasvich, zelensky , nevertheless, will not just leave the stage. about this russia, this is a wonderful script that they are working on there, so, but regarding the fact that he is a good actor, well, he was a good actor, i don’t know, he sniffed there, smoked, drank himself to death, what happened to him, but we now we see, here are the old footage of him, recordings of what he looked like and what he looks like
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now, he is a degenerate drug addict, of course , around him there are smarter people from his team who use him, manage him and, probably, do not use drugs, they are now feverishly... looking for some way out, well, perhaps a variety of provocations, uh, so to speak, throughout the entire territory, and not only so to speak, on the line of confrontation inside, so that, well, who is his main rival there now, zaluzhny, zelensky understands perfectly well that most likely if he is replaced , will be changed to someone from security forces, apparently, well, a figure , so to speak, who cannot be accused there of drug addiction, so to speak, in many, so to speak, he will say, here the military man, in ukraine it is popular, and he will now try in every possible way to denigrate or, so to speak, lower the rating, to remove by any means their main competitors, this is, first of all, zaluzhny, and this, oddly enough, is budanov, because the name budanov was also
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recently heard in a number of western media, that he will almost be the chairman of the government, although they say in lvov, he will have to says to evacuate from kiev, let's move to lvov, also a crazy idea, the poles are allowing them their... many are thinking to snatch away from ukraine, so they are already talking about how they will divide it on this chopping board of democracy, that's what the former said high-ranking. diplomat peter drulok. the main scenario, based on the real
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state of affairs, provides that kiev will not control all territories that are included in the internationally recognized borders of ukraine. those who insist on this and consider this to be the main condition for peace are in illusions. those who understand that ukraine will be divided and smaller look at things soberly. it is clear that ukraine cannot, with weakening western assistance, reconquer all of its territory; western politicians will have to admit this. models. the solution may be to divide germany into western and eastern. in the long term, russia has the advantage, but ukraine will crumble, and it is unclear how much longer the west will want to sponsor it. then the moment of truth will come. likewise, at a certain point the west abandoned afghanistan, and before that, iraq. now something similar awaits ukraine. we spend an hour in our studio talking about the fact that the british and americans have different interests in ukraine, this is what the british media are officially talking about, they... are discussing and condemning that biden and the us allies wanted to incite a full-scale
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global war in the ukrainian conflict in europe, but they failed, this is what the british journalist and historian wrote in his column for the weekly spectator. biden has failed to mobilize enough political will in order to turn the ukrainian conflict into a global war for democracy , not in order to turn the west into ukraine's arsenal.
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in the west and, first of all, in the countries of eastern europe, such as poland, hungary and so on, they really want the very statehood of ukraine to end as a result of a special military operation. theoretically, of course, it can be called whatever you want, a protectorate, i don’t know, there are free lands there, whatever you want, but objectively, here we are talking about public opinion, in poland they just dream of returning lviv. the story about transcarpathia is very important for hungary, bukovina for romania, and so on, and let’s remember. the words of our president , who said that yes, we know, in fact, that the poles are dreaming and seeing, in general, annexing
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western ukraine, we understand this very well, another thing is that there are our national interests there, now on territory, which is still controlled by the nazi regime, there are our people, historically our lands, in this sense, i am deeply convinced that in any perspective, be it medium or long term ukraine.
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layout of the situation, well, as i understand it, russia must take, admit all these, admit defeats, pay all sorts of compensation and then fall apart and disappear, but why are all the peace formulas needed then, if in these formulas, in this world, subsequently there is no russia, well, here is that telegram channel and its quotes that you are talking about, we will now ask you to display it on the screen, the formula for peace according to... i think exists in two versions: the first is hard: we are crawling away in the border of 1991
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years, we give the hacks a trillion and self- disintegrate on a bunch of ukraines, the second is soft... “we stop where they are, give the ukrainians time to get hundreds of missiles, millions of shells, thousands of armored fighting vehicles , nato aircraft and go through combat coordination, in 2-3 “we have been fighting for years as it suits the west, in my opinion, our formula for peace is obvious and simple, formulated at the very beginning of a special military operation, the political goal of the war is formulated very clearly by our president, denazification and delitarization.”
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no, we must defeat the enemy and then naturally, therefore, we have no other way out of defeat and forced surrender. you can also discuss zelensky’s peace formula, for this there is a telegram channel streaming the popular front on your screen, be sure to subscribe.
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about which the west is now talking, well , how they propose to split up along the line of contact like that, this is complete nonsense, because those two nonsense that went on before, i can’t even say at all, i don’t evaluate it in any way, this is the territory of the russian federation, how can you stop, not having liberated kherson, zaporozhye, this, this is generally unrealistic, definitely these the territories will be liberated, moreover, both the supreme commander-in-chief and his deputy medvedev spoke about this, we cannot...
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there is a task of a special military operation and this is education, the future within some borders, we don’t know, there must be, of course , not military, demilitarized, perhaps , but it will certainly be, i think, a state friendly to russia, two options, either it will not be at all, or it will be a state friendly to russia, then there will be peace, no temporary peace, giving them the opportunity we will not allow you to arm yourself. a short advert and we'll be back. we are considering epstein’s case, why, in fact, they again remembered the pedophile, who supplied young girls and boys for the amusement of american politicians, and allegedly committed suicide in prison. mark rufula humbly apologizes for the post with fake photographs of trump allegedly taken at the pedoport port. much more people saw
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the sensation itself than its refutation. he is precisely the main target, a conspiracy of pedophiles who came to... efstein was about to reveal the truth about their clients, the time will come to surface a real video from eifstein island, where we have the clintons, the whole world is there , they did this deliberately, there are satanic rituals, including the murder of children, including blood transfusions, because these gentlemen could to find a second youth again, and this is the real religion of this top of the civilized world, as it calls itself, a physicist... epstein or a gang of pedophiles. dolls of the heir tutti. today on the first. steersman bourbon, a product of stellar group. you will go to russia today,
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return the sacred treasures of the nation. this box contains all the most valuable things. let's figure it out, your operation is classified, you understand the order, that's right, someone is still hunting for the contents of this box, my grandfather vananerbe was engaged exclusively in archeology, this is really the same place, there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, today after the program time. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. what am i looking for, perhaps
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a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest. am i looking for something? a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs, love. vedechka loved himself very much. it’s boring to go with everyone else, limonov a little bit, the boy is the opposite. matador, eduard savenko, in search of love. on friday on
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the first. for the birthday of vladimir vysotsky. i will crush it into pure gold, we only hope for strength. into each other’s arms and a driven hook, how close and affectionate you are, my climber, became my affection, i carried my misfortune across the spring field, i loved the past sadder graves, everything tender in me without wings, you with a tripod, i am a lover’s bed... what difference does it make to you, it really couldn’t have lived longer, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to look back, and our sons are leaving for battle,
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premiere, its own track on saturday on the first, to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. marriage is heading to leningrad, and you are looking for excuses, this is the siren that sounded on the air, the feeling of hunger is terrible, it’s when you want to eat all the time, but there is nothing to eat, you have no strength, maksimovich, i won’t make it out alive, it was hell, huh? hello, borshchev, hello, can you hear me, tanks and infantry have broken through to our positions, i ask for support, well, here is a familiar room,
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here is an embrasure, which means a cannon, if at least one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank, even on a stick on horseback, i’ll shoot you, we endured everything, we believed that the war would end soon, breaking the blockade was not just a military operation. no, this is our duty to leningrad. on saturday, on the first. before the next trip to the village of blagodatnaya volnovsky district, alexander mozgovoy, in addition to the usual humanitarian aid, purchased an even larger batch of batteries. today, well, in the city of grace there is a huge shortage of ordinary bottles, despite the fact that power engineers are simply afraid to come to this village,
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because the front line is very, very close. today we are going to the village of blagodatnaya, volnovaga district, a local resident, valentina, contacted us, but asked to go there from the donetsk without her. not to leave, since the benefactors handed over a special list of what they needed first of all. valentina, good morning, good morning, as promised , we were waiting for you, and so, why are we going to go now to such strategic people, why, in our blessed time, there is no light, no water, no connection, people are reading books under a flashlight, the batteries are running low, there are not enough batteries, that is, we are now we buy - flashlights, first of all, batteries, well,
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then a supermarket? let's go, well, we arrived home, oh, everyone greets me, good! torzan, and damn, damn, you’re home too. the main blow to the neighbors, yes, came, yes, fragments have already flown to you, they flew in a winding wave, the roof was patched up, a shell fell asleep and the windows all blew out. when did this happen for you? well, right away in 2022, in the month of march, well, when the village of blagodatnaya was liberated, then all this.
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happened, well, just like that, stores started operating here right away in 2022, food began to be delivered, bread, basic products, water, there was no water from the first days of light, water and gas , so you say, the wires were cut , well , these are, again, the results of the battles that took place here, and energy workers simply don’t reach you they’re getting there for now, because the front is nearby, yes, yes, because they don’t let us through here, you can’t just come here, they promise everything and they promise to provide water, but only when the fighting is over, and the front is how far from here, 10-12 km to nikolskoye to the sub-dimerovki, like this , well, you hear, you hear, uh-huh, that’s where they’re shooting at us from there, the new mikhailovka is far away, marinka is there, there’s coal, that’s where the fighting is going on, are they still shooting at you? well
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, yes, it flies, yes, it flies, here we once had a honeypot, sasha, look, yes, i worked there for 15 years, there’s this little square here, there was a working store here, and then they expanded and moved to this little yellow store, we’re ahead of us, well, this store got it too, yes... very much yes, hello, we bought flashlights for you, you have lights here and there is a problem with the light, oh the problem, now there are problems, so, here they also took the batteries, yes, i told them so, i told them, we are under
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the strict guidance of everything. listening to radio news, what's going on, i like president putin in general, and now i i hear all the time how he stands up, he worries about the children all the time, he worries about everyone , he worries about pensioners , he also worries about these guys who are fighting, he worries about the country , the real president, not this clown, zelensky, forces women to fight, disabled people, babies, well, this...
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it’s incomprehensible to the mind, but you were here too, all the time, that’s when we were afraid, yes, we would, we were at home, then right away this same one fell there, the house caught fire, near the basement, we sat in the basement for two weeks, and then the liberators would have arrived, thank you, at least now i receive a pension, but with pensions have really died in ukraine . i think everything will be fine, i'm a nurse. as far as i know , i help so much, i’ve been here all the time, i haven’t left , no, i haven’t, especially you know who will need these bumpers for adults,
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these are from leningrad, zobnin konstantin peredov, so that we give them to those who this is needed, thank you very much, yes, we have people who are bedridden, who need a lot, yes, those who cannot afford to go somewhere and buy something. so that everything will be fine later, thank you thank you very much, thank you very much, hello, we want you
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to have a little brighter place, there is a stop, but there are no buses... but how do you get from blagodatnoye, you need not only me , all the residents hire transport and go from volnova to starobesheva there are no buses going to donetsk here, only from velikanadol to donetsk it goes at 7 am from donetsk at 12 donetsk velikanadol and there are 7 km, some on foot, some by car, some trying.
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first of all, look to make your life a little easier here, you don’t have any light, that's right, thank you, flashlight, aunt valya , we're working, she said that you have the most popular point for milk here, everything is blessed, well, yes, one cow, well, thank god it's not a bad cow, and i'm telling you, we're not looking at the price we stretch lower than in the market, i , in principle, only take it as if for my labor,
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well, to mow hay, even to mow petals, whatever, here you have not cleared fields, but according to the principle, i had goats, pioneers. .. not like such a brute that another time they let him not in front of himself, no, not in front of himself, but such a brute that he another time you can’t hold back, well, as if they went out to the pasture and can lay it down, well, they passed , they passed alive, then i’ll pass there, well, show me the farm, now now now now. what is her name, buryonka , burenka, yes, everything is unfamiliar, yes, don’t be afraid, everything is fine
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, no to the city, never, never, let it be here, well, we’ll wait, we believe in our boys, that’s all. they will win, yes they will still win, but no, don’t throw a cow into the city, no, no, no, no, no, i even hope that it’s a little bit like that, people like her, well, raise livestock, at least two, well, it’s nice to hear and see that you have a lot of plans, you have strength, all that’s left is to wait for peace, when all this started, we waited a lot, i don’t know, here... then there were guys living here next door , in general, there were golden boys, well , they helped as much as they could, now maybe you want to convey something to them, what if they see you? yes, sanya medic, god grant that they are all alive,
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of course, we even miss you a lot, my wife and i often remember georgiy, sanya the commander in general, god bless you, thank you for being so great thank you for helping, especially shamil and lunbek, for coming in theory, bringing candy for the children, it was necessary. the day after the assault, we were generally in shock here, to be honest , we will live like in a movie, the only noise, well, the children are afraid of these arrivals, departures, all the shots, and so, well, we are already living completely, well, in russia, we are already russians , and no one is going to retreat, but... dancing at all
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, here we are talking about risk, but the most risky thing is to be short-sighted, to bend all the time, to dance to someone else’s tune, everything else... yes, it’s difficult, yes, difficulties, but difficulties that we must overcome together. next, news on channel one. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. and at the beginning the belgorod region. today a military transport plane crashed there. 76. this is exactly what the ministry of defense said in its message. i quote: on
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january 24, at about 11 am moscow time, an il-76 plane crashed in the belgorod region while performing a scheduled flight. on board were 65 captured military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces transported for exchange, six crew members, three accompanying persons. end of quote. a vks commission flew to the site of the plane crash to establish the causes of the disaster. what is important to note: as soon as it became known about the crash,
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the state duma decided to prepare an appeal to the us congress and the german bundestag in order to find out which missiles and launchers could have caused the crash of the il-76 plane. vyacheslav volodin gave the corresponding instructions during the plenary meeting. let's prepare an appeal to the congress of the united states of america and the german bundestag in order to the deputies have finally seen the light, who they are funding, who they are helping, this is the nazi regime, fed by biden, macron, scholz, and other politicians, their soldiers were shot in the air. for them, their mothers
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were waiting there, their wives were waiting, their children were waiting , the pilots of our military transport aircraft, who were carrying out a humanitarian mission, came to the decision, shot the defenseless with american and german missiles, so the deputies of these countries... must finally realize their responsibility , where this all leads and who they help. and today the state duma adopted an appeal to colleagues from france, condemning the participation of citizens of this country in hostilities in ukraine, on the side of the nazi regime in kiev. let me remind you that 60 french mercenaries were destroyed by a precision strike last week in kharkov. the parliamentarian also approved in the first reading a draft law to toughen penalties for fake news about the russian army. get all the details... the bill to increase liability for
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crimes against national security introduces additional penalties, confiscation of money, valuables and other property. confiscation is the one that already operates for a number of crimes in the criminal code, this is the confiscation of property funds that were obtained during the implementation of criminal activities, because often such calls are carried out for selfish
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reasons, unfortunately, this is so, under the control of foreign intelligence services and special services , unselfishly, everything that was done by a criminal... in addition to confiscation of property, the bill provides for the possibility, by court decision , to deprive a special military or honorary the title of state awards for citizens who have committed crimes against the security of the country. there are similar norms in the laws of marriage in countries around the world. you cannot lie to our army, you cannot violate the principle of our sovereignty and our national interests.
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followers who stand for a strong , sovereign france, and there are followers of pietain, marshal, who surrendered france to nazi germany, collaborated with them, here is macron, he is a follower of pietain, so we have a lot to talk about, but a huge number. members of the french parliament, politicians, are doing everything to keep france sovereign, to do everything so that it makes its own decisions, and not under dictation from the united states. it is to these politicians and deputies that we turn. official paris denies the participation of french mercenaries in
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the conflict in ukraine, mercenary activity is prohibited by french law, but there is objective information about losses in mercenary units. indicates the opposite, the text of the appeal says, as about 60 militants were killed on january 16 in kharkov, as a result of a high-precision strike inflicted by the russian army. foreign mercenaries, including french ones, are fighting on the side of the ukrainian armed forces, and in large numbers. and if france does not want to go down in history as a country that condoned nazism.
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to the enemy’s military rear, explosions thundered in kharkov, what exactly became the target, not that night our army struck again , it is reported, but it is known that there are many military-industrial complex enterprises and locations of foreign mercenaries in the city. regarding the situation
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at the front, then in the krasnolimansky direction our fighters repelled four enemy counterattacks in the serebryansky forestry area, with artillery fire and strikes. a nato country that has not yet approved sweden's application remains in hungary. however, its authorities recently announced that they would ratify the document as soon as turkey does so. the largest
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shipment of cocaine was detained in the port of st. petersburg, the third in a row over the past month. the cargo, which is worth 13 billion rubles on the black market. arrived this time from belgium. customs officers with help special equipment scanned the bags of coffee and found compressed briquettes with the drug among them. and then fsb officers got involved. in total, more than a ton of 200 kg of cocaine was seized this time. a criminal case was initiated under an article on drug smuggling on an especially large scale. two weeks ago, let me remind you, more than a ton of cocaine was detained in the same port. it was hidden in a container from nicaragua, well, at the end of december , 100 kg of this prohibited substance was seized in the seaport of st. petersburg. completely resumed in tatarstan movement along the m-12 highway, where the consequences of heavy snowfall have been eliminated since the end of last week, it is on... and other regions of the volga region through which highways pass. in 3 days there was as much rainfall as usual in a month, huge
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snowdrifts appeared in places, cars were stuck in traffic jams for days, rescuers had to rescue people from captivity, now transport is moving in both directions, the speed limit is 70 km/h and it is announced that the passage will be free until the road is completely cleared and treated. impressive footage meanwhile, they come from the other end of the country - yuzhno-sakhalinsk. in the grip of a powerful cyclone , dozens of flights have been delayed there, and you can’t drive on the ground, you can’t walk just to get over the threshold of your home, residents have to dig tunnels in the snow with shovels, the conditions are extreme even for those who are used to sakhalin winters. gennady kortselev collected the most striking shots. that’s it, just a rush to the snow, like this, pedestrians are making their way through snowdrifts the size of a man, no roads, no directions, it’s all snow all around. hanya heavy global such a storm. ski masks help to provide at least some protection from the wind,
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whose speed is about 30 m/s. visibility is practically zero. it is pointless to look from the windows of the first floors. you can’t see anything from above either, milk, remote workers, schoolchildren in distance learning. they go outside in case of emergency, but they can’t just get out of the entrance. first you need to dig a way out. just like that, i punch, i punch, and there’s still a gap before the road, there seems to be a gap, but the road is still 15 meters away. the roads are snowy, cars block traffic rather than move, drivers help each other get out of the snow captivity. perhaps the most suitable transport now is a snowmobile. in yuzhnosalinsk, by decision of the authorities , public transport has been suspended, and utilities are uninterrupted. we clear roads, we maintain main streets in passable condition, we react promptly if additional
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assistance is needed in clearing, punching in order to either provide first immediate aid to the sick, or suddenly, god forbid, problems arise some emergency situations related to fires. a powerful cyclone hit sakhalin this night, a state of emergency was declared in the region, train traffic was stopped, roma people were not allowed to travel in the tatar strait, and they were detained at the airport. about 400 flights have been canceled in japan , a cyclone is also raging there, there is an endless sea of ​​snow on the streets, snowdrifts up to half a meter high, the roads are collapsed, cars... can’t get through, meanwhile a hotline has been opened on sakhalin, rescuers and volunteers are ready
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to help everyone, who suffered due to snow storms, local residents try to maintain a positive attitude during such a cyclone, generally drive, the weather, the mood is generally great, remote work, they worked, now they went to the store, the mood is normal, like in childhood, there haven’t been snowstorms like this for a long time, they’re working. it goes, yes, it’s normal, usually, we even remember, we went to school in such weather, but here now they’ve come up with a distance, it’s normal, the main thing is to get home and relax. and forecasters warn of further deterioration of the weather in the region. snowfalls will intensify, there will be gale winds rage until saturday, two months' worth of precipitation may fall in 3 days. the sakhalin authorities have already turned to military and construction companies to jointly eliminate the consequences of the disaster. gennady kortelev, yan sovitsky, ekaterina fedorova, tatyana bakulina, channel one. that ’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon
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there's a big game on the air. russia continues to strengthen its cooperation with the world majority. just yesterday vladimir putin, together with president of egypt assite participated in the ceremony for the construction of the fourth power unit of the first nuclear power plant in egypt, which is being built by rosatom. and today the russian president held talks with the president of another african country, the president of chad, who is in russia on an official visit. and the secretary of the council. iran, which is also on a visit to moscow. meanwhile, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke the night before at a meeting of the un security council on the middle east and stated unequivocally who bears the main responsibility for destabilization in the region, including the humanitarian catastrophe in palestine. let's listen to what
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the minister said. so far our council has failed. the united states, blocking all efforts and initiatives to stop the bloodshed in the occupied territories. this gives carte blanche to continue the collective punishment of the palestinians. in every turn of the us’s arrogant unilateral policy in the middle east, its separate shuttle negotiations with the regions. accompanied financial promises ends in an increasingly bloody outbreak of escalation. well, we’ll talk about the middle east today, but now let’s focus in more detail on what’s happening on the fronts of our special operation in ukraine. and it must be said that, having suffered defeat on the battlefield, the kiev regime is not only increasingly turning to terrorist attacks against the civilian population, but is simply
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hitting its own people, its prisoners of war. that's today.
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regarding the plane shot down over belgorod, i’ll add a few words, you’re absolutely right noticed that the ukrainian authorities knew who was on board, because it was on the same plane that the previous batch of ukrainian prisoners of war was transferred,
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we are now transported to the zaporizhzhya front, to the kapani line, work on recruiting, the situation there is quite stable, now, taking advantage of a short pause, the ukrainian nazis tried to counterattack west of rabotin in the verbovoy area, on the eastern wing of this line, in order to somehow expand this narrow fire bag into which they pushed themselves, thanks this one. the notorious counter-attack, but nevertheless, nothing worked out for them, they were thrown back, moreover, now ours are again attacking from the direction from novoprokopovka towards rabotin. and also from verbolovy to the eastern parts, and do not allow the ukrainian nazis to expand this fire bag, in general, offensive actions in this area continue. thank you very much, pavel
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alekseevich, i completely agree with you, the only thing i’ll add to what you said about this crime of the ukranazis against their own prisoners of war, it’s just proves that either the assurance of the united states that the ukrainians allegedly promise them bad...
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news is moving back, well, first of all , we had successes yesterday, this is where we advanced in the berestovoy area, starchy, on the eve, where we have taken a populated area, our troops continue to push out the enemy, here, they have advanced somewhere to a depth of about a kilometer, over a width of more than 2 km, they continue to try to attack from this platform to the north, to the south, and , accordingly, the enemy here also has a certain operational crisis, although here its army reserves have been deployed, they are trying to localize this problem, the same thing is now very... a serious battle in the donetsk direction, the enemy is desperately throwing reserves in order to localize the results of our breakthrough, well, in artyomovsk the fighting is also gradually increasing, our troops took two strongholds yesterday point between
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ivanovsky and kleshcheevka, they are trying to develop their success along the hills in order to reach the flanks, to the rear of enemy groups, respectively, in these villages, and, accordingly, further to reach the watershed ridge in the area of ​​chasoy yar, which is the main line of enemy defense in this sector. in other directions there are also active military operations, but there is much less activity, these are the seversky direction, the kupinsky direction, the limansky direction, this is in the coal region, that is, everywhere our troops are testing the position and , where they can, they are trying to move forward. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich, keep us informed, well, in the west they continue to spread panic about the increasing shortage of weapons in the ukrainian armed forces, thereby exerting pressure to congress, which.
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cessation of american aid, and the washington post writes with alarm that the ukrainian authorities are forcibly evacuating the population of kupyansk and ten villages west
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of kupyansk, preparing, accordingly, either for the offensive of russian troops, the departure of the ukrainian military, or for heavy, heavy military operations in defense, by the way, the telegraph newspaper, let me remind you that the british one wrote that... the armed forces of ukraine are building very serious defensive fortifications in the area of ​​kupyansk, as well as krasny liman, artyomovsk and avdeevka russian model, even calling them the ukrainian surovikin line, your assessment of the current state and prospects of combat, well, let me start a little with the plane, of course, because everyone says that this is a patriot, but i think that most likely this is a german installation arrest. in principle , there is western participation here. this is
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an american im-120 missile installation, which is part of this installation, well, external target designation, they also knew, shot down and knew who was flying, by the way, this case already had a precedent, this is when they released - mariupol, we got prisoners of war from azov , this is the place where they were, these representatives of the azov regiment, at this, as they say, place of their detention, a high-precision strike was carried out by khaimar.
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they are laying mines there, yes, indeed they are building fortifications quickly to hold back our advance, which naif and syrsky believe that the main offensive direction will be precisely the attack on kupinsk, so that we cut off kharkov from the south have already been engaged directly in kharkov, so for this here is the justification for building fortified areas, it’s clear that those fortified ones that we have in the avdeevka area there. in the artyomovsk direction, they are old and the enemy is clinging to them with his teeth, they will build fortifications that are just as powerful, it takes a lot of time, the village has means that they clearly do not have enough to hold back here in difficult terrain, wooded areas, our troops are considered from the point of view of analysts from nato countries is more effective, let’s say, than if the coding is issued in the operational space, the so-called ukrainian steppes, so he invests in it.
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areas, even in abundance, if such information comes that fpv drone is personally chasing after each of our servicemen, that is, these are the yaroslavny laments, this is purely for the public in order to sweeten the pill a little, which was issued by the united states of america, which said, we are all, we are no longer involved in the supply of weapons money, there is no money, congress is against it, and in general we have elections, that’s why europe, mind your own business, decide as best you can, that’s europe decides, this is a terrorist act under... this is just one of the decisions and
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the meeting of the virtual group clearly states that this operation was not developed in kiev, but somewhere beyond its borders. well, i completely agree, indeed , yesterday’s ramstein, this is a contact group to support ukraine, actually confirmed what you said, lloyd osten, who had been discharged from the hospital, spoke there and said that we will not transfer anything anymore, here is europe, you don't relax, let's keep going. consider the epstein case why in fact, they again remembered a pedophile who supplied young girls and boys for the amusement of american politicians, allegedly committed his life in prison. mark rufula humbly apologizes for the post with fake photographs of trump and... taken at the port of the pedophile,
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many more people saw the sensation itself than its refutation, he is precisely the main target, a conspiracy of pedophiles who came to power, efstein here -he was about to reveal the truth about his clients, the time would come for the real video from epstein’s island to surface, where we have the clintons all over the world, they did this deliberately, there are satanic rituals that include the murder of children, including blood transfusions to the point that these gentlemen. could again find a second youth, and this is the real religion of this top of the civilized world, as it calls itself, epstein's physics or a gang of pedophiles, dolls heir tutti, today on the first. cnop gin, a product of stellor group.
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treasures of the nation and from these treasures my father is a lover, excuse me, of course, but all this doesn’t look very good it is plausible that there are secrets that have no statute of limitations. german, today, after the program, time, glory, awareness of the commonality of civilization flows from the recognition of the commonality of the past and present. and the future, when our first people discovered siberia, they hardly thought that they were walking through lands rich in oil and gas, well, we were geographically lucky, we didn’t sail anywhere abroad to expand, it expanded naturally, so peoples flowed into
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the empire in a normal way , we have always helped, this is also part of our relentlessness, people say, let’s do it let’s not help anyone, it won’t work, your children will start helping, this is the feeling of the earth. the premiere, the project of civilization, the first film , russia, tomorrow at the first, for the birthday of vladimir vysotsky, they will play, in pure gold, we only hope for strong hands, for
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the hands of a friend and a driven hook, how close and affectionate you are, my climber. became my caress i carried my misfortune in the spring on the ice in the past i loved more sadly than graves everything tender in me without wings you from the tripod i post the fields to lovers vladimir semyonovich what it doesn't matter to you, we couldn't live longer , we didn't have time. we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to look back, and the sons are leaving for battle, the premiere, their own track on saturday on the first, on the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, the enemy
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is rushing into leningrad, and you are looking for excuses, burn! metronome, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, it is our duty to leningrad. operation spark. i have never wanted to live as much as i want now. i want to live to see victory. cinema epic blockade. on
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saturday on the first. i will not run from the enemy if i must be able to die where i stand. there is a big game on the air, in the united states the primaries took place in the state of new hampshire, these are the second primaries after the state of iowa, where voting took place last week, and the first full-fledged primary elections, because in iowa, let me remind you, there were still so-called caucuses , that is, party meetings, but in any case , he confidently won in both iowa and new hampshire. donald trump won almost 55% of the vote in new hampshire. and, by the way, for the first time, the republican candidate in presidents, without being the current president, won in a row in iowa, in newhamshare.
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trump's only remaining rival, niki haley, received 43% of the vote in new hampshire, and this is a fairly large figure due to the fact that, according to the voting rules in this state, not only republicans vote there, but also undecided, so to speak, neutral voters , in fact, they voted for niki halley, because over 60% of all republicans. poll gave their votes for donald trump. hayley doesn't intends to withdraw his candidacy for now. she intends to continue to fight, at least until the elections in south carolina, which should take place at the end of february, but she was governor of south carolina twice, she hopes to get a fairly high percentage of the vote there, but in fact, regardless of haley’s position, everything is already perfect it’s clear, even already. the liberal new york times writes that the entire republican party is consolidating around donald trump, putting pressure on helly to
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leave the race and thereby support the only republican candidate, but at that election rally, which was already a victorious, not even a pre-election, but a victory rally, which trump organized after the announcement of the first voting results, this consolidation was clearly visible, because both vivekvami and the sena. tim scott, here he is, an african american who had previously been trump’s rivals, they eventually supported trump and now they are speaking with him at the final rally. even joe biden is already openly admitting that he will have to compete with trump. listen to what he said biden. it is now clear that donald trump will become the republican presidential candidate . i speak to america, the stakes are higher now than ever. on kanu is our democracy, our personal ones.
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the candidate is practically, despite the last , the last helly, participating in
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the prime minister today, from the point of view of the mp, i think this is an indicator, this is a signal to the democrats, because biden in his statements feels that the chair is burning under him, the americans today can hit another bottom , the bottom for which they criticized, probably, most countries. the world about undemocratic elections , about interference in elections, about violations of forward voting, about the persecution of candidates who are independent from other parties, dissenting, and so on, that is, today america received what it criticized the rest of the world for, and we must understand that biden , raising the stakes, first of all tries to throw the entire state apparatus into protecting his interests first and foremost, and we all remember when... his son, speaking at a commission on inconvenient issues, took
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off from his place, all of america saw it, that's why the future of the american elections 2024, it is simple, trump needs to be crushed with administrative resources, here we have the same prosecutor on history in florida, when there were searches at his residence, just before that, moinday arose.
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let's listen to what he said. as for who is more promising for russia, i don’t believe there is any difference. the desire to destroy russian-american relations, the foundation of these relations. all parity, mutual trust, inspections, transparency, confidence building, these are all agreements on strategic stability, president george w. bush began to destroy . by the way, a republican, like trump , and also sergei lavrov, in the same interview said, i quote, that the current generation of united states politicians have not learned a single lesson from the unacceptable policies
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that the united states pursued after the collapse of the soviet union, obviously this does not apply to only. biden administration, but also more broadly. harvard university professor stephen walt also agrees with lavrov, who published an article in the journal foreign policies about whether there will be the foreign policies of the second biden administration will somehow differ from the second trump administration, and walt also writes that on fundamental points they will not, but walt believes that both one and the other administration will be inclined, starting from the year twenty-five after all . to end the ukrainian conflict mainly on russian terms, let's listen to what he writes: ukrainians and their supporters in the west fear that trump will give up on support for ukraine, making it dependent only on european assistance and leaving it at the mercy of russian army, but here's the catch: if biden is re-elected, he will most likely follow the same path, even if he uses different methods, in 2023 the tide
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of the war turned against ukraine, and although its supporters continue to come up with an optimistic... scenario how to change the fate of ukraine and liberate its territory, illegally seized and annexed by russia, their hopes are almost certainly illusory, as the ministry of defense most likely knows. biden and the campaign will not admit this until the election, because such behavior will force question their position on the ukrainian conflict, which they have adhered to so far, but if re-elected, they will certainly persuade kiev to accept more realistic goals of taking steps towards resolving the conflict. whoever wins, the white house will try to negotiate. to end the war after january 2025 and the final agreement will likely be much closer to the military goals stated by russia rather than kiev. this is a rather optimistic, i would say, assessment from harvard university professor, kiril, yes, vech, i agree with volt, i agree with sergei viktorovich lavrov, in the sense that the interests of the american deep state, they were, are and remain
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anti-russian, and if you look carefully at the actual design of the presidential post. in fact, in general, starting from the design that the founders made, this is a driver in a car where the steering column is not connected to anything, he must personify, by and large, he is the president, as long as he fulfills those wishes that, strictly speaking, , formulate deep state, and as soon as he tries to take control of himself, as trump tried to do, it turns out that this is just a toy car that was on corussia, in fact, in general, trump was trying to tie it up. politics, but as we know , this did not work out during the first term , in this regard, the interests of the deep state, after all, they are at stake much more than, strictly speaking, the confrontation with russia, at stake is the new world order, who will determine it, how it will be formulated, on what principles it will be in general line up, it is clear that there are other points,
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other points of conflict where this issue will be resolved, this is the taiwan issue, this has arisen now. the middle east crisis , which is expanding like a funnel, which can actually draw in a lot of things, it will require the release of forces, that is , it is clear here that the round, the ukrainian round has been lost by the west, but the war as a whole is not, it is clear that the next battle, the next clash for the world order - it will be the middle east, with a very high probability taiwan, which is why the biden administration and the trump administration, in fact, will be preparing for this next round. each in his own style, each in his own, again, manner, but at the same time the basic interest of america, if it is going to remain as a hegemon, they will dictate the logic of further confrontation, but in other parts of the world, i agree, well, really not trump, nor biden does not want to fundamentally improve russian-american relations, but
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really learn the lessons that they did not learn after the end of the cold war, and we we remember that... that it was the trump administration that began to supply javelins to ukraine , it was the trump administration that began to further violate international law in the middle east by striking directly at the armed forces of the syrian arab republic, and indeed the policy is determined by the deep state, and the deep state does not refuse struggle for global hegemony of the united states and from a hybrid war against russia, but if the deep state really realizes that ukraine. in its current form turns into their a liability, and not an asset, then they can really implement it, regardless of who sits in the oval office of the white house. politics, which stephen walt writes about, let's see, now a little advertising, then we will continue.
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the republic of adeghe is one of the smallest regions of russia, only half a million people live in it, but despite this, it is a republic with a huge heart. moscow, the capital of russia, is famous for its tower. we also have the ancient city of yelets, hospitable zadonsk, and in general a lot tasty and interesting. friends, if you have not been to the baltic sea, correct that immediately. the kaliningrad region is the amber pearl of our country. in general, we have a wonderful country, which i am proud of, proud that i grew up in it. i live, be always as beautiful, multifaceted and majestic, thank you, monte shock cognac,
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a product of stellor group, we consider the epstein case, why, in fact, they again remembered the pedophile who supplied minors.
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and this is the real religion of this elite of the civilized world, as it calls itself. epstein's physics or pedophile ring? dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. look carefully, you recognize him, grandfather, codegrammo to the center, we are a coward, money and gold do not interest me, you will go to russia today, return the sacred treasures of the nation, and from these treasures, my father, for a lover, you will excuse me, of course, but all this doesn’t look very plausible, there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, german, today is after the program. superstar. how can you stay active at 80 ? thirty years old? why can cheese help with
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cramps? cervical cancer occurs every 17 seconds. we will treat him. the program to live healthy will help everyone. tomorrow on the first. what else am i, or a brotherhood of the harsh? revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i am looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs, love. vedechka loved himself very much, it was even sometimes simply charming, because he crossed all sorts of boundaries. i have more a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this made me wiser and greater, for example, a patriot. of his own country, as a writer, he is a writer of his own beloved, in your seemingly autobiographical things, what is the percentage of fact and what is the percentage of literary fiction, everything
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is true and at the same time fiction, limonov is bored walking with everyone else, limonov is a little bit of a boy on the contrary, matodor, eduard savenko looking for love on friday. on the first. today we have a family evening, celebrity guests with their wonderful parents, everything, let's rest. i started acting when i was seven years old, honestly, i’m not helping. she really works independently, this is definitely perfect. in general, at first she stood in a line, how is everything going, i say, can i put her near the microphone?
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contribution to the development of us all. on saturday, on the first. there's a big game on the air. in the middle east , a real proxy war between the united states and iran continues and even gains momentum. this night the united
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states launched strikes on...
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the united states and iran may cease to be a proxy, because indeed we are seeing an escalation of not only gas, yes, but also the yemeni houthis in iraq.
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the united states strikes and so on. well, the americans probably had a different initial scenario, but the fact that the houthis began to support the palestinian autonomy, this gaza strip, striking some bases, israeli ships, seizing these ships, it brought some confusion, the americans, who two carrier strike groups held out, it was such a challenge, such a thrown down gauntlet, so this first first operation, which was called guardian. prosperity is quickly prepared on the knees, you need to hit somewhere, that the entire mid laner, that the hegemon, he stands guard, and israel, so it’s not in vain to rely on him, but it’s true that israel periodically sends biden there on various trips and does not go to his initiatives to somehow improve the fate of the palestinians, the operation , of course, failed, a new operation appeared called the archer of posseidon,
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which in general, if anyone knows there. does not understand roman-greek mythology at all where poseydunu had archers, yes , it’s like an aerial scene there and so on, but no one cares, the main thing is that it sounds beautiful, so it also doesn’t give results, that is, they changed the name, hit something again, but on the military-technical potential of yemen could not be influenced, because yemen developed this way, its fate after the ninety-first year is constantly in permanent conflict, both within the country and externally, with the saudis.
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which was formed, it does not compare with the coalition that, for example, formed against iraq, in total over 400 tomahawk cruise missiles were used across iraqi territory, it is clear here that the tomahawks are not endless, but if they achieve results, there is no result, there is no trampling, the hegemon loses authority, while the movement against the hegemon is gaining strength, these are the speeches of pro-iranian proxies, yes, they show that the hegemon. it will hurt not only in yemen, but in other places in the middle east, well, as for other places in the middle east, gas, the largest humanitarian disaster, and speaking at on the eve of the un security council, sergei viktorovich lavrov formulated the main principles and criteria that should be applied
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for the final solution to the palestinian problem. let's listen to what the minister said. first, the consolidated will of the palestinian people themselves, they must decide for themselves.
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in gaza this is a monstrous violation of human rights, monstrous and absolute, this is a violation of international law and this is, in principle, genocide against humanity, a violation of humanity and the most immutable tenets of civil society today, and this is supported by the united states of america, we remember that the state, the united states of america is quite warm, the united arab emirates came up with... the initiative to adopt a resolution on gas, and the main goal of the resolution is to end the armed conflict and ceasefire and stimulate humanitarian corridors, because cars are still allowed through 1/3 of the established standards
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that were discussed on international platforms, the usa is currently blocking all these resolutions, so the question the solution, unfortunately, to the arab-israeli conflict will be decided today in washington and precisely... washington, which is fully responsible for the genocide of arabs that is happening today in the gas sector, even kisajerba was probably horrified, and he was one of the first who fought with golden negotiations to resolve the war in the soviet channel, we remember this in the year seventy-three, then even this story did not exist, they gave away foam, there was an exchange of territory and so on , a resolution was adopted on palestine, it is already many, many decades old, but it is not being implemented, like not is being performed. resolution on the unblockade of cuba , which is also, in fact, continued by the americans, so we see that, as in the case of cuba, with the monstrous stories around gaza, full responsibility lies with the united states of america, i completely
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agree, the united states not only blocks council resolutions the security forces that demand to be suspended or stopped are the horrendous genocide and humanitarian disaster in gaza, but they condemned the south african republic. which submitted a request to the international court of justice regarding about genocide, and this request is formulated in very detail. the united states did not condemn israel, but ur, which accused israel of genocide. well, and, of course, the united states does not ask the palestinians themselves what they would like, yes, what kind of state they want to live in, but are simply trying to come to an agreement with someone, with netanyahu, with muhammad. lavrov actually spoke about this, lavrov spoke about the inadmissibility of this, but unfortunately, the united states is not yet able to change, but nevertheless, returning to european affairs, practically the epic ended with sweden's entry into
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nato, yes, two countries are still blocking the completion of this process, these are turkey and sweden, and the day before the turkish parliament voted to ratify the protocol. that everything he could get from the united states and from sweden on this issue, he had already received. that leaves hungary, which has also not yet ratified the corresponding protocol. prime minister orban of hungary decided to play erdogan and also proposed negotiations to sweden. but let's listen to what the swedes' reaction to this case is, this is what new writes york times. on tuesday, before the start of voting, hungarian prime minister viktor orban invited his swedish counterpart to visit. to negotiate sweden's accession to nato, believing that hungary could extract
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concessions for itself in exchange for supporting sweden's bid. swedish foreign minister tobias billstrom responded that he saw no reason for negotiations, but both countries could engage in dialogue and continue to discuss issues of interest, the swedish news agency reported. kirilgenovich, do you agree that erdogan satisfied with what he was given or promised, but that there was nothing to count on in hungary? dmitrychalovich, it’s a complicated thing. the fact is that in fact, by forcing turkey to sign, or rather to ratify , sweden’s entry into nato, the states first of all undermined turkey’s efforts in the middle east, because turkey positioned itself as a moral authority, as a defender of islam, in fact, these goals are not achieved, and turkey turned into a defeated country within europe, which will no longer be able to impose its agenda, that is, in this regard it is a complex thing, i would not say that erdogan. and if he understands this , he will definitely sign these things, the other is simply
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that if he does not sign, then most likely he will face the threat of an assassination attempt on himself for sure, but today the states with this ratification have decided for themselves the issue when turkey itself blew up her authority in the middle east, she is no longer the center of moral gravity, how much orban can bargain for this is a debatable thing, yes, how much he can play at erdogan, because sweden has now demonstrated that sweden is a country of indigenous europe, this is northern europe, and some hungary is trying to set some conditions, this is just ridiculous, well, from the point of view , again, of the public position that is taken, but in reality the swedes are no strangers to suffering humiliation, that is, if orban takes a rather categorical position, he will begin to link the ratification of sweden’s application with the unfreezing of those funds that the european union was supposed to transfer.
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but within certain limits, and indeed, according to palestinian-israeli conflict, erdogan took a very demonstrative position, a position of moral authority, that israel is committing genocide, israel is committing a crime, the united states supports israel, so they also commit crimes. well, in this regard, erdogan decided to take a step back on another issue and still remind that he is both part of the west and the president of the country. nato, yes, that is, to support this double-chair policy, which
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is characteristic of erdogan, but for us, in fact, there are no big changes, because sweden is already a de facto member of nato. in the end, i want to return to this, to this monstrous crime of the kiev regime against its own prisoners of war. the russian foreign ministry has just stated that kiev committed an act of insane barbarity by shooting down an il-76 , calling into question the possibility of any. agreements, any agreements, yes, including on the prospects of the ukrainian conflict, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 17:00, this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. so, belgorodskaya region, suffered there. crash of an il-76 military transport plane, on board
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which were captured ukrainian armed forces soldiers. on the.


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