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tv   Vremya  1TV  January 24, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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in russia we will not ask the whole world again this question, that this is not possible, wake up , no one will ask it except us, well, apparently, we are supposed to, maria butina, the doll of tute’s heir, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. friendly fire, ukraine shot down an il-76 near belgorod with its prisoners of war flying for exchange. in kiev they first recognized it, then... tried to hide it.
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counting by seconds: how to remove mines that you cannot approach or fly a drone through all electronic traps into the window of the enemy cache. they will respond with ruble confiscation of property for intentional or paid fakes about the russian army. the bill was adopted by the state duma in the first reading. the provision obliges russia and is anti-colonial. the magnificent seven, the best projects in the field of culture, government awards for those who create new things, relying on historical leadership. with all the stops, germany drivers are on strike, france farmers are on strike. europe pays for everything, from anti-russian sanctions to strikes on yemen.
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criminal cargo worth 13 billion rubles. the largest a shipment of cocaine was detained in the port of st. petersburg. where did the drug come from and how was it hidden? the name of the feat was returned. the mystery of the death of a soviet pilot in the summer of '41 has been revealed. for this purpose, novgorod search engines worked in freezing temperatures in icy water. new terrorist attack by the kiev regime. our il-76 plane, which had ukrainian prisoners on board, was shot down over the belgorod region. the exchange was supposed to take place today. it is clear that in ukraine they were aware of the route. two missiles were launched from the kharkov region. everyone died. six people, russian crew, three more accompanying and 65 ukrainian military personnel who asked to be returned to their homeland. the murder of their fellow citizens is far from the first for zelensky and his thugs. and
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with a crude attempt to cover up his tracks. dalmira beryukova from her place. special services are now working at the site of the plane crash in the karachansky district of the belgorod region, but through the village of yablonovo, it is now impossible to get there to the place of the plane crash. the posted traffic police crews say that only local residents are allowed in, and only if they have a passport with the appropriate registration, but for now here they travel mainly in a military vehicle or a special services vehicle. they knew about this flight in kiev no worse than in. in moscow, the il-76 was transporting captured ukrainians to belgorod, who were supposed to be exchanged for ours. the ukrainian leadership was aware, this follows from the comments of their main intelligence department, an exchange was being prepared, it was confirmed there. they also knew that people would be transported by air. there is evidence that the previous group of prisoners of war was transported in exactly the same way, even on the same plane, during the exchange on january 3, so there are no surprises expected. naturally, no one should have opened fire, but here’s the result: one side was shot down, there were no survivors, the second, according to available data , was deployed. how many explosions did you hear?
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i heard only two, we heard only two, the first clap was such a dull clap, and then this explosion and this, well, there was a big flame and we went out into the street and there was already such smoke, fire, well, everything was roaring, there was one, two there was an explosion, at what interval, well, a minute, maybe even less, we all ran out, even the doctor. we looked, maybe we needed help, well far beyond the village he fell. according to some reports , the pilots managed to report the strike. apparently, there was no attempt to leave the car. local residents say that until the last minute they moved the damaged side away from residential buildings so that people on the ground would not die. the population of yablonovo is about 2.0 people. he just passed over the school, then passed over the temple, then went into the fields. the guys fell, the plane fell on yablony, at the cost of their lives, at the cost of their lives, they took her away. russian plane, but as
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soon as it became clear that the ukrainian armed forces had destroyed the plane with their own military on board, they began massively delete messages, here is the ukrainian truth, the headline before the statement of the russian ministry of defense, an il-76 plane crashed in the belgorod region, the ukrainian armed forces said that this was their work and the headline after, an il-76 military plane crashed in the belgorod region, it just fell, but the internet , as you know, remembers everything, especially since all ukrainian propagandists carried the message. according to ukrainian pravda sources, defense forces. fighting il-76 is a job in the armed forces of ukraine. now the ukrainian authorities are silent, limiting themselves to excuses that they are clarifying the data. tsypsov in the hope of saving the face of the regime, they are throwing out numerous, often mutually exclusive , fakes, alleging that russia allegedly did not warn about anything, that we allegedly beat up our own plane, or that the plane was even flying from
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egypt. one wonders how he passed through the entire closed airspace of ukraine, although the facts are clear. here is a cloud of explosion from an air defense missile in the sky above yablonovo, in the distance an il-76 is burning on the ground. here are the wreckage of the plane's fuselage, it is clear that they were literally riddled with the damaging elements of an anti-aircraft missile. in addition, tsepso seems to have poorly coordinated the version with the general staff ukraine, which stated that it would henceforth take measures to destroy air delivery vehicles, including transport aircraft, although the general staff kept silent specifically about the lost il-76. in general, there is only one question for kiev: if they did know about the il-76 , was it shot down out of sloppiness or was it done on purpose? airplane crash. the russian aerospace forces observed the launch of two ukrainian missiles. on board the plane were six crew members, 65 ukrainian military personnel for
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exchange and three russian military personnel accompanying them. crew - all passengers on the plane died. they fired from the kharkov region, the firing points were there. this is not the first time that su has been equipped, this happened when they hit belgorod on december 30, liptsy is only 100 km from the place where the missile hit the plane, apparently, the system was in full combat readiness, which confirms that the attack was planned initially, later it appeared on the network lists of ukrainian prisoners of war who died on board the il-76, most are over 40 years old, possibly mobilized, forcibly taken to the front line, here is a video with these prisoners of war, still alive, konstantin danilchenko, his name is on the list of those killed.
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i knew that, according to established practice, today ukrainian military personnel would be transported by military transport aircraft to the belgorod airfield for exchange. according to the previously reached agreement, this event was to take place in the afternoon at the kolotilovka checkpoint on the russian-ukrainian border. and yet, the nazi kiev regime took this step, pursuing the goal of blaming russia for the destruction of the ukrainian military. the commission of this terrorist attack, the ukrainian the leadership showed its true colors and neglected the lives of its citizens. and the ministry of defense in mitt russia regarded kiev’s actions as nothing less than a terrorist act. this is yet another atrocity of zelensky’s criminal clique, which immediately after
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the plane crash, in a misanthropic manner , declared victory, claiming that this was the work of the valiant ukrainian armed forces. however, as soon as it became known that there were ukrainian military personnel on board, they followed. to the place of exchange the rhetoric at the bank changed, there began to deny their involvement in the disaster. we believe that international structures, national governments and the world community should condemn this terrorist attack and other crimes of the kiev regime. their silence will mean support for his barbarism and terrorist habits. this regime has already killed its own citizens who were captured by russia with a targeted strike, when it was beneficial for kiev. this kind of action has already taken place in 2022 .
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complicates the search, forensic scientists will work in the field at night. dalmira beryukova, sergey pelyaev, grigory emelyanov, alina abdyukhanova and alexey simonov, channel one. in connection with the terrorist attack committed by ukraine, the state duma is preparing an appeal to the congress of the united states and the german parliament so that the west will finally understand who is being given weapons and money. the nazi regime fired rockets, shot their own soldiers in the air, their own. there their mothers were waiting, their wives were waiting, their children were waiting,
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the pilots of our military transport aircraft, who devastated the humanitarian mission, shot the defenseless, in 2 hours in new york, at the request of russia, must urgently the un security council meets. sergei lavrov, he started a press conference in america now with this. we wanted to start with questions and answers, but i have to. to start with another fact of the use of terrorist methods by the kiev regime, on the morning of january 24 , moscow time , a terrorist act was committed, as a result of which a russian il-76 transport plane was shot down in the belgorod region, we... have already asked for about an hour and a half back urgent meeting of the
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un security council at 15:00 new york time and very we expect that the french presidency will conscientiously fulfill its duties and schedule such a meeting as soon as possible. i would not like the story of april 2022 to repeat itself, when after... the staging in bucha, where the bodies of people were shown whose names we still cannot get, and so after that staging, the british presidency, which led the council in april security, i refused to convene such a meeting for three days, i hope that our french colleagues will not go down this path will convene, as we request, an urgent meeting of the security council. let's return to the minister's statements, this is what is happening in
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the special operation zone, our missile, artillery and attack drones destroyed two arsenals: a french-made anti-aircraft missile system and a radar station for the s300 system. in manpower, ukrainian formations lost about 900 militants per day. the most fierce battle was in the donetsk and krasnolimansk directions, where russian units managed to improve the situation in front edge. to get ahead of the enemy in any situation, new ways to overcome electronic warfare, remote mining and demining, and drones are required everywhere, their operators are trained right next to the front line, and radio laboratories and assembly shops are created there. oleg shishkin about the work that he feels with his fingertips, including work where one cannot rely only on technology. bear, kutor.
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also move to change the magnetic field or vibration, if there is large equipment, you cannot approach such mines. such in cases, even a mine detector will not help, only attentiveness, composure and combat experience. found ptm3 on the left side. step back, now we will destroy you. in such an anti-tank mini, almost 2 kg of explosives burn through the equipment with a cumulative jet, a few accurate shots and passage is free. soldiers of the eleventh engineering, separate brigade of the southern group of forces are working
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in several directions of the northern military district. it also includes the legendary phoenix remote mining battalion. their strong point is the destruction of the enemy with the help of kamikaze drones. here is footage of combat work. sniper accuracy. operators hit targets brilliantly. they fly into windows, attics and even narrow crevices under destroyed buildings where the enemy is hiding. operators are trained at this training ground. snakes, crossbars simulating drops. and this is an imitation of the enemy’s dugout, the drone must get into this conditional entrance, then fly through the camouflage net and fly out of here, well , great, speed is not the main thing here yet, the guys must learn to be on friendly terms with the drone, the next stage is outdoor training terrain by the sound of shots and explosions, so that they would not be afraid of arrivals, exits, so that they
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would work out their goal to the end, go to victory, not be distracted by anything, so that they would not twitch their finger. a unique case, the guys organized a high-tech production in the front-line zone, from here it’s a stone’s throw from the enemy, several 3d printers work 24x7, drones print dozens per day, if you go to full speed, you can make more than 100. in the next room there is a scientific laboratory, where specialists are looking for ways to how to bypass your opponent's rap. our birds mostly operate on standard frequencies, we are now trying to get away from this by setting up our own non-standard frequencies so that... the enemy cannot strangle us, as they say, if in peacetime it can take months to find such solutions, here in time is running out in the combat zone, especially since the enemy is actively using nato developments, but even in this confrontation we are moving forward more and more confidently. oleg shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoyko, first channel lugansk people's republic. and about our heroes,
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sergei kulik, under enemy fire , restored a radio station damaged by shrapnel. as a result of artillery. defeated the positions of the militants and suppressed their firing points. private semyon nitseskiy, a rifleman-assistant grenade operator, provided first aid on the battlefield, carried the wounded on himself, then returned to carry out the combat mission, the enemy attack was repelled. in another event, vladimir putin today received in the kremlin the president of the transition period of the chat republic. mahammad idris debi is in russia for the first time, and indeed for leaders of this central african country are visiting us for the first time in more than half a century. anatoly lazarev followed the progress of the negotiations. president chado is in russia on an official visit, and therefore his trip is taking place in compliance with the obligatory ceremony in such cases. for example, the cortege with the african head of state and delegation, accompanied by motorcyclists, began the visit with the laying of wreaths at the tomb of the unknown soldier. then negotiations in the kremlin. president
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chado, despite the protocol event, follows current news, because beginning of the meeting with the president. russia, africa , a solid package of documents is being prepared in st. petersburg, which strengthens and expands our legal framework, we have great opportunities to develop our bilateral relations, in the humanitarian sphere our relations are also developing, we have doubled the quota for students who children are studying in the russian federation, and in
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the next 2 years they are still ready to double it.
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the federation council opened its spring session today, among the priority tasks: social security of citizens, strengthening technological independence of the country's security. there will be presidential elections in russia,
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which will take place in less than 2 months. the pre-election period is traditionally a time of broad, thorough public dialogue, a time of preparation and discussion of new ideas for further state development. and our task, as senators, is to create all the necessary conditions for this; it is important that residents of all subjects of the federation show civic responsibility, come to the polling stations and cast their votes for the most worthy candidate. elections are , first of all, the free expression of the will of citizens, namely the citizens of russia, the main participants in the electoral process. the details of the lower chamber also gathered for their first meeting of this year. parliamentarians appealed to their french colleagues, condemning the participation of citizens of this country in hostilities on the side of the kiev regime. and today, in the first reading,
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a bill to toughen penalties for fake news about the russian army was approved. it was decided to strike where it hurt the most. dmitry kochitkov with details. the bill to increase liability for crimes against national security introduces additional punishment, confiscation of money, valuables and other property. after.
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in addition to confiscation of property, the bill provides for the possibility, by court decision , of depriving citizens who have committed crimes against the security of the country of a special military title or honorary state award. this will affect everyone who hits. throughout the country our soldiers are being hit, colleagues, this is the law, the one who received awards, titles, honorable, deserving ones must understand that it is against the country to deprive themselves of these awards and titles, there is nothing personal here and nothing political here, this is in the legislation of all countries, you cannot lie about our army.
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and we will not allow a third world war. official paris denies the participation of french mercenaries in the conflict in ukraine, mercenary activity is prohibited by french
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law, but objective information about losses in mercenary units indicates the opposite, the text of the appeal says. so there were about 60 militants destroyed on january 16 in kharkov, as a result of a high-precision strike inflicted by the russian army. if france does not want... to go down in history as a country that condoned the nazi regime in ukraine, we demand with this appeal a comprehensive investigation at the site of the french national assembly. we are confident that, of course, there are sensible people in france, and the kind of appeals that our state duma plans to adopt today should work for the benefit of the world, for the good.
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for what world? they are for peace, a progressive world, where there are many sides, or for the world, where the hegemon in the form of the united states dictates its will. the statement was supported by all factions of the state duma; the deputies sent this document to their french colleagues and hope that they will be heard. dmitry kochitkov, dmitry popov and zulfiya khakimova. first channel. the conflict in ukraine has caused shock in germany, it said. olaf scholz is finally getting it, judging by today’s interview with the newspaper website. the chancellor also expressed hope that in 20-30 years his country will still have good jobs and leadership in technology. with this more difficult. it was the immigrants from germany who, following the results of last year, officially entered a period of economic recession. today there is a new strike in the country, not the only one in the european union, by the way. ivan blogoy will continue. there is
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a molotov cocktail, apparently a farmer's cocktail. the main weapon of dissatisfied french farmers is manure. farmers are actively using technology to spray excrement on administrative buildings, such methods seem to be working. we have heard this call and we will continue to answer it. the authorities promise to sort out the problems, but farmers are afraid that things won’t go beyond promises. more and more rules are being imposed on us, but how can we apply these rules? fuel tax, restrictions on fuel consumption, growing volumes of imports of products from other countries at dumping prices. the claims have been accumulating for years, and now they have spilled out onto the streets of french cities. one of them is agen between toulouse and bordeaux. protesters poured pig manure into the square in front of the prefecture and then blocked access to it with tires and construction debris. according to evidence eyewitnesses also entered the entrance, including offal blood from the slaughterhouses. troubled in the resort town of dean leben. it is less than three
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hours along the highway from near toulouse, the roads are not just blocked by vehicles, they are filled with various wastes, it is beautiful, as i say, in these frames there is an attempt to block railway traffic, the protesters are not yet burning tires, but they are using them extremely actively it is still unclear how likely the protests will spread to other countries, due to blocked roads in france, truck drivers. can deliver goods recipients, here is a truck driver from spain, no, not angry, empathetic. the day may come when we have to defend what is ours, they will be with us. the british edition of the spectator writes about the general irritants of kiev. the european commission is currently discussing the possibility of extending the regime of duty-free import of goods from ukraine for another year. the previous similar decision, the spectator states. it sparked anger across the continent from france to germany, romania and bulgaria. last april
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peka pes. head of the european association farmers, called on the european union to address the serious consequences caused by open borders and uncontrolled imports of some agricultural products. the european union ignored the calls. this is poland, a new action by farmers on the border with ukraine, traffic is paralyzed due to the large number of tractors. they come here to loudly express their protest against what is happening in polish agriculture, against the massive import of ukrainian products. and the lack of a real response from the european union. germany, only recently which experienced a powerful wave of farmer protests, is now virtually paralyzed by a strike by train drivers. similar strikes have happened before, but this will last 6 days. economists are talking about losses in the region of a billion euros. this will clearly impact supply chains and yes, this is a strike against the german economy. not only passenger traffic is paralyzed, but also freight traffic , which is heavily dependent on steel supplies by
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rail, is under attack. and automobile plants, coal-fired power plants and oil refineries. last thing may have particularly serious consequences, since the demand for gasoline and diesel will obviously increase precisely because of the strike, because rail transportation will have to be replaced by road transportation. the machinists are on strike at a time when german industrialists sith mean delays in deliveries and even higher costs, and now a new blow to logistics. the protests of german farmers are on pause for now, but they can flare up with renewed vigor at any moment, uniting representatives.
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they say we will come to power, we do not exclude a referendum about the withdrawal of germany from the european union. well, new footage from agen, france, is now spreading across social networks. protesters there tore things up and then set them on fire. eu flag. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov, dmitriev, anastasia slobodyanyuk, evgeny leonov, channel one. meanwhile, in uzhgorod - this is the border between ukraine and slovakia. prime ministers denis shmygal and robert fitz met today. according to kiev, but everyone knows what happens with these versions, the slovaks will not block ukrainian arms purchases and the allocation of new 50 billion euros by the european union. report bratislava is much more reserved. slovakia will support the integration of ukraine into the eu,
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zelensky’s threat to reconsider the status of a nuclear-free state, because such technologies were inherited from the hated kiev with a smile, like nothing funny happened in the soviet union, the new country inherited, and this circumstance alone makes us look at the text of the document from the other side, cabinet of ministers of ukraine to develop with the involvement of international experts, representatives of the world congress of ukrainians, scientists, the public and submit a conservation action plan to the national security and defense council of ukraine. within the modern krasnodar territory, belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, kursk, rostov regions,
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the russian federation. even a quick glance at the map gives a very clear idea of ​​ukraine’s aggressive plans, and the point is not at all in kiev’s ability to implement its plans. you can talk as much as you like about trying to take your mind off the failures at the front, but endless trips. after all, 30 years of building ukrainian statehood on in principle, away from moscow , the pseudo-historical territorial claims of the kiev nationalists were not canceled in any way. actually, this is exactly what the president spoke about in his address on february 21 the year before. the ukrainian authorities initially, i want to emphasize this, began to build from the very first steps.
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the depths of trypillian culture, with the hunt for a mammoth, apparently an ancient ukrainian elephant. however, the idea of ​​non-existent greatness has always excited the minds of modern politicians , no more than in search of roots in ukraine, which are in no way ready to come to terms with the idea that the country's history
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is limited to a short period of post-soviet independence, born at the dawn of the hastily assembled bolshevik state. as a result of bolshevik policies, soviet ukraine arose, which in our time. ukraine can rightfully be named after vladimir ilvich lenin. he is its author and architect. this is entirely confirmed by archival documents. including lenin’s strict directives on donbass, which were literally squeezed into ukraine. and now grateful descendants have vilified in ukraine monuments to lenin. they call this decommunization. inventing some new underlying basis for the country’s existence on the ruins of monuments to ilyech has long been a national ukrainian sport. but at that moment, when the research of insane dreamers was transformed into the destruction of their own
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citizens, the fight against religion with all dissent, the threat emanating from a state built on hatred, clearly manifested itself. and kiev’s seemingly stupid views on russian regions are quite consistent with a long-standing postulate.
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cultural institutions, including museums, are attracting more and more visitors.
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last year alone , more than 45 million people saw various exhibitions. mikhail mishustin presented these figures today at the presentation of government awards in the field of culture. seven projects were traditionally awarded. anna kurbatova watched the ceremony. when the government awards awards in the field of culture , this happens in the corridors of the government. these are the soloists of the chechen ensemble in 10 minutes. at the ceremony the award is received for a production under the sky of voynakhs, in which classical ballet and caucasian dances are intertwined. at this time , one of the most famous musicians in the world is climbing the stairs of the white house. violist, virtuoso, conductor yuri bashmet. congratulations are accepted, as they say, from the threshold. today is also his birthday, 71. happy birthday. government prize for the memorial concert, which took place on the eightieth anniversary of the beginning of the great patriotic war. in moscow, the youth symphony orchestra under his direction performed the requi at exactly 4 am.
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federal state cultural institution. mishustin also added that the symphony orchestra will now be respected by the active civic position of the musician. at all times, he remains first and foremost a man of his country. for example, when a special military operation began, he spoke before. to cancel tchaikovsky means to ban the concept of love, i don’t want to speak rudely, but i will say gently, those who banned are fools, well, or demons, if according to dostoevsky,
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more than, accordingly, a year earlier.
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we will continue to develop domestic cinema. over the past few years, it has reached a qualitatively new level. about 90 million people came to cinemas last year. diversity and interaction in the field of culture is one of the conditions for stable peaceful development. russia will always work closely with those who are committed to this. and so, for example, the next 2 years have been declared the years of culture of russia and china. there is great interest now in folklore. today , the government award was presented for holding the world folklore festival in ufa, as well as for holding folklore festival in dagestan. which will also take place this year and will also be international, we have azerbaijan, uzbekistan, we have mongolia, belarus and iran are again asking to participate. the prize was also received today by ekaterina obraztsova, the granddaughter of sergei obraztsov, a man who could turn even an ordinary concert into an extraordinary puppet
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show. the stories of his time and his life, described by himself, are now heard from the stage of his theater. a bright event in the world. theater became the play "i, sergei obraztsov". the production is not only an excursion into the biography of a master in the history of his country. this is a play, of course, about the 20th century about the life of sergei vladimirovich, it is called “the same age as the century.” this is a play about honor, about conscience. today the russian state circus received an award for organizing performances for children in villages, and more than a hundred performances took place in our new regions. the government award is presented. since 2005, and today seven projects were awarded. it is important for any artist, performer, musician to be, as you said, needed, and 100% your country really needs you, us, we have such a big demand for our content, at the end of the meeting mishusin once again emphasized that it is important to continue to create. i ask you very much, set your teams up for
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creation, since it is very important for us how to preserve our historical and cultural roots. so create something new, create. anna kurbatova, vladimir bokarev, mikhail boborev, anna zayakina, alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. up to a thousand foreign observers will work at the russian presidential elections in march, invitations have been sent to 95 countries, and representatives of more than dozens of international organizations. today , the election commission center approved the form of the ballot; the text will be approved after the registration of candidates is completed. the election campaigns continue.
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when the country rises, the people rise , we win. now advertising, in the second part of the program. the third batch, a record batch of cocaine was detained in st. petersburg. sakhalin in the snow, go outside, you need to dig a tunnel. there will be much more, stay tuned. today you will go to russia and return
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the sacred treasures of the nation. everything in this box most valuable. dad, only letters from the second world war disappeared from the house. this secret ultimately killed my father too. where there are values, there are also crimes. let's figure it out now. your operation is classified. do you understand the order? yes sir. is anyone still hunting for the contents of this box? my grandfather vanenerbe was engaged exclusively in archaeology. this really is the place. cache. there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, today is after the program. bourbon stirsman, a product of stellar group. very
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we often say that the information war against russia began a long time ago, i see a kinetic victory for... he is not an independent one, grozev, but this is a big propaganda machine, what does british intelligence have to do with him, through such a person you can do anything means throwing billy bird, this is absolutely a secret service story, the silver age poetess anna akhmatova is supposedly ukrainian, she said, i was going to become a russian poet with a tatar pseudonym, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, today ours is family. that's it, let's relax, i started acting when i was seven years old, honestly, i don't help her, she. it's really an independent work, it's definitely perfect. in general,
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at first she stood in a line, sang like everyone else, i said, you can put her near the microphone, dad decided, we thought that we had a super brilliant child, and this became decisive in my career. you are venus, i am jupiter, i just always believed in him, looked at everything soberly, well, after all, i’m a narcologist, i look at everything soberly. tomorrow is my mom's birthday, i i will give her a car. this is honestly earned money, you lost your wife early and you raised your son alone, yes, i was 38, i knew that there were children who needed them on their feet, this is my treasure, these are the first medals that arthur dedicated to his mother, thanks to our parents for his contribution to the development of all of us on saturday. on the first, he was a genius in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above
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human happiness and even life. i bow to peter the great, ivan ii and ivan the terrible, the greatest merit vladimirovich, he saved this inheritance. lenin would like to allow the lease of our country, kamchatka, for example, to be leased to the americans, moreover, he developed this further, it must be taught. to trade culturally , to solve problems culturally, to confiscate all property from everyone was not a very right idea, in my opinion, lenin's chervonets, gold, became the most influential currency in europe, and a woman received 21 privileges, to say that lenin was a supporter of family values , well, it’s definitely not possible, one of the first was just lenin’s decrees facilitating divorces, but i read einstein and he said, people like lenin renew the conscience of humanity. he was not a humanist for the happiness of working people , putting a very large number of working people, at the same time, i think, no one in our country,
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outside the country, will deny that this is a great figure, a man who changed everything, the premiere, in sunday on the first, russia, as you heard, requested an emergency security council after the ukrainian terrorist attack against our plane in the belgorod region. head of foreign affairs sergei lavrov i talked a lot about this at the press conference, but there are other topics. report by georgiy alisashvili. this is what the un press conference room looks like, where sergei lavrov is expected any minute. most of the journalists accredited by the organization are foreign.
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with the exception of discussing the conditions of functioning of our diplomatic missions
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in the united states, their work is that of their diplomats of the russian federation.
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russian customs officers have identified the largest drug supply channel to our country, the third in a month, the largest shipment of cocaine detained in the port of st. petersburg, a ton and more than 200 kilograms, according to experts, on the black market this could be valued at 13 billion rubles. the cargo arrived from
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belgium; when scanning the bags of coffee , they found them compressed. the weather in the far east is like in the arctic, but not only it connected our two endless regions, their joint day at the exhibition in the russia forum at vdnkh. the northern sea route has the world's largest icebreaker fleet, unique fragile nature and rich mineral resources. what else do we know? population only 10
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million people, but already now the flow of tourists to the arctic alone is over millions a year. yuri cherbakov also took a tour. a walk from one of the easternmost regions of our country, the kamchatka territory, to the capital of the russian arctic, murmansk, takes about ten steps, at least within the limits of the forum exhibition at vdnkh. in reality, there are nine time zones and thousands of kilometers between these regions. murmansk and arkhangelsk regions, yamaloninsky autonomous okrug, chukotka, yakutia, buryatia, sakhalin, primorsky and khabarovsk territories. this is far from complete list of regions of the far east and. which occupy more than half of the territory of our entire country. the president called their development a national priority for the entire 21st century. rich in minerals and biological resources, these regions help in the conquest of space and in the transportation of millions of tons of cargo by rail and water. we are developing the northern sea route, a great project that connects the east and west of russia. in 2012, the turnover along the northern
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sea route was 1 million tons of cargo, 1 million tons. last year 36,254 thousand, 36 times more, agreements have already been concluded and investment projects are being implemented, which have set the goal of raising this level in the next 10 years to 200 million tons, that is, our north, our arctic, our far east will increase their contribution to the russian economy by 200 times, and this is significant, significant contribution to the economy of the whole world. years, private investment in the regions of the far east amounted to 3 trillion rubles. an agreement for another 4 trillion with implementation deadlines until 2030 has already been signed. the main factor hindering the rapid development of the direction is still insignificant population. in the european part of russia there are 28 people per square kilometer, in the border areas of the people's republic of china 122, in the far east there is one. when we went to the asia-pacific
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region, they quoted these figures as 1 person per square kilometer. i saw complete misunderstanding in the faces of our colleagues, they did not understand how this could be, someone is scared away by the harsh living conditions, in winter in some places the thermometers drop almost to... -70 arctic, an association with something so cold, majestic that something cold, white, icy, well, probably such a region, a harsh region of real people, yes, as they say , at the same time, the mystery and imaginary inaccessibility , on the contrary, attracts, turbo traffic to the arctic last year exceeded a million people, more and more of our compatriots choose the far east as their travel destination . i always want to go there. and look at all this beauty, this is the beginning of russia, the beginning of our big country, as everyone knows, russia begins with kamchatka, and also the arctic and the far east - this is delicious, connoisseurs
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national delicacies are served in the house of russian cuisine, on straganin’s menu, the northern answer to european jamon, whether lenina or fish, everything is very tasty, that’s exactly the original taste of meat, without unnecessary seasonings, smells, of course.
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the story of a feat that was unknown for many years, the secrets of the death of a soviet pilot in a battle with the nazis have been revealed. for more than 80 years, evgeniy kuzmenko was listed as missing . the family had already lost hope of finding out at least something about his fate, but the titanic work of the search team brought results. julia pogorelova will tell you everything, well, half the plane was pulled out. knee-deep in icy water in the cold , day and night, novgorod search engines retrieved parts of a combat aircraft from the neviy mokh swamp. since the fall of last year, in these impassable places they have been looking for a fighter, a soviet hero. what it is? wing, have you found it?


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