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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 24, 2024 10:50pm-12:01am MSK

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listen, then one of the commanders climbed onto the tank, smashed a machine gun with an ax, they write that another one shot down a russian plane with a rifle, well, idiots, they’ll come up with something, huh? clear the road, remove the motorcycle. all out of the body, halt.
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so you, especially there, to the front, don’t rush, guys, well, we’re off, thanks for the cigarettes, good luck, i heard, and what do you say?
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aussteigen, männer. jungs!
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abandoned the truck here, came under fire from russian fighters, they say they left a wounded man, you heard, the wounded man knows where the commander is, you'll see, we'll go on vacation soon, we'll see. i suggested that the major leave the wounded here, he agreed, then we ourselves, you can go, eat, forward. and we just managed to enter, the wounded man blew up a grenade, zauker, do something now.
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look what he's doing, shut up!
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or maybe he’s an idiot, who knows, but is it stupid to look for some box on the front line?
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don't care about us, just look at them. after the war, i will immediately get married, and now i absolutely don’t care who i am, i will lie down with my wife on a wide bed, and i will call her rudolf by mistake. eh, boy, what kind of village is this? sosnova, where?
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monastery? over there, right there. thank you. yes. what are you thinking about? about the strokes that were left in the polish. 100 g. we couldn’t be bothered right now , i’d be happy to have a drink with you, but a toast to friendship between peoples, an excellent toast, quietly, wait, anton, this is useless, there’s no one here, let’s go. why are you upset? what amount do you need? sorry, we're looking for alexey mitulin. there is no such thing here. wait, he was here during the war. i said there is no such thing here. well, well, there is no one word about him. ralph,
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ralph, help. come on, bring it in! close the door, good evening, on the air. we constantly say on this program that the worse the situation of the kiev regime at the front, the more often it will resort to terrorist attacks, and the more provocative these terrorist attacks will become. unfortunately , this is what is happening, and today the kiev regime committed another terrible, truly inhuman terrorist attack: in russian airspace in the belgorod region, the ukrainian armed forces shot down an il-76 plane, which was transporting 65 ukrainian prisoners of war, who... were intended for exchange, and this exchange must was supposed to take place today, but
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naturally, for obvious reasons, it did not take place, and as the russian ministry of defense reports, i will quote , the ukrainian leadership knew very well that , according to established practice, today a military transport plane would transport ukrainian military personnel to the belgorod airfield for exchange, but deliberately took this step in pursuit of the goal of blaming russia for the destruction of the ukrainian military, and the russian foreign ministry. already this evening issued an official statement in connection with this terrorist attack, in which he stated that, i quote, the terrorist attack clearly demonstrates the inability of the kiev regime to negotiate. dmitry vitalievich, well, the kiev regime, in your opinion, has it tried to cross out the possibility of hypothetical negotiations, which everyone has been talking about lately, or is it really trying to provoke russia to some kind of response? which may be followed by an escalation with the possibility of drawing
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nato countries directly into this war, in general, this is how you assess such actions, well, the terrorist nature the kiev regime has been known for a long time, its attitude towards its own people has been known for a long time, i’ll just remind you that when we took mariupol, in the colony near yelenovkov there were aztsy, that is, the flower of their kind of terrorist regime, they calmly hit them with khaimars and... that concerns the situation with the exchange of prisoners of war, well, the situation here is highly probable, because we still really don’t know what complex was used in this, why am i talking about this, that is, if we assume we are talking about the use of a complex patri from pak 3, which three batteries there plus launchers were given to ukraine by the germans and americans .
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the question, you know, is also so strange, because given the mess that they
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have going on now, and during a war there is always a certain amount of chaos, but now they have it just spectacular, they could just hit because they hit, especially now i read a statement from the general staff of the vso in telegram channels that we are all il76, well, transport aviation carries missiles, which means we will shoot them all down, that’s the political consequences of this matter will be, this is quite interesting, because... given the squabble between zaluzhny and zelensky, various points can be used here, as we also discussed today, that is, in fact, ukraine buried its soldiers, among them, by the way, there were azovites, that’s how much this track will now be blown up inside ukraine, well, let’s see, to be honest, honestly, i feel much more sorry for our nine boys, absolutely, i would like to note one more aspect. the use of appropriate
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complexes against the territory on the territory russian federation, because the belgorod region is an internationally recognized part of russia, the americans constantly insist that they have an agreement with ukraine on the non-use of supplied weapons. they use western weapons, for example, when shooting at belgorod, that is, nato weapons and nato experts, too, as experts, instructors, participate in this process, that is, on our ancestral territory, the question of escalating into a big war, well, this is a purely political question, well , with biden i might be afraid of that to do, because this mister is not all
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right, his entourage is also not very well in the head, then listen to the generals who just recently... at the un security council, sergei lavrov said that russia is not ready for negotiations on the preservation of the kiev regime, but is ready for negotiations on overcoming the legacy of the ten-year plunder of the country of violence against its people, and that after the implementation of the goals of the special military operation, russians and ukrainians will live as brothers and good neighbors - the minister of foreign affairs said, then
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there is a possibility of negotiations with this kiev regime that is becoming more and more significant, but the question arises: about the ability of the curators of this kiev regime to negotiate with the united states, and let’s listen to what the minister of foreign affairs said in an interview with the american cbs about the actual goals of the russian special operation, about possibilities of negotiations, with whom on what terms, let's listen, we are ready to listen to anyone who is sincerely interested in justice, including in relations between russia and ukraine, this implies ending the us policy on exploitation. kiev as an instrument of war against moscow. we are fighting for our national, legitimate interests, for the security of russia on our own borders. the us once declared a threat to iraq, which is located thousands of miles from american shores. in this case, the military infrastructure of the alliance was built on the borders of russia and was aimed at our country. well, in the same interview, sergei lavrov,
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it seems to me, gave a very accurate assessment, namely, he said that, to quote the current generation united states politicians.
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on the seventeenth, yes, they forgot nothing and learned nothing, this is evidenced by the article that was published today by the british minister of defense grand chaps in the political publication, listen to what he wrote there: there is no world in which putin can be allowed to win, victory is not it will only give him the courage to allow him to take aim at our other eastern european allies, but it will also open the way for chinese aggression, we must
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cast aside all hesitations and not sit idly by, there is no need to wait for the weather by the sea, putin believes that the west can be... worn down, he believes that we do not have enough strategic patience, we must prove him wrong in this great year of democracy, the future of ukraine is in the hands of the west, we cannot let it down. well, indeed, great britain is increasing its military assistance to kiev this year, especially in the context of the inability of the united states to resume this assistance. but nevertheless, we see that, at least from western statements and the media, that only european assistance is not enough for them. here. the secretary of defense of the united states himself celeste wallender said at a congressional hearing that some units of the ukrainian armed forces no longer have the necessary ammunition due to the cessation of american ammunition. help, so i want to ask dmitry, in the west such a narrative prevails, it has already become a mainstream narrative, that in the current 2024 ukraine
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needs to move to strategic defense, maybe to active defense, maybe less active, but nevertheless to defense , accumulate strength, lick wounds, mobilize, train, prepare new mobilized military personnel, during this time the west must revive its military-industrial complex. supplying ukraine, which means, with new packages of military equipment in the twenty-fifth year, all the mainstream media are talking about this, for example, a typical example, a financial times article, recent, in the twenty-fifth year they should already make a new attempt at some kind of strategic offensive , this is how you assess the feasibility of all these plans, especially if the united states either does not accept a new budget for this one... or, even if they do, it will be significantly less than i would like the biden administration to know how feasible all these plans are, can the europeans allow these plans
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to be realized? well , first of all, i would like to briefly add about the negotiations, as our president vladimirovich putin correctly said , in order to start any negotiations, zelensky must first cancel his own decree prohibiting these negotiations, that is , at least he forbade himself, and then from there he went with regard to military assistance, but our successes on... we began to beat foreign mercenaries well, that is, there was no i’ll just say that there are not just mercenaries there , when all this happens , business jets begin to ply, they just fly like paradise, ordinary mercenaries don’t have money for such things, that’s why help will continue to come from... the west, accordingly, britain will try very hard , america will most likely transfer this assistance to europe, especially to germany , well, of the three patri complexes, by the way -
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one, one battery was supplied by the americans, and two were supplied by the germans, yeah, that is, and the missiles will now be supplied by the japanese, that is america, roughly speaking, neatly, neatly, the battery costs so much, if it’s not the one that i think was sold, 6.7 billion dollars, alone, that is, the internal price is about 1.5 billion and immediately multiply by 2 and a half. approximately, that is, this is a lot of money in general, that’s why the deadline is twenty-fifth year, but in fact they are now ramping up production to the best of their ability, that is, as i have already said several times, some renmetal factories there have switched to three-shift work , they are recruiting people, but they have a terrible shortage of qualified workers, well, because they seemed to live in a new economic structure, where there was a coffee blogosphere, well, serving coffee, writing blogs was more important than standing, yeah. machine and do something there , that is, it was considered as if robots would do everything for us, no, robots will not do it, now they are solving this situation, different forecasts are given, uh
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, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth year and the like, but the most important thing i want to say is that it’s not weapons that fight, it’s people who fight, yes, modern warfare is very high-tech, that is, you can recruit uh militants, uh give immunization, stick it in the trenches , train there for 3 months, something will work out, in principle that’s what they do, but the whole point is that the subscription kit, that is, the armored vehicle, the machine gun, that’s all, he knows, how heavy, well, despite the fact that i do sort of, well, physical education, it’s hard to run with it, the average age of the american, oh, ukrainian army is 48 years old, they won’t be able to run, so i don’t believe in that they can really mobilize and prepare, that is, the question is that perhaps western mercenaries will go to their psmenu. i agree, and here very important questions arise about the risks of escalation, but as for the resumption of american assistance , it seems to me that the more victories
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donald trump wins on american precedents, the more difficult it will be for the republican house of representatives, which largely relies on him and him loyally, to approve this very budget for ukraine, because trump is opposed to giving ukraine new money, and today...
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has actually become the uncontested candidate from the republican party, even admitted this current president biden. let's hear what he said after the first results were announced in new hampshire. it is now clear that donald trump will become the republican presidential candidate. i speak to america, the stakes are higher now than ever. at stake is our democracy, our personal freedoms from choice to voting rights, our economy, which is experiencing the strongest growth in the world since the pandemic.
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is at stake. vladimir sergeevich, firstly, your assessment of prime share, and secondly, your forecast for the future course of action presidential campaign, because on the one hand we see that the stakes have been raised to the skies, on the other hand, it seems to me that in these conditions the current administration is very tempted to use administrative and legal resources even more against trump to bring justice against him. but in conditions when he... wins in state after state, this could lead to very serious political and social instability in the united states. absolutely right, if we talk about elections, decent elections in finghamshire, then it has already been said here, i am i’ll just repeat it more clearly, the republicans voted for trump, everyone else voted for hale. this is essential to understand that the race is now moving south to west, in those states where.
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in fact, haley or trump's rivals have no prospects or hopes in general in this case, but today the situation is really developing ; we need to look at this, because the race. relatively early it actually enters the final stage, when trump or biden has really decided, usually this happens, well, maybe at the end summer-autumn, now this happened even at the end of winter and even generally somewhere at the beginning of the year. it is quite obvious that trump , maybe even haley , will not pay any more attention, biden will not pay any more attention, she also has no opponents in the democratic party,
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which means all efforts will be thrown at... the pair are approximately going head to head, but it can happen the situation is that after some period of time in this pair, i’m not saying who yet, there may already be a clear favorite and a clear outsider, this will happen if this outsider, if that’s how they say in america biden will turn out to be a loser, and then the democrats will really face a very serious problem; they will obviously need to reformat it, so to speak.
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my ticket, i call it that, because it’s clear that maybe there won’t be any changes for the better. on the other hand, if everything remains here, or at least a political deadlock, then yes, extra -administrative measures can be used to the fullest extent, but it must be borne in mind that any attempt to remove trump at this time is to remove the republican party, and this really can already be said to be such a crisis. which has never happened in america, it’s one thing for candidates to be removed, and another thing for parties , well, excuse me, well, i would say, never in the 20th century, in the 19th there was a worse crisis, yes, but that’s the point, the use of legal and administrative instruments against trump now, this is fraught with a colossal crisis, almost a constitutional crisis, mass protests, perhaps taking on violent forms, and for us, of course it’s a very pressing question, yes, what does all this
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mean for us? the question was asked: what do you think about donald trump’s possible foreign policy towards russia? let's hear what the minister responded. as for who is more promising for russia, i don’t believe there is any difference. the desire to destroy russian-american relations. the foundation of these relations, including all agreements on strategic stability, parity, mutual trust, inspections, transparency, confidence-building, all this began to be destroyed by president george w. bush, jr. republican, just like trump. and one of the most authoritative american international relations scholars, harvard university professor stephen walt, also agrees with minister lavrov, who wrote an article in foreign policy magazine that in the main directions of the foreign policy
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of the united states, the second biden administration and the second trump administration will pursue approximately the same the same politics, and let's listen to what stephen walt writes directly about the prospects beyond. usa in relation to russia. ukrainians and their supporters the west fears that trump will give up on supporting ukraine, making it dependent only on european assistance and leaving it at the mercy of the russian army. but here's the rub: if biden is re-elected, he will likely follow the same path, even if he uses different methods. in 2023, the tide of the war turned against ukraine, and although its supporters continue to come up with an optimistic scenario, how to change the fate of ukraine and liberate it. territory illegally seized and annexed by russia, their hopes are almost certain are illusory, as the ministry of defense most likely knows. biden and the campaign will not admit this until the election, because such behavior will cast doubt on their position on the ukrainian conflict, which they
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have adhered to so far, but if re-elected, they will certainly persuade kiev to accept more realistic goals of taking steps towards resolving the conflict, no matter who won, the white house will try to negotiate an end to the war after january 2025. and the final agreement will likely be much closer to military goals. declared by russia, not kyiv. vladimir sergeevich, this is how you assess this forecast of professor stephen walt, taking into account that the biden administration and the trump administration will in any case continue the hybrid war against russia. there is one subtlety, which is that at present trump has to say publicly what he will do, what he will or will not do if he enters the white house in january. this is the worst thing he could come up with, this is what might have ruined him or to a large extent complicated his presidency in the seventeenth to the twenty-first year, i think that trump is quite obscure here, but there is one subtlety, i
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in general, perhaps, agree, so to speak, with the fact that so far there are no hints of that , that something radical will happen, or at least these changes will be of such a, well, gradual... nature, but there is one situation: trump, who is beginning to position himself on all issues as anti-biden, may already find himself, strictly speaking, well, if you like, trapped in your stereotypes, because that biden began to do exactly the opposite in foreign and domestic policy in relation to trump. today, trump is also put in the same position, when he also essentially needs to pursue an anti-biden, anti-democratic... i mean the policy of the democratic party, this logic must also be kept in mind, although the situation is january, the situation is still a year away, it can change as in ukraine and so on, but you really correctly said that we need to watch how
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the republicans in the house behave representatives who today, frankly speaking , in this studio receive direct instructions from trump, and if trump, roughly speaking, vetoes, and here we have it. some changes and accents and maybe even vectors, so to speak, of the development of the situation in ukraine in europe as a whole. i think that before the presidential elections, before january 25, the biden administration will do everything to...
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there is a very good story, in quotes, when rhetorically they oppose themselves, but in fact they continue the same policy, maybe with a slightly different one ojkoy. primarily concerns us policy towards china, and as for the prospects for us policy towards china, professor stephen walt does not expect any major changes, regardless of who occupies the oval office in 2025. let's listen. while in office, trump decisively reversed his previous economic engagement with china, launching an ill-conceived trade war that crippled the american economy and did not solve the problems. trade deficit biden changed the wrapper of this course and continued
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it with double force. he has significantly tightened export controls to prevent china from becoming a leader in a number of key advanced technologies. while rhetorically rejecting overt protectionism, the white house insists that their approach is aimed solely at national security concerns, the so-called small yard with a high fence. however, the court continues to grow in size, and the increasing confrontation with china is one of the few issues on which there is strong bipartisan consensus. therefore , us policy towards china will not undergo significant changes, regardless of who wins the election next november . trump may take a more confrontational stance toward america's asian allies, but he cannot abandon them if he is to seriously confront beijing. andrey ivanovich, you were russia’s ambassador to china for many years, including during the donald trump administration. do you really expect any changes in american policy regarding china? and the second question for you. like china , this is what it is doing, somehow it intends to change,
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not change its policy, in the context of elections in the united states, who can occupy the oval office, is beijing afraid or afraid of the possibility of the return of donald trump, in which it’s just that american-chinese relations have become openly confrontational, or they really don’t care anymore who the us president will be. what do you think? well, your second question, it seems to me, is significant. more interesting than the first, as for the first, will the policy of the united states change , then, in fact, in my opinion, there is no reason to disagree with the respected professor at harvard business school that no visible changes are really visible, just as there were no changes during the transition of the presidency from republicans to democrats, that is, from trump to biden, i worked in china not only under trump, but also before, before there was barack obama, this was.
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time, trade disputes, as they were called, disputes, were quite acute, but they were not related indirectly, one way or another, they went beyond the framework of trade policy and discussed, among other things, the advantage on the wto platform. the main complaints against china then were purely from the tools of trade policy, trade and political regulation, this is about...
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first he started this tariff war, that is, he raised customs tariffs, as the professor spoke about, then he started a financial war, that is, he limited access china to banking working capital, then unleashed a technological war, here we talk about that it is biden, no, not biden, this also started under trump, but biden did not cancel trump’s tariffs and continued the technological war, that’s the whole point, because it is quite obvious that when trump was replaced by biden in china in some then...
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china is really very dependent on the world market, on the world economy, let’s be fair, and the world economy depends on china, because according to the calculations of the same american economists, up to 30%. growth of the world economy accounts for chinese growth, in any case it accounted for somewhat better times, so china, currently, we see this literally every day, is trying to do at least something to preserve, well, at least some rules of the game, even with the same americans, a number of exchanges have recently taken place,
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some mechanisms have been created, such as working groups to discuss trade and economic issues and
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joseph stalin’s expression, both are worse, and we have no illusions. now a little advertising, then we will continue. we often say that the information war against russia began a long time ago. i see. kinetic victory ukraine, he is not independent , some kind of grozev, but this is a big propaganda machine, what does british intelligence have to do with him, through such a person you can throw in any kind of billy bird, this is absolutely a secret service history, a poet and the silver age, anna akhmatova supposedly is ukrainian, she
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said, i was going to become a russian poet with a tatar pseudonym. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. gin сnop is a product of the steller group, what am i looking for, or a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to which my soul could finally rest, or i am looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people to each other, at all costs, love. edechka loved himself very much.
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it’s boring to walk with everyone else, limonov a little bit, the boy is the opposite. matador, eduard savenko in search of love on friday on the first. the big game is on air, speaking the day before at a meeting of the un security council, sergei viktorovich lavrov unequivocally stated who bears the main responsibility for the current destabilization in the middle east, in including for the tragedy of the humanitarian catastrophe that is taking place in palestine, as well as for other centers of instability in this region. let's listen. until now, our council has not been able to provide an adequate response to this
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truly life-changing challenge. the reason is known, it lies in the position of the united states, blocking all efforts and initiatives to... establish bloodshed in the occupied territories, this gives carte blanche to continue the collective punishment of the palestinians. in every turn of the arrogant unilateral us policy on the middle east, their separate shuttle negotiations with the regions, accompanied by financial promises, ends in an increasingly bloody outbreak of escalation. well, in an interview with cbs, an american journalist asked lavrov already... at the very end of the interview, what advice would he give to the leadership of the united states in order to stabilize the situation in the middle east, let's listen, let's listen to what the minister advised the white house. stop the fighting. do not use the veto when a resolution is proposed declaring a humanitarian ceasefire. and, of course, do not hide, as your
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predecessors did for decades with the creation of a palestinian state. join others as an honest participant, do not try to monopolize the process, thinking only about how you can guarantee your own interests and not the interests of the palestinian people. vladimir sergeevich, is there even the slightest chance that the current american administration will follow this advice? to words. at least we can pose this question again in theoretical terms, as it was already 70 years before, it seems that, as
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they say, the wolves are the wolves and the sheep are whole, the americans seem to act as peacekeepers in this region, on the other hand they are quite actively promoting the interests of israel, so i i think that the advice, of course, so to speak, was given absolutely clear, the advice is clear, it’s even the advice of the world community, but as often happens, this is how it all is. implement, this is the main, perhaps, problem today, and the question arises, this is the one, once again, maybe so to speak, to say, you don’t know how to implement it, or you don’t want to implement it, that’s the problem today , that’s what the world community is watching today, as they say , and it seems to me, vladimir sergeevich, both, because that, firstly, the united states does not seek to create a palestinian state, but to weaken china’s position in the middle east, and at the same time russia’s position and...
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its own development and generally decide how to live, and the same applies to palestine, and let’s listen , what criteria and principles, according to sergei lavrov, should lie in the final settlement of the palestinian-israeli conflict, listen, firstly, the consolidated will of the palestinian people themselves, they must decide for themselves what their future state should look like, who should govern it and how?
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andrei ivanovich, in addition to the fact that you were the deputy minister of foreign affairs of russia, the ambassador of russia to the people's republic of china, you were also the representative of russia in the united nations, that's how realizable are the principles that we have just heard, formulated by sergei viktorovich lavrov, how do you assess the prospects for their advancement within the framework of the united nations, despite the fact that the west and the united states, well, it is quite obvious, will try in every possible way to torpedo this. they are already torpedoing , it is quite obvious that now the main, and perhaps the only task that can be realized to some extent at this stage is
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the creation of a certain critical mass, that is , they must somehow master these ideas, master the ranks of the un members, this quite possibly more moreover, we already see this now, judging by the voting not in the security council, but in the general assembly, where countries predominate, but things are not moving, we see... you know, there are sometimes some small nuances, maybe perhaps not even conspicuous in some way, and perhaps , as they say, from the realm of, as they say, not exactly fantasies, but some kind of assumptions, look, after all, this does not happen so often in the security council, so that the minister comes to the meeting, and the minister comes, the minister of foreign affairs, state, member of the permanent five, members of the security council. i came specifically for this meeting on palestine; it just so happened that before this there was a meeting of the security council on ukraine, where the minister also
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made an extensive speech, but here that was the goal. arrival, and you look , in such cases, well , somehow it was customary, after all, for the top officials of other delegations, ambassadors to come, but we see now uh, and uh , behind the sign united states, the united states, someone is sitting... then from the deputies, and united i haven’t seen kingdom, but in my opinion, too, and these are some, you know, second third parties there, nothing more, it seems to me that this is a very eloquent signal that, in general, uh. it will be difficult, let’s say, but nevertheless, as i understand it, the world majority is with us, within the framework of the general assembly within the framework of brix, where russia is presiding this year, to promote, promote this agenda, still put pressure and formulate and set aside exactly point of view, quite correctly, of the international community, this it is possible and advisable, there are slightly different things here, see the point of view of the international community, the creation of two
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two-state two-state. it’s precisely we who see the skeptical attitude of the united states, and therefore everyone else , in the western camp we see discipline, which, so we remember the past, as they say, communist, as they call them, times, it was not even dreamed of at that time, although then everyone believed that everyone was marching in formation, and unfortunately, the conflict in gaza is not the only one, although today it is the most a tragic conflict in the middle east, there are
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also strikes by the united states and... and as they say the coalition, but there the uk is the only one using force with them against the yemeni houthis, the united states also strikes at pro-iranian groups in iraq and syria and now not then this night the united states struck a blow at the pro-iranian kataib hezbollah movement in iraq, well, that is, i get the impression that there is simply a proxy war between the united states and iran, for now it is a proxy war, yes, but... what as for the yemeni houthis, the united states officially admits that they have been bombarding the houthis for 2 weeks now, little results, very few results, and they say that more time is needed. the washington post writes that the white house is developing plans for a prolonged military campaign against the houthis, but
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many have concerns. well, first of all, there is no war as such, that is, the americans are not waging a war, they simply strike in their best style where they see fit, well, of course, they don’t mind anything the world doesn’t care, there are simply three options for military operations, such as the americans are now doing, striking with long-range weapons , aircraft and the like, a nuclear war that blows everything to smithereens, these are all, let’s say, wars of remote delivery, and
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from conventional wars there is only one left, which is , well, realistic. a ground operation, because you can bomb everything into rubbish, but without control over the territory, you will never achieve victory, especially in the situation that we have with yemen, that is, the country is quite dispersed, located, but not at the highest level of technical development, including infrastructure, saudi arabia also bombed and shot there for quite a long time, no result, in the situation with iran, if america gets involved in a war with it, then for it the situation will be quite terrible, yes america if it's stressful. iran will win, but it will be a high price, at least in the style of vietnam. next, what good points does america have? this is a huge number of their military bases, scattered, including throughout this region, they absolutely cannot defend all their bases. also, the next vulnerable point, which they seem to be trying to delay now, is what we now see on the screen, these are aircraft carrier strike groups, their ships. so far, the houthis, let’s say, are
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not delivering very accurate strikes. in the meantime, yemen benefits at least because the costs are different, that is, the amount of ammunition that the united states and, accordingly, its british ally are now spending to shoot down all this is many times greater than what they are sent there to defeat, therefore pingpong is dishonest, well, i completely agree with you, first of all, that you cannot win a war with missiles and bombs alone, and saudi arabia has been launching missile strikes against the yemeni houthis for many years, the result is practically zero, now the united states is faced with the same prospect , without a ground operation nothing will work, it is unlikely that the biden administration will undertake a ground
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operation in the middle east, after iraq, after afghanistan, this issue is practically taboo in the united states. very briefly, i also want to ask you about the assessment of the war in gaza, on the one hand, netanyahu loudly declared that the... will last until the complete destruction of hamas, on the other hand, in the very last days, israel suddenly began to make a proposal for a long-term truce. yesterday israel made an offer, the axios agency wrote about it, about a two-month truce in exchange for the release of all hostages. hamas refused, and the issue of a month-long truce is now being discussed in exchange for hamas releasing some of the women and children hostages. yes, that is, not everyone, as i understand it, these conversations about a truce, and a long truce, have been going on for a month or two months not only because the united states, the biden administration is putting pressure, but also not everything
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is good in the military operation in israel itself, absolutely that’s right, everything went as always, as in any case, not according to plan, that is, a quick blitz-cry with the help of which netanyahu, i assume, with his ministers, intended to oust the palestinians from a certain territory, to actually clear it. the gaza strip from the palestinians or make it unusable for housing, it failed, that is, israel is incurring tremendous costs, not only military, but also economic, that is, do not forget how many reservists have now been drafted into the ranks, that is, these reservists have no longer become generators of profit for the country’s economy, on the contrary are sucking this economy dry. it seems to me that israel now urgently needs a respite in order to rotate troops, in order to take a break, to reorganize, because.
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then we'll talk about europe. the world is changing before our eyes, to understand it, to imagine it, what it will be like tomorrow, you just need to look back and take a closer look at the diversity of great human civilizations, the vast majority of which share the same values ​​as us. china has always been a developed country.
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it is not that islamic civilization did not deny the achievements of other cultures and civilizations; on the contrary, it actively drew it into itself. almost everything. in his social life he tries to preserve the laws of god. premiere, civilization project. tomorrow on the first. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete
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liberation of leningrad from fascist blockades brag is heading to leningrad, and you are looking for excuses. this is the siren that... sounded on the air, the feeling of hunger is terrible, when you always want...
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they thought that the war would end soon. breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, it is our duty to leningrad. on saturday on the first. the big game is on air. today, the british financial times wrote that the european union intends to celebrate the anniversary of the start of the north atlantic treaty organization at the same time. push through hungary and transfer to ukraine a package of 50 billion euros for a period of 4 years, transfer to ukraine also introduce the thirteenth package of sanctions against russia for the first part of the proceeds from frozen russian assets. well, the most feasible of this, in fact, is the transfer of income from frozen assets. and what’s interesting here is that, as the rators agency writes, a high-ranking eu official said that frozen sovereign russian assets would be confiscated. will not happen,
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there are very high risks, there is no agreement between the member countries regarding the transfer of income from these assets, this process is actually already beginning, because belgium, the minister of defense of belgium, which has the most frozen in belgium, says that in the near future it will transfer 611 million euros to ukraine, this is precisely the income from those sovereign russian funds of the central bank that are frozen in belgium. in the united states, they continue to talk about confiscation, moreover, congress... with the help of sanctions, so it decided to soften this bill and introduced an amendment stating that the confiscation and transfer of russian sovereign funds to ukraine.
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united states of america or united the states of america have only 5-6 billion dollars of these assets in their accounts, europe - at least 200.
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this is a very clear signal to all other countries to invest more in the american economy, that is, there are double benefits for europe to weaken and strengthen itself. well, let’s see what europe will achieve in terms of all these tasks by february 24, but apparently the united states has decided by february 24 to present russia with such an unpleasant gift, such a dirty trick, political and symbolic, to achieve sweden’s final entry into nato, because... just in recent days there has been progress on this issue, the turkish parliament voted the day before with an overwhelming majority for sweden to join nato, and hungary, which has also not yet ratified. corresponding protocol, today there was a telephone conversation between orban and the prime minister of hungary orban and secretary general stoltenberg, and orban even published a post on facebook that fully supports sweden’s accession to nato and calls on the hungarian parliament at the first
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opportunity to support this entry. andrei ivanovich, this is what you attribute this kind of activation to: they really want to complete everything by february 24, or something happened here. fair agreements, but speaking in general , then speaking, even for inexperienced observers, the results of bargaining are always , if any, it seems to me that there was no doubt that sooner or later this would happen, especially since sweden in general ... is it officially a member of nato or is it not officially a member of nato, as such real politics is not enough, it has little effect on what happened, a whole chain of events took place, not only connected with sweden with this very nato, and indeed, at first erdogan
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said that he was transferring to parliament, also such, you know, erdogan’s gesture, well, parliament decides for me, then this is what you said. orban had a conversation with stoltenberg, and orban seemed to be, as they say, a cool match, you see, he said that he, yes, and as quickly as possible , at the same time, he hesitated a little position, the new leader of slovakia , who, let’s say, taxied, in simple terms, from his previous attitudes, said that he will not, not he, but the government, slovakia will not object if... private firms in slovakia supply weapons to ukraine . there is a whole series of events at the end of december and the beginning of january, which one way or another fit into this general solitaire; they indicate a tightening of american policy in all directions. this, by the way,
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applies to china too, but above all to our countries, and whether it is timed for february 24 or not, it ultimately has, well , some kind of third power. meaning , or maybe it doesn’t matter at all, that is , these springs continue to unfortunately continue to compress, i think that we are ready for this, i completely agree with you, but really this once again shows the reluctance, the unwillingness of the united states to seriously discuss russian concerns, fundamental issues of european security and come to any deal with us, because this deal must. must provide not only for territorial demarcation, but also for taking into account russian interests in the field of security, and of course, we should not forget that turkey, hungary, and slovakia are nato members; on some issues they can afford to contradict the united states and ...


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