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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 25, 2024 2:25am-3:00am MSK

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in the process, in general, it suddenly turns out that people who cooperate with the investigation are disappearing more and more in st. petersburg, and then they are found either without a head, or with their head in the neva, or in a completely different, torn and not entirely alive form, but it is absolutely clear that that in the peter and paul fortress that leak comes from, and accordingly both boshnyak and david, and they find themselves under the cleaver of an unknown avenger, the unknown avenger is played by alexander. both main characters share some of the attention of the polish beauty karolina sabanska, also absolutely real the persona is played by the utter beauty vyara kolestnikova, a dazzling lady in all respects, and at the same time everything is carried out exclusively in the name of the homeland and the king in the name of the homeland, and the regicides in the name of the homeland, and even benkendor in the name of the homeland, the general was...
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respected as all the guards are heads of the secret police, he oversaw the partisan movement and, by the way, was the first to enter moscow with partisan detachments after napoleon abandoned it. in general, according to the plot, alexander gonovsky’s very great abilities in development of detective intrigue based on the material of the 19th century, i have treated the screenwriter gonovsky with all my heart since 2001, when he , presenting his, well, at least the first successful film the edge, told from the stage how he rewrote the script every day during filming , the leading actor moshkov came up to him and said: “dear, here you are writing, he hits him on the head with a board, the next morning they hit me on the head with a board, somehow humble your cavalry temperament, exactly at that moment i still appreciated the great difficulties screenwriting craft and..." imbued with great
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feelings for this man, i hope that great success awaits him, and of course, the picture goes back to another picture about the difficulties of a noble choice, about the complexities of a befitting heritage, a picture of a star of captivating happiness, in this film also played by all the colors - it was the handsome men of our screen , the officers, the rebels who played the powder
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masters. perhaps everyone is a cerebral, the tsar, the huntsman, the detective, and benkendor, and the tower with devit, and even alexander sergeevich pushkin, who in the history of the pugachev rebellion, said, that this is how it should be, of course, people, bitches should be shoved under the ice in the neva, but all this does not refute the wonderful pushkin phrase said to the sovereign, any text can have exactly as much freedom as... it can
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contain, this, perhaps, is the main moral of the picture. this was a podcast, mount with fire and i, hosted by denis gorelov, with a story about the most current premieres of domestic tv series of the season. hello, this is the podcast cat.
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the technologies themselves, not to mention scientific developments, existed for many, many years ago, so, well, yes, for a person who just reads the news, of course, in the twenty-third year this word was hammered into him, in fact it was hammered into him everywhere in the press, from computer screens, television screens, from mobile phone screens, yes, in this sense, yes, is it necessary to explain to a wide audience now what a neural network is and how it works? it seems to me that no, oddly enough, because we all use those same mobile phones, let’s start explaining now, and, as they say from adam, there is such a big science, quantum physics solid state, thanks to it semiconductors arose, thanks to the advent
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of semiconductors, the fact that previously, with the help of large electric lamps, radio tubes, it was possible to assemble electronics that were placed there in cabinets, turned out to be possible.
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now i can talk to a smart speaker, and the lights in my house will turn on, a fairy tale that, simply thanks to these digital technologies, has slowly become an everyday reality. but in a fairy tale there are always villains, can artificial intelligence dispel it and become this villain, will the neural network be captured?
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world, will they kill us? won't they capture you, won't they kill you? why? where do you get such optimism from? you are now avoiding, for some reason , using a word that is also almost well... maybe a phrase from the year twenty-three, artificial intelligence, and with all the complaints about this word, which i can expound for a long time for the whole program, for all the complaints about this word has one important thing, it’s really about intelligence, it’s about the fact that we taught computers, there are smart speakers, it doesn’t matter, we taught some devices around us to solve those problems, which traditionally related to human intellectual activity , but for some reason... while everyone is talking about tasks, these are intellectual tasks, starting with, i don’t know, chess, chess, writing an essay, this is all intellectual activity, taking over the world - this is not intellectual activity , this is goal-setting, this is personality, this is about presence, yes, yes, yes, this is about goal-setting, this is about
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ethics, this is about morality, about motivation, all these things are not about some kind of intellectual actions , they are about other characteristics human personality, this shift that... is sometimes done, well, for example, in fiction and rightly so, the terminator is not just an intelligent, very powerful mechanical robot, he also has a very unique personality, so he wants someone to take revenge, to conquer someone, to punish someone, and so on, but these are characteristics of his personality, not his intellect, so far we have no idea whether we can even create an artificial personality, well, we don’t know how approach. how to create copies, how to create procedures that reproduce our intellectual actions, here is chess, a vivid example, or there is translation from one language to another, we know this, we can do this, we can do it better every day, personality, motivation,
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morality, is it possible for the emergence of artificial, emotional intelligence, artificial social intelligence, i would prefer not to look simply because... i, despite all my gray mane, am not yet sclerotic enough to forget what they talked about 35 years ago, just when the internet, modem, mine a computer with... good translators were predicted, but in general this story, you know, is - it’s always
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very interesting to look back, and there are analogies in the past, when the 20th century came, there were also a lot of forecasts, and people drew what it would look like life in the 20th century, they drew from there from about 1800 in some nineties, but a lot is being served, they recently threw it at me here, remember, there was that... a steam pipe that sticks out from every window, and, if we say so, oh,
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household energy supply really grew, and this is true , that is, that some kind of machines would appear at home, they foresaw correctly, indeed the industrial revolution led to the fact that the industrialization of the household happened, only it happened differently, that’s the whole story about the fact that there will be electricity , that electricity will not just be a steam stove in every ... which the steam engine is still heating up there, but no, it will be centralized energy generation, it will be power plants, it will be wires, it will even they didn’t foresee anything close, but it could happen that 5 years will pass and people will say, well, neurose, well, yes, she can do something, well, she does essays well, well, she translates text, well, what else can she do, here she is will occupy its niche, something else will appear, completely new, no less amazing, well, i think so, maybe not in five years. maybe there after some time, we saw this again in the example of those very smartphones that we
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now have in every pocket, because when they first began to appear, there really was such an aura, here is the reality control panel, i can do anything, i can call my grandmother from the forest, i can watch my favorite tv show while sitting on the train, and i perceived it. they don’t seem to be going to the kremlin, but will they make someone unemployed? yes, of course, they always
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perceive that someone will definitely be made unemployed, but history always follows approximately the same scenario: it is not the tools themselves who make their colleagues unemployed, but other people who adapt more quickly, colleagues who, when the computer... didn’t exist yet, then a computer appeared on the table , you had to work with it, and some couldn’t cope, and those who coped with it, in this
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sense, took their place, so approximately, here i can give my personal example , i, as a journalist writing, in all previous years i hired someone to transcribe interviews, from this year this profession is closed to me, because the neural network does it no worse, i’m a worse example for you, i’ll give you an example, exactly this year . and like many previous years, i took part in the preparation of a big international conference , which is predominantly online, which is important , it is still important, this year... for the first time , unlike all previous years, we did not have an expense line for synchronized speakers, we had, as in previous years, international speakers, but now we could afford to launch a neural network translation service, which yes, with a delay of a few seconds, but when it’s an online conference, it’s technically very
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easy to shift the entire broadcast by a few seconds, then you really have everything, even so say synchronization there... to order various essays, coursework, well, listen, well, we still know that there are a number of people who, and they are all over the world, who study just to get this piece of paper, from them the truth is that there is no desire or any other motivation to submit all these works in written form, and this is a huge market that has served them all their lives, it is collapsing before our eyes,
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because now they can write the same work only for free...
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mass self-driving taxis, so this means that no one will definitely leave the current taxi driver without work. schrödinger's cat podcast is with you, my guest andrey sebrant, and we are talking about artificial intelligence, about neural networks and how they will change our world. now , if we take professions such as a taxi driver, a policeman, that is, those that are connected with people, doesn’t a question arise? ethical intelligence, moral intelligence, because there are different situations, you know, here again humanity, many times it has been faced with the fact that technology poses questions that before this, well, i didn’t have to decide, here ’s a big creative question, for example, posed by sound recording technology, almost a century ago, in the area of ​​​​the thirties of the 20th century, there was such
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a story that finally normal sound recordings appeared with a good ... sound track in films, and before that, musicians, en masse , for example, sitting in cinemas providing what we now call the soundtrack to a film, they worked with live sound, a powerful movement arose against what was called a very good evil word, canned. music, but canned music cannot be, this is an attack on culture, because music for centuries, millennia, in fact, is something that is produced in real time by a living human being, just like music can be canned, then this can can somehow be opened and played , in general, we found a solution, oddly enough, because
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live music has been preserved, that’s another story, you can put on a good one, i don’t know, turn on a good recording. on your smartphone, or you can go to a concert hall and listen live music as before, that is, it will be about the same story, not that everything will be replaced, but moral problems will force one to refuse, solutions will be found in some situations, but there will definitely be a person, well , for example, the simplest frontal solution, that in any case, when some decision concerning a person is made by an algorithm, only a person is required to consider the appeal. yeah, well, for example, this is the simplest logical move, for example, well, if we are talking about the legal system, about the police, not only, not only, look, there are a lot of complaints that oh, what about everything with loans? more decisions in the financial sphere are made by complex algorithms, but this algorithm, either it is simply poorly written, or it was taught in the wrong way, it can begin, well, for example,
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to deprive some groups of people of these very financial benefits, those same loans, what to do with this, retrain the algorithm, carefully monitor each time, or in fact, a more effective very human way of responding, each such complaint should be considered only by a person. then suddenly it turns out that the algorithm has fulfilled its function, because in fact they are starting to give out more loans , these are the things where before people were kind of cautious and didn’t want to screw over the bank, well, it’s somehow unclear, suddenly it turns out that the algorithm says okay, okay, actually, he is a completely reliable borrower, so a huge number of newly approved loans will benefit the bank, so those people who previously considered the entire flow will now consider the flow in those
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about each textbook, and the teacher sits, fills out endless forms and checks his homework, so this is exactly what an algorithm can do better to teach what a teacher should think there , freeing him up for a much more human, more emotional, deeper interaction with students. often a teacher is like a person who can once again share her personal human experience, and this is fundamentally different from any artificial neural network, that she does not have human experience, she was not a child, she did not run around, did not get bruises, did not fall in love first once in a lifetime there and so on, so here's the story,
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associated with human, including bodily experience, is accessible to neurosine by definition, well, it really never got into trouble in the literal sense of the word, so you need to apply something there, and this is an important part of life.
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the human sphere, about interpersonal relationships, what will happen to them , let's start with getting to know each other, because for many, many centuries there have been whole rituals, boys meeting
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girls on the contrary, balls, village gatherings, discos, now everything will not be done by russia, by the way, about the disappeared professions, matchmaker, as a fairly widespread profession, even 100 years ago, basically disappeared, simply disappeared in the cities, other channels appeared there.
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well, the computer can do better than me, many people still think that the computer will find me better, because at least it has a richer choice, then i’ll let it give me an option, then i’ll swipe and figure out which option will be useful, well, if neural network technologies develop here, is it possible that you are ivan ivanov, we analyzed your entire past, all your thoughts, and you need jessica johnson is from such and such a state in the usa or there will be people who will trust this, there are people. this is actually, again , a story about psychology, which is more important than stories about technology, i may not be very noticeable, but throughout the entire conversation, i am trying to convey such a simple idea that psychology in all this decides much more than technology, so uh, even now sometimes you come to some institution, they start talking to you, suddenly you see that, well, they obviously have some wrong information about me, there
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residential address? and you say, guys , stop, let’s correct the recording , because you have it wrong, that’s why you’re doing it wrong , the person brings out and looks up at you , aunty of such, here’s the video in person , it’s written like this on my computer, you understand everything for her, here’s the computer - this is some kind of higher power, higher knowledge, it’s written there, don’t tell me where you really live, everything is written on the computer, after all, interpersonal relationships. predict the success of a couple, as far as one can , just as it is now known that those people whom were selected because this service has been used for many, many years, there is a large percentage of couples among those who have accessed this service whose stability is better than the average time before divorce in the country, for example, such statistics have been there for about 15 years
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, so, well, there seems to be an opportunity there, i have personal experience, i met with
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finding my match, and there were people who, knowing about the existence of these services, still searched in what seemed to them a familiar, face-to-face way, so it will be like this and further from the fact that you have this algorithm, which, by the way, already worked well, will work even better , someone will go there, someone will still believe that i, i don’t know, will meet my girlfriend there, just one day, looking at the same sunset as me on... the seashore and we, holding hands , will leave this shore and live happily ever after, those people who believe so, they still will not go to the most ideal algorithm, but he has different principles. with you is the popular science podcast kood schrödinger, i am its host grigory tarasevich, our guest andrey sebrand, and we are talking about neural networks, about artificial intelligence and how important it is in the era of progress of robots and
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artificial intelligence. be emotional, understand yourself, understand others, sympathize with others, be human. another human thing is truth and lies. it is clear that truth and lies can often be formalized, like your address, for example, but other things are difficult to formalize, how to even deal with a complaint about it will dispel that it was a fake. well, here, by the way, it arises. a story that is very close is connected with the use of all these mere networks , algorithms in jurisprudence, because there is another concept of justice, which is very close to the question of truth and lies, abstract justice, it seems , does not really exist, after all, there is always justice in this particular situation and
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it turns out that... here, of course, there may be algorithms, such experiments have been carried out a little, more objective than a person, but people will still prefer a non-objective solution.
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say fake picture and person like that to convince, it differs from the story, which was documented many times in the last century, when there is a photograph selected from a series from the right angle at the right moment, one photo that shows the whole world how this dog is set on a child by a policeman , if you look further the whole way, and a living example from martin’s story.
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belief, just like many of my colleagues, that first of all it is necessary to automate there, if necessary with the help of neural networks, if not, by other means everything is boring, routine, repeating, leave time to develop in yourself these unique
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human properties that you just listed, so i think that even for a person to become the way you are now describing, it seems like something out of science fiction, but exactly neresite will help him become like this, probably the final question:


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