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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 25, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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i love you for your soul, for your heart , for your kindness to me, to my child, you gave me what i lost when i divorced my husband, you became the child’s father, we’ll walk this path together, and then the truth will come we have this favorite model of mine, this is a female egg, this is a sperm, they will find one... yes, of course, today there are technologies that allow, that’s all, fertilization will happen, there will be a happy family, maybe they won’t find it, it may be decided that it will be a donor sperm, then the whole child will be made of proteins this woman, he will look like her, god willing, there are many options, so i agree with you. and then think about it, i think
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you need to say it, but say it exactly like this: i trust you endlessly, so if you want, we’ll go through life together. women, do you agree with me, i don’t know if this woman hears us, i can only repeat one thing, it’s happiness to have a child in a country where there are men. fewer than women, to meet such a guy is, on the whole, a great happiness, and , in fact, we already have a family, however, that’s what we think, for us it’s filled with kindness history, can you tell us right now what you decided? yes, i think that you are right, you definitely need to talk openly with your loved one, and i...
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i hope that she will understand me, and we will go through this path together, thank you, and i ’m sure of this, really, we were together ok, may you have a healthy life. the information channel on the first begins its broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live, in the studio of oles losev, ruslan stashko, the investigation into the terrorist attack with the death of our il-76 in the belogorod region continues, when the plane was approaching belgorod, two anti-aircraft missiles were launched from the area of ​​the village of libtsy, kharkov region: the launch site was recorded by radar systems, which means that the ukrainian terrorists absolutely... knew exactly what
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they were killing, including their own. killing their prisoners, in fact, this is not new for them, we know this very well, but here’s what is important: unlike us, the ukrainians kill their own, our russian pilots until the last took the doomed plane away from residential buildings, including those overcrowded with children schools, which is located directly in the crash area. our pilots always had a worthy, heroic example before their eyes, understanding in the sky that death was inevitable... to divert the plane and do everything to prevent casualties on the ground. in 1968 , a song based on real events, a huge sky, was written based on the poems of robert rozhdestvensky, and there are these words: let us die, but we will save the city, these words became the motto, the guide for all our pilots. happy memory to our guys, pilots, our heroes. rum, castro,
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product of stellor group. the world is changing before our eyes, to understand it, to imagine what it will be like tomorrow, you just need to look back and take a closer look at the diversity of great human civilizations. the vast majority of whom share the same values ​​as us. china has always been a developed country in the third century ad, in the seventh, in the seventeenth, the standard for china's development is a powerful, well-coordinated economy. india, on the one hand, is indeed moving forward by leaps and bounds and developing advanced technologies, such as digitalization, space industry. on the other hand, the country is striving to return to its roots. it is not that islamic civilization does not deny the achievements of other cultures and civilizations; on the contrary, it actively does so.
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almost all states understand the importance that africa will play in the 21st century. when europeans thought they were discovering america, america was there. inhabited by people who were no worse than the spanish crooks and bandits, without colonial oppression modern western europe simply would not exist, we are the last ones left if we we will weaken, if ours destroys, there will be no country that, spiritually and in its public life, is trying to preserve the laws of god, the prime minister, the project of civilization, today on... on the first, look carefully, you will recognize him, grandfather, center, coward among us , money and gold don’t interest me, you will go to russia today, return the sacred treasures of the nation to treasures, my father, for an amateur, you
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will excuse me, of course, but all this does not look very believable, there are secrets that are not has a statute of limitations, german, today after the program... name for the birthday of vladimir vysotsky, i will play with pure gold, we only hope for the strength of our hands, for the hands of a friend and a driven hook, how close and affectionate you are, my climber, my affection has become, i carried my misfortune. on the past spring field i loved sadder than graves, everything tender in me was wingless you with a tripod, i spread the fields for lovers, vladimir semyonovich,
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what difference does it make to you, it really wasn’t possible to live longer, we didn’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time to look back .
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it is very light, and the contrast of its lightness is it is his devotion to friendship. i was so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together. the documentary premieres on sunday on the first. this is an information channel on the first , the program will tell time, we are working live, this night our military attacked military targets in odessa, kharkov in krivoy rog...
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the regime committed a terrorist act, as a result of which a russian military transport aircraft was shot down, operating a flight along the chkalovsky belgorod route to transport ukrainian military personnel for... cancellation: defeat the aircraft was carried out by the armed forces of ukraine from the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy , kharkov region, using an anti-aircraft missile system. and the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces stated that they have absolutely no regrets. in addition, they said that they would continue to take all measures to destroy delivery vehicles in the belgorod-kharkov direction; in fact, they made it clear that they shot down the il-76 themselves. in fact , it was
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the knowledgeable ukrainians themselves who were the first to joyfully take responsibility, there is nothing in this, in fact it’s surprising, we expected such reactions, in public they began to write that it was ukraine that shot down the plane, and they were wildly and wildly happy about it. the first photo of the grounded il, beauty! the good news is that there were 63 people on board the il-76 that crashed near belgrade. damage to the russian il-76 - this is a job in the armed forces of ukraine, it's a thrill! well, ukrainians, so stubborn, don’t care what bones they dance on, they’re even ready to jump on their own. the ukrainian media also first confirmed that it was the ukrainian armed forces that shot down the plane, and then, without blinking an eye, a whole relay race of changing shoes in the air began. literally everyone edited this news, however, it was not possible to completely clear the traces, because as you know, the internet remembers everything. for example, two headlines from ukrainian pravda , the publication first reported that the plane was shot down
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by the ukrainian army, and after reports that there were prisoners of war on board who were flying for exchange, they quickly changed the headline, here’s another example, rbc ukraine i also edited the news, there was an il-76 shot down near belgrade, this is work in the ssu, it became that the il-76 that crashed near belgorod was transporting missiles for s. 300, you must agree, this is very , very convenient, well, nothing in this life passes without a trace, especially on the internet, well, what ’s most interesting is that the ministry of defense of ukraine, which was the first to essentially make a statement, is still silent, then there, in fact , she refused to take responsibility for this situation, well, why not remain silent, when even without words everything is still clear, there is a nuance, all yesterday all the ukrainian media, official ukrainian people, politicians, diplomats were talking there. why we waited, waited, and are still talking about official comments ill-76 do not say anything, but as we
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have already correctly noted, on facebook the ministry of defense of ukraine said that it will continue to shoot down everything in the belgorod-kharkov direction, so draw your own conclusions, this is the statement, which is currently the only one from the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine is present in the public. zelensky yesterday also chose to remain silent, only after midnight did he start doing something. i didn’t know how to justify everything that happened, trying, naturally, to blame everything on russia. summoned the dead, the desolate, shaptala, budanov and malyuk, reported on the situation with the plane and the exchange. it is obvious that the russians are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners, with the feelings of their relatives and with the emotions of our society. i have instructed the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine to inform partners about the available data in ukraine. our state will insist. well , so that they don’t emphasize this, naturally , russia is to blame for everything, this has already been agreed upon with all
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western countries, in fact, such a long silence, and then such an inept response and excuses from zelensky meant one thing, they still haven’t figured out how to get out of a bank account, they are working hard on it, but in the meantime , even deputies of the verkhovna rada have questions for zelensky and his gang. you can call me names, write whatever you want, but the fact that this is total and that everyone is sitting and silent and that we will not change that, that the minister of defense has disappeared, that the president’s office has disappeared, that everyone has stuck their tongues in and is sitting and silent and just they look and wait for someone to blame everything on, you are all such saints, but forget that there are people, that people die, in in our silence, in your justifications for power, you bear guilt along with it. they share the intelligence department of ukraine, they claim that
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the positions are still thinking about who to fire, and you are with them for 3 kopecks, but in the main , russia did not inform them who was on board the russian l76 plane, and ukrainian telegram channels meanwhile put forward their versions. there were rumors that they decided to remain silent about the downed il-76 plane, which was transporting ukrainian prisoners, and that they would try to raise the issue. leak it and then interrupt it with other information dumps. zelensky will avoid this topic, afraid of lowering his rating even more. everything was shoved onto the ministry of defense of ukraine, which must figure out how to take the rap. for this mess that the air defense of the armed forces of ukraine shot down a plane carrying ukrainians for exchange. on the sidelines they are already confirming the insight that in the new manual from the president’s office the main message is that the air defense missile was russian, it was the one that shot down its il-76 over belgrade, in order to then blame kiev for disrupting the negotiations. such a story will now be fed to the stupid, naive people. nikit, for whom
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this terrorist attack was beneficial, because... it is off the scale, they knew for sure that yesterday an exchange of prisoners of war was supposed to take place, the guru of ukraine officially confirmed this, there were no comments all day, by night the ministry of defense was very vague he talks a lot about how important this direction is, and at the end he says: we will continue to shoot down, but not a word specifically about il-76. zelensky in his address very, very vaguely says everything demands an international investigation. who benefits, who? organized, of course , zelensky organized, i am deeply convinced that he certainly received the green light, most likely from the west, i do not rule out, by the way, that the installations were not managed by ukrainians, because if, for example, it was a patriot, as we know, like that the west is very sensitive to the location of its installations on the territory of ukraine; it is foreign specialists who ensure their work is protected , including from our missiles. nikita, this means,
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this means that western instructors do not trust their bodybuilders.
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on this board there were their prisoners of war, because on our side some telegram channels are already publishing lists, i say again, we will not engage in information speculation either, we will wait for official statements, official lists, but they are on the internet, we have already found photographs, the names of these people from captivity, who recorded appeals even while in captivity, all this is already there, we are not showing it yet, we are waiting for our
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official statements, why in ukraine no one is still saying what happened, who was at this 87. admit, even if they this is indirectly recognized, those dry men who are hypothetically there, and even ready to carry out the criminal orders of the terrorist regime, first will understand that they are cannon fodder, secondly , those potential mobilized, or rather graved, yes, who have not yet been caught by representatives of local military registration and enlistment offices there, understand that in fact, they are just this cannon fodder for this simply bloody meat grinder, the third one seems to me also very... important point, why they don’t seem to admit, but at the same time they say that, well indirectly, in principle, we shot down, this in a sense once again shows that there can be no negotiations with the terrorist regime, they themselves do not want this, history began in the west, switzerland, we are ready to provide a platform for some kind of negotiations , we know that every time
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the west itself is more and more inclined to force ukraine to go, or at least create communication there. ukraine in this way is very cynical, well, of course, with the green light from its curators, and western ones, it shows that on the one hand they they say, in general, they are hanging noodles on their ears about possible negotiations, in fact , their main tactic for the near future, i am deeply convinced, given the successes of our fighters, these are just terrorist attacks, as many as possible, unfortunately, again i am very i want to be wrong, i am sure that this is not the last evidence that this is... by military personnel after the shelling, while azov militants were also killed by ukrainians , again they tried to shift all the blame onto us and said that it was us, using
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western weapons, destroyed the ukrainians prisoners of war. nikita says they will stop at nothing, yes, they will go to the last to destroy their own people. vladimir semyonovich, you know , what’s interesting is, well, there are all kinds of versions, of course, they can now put forward theories in their own name, but... an act of international terrorism according to all the canons of international law, the ministry of defense has said this, the minister of foreign affairs has already said this affairs sergei lavrov, because
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a transport plane was shot down, which did not cross the russian border, shot down over russia, shot down air defense means of another state, which has not yet declared war on us and does not have the legal right to be an example group, nor some kind of drone, but air defense.
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yes, it is being agreed upon, well, of course, everything is being agreed upon there, agreed behind closed doors between the special structures that deal with this, but
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since ukraine is already under the control of the british, they could not allow this exchange, and the destruction of prisoners of war in this situation is actually disruption of any kind of negotiations, which is what britain is seeking, west, certain forces in the united states. this is how i look at this terrorist act, okay, but purely theoretically, let’s assume that there could have been a human factor, they already have experience in shooting down planes, we remember the beginning of the 2000s in israel, but they shot down a plane, well, the human factor was accidental, but is it possible to assume that someone there accidentally fired without thinking, this is how it turned out, this is excluded, i repeat, why is it excluded, because the plane is russian. great britain,
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so there are no accidents here it could be that there is a purposeful terrorist act here, organized by ukraine by their sponsors from the air defense systems of another state, i think that in the near future the investigation, which is already being actively carried out by the investigative committee, will reveal this and there will be initial results. alexander vasilyevich, the list, unfortunately , is already widely circulated on the internet, but at least the relatives know the names for sure, they know that many were preparing for the exchange, now these relatives
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there in ukraine, these... dead guys - prisoners, they will ask questions to zelensky , zaluzhny, they hope to get answers , what level do you think this dialogue can reach between them, because on the part of the authorities everything is still very unclear, i can hardly imagine how zelensky can conduct what - communication with the families of the victims, of course, the cynicism there is off the charts, he has long since hit the bottom of every possible gain to any line, if he still manages to go to his relatives, but this will be, i don’t know, for ukraine, even this will be too much, he knows very well zelensky, what happened, who is involved in this is to blame, and the fact that these negotiations were disrupted means that these people also died, other people who were ready for the exchange, now it is also unclear when they will return to their families, this is a tragedy in so many families, for the ukrainian regime, it’s just a resource, these people are like cartridges, well, in some places there is more ammunition,
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in others they have less... no, they are cartridges, what’s surprising is that they value more than human lives, you know, they are massive throw in human resources for the sake of any provocations, for media effect, for some kind of tactical operation, in order to ask for more money, they don’t take people into account, they have such a division of labor, the west gives weapons and finances to maintain the regime, ukraine gives human flesh, that ’s the regime they work in, that’s why regarding the goals, you see, it’s not easy, they can justify it, saying, we thought they were transporting the s300 there, we shot it down there. and we are happy that the russian armed forces lost such a wonderful aircraft, in my opinion, the main idea may be to really disrupt the negotiations, but to show people, look, our dograda detachments on the field do not end, we have a dograda detachment standing here with missiles, they will shoot down those who entered the wave there 200, 149 200, pose with me volga went to surrender, ended up in an exchange, they say you will go for an exchange, remember elenovka, remember the plane, but in my opinion they...
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russia stated that ukraine shot down a military transport plane carrying ukrainian prisoners of war, is there any information about this in washington? no, we have not, we have seen the reports but are unable
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to confirm their authenticity. obviously doing our best to get more clarity and more information on this issue. it would be irresponsible of me to speculate; i am simply not prepared to confirm the veracity of these reports. understand, the russian country says one thing, and the ukrainian country says another. we simply do not have enough information to comment on what happened. sometimes a pause really says more than the speech itself. there are two options here: either the united states wants to leave ukraine in english, or rush in there again.
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said, the international community, represented by western representatives of the media, has already proven its generally discredited position, the international communities believe us, by which you mean the west, i am sure, and above all the anglo-saxons, we don’t really care about this, really their eyes hurt, so they do their best to avoid an honest conversation and... an answer to direct questions, but i would still like to get an official reaction from the west, sergei lavrov said that russia has urgently requested a meeting of the council of ministers for the un because of the terrorist attack against russian plane. by the way, russia insisted on holding this meeting urgently, but france, which now chairs the security council, spoke out, naturally, against it, and apparently they decided to give kiev more time to think about what...
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france, which supplies missiles, scalp, on just a minute. in connection with the terrorist attack committed by ukraine, the state duma is preparing an appeal to the united states congress and the german parliament. so that the west will finally understand who gets the weapons and money. nikit, well, a question about weapons, which the west supplies and which, with a high degree of probability, was used to destroy our il-76. most likely, these were either patri missiles or german irest missiles. if it were the s-300, they would have blamed us long ago, because this is a missile that we have in our arsenal, so far there is silence on this topic. we remember the entire incident when they once again wanted to introduce military action against north korea.
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the actions resulting from this, including in the international arena, do not follow, look, again, i’m speaking now of such a theoretical mental construction, but nevertheless less, if we admit that ukraine is a terrorist, that this is the zelensky regime, it means that with this regime, not with all of ukraine, with
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this terrorist regime, of course, there will be completely different actions, second, those countries that supply weapons with which they kill on the territory of the belgorod region, our guys, our pilots. accompanying, well, in fact, even captive listeners, well then automatically these countries are not just accomplices of terrorists, they are sponsors of terrorists, in my opinion, by the way, this is the silence of the west is largely due to the fact that they are very confused, all the facts and evidence that we now have, i am sure, we can still show to the world community, lavrov said correctly, we don’t care what they think in the west, but there are others, the world community is not only the west, when... you don’t have any counterarguments, of course, you have to cancel an urgent meeting of the security council, of course, kirby is absolutely inept at saying: we don’t have any data, listen, we all understand perfectly well , that actually the sbu, and there gur, and even more so
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in the ssu of ukraine, it is stuffed not just with instructors, but with those who actually lead all kinds of sabotage, military operations and so on, the americans have all this, why do they play that , that we don’t know anything, because... that from the point of view, excuse me, of information confrontation, this tragedy, it can open the eyes of the whole other world to how ukraine, together with the connection, with this west , is ready to take all sorts of steps, the most absolutely cynical and inhuman, to open your eyes, nikita , you need to have a desire, but there is no desire there, that’s the problem, in the west it’s 100% not, but we have other countries and we see that this understanding is sober. understanding of what the ukrainian regime is, for example, the countries of the middle east already have it, the countries of the global south already have it, in this sense, this history must of course be used, by the way, now france has blocked it, but in the next, next meeting for us, which will pass, no one for us
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will forbid not raising this topic, so i think we need to wait for our time. vladimir semyonovich, well, they started talking again about whether it’s time to recognize ukraine as a terrorist state, what will this do? will this work? a lot, but not so much in relation to ukraine, but really in relation to those who sponsor the state of terrorism, because in what conditions this terrorist act took place, on january 22, 23, the largest-scale nato exercises since the cold war began, in which it takes part almost 1000 nato troops, all means are involved.
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for ukraine, more than a thousand missiles for the patriot system, this system has already worked, we see, some will be delivered to ukraine, and some. another version of the reasons for what happened, the strike on
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the il-76 could have been the result of a confrontation between zelensky and the commander-in-chief in the armed forces of zaluzhny. our source reports that the air defense strike of the ukrainian armed forces is the fault of the president’s office, and not the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. the ukrainian air force is led by major general nikolai alishchuk. this is a protege of zelensky and ermak, like general syrsky. it is to them that the air defense and so on are subordinate. according to all our information , alichuk will not do anything until he consults with the head of the president’s office , andrei yermak. this mess cannot be attributed to zaluzhny. that's why there's such a pause at the bank. it will be difficult to find a scapegoat, which means they will try to hush up the topic or blame the russians. when you look at all this , you understand that such behind-the-scenes crunching of bones on the bank leads to the fact that the ukrainians themselves cannot collect their bones. even before the terrorist attack with il-76. larry johnson predicted that
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the ssu is afraid to attack large russian military installations, so they are increasingly looking for other targets. russia is moving forward in such a way that ukraine is suffering horrific losses in personnel. the average age of ukrainian soldiers is now 43-44 years. however, all these rousing speeches about ukraine continuing to fight are still heard, but they have to attack civilian targets. did the situation at the front change it or did the situation influence this terrorist attack? let's find out from the journalist podalaki, he joins our conversation. yuri ivanovich, hello. good afternoon. your version about the il-76, who could have been the customer, could the situation at the front have influenced such a decision, and how will this terrorist attack affect the situation at the front now? this has absolutely nothing to do with the front, these are purely
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internal squabbles within the ukrainian elite, i have been trying for many months to convey a simple idea that the ukrainian elites are heterogeneous, some of them are oriented towards britain, this is the president in including zelensky, and some in the united states, including zaluzhny, hence the confrontation, the confrontation not because the zelenskys there don’t like each other, but because the british and the united states have their own. vision of the development of the situation in ukraine, they have their own interests, which absolutely, well, do not coincide, because for the british the most important thing is to weaken russia in all possible ways, including they want the united states to use its resources to pursue these same british interests , americans have their own interests, the main thing for them is the enemy is china, and if we remember, before the start of the northern military district, they even tried to come to an agreement with us somehow that we would leave the chinese alone to be torn to pieces when...
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actions related to the collapse of zelensky’s power, or perhaps even he ceased to be the president of ukraine, the new leadership, and accordingly there could have been some kind of agreements, some behind the scenes initially, and then some more serious ones, this completely put an end to british interests in this region, it was no coincidence that the british invested a lot here years of their resources, and from here the british , accordingly, should not have, did not want this to develop further, and if we look closely... let's see, this is purely british handwriting, mi-6, these are such
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provocations, and they immediately killed several birds with one stone , destroyed the american game and, accordingly, returned ukraine to the upliftment entirely by their policies, leaving no chance for the americans, because the americans cannot simply admit that the british are such bastards, yes, this immediately causes discord within ukraine and this project is completely ruined, and from here the british beautifully, with soft force, forced the americans to act in a way that suits their interests and...
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trench warfare, they are dragging us into an eternal one. the question here is that we are being dragged into defense, we will not withstand the way the russians storming, the way they are going, well, such statements, of course, it’s strange that this is
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a drying rack in civilian clothes in kiev, and not at the front, but nevertheless, he probably has information, maybe, yes, are they really are moving. who travel around ukraine and push like this the so-called mobilization case, or the case of continuing the war until the last ukrainian, i call it differently. by the way, it’s also a very interesting point, why is this catastrophe of forces 76, why is it so very important , why did the british need to do something, because look what the british offered, in fact they already offered to the ukrainians,
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mobilization, complete total mobilization, war before the last ukrainian, how ukrainian society reacted to this , it’s clear that what was essentially proposed by his gang, i them... the kiev regime and the west are not embarrassed in any way, more in addition, they are trying to do everything to
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support zelensky, meaning themselves, the head of the british ministry of defense granshaps rushed to persuade everyone to continue pumping money and weapons into ukraine. the uk is leading the way in supporting ukraine, we were the first to hand over long range precision strike missiles, like the storm shadow behind me. we were the first to train the ukrainian military on our soil and the first to send modern western tanks to ukraine, and now we promise to back up that leadership by increasing military aid to 2.5 billion pounds next year, and now it's time for the rest of us to follow suit: from washington to brussels, if we don't...
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europe needs to discuss how each country can contribute so that we significantly increase support. well, apparently, western rulers do not want to stop financial flows from pocket to pocket. but it’s not just scholz from germany that the country’s defense minister boris pistorius promised at an online meeting of the contact group on ukraine that berlin is going to send helicopters to kiev. germany will supply ukraine six multi-purpose helicopters. this was stated by minister boris pistorius at the eighteenth ramstein forum. the bundeswehr will also supply spare parts for this type of helicopter to ukraine, but deliveries will begin only in the second half. but the most incredible thing in this story of western help to ukraine is that western countries are pushing each other to
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help, saying: come on, come on, you haven’t helped much yet, but at the same time they themselves confirm over and over again that these are our personal weapons reserves the warehouses are almost empty, although the ukrainian army needs more weapons and ammunition, nevertheless it should not count heavily on increased help from the west, it has already been emptying its reserves for almost... a year to help kiev, now they are so depleted that in many warehouses it is already visible the bottom of the barrel, including in the warehouses of nato countries. well, by the way, the united states is refusing supplies at a meeting of donors, america announced in russia that there is no money for ukraine. the us has run out of money for ukraine. they are unable to send ammunition and missiles that kyiv needs. on tuesday, the minister...
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in ukraine we don’t lead, when they need to, they say: ukraine, wait in the corridor, we will give you our decision later. therefore, this is like a series, you know, you know that i know that, that you know, and this is an attempt to put us on the right track. in fact, as was mentioned, there are indeed contradictions here; contradictions in the anglo-saxon camp are manifesting themselves in ukraine. there are different visions of how to govern and who will control ukraine there in london and in washington. that’s why we hear these speeches, well, as if we have nothing to attack with. they realized that yes, indeed , ukraine’s offensive potential is gone, then only the loss of territories is possible, so very powerful voices are heard in the west that
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let’s fix everything, now let’s move on to peace negotiations, because american corporations are looking at the territory of ukraine as their own territory, they are already waiting for us to start cultivating it, but the british have a slightly different task, they want, no, let us fight some more, let us here we will also try to realize these phantom pains of imperial ambitions from sea to sea under our control. therefore, all this is manifested on the territory of ukraine, contradictions specific to the west, but in general both of them agree to maintain a hot spot on the body of russia so that even if some territory remains under control, so that they can use it to accumulate forces , they say: now we have no weapons, nothing, they will accumulate forces in 3-5 years, if under their control there remains a territory where such a person will rule nazi pro-western regime, and then they will pursue the same policy that they pursued in the donbass from 14 to 22, building fortifications, burrowing into the ground, accumulating weapons of various types, well , perhaps, as another crazy idea
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will come to their minds, again black attack on russia, but more collectively there by the forces of nat, in general the british should satisfy their imperial ambitions in a squabble with the united states, which crushed them in the early forties, the same atlantic charter, generally devaluing the pound, creating a mass troubles for britain. but you see how everything works out, russia is always to blame for everything. nikita, well, whoever was behind this terrorist attack, i think we will look into it, we will find out for sure, but nevertheless, interest in ukraine has again appeared on the front pages, ukraine with this il-76 terrorist attack. could this contribute to the fact that western countries will be more active in allocating money for weapons to ukraine? i think one of the goals is for europe to still be able to do this. adopt a plan to allocate 50 billion euros over 3 years, we see how separate negotiations either with hungary or with
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slovakia, which are countries that, as we know, are not willing to give up. european money to ukraine, but nevertheless these processes are taking place, we see how in the united states of america, against the backdrop of internal conflicts and internal contradictions , theoretically, the fact that lloyd austin came to this meeting so sad suggests that for now some we did not find a consensus on the allocation of funds to ukraine, but this does not mean at all that the money will not be allocated, the second very important point is that we we see that the west is still trying with all its might to show that the current situation , well, by and large, is just the beginning of such a global confrontation, more and more materials have begun to come out in the west that indicate that there will soon be a direct clash between nato and russia, and under this story, under the promotion of public opinion, which is preparing for war with russia, it is possible to achieve an increase in military
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budgets, it is possible to achieve the allocation of money and the allocation of additional funds. ukraine, and most importantly, they really really want to launch their flywheel of military rails, because after almost two years of a special military operation, we saw that from the point of view of the military-industrial complex, the entire united west cannot cope with russia, again i remember a year ago, we heard statements from scholz, we will win on the battlefield, i remember how the bravura austin came to ramstein, constantly declaring that here are the missiles, here are the tanks. here are anti-aircraft installations and so on, nothing helped, moreover, the warehouses are empty, moreover, public opinion in europe and america is getting tired of the topic of ukraine, it ’s starting to irritate very much, these are the kind of terrorist stories that break into the headlines of the media, which naturally get the go-ahead to spin it, talk about it again threat from russia, help return ukraine to the center of public discussion, another thing
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is that tactically they can do this again for... some period of time, but in order to maintain this level, there must be terrorist attacks and tragedies even more large-scale, so unfortunately, this is an alarming call, or something must change on the front line, so ukrainian telegram channels write that in order to attract the attention of the west, zelensky is even ready to take the risk of changing tactics. our source in the president's office said that the president's office is ready for a protracted war and is not going to freeze the conflict. and the banks want to change the strategy of delivering more strikes on the enemy’s infrastructure in the deep rear in order to strengthen the information component. pavel kukushkin, war correspondent, joins our conversation. pavel, hello, how is the situation in the donetsk direction? are there visible changes in tactics that some insiders are talking about? yes, hello, ruslan, olesya, well, as for
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the donetsk direction, so far there are no changes here, our heroic fighters. the 150th guards division that liberated marinka, let me remind you, the same division that hoisted the banner of victory over the reikstag, these are now the descendants, well, one might say, the successors of their work, they are fighting, here they are got caught up in the eastern outskirts of georgievka, georgievka is a small settlement that is located on the highway to kurakhovo, i remember kurakhovo, such a serious supply center as the marina group, well, now it is. and marinskaya became for the ukrainian nazis, and ugledarskaya. now there are battles, quite heavy battles in georgievka, already in the most populated area on its eastern outskirts, and since the ukranazis naturally resist with all their might, realizing that with the loss of this populated area, so in the settlement of novomikhailovka, which is located to the south, we have operational space to attack the flank of the already
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ugledar group of ukranazis, so the battles are going on there. heavy, but our fighters are biting into it meter by meter, this also applies to novomikhailovka, which is located to the south, there they go around it from three sides, from the north, from the east from the south, they are already squeezing it into a semi-ring, resting, seriously resting ukranazis, but nevertheless , our guys are moving forward meter by meter, so you designated two points of kurakhov as logistics center , where this support comes from... well, from georgievka it’s about 10 km to kurakhov - well, that’s along the highway, if roughly speaking we’re talking about car traffic, of course it’s nothing, but in fact for the advancement of our fighters, considering that everything is there bit into the ground, the ukronazis,
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of course, where they managed to build fortifications, of course. will still deal with maksimilyanovka, the same goes for novomikhailovka, novomikhailovka itself is not on the highway, then next comes the settlement of konstantinovka, where also dug in, naturalists, they won’t just surrender these territories, but the settlement of konstantinovka itself is located right on the highway, so the goal of our breakthrough is right now the intermediate goal is konstantinovka, so that when we reach it we can block the highway, which.. supplies the ugledar group. thank you very much, war correspondent, pavel kukushkin was in direct contact with us. the united states does not want to resolve the situation in ukraine, despite the fact that they still cannot agree
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allocation of the next package to the kiev regime, they have been living in a certain logic since the cold war. and here's what the american senator said about this. the age-based senate, which was brought up during the cold war, remembers this telegram from george cannon, temporarily charged with american affairs in the ussr, in fact, the architects of the cold war, they still think in those categories, but
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if a change occurs, but for the younger generation , will there be a turning point in this logic of the united states, or will it just at the front we are capable and nothing will happen because logic is not cold. it turned out that a large number, somewhere up to half of all congressmen and senators of the united states , are direct lobbyists of the us military-industrial complex, they either worked there, or their relatives, children work there, or they have shares, or they are members of the club certain, therefore.
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the united states of america is now trying , with the help of this image of the enemy , to promote russia again. and the military-industrial complex, but at the same time we we see that the elites themselves are in such bad relations that they cannot do anything, i am again deeply convinced that despite the fact that america, of course, remains
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the hegemon, it is already an ear of clay, it does not have the same power as it used to have before this, but nevertheless, in order to save their status, it is very profitable for them to sow this chaos, they really benefit from the story with ukraine, but it is extremely unprofitable for them to use the example on purpose. military operation, the whole world saw that russia not only survived, achieved its goals, but also united the rest of the world around itself, which also no longer wants to live at the behest of the americans, and of course, the americans are actually preparing for such a long-term confrontation with china, now the story with ukraine is becoming for them a suitcase without a handle, these are those the same senators just recently said, this is a better investment, look, we give tens of billions of dollars to ukraine, and they fight against the russians. this is how we invest in our military-industrial complex, in our security and so on, this, by the way, is true, so that, well, our dear the audience understood that those hundreds of billions that were sent from america to ukraine, 75, and maybe even 80%
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of them remained inside the american economy, but even now, now they understand that this level, which they could maintain a year ago, has already not enough, so they feel like they are losing, i realized what the difference is between us and them, the united states of america.
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love tomorrow on the first, vodka veda, product of stellor group. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the enemy is rushing to leningrad, and you looking for excuses, reproach!
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metronome, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, it is our duty to leningrad. operation spark. i have never wanted to live as much as i want now. i want to live to see victory. cinema epic blockade. on saturday on the first. i will not run away from the enemy, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand.
11:55 am
today we have a family evening, celebrity guests with their wonderful parents, that’s it, we’re relaxing, i started acting when i was seven years old, honestly, i don’t help her, she’s really on her own, that’s it definitely absolutely, in general, at first she stood in a line, sang like everyone else, i said, you can put her near the microphone, dad decided, we thought that we had a super brilliant child.
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“this is my treasure, these are the first medals that arthur dedicated to his mother, thanks to our parents for their contribution to the development of us all. on saturday, on the first. he was a genius in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life. i bow to peter the great,
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premiere, on sunday on the first. at vdnkh in these days the international exhibition of the russia forum continues its work, all 89 subjects of our great country are represented there, all of them present their achievements, governor vasily aleksandrovich orlov spoke about the achievements of the amur region in the stream of the popular front. here at the pavilion we tried
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to show all the main directions of development of the amur region, there are seven of them, but special emphasis was placed on three, because these three directions are directly supervised by the president of the russian federation. first of all - this everything connected with the vostochny cosmodrome , you know that the first one has been in operation for a long time, 15 launches have been carried out, almost 3 and a half hundred spacecraft have been launched from the vostochny cosmodrome, in fact, as of today, the second one will be commissioned in the near future turn, this is another launch pad for a heavy class rocket, amgara a5, the first one is empty, which is planned in april of this year, and if we talk about prospects, then with the eastern cosmodrome.
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and another large plant in the gas cluster - this is the sibur gas chemical complex, which we are also building, and the total cost of these three projects is more than 2 trillion rubles. one of the most investment-intensive projects in russia. and finally, the third project that the president is overseeing is the development project for the eastern test site. you know that the transip, lake baikal and the amur mainline pass through the amur region, and there are very serious important tasks. for the development of these railway lines, for the development of the eastern training ground, intensive work is underway on the construction of artificial structures, bridges, tunnels, the second branch of the bama river is actually being built, so here are three of the seven directions on which we place special emphasis here at the pavilion of the omuzh region. i
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know that many of our viewers have already been to the russia forum exhibition, vdnkh. those who haven’t been yet, be sure to visit; those who will be in moscow, be sure to do so, but those who do not have this opportunity, subscribe to the telegram channel. stream popular front, there are regularly published materials about this exhibition forum, i was there personally, i really liked it, i need to go again times, because we have something to be proud of, and the achievements of our regions of our country as a whole are presented very worthy. we give the floor to the information service of the first channel. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. black ones were found near belgorod this morning.


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