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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 25, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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starting from the planes themselves, military uniforms and ending with small items, this is important, because in many families , things dear to their hearts, left over from grandparents and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, awards, buttonholes, watches, smoking pipes, accordions, are carefully kept along with their memories. you will feel in the film, it’s about mine too, the film resonates in the heart, because most of the viewers compare it like clockwork, with the most valuable memories, my grandmother is a blessing, at one time she was evacuated here to lake polada, my mother is already here was born, so... well, the film is generally close to me, it’s true, to compare it with my grandmother’s stories and the video film, well, probably, a rethinking happened, there was a good question in the film, that’s what the homeland is, is the homeland more important to a person than anything else? man, there was a very good answer that without a person there is no homeland, and without a homeland there is no person, the picture is not only in its atmosphere, destinies, details, as if it is woven into the life of each of us, you would rather not watch the film.
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will show, we warmly welcome the audience first channel, this is the studio and stream of the popular front, ekaterina shugaeva, anatoly kuzichev, alexander pelevin and vladimir sergienko. go!
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we want to talk, well , not exactly about the image of the future, well, there is such a thing, i don’t know how to say it, a formula or a meme in the mouth, which means the liberals say that ukraine, you know, why it went to the west, i -i thought because of the betrayal of the elites there because of something else, because people were fooled as, well, okay, different, because, like, she was offered an image.
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from biotexcom says that the business model that has allowed him to build one of the most profitable surrogacy companies in the world is simple exploitation. we look for women in the former soviet republics because they must be from poorer countries than our clients. as ukrainians fell into poverty, their country quickly emerged as the international capital of the surrogacy industry. today, ukraine controls at least a quarter of the world market, despite the fact that it resides here. less than 1% of the world's population of course, the headline i just don’t know, i was amazed by the factories producing children in ukraine are making record profits against the backdrop of the war, i ’m right, this is an image of the future , yes, why are these women from ukraine because ukraine has plunged into poverty and these women are giving birth practically for free , yes of course and they are white, beautiful, great , it seems like it’s free.
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there is, well, what is it called, the price list is 39.00 euros v what does vip mean and what does premium standard mean, probably also what is it , someone will explain to us, i have no idea choice of gender without choice of waiting would be amazing 24-hour care if she then feeds him with milk, i understand correctly, and then why are there no gender- neutral damn things?
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someone else remember said like they were trawling you , give us money, says the soldier, we will deliver with you and like kuleba yes will like we will do there the job something like that like and we and we will already do your job for you that is, it’s true american soldiers stay at home you say you appreciate it and we will do this job the job i have a question for ordinary ukrainians this is to listen and not understand that they are being sold from right to left, well, in theory , at least some kind of national pride should begin to play, probably if there is any. of course, me too, this is some kind of mystery, let's give our viewers the opportunity to speak out, so who called us, oksana called us, yes, if i understand correctly, oksan, please, hello, where are you from, yes, oksan, say, hello, are you on air, oksana, please,
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uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, hello, i have a question, recently more and more announcements from ukrainian women who want to be with... in these circumstances, because their authorities simply, well, don’t seem to consider them as people, here’s a question for you , what do you think the west offered to zelensky and other supporters of the kiev regime, that they are ready to dispose of their own people. oksana, you know my
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question, do you have children? no , well, we’re planning, i think, i have children, i just can’t imagine what i need to offer so that i... what should be offered to ukraine, yes, so that they are ready for the ukrainian authorities , so that they dispose of the ukrainians, and i want to say, i want to continue your question, oksana , and expand it, and what else should have been said to the ukrainians so that they would be ready to be disposed of, excuse me for this nasty word, i don’t know , please, sasha, you know,
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the americans recently announced that they are fighting the houthis - not because of money, but because of their ideology, but stop, because their ideology is money. accordingly, everything that americans can offer someone, can give someone, it’s all just loot, no not freedom, not democracy, it’s money, but not everything in the world is measured by money, probably not everything. well, actually, excuse me for the pathos , it seems to me that this is more or less what we are for, i also think we are not psychopaths or hypocrites, but more or less this is what we are fighting for, so that not everything is measured at least like this, i don’t think that ukrainians fight for money, i don’t think that they often fight voluntarily , they are driven there, this is also a fact, and they voluntarily sell children, as for children, well, there is a market, there is demand, once again...
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i can’t pronounce this word normally, newspapers, yes, we listened to all sorts of echoes of moscow, in which they talked about how good it is there, i’ve lived there for 30 years, i know perfectly well what ’s good and what’s bad, and i know exactly how they’re planning sometimes a family there, for example , people in same-sex marriages, they have precisely distributed the money where they will buy a child in ukraine, yes, why not, they say that they will raise him, okay, that is, these things in the west are also put on rails, where society does not condemn, but where society is created.
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they are in conditions where they must survive, either your government will crush you, or on the front line, or run away. here, maybe it’s time for the elite to change, the time for the elites has long come to change in ukraine, but this is what the elites did, for me there was such a moment, i need to return to it often, i remember when poroshenko, then he was the current president of ukraine , said this: our children were still nodding their heads, he will go to school, and yours will be in the basements, you are morally damaged, an oligarch, a billionaire, you had money in russia, you were also president, you carried on this rhetoric, and pumped up money from russia or...
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no one supports scholz, the worst chancellor of germany, to put an end to it, i will say that this phenomenon needs to be studied, that people don’t realize that they do, but they live and cannot do anything about it, they have imposed on you a model of perceiving the world in which you are already covered in blood and hatred, your loved ones have already died in the war, it seems like there is no way out, in fact there is a way out.
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well, oksana asked a good important question , what should have been offered to the elites and what should have been said to the people so that they would continue, excuse me for this word, it’s really disgusting, i really don’t like it, but you can’t erase the words from the song, so that they would offer to dispose of their own people, i remembered, i once brought this to stream of the popular front this example, i accidentally came across i told you, do you remember the psychological experiment of the soviet period and the soviet period. another black and white photograph, we see, from the sixties, a table, sitting at it, how many children are there, a psychologist, two
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there are pyramids, black and white, yeah, yes , the psychologist says, like mashenka, and mashenka apparently was, well, they talked her into it, well, for the experiment, uh, what kind of pyramids, what color are these pyramids, she says, both black, seryozha, both black , says seryozha, it’s clear that he seems embarrassed by kids about five , maybe four, six, uh, there, zhenya , both are black, in short, that’s it... they don’t say both are black, then the psychologist says, very elegantly, he says : seryozha, please move the black pyramid towards me, he just moves it, but please bring me the white one he moves the pyramid once and says, you said that... they are both black, why did you say that they are both black? i don’t know, well, because everyone said that they were both black, but they all knew that there was a white one, but they all knew that one of them was white, you know, i’m thinking that i’m really, i’m trying sincerely, i’m trying to imagine not from the point of view of political science, some kind of global processes, just human psychology, i think that in reality it
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should rather be looked for in the direction where both blacks everyone knows what really everyone says something like this. using ukrainians as human labor, as cheap soldier power, and so on, this... is characteristic of europeans , again let us recall that the last zoo with africans in belgium closed in 1957, and it seems to me that soon they will have zoos with the ukrainians are a zoo with africans, but they also consider us people, they dehumanize everyone, well, they said that the european union is a blooming garden, which not everyone can get into yet, you still have to earn it to get in, but i have a question: you
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they said that when same-sex marriages, same-sex marriages in germany, let’s say, they know exactly and wrote down everything from whom they will buy the child. so they will buy from the indians, for example, or from the ukrainian pa and for them there is no difference even in i tried to plunge into this topic from the point of view, well, let’s do this, it’s never true that a husband and wife live, they have a problem, they ordered child, they want to have a full-fledged family, there are individual cases when it’s really not only germany, it’s not only europe, let’s do it, rich japanese they do this too, it’s almost like when you go into a car... the salesman, if he’s skilled, says white, green, you want air conditioning, but we already have air conditioning, at the children’s market they ask in the same way what kind you want, blue-eyed, fair-haired, white, for exoticism, black , that is, everything is the same, for them it is absolutely normal, for them it is immoral, ethically not condemned, after which he submits all the documents, they get the one
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they ordered , not only that, but also a guarantee there is, here i am a guarantee. lived, did not live in the union, volodya, you want to get to america, but they won’t let me in, so what, well, this is a question, so to speak , this is a joke, this is a joke, this is a joke, i repeat, a joke, they just usually say yes , i want to, that’s why i went to serve in the strategic missile forces, oh zo, oh that’s it, base, missile forces, this is a base, missile forces, yes
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, you can get to america there, you know, yes, friends, once again, this is a joke, well, humor. well, now nicky haley, if he finally leaves the race, he will not just be the republican candidate who is around the republicans will unite, and in general some certain forces, i’m not afraid of this word, which have their own vision, so to speak, of the prospects of america and in general, excuse the collective west, i’m not even afraid to say pretentiously, that which forces that want and seeing the degradation,
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fall and destruction, they want to somehow stop it or at least slow it down, the return here... writes that the return of trump could be the end of the usual - for the shadow elites of the west, at least the world order. trump's allies in europe are already preparing for his victory, victory is allegedly being plotted a conspiracy against the achievements of the world globalists. listen to a very characteristic , so to speak, consideration on this topic. trump's allies are plotting to take over the european union. it would be funny if it weren't so potentially tragic and fraught with consequences. if conservative and right-wing forces, consider them allies of donald trump in europe, replace the current consensus in the european parliament, then this will be a signal for political change in europe, and even worse, the onslaught of... the right could mean the end of europe, while the european union contemplates enlargement to the east, a rebellion from within threatens to lead to the end of europe itself. here, of course, we need to turn to the european vladimir vladimirovich and
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ask what trump has in store for him? no , you feel, look, it means there is an uprising from within, a flight of conspiracies, there is such a thing, of course there is, thank you, of course, it’s good, i was worried, great friends, by the way, there were congresses of conservatives in america. in europe, precisely under the strict leadership of orban and trump, we need to worry about trump so that a ukrainian missile does not overtake him somewhere, because it really poses an existential threat to transatlantic thinking in general, trump is very clear that if they are now trying to suppress, for example, the tariff war between the european union and the united states, it exists, it exists through picture tubes, a new generation of steel, that is, no one has removed it, it’s just starting to escalate, he clearly sets the conditions , i’ll remind you how it was when he said: we have a surplus, you have a deficit, let’s squeeze out the trade balance, it’s tough, in this regard
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, europe, well, sort of by itself, it sub-american, if we take everything that is happening in the european parliament, verticals, these are, of course, transatlantes, trump is not interested in europe if it does not bring profit, there is no ideology, no morality, there is only trade, security, trading in loot.
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some unwanted politicians , even presidents, but they have such, so to speak, experience and even a habit, so in the meantime trump himself is threatened with a conspiracy, i don’t know, or at least. but absolutely. 47, there's actually 47 dollars in hand, someone counted 47 dollars, or ak47,
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i don’t know.
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well, that this topic really exists and is being seriously discussed, this is indeed a fact, last fall, when we had elections in donbass and international observers came, since i myself, so to speak, was kicked out by the americans back in 1977, just by the way when trump 2017, that means, well, yes, well, yes, yes, 2017, thank you for mentioning that i am over a thousand years old. american election specialists and naturally i, they came to came to us for a press conference, so naturally i couldn’t miss the moment, i started asking them about their own elections, one of them said: well, i think that trump and biden are the clear nominees, but biden most
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likely just won’t make it.
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them against them is against whom in this context the author wrote against the elites, she says that it’s somehow wrong to look at the world through the prism of party differences, you need to look at like ordinary people are the elite, and it’s so funny to me, this is actually a kind of pseudo-marxism , a class approach that they're kind of rediscovering it, but again it's true. i have always perceived trump as a populist, a nationalist, a voluntarist, plus he, of course, is an outsider. here the amazing thing is that a billionaire, as if a person belongs to these elites by birth, but he managed to position himself this way, by the way, in many ways, thanks to his skill as a tv character.
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these sexual deviations and about anything, we perceive with confusion there and all sorts of things about how to teach children, how to relate to their history, how to relate to traditional values, this is all the views of this lower elite, in this sense the publication is very useful, this is how much trump really is an outsider for them, or how much he acts from the position of an outsider , because it is politically beneficial for him, and this is real, we see, we see real ones.
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andrey konstantin, well, trump, do you know what he says? he says: “they silenced me for 4 years .” and when he says: “they, you also said that this would be an election between them and us. that’s when he says they, he is talking precisely about those very elites to which he may not belong. or is he now opposing himself to him, in his mouth it would probably be just a little ridiculous to say exactly like that, that i am the elite, and i am not the elite. this is implied. he uses a different image, he uses an image. swamp and deep state, underground , deep state, that is, in short, this is the bureaucracy, washington and the ruling one, which faithfully serves this very implied elite, because it itself wants
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to get involved in them over time, remember when trump i went to the elections, so to speak, as he said, i say i will drain this washington swamp, another thing is that it didn’t work out, but this is the same image, the columnist is brilliant in other ways. they are to blame, by the way, election plans and programs have already been developed, the first point in these plans is draining the swamp, specific, seriously, seriously, i won’t go into it, because there are details, i understand, i understand, the columnist is, i repeat, a brilliant americanist andrey shitov, was in direct contact with us, andrey konstantinovich, thank you very much, see you in broadcast, we are waiting for you in our studio, it seems to me that there is something to talk about, a short comment, friends, we only have a minute, right here, poom-poom, there are 47 dollars. i found out during this time that, firstly, trump was born in forty-six, not forty-seven, but there is a game called hitman, where agent 47 destroys, electrifies various people, and they mention hitman, by the way, they mention trump in this computer game , yes, so i think,
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wait, now again, the game hitman, 47, there is a mention of trump, this is valid functions, yes, so i think this is a clear threat, an attempt on the life of a presidential candidate. i think soros will get to the point where secret will take over the service, just look at the faces of soros, this is either his grandson or his son, these are partial reptilians, these are some kind of reptilists, this is not a virus, it seems to me, when they, when they blink, they have such a changing pupil, i don’t know, take a closer look, listen, this is universal advice in any case, it seems to me that eyes are always relevant, take a closer look, thank you for attention to the viewers of channel one, friends, see you soon on air. look carefully, you will recognize him, grandfather, in the center , we are a coward, money and gold do not interest me, you will go to russia today, return the sacred treasures of the nation and from these
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treasures, my father, for he is an amateur, you will excuse me, of course, but all this doesn’t look very plausible, there are secrets that have no statute of limitations, today is after the program. cognac, old barrel, a product of the steller group, what else am i, or a brotherhood, harsh men-revolutionaries based on love and devotion to which my soul could finally rest, or i am looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs.
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owl in search of love, tomorrow on the first, to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. brad is heading to leningrad, and you are looking for excuses. this is the siren that sounded on the air. the feeling of hunger is terrible, it’s when
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you want to eat all the time, but there’s nothing to eat, i have no strength, i can’t get around to chewing, it was hell, hello, hello, can you hear me, tanks and infantry broke through to our positions, i ask for support, well, here is a familiar room, here is an embrasure in which to carry a cannon, if at least one german breaks through in your area. even on a tank , even on horseback on a stick, i’ll shoot you, we endured everything, we believed that the war would end soon, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, it’s our duty, to leningrad, on saturday on the first, bourbon steersman, a stellar product. for vladimir vysotsky’s birthday
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they will lose with pure gold, we only rely on the strength of our hands, on the hands of a friend and a driven hook, how close and affectionate you are, my avinist, my affection became, i carried my misfortune to the spring. i loved him on the ice in the past sadder than graves, everything tender in me , without wings, i spread fields for lovers, vladimir semyonich, what difference does it make to you, it really wasn’t possible to live longer, we didn’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time to look back , and sons. going into battle! premiere, its own track. on saturday
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on the first. he was a genius in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life. i i bow to peter the great, ivan ii and ivan iv the terrible. the greatest merit is vladimirovich. he saved this inheritance. lenin would like to allow the lease of our country. kamchatka, for example, to lease to the americans, moreover, he further developed this, you need to learn how to trade culturally, solve problems culturally, confiscating all the property from everyone was not a very right idea, in my opinion. the lenin chervonets, gold, became the most powerful currency in europe, and women received 21 privileges. to say that lenin was a supporter of family values, well, definitely not. one of the first lenin decrees was to facilitate divorce. but i read it.
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this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery krablev. both black boxes of the il-76, which shot down the ukrainian armed forces over the belgorod region , have been found, the technical condition is good, the devices will be delivered by special flight to the laboratory of the ministry of defense on... another terrorist attack by the zelensky regime. two missiles were launched from
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the kharkov region. ukrainian prisoners of war were transported on the plane for exchange. it's clear, that the kyiv authorities were aware of the route. now they are trying to come up with at least some clear explanations. well, the west helps to gain time for this. only this can explain the rampant abuse of power on the part of france, says the first deputy of our permanent representative to the un, dmitry polyansky. paris, now the chairman of the un security council, refuses. the french presidency chose to abuse its powers as president of the security council in january and refuses to meet our demands for an urgent meeting of the council for the un in connection with the terrorist attack by the kiev regime against our plane transporting ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange. it is a pity that the once glorious french diplomacy has been devalued to such a petty
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scam. the head of our foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, spoke about kiev’s methods; he is also now in new york. the minister drew attention to this fact. immediately after the crash, the ukrainian side declared its success, but as soon as it became known that prisoners were being transported on the plane , officials knew about the exchange, the kiev propaganda has become a quote: sweeping bravura reports of victories under the carpet, trying to come up with some explanations. the commander of the ukrainian air force said: “russia shot down the plane to discredit ukraine.” there were 65 ukrainian prisoners and three accompanying persons on board the il-76. six crew members, the pilots led the falling plane away from residential buildings, in orenburg, people bring flowers to the military unit where the pilots served. today in st. petersburg the district military court will announce the verdict in the case of a terrorist attack, the victim of which vladlen tatarsky became a military correspondent in april last year. more than 50 people were injured then.
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the accused daria trepova, at the direction of ukrainian curators, brought a figurine with an explosive device to the cafe where the creative evening was taking place. handed it to the military correspondent. later , trepova tried to convince the investigation that she did not know about the bomb and thought it was a surveillance device inside, but the results of a private investigation indicate otherwise. she was the one who activated the device. in addition, it was established that the crime had been in preparation for a long time on the territory of ukraine. dmitry is also in the dock kosintsev, who hid trepova in his apartment after the terrorist attack, the prosecution is asking for 28 years in prison for her. for kosintsev - 1 year and 10 months. strong explosions at ukrainian armed forces facilities, powerful strikes in kharkov, telegram channels write about this. the authorities confirmed the arrivals in odessa, an attack on military enterprises in krivoy rog. and the successful operation of our fighters near the serebryansky forestry - this is the krasno-limansk direction, the rotation of militants was disrupted. under the attack of hail, also an
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enemy stronghold. russian attack aircraft su-25 broke up positions in the ssu. there was another successful maneuver by our pilots, the k-52 alligators knocked out ukrainian armored vehicles. drones and reconnaissance aircraft were destroyed in the kupinsky direction, and in the same area , enemy dugouts became the target of our military. near artyomovsk, paratroopers shot down lelek’s enemy drone, and the arrow complex worked. the donetsk direction is one of the hottest spots right now. the village of bogdanovka, after the enemy was driven out of artyomovsk, ukrainian militants tried to establish a bridgehead there, good they are trying to hold on to fortified positions at any cost, but our fighters are moving forward meter by meter, already more than half of the strategically important settlement is under the control of russian troops. from an editorial report by amir iisupov. now we are
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on the steps of bogdanovka - this is a rare case when you can walk close to your escort, even on the road in some places. illuminated with a flashlight, because the fighters of the bors unit of the volunteer corps placed electronic warfare systems in the vicinity there’s no way a quadcopter can fly here. drones flying up to our positions have not been seen here for a long time; when they fly into the protective dome, they simply fall, immediately lose control, and are able to regain control; there is no enemy. the guys are counting the neutralized drones; they have already filled up the notebook and moved on to the walls. this is a small part. 20106. at the moment, how many 106, 106 drones have been planted, this is what kind of drone, this and these are the results of the work of just one turnip calculation, there are dozens of them around bogdanovka, so all our fighters are moving and they work relatively calmly , of course they fly back at the artillerymen, but
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the gunners hit by, they can’t adjust the gun from the air, they work blindly across the squares in the hope of getting a hit, the cassettes went, the cassettes went, the cassettes went. response of the cassettes in a strip along the mountain, the cassettes passed through the mountain and here they also lay down, that is, they snap back in response of their own accord, before we had rap systems in this area it was much more difficult for the artillerymen, the enemy covered without stopping, they worked there directly continuously, they worked until such to the extent that my mortar simply exploded, i got a direct hit, that they threw 50, yeah, that is, 50, 40 shells per mortar, they didn’t spare it, our soldiers are shooting so much now, beauty. the artillery works constantly, does not give, does not allow the enemy to breathe at all. the other day , artillery firing from a clove managed to hit a loophole, a narrow hole in a concrete pillbox. handsome gentlemen. it was the fighters of the bors detachment, together with the guards of the 200th brigade of the northern fleet, who were the first to enter bogdanovka i
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’m deliberately short, too, i think, let me see, there’s heat coming from it, the building is sitting , well, it’s heavy construction, footage taken by our drone operators even before the first assault, the guys thoroughly and scrupulously reconnoitred the area and only then went on the attack, we’re sitting in bogdanovka, that’s how it got there, and that’s all today birth and this is the first. video filmed in bogdanovka itself, in a house on the outskirts. now more than half of the settlement is under the control of our troops, we are moving slowly. vysu is strengthening its position. everybody there dug in, there are trenches, passages in front of each house, between each house, there are trenches right between the streets, the enemy is sitting everywhere, uh, every 50-100 m there is a machine gun. it’s very difficult, everything, very difficult. the enemy is holding on to every corner, every house. a very difficult situation. the command of the ukrainian armed forces sends foreign mercenaries to bogdanovka. the company commander returned from a recent assault with a captured american machine gun and a rare ukrainian rifle made to
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nato standards. caliber 7.62x51, this is nato, right? where can i get ammunition for her? how about nato members? hundreds of volunteers come to the front. there are even female stormtroopers in the bors squad. we help our boys. these are four snipers. and my girl, give me my fighting friend.
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on the 152nd, my car was smashed , blown up, destroyed along with my family, whoever was in the car, in the car was my beloved young wife, little son, i sat and sobbed like a little boy, he will never forgive the enemy, each, every wife dreams, i dream of my girlfriends car, i go for a swim every time i leave for a combat mission tasks.
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they are making it impossible with all their might, even the western media write about it. we are talking about zelensky’s decree, about the so-called territories of russia historically inhabited by ukrainians. a stream of nonsense, which traces claims on our territory: krasnodar region, belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, kursk, rostov regions. the british edition of spectate emphasizes that this looks like an attempt to incite interethnic tension. the demands coming from ukraine are so absurd that they become... obviously, the kiev regime is not in the peace process interested. the most striking thing is that deputy defense minister ivan gavrilyuk, in
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an interview with a german newspaper, speaking about achieving peace, added one more thing to the already existing demands of kiev: russia must give up its nuclear weapons. it is difficult to imagine that even the most ardent ukrainian partisan could believe that the war would take such a turn and that moscow would be forced to accept such a humiliating capitulation. putting all this together, one might wonder whether kiev wants to try. but european figures who west of the course, he immediately becomes the object of expressing opinions different from those accepted by critics, a striking example is the vice speaker of the slovak parliament lyubysh good, the local press accused him of loving soviet symbols, the politician has something to answer his opponent, as if ukrainians did not fight in the soviet army and as if the biggest insult for ukraine was... the fact that the ussr liberated us from fascism, does this mean that the newspaper of money confirms that ukraine is ruled by banderaites who consider victory over
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fascism their defeat, about victory over fascism.
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university in the church of the martyr tatiana at moscow state university held a service, festive events in all universities, at wedenham at the russia exhibition they launched a new season of the all-russian student project your move, which is organized by the presidential platform russia country of opportunity. well, also at the russia exhibition at vdnh today they launched the work of nine new centers of industrial medicine of the fmba. the opening ceremony took place at the government coordination center. this year for...
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and it is very important that this is not just a medical examination, it is also a permanent observation, this structure, it already shows today that the detection of diseases is indeed sharply increasing, including at the earliest stages, say, in our industrial medicine centers. oncological diseases at the first and second stages already exceed 70%. both the number and duration of temporary disability are decreasing, primary disability mortality is decreasing, and in those 14 centers that were already operating in the twenty- third year, mortality decreased by more than 10% in 1 year. previously head the federal medical and biological agency
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veronika skvartsova reported that a record 2 billion rubles are being allocated to the creation of industrial medicine centers fmba. this year new institutions will appear in two dozen regions of the country. that 's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live . military personnel of the southern group of forces continue to destroy the ukrainian armed forces' position on northern flanks. the hottest spots in this direction are bogdanovka and orekhova vasilyevka. we learn more from rionovosti war correspondent evgeniy maslennikov, he gets in touch with us directly. evgeniy, hello, over to you. yes, hello. indeed, now one of the hottest sections of the front is the artyomovsk direction. on the northern flanks of artyomovskaya, the initiative is now on our
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side. the most, let's say, hot spots of contact are in the region. bogdanovka and orekhovo-vasilievka. our military personnel are leading active defense, artillery is working very closely on our side, both cannon artillery and multiple launch rocket systems are working. the whole sky is literally our birds, that is, land reconnaissance is carried out around the clock, kamikaze drones are actively working, and we have had some success in the area of ​​the georgievka settlement, that is. assault operations are now underway, of course, you can’t look for populated areas like kleshcheevka, there are now serious battles going on there for the dominant heights, but as i said earlier in this direction the initiative is now ours, as i understand it, the ukrainian armed forces do not have any shell shortage in this direction, but no, the armed forces of ukraine
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really do have it in this direction now. the intensity of artillery shelling, let’s say, has greatly decreased, which actually allows us to seize the initiative and work quite closely both on fortified positions and on the fortified positions itself. infantry, that is , the ukrainian side undertakes some movements mainly at night, all movements are recorded by reconnaissance and fire damage is inflicted, that is, after all - the reduction in supplies to western weapons is beginning to affect the fronts, yes, yes, it can be, let’s say, noticed by observing the density of artillery fire before and now, that is , the difference is visible. thank you very much, military correspondent evgeniy maslennikov was in direct contact with us. the investigation into the terrorist attack ref. 76 in the belgorod region is ongoing, when the liner was approaching belgorod from
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the area of ​​the village of leptsy, kharkov region, two anti-aircraft missiles were fired. the launch site was fixed radar means. this means that zelensky’s terrorists killed and beat their own people. meanwhile, both black ones were found. vladimir zelensky canceled all his trips to ukraine, today he even forbade scheduling any meetings with him, it seems that this was
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a kind of reaction to yesterday’s terrorist attack, that’s when our l76 transport plane, which was carrying on board ukrainian citizens, ukrainian prisoners of war, well, that’s what it concerns. the reaction of the western public to this terrorist attack, the office of the un high commissioner for human rights was informed through the media about the crash of our l76 plane, as stated by the official representative of the organization, elisabeth rossl, i quote verbatim, we are of course aware of media reports and are trying to get more information, that is, such oil is oil, it turns out that now the west is learning from us... everything that happens from the media, john kirby today, when answering questions from journalists at the white house, said, well, you know, we kind of yes, well, we know, but we cannot take one side or the other, because we
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have no information, so that the americans do not have information, well, guys, a lot of questions arise, but for us it is naturally clear, alexander germanich, what they want take a pause, but that they want to survive from this pause, well, actually... i would say that they certainly took a pause, but the question is that they may still have disorganization within their block, in my opinion, because that these kinds of methods are very reminiscent of the british service, in in particular, the sabotage work that they carried out along the crimean bridge, for example, one of the reasons why the border air defense system did not work may be that the missiles were fired from russian territory when the drg entered russia; there are man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems of the class starstreak, and three are tungsten. rod during one launch, speed above three machs, inside the warhead, they explode right in the cabin inside, altitude up to 5-6 km zone of responsibility, and such a weapon could well have some kind of drg with it, then
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indeed, the border air defense would not have worked, but our ministry of defense has established a point that it is still located here, although the border is right here, liptsy, if we show this map closer to our viewers, indeed yes, quite literally 1-2 km to the border they are completely calm. it is possible, then there could be any systems from nessems, the american excellent system, it is indeed very good, dangerous, before petriot, kulskor was 2 km; petrit had a zone of responsibility of 20-40 km, and even air-to-air missiles, well, ku, probably, the germans could have done it too, but yes, yes, they could have done it too, they take a long time to turn around, does that mean that they were preparing? and this was deployed, because neither petriot nor iriste can be deployed quickly, but petriot and iriste deploy literally behind petrud, it deploys in 30-40 minutes and that’s
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a lot, that’s a very long time, because our armor is capable of shooting from the march, actually being according to the marching position, not to mention the torus, but that is not the question, the question is that in order to determine the coordinates an aircraft, a moving aerodynamic target , a satellite targeting system of the class on... an old nato one was needed, so in any case, the fire adjustments were made by nato officers, without it it was impossible, impossible, you would not have hit, impossible, especially from the other side of the border, because well , the target was not observed visually, you say 1-2. was not observed, well, accordingly , in such a situation, especially as far as is also known, they report that a missile alert was declared there, and well, probably, no one knew that where it would fly, why, this and the target was not in visual contact, but does your statement that without space reconnaissance they could not have shot down the l-76 plane mean that the statement of the americans, the british, although the british have not yet done anything europeans that they do not have enough information is, to put it mildly , a lie, but... i think that this
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could have been agreed upon with the americans or not, but naturally within the nato bloc they had all the information, let me remind you that they have a common array data, within the five eyes, and more broadly with other european countries, they exchange information at the level of romshtein, at the level of the nato general staff, so of course they had the information, another thing is that in my opinion the initiative is rather british, but i guess so, well, this is actually very interesting silence, a prolonged pause,
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somehow, literally an hour and a half or two later, i sat down to write a text on the reaction of the western media, and began to monitor all western media, you and i understand perfectly well that if such a provocation is being prepared at a high level, yes, in advance the western media are throwing bricks, manuals, fish , whatever you want to call it, how to cover this matter, they immediately begin to arrange everything about what russia did, framed russia, no matter what version will be accepted, but the text is the same, the text the same one, this time there was also the same text, but there wasn’t even a version, there was a position like this: we don’t know anything, we don’t trust the russians, the ukrainians don’t say anything, so we’re waiting for the official ukrainian version, only then will we draw conclusions about something, everything western media, bloomberg, guardian, washington post, everyone came out with this, we understand perfectly well that the official ukrainian version is the official version of either the white house, or they can’t say, now they’ll give us a version, jay kirby will give us a version, we’ll to say, the version in america is not ready yet. the british then have
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this version, no, no one had, no one had, neither the british nor the american media, they were all waiting for the official position of ukraine in order to build on it and continue to defend ukraine, because they would say , what is this done by the ukrainian media, suddenly the version with the central control center will be different, completely, good, then does this mean that ukraine was abandoned in this situation, this means in my opinion that no one abandoned ukraine, this means that the kiev regime, as usual, is it happens, this is not the first time he has done this, he made a decision, perhaps with the british... the intelligence service , perhaps with someone else, but definitely bypassing the white house about this provocation and after that he simply confronts the americans with a fait accompli, oh well, not americans, let's say, american power, in america there are also different people , i have said many times, i will repeat again, one should not assume that the kiev regime is an absolute puppet on joseph biden’s hand, which is jumping around, no, the ukrainian government is becoming more and more daring every month, more and more sleepyheads are cutting off these strings they are pulling. but they did not have
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the technical capabilities, there was no satellite in the markings, alexandrov, tell me, you are a unique specialist in the nato bloc in our country, i’m not afraid of that, glory, although you are a modest person, you understand how it is works, if within nato it was not agreed upon as a nato strike, but some individuals, well, for example, the british or the americans or the french could have done it, someone will be punished for such conditional amateur activity there within the nato bloc, ruslan, look at that , what did you say. than we, it seems to me, are developing the same idea as a couple, from different sides, on different planes, converging on a common solution, like experts, but i can conclude that perhaps the french, whom we we're talking here not enough, i’ll tell you why, because they are still the second nato country, with their own strategic account not subordinate to the united states and not part of the nato bloc, with a very harmful line of behavior, every time it concerns their interests, we just covered their mercenaries, they, by the way, we also installed our own pbo system.
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debris will be found fragments may not be found debris i think they will definitely find missiles quite a material thing just look for and i know that we are looking well in my opinion it’s either the british or the french, but after the conversation
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and analysis together with geborg, i think that , most likely, even the french are more than the british, both of them love terrorist acts, the french often undertake them without agreeing with anyone at all when it comes to their national ones. but they have become more active lately , apparently they are taking revenge on us for africa in this way, well, i don’t know, all that remains is to bite themselves by the tail, they have also become more active, but this is not always beneficial, the fact that ukrainian air defense, no matter what it is produced, everything - after all , they shot from the territory of ukraine, most likely they shot it down our transport worker, having killed both crew members and accompanying people, as well as 65 of his own ukrainian military personnel, did not strengthen zelensky’s position, to put it mildly; journalists from the spanish publication abc believe that zelensky... with his actions drove himself into a dead end. since ukraine depends on foreign aid for almost everything, and the united states and the european union are currently having difficulties allocating funds for kiev. ukrainian troops are now going on the defensive along the entire front line. trying to fix this,
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zelensky is wasting his time doing everything possible so that the conflict does not fall out of the international field of view. zelensky is in despair, he is losing the war. western allies are tired of corruption in his country. that's what he said in an interview yesterday. zelensky intends to get rid of zaluzhny and replace him with intelligence chief kirill budanov. budanov is a career military man, but he does not have the experience of a commander to occupy this position. in fact, he is being brought to the fore for
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his political loyalty and there are rumors that if zaluzhny is removed, it will cause negative response throughout the ukrainian army. so now there is real chaos in kiev. they don’t know what to do, what’s happening is reminiscent of a situation where a person finds himself locked inside a burning house, in which all the exits are blocked, we’re talking about this kind of panic, this behind-the-scenes chaos at the bank with the crunching of bones, how controllable are the americans now and how it can affect the situation at the front, it is partially controlled, certainly by the united states, if it were not controlled, zelensky would have thrown it out long ago. zaluchny with post, here, but we see that now this ukrainian toad viper has begun to develop on its own exponentially, but this is the standard, remember, this is the standard state for ukraine, this toad viper is in power, especially when zelensky is too much of himself took, yanukovych did about the same thing in his time, took too much of himself, everyone
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took up arms against him, especially now, when such huge flows go through zelensky and the prime minister controlled by him, naturally other oligarchs, poroshenko and the rest demand that he share. of course, because the problems have not been solved , experts expect an aggravation by march, when zelensky’s term of office officially ends and he turns from president to a dictator, already officially, legally, in this situation you need to understand, yes, that zaluzhny and poroshenko have conditionally battalions
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at the front, who are personally loyal to him , zelensky does not have such battalions, of course he has syr battalions, he has some other generals, but in principle the situation will be bad for him, and if this is all... it will be multiplied by military failures ukraine on on the front, on the other hand, there is a reduction in funding, which means access to the trough and, accordingly , an internal struggle, but if this perfect storm develops, in which the conflict between zelensky and zavuzhny is also embedded, the situation at the front may develop unpredictably, perhaps we are counting on it, well, we hope that it will happen, but if it doesn’t, we will solve our problems using other methods. aleksandrovich, can zelensky’s friends take advantage of this? situations with the il-76 terrorist attack for their own purposes in order to weaken their opponents, will they take advantage of this, i don’t even doubt that ruslan, they have already taken advantage of this and that since... from ukrainian territory it doesn’t matter, be it a french or british crew, they could not fire without warning
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the ukrainian armed forces troops , in any case, the armed forces of ukraine knew about this , i think that such an attempt, of course, from the very beginning, this was already assumed, should destabilize one of the leaders, most likely naturally zaluzhny, because zaluzhny is responsible for the armed forces of ukraine, with one sides, on the other hand, the commander of the air defense, he is zelensky’s man, the one who commands the air defense of everything, it is for this reason that he could arrange such, as we say, a provocation against.
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turn around and tell us, because i don’t care at all, let them devour each other, yes, but i have this kind of hatred towards zelensky, well, not hatred, yes , it’s probably very low, noble rage, like that , like my grandfather, who beat the nazis, his rage is noble, yes, but no matter how sad it may sound, zelensky turns out, in this situation for us, it is more profitable, of course, more than an option in such a position than the same zaluzhny, which i will remind you. even before the start of the svo, he openly declared how he dreams of driving a tank along arbat, along red
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square, the same rhetoric, death to muscovites and td etc., we won’t even repeat that. i believe that a smart enemy is just that, you are right, this is a bad enemy, so the stupider the enemy and the more disorganized, the better for us. zaluzhny 's absolute enemy is a nazi, he even wears a cross on his wrist overgrown, we know about this, an absolute fascist, but at the same time. urgently go on the defensive, organize the situation within the country under the control of the kiev junta and prepare for the next breakthrough, which could happen in 2 years, let me remind you that zaluzhny promised by the spring 14 brigades and a total number of 50,000, or even 1000 fighters, from 50 to 100 , he said that i can get up to 2000 per month. is preparing new fighters, depending on how they will be caught, of course, that’s why he needs time, if zelensky now forces
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the army will endlessly die in meat assaults , from the point of view of us, the russian army, of course, this is beneficial for us, because otherwise we will have to smoke them out, from somewhere on their line of defense, the conflict begins again, we will collide with them when crossing the dnieper necessarily, so if we now exhaust their army, our advance can happen quite quickly, and they will quickly reach an extreme situation when they simply understand... that their only method of salvation is to go to kiev zelensky will be hanged from a lantern there, possibly together with zaluzhny. in this regard, yes, zelensky, you are right, is more profitable for us, perhaps that is why he is still alive, because yes, there are thoughts on what could be done, how long is the question. the american senate reports that it will again not be able to make a decision this week on the allocation of assistance to kiev, the political publication writes about this. deal to help ukraine. and border control will not go to a vote this week, senators are working to resolve the latest controversial issues,
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and even after approval in the senate the text could stall in the house of representatives, where there is growing concern among conservatives about a new aid package for kiev. it ’s interesting that the americans, who are trying to slow down without brakes, the question is whether they will really be able to finally press the brakes, or will they let biden accelerate again, but with renewed vigor. meanwhile, ukraine now urgently needs new supplies of weapons, and, of course, financial ones, including, this is how western journalists describe the current situation in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. artillery ammunition is probably the biggest problem for the ukrainian armed forces, especially here on the eastern front in the bakhmut area, where i am now, where the russians are currently carrying out massive attacks. offensive ukrainians say that the lack of 155mm artillery shells
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is the main reason why it is very difficult to hold back the russian onslaught, we were on the front line and saw it firsthand. this is why the problem with the lack of ammunition in kiev is getting worse every day, the us-supplied paladin artillery installation, not far from artyomovsk, is very often silent, because the ukrainians do not have enough ammunition to hit the russians, the ratio is about 10 to one, ammunition is very important for us, russia produces ammunition itself, they have strategic reserves and advantages. used in western weapons has become critical for ukraine. the european union has promised to deliver a million shells by march this year, but european parliament lawmakers say only 3,000 have been delivered so far . ukraine has long warned that its army faces a very real lack of ammunition. tell us more
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about what we know about these deliveries, whether all the shells will go to ukraine. another option is to cut many of the government services they provide, not pay school teachers, and cut pensions and other benefits. the danger is that if people feel that their children are not getting an education, that there is no money in the country, they may leave and the economic situation will get worse and worse. if ukraine does not receive economic and military assistance from its allies, it will have to
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doing everything possible to buy weapons herself will further undermine her economy and will undoubtedly lead to... an economic crisis, which will have an impact on the battlefield. well , a journalist from the german publication develt found an unexpected explanation for the delays in the supply of western weapons to kiev . joe biden, olaf scholz and allies always say they will help ukraine as much as possible, but they supply just enough weapons to prevent russia from being defeated. there are several signs that there is a cynicism behind this.
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republicans, within the framework of this election logic, ukraine, like, by the way , russia in the 1919 elections, became victims of the american internal political struggle, now the republicans will push biden as much as possible, now the republicans will demand from him decisions on the border, where, in fact, in texas a riot arises over this, which biden cannot agree to, this is his voter, he will generally lose the spanish-speaking electorate in the south, in general, ukraine will blackmail him. and the republicans will categorically refuse fund this personal project of biden , as he does not consider ukraine, until biden makes concessions to them, and if biden’s personal project of ukraine fails, another plus for the republicans, biden can be blamed for losing the war to russia that he wasted tens of billions of american taxpayers' dollars into the void
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for the sake of his own personal ambitions, and also for the sake of his son with his corruption schemes in ukraine, perhaps. biden will even have a personal interest, something for me suggests that i have already said that hunter biden’s laptop is like a magician’s hat, and you can constantly get everything in there, and the most interesting things will be in august, september of 2024, right before the elections, so what if we kind of suffered from the fact that in the sixteenth year we became this internal political bargaining chip in the united states, now we are all over, now it’s ukraine’s turn to do this, that is, in principle, i always.
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to encourage the european and the average person to highlight as much as possible and not ask unnecessary questions, but if we are talking about hunger, about this starvation ration, why are they holding on then, alexandrov? how long will the calorie reserve last, so to speak, they naturally have a certain margin of safety, who would doubt it, after all, we are dealing, i repeat , with 50 countries, that is, 31 nato countries, plus the countries that have joined it mnna, major netto light, that is, nato's status partner, but unfortunately for them, we have now even declassified the data, look, the order of magnitude, in the twenty-third year we put at the front, i i take russian industry, referring to mishustin’s report, about 20 million shells. various categories, this is crazy, thank god, that is, more than 700 anti-aircraft missiles, 7600, comparison, enemy, how much business, if you compare with that country, then
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the states in arizona, according to open data , have about 2 million old cluster ammunition lying with era of the iraq war, desert storm, of which they supplied several hundred thousand, their total supplies to the front did not exceed half a million 3000 american, about 150-2000 from europe including. but there are a few more things: first, colleagues, steel is very expensive, making shells is not making it out of cardboard, not out of papier-mâché, we produce steel ourselves, at one time we almost brought down the world market for steel, because it we are produced, well, naturally for the front we take it at cost, from this point of view it’s really much easier for us, these countries don’t know how, they no longer have an industrial financial economy, and in order to produce. again required also automation of production, look at what is shown to you in terms of us factories, a person, a hard worker, physically pulls out a tray with shells, rearranges them and roughly speaking, then screws on the fuses and
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so on, they have equipment from the first half of the 20th century, but with us, they don’t they modernized the factories, no, we are not the first half of the 20th century, we still had everything until the end, so to speak, of our warsaw pact , as they say in ointment, moreover, when we were developing a company in syria there were already automatic production lines, of course. therefore, i don’t suggest anyone to believe a word of proof, hence such an insane volume of production in the good sense of the word, the positive sense of the word crazy, and we take only artillery shells, and then, in addition to anti-aircraft shells, there are also aircraft missiles, in the sense of air, air, air, land, and we also produce them, that’s why they stimulate, so to speak, the countries of the former warsaw pact, because there, as i understand it, all our lines are still in our production, they are much more likely to produce huge quantities of the same ammunition than the americans. look, they have already chosen the visegrad four, the countries of the visegrad four, the so-called, that is , which kept the arsenals from the warsaw pact, in fact everything is finished, but there is one more thing, repairs are required, they have only
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artillery systems, if you take sao and those , which, accordingly, are, so to speak, a towed system, 39 units, for every 39, i counted them, for each system it is required separate spare parts, separate instructions, a separate specialist, a separate repair technician who is not on the front line, everything needs to be pulled away by this paladin. it needs to be dragged somewhere to western europe to be repaired there, and then returned back, and you understand that this is still money, who will pay for it, well, our country is actively developing today, we are talking about this, relying on our own strength, our defense industry promptly responds to new threats at the front, offers solutions on how to solve the problem of enemy drones over the front line, they spoke to the stream of the popular front. such a question, there was news about the fact that russia has completed the test of anti-drone missiles...
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talking about the anti-drone war, of course, it acquires special significance now, in fact, anti-drone missiles, this is not a solution to the problem, after all, the solution must be comprehensive, that is, it means this means you need to clearly understand. then, of course, there is a wide range of drones, there are ultra-small drones, of course, these anti-missiles are not against these ultra-small drones, here is the field of activity for radio-electronic means struggle. the second point is that these are larger drones, so they are not ultra-small, but small drones that can pose a danger, here, too, mainly means of reps, but in certain directions missiles can be used, but at the same time these missiles, they should be as cheap as possible , that is, there should not be a homing system there. with but something else, that is, most likely, these should be missiles, control style, and not a semi-active homing head, which will allow, well, in fact,
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it should be a mini anti-drone, well, yes, anti-drone with a jet engine, that's all , despite the fact that europe is scared that russia will attack, not everyone in europe, to put it mildly, believes in this, here is the german... politician mikhail fonder schulenburg reminds that participation in the conflict in ukraine it does not strengthen europe at all, and in general the eu countries have their own interests that are different from the american ones, and that’s it. the military bloc became the cause of the ukrainian conflict, and the main reason was the planned expansion of nato to ukraine. we have different interests than the united states, including in the field of security, and the destroyed ukraine is not in interests of europe. well, then, of course, it is very interesting to speculate on this topic, gevor, this divergence of interests, whether it will drive a wedge into the unity of nato, because all these
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countries are part of the bloc. look here , there is no need to confuse the divergence of interests between countries that exist, and the divergence of interests between elites that do not exist, state wool is confused with private in this case, for the western elites of france, england, germany, those who made the decision to expand nato in pique russia, about the beginning of the ukrainian war in defiance russia, in order to inflict defeat on russia , they have no choice, they are obliged to go to the end, what they are doing now, because if they don’t...
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they say the slavs, then we will unite, as a result it will be bad for europe, probably meaning western europe, we see that hungary is playing a completely independent violin , and traditionally serbia, of course, that is , these countries naturally want to live, live and live, possibly in partnership with russia, because hungary, well, willingly or not , still receives our gas, maybe she i would like to receive it from somewhere else, but the fact is that after all, energy resources come from us, from this point of view, of course,
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it’s similar to serbia. if we talk about some kind of political will, then i don’t think that germany today has an independent political will, it is an occupied country, it is simply under occupation in the very sense of the word, like japan, it has been occupied by the american military since 1945, since from the point of view of ill will, it is unfortunate, indeed very unfortunate, that france has finally chosen my side, i see this in the southern caucasus, i know that they are doing great things in armenia...
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it’s not that islamic civilization did not deny the achievements of other cultures and civilizations, on the contrary, it actively involved itself. all states understand the importance that africa will play in the 21st century. when the europeans thought they were opening up america, america was populated by people who were no worse than the spanish crooks and bandits.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. to the eightieth anniversary of complete liberation leningrad from the fascist blockade. the enemy is marching into leningrad, and you are looking for excuses, reproach, comrades, a tank from a bottle, mountains, the luga line, if even one german
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breaks through in your sector, even on a tank , even on a stick, i will shoot you, pulkovo meridian, when on saturday first, i will not run away from the enemy, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand, cnop gin product of stellor group,
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the oral cavity, what is its uniqueness, special immunity, avocado in snowfall, what is the benefit, atrial fibrillation, a unique method of treatment , program live great, she’ll tell you about everything, tomorrow is the first one, today we have a family evening, celebrity guests with their wonderful parents, that’s it, we’re relaxing, i started acting when i was seven years old, honestly, i’m not helping, she really works on her own, this is definitely perfect, mom she says:
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i looked at everything soberly, well, after all , i’m a narcologist, i looked at everything soberly, tomorrow is my mother’s birthday, i will give her a car, this is honestly earned money, let’s pray for my parents. i would probably feel like a heroine some kind of reality show. cameras make our lives more comfortable. we are not afraid for our bicycles and scooters left on the street. look at the material, the perfect seams, this is original. why is it cheaper? but you don’t
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buy them in the fields of chives. locals love to show off and wear branded items, albeit fake. if you are one minute late with your delivery, will you have any problems or? yes, that is right. that's why guys sometimes. begs clients to forgive them, sometimes they even fall to their knees, and you are a unique man, a manicurist? us here a lot, do you like going to a man for a manicure? i love it and recommend it to everyone. here is this phrase: ice cream for women and flowers does not work for children, because the ice cream is with vodka. it’s a bestseller here, it’s a deception all around, it’s just ice cream with lemon, it’s the life of others. premieres on sunday on the first. let us remind you that at vdnkh these days the international forum-exhibition russia is taking place, its essence is to show the achievements of our country as a whole and
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separately for each of our regions, all 89 regions are represented there, including the so-called new regions, many achievements are shown, the exhibition is amazing, unfortunately, not everyone can visit it, here for those who can’t ... the largest in russia, locomotive repair
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plant, it was the largest in the soviet union, now the largest in russia, we have already beaten all the soviet ones records , we go further, we are the leaders in russia in uranium mining, we are practically the only one who mines jade in russia, we mine coal, we mine gold, we produce high-tech cardboard that goes to different countries of the world, in general we have an interesting republic, we are the center buddhism in russia, but we have a very deep buryad culture, we have old believer culture, we have. nationalities, religions are mixed and this is a very friendly, very beautiful republic in which the future, we are now developing confidently, sanctions actually played a very positive role for us, our industrial production increased, we began to produce what we had not produced before, we more localization in terms of helicopter technology, our lokomotivogont called it began to produce parts for locomotives that previously, they were supplied from abroad, but today we produce for the whole of russia, so...
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in moscow or will you be in moscow, be sure to visit this exhibition. next, news first. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. both black boxes, shot down by zelensky il-76 terrorists of the russian aerospace forces, will be delivered to a special laboratory of the ministry of defense for decryption. the flight recorders have already been found and their condition
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is satisfactory. on board were 65 ukrainian prisoners, three accompanying persons and six crew members. pilots after impact managed to move the falling plane away from residential buildings. as is known, the crew members served in the orenburg military unit. today they bring flowers there. the pilots are remembered by fellow soldiers and friends. they were our masters and just at that time they were studying by correspondence. here. in the region, radar equipment recorded this, and no one has any doubt
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that it was zelensky’s bloody regime that committed a new horrific crime, killing its own. but they can’t come up with a clear explanation for these actions in kiev, because they are stalling for time, covering zelensky, the west is helping him with this. this is the only way to explain the rampant abuse of its powers on the part of france, which currently chairs the un security council. paris refused to hold an urgent meeting requested by russia in connection with the il-76 crash. it was scheduled only for this evening, when friday had already begun in moscow. now about how the special operation is going. tonight our army launched a new massive attack on the enemy’s military rear. explosions thundered in odessa, dnepropetrovsk and kharkov regions. the targets were military-industrial complex enterprises, places of production, storage, weapons and ammunition. as for the situation at the front, in the kupinsky direction our units repelled several enemy attacks. the enemy lost about 200 fighters. tank and many other equipment. in the southern donetsk direction
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, air strikes, artillery strikes and heavy flamethrower systems hit the temporary deployment points and support units of two ukrainian brigades at once. our fighters do not allow the enemy to rotate personnel, destroying all transport, the installation of the grad multiple launch rocket system and several guns, including those made by nato, were eliminated. in st. petersburg, in less than an hour, the court will begin to announce the verdict in the case of the terrorist attack on the victim.
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today, in the spotlight of the president, vladimir putin will visit the region on a working trip, he will meet with students of the baltic kant federal university, which is celebrating tatiana day, a student holiday, and a meeting will also be held with the leadership of the westernmost region of russia, the region is surrounded by nato countries, and right now the alliance is preparing for the largest military exercises in recent decades, the participation of units from more than 30 western countries has been announced. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov today. well, the president’s trip is not a message to nato, it’s a planned job. at the same time, moscow is closely monitoring the situation around the kaliningrad region. kaliningrad is an integral part of the russian federation, it is ours, it is our region, and therefore for us it is very important that the entire existing life support system of kaliningrad is in
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working order. he is not in danger at all, there is certainly danger, because the danger is more strategic.
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first of all, which is probably determined by the north atlantic alliance, the policy of this alliance is determined overseas in washington, the line of containment of our country, to put pressure on it, it has not gone anywhere, it at times escalates, at times it becomes passive, now it is probably at peak, here such teachings are the best proof of this, the best evidence. on the eve of the important date of the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the cloud. before leningrad , an exhibition of the muse of the unconquered city opened in moscow, it is about how cultural figures helped leningraders survive during the long years of the siege. some saved priceless treasures of museums under bombing, others, for example, artists and architects, camouflaged factory buildings. and, of course, the feat of those who supported the morale of the starving
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residents. writers, poets, musicians. among exhibits - the same blue handkerchief that klavdia shuldzhenko sang about in besieged leningrad. there are tools nearby. who in the summer of forty-one hastily packed museum objects, hid them, and thanks to this, the overwhelming majority of the funds of the leningrad museums were preserved for posterity. and on big screens across the country is the story of the feat of female pilots who
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defended the skies of besieged leningrad. unique filming of air battles, which no one has ever put into film before. film air. alexey german the younger is not just spectacular a military drama, it is told in a special language, when in the foreground there is a heightened sense of the heroes, their fate, in every frame the breath of that time. evgeny lyamin talked to those who have already watched. the twenty-ninth meter is on your tail, jump, it looks, of course, as if in one breath, it makes you think about a lot, the film is so emotional, when it comes out. you get such a big silence, and then, probably, tell something, it’s like silence after a fight, there is no charge of emotions, and for some time you want words, many spectators, indeed , when leaving the hall, refuse to speak, a film that cannot be retold, and not all impressions can be shared by a person, only to experience it yourself, remain silent, replaying it in your head again, after watching the film,
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the air, perhaps, it will become a little clearer why the front-line soldiers at home almost never talked about the war. it’s like life, you still have to go through difficult things, the film was very impressive, and the whole film was holding back emotions so as not to cry, a very cool film, that is, it is mesmerizing, you have everything turns off, you 're just in the mood for movies, hello comrades, the female squad arrives at the front, the first combat missions, the death of a friend right in your arms, also for the first time, first love at the front along with
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the path to this turning point in the war, and in order to win, you had to step over yourself, break yourself, this is all in the picture too, understand whether you can do something that you were not capable of before, and here it certainly echoes simonovsky, if your home is dear to you, shoot, shoot, i can’t, na you can look at dead children.
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fate and people, this is the main thing, when everything is inside, when all the pain is inside, and you , as a regiment commander, do not have the right to show your tears, but they are there, you turn away , they are there, and they will never be the same again, then military generation, special, the war plowed everyone, this feeling will appear in the audience at the end of the film, a serious film, very serious, unusual, very meaningful and generally good, cruel.
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we will live, listen, i don’t know what feat you and i accomplished, but what, what is this
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a girl at war, fear in her eyes, and it seems that it’s not her, but you’re already running out of air, in the film they tried to show the air battles as truthfully as possible, including through their faces, well, i stood there the whole film, well, from the last row i i watched, just standing , this is how these films are filmed... we also scrupulously tried to recreate the past down to the details, starting with the planes themselves, military uniforms and ending with small objects, this is important, because in many families things dear to the heart are carefully preserved along with the memory, left over from grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, awards, buttonholes, watches, smoking pipes, accordions, when you see them in the film you will feel that this is about mine too, the film resonates.
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without a person there is no homeland, and without a homeland there is no person, the picture is not only in its atmosphere, destinies, details, as if it is woven into the life of each of us, if you don’t watch the film , you will most likely have to endure the air, they say: viewers, when the film was advertised, i didn’t think that it will be so interesting and will touch your soul, but after watching it, i would even go again and advise everyone to watch it, evgeny lyamin, renat goreev, marina emelyanova, natalya radeonova, channel one. heavy snowfalls cut off the south of sakhalin from the world, while the elements
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are not going to stop there, because everything is so bad that the snowdrifts have grown to the second. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good
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afternoon, the big game and i am vyacheslav nikonov live. today is the day of the holy great martyr tatiana. tatyana's day. therefore, my congratulations to all tatyans, of course, today is their name day. and, naturally, all students, real ones. uh, former students, teachers, because this is truly student day. why, because it was on this day, in 1755 , that empress elizaveta petrovna signed, on the initiative of count ivan shuvalov, a decree on the creation of a moscow university, which now bears the name of mikhail vasilyevich lomanosov, so to all students of all tatianas, a great holiday, and we wish you
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great success , happiness, health, all the best. russian president vladimir putin on his way to the kaliningrad region we are waiting for messages from there, they will probably be very remarkable. and of course, the story continues related to yesterday’s tragedy, when the ukrainian armed forces outdid themselves in war crimes by shooting down an il-76 plane, which brought in ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange. the issue has already been raised in the united nations, our side demanded from the french presidency an urgent meeting of the security council, it didn’t work out, but the meeting will take place anyway, that’s what i said about this yesterday in new york sergei viktorich, let's listen, a terrorist act was committed, as a result
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of which in the area. in the belgogorod region, a russian il-76 transport plane was shot down, which was carrying out a flight to transport 65 military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces from the moscow region to belgorod, who were accompanied by three russian officers, and a crew of six people, all of them died, we have already requested a meeting..
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.russia plans to pretend that the downed plane was actually prisoners of war, aren't you concerned that the international the community won’t believe you, the international community believes us , by which you mean the west, i’m sure, and above all the anglo-saxons, we don’t care much about this, however, it hurts our eyes. true, it stings, the ukrainian side has been dodging in every possible way all this time, continues to do so, naturally, now turning the arrows to the russian side, uh.
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control, facts - this is the main word, i have now heard from the commander-in-chief and the general staff on the use of air forces. the main intelligence directorate is investigating the fate of all prisoners. the security service of ukraine is investigating all the circumstances, and i have instructed the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine to inform our partners about the data we have; our state will insist on an international investigation. well, in principle, i think we will agree with this, we just agree, here is the general staff. of the ukrainian armed forces stated that he would shoot down as he shot down. let's listen. to reduce missile threats in the kharkov direction, the ukrainian armed forces not only control the airspace, but also
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monitor in detail missile launch points and the logistics of their delivery, especially with the use of military transport aircraft. the recorded intensity of shelling is directly related to the increase in the number of military transport aircraft that have recently been heading to the belgorod airfield. taking this into account, the armed forces of ukraine will continue to take measures to destroy equipment and deliveries, control airspace to destroy the terrorist threat, including in the belgorod-kharkov direction. well, in fact, the ukrainian armed forces knew who was on this plane, they were well informed, and yet they did it. why? that's another question. yuri ivanovich podalyaka is in direct contact with us now. ivanovich. good afternoon. the question, why is it just floating in the air? why was this necessary? well, i expressed my version yesterday, especially since i’ve been following this rift that they have for a long time, it’s zaluzhny against zelensky, although in reality it’s the usa against britain, that is, they are in many ways allies, in many ways they agree with
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position on ukraine, but there is a fundamental difference, for britain the war in ukraine, it must be waged until the last ukrainian, because they have invested a lot in this war and they want to get maximum dividends from it, yes, and the problems, for example, of the americans in asia are theirs , for example, not a wave. let's look at how those who are oriented towards the americans reacted to yesterday's event, they were all hysterical, there are poroshenkoites, there is a radical party, there are maseychuks and so on, all this evil spirits, for me they are all evil spirits, yes, but nevertheless they
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were in hysterics, those who were guided by zelensky, they were initially delighted with the downing, and then, when they realized that there were ukrainian military men there, they began to quickly start posting, then there was total silence, until the very... evening and still in fact, they are silent, do not comment on this event in any way, this suggests that most likely the problem lies precisely in this plane, yes, thank you, did anything significant happen on the line of combat contact today, last night? yes, in general it continues exactly the same the same as it was before this evening, that is, it is as if our troops continue to expand the breakthrough that was achieved in the korahmalny area, this is on the border of the lugansk people's republic. kharkov region between kupinsk and liman, there is also data , i don’t know yet how far we were able to advance in the ternovsky direction, a little south of this, yes, very serious battles are going on in the northern direction, where our troops are trying to encircle belogorovka,
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very much going on intense battles in the artyomovsk direction, donetsk, several the fighting in the novomikhailovka area has subsided, but i think this will not last long. thank you very much, ivanovich podolyaka, our regular. military expert, alexey petrovich, well , there are actually a lot of versions, i also voiced mine yesterday, in my opinion, this is just a direct signal from washington, london and kiev, to the ukrainian armed forces that surrender is pointless, it doesn’t matter if you surrender , don’t give up, they’ll kill you anyway, this is a multi-move, multi-signal, let ’s say, which i think is backed more by the british than the americans, the americans. now is withdrawing from the ukrainian conflict because it has become toxic, and the republicans, just this military aid to ukraine, really annoyed the democrats before the elections, appealing that... it is necessary to close the border with mexico, and
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so the british, when they actually led this conflict in ukraine, that is, they will receive data, they will give target designations and there are others, maybe operatives, they immediately came into their own and this, i think, terrorist act was planned by them, because it decides immediately several tasks, the first one is breaking , but the only thread that connected us with ukraine in the negotiations was about captivity of war, the negotiations were difficult, saudi arabia was the platform on which agreements were reached, we fulfilled all the whims of ukraine, this is the route , on which l76 flew, this is a long-known route, so when ukraine declares, we knew nothing, we still didn’t know that only these planes fly on this route and no military aid is delivered there. second - this is a blow to saudi arabia because it acted as a negotiating platform.
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and - let's just say, this was a blow to its reputation, the third is a signal to european countries that it's okay to shoot down on russian territory, use missile weapons, you won't get a response right away, so let's quickly get together, and missiles, shells , everything to ukraine, we know that now there is some kind of controversy between great britain and germany, when great britain demands from germany that they supply taurs missiles to...
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prisoners of war several times, well, after the fourteenth year, that’s it, when they changed the militias, i must say that the guys who came from captivity, ours, were in a monstrous state, in general, they were just torn bodies, in fact, some were even simply handed over to carried in their hands , while the ukrainian prisoners of war were in excellent condition, well-fed, cured, there was someone on crutches, well, in general, in a very pleasant condition for transfer, well then.
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walking in a cascade, the guys are fighting prisoners of war, they all have this feeling, well , as if they had returned to their homeland, that is, these people who were flying for an exchange, they too, in general, i think that their relatives were waiting for them, this one this is a tragedy , it won’t just end with a plane explosion, because there must be some unrest there, probably in ukraine, that’s how this whole situation will go, well, probably these same mothers, fathers who are waiting for them, wives, well, it should there must be at least some movement.
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any provocations and this is from the same series of provocations that are ultimately needed for in order to intimidate their own people so that they do not surrender, and to make it clear to russia that they do not want any negotiations, and that they will fight to the last ukrainian - this is a message, rather, even to the ukrainian society, precisely so that it does not speak out, because they were shown what they can do even with their own, because there are no people there.
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now israel is demonstrating the same thing in the gas sector and the united states, when they start shelling everyone in the middle east, the escalation continues there, about this. after the advertisement, you today go to russia, return the sacred treasures of the nation, a grenade, everything most valuable is in this box, dad, only a few things disappeared from the house from the second world war, this secret ultimately killed my father, where there are values, there are crimes, now let's figure it out, your... operation is classified, you understand the order, that's right, someone is still hunting for the contents of this box, my grandfather vananerbe was engaged exclusively in archeology, this is really the same place, a cache within caches, there are secrets that
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has no statute of limitations, german, today is after the program time. cognac monte shococa, a product of the stellor group, what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, in what be that as it may, love, he loved himself very much, it was even sometimes just lovely,
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with everyone together, limonov a little, boy, on the contrary. matador, eduard savenko, in search of love, tomorrow on the first. for birthday vladimir vysotsky, kupala, i’ll lose, pure gold, we only rely on the strength of our hands, on the hands of a friend and a driven hook.
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our theater became the only group that deliberately remained in the besieged city. the muses were not silent; they sang operetta all 872 days in leningrad. my friends, i am very glad, during the blockade the theater
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showed 15 premieres, services such as the accountant, the fire department, sometimes came out and sang instead of the choir. a feat in the name of art, he was a genius in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life, i bow to peter the great, ivan and
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ivan the terrible, vladimirovich’s greatest merit, he saved this inheritance, lenin would like to allow the lease of our country, komchatka, for example, to be leased. that became the most influential currency in europe and the woman received 21 privileges, it’s definitely impossible to say that lenin was a supporter of family values. one of the first lenin decrees was to facilitate divorce. but i read einstein. and he said, people like lenin renew conscience of humanity. he fought for the happiness of working people, putting a very large number of working people on the line. at the same time, i think, no one in our country. outside the country will not deny that this is a great figure, a man who changed everything, the premiere, on sunday
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on the first, the big game live, israel has already destroyed 1100. it is very difficult to estimate, since there are still a huge number of people under the rubble.
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israel continues to suffer blows, no matter what the world community says, here we are really talking about the world community, and not about the west. the whole world, of course, is outraged by israel's policies. well, most of all, of course, the yemeni houthis are outraged, as they continue to carry out attacks on the united states of america, on their ships, that is. what ah yariyan, the official representative of the ansar allah movement, said in response to the american strikes already on yemen, let's listen: today there was a collision with several american destroyers and warships in the gulf of vadon and the babel-mandeb strait. these ships were guarding two american commercial vessels, the result of a collision became the following: a direct hit on an american ship: two american...
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un security council, they are doing this even though they voted for all these resolutions because it is very convenient to catch a fish, such a fatty fish, at the moment a very fatty fish in troubled waters, they did for the same decades, well, let’s remember , so to speak, there is the same iraq, and there , and several times, there were several etirations of this iraq, which means the same syria, where they are generally, so to speak, illegal reasons, just there... american military personnel are located on the territory of a sovereign state, which means there are a lot of other
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examples in the middle east, where the americans , for the sake of their seven-minute, or longer-term interests, and they actually force the countries of the region to pay, force them to pay a very heavy price, this is happening now, well, look. did the americans do anything to stop the israeli operation, to prevent civilian casualties, they did nothing, but blinken went somewhere several times, they said, you know, it’s faster there, it needs to be done quickly, yes, he was building the coalition on the contrary in order to bomb, no , first, i mean on gas, quickly, let's finish it, so to speak, but none of them said in washington that do it differently , that means it’s the same thing now, yes, the houthis, well, i must say frankly, it’s probably not the best, so to speak, way from the point of view of the prospects
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for the world economy, trade, infrastructure, movement along transport arteries there... they create this most powerful fist, create it for the future, undoubtedly, this is a demonstration of their strength, this is undoubtedly forcing the recalcitrant in the region to support their line, and of course, of course, this is such a long-term spurring into their orbit those who actually think about the arab
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countries in the first place, which have begun to gain some elements of independence.
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this is a completely different situation; today the twenty-first international meeting in the astana format on syria took place. we discussed issues related to the syrian settlement, but naturally touched upon the whole a set of issues related to the middle east, and just the latest events were related to the discussion of the possibility of withdrawing american bases from syria and iraq, which have long been targets that are simply shelled, which also did not happen before. and this is what alexander lavrentyev, the special representative of the president for the syrian settlement, said: russia has information that the united states has announced its readiness to begin the withdrawal of the military continent from iraq, that this withdrawal process may drag on for years, russia, iran, turkey are unanimous in the opinion that the illegal the us presence is the main cause of instability in syria, the us authorities are using
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islamic state militants to destabilize the situation in syria, the russian federation is against it. justification for recognizing israel’s actions in the gaza strip as genocide, like this, and today raisi is in turkey, they are really discussing a joint line there, and today is a holiday in iran, and to your preamble, the only thing, yes, i would like to congratulate st. tatiana’s day today . but i would like to congratulate the iranians on a huge holiday, it’s called father’s day, and this the birthday of the first imam, the nephew of the prophet muhammad, yes ali, so i congratulate all iranians who are celebrating, for them this is a very big holiday, by the way, an interesting holiday, father’s day, really, well, vyacheslav alekseevich, you
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told almost everything, so i told you, lavrentyev said it, i can add the following, no, here it is. pictures for the narrative that there is still a war, or so war, excuse the word, between samalia and ethiopia, it’s all there, right here nearby, yes, but what about simultaneously with the houthi shelling american military vessels, iraq, from the territory of iraq, iraqi resistance forces, that is, these are pro-iranian forces, wonderful. not only american bases in syria were fired upon, but by the way, for the first time today there was a message that they sent and a missile reached azhdod, that is , those... on the other hand
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, there is a metaphor from markis in 100 years of solitude that time passes in a circle, but the axle wears out, so i get the impression, such a successful, in my opinion, very metaphor, that this is what the americans scroll through every time, maybe it turns out that, well, the axis on which this circle is... pakistan's iranian war, because both of them hit each other's territory, essentially destroying the leaders of the same sect and group, which
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reconciled quite quickly, i must say , that’s why the situation here is heating up, from my point of view, the americans will probably leave syria and iraq much faster than is assumed in this statement, because the circumstances will develop this way. and there is no need to get away from the fact that there is still a huge influence on earth has british agents, and we will not dismiss british interests here either, for example, today there was a message that british insurance companies refuse to insure civilian ships that are somehow carrying cargo to israel, and this means that how will they make money again -so?
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44% of our air fleet is already beyond its designed service life, when we started flying in the desert, we had an excellent air force, 4.00 aircraft, each on average 8 years old, pilots flew 18-20 hours a month, we we were ready to compete with the great powers, to fight the russians, but now, after the end of the fight against the rebels, we are preparing for equal competition or even for a conflict with a rival of a completely different level, but we no longer have 4.00 fighters, but 2.0.
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associated with the marine corps, because the wear and tear of aviation by the marine corps was over 65%, and he spoke before congress and said that you guys are spending money from the military budget on some incomprehensible research into some kind of miracle weapon, and the marine corps there is simply nothing for the infantry to fight, he tried to change the situation, but he could not break through the military lubi, and as we know, he was sent into retirement, that is, the problem did not appear yesterday, not... the day before yesterday is long overdue, alexey, can i ask you one question at pandan , i read in american sources that 86% of the navy, relatively speaking,
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is incapacitated, this is the second problem, the fact is that three state-owned, so-called shipyards, where the entire fleet of the united states of america is produced, have not been working for 100 years modernized, and this also rose a problem, but the gun lobby, it acts completely differently on... far from what they were before, this is also a fact, well, the west is also not at all the same, we’ll talk about this after the advertisement.
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today on the first romca there is a product from stellor group, look carefully, do you recognize it? to the center, we are a coward, i am not interested in money and gold, you will go to russia today and return the sacred treasures of the nation.
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my father, a lover of love, excuse me, of course, but all this doesn’t look very believable, there are secrets that don’t have statute of limitations, german , today after the program is time, what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m still a religious sect preaching love, the love of people for each other, whatever... i have a broader outlook than any soviet writer, and this has made me wiser and more, for example, a patriot of my own country, as a writer, he is a writer of his own beloved, your autobiographical things, what is the percentage fact and what is the percentage of literary
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com that blooms for a long time , the happiest time in my life was, well, like any talented person, you are at the same time beautiful and terrible, he is very light and... the contrast of his lightness is his devotion to friendship, i am so lucky in life with that, with who life has brought me together, the premiere of a documentary film, on sunday on the first, a big game live, issues of supplying ukraine, finances, weapons are becoming more and more difficult for western politicians. ted cruz, the famous united states senator, stated, that the bill for 61 billion can simply be given up. this is, as he
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said, a kamikaze bill. there won't be this money. now the americans have transferred all this , these sort of efforts, to europe. and this is what jose baret said. eyes of the head of european diplomacy after ukraine shot down the il-76. let's listen. at times we acted too slowly in providing ukraine with essential ammunition. we must provide ukraine with the tools, including long-range missile launchers and other advanced weapons, that will allow liberate its territory. this must be accompanied by a revival of the european defense industry. the war in ukraine has shown that this sector is not even close to ready for the challenges we face. we must change the paradigm and move from supporting ukraine on a "as long as it takes" basis to getting the job done, ramping up efforts to ensure that ukraine has everything until it wins. ukraine's victory is the best guarantee of security in europe. but at the same time, money is still
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tight, but it’s interesting, supplies the ukrainian army practically continues, that is, tanks are coming across the romanian border, of course, vzheshev. landing, well, at least six aircraft a day with western weapons, how does this generally happen? well, this happens because europe is forced to do this, europe is governed, say, through the same commissioners of the european union, plus those governments that we call pro-american, which, to the detriment of their national security , are ready to support ukraine no matter what, so in principle it was expected. no matter how germany is there resisted, she will still supply them,
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as well as other equipment that they consider, when they say to revive production, europe has huge problems with air defense systems, so it turns out that you can supply those systems that can effectively show themselves, i will not be surprised. that among these complexes there will be exactly the one that shot down our 76, yes, i wouldn’t be surprised either, i think, in fact, now on the sly, bypassing their own parliaments, they are simply supplying weapons from the warehouses of the same american ones, everything that is there there is, they are taking they will lead, but the truth is that now more and more is needed for the middle east, but it is impossible to justify this to your voters, because all of europe is seething, europe is seething, protests. there are protests going on in all countries, there are very serious protests in france and farmers are now on strike there , railway workers in germany have been on strike since yesterday, there
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is a transport collapse again, poland is on strike, greece is on strike, polish farmers have also joined the strikes, greece is on strike, today italian farmers have already joined, who also began to block the roads. this will be a change in bureaucracy, because those who have been to the offices of these european ones, i think, understand what we are talking about, that is, you go and think, what a bunch of freaks this is, especially if you watch them, that
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is, this is a slow process, and what’s more, those old ones against those old ones, for example, against ursula and vonderijn, so many criminal cases have already been opened, serious ones, i’ll note, here. further trials will begin against them and in general they will not get around to all the problems which you mentioned at the beginning, it seems to me that who will win, you know, this is impossible to predict.
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they will sit in the same suits and ties, they will sit in the same offices, they will be well served by the new leaders in the european parliament and their replacements, the bureaucracy will not change, will not go anywhere, they receive a lot of money, they receive for a certain job, so to speak , the bureaucracy there will remain in its place in europe, the upper echelon will change, undoubtedly, that’s what... there will be a change the government is massive, this is 100% , i’ll add, so to speak, that important news, mercedes is leaving germany, it seems to me that this is generally, this is generally a headline from 1924, which means, yes, this, this, but this is a trend, this is not just a one-time phenomenon , this is the result of the policy of scholz and his government, this is not only characteristic of germany, by the way, we haven’t heard about italy for a long time, so to speak, now there are strikes, the first news from italy in months, where the... minister italy, what is it doing, so to speak, where is the government, nothing is clear, they don’t do anything, i want
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it, but no, they serve american interests, but i would honestly say that i would not agree with such detail here, i would say the dividing line between britain and the usa, but it’s the same thing, this is absolutely, this is not a james bond film, it’s absolutely the same thing, the british serve the americans, it can’t be any other way, well, they have some managers in europe, yes, but who appointed this manager? they are now being actively used all over the globe, including in the middle east, but there are
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there’s a saying when you live in a glass house, you don’t need to throw stones, but the west threw stones very hard in all directions, in our direction too, well, in the end they ended up destroying their own economy, they got mass protests from all workers in all western countries, yes, in the united states, they also got very... the states can live without the united states? you can imagine such covers just recently, but this too. the result of american policy, the policy of the
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biden administration, which has now come into conflict with by the authorities of texas, the authorities of texas, contrary to the prohibitions of the federal government, protect the border from refugees who want to get there, the united states itself loves to sow a storm, sow chaos, this is the storm that they are reaping, it is already. our business is right , victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news , see you again at 17:00 , this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, at the crash site of the il-76, which was shot down in the ssu in the belgorod region, presumably fragments of missiles were found . this is reported by operational services. previously.


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